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Year 5 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Criterion The student does not i. makes ​limited i. uses ​some i. uses a ​range ​of i. ​consistently ​uses a​
A: reach a standard relevant of terminology terminology range ​of terminology
Knowing described by any of terminology accurately ​and accurately ​and accurately
the descriptors below. ii. demonstrates ​basic appropriately appropriately ii. demonstrates
knowledge and ii. demonstrates ii. demonstrates detailed ​knowledge
understand understanding of adequate ​knowledge substantial and understanding of
ing content and concepts and understanding of knowledge and content and concepts
with ​minimal content and concepts understanding of through ​thorough,
descriptions and/or through ​satisfactory content and concepts accurate ​descriptions,
examples descriptions, through descriptions, explanations and
explanations and explanations and examples.
examples examples.

Watch the video in the slide:

Answer the following questions:

1. Identify: Who is currently on the UN security council? Use Google for the answer

Permanent members: United States, Russia, United Kingdom, China, France

Non-Permanent members: 5 for Africa & Asia, 1 for Eastern Europe, 2 for Latin America
& Caribbean, and 2 for Western Europe and other countries

2. What is veto power? Why is it important?

One of those five countries disagrees then, the resolution is regardless of international
support. It is important because they have the authority to cancel an enemy country's
international support.

3. Critical thinking: How do you think Russia’s veto power impacted the Security
Council’s view on the Syrian Civil War?

Russia and Syria have good relationship, so Russia will not agree with the
bombing Syria, so Russia’s veto power will stop USA’s attack.

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