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1. Read:
2. Answer the questions
Year 5 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
Criterion The student does not i. makes ​limited i. uses ​some i. uses a ​range ​of i. ​consistently ​uses a​
A: reach a standard relevant of terminology terminology range ​of terminology
Knowing described by any of terminology accurately ​and accurately ​and accurately
the descriptors below. ii. demonstrates ​basic appropriately appropriately ii. demonstrates
knowledge and ii. demonstrates ii. demonstrates detailed ​knowledge
understand understanding of adequate ​knowledge substantial and understanding of
ing content and concepts and understanding of knowledge and content and concepts
with ​minimal content and concepts understanding of through ​thorough,
descriptions and/or through ​satisfactory content and concepts accurate ​descriptions,
examples descriptions, through descriptions, explanations and
explanations and explanations and examples.
examples examples.
Command terms:
-Identify: Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state briefly a
distinguishing fact or feature
-Interpret: Use knowledge and understanding to recognize trends and draw conclusions from
given information. Use detailed information to support your point.
1. Identify: What was the reason for the three leaders creating the United Nations?
To change the ideology isolationism to internationalism, so that they can develop more
than failure from isolationism.

2. Identify: What are the goals of the United Nations? What are the powers of the United
The UN can restrict the economy, use forces, or deploy peacekeepers.

3. Identify: Why did different countries agree to create the United Nations? Was globalism
or nationalism/isolationist becoming more popular at the time?
Countries agreed to create the United Nations because other countries that were getting
powerful wanted to have seats to have more power and authorities. At the time, globalism was
becoming popular

4. Interpret: Do you think a Nationalist leader like Donald Trump likes or approves of the
United Nations? Do a little background research on his attitudes towards the W.H.O. or
other international bodies. Answer in detail.
I think Nationalist leaders wouldn’t like Donald Trump like the United NAtions because
the US spends billions of money on the UN, WHO, and other international bodies. In
2018, the US spent $ 10 billion dollars on the UN and more than $ 6 billion dollars on
WHO. And these days, Trump warned WHO not to have bias on China otherwise, he
won’t fund anymore. For Nationalist leaders, international bodies make other countries
strong together, but if US quits from those international bodies, then Nationalist leaders
have chance to get stronger while international bodies are weak.

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