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Digital Downtime Contract 2.

Name: Asha Henry
Date: 3/3/20

Over the course of DDT, I felt that I had learned a lot and yet so little. During the week, I learned that I
distract myself in any way possible to prevent doing work, through my phone, books, or just general off-
taskedness. This problem is not necessarily caused by my technology and social media, but they
certainly enable my procrastination-prone behavior. During the week, I still spend many hours of the
day using technology for school related purposes, which were near impossible to limit. From all that I
learned through my digital downtime, I have implemented new goals and restrictions for myself when it
comes to social media and technology.

Part 1—Technologies and activities that remain prohibited

TikTok-- This app is the bane of my existence, and when I am on the app, I waste several hours per day
that I could spend being productive or sleeping. Tiktok, though I enjoy the features and content of the
app, I have found that it is created to be addictive, and I am an extreme addict of Tiktok. Unlike other
technologies, I would never get tired of scrolling on the app hour after hour. From my experience on
DDT, I have decided to keep Tiktok off of my phone at least until the summer, when I am not bogged
down with APs, preparing for the ACT and general schoolwork/extracurriculars.

Part 2—Technologies that are reintegrated according to time and purpose of use

Twitter-- I have decided after DDT to redownload twitter back on my phone. This decision came at the
deletion of Tiktok. This was because I use both Twitter and Tiktok to unwind and gain some form of
entertainment in between extracurriculars and schoolwork. But I find Tiktok harder to not get sucked
into when I have other priorities that I should be attending to. As Twitter does not have content that I am
interested in 24/7, I am able to get my fill of Twitter content within minutes, and get back to what I was
doing, whether that being schoolwork or other household chores.

Snapchat-- I brought Snapchat back because it allows me to communicate and keep up with family and
friends who I don’t see every day. Snapchat, and specifically Snapchat stories, are relatively causal, and
it's easier to get an insight into someone’s life than Instagram, where everything posted is meticulously
controlled and edited.

Part 3--Strategies for the formation of new Habits

My strategies include deleting the app that I spend the most time on, Tiktok. From now on, I will be
deleting apps that I spend the majority of my time on, and which I tend to waste my time with. I will
also stop listening to music as I do my homework, which will allow me to complete my tasks faster and
with fewer distractions. In the future, I will also limit my use of technology and social media as
distraction through becoming aware of the habit and forcing myself to put down the phone and do
something productive.

Part 4—Goals for the coming weeks

A. Quantifiable
● Limit phone screen time to three or less hours per day
B. Unquantifiable
● Do more tasks without the constant entertainment and distraction of listening to music
● Spend more quality time without the distraction of my phone with family and friends

Student Signature ______________________________ Date _____________________

Parent Signature _______________________________ Date _____________________

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