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15-Minute Workout: Boost Strength

in Less Time

Here's the key to building tremendous strength in little time: Perform exercises that
work a single set of muscles while allowing others to recover, even when rest periods
are short, says Mark Philippi, C.S.C.S., the owner of Philippi Sports Institute.

First, perform 1 set of each exercise.

Next, do 1 set of deadlifts, followed by 1 set of bench presses. Rest 60 seconds between
sets; do this combo a total of 3 times.
Last, perform 1 set of reverse lunges and 1 set of diagonal lifts/presses. Rest 30
seconds between sets; do this combo a total of 3 times.

Bend at your hips and knees and grab the bar overhand, your hands about shoulder-
width apart. Keeping your back straight, pull your torso back and up, thrust your hips
forward, and stand up with the bar. Then lower it, keeping it close to your body. Do 3
to 5 reps.

Bench Press
Grab a barbell with an overhand grip that's just beyond shoulder width. Hold the bar
straight above your sternum. Lower it, pause, and press back up. Keep your elbows
tucked in so that your upper arms form a 45-degree angle in the down position. Do 3
to 5 reps.
Barbell Reverse Lunge
Hold a bar across your upper back with an overhand grip. Step backward with your right leg and lower
yourself until your right knee nearly touches the floor. Pause, and quickly push back to the starting
position. Do 8 reps; switch legs and repeat.

Diagonal Lift and Press

Hold a weight plate in front of your thighs. With your feet shoulder-width apart, squat and rotate your
torso (and the plate) to the right. Then stand and rotate left while lifting the plate up and across your
chest until it's over your left shoulder and your arms are locked. Lower the weight. Do 5 reps, and then
switch sides.

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