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Wit, a form of humor with an ability to reply in the ongoing conversation in a clever as well
as a fun way of speaking. Wit adds to our lives in many ways and many forms. Native wit-
wit in the form of common sense- is the way of a person reacting to a sudden situation and
his ability to keep a calm head. Wit is also associated with quick reasoning and response in a
conversation. To be at one’s end in the wit is taken as being against someone who is very
efficient in destroying the arguments and reasonings of the person in front of him. Though
wit is also sometimes associated with harsh and cruel responses, it could also mean casual
banter and leg-pulling if done without any malice.

Wit forms an important concept in our daily understanding of human conversations. Wit,
combined with humour is one of the best defences a person could ask for. It ensures that,
barring physical power, you have the ammunition to respond to other’s talks in a funny way
and more importantly, that it can ensure that you are not getting dominated by someone.
Wit again can attract others to you and can help you gain friends along with creating bonds
and networks.

My experiences with wit have been more on the receiving end with the wit. While I
remember to be the one with catchy responses in my early days, I can say that with age and
conditions surrounding me, I started to hold myself back and then became reserved. Since a
large time of my teenage years was in places away from home, I started to hold myself back
in terms of a comeback and let the words slide. While I could say it helped me mature and
grow, I now realise that retaining a bit of that humour and responsiveness would have been

The years following that though were not as much great as my conversation skills would go.
But, the world surely did not stop for me. I had always been, and still was good at formal
and informal communication, but, I had lost my edge in my quick responses and comedy
answers. As the months started to pass by, I realised that I was not able to respond to jokes
as quickly as I used to do. The people around me had grown in wit and humour, and that
was a part of mine I was sorely missing. Even my attempts and jokes and self-deprecation
started to fall flat, and a great margin of depreciation the creative flow I had with words in
response to hitting back. Even if I had sometimes made a joke, I spent too much time in
building a premise for it and hence was not able to connect the joke with others. Although,
through this one think I remained thankful was that my propensity to take a joke on myself
remained. I could still have a heartfelt laugh on a joke which was on me (provided it was
After coming to XLRI, I have realised that I have a chance to work on my wit and dialogue
delivery. Wit, over the years I have realised is not only about quick comebacks but also
about the sage advice which comes from wisdom. It is also about having the ability to have a
calm an open mind no matter what the situation is.

My action plan for the improvement is that I will need to start to understand the thinking
process of others. It is not that I do not make funny jokes in my head; it is either a very
simple joke or a joke which I am not able to connect with others. So I have to start to train
myself in ways where I can convey my feelings quickly. In other words, what I will do is
follow ways in which I can pay attention to my surroundings better and react accordingly
and quickly. As per my search into the ways to improve wit has shown it can be divided
chiefly into three parts which can be described as identifying opportunities, Improving
Delivery and Study desirables. I would have to be able to pick out the moments, understand
the environment and keep my unique way of thinking. Another important thing is to keep
doing the practice.

While telling a joke, pun or simply responding, I would have to be concise as well as be able
to set my words according to my audience. More importantly, I need to start enjoying the
process too. The dialogue delivery cannot be improved if I am not confident of my abilities,
and for that, I must enjoy the process. During all this process, I have to be able to be mindful
of the fact that wit, at the end of it all, is wisdom packed in humor.

Which is why I must have to observe and study these wise people known for their so-called
wisecracking. To read their work and observe them and learn from them. They are, after all
the masters of the trade.
In the end, I can say that “wit” is about earning wisdom and then imparting it funnily and
humorously. The wit could be harsh, cruel, informative, motivative, light and even dark, but
it is always funny, a funny part which we always see and wisdom part which we hardly see
at all.

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