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Second Language Learners’ Beliefs

About Grammar Instruction and

Error Correction

Learner beliefs are an important individual difference in second language (L2) learning. Fur-
thermore, an ongoing debate surrounds the role of grammar instruction and error correction
in the L2 classroom. Therefore, this study investigated the beliefs of L2 learners regarding the
controversial role of grammar instruction and error correction. A total of 754 L2 students at an
American university completed a questionnaire consisting of 37 Likert-scale items and 4 open-
ended prompts. The quantitative items were submitted to a factor analysis, which identified 6
underlying factors (efficacy of grammar, negative attitude toward error correction, priority of
communication, importance of grammar, importance of grammatical accuracy, and negative
attitude toward grammar instruction). These factors were then used to investigate differences
in beliefs among learners studying different target languages. In addition, themes emerging
from the qualitative data were identified. The results indicate that among learners studying
English as a second language and those studying a foreign language, there were varied beliefs
about grammar instruction and error correction.

LEARNER BELIEFS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED that learners demonstrate when learning an L2.
as an important individual difference variable in In addition, research indicates that L2 learner
second language (L2) learning (Dörnyei, 2005; beliefs correlate with strategy use, motivation, pro-
Kalaja & Barcelos, 2003). The importance of ficiency (Mori, 1999; Yang, 1999), learner anxiety,
learner beliefs lies in the fact that they under- and autonomous learning (Kalaja & Barcelos).
lie learner behavior to a large extent (Horwitz, Furthermore, learner beliefs may influence teach-
1988). Grotjahn (1991) argues that learner beliefs ers’ classroom activities (Borg, 2003; Burgess &
are “highly individual, relatively stable, and rela- Etherington, 2002), and unrealistic beliefs or
tively enduring” (p. 189) and that studying learner misconceptions about language learning can
beliefs might help explain and predict behaviors impede the learning process (Sawir, 2002). Com-
pared to the attention given to L2 learners’ gen-
1 Michigan State University, Department of Linguistics &
eral language learning beliefs (cf. Horwitz, 1987,
Germanic, Slavic Asian & African Languages, A-746 Wells 1988; Sawir), there has been less research specif-
Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824, Email: ically into L2 learners’ beliefs about grammar
2 Michigan State University, Second Language Studies,
instruction and error correction in the L2 class-
Email: room. Given the importance of this topic for the
3 Michigan State University, Second Language Studies,
L2 classroom and the preponderance of opin-
4 Michigan State University, Second Language Studies, ions from theorists, researchers, and teachers, the
Email: present study seeks to investigate the often over-
5 Michigan State University, Second Language Studies,
looked beliefs of L2 learners regarding the con-
6 Michigan State University, Second Language Studies, troversial role of grammar instruction and error
Email: correction.
7 Michigan State University, Second Language Studies,
The Modern Language Journal, 93, i, (2009)
0026-7902/04/91–104 $1.50/0 The role of grammar instruction and error cor-

C 2009 The Modern Language Journal
rection in the L2 classroom has been an issue of
92 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)
considerable debate in second language acquisi- Whereas it is essential to consider theoretical
tion (SLA) research and theory. This debate can and empirical arguments regarding the feasibil-
be framed in terms of meaning-focused instruc- ity and efficacy of grammar instruction, it is also
tion versus form-focused instruction. Meaning- important to consider teachers’ and students’ be-
focused instruction is based on the assumption liefs on the topic. There has been considerable
that, like first language (L1) acquisition, L2 acqui- interest in teachers’ beliefs about grammar in-
sition occurs unconsciously and implicitly. Only struction (e.g., Basturkmen, Loewen, & Ellis,
the availability of comprehensible input and a 2004; Borg, 2003; Chandler, 1988; McCargar,
low affective filter in the learner are necessary 1993). One factor that teachers often take into
for language learning. Any overt attention to lin- consideration when making decisions related to
guistic form is unnecessary, and any corrective grammar teaching, according to Burgess and
feedback is ineffective (e.g., Krashen, 1981; New- Etherington (2002), is students’ expectations and
mark & Reibel, 1968; Schwartz, 1993; Terrell, past experience of grammar learning. The influ-
1977; Truscott, 1999). However, counterevidence ence of student beliefs on teacher behavior pro-
to the effectiveness of purely meaning-focused vides another justification for the present study.
instruction has been raised, particularly by the Learner beliefs, which have been described as
research in Canadian (e.g., Swain, 1985) and learners’ metacognitive knowledge about learn-
Swedish (Skutnabb-Kangas, 1976) immersion pro- ing (Wenden, 1999), have, in general, received
grams, which suggests that even after many years less attention than teacher beliefs. Nevertheless,
of exposure to the target language (TL), L2 research in educational psychology revealed that
learners’ production is still grammatically inac- epistemological beliefs (i.e., beliefs about learn-
curate. These non-target-like levels of accuracy ing) lead to individual differences in learning
are attributed to the unavailability of opportuni- (cf. Yang, 1999). General beliefs about learning
ties for learners to notice and practice linguis- have been shown to be distinct from what learn-
tic forms, suggesting that some type of form- ers believe about specific subjects. For instance,
focused instruction is beneficial for successful L2 Mori (1999) found that language learners’ beliefs
learning. about general learning and language learning
Form-focused instruction (FFI) is an umbrella more specifically were independent constructs.
term for “any planned or incidental instructional She also observed significant correlations between
activity that is intended to induce language learn- learner belief factors and achievement in a for-
ers to pay attention to linguistic form” (Ellis, 2001, eign language, the amount of language instruc-
p. 1). FFI has been seen as consisting of two broad tion received, and the perception of the language
types: focus on forms and focus on form (Long, course.
1991, 1996). Focus on forms is characterized by Interest in L2 learner beliefs was stimulated
“division of the language according to lexis, struc- by Horwitz’s (1988) creation of the well-known
tures, notions or functions, which are selected and Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory
sequenced for students to learn in a uniform and (BALLI) questionnaire, which triggered the so-
incremental way” (Klapper & Rees, 2003, p. 288), called “BALLI studies” (Kunt, 1997, as cited in
and by the general absence of a communicative Horwitz, 1999; Oh, 1996; Park, 1995; Truitt, 1995;
context. In contrast, focus on form constitutes Yang 1992, 1999). The BALLI questionnaire has
attention to linguistic structures within the 34 items, which fall into five categories: na-
context of meaning-focused, communicative ac- ture of language learning, difficulty of language
tivities (Ellis, 2001; Long, 1991, 1996). It may in- learning, foreign language aptitude, learning and
volve the negotiation of meaning, as well as the communication strategies, and motivation and
planned or incidental targeting of problematic expectations. Although the questionnaire primar-
linguistic items, often in the form of some type of ily investigates learners’ general beliefs, there are
error correction. Although there is still consider- several items related specifically to grammar in-
able debate regarding the most effective type(s) struction, such as Item 20, “Learning a foreign
of FFI, there is some consensus that it is benefi- language is mostly a matter of learning a lot of
cial, and even necessary, for L2 learners (Doughty grammar rules” (Horwitz, 1988). Results from the
& Williams, 1998; Ellis, Basturkmen, & Loewen, BALLI studies (e.g., Peacock, 2001; Samimy &
2002; Gass & Magnan, 1993; Lightbown & Spada, Lee, 1997) seem to suggest that most learners
1990; Loewen, 2005; Long, 1983; Russell & Spada, agree with this statement. The BALLI studies are
2006). probably among the first to explore L2 learners’
Shawn Loewen et al. 93
beliefs about the role of grammar in language learners’ perspectives on this issue by asking the
learning. following questions:
Of the few studies specifically examining L2
learners’ beliefs about grammar instruction, the 1. What underlying constructs are present in
most influential are probably those by Schulz L2 learners’ responses to a questionnaire regard-
(1996, 2001). In 1996, Schulz studied the beliefs ing their beliefs about grammar instruction and
of U.S. postsecondary foreign language students error correction?
and teachers, from a variety of language classes, 2. To what extent can the underlying constructs
about the role of grammar instruction and error of learners’ beliefs distinguish L2 learners study-
correction in language learning. Of the students, ing different target languages?
90% thought it imperative to be corrected while 3. What statements do L2 learners provide
speaking in class, whereas only 34% of the teach- about grammar instruction?
ers thought this to be so, showing some discrep-
ancies between student and teacher beliefs about
oral error correction. Despite the discord between
teachers and students regarding oral correction,
around 90% of teachers and students agreed that Participants
errors should be explicitly corrected in written
work. In 2001, Schulz replicated the 1996 study A questionnaire survey was conducted at Michi-
with English as a foreign language (EFL) students gan State University (MSU). A total of 754 par-
and teachers in Colombia. Results showed that ticipants, enrolled in different L2 or foreign
Colombian students also had a strong belief in language courses1 at various levels of instruc-
the positive role of grammar study and correc- tion, completed the questionnaire. As the demo-
tive feedback in foreign language learning. In graphic information in Table 1 shows, participants
addition, both teachers and students agreed that were studying one of 14 TLs, with English, Ger-
grammar study was not sufficient, and they felt man, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish be-
that real-life communication was also important. ing the most frequent, in that order. The learners
Although there were no major cross-cultural dif- of Italian and Portuguese were grouped together
ferences, it seems that Colombian students and due to the small sample sizes and by virtue of the
teachers were more inclined toward explicit gram- relationship between the two languages. Of the
mar instruction and correction. remaining languages, Korean, Turkish, Thai, Per-
Finally, it should be noted that several other sian, Nepali, and Urdu are administered by the
studies have highlighted learners’ belief that er- Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) pro-
ror correction is important; however, they do not gram at MSU. For that reason, and due to the
always agree on what type of correction is best. For low sample sizes for most of these languages, they
example, Casciani and Rapallino (1991) found have been grouped together and labeled LCTLs
that students believed that error correction in for the purposes of this study. All English TL learn-
general was essential for language learning, but al- ers were studying in the English Language Cen-
though most participants agreed with the written ter, with over 75% in either fourth- or fifth-year
correction they were receiving, they were divided classes. Most foreign language students were in
on what type of oral correction was best. Simi- either first- (68%) or second-year (28%) classes,
larly, Bang (1999) found that most students felt with the remaining 4% in fourth-year (German)
that oral correction was necessary for language classes. A majority of the participants (64%) were
learning, but they disagreed on when and how it L1 speakers of English, with Korean being the
should be done. Thus, although students may be- next largest L1 group. Overall, more than 45 L1s
lieve that error correction is essential for language were claimed by the participants. There was an ap-
learning, there is no consensus on how this error proximately equal number of male (50.5%) and
correction should be implemented. female students (49.5%). Participants ranged in
age from 18 to 62 years, with an average age
of 21. Participants’ self-rated TL proficiency is
RESEARCH QUESTIONS shown in Figure 1, which indicates that English
and German TL learners rated their abilities the
Given the current debate about the roles of highest; however, no skill averaged above 4 out
grammar instruction and error correction, the of 6 for any language. Finally, participants were
current study seeks to explore, in more detail, L2 asked what type of language instruction they had
94 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)
TABLE 1 information section, (b) a Likert-scale response
Participant Demographic Information (quantitative) section, and (c) an open-ended
Category Level n % question (qualitative) section. The quantitative
section contained 37 belief-related items, 13 of
Target Language English 157 21.0 which were adapted from Schulz’s (1996, 2001)
German 140 18.6 studies, and the remaining were created jointly by
Arabic 106 14.1 the researchers through intensive group discuss-
Japanese 97 12.9 ion and extensive onsite piloting with L2 learn-
Chinese 80 10.6
ers and instructors. The items in the quantita-
Spanish 78 10.3
tive section, included in Table 3, were designed
Portuguese 24 3.2
Italian 24 3.2 to be eclectic and to cover a range of aspects
Korean 21 2.8 of grammar instruction and error correction, in-
Turkish 11 1.5 cluding questions about grammar instruction in
Thai 7 0.9 general as well as various aspects in relation to
Persian 5 0.7 the four skill areas. This broad approach was em-
Nepali and Urdu 4 0.5 ployed because few empirical studies have inves-
School Year ELC 104 14.0 tigated the various components of the construct.
Freshman 192 25.8 Finally, 13 questions about learner motivation and
Sophomore 167 22.1
general learner beliefs were also included as dis-
Junior 138 18.3
tractors. These items were removed from all subse-
Senior 102 13.5
Graduate 28 3.8 quent analyses. The qualitative section contained
Other 13 1.7 the following open-ended prompts: I like studying
Gender Male 376 49.9 grammar because . . . , I don’t like studying grammar
Female 378 50.1 because . . . , I like to be taught grammar in the follow-
First Language English 484 64.0 ing ways . . . , I don’t like to be taught grammar in the
Korean 120 16.0 following ways . . . .
Chinese 49 6.6
Arabic 28 3.7
Other 73 9.7 Data Collection
Note. ELC = English Language Center, Michigan During the middle of the fall semester of 2006,
State Univeristy. “Other” includes Afrikaans, Ameri-
the researchers used existing social networks to
can Sign Language, Bambara, Bosnian, Cantonese,
Cape Verdean, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, contact language teachers and to request per-
French, German, Greek, Guajarati, Haitian Creole, mission to invite their students to participate in
Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Indonesian, Italian, the study. Individual researchers visited these lan-
Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Lunda-Ndembu, Malay, guage classes and distributed questionnaires to
Mandarin, Nepali, Ojibwa, Polish, Portuguese, the students who agreed to participate. Depend-
Romanese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, ing on the preferences of the teachers, partici-
Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian, Urdu, pants either completed the questionnaire in class
and Vietnamese. (taking approximately 15 minutes) or completed
it at home and returned it to their instructor in
class the following day. The questionnaire return
rate was 89%.
typically received in the past and were currently
receiving, with 1 being “no grammar instruction”
and 6 being “only grammar instruction.” Table 2 Analysis
indicates that most scores averaged just above 3,
with English learners reporting the highest level Both quantitative and qualitative methods were
of previous grammar instruction. used to analyze the respective sections of the
questionnaire; these methods will be presented
in turn.

A questionnaire was created to elicit learn- Quantitative Analysis. In order to identify the
ers’ responses to statements about L2 grammar underlying factors present in the learners’ ques-
instruction and error correction. The question- tionnaire responses, the Likert-scale scores for
naire consisted of three parts: (a) a background the quantitative items underwent a factor analysis
Shawn Loewen et al. 95
Self-Rated Target Language Proficiency for Different Skills

Note. 1 = beginning level, 6 = advanced.

TABLE 2 instrument reliability for conducting a factor anal-

Self-Rated Amount of L2 Grammar Instruction ysis (Field).
Current Past In order to determine to what extent the ob-
tained factors could distinguish among learners
Groups Mean SD Mean SD
studying different TLs, a discriminant function
English 3.52 0.07 4.09 0.09 analysis was performed. Each questionnaire item
Chinese 3.77 0.08 3.53 0.15 was assigned to one of six factors, based on the
LCTLs 3.68 0.14 3.94 0.20 results of the factor analysis, and each learner’s av-
Japanese 3.97 0.06 3.50 0.11 erage score for each factor was calculated. These
Arabic 3.94 0.07 3.64 0.09 factors then served as the dependent variables in
Spanish 3.78 0.10 3.72 0.13 the discriminant function analysis, and the TLs
German 3.69 0.08 3.79 0.09 studied were the independent variables. The as-
Italian/Portuguese 3.67 0.12 3.83 0.15
sumptions of discriminant function analysis were
Note. 1 = no grammar instruction, 6 = only gram- investigated and met.3
mar instruction; LCTLs = less commonly taught
languages. Qualitative Analysis. To obtain more detailed
information about learners’ beliefs about gram-
mar instruction and error correction, participants
were asked to respond to four open-ended state-
(Field, 2005). An exploratory factor analysis was ments about grammar study. The participants’
chosen because there has been to date no estab- responses to each question were entered into
lished theory as to what, and how many, factors separate electronic databases and were then sub-
might underlie L2 learners’ beliefs about gram- jected to a content analysis (Ellis & Barkhuizen,
mar instruction and error correction. Factor load- 2005). The content analysis consisted of several
ings of .30 or greater on the obliquely rotated iterations. On the first pass, the researchers trans-
factor matrix were considered significant. The as- ferred the data from the paper questionnaire to
sumptions of factor analysis were investigated and the electronic file. In the next round of coding, an
met.2 In addition, the Cronbach alpha for the attempt was made to establish patterns in the data
questionnaire was .84, which indicated sufficient by grouping together closely related items. Finally,
96 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)
Rotated Factor Loadings for Learner Beliefs
Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 h2

I. Efficacy of Grammar
1. Studying grammar formally is essential for mastering .35 .33 .48
a second language.
2. I usually keep grammar rules in mind when I write .73 .55
in a second language.
3. Knowing a lot about grammar helps my reading. .87 .67
6. My second language improves most quickly if I study .45 −.38 .52
the grammar of the language.
11. I like studying grammar. .57 .57
21. The study of grammar helps in learning a second .50 .60
27. Knowledge about grammar rules helps in .40 .33 .49
understanding other people’s speech.
32. When I read a sentence in a second language, I try .67 −.34 .58
to figure out the grammar.
37. One way to improve my reading ability is to increase .60 .46
my knowledge of grammar.
II. Negative Attitude to Error Correction
4. When I make errors in speaking a second language, −.63 .47
I like my teacher to correct them.
8. Teachers should not correct students when they .71 .61
make errors in class.
13. I like to be corrected in small group work. −.53 −.41 .45
28. I dislike it when I am corrected in class. .83 .68
31. When I make grammar errors in writing in a second −.48 .47
language, I like my teacher to correct them.
III. Priority of Communication
7. I can communicate in a second language without .57 −.31 .57
knowing the grammar rules.
22. It is more important to practice a second language .85 .72
in real-life situations than to practice grammar rules.
IV. Importance of Grammar
16. Good learners of a second language usually know a .43 −.34 .53
lot of grammar rules.
17. Knowing grammar rules helps communication in a .32 .42 .66
second language.
V. Importance of Grammatical Accuracy
12. People will respect me if I use correct grammar .45 .34
when speaking a second language.
33. I feel cheated if a teacher does not correct the −.57 .66 .70
written work I hand in.
36. Second language writing is not good if it has a lot of .71 .51
grammar mistakes.
VI. Negative Attitudes to Grammar Instruction
18. I like it when my teacher explains grammar rules. −.32 .55
23. When I have a problem during conversation −.52 .52
activities, it helps me to have my teacher explain
grammar rules.
26. There should be more formal study of grammar in −.75 .56
my second language class.
Shawn Loewen et al. 97
it was decided to group the responses at a more TABLE 4
conceptual level, using more general themes iden- Target Language Group Mean Factor Scores
tified from the data. These themes, and accom- Factor
panying illustrative quotes, are presented in the a
Results section. Group 1 2 3 4 5 6b
In order to ensure interrater reliability in cod- English 4.3 4.7 4.1 4.5 4.2 4.0
ing the qualitative data, the individual codings of Chinese 4.6 5.1 3.8 4.8 4.6 4.4
all seven researchers were validated by a team of LCTLs 4.7 5.2 4.1 4.8 4.5 4.4
three researchers who read through all the coded Japanese 4.4 4.9 3.6 4.7 4.5 4.3
data. In most cases, the researchers agreed with Arabic 4.6 5.3 3.9 4.8 4.8 4.2
each other and with the original codings. How- Spanish 4.5 5.0 3.7 4.6 4.4 4.2
ever, in cases for which there was disagreement German 4.4 4.9 3.9 4.7 4.3 4.2
Italian/Portuguese 4.6 5.1 3.9 4.8 4.3 4.2
among the three researchers, a fourth researcher
was consulted. A lower score indicates a less positive attitude
toward error correction.
A higher score indicates a more negative attitude
RESULTS toward grammar instruction.

Quantitative Results
grammar, negative attitude toward error correc-
The results of the factor analysis produced six tion, priority of communication, importance of
factors with eigenvalues greater than 1, account- grammar, importance of grammatical accuracy,
ing for 55% of the variance. Table 3 displays the negative attitudes toward grammar instruction)
factor loadings for the six factors. The first factor, predicted participants’ TL group membership.
labeled “efficacy of grammar,” contains items that Table 5 presents the results of the discriminant
address a variety of ways in which grammar may function analysis and reveals that two of the func-
help students. The second factor is labeled “neg- tions were significant in predicting group mem-
ative attitude toward error correction” because bership and accounted for almost 83% of the total
it contains items addressing error correction. variance.
Furthermore, the direction of the factor load- Table 6 shows the structure coefficient of each
ings (positive or negative) indicates that learners predictor variable on the two significant functions
agreed with the negative statements (such as “I (i.e., Function 1 and Function 2). With respect to
dislike it when I am corrected in class”) and dis- the first function, Factor 2 (negative attitude to-
agreed with positive statements (such as “I like ward error correction) and Factor 5 (importance
to be corrected in small group work”). The third of grammatical accuracy) had the highest load-
factor contained only two items, which were la- ings. Function 2 had one high loading, namely
beled “priority of communication” because both Factor 3 (priority of communication). These re-
items reflected a preference for using the lan- sults indicate that participants’ responses to these
guage rather than focusing on grammar rules. three factors (2, 5, and 3) serve to differentiate
The fourth factor, containing two items, relates the participants according to TL group.
to the “importance of grammar.” The fifth factor Table 7 presents the group centroids (the
contains several items that reflect the “importance mean function scores for each group), with scores
of grammatical accuracy.” Finally, the sixth factor further away from zero representing greater dif-
demonstrates a “negative attitude toward gram- ferences, and Figure 2 provides a visual repre-
mar instruction.” sentation of the group centroids. For Function 1,
After the factor analysis identified the six fac- consisting of negative attitudes toward error cor-
tors, average scores for each learner were cal- rection and importance of grammatical accuracy,
culated for each of the factors. Table 4 shows English learners had the strongest dislike of error
these descriptive statistics. On Factor 1, “efficacy correction and the least concern for grammatical
of grammar,” for example, the LCTL learners had accuracy, whereas Arabic learners had the most
the highest score and the English learners had the favorable scores in these areas. In addition, the
lowest, meaning that the LCTL learners were the Chinese and LCTL learners also had fairly strong
most positive about the role of grammar in L2 positive loadings. As for Function 2, consisting
learning, whereas the English learners were the of the priority of communication, the Japanese
least positive. learners had the lowest score, whereas the LCTL
A discriminant function analysis was performed learners had the highest. The Italian/Portuguese
to investigate how well the six factors (efficacy of and English learners also had fairly high
98 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)
Summary of Discriminant Functions
Function Eigenvalue Wilk’s Lambda Chi-Square % Variance Cumulative % p

1 .10 .85 121 60.8 60.8 .00

2 .04 .94 49 21.9 82.7 .02
3 .01 .97 22 8.1 90.8 .36
4 .01 .98 12 5.0 95.8 .48
5 .00 .99 5 3.0 98.8 .51
6 .00 .99 2 1.2 100 .46

TABLE 6 German groups but not the LCTL, Arabic, or Ital-

Factor Loadings on Significant Functions ian/Portuguese groups. Thus, these results help
Factor Function 1 Function 2 confirm the differences among the TL groups.

2 .928 .149
5 .604∗ −.229 Qualitative Results
3 −.178 .774∗
6 .316 −.129 In addition to the quantitative items, learners
1 .385 .194 were given four open-ended prompts. The themes
4 .295 .003 that were identified for each of the prompts will
Note. ∗ indicates largest values on each function. be presented in turn. In response to the prompt
I like studying grammar because . . . , several themes
emerged. The first was that many participants
felt that studying grammar benefited them in
Functions at Group Centroids
learning a language and that grammar was cen-
Group Function 1 Function 2 tral to the language learning endeavor; for ex-
ample, many learners made comments like “It
English −.46 .16
helps me learn the language I am taking” (Ara-
Chinese .22 −.07
LCTLs .27 .34 bic) and “Grammar is essential to the mastery
Japanese −.08 −.37 of a foreign language” (German). Several unique
Arabic .56 .06 comments that expressed this idea included the
Spanish .08 −.11 following: “It completes knowledge of a language,
German −.15 −.06 you can’t make good Mac ‘n’ cheese without the
Italian/Portuguese .07 .25 milk” (Spanish); “Grammar is the formula for the
‘math’ of any language” (Arabic); and “I feel that
grammar is like a ‘road map’ to learning” (Ger-
positive scores. These results indicate that man). In this general category it was also evident
Japanese learners were the least likely to priori- that some learners saw grammar as providing a
tize communication over grammar, whereas the foundation upon which to build their L2 knowl-
LCTL, Italian/Portuguese, and English learner edge, through comments such as “I think gram-
groups were more likely to do so. mar is the foundation of using English” (English)
To confirm the discriminant function analysis, and “Grammar is the underlying structure that
one-way ANOVAs (with post hoc comparisons) creates meaning” (Chinese).
were performed on the three factors mentioned Whereas many learners commented about the
earlier. It was found that on Factor 2 (negative atti- general benefits of studying grammar, others com-
tude toward error correction), the English learn- mented that it helped them with specific aspects
ers scored significantly lower than all the other of the language; for example, many learners, par-
groups. On both Factors 2 and 5 (negative atti- ticularly those studying English, commented, “It
tude toward error correction and importance of helps my writing.” One learner elaborated by
grammatical accuracy), the Arabic learners scored saying, “Whenever I have to write essays, it is im-
significantly higher than all other groups except portant to know grammar otherwise it does not
the Chinese and LCTL learners. The results for make sense and not a good form of writing” (En-
Factor 3 (priority of communication) showed glish). Learners also identified reading, speak-
that the English learners scored significantly ing, and listening as other skills that benefited
higher than the Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and from grammar study. Sometimes this sentiment
Shawn Loewen et al. 99
Canonical Discriminant Functions

was expressed very simply, as in “It helps in read- It was also apparent from the responses that
ing, listening and speaking comprehension” (Por- some learners enjoyed studying grammar, provid-
tuguese). However, other learners elaborated a bit ing comments such as “It is complicated, but very
more: interesting” (Arabic), “I like seeking and learn-
ing patterns” (German), “It is also interesting to
It really helps me to understand the second language: explore the many intricate rules of another lan-
for example, when I read the newspaper or magazine guage, and learn to apply them” (German), and “I
which use a lot of contraction form or passive voice, I enjoy discovering the patterns and learning how
can understand because I was taught in classes. More-
language works” (LCTL). Enjoyment of grammar
over, knowing grammar doesn’t help me just only
reading but also speaking and listening. Since my
study seemed to be expressed more frequently by
mother language does not use tense, so if I haven’t foreign language learners than English learners.
been taught about tense, I cannot correctly convey Although some learners obviously enjoyed
my information. (English) grammar for its own sake, others were less pos-
itive, expressing an attitude of having to put up
Learners from all TL groups commented on all with it because it was beneficial: “I totally don’t
the various skill areas, but English learners com- like studying grammar, but it helps with speak-
mented most frequently about writing, whereas ing correctly” (German); “I don’t really like it, I
speaking and listening comprehension were gen- just think it’s necessary to learn it especially with
erally the most frequent categories for foreign lan- languages that have lots of grammatical nuances”
guage learners. (Arabic); and, finally, some learners had nothing
The responses also revealed that learners saw good to say about grammar study, writing com-
grammar as being beneficial for other, more ex- ments such as “I don’t like ” (English) and “I
trinsic, reasons. Learners made comments like “It hate it” (Chinese).
is basic for academic success” (English), “It helps Whereas the first prompt gave participants the
me get a better grade” (German), and “I plan on opportunity to state what they liked about study-
writing and reading scholarly material in this lan- ing grammar, the second prompt, I don’t like
guage, and presenting at conferences. Studying studying grammar because . . . , probed the negative
grammar will help me with this” (Portuguese). aspects of grammar study. In response to this ques-
Whereas some foreign language learners made tion, the resounding response was “It’s boring,”
such comments, the majority of these comments with a full 25% of the learners using that word
were expressed by English learners. or a synonym such as “tedious,” “monotonous,”
100 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)
or “dry,” for example. Other negative descriptors instruction. For the prompt I like to be taught
used included “difficult,” “confusing,” and “com- grammar in the following ways . . . , more than 15%
plicated.” Over half of all learners responded with of the learners referred to the use of exam-
such negative comments. ples, with one learner stating, “Grammar should
Related to these negative comments were other be taught using many examples from everyday
complaints about studying grammar, such as the speech” (Japanese). Related to examples was the
numerous rules and exceptions to those rules. desire to have explanations provided in grammar
One learner commented, “There are so many instruction: “I want teachers to explain when and
rules and there are always exceptions” (German). where to use it in detail” (English), “ . . . with clear
The time-consuming nature of studying gram- explanation and examples” (Chinese). Learners
mar and the burden of memorization also re- sometimes specified what types of explanations
ceived some mention, in comments like “It can they liked, but often this was done using rela-
be time consuming” (Portuguese) and “I am not tively general terms such as “clear” or “detailed,”
good at memorization and grammar usually takes which may be interpreted differently depending
a long time for me to feel comfortable with” on one’s perspective.
(Arabic). One theme that emerged in relation to how
Some learners reacted negatively to various as- grammar should be taught was the desire for
pects of studying grammar, whereas others con- grammar to be related to real life. Examples re-
trasted grammar study with other aspects of lan- lated to real life were mentioned by some learners,
guage study that they valued more. For example, as were comments such as “Using sentences which
several learners reported that they would rather are commonly using [sic] in our conversations”
use the time spent on grammar to work on their (English), “How it is used in context” (Chinese),
speaking skills: “I feel like I need to spend more and “I like to have real world practice” (Chinese).
time on speaking the language than grammar” Games and activities was another theme that
(Arabic) and “Too much is tedious and not as im- emerged from the responses. Numerous learners
portant as learning to speak” (German). However, provided responses such as “A game or an activ-
apart from speaking, not many of the other skills ity where we allow student to help each other”
were mentioned. (Arabic) and “Learn grammar rules then prac-
Other factors reported as contributing to learn- tice them with games and activities” (Spanish).
ers’ dislike of grammar included teachers, and In the same vein, learners reported that inter-
grammar’s perceived lack of relation to real life. action was important to them, as evidenced in
Comments regarding teachers included “I had comments such as “Interactive ways: work with a
bad teacher last semester, and I hate it now” (En- partner” (English) and “Group work, interactive
glish) and “I don’t like the way my teacher teaches work” (German).
it to us” (Spanish). In regard to its lack of use- One difference between the English and the
fulness outside the classroom, one learner com- foreign language learners was in their views about
mented “I wonder if I am really going to use this error correction, with several favorable comments
in real life situations” (Arabic). by English learners but no such mentions by for-
In spite of these negative comments, there were eign language learners: “When I make errors and
also individuals who expressed positive or par- the teacher correct them for me. I don’t for-
tially positive comments in response to the sec- get them” (English) and “By writing papers, the
ond prompt. For example, some learners admit- teacher correct it and explain what is wrong” (En-
ted to not liking grammar but recognizing that glish). One possible explanation for this differ-
it was important (similar to the pattern found ence could be that many of the English learners
in the first prompt): “It is a pain in the ass but were in academic preparation classes, which may
I know that I need it to succeed in the class- have involved more written work.
room and actually learn the language” (Spanish) Another difference between the English as a
and “It’s pretty boring, but still should be taught” second language (ESL) and foreign language
(Italian). Other learners were unreservedly posi- learners was in the area of practice and speak-
tive: “It is my favorite part of a second language” ing. Very few ESL learners reported liking
(Arabic), commented one learner. However, it practice or speaking in grammar instruction, but
should be noted that such views were definitely such sentiments occurred relatively frequently in
in the minority compared to views that expressed foreign language learners’ responses, particularly
a more negative assessment. among LCTL and Arabic learners: “Practicing out
The final two prompts related to learners’ likes loud with the class or small groups” (Arabic) and
and dislikes about different types of grammar “Through practice with speaking” (Japanese).
Shawn Loewen et al. 101
The final prompt, I don’t like to be taught gram- attempted this type of investigation. The results of
mar in the following ways . . . , related to learn- the current study suggest that learners have sev-
ers’ dislikes in grammar instruction. One of the eral aspects to their beliefs system that may need
themes that emerged in response to this prompt to be investigated separately. First, similar to pre-
was that learners did not like to be left on their vious studies (Schulz, 1996, 2001), it is clear that
own when studying grammar. This was reflected in the learners valued grammar instruction. How-
several ways. First, it was reflected directly through ever, it was also apparent that not everyone valued
such comments as “On my own: the teacher leaves grammar instruction equally. Finally, error correc-
it up to you to figure out for the most part” (Span- tion was viewed separately, and somewhat nega-
ish) and “Having to find out for myself” (LCTL). tively, by the participants. It is interesting to note
Another component of this theme was expressed that learners viewed error correction and gram-
by learners who responded that they did not like mar instruction as distinct categories, whereas re-
to rely solely on the textbook: “By myself. It is dif- searchers might view error correction as a type of
ficult to just read a textbook and learn grammar” focus on form and, thus, a type of grammatical
(German) and “Textbook only” (LCTL). focus (Ellis, 2001; Long, 1996), reflecting a differ-
Finally, many learners stated that they did ence in learners’ and researchers’ perspectives.
not like memorization: “I don’t like memoriz- This differentiation suggests that future studies
ing grammars” (English) and “To be given a list investigating beliefs about grammar instruction
of grammar rules and then memorizing them” may want to incorporate this distinction.
(Japanese). Although all TL groups expressed this In response to the second research question—
sentiment, ESL learners were twice as likely to To what extent can the underlying constructs
comment on this issue. of learners’ beliefs distinguish L2 learners study-
This study has presented a quantitative and ing different target languages?—it was clear that
qualitative investigation into L2 learners’ beliefs learners studying different TLs, particularly ESL
about grammar instruction and error correction. versus foreign language learners, responded dif-
The quantitative analysis found six factors in ferently to the questionnaire. ESL learners were
the learners’ responses to Likert-scale statements less convinced about the need for grammar in-
about the topic. In addition, it was found that struction and error correction and were more en-
learners studying different TLs differed signifi- thusiastic about improving communicative skills
cantly in their responses on these factors. The than were foreign language learners. One possi-
qualitative analysis found that learners liked study- ble explanation for these differences might relate
ing grammar primarily because it helped them to the amount of grammar instruction in learn-
“learn the language,” but also it specifically helped ers’ current or past L2 classes. Because the back-
with writing, reading, and speaking. Again, there ground questionnaire asked about the amount of
appeared to be differences among learners study- current and previous grammar instruction, an in-
ing different languages. As for reasons why learn- dependent samples t-test was conducted to see if
ers did not like studying grammar, the overwhelm- the ESL learners and foreign language learners
ing consensus was that it is “boring.” Learners also reported receiving different amounts of grammar
reported liking grammar instruction that involved instruction. No significant difference was found
contextualized examples and explanations, as well in the amount of grammar instruction in their
as activities that required interaction. Conversely, current classes, t(699) = 1.43, p = .15, but there
learners did not like to be left on their own to fig- was a significant difference in their past instruc-
ure out grammar, nor did they like to rely solely on tion, t(679) = −4.59, p < 0.05, with ESL learn-
memorization. These results will now be discussed ers having received more previous grammar in-
in relation to each of the research questions. struction than foreign language learners. There-
fore, it is possible that the ESL learners’ lower
DISCUSSION preference for grammar instruction and error
correction but greater enthusiasm for speaking
As previously stated, the answer to the first was due to greater amounts of previous grammar
research question—What underlying constructs instruction. The difference in L2 learning back-
are present in L2 learners’ responses to a ques- grounds of the ESL and foreign language learners
tionnaire regarding their beliefs about grammar is highlighted by the fact that 81% of students
instruction and error correction?—revealed sev- studying a foreign language claimed English as
eral underlying factors comprising learners’ be- their L1, whereas 51% of those studying English
liefs about grammar instruction and error cor- claimed Korean as their L1, and another 20%
rection. To our knowledge, no other study has claimed Chinese. As Horwitz (1999) noted in her
102 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)
review of the BALLI studies, Korean EFL learners appeared in the factor analysis, and the qualita-
rejected the primacy of grammar learning more tive analysis showed that learners clearly viewed
than other groups of L2 learners. Therefore, the grammar study as boring.
fact that learners of different TLs had different
attitudes toward grammar instruction and error CONCLUSION
correction may be, in part, attributable to their dif-
ferent L1 backgrounds and, more specifically, to Issues related to grammar instruction and error
the language instruction methods in their home correction, which include questions of how much
countries. focus to place on linguistic forms and how such
Another possible explanation for the differ- a focus should be realized in the L2 classroom,
ences in prioritizing either communication or have been and will continue to be debated in L2
grammar instruction relates to the social context research (Ellis, 2006). The present study sought
in which the learners are studying the L2 (Siegel, to investigate the topic from the perspective of
2003). Because the English learners were living the L2 learner, which is important because previ-
in an English-speaking context, they were more ous research has shown that learner expectations
likely to have more opportunities for communi- play a critical role in determining how teachers
cating in the TL, and for this reason, they may treat grammar in the L2 classroom (Borg, 2003;
have placed a higher priority on such communica- Tomlinson & Dat, 2004) and that teachers’ and
tion rather than on grammar instruction. In con- learners’ beliefs may differ.
trast, foreign language learners presumably had In addition, the present study has provided an
fewer opportunities to communicate in the TL exploration of the underlying constructs involved
outside of the classroom, and for this reason, they in L2 learners’ beliefs about grammar instruc-
may have placed less value on communication in tion and error correction. For instance, learners
comparison to grammar instruction. had a general view of the efficacy or usefulness
A related issue concerns the finding that learn- of grammar instruction. However, some learners
ers of Chinese and Arabic were more positive held negative views of grammar instruction, and
about grammar instruction and error correction still others prioritized communication over gram-
than were learners of other languages. This dif- mar. Different TL groups expressed varying be-
ference might be attributable to the fact that liefs, which may be accounted for, in large part,
these two languages are non-Indo-European lan- by their previous language learning contexts.
guages and are perceived to be more challenging However, there are some limitations to this
than languages such as German or Spanish (Li study. One of the primary limitations is the na-
& Thompson, 1981; Odlin, 1989).4 The learners, ture of the data collection instrument. Although
who are mostly L1 English speakers, might deem it the questionnaire provided useful and interesting
necessary to receive more grammar instruction in information, there is a limit to what such an instru-
order to acquire the TLs; however, further prob- ment can tell us. The quantitative items phrased
ing of such learners’ beliefs is necessary to address questions in the researchers’ terms and required
this hypothesis. that the learners respond to existing items rather
In response to the third research question— than allowing them to address issues that were
What statements do L2 learners provide about meaningful to them. In the qualitative section, the
grammar instruction?—it is clear that learners prompts and answers were admittedly short and
have their own opinions about studying grammar perhaps superficial. Some learners obviously put
and, in large part, these statements supported the more thought into their answers than did others.
quantitative analyses. For example, a large num- Furthermore, with the questionnaire, there was
ber of learners reported that studying grammar no chance to follow up on learners’ responses
was useful for improving their general language or to clarify meanings. Clearly, more in-depth,
ability as well as separate language skills. This is qualitative-type interviews and case studies could
clearly reflected in the first factor from the factor provide a richer, more detailed picture of learn-
analysis. Furthermore, it should be noted that all ers’ beliefs on this topic.
of the skills, except for speaking, are represented Another limitation of the questionnaire is that it
by items in the first factor. Thus, it seems that treats learners’ beliefs as static and decontextual-
learners do not necessarily feel that grammar is ized. Different individuals may have had different
useful for just one skill. interpretations of questionnaire items (Barcelos,
Further relationships between the quantitative 2003), and because no attempt was made to pro-
and qualitative analyses relate to learners’ reasons vide a context or examples of instructional prac-
for not liking the study of grammar. This factor tices, learners may have supplied their own, varied
Shawn Loewen et al. 103
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