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English 12 – Multi-Genre Reading Annotations Name: Kieran

Topic Social Media’s Effects on Mental Health

Title of Source and Author Quotation from Source and Page # (if applicable) Critical and/or Personal Response

(Summarize, Connect, Question, Expand)

Live in the Moment: Delete Social “Psychologists at Trent Nottingham University found that we spend twice as Ryan presents to us a study from Trent Nottingham University which found that students
Media much time on our phones as we think we do, and that amount of time is five underestimate the amount of time on their phones which, according to the university,
hours a day, nearly a third of our waking lives.” actually is 5 hours a day on social media. As a person who has spent 8 hours on his tablet
By Ryan Thomas continuously, I can believe him.
TED Talk

Live in the Moment: Delete Social “I would wake up every morning and immediately reach for my phone, the I like this quote because when Ryan talks about the amount of notifications on his phone
Media amount of notifications I had would determine how good my morning was.” determining how good his morning was, I instantly thought about Bailey Parnell’s
concept of social currency and how people evaluate value to the amount of “likes” a post
By Ryan Thomas 2:46 gets; however for Ryan, it is the amount of notifications he gets in the morning.
TED Talk

Live in the Moment: Delete Social “In hindsight I wasn’t living my life at all. I was living society’s life. This is one of To summarize this, he emulated his life with what he saw on social media and in doing
Media the biggest problems with social media. It causes people to live their life based so, abandoned his life for society’s. I, too, am guilty of doing this as I believed that if I
on some societal standard.” lived someone else’s life, like from YouTube or Instagram, I would have the same fun as
By Ryan Thomas they do.
TED Talk
Live in the Moment: Delete Social “A feeling of belonging is sought in humans like drug addicts seek their next fix It is a common theme that I have seen among these TED talks that they reference things
Media and social media is designed to exploit this.” like addiction, drugs, dopamine, etc. We are taught not to do drugs, but why aren’t we
taught to stay safe from social media?
By Ryan Thomas 4:45

TED Talk

Live in the Moment: Delete Social “Studies have shown that kids who spend more time on their phones have less What Ryan is saying here is that a kid’s development can be negatively affected by long
Media developed frontal cortexes and we need our frontal cortexes to plan for the periods of time on their phones. I think that this is very important to note because as the
future, think rationally, and solve problems.” next generation comes around, we need to try to protect them from these dangers.
By Ryan Thomas
TED Talk

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