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Now many have heard about the man Saint Nicholas. He was a generous man
who gave a numerous amount of children gifts through their windows. This man’s
legend has carried on for many year and countless days. Some may call him by the
name of Santa Claus. He was known at first for his big purple suit and his long
white beard. Today he is known for his red suit, long white beard, and his
“magical reindeer.” Many children around the world believe in this man as a
person who flies around with his reindeer carrying present for all the little kids
who’s not on the “naughty list.” Many children believe that Santa Claus slides
down their chimney some kind of way and place their presents they asked for up
under their Christmas tree. A lot of children today, who believe in Santa Claus,
leave him some milk and cookies to eat as a gift to Santa. There are a lot of people
who say that parents feed their children lies about the great Saint Nicholas just to
get their children to act right. They may tell them something like “If you don’t
behave Santa’s not gonna get you anything this Christmas.” This is true parents do
tell their kids this for correct behavior but it is not a lie. What people don’t know
is that the actual visibility of Santa Claus is just a myth. The suit is a myth. The
reindeers are a myth!! As years went on people began to research over Saint Nick
and starter creating these outrageous story just to hype up an idea, just to give
little kids around the globe a wide imagination. What you can believe is that Saint
Nicholas is real. I’m pretty sure plenty of people have heard of the Christmas
spirit, or even the Holy Spirit. Well this spirit is present in all parents around
Christmas time. Do you know who the spirit is?? Why of course it is the great
Saint Nick. Believe or not Saint Nicholas Spirit carries along in all the little
children’s parent encouraged them to buy them all the gifts that the children have
asked for. Now don’t get me wrong not everyone gets gifts, some people may get
hopes, dreams, anything is possible. Most people who don’t believe in Santa say
“Well where is Santa Claus?” Or they may say, “If there a Santa why is there
parents everywhere buying all these gifts?” I can simple say Santa is a made up
myth to encourage the little kids who believe the real man Saint Nicholas. Saint
Nicholas’ spirit is in their parents getting their children gifts. Saint Nicholas is
Real!! Do you think that people would waist all their time and energy in this
“Santa Claus” if there wasn’t some type of reality in this?? The military, the Air
Force, these guys don’t have to take out time to track something that’s not there.
If he’s not there then what are they tracking?? They could be using their time
doing something else but tracking Santa is just much more important. Why??

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