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English 12 – Multi-Genre Reading Annotations Name: Kieran

Topic Social Media’s Effects on Mental Health

Title of Source and Author Quotation from Source and Page # (if applicable) Critical and/or Personal Response

(Summarize, Connect, Question, Expand)

6 Ways Social Media Affects our “It may be plausible to speak specifically of ‘Facebook Addiction Disorder’ This passage tells us what it means to be addicted and informs us that excessive viewing
Mental Health ….because addictions criteria, such as neglect of personal life, mental of social networks may induce some addictive symptoms. I know what it feels like to
preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance and have some of these problems which is why I would like to know how to view social media
Written by Alice G. Walton concealing the addictive behaviour appear to be present in some people who consistently without dealing with these problems.
use social networks excessively.”

6 Ways Social Media Affects our “In fact, another study found that social media use is linked to greater feelings The writer tells us that the more we view social, the more socially isolated we feel. What
Mental Health of social isolation. The team looked at how much people used 11 social media amazes me about this quotation is that there are some websites on here that I use that I
sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Google +, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, didn’t realize were social media sites, which makes me wonder, what makes a site a
Written by Alice G. Walton Pinterest, Tumbler, Vine, Snapchat, and Reddit, and correlated this with their social media?
‘perceived social isolation.’ Not surprising it turned out that the more time
people spent on these sites, the more socially isolated they perceived
themselves to be.

6 Ways Social Media Affects our “Part of the reason Facebook makes people feel socially isolated (even though What she is telling us is that we may feel socially isolated because we feel that we can’t
Mental Health they may not actually be) is the comparison factor. We fall into the trap of compare to others that we see on social media. I’ve had this feeling while watching
comparing ourselves to others as we scroll through our feeds and make YouTube, when I see people my age with good looking cars and a lot of money, until I
Written by Alice G. Walton judgments about how we measure up.” realize that they are the few and I’m not alone.
6 Ways Social Media Affects our “It’s no secret that the comparison factor in social media leads to jealousy – Although I haven’t felt this before, I am curious to know how to deal with jealousy. Is
Mental Health most people will admit that seeing other people’s tropical vacations and there something about what you are jealous of that you must understand so you can no
perfectly behaved kids is envy-inducing. Studies have certainly shown that longer be jealous?
Written by Alice G. Walton social media use triggers feelings of jealousy.”

6 Ways Social Media Affects our “Part of the unhealthy cycle is that we keep coming back to social media, even The writer in this line goes over something called the forecasting error, which makes us
Mental Health though it doesn’t make us feel very good. This is probably because of what’s believe that if we get more of something we will feel better, but in reality we will feel
known as the forecasting error like a drug, we think getting a fix will help, but worse. I think this passage relates drugs to social media which is a theme when it comes
Written by Alice G. Walton it actually makes us feel worse.” to my annotation, which shows you the importance of the comparison.

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