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Words for Technology and Computers

Word (s) Meanings Example

log in
v. connect to a computer using a username and password
sign in To begin, log in to your desktop system.
n. page or act of registering permission to use a program
to connect wires from machines to a power source or
hook up Would you please help me hook up the Internet cable?
other machines
power up
provide power to a machine Press the red button to power up your tablet.
turn on
boot up
begin running a computer system Wait a second, my computer is booting up.
start up
v. to install a new computer program or assemble a
computer system
set up This application took a long time to set up.
n. the process of adding information using a computer
v. choose from a menu of options in a computer
pull down application extending down from the action bar like a
Look for the file menu and pull down to “Save As…”
pulldown window blind
n. a menu of options
click on move a mouse over an item and press to select Click on the start menu to begin.
scroll up The news story was so long I had to scroll down a lot to read
to move slowly to the top or bottom of a text
scroll down it all.
You will run out of disk space if you save copies of all your
run out of exhaust a supply of something
back up v. make an extra copy of a file Be sure you back up your files before you change systems.
backup n. an extra copy of a file
print out v. send an electronic document to a printer
I have to print out the directions before I leave home.
printout n. a printed document
hack into enter a computer or network illegally Someone hacked into my bank and stole millions of dollars.
go down stop operating properly I cannot send any emails because the server went down.
Before you donate your computer, be sure you wipe out the
wipe out completely erase or delete files
hard drive.
v. to appear suddenly
pop up If you do not want to see the ads, turn on your pop up
n. an advertisement that appears suddenly on a computer
popup blocker.
v. insert a cord into an outlet or port
plug in
n. an addition to a software program that performs a Plug in your laptop over there.
certain task
sign up register with a service She signed up for an online dating service.
key in type or enter characters using a keyboard It takes too much time to key in that long password.
The company asked me to opt in to get special offers by
opt in / out choose to receive advertising or messages
filter out remove unwanted email messages Can we filter out all the spam on this account?
turn off
end a session on the computer by closing an application
shut down I’m tired, so I’m going to shut down the computer for today.
or removing power
power down
to use the Internet / not use the Internet I will send you that information as soon as I can go online.
Connect (v) to connect is used to describe the action of Can you please show me how to connect my laptop to the
establishing (making) communication with the Internet or central printer?
with another device (computer equipment) such as a
monitor, modem, etc.
(n) connection refers to the communication between two According to Techspot, Speedtest has released a report of
or more computer devices, or a link to the Internet. the speed of Internet connections across the US.
(v) to install means to set up or make a computer or
application (software program) ready for use.
On my first day of work, my supervisor sent the technical Infoworld has the complete guide to Windows 10 installation
support team to install a new computer for me. So then, that will answer any questions you might have.
the noun installation refers to the act of installing a
computer or application.
(n) network refers to a system of connected computers
and other devices such as printers that exchange data Before we open for business, I need to get my office
with each other. A private office network is known as computer network set up and tested.
(adj) Networked, the adjective form of this word, is used In a networked system, a problem on one computer could
to describe this kind of environment (situation). affect all the other computers on the network
(v) To download is a verb you’ll often hear in IT to talk
I need to download the photos of my business trip to my
about transferring data or information from a main
computer for today’s presentation.
Download computer source to another device.
(n) download refers to the information or application that I found a download on Computer Weekly for the most
has been downloaded. popular technology articles in 2016 for IT leaders.
(v) to upgrade means to bring your computer (or other Our management is confident that our business will improve if
device) up to date with the latest hardware or software. we upgrade to the latest computer equipment.
Upgrade (n) upgrade simply means an update to a higher (newer)
According to Infoworld, IT managers have been waiting for
version. You might’ve heard the common phrase “get an
the upgrade to Windows 10
Browse (v) to browse is used in IT to look over information Before you come to the meeting, please browse online to get
casually without being too detailed. some ideas of the current trends in office furniture.
(n) browser, as you may already know, refers to the
program on your computer that allows you to open and If your browser doesn’t work, try closing and reopening it.
use websites on the Internet.
(v) to perform refers to how fast a computer can process Are you sure that my computer will perform better if I
information. upgrade my RAM (computer memory)?
(n) performance is used to talk about the speed and Upgrade your RAM (computer memory) and you won’t find
capacity (workload) of the computer. any reason to complain about your computer’s performance.

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