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PHP | Workshop on PHP with MySQL

PHP could be a all-purpose server-side scripting language originally designed for internet development
to supply dynamic websites. it's one in every of the primary developed server-side scripting languages to
be embedded into Associate in Nursing hypertext mark-up language supply document instead of job
Associate in Nursing external file to method information. MySQL is the world's most used open supply
computer database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user
access to variety of databases. this is often a 2 day workshop designed for the beginners to know the
PHP Programming & its use with MySQL.

Topics to be lined within the Workshop


1.1 Introduction PHP and Mysql

1.2 PHP Installation

1.3 MySQL Installation

1.4 Apache Installation.

1.5 XAMPP and WAMPP Installation

PHP Basics:

2.1. Embedding PHP in hypertext mark-up language

2.2. Embedding hypertext mark-up language in PHP

2.3. Introduction Variable victimization variables

2.4. Understanding information varieties victimization Operators

2.5. Writing Statements and Comments victimization Conditional Statements

2.6. If(), else if() and else if condition Statement

Arrays and Custom Functions:

3.1. making Associate in Nursing Array

3.2. Modifying Array components

3.3. process Arrays with Loops

3.4. Grouping kind choices with Arrays victimization Array Functions

3.5. making User-Defined Functions

3.6. process and Invoking Functions

Creating basic programs with PHP:

4.1. Reading and Writing Files

4.2. Reading information from a File

4.3. Writing information to a File

4.4. Testing File Attributes.

4.5. Managing Sessions and victimization Session Variables

4.6. making a Session and Registering Session Variables

4.7. Destroying a Session

4.8. Storing information in Cookies

4.9. Setting Cookies

4.10.Retrieving Cookie information

4.11.Dealing with Dates and Times

4.12.Executing External Programs

Editing Records and performing arts Queries:

5.1. Inserting Records

5.2. written material and Deleting Records

5.3. performing arts Queries

5.4. Retrieving Specific Columns

5.5. Filtering Records with a wherever Clause

5.6. victimization Operators

5.7. Sorting Records and Eliminating Duplicates

5.8. Limiting Results

5.9. victimization integral Functions

5.10.Grouping Records
5.11.Joining Tables

5.12.Using Subqueries

5.13.Using Table and Column Aliases

Using PHP with MySQL:

6.1. Managing info Connections

6.2. performing arts Queries

6.3. process Result Sets

6.4. Queries that come back information

6.5. Queries That Alter information

6.6. Handling Errors

6.7. victimization auxiliary Functions

Creating Forms with HTML:

7.1. hypertext mark-up language Basics

7.2. making Forms with hypertext mark-up language

Working with Databases and Tables:

8.1. making Databases

8.2. making Tables

8.3. Specifying Field information varieties

8.4. choosing the foremost acceptable information kind

8.5. Adding Field Modifiers and Keys

8.6. choosing a Table kind

8.7. fixing Tables

8.8. fixing Table and Field Names

8.9. fixing Field Properties

8.10. Adding and Removing Fields and Keys

8.11. fixing Table varieties

8.12. Backing Up and Restoring Databases and Tables

8.13. Backing Up Databases and Tables

8.14. Restoring Databases and Tables from Backup

8.15. Dropping Databases and Tables

8.16. Viewing info, Table, and Field data

Hands On & Project Documentation

Duration: The length of this workshop are going to be 2 consecutive days, with 6-7 hour session daily in
a very total of 12-14 hours.

Certification Policy:

Certificate of Merit for all the workshop participants.

At the tip of this workshop, atiny low competition are going to be organized among the taking part
students and winners are going to be awarded with a 'Certificate of Excellence'.

Certificate of Coordination for the coordinators of the field workshops.

Eligibility: it is a basic level workshop thus there aren't any stipulations. Anyone interested, will be a part
of this workshop.

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