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Workshop on Cloud Computing

In the past, computing tasks like data processing weren't doable while not the installation of application
package on a user's pc. A user bought a license for every application from a package trafficker and
obtained the proper to put in the appliance on one automatic data processing system. Cloud computing
differs from the classic client-server model by providing applications from a server that ar dead and
managed by a client's applications programme, with no put in consumer version of associate degree
application needed. Centralization provides cloud service suppliers complete management over the
versions of the browser-based applications provided to purchasers, that removes the requirement for
version upgrades or license management on individual consumer computing devices.

Topics to be coated in CLOUD COMPUTING Workshop

Day one - germander speedwell read of the cloud

1. Introduction to the cloud

What is a cloud?

Where did the cloud come back from? History, evolution, etc.

What a cloud is not: Grid, parallel computing, VM, etc.

Characteristics of cloud computing

2. What makes a cloud?

Storage Virtualization

Application virtualization

Server virtualization

Network virtualization

3. active demonstration of cloud computing

Creating associate degree account on the cloud

Starting a server instance

Allocating storage and different resources

Deploying associate degree application

4. Cloud Computing Service Models

Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)

Platform as a Service (PAAS)

Software as a Service (SAAS)

5. Cloud Computing preparation models

Public Cloud

Private Cloud

Community Cloud

Hybrid Cloud

6. blessings of cloud computing

Cost model amendment (Capex to Opex only)

Reduction in price of possession (TCO)

On-demand measurability


Shorter Time to plug

Ease of Use

Reduction operative overheads

7.Challenges of cloud computing


Data privacy



DAY a pair of - Deep dive into the cloud(s)

8. Cloud suppliers and their offerings




8. Amazon net Services

Services offered by Amazon

Hands-on Amazon

EC2 - Configuring a server, Launching associate degree instance

S3- Allocating storage buckets,

Creating teams, objects and bucket policies

9. Microsoft Windows Azure

Microsoft Windows Azure design

Services offered by Microsoft Azure

Hands-on on Azure

Creating associate degreed deploying an application on Azure

Migrating associate degree existing application to Azure

Migrating the application's information to SQL Azure

10.Introduction to from business department

Infrastructure as a service

Database as a service

Integration as a service

Logic as a service

UI as a service

Development as a service

Administering the Cloud

1. Server Provisioning

Capacity designing

How to provision servers in cloud

What style of server do I need?

Best practices

2.Providing Security

VPC (Virtual personal Cloud)

How to guarantee security at intervals cloud

Firewall and security teams

3. Backup/Recovery of knowledge


Backup strategy

Where to save lots of backup

Restore operations

4. High availableness - hour angle

How to guarantee availableness

Provisioning across zones (Physical data-centers for availability)

Elastic IPs for prime availableness

5. Server observation and Performance observation

observation required within the cloud

Monitoring tools availableness

Performance observation

Tweaks to enhance performance and availableness

Duration: The period of this workshop are 2 consecutive days, with eight hour session day after day in an
exceedingly total of sixteen hours properly divided into theory and hands on sessions.

Certification Policy:

Certificate of Merit for all the workshop participants.

At the tip of this workshop, alittle competition are organized among the taking part students and
winners are awarded with a 'Certificate of Excellence'.
Certificate of Coordination for the coordinators of the field workshops.

Eligibility: It's a basic level workshop thus there aren't any conditions. anybody interested, will be a part
of this workshop.

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