Answer Sheet: End of Course LEXICAL and GRAMMAR Test-B1

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End of Course LEXICAL and GRAMMAR Test-B1

Teacher:  Tatyana Plotnitskaya

Answer Sheet
Name and Surname: Alexander Score:
Date: 12.06.2020
Location: Minsk

Vocabulary and Grammar

1 Match 1–6 with a)–f).
1 organic     d  a) care
2 traffic           b) out
3 memory           c) taker
4 print           d) food
5 take           e) appliances
6 natural           f) stick
7 health           g) lights
8 risk           h) on
9 driving           i) after
10try           k) talent
11domestic          l) licence

2 Match beginnings 1–6 with endings a)–f).

1 What is the most useful learning          _d_
2 Do you think we should question the      
3 If you ever get the opportunity      
4 I love the old-fashioned costumes in period         
5 He said it’d be quicker to go by car but I’d probably have         
6 If you turn up late, you’ll be lucky to get           
a) trouble finding a parking space.
b) dramas, don’t you?
c) results of this test? Can they be relied on?
d) strategy when studying a language with a different alphabet on your own?
e) to try something new, take it or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life!
f) a seat for the match.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word in capitals.
1 She’s been unemployed for six months. She can’t find a job. EMPLOY
2 The job market for university graduates is much more_____________ these days.
3 A lot of people who spend hours commuting to big cities for work find it
completely _____________ and
would prefer to live closer so they don’t have to get up so early. EXHAUST
4 I heard a_______________ talk about the meaning of dreams. FASCINATE
5 If Julie passes her exams, her mother will be____________. DELIGHT
6 I didn’t get an interview because I didn’t have the right_______________
7 My cousin Dan has always been a high _____________ so I’m not surprised he
got a first for his degree.
8Are you                                         with me because I’m a bit late? ANNOY
9 This knife is absolutely _____________. It doesn’t cut properly. USE
10 Choosing the right career can be a problem, but you don’t need to search for the
__________on your own! Ask for advice. SOLVE
11 Please could I speak to the person who is                                for dealing with
customer complaints?
4 Correct two mistakes in each sentence.
1 I told to her that I wanted becoming a doctor.
I  told  her  that  I  wanted  to  become  a
2 If I’ll call you before 3.30, will you picked me up from work?
3 Alex has been the national diving champion twice before he was winning his first
Olympic gold medal.
4 This museum has been designed from the architect Norman Foster in 2012

5 If you could earned a lot more money for slightly more work, would you
6 Are Marie and Rob likely want something to eat when they will arrive


5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Do you need to set an alarm to wake you up tomorrow morning? What time
does your
flight  leave? (leave)
2 It’s your own fault that you’re so tired today. You _______so late last night
that terrible film! (stay up)
3 On holiday last year, I ___________ along the beach when I suddenly
someone shouting for help. Fortunately, there was a lifeguard nearby. (run, hear)
4 I _______how to contact my friend because I ________my phone and had no
other way
of getting in touch with her. (not know, lose)
5 I know it’s hard to believe, but Jo________ next month! You________his wife,
have you? (get divorced, not meet)
6 Suzanna and Christopher _______absolutely exhausted! Poor things! They
the whole day (look ,paint their house)

6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
1 We last saw each other six months ago.
We haven’t seen each other for six months.
2 I was so tired that I didn’t go to university.
I was ______________________ go to university.
3 If the economic situation doesn’t improve, many people will lose their jobs.
Unless ___________________ lose their jobs.
4 The quality isn’t as good as it used to be.
The quality is  ________________it used to be.
5 I don’t live in a city, so there’s not much to do in the evening.
If I_________________ much to do in the evening.
6 I wasn’t able to get in touch with her.
I didn’t_______________to get in touch with her.

7 Underline the correct answer, a), b), c) or d).
1 Does anyone know who the red van parked
outside belongs __ to __ ?
a) for b) to c) by d) on
2 Our company focuses ____quality software.
a) at b) on c) in d) with
3 Stop laughing _____me. You’re making me
feel embarrassed and it’s really not funny.
a) in b) for c) at d) to
4 Mami has a natural talent _____painting so I’m not surprised she’s applied to do
an Arts degree.
a) in b) at c) on d) for
5 I don’t have much in common ____John so
it’s difficult spending time with him.
a) with b) for c) in d) about
6 Duncan works very hard at his studies and puts____a lot of hours.
a)for b) to c) on d) in
7 You’ll get better ______ playing the piano if you practise every day
a)with b)in c) at d) on
8 The letter didn’t arrive because it was delivered to the wrong house ______
a) for b) by c) at d) on
9 Unfortunately, speaking a foreign language doesn’t come naturally                     me.
a)for b) to c)at d) with
10 If you want to get ______ well with him, you have to be friendlier.
a)with b) by c) about d) on
11 He succeeded ______ passing the exam after a lot of hard work.
a)at b) in c) on d) with

8 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
My feet love Spanish
As fellow language learners, you may understand if I ₁  tell     you that I feel
different when I speak Spanish. While my ‘English’ self is calm and quiet, my
Spanish-speaking one is ₂ ______ complete opposite. When I open my mouth ₃
____ express myself in this beautiful language I ₄ ______   a different person:
someone who is far ₅_______ outgoing. Also, when I ₆ ______Latin music, my
feet start itching and I really have to dance. This never happens ₇_______    my
English feet. They’ve never ₈________ that keen on dancing and probably never
₉________ be. So, my question to you ₁₀____, how do you feel when you speak
₁₁ _________ language?

9 Read the article. Look at the sentences on the next page and write
true (T) or false (F).

Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Space Scientist

Born to Nigerian parents in London, my journey to
success as a space scientist has not been easy.
When I was young. I was moved around a lot
because of family problems and ended up going to
a total of thirteen different schools. I was also
discovered to be dyslexic* and was often placed in
the remedial classes** as a result. Although I had
dreams and ambitions for my future from an early
age, when I told teachers that I wanted to become
an astronaut and go to the Moon I was encouraged
instead to go into nursing, a career which they
considered to be more suitable for me.
Fortunately my family, especially my father, gave
me a lot of real support and encouraged me to
follow my dreams. Without this I may never have
succeeded in leaving school with high grades in
A-level maths, physics, chemistry and biology.
These results made it possible for me to then face
the challenge of doing a physics degree at Imperial
College London, which I completed in 1990. After
which, I went on to gain a PhD in mechanical
My career in space science has, over the years,
given me opportunities to work on a wide range of
exciting projects around the world and I have now
become one of the presenters of The Sky at Night,
which is a TV programme about astronomy*.
Although I enjoy all the elements of my current
work, I am now also keen to encourage more
children, particularly girls, into science. It remains
a very male-dominated profession even in this day
and age. I strongly believe that science can have a
huge impact on our lives and know from personal
experience that if you have a dream and work
hard, you can succeed. I appreciate every day how
lucky I am to love the work I do, and I still have a dream
to fulfil in mv future: to retire to Mars.
"A learning difficulty that qffects the skills invoked in accurate and fluent reading
and spelling.
**Low-level classes for students unable to keep up with the work
in the ordinary classes
*** An area of science which studies space

1. Becoming a space scientist came easily to

Maggie. _F_
2. Maggie's childhood was a stable one.___
3. Her teachers didn't believe her dream was achievable. ___
4. Before deciding to become a scientist, she had thought
about becoming a nurse.___
5. Without support from her family, Maggie is unlikely to
have got the A levels she did.___
6. Her only area of real interest was physics. ___
7. A varied career has allowed her to work on projects abroad. ___
8. Maggie is about to start presenting an astronomy programme.___
on TV.
9. Maggie wishes to share her enthusiasm with
young people and inspire more girls to get into science. ___
10.There are more female scientists than males. ___
11.When she stops working, she'd love to live the rest of her life
on another planet. ___

10Read the text again and choose the correct answer: a), b), c) or d).
1. In this text, Maggie is describing
a. The journey she took to get where she is today.
b. the challenges of the profession she works in.
c. the difficulties she faced at university.
d. how hard it is for women to become scientists.
2. What does Maggie say about her school days?
a. Her teachers didn't know she was dyslexic.
b. She spent a lot of time in the lowest class.
c. Her parents didn't care if she did badly.
d. She was always put into the top class.
3.When talking about her family, Maggie says that
a. she couldn't have succeeded without them.
b. they never encouraged her at school.
c. her mum was her biggest supporter.
d. her parents wanted her to go into nursing.
4. What does Maggie feel is important in our lives?
a. Getting a job in science
b. Having the chance to go to university
c. Following our dreams
d. Having a passion for life
5. Why does Maggie feel she is lucky?
a. Because she has worked hard and succeeded.
b. Because she has travelled widely with her job.
c. Because she has become a TY celebrity.
d. Because she has a passion for her work.
6 What might Maggie say about her future goal?
a. ‘I'm happy I can retire to somewhere different.'
b. ‘While it's not possible yet, I'll make it happen.'
c. ‘I'm not sure it’ll be possible but perhaps someone else will make it happen’
d. ‘It's highly unlikely to ever become reality’

11 Cross out the response that is not possible.
1 So should I dress up for the meal tonight?
a) I see. b) Of course. c) Yes, definitely.
2 I’m afraid our flight has been cancelled.
a) You must be joking. b) Sorry about that. c) That’s terrible!
3 Did you know that if you miss breakfast, you can’t concentrate so well?
a) Oh, really? b) I have no idea. c) Can’t you?
4 What should we get Duncan and Jo for their wedding anniversary?
a) You really don’t have to. b) I don’t know. c) If I were you, I’d just send
them a card.
5 The next thing I knew, I was lying in a hospital bed.
a) So what had happened? b) Really? c) I see what you mean.
6 Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?
a) Yes, definitely. b) Sure, go ahead. c) Of course not.

12 Match gaps 1–11 in the conversation with
a)–k) below.
A: 1 _a     , social networking sites are a complete waste of time.
The reason 2_____ this is because you can communicate with people
better in so many other ways.
B:Yes, I 3 ________ people spend too much time on these sites,
but I 4 ________ say that they can be useful. 5 ________, you can
contact all your family and friends at the same time.
A:Yes, I agree, but that’s not always an advantage. For 6______,
you don’t have much privacy. 7____ said before, you could keep
in touch with people by email.
B:Yes, I prefer to use email, too. I don’t like everybody else’s friends
to see my news and photos. 8 ________ said that, sites like Facebook
can be very convenient in some situations.
9________ give you an example. When I was on holiday in India last
year, I 10________ to contact family and friends, send them photos
and let them know where I was, all in one go! It was really useful.
A:Yes, 11________ see your point. But in my view, you could
do that just as easily via email.
a) For me g) I say
b) must h) do think
c) Like I i) Having
d) was able j) I do
e) Let me k) one thing
f) For example

13 Choose the correct words in italics.

1. I waited in the queue for hours and hours. After/jn the end I decided to give
up and go home.
2. My wool suit was rather expensive but / however it is very comfortable.
3. We have checked your credit rating and found it to be insufficient. As a
result, /Although we are not able to give you a credit card at this time.
4. You can park your car in the long-term car park in addition /and take the
shuttle bus to the airport.
5. You have only scored 42 percent in the test. Nevertheless, / But we are
prepared to give you a second chance to take the test on Friday.
6. The elevator was out of order so I had to use the stairs inspite of /although
being exhausted.
7. I felt rather sick. It happened during / while I was flying to Moscow.
8. The customer service manager is on holiday this week. Therefore, /
Furthermore, we will be passing on your complaint to her assistant.
9. 1 enjoyed the concert furthermore /although I had never heard their music
10.So that/As the house is old, it can get very cold in winter.
11.We took an umbrella in order to /so that we wouldn’t get wet if it rained.

Total: 100

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