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I'm not saying America is perfect however black nationalist want it both ways.

example they want to say the land belongs to them because it was stolen at the same
time many of these groups I've named are still not powerful enough yet to provide an
adequate running government for Black people on a national level or international level
as well. They still want basic civil services applied to us and yet they don't want to be
American or associated with contributing to the society as a whole. In many
governments around the world you can be seen as a threat when you don't contribute
to their dominant ruling class society. Ultimately to reiterate they still want the basic
civil services or privileges of being an American at the same time they want to demean
the way of life, political party that doesn't fit their narrative while at the same time
enjoying the benefits of a military or civilized society. Furthermore they don't want to be
recognized as a American but enjoy the benefits or services provided by tax payers
such as post office delivering our mail, grocery stores, shopping centers, police when
needed for emergencies, medical care, hospitals, many luxury we take for granted here
in America etc.

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