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Chapter 1: The Journey of Untold

It was about four o’ clock in Milan. Romantic couples were busy in planning up
for their lovely boat occasion at the Venice. The chill breeze was never retired
and kept showing it’s presence. People who have seen more than 3 generations
had a peaceful nap with their soaking false teeth set. At the side of seventh
platform stood the Victorian time designed also the oldest train the globe has ever
seen. The 25 year old metal were placed on the to-be rusted iron tracks with it’s
giant hydro powered wheels placed over the tracks. The train consisted of two
sleeping cars, a general coach and a kitchen car and had 4 different compartments.
At the threshold of the station ascended an above average grown man, whose
outfit consisted of indefinite layers of sweater, mufflers and gloves. He was pale
and his nose was highlighted in pink due to the freezing cold. He maintained a
general beard and wore a black framed glass for his clear vision and was about
thirty to thirty two. He had his hair inches below his neck but not until his collar
with a wavy brush back style which was somewhat curly. He wore long boots
with untied laces and a dust patch on his knee made us understand that untied
laces intended him to trip down.
After his walk to the compartment entrance, With his Italian loving lips,
delightful words slid from his lips. He froze himself for a minute and asked
“Antonio, Che ore sono? What time is it now?.”
“Fifteen for five” answered the fellow near him who was dressed in green
uniform with a bright polished name badge with bold printed letters on it held A
N T O N I O M U R R A Y. His military cap with silver printed IAR (Italiano
Army Regiment) was in the hanging multicolor rope which was held between the
shoulder button and left chest pocket. He handed over the belongings from the
bargained porter.
“Have you not made yourself to become a part IAR?” demanded Antonio.
After managed to have a surreptitious gaze over Antonio, “Nah, Ant. I am… I am
pity that you still haven’t recognized my anarchist view towards the government.”
replied the guy opposite to Antonio
“Tommy are you an anarchist?”
“Yours Certainly”
“But what kind of connection is between anarchism and selflessness towards the
people and the administration body. Serving people isn’t a curse”
“Indeed serving government is a curse and not the people.”
“Anyways, trains cannot be moved by a snail.”
“I beg your Pardon”
“Nothing, Absolutely nothing, To be frank and honest I am suffering now for
accepting the request of a friendly relationship from a god damn anarchist and a
selfish who cares only ‘bout he, he and of course he.”
“Feel Free, Ant. It doesn’t mean that I am about me, me and me. But it do concern
about the sufferings I experienced my whole life. Imagine a person who was
stereotyped as a Traitor’s son at the age of 7 and he was victim to Multiple
Personality Disorder due to the refusal of his relationship with everyone and his
loneliness. And one among the dual characters was framed as a serial killer and
the traitor’s son left his lifetime’s 5 years at asylum and Aftermath of that escape
led to even more stereotypic view of him by the society as a Traitor’s son would
be a Traitor and also a Serial Killer who committed 13 murders, Even though
everyone knew that it was one of the character which committed the crime. And a
buddy of him offers him in a Vigilance work and his life goes. But the question is
would the society accept him as his Guard or A Murderer or A Traitor?.”
“Hmmm… Unpredictable” replied Antonio
“That is the sole reason for Tommy Craig or Myself for being an anarchist. A One
Day Vote for the government is always better than an All Time Villain to the
“What about Destination?”
“British Capital through Trigmaliott Express, I suppose” ended Tommy the
With a melodious cry, a heavy puff of smoke was ejected from the engine of the
train. Antonio started his parting speech and after exchange of Italian and English
phrases, came to an end with much of tears shed from Antonio’s eye cavity. As
the train was pushed with a heavy jerk, the environment started to speed of
backwards direction. After departure of the train, muffled detective plodded
towards his sleeping car in the Milan to London compartment. With carefully
placed luggage on the upper berth, the Conductor was introducing the beauty and
the availing features of his room. After experiencing the possessed qualities,
Tommy’s little hibernation with dreams of his sleepless nights at the asylum was
quarantined by the arrival of the Pantry’s servings. “Just a cup of black coffee
with extra sugar cubes and some eggs, please” pleaded the barely visible
moustached one.
While he was busily nibbling onto improper boiled eggs, he barely noticed his
fellow traveller whose allocation was on the opposite seat. He looked neat and
decent with an exact classic Englishman outfit. His outfit was so predictable that
it belongs to a aristocrat’s creed. He was much paler than Craig with pointing
upward curled moustache and was a very tall and ridiculous looking man. And
Tommy always had his own philosophies and one of it is “Having a health based
conversation with a giant or a muscle is no joke.” But after the abandon of his
asinine philosophies, his mouth never uttered a word and stood in hush for a
hunch from him in having an exchange of phrases.
“Are you an Italian?” a question raised the aristocrat.
“How on earth did you found it?” exclaimed the anarchist.
“Oh, never mind” replied the aristocrat with a mastermind’s gaze and a gentle
Craig felt a little shy in his task of shaking hands with the aristocrat. But the
aristocrat placed his hands first for a proper introduction between the both.
“Tommy Craig, Private Investigator.” added Tommy with a shake.
“T. Blyton Nick, Inspector of Massachusetts.” added the Inspector with a gentle
“Would you mind to talk ‘bout your profession, Mr.Craig”
“Not at all. Um… Mr. Nick. To be frank and honest, I feel to share you my dark
experiences. All started from my Dad who was an Italian Army General 25 years
back and his brainwashed thoughts influenced him to be a Traitor and have done
more than half of his own troop’s bloodshed at his last war against Syria. After
that a lot of sufferings were placed in my life as being a Traitor’s son isn’t a joke.
And deeper perplexed feelings in my mind and major parts of loneliness made a
loophole in my view of the common people. Also I was a victim to multiple
personality disorder seven or eight years back and was released a year or two
back after lots of treatments and tortures. After that lots of perplexed feeling still
appeared in my mind and my Uncle was a private investigator and his idea
influenced me and hence I changed my identity from a Traitor’s son to a Private
“Inspirational. But still cruel.”
“But now I am more practical and dedicated my life to Science Experiments and
to Crimes. Also a Crime’s answer involves more Science, Logics and Laws.
Would you mind, If I’d share my research theories to you.”
“Not at all”
“Thank you. The First ever theory is that is have specially designed a fluid which
can show me your blood group with just a single drop of your phlegm. A definite
composition of your phlegm mixed with my liquid and left for a hour or two can
identify your blood group with your drop of blood and the mixed composition of
your phlegm. The composition encourages the development of a very peculiar
bacteria which is added to your blood. The time span taken by the bacteria
determines your blood group according to the time taken for decomposition.”
After the end to this phrase, Tommy discovered that Blyton reached the state of
nauseous and remained hush expecting him not to puke. Craig planned for a
hibernation went into the state of it again.
After 4 hours, the hibernation was again eradicated by the heavy jerk of the
Trigmaliott Express. Both the companions placed their head towards the window
bars and realized that the train came to a halt as the destination is arrived.
In the Bold Big letters, LONDON was highlighted and their journey reached it’s
end at London.
Slowly Craig descended the train after every passenger’s descend. With both
plugs on his ears, playing his favourite music on the Walkman, Tommy
descended the platform in a plodded manner and following with the lyrics. Along
the chill breeze’s direction, he reached over the River Thomas for the further little
“And the snowy breeze, let it fall on our minds
And what we do lies upon our grave,
And the cast of storms do tear upon our body
Upon our body, Upon our body, Upon our body
Through the Tears of the Dragon from it’s face”
As the lyrics went on, Tommy’s soul rested upon Presley’s music despite the
repeated irritation which lived at the face of the boat rower. At the boat too, music
was the only companion to him and was afraid himself about his theories. When
the boat reached the other end, He slowly jumped out of almost sinking boat.
“And the snowy breeze, let it fall on our minds” humming, he paid the fare and
slowly reached his coat pocket in searching his diary. Taking his hand out with
the Black Diary, he slowly flipped over the pages with the same tone of
humming. And snapped over the page of which he was in search. And moaned
“This best part is about to arrive.”
And he continued his walked towards the address which was placed at his mind
and descended the road with the dull humming of the music as well as earning the
curse of roadside store owners as well as scurrying men to offices as he walked at
the mid part of the road and creating chaos behind him. But the muffled Detective
continued humming his music is the delicate way.

Chapter 2: The Wagoners

Craig arrived at the grandly designed castle which stood in the place of his Diary’s
Address. There wasn’t any possible roof around that of Richard’s except a small roofed
house with a very old woman’s stay. The sense of classic construction was visible
much easily also accompanied by a connected backyard forest. Though the house,
sixty years old the proper placing of bright red bricks over the strong cement and the
dark brown ceramic roof with strange shaped green doors inside and a sparkling
polished windows disturbed steady view towards it. The recently cut grasses at the
broad green lawn with a nurture of rare flowers covering it, the strong Nylon rope tied
to the neck of the bold German Shepherd to the space allocated and the weariness of
watchman due to sleepless nights similar to days of Tommy at Mr. Hebsons Asylum
for mentally challenged. All these characteristics portrayed a classic aristocrat
orthodox British ruling class society’s roof.
The third press of the gold polished bell, the door which was distant from the gate at
the distance of fifteen yards flung open with a usual Thud… A Prodigy child of about
five walked towards the gate, holding one of the chocolate brown paw of fluffy teddy.
Tommy got fragment of his memory at his childhood stage where he held an exact kind
of teddy bear and that’s when his Dad was slaughtered according to the Vigilance
Laws of Italy which he viewed at the Antenna added Television with a live broadcast
of the slaughter. The sight of rolling head of his dad with all the unusual bloodshed
revolved around his eyes repeatedly which he tried to drain it and had a success with a
shed of tear from his left eye. He dug in search of a Popsicle in his never ending pocket
of the brown coat, Handed over the Popsicle to the trembling fingers of the brown
“What’s your cute little name?” interrogated detective with a gentle voice.
“You do not deserve answer for it, Blatherskite…” remarked the girl with a cacophony
tone of voice.
With a noisome reaction, Tommy snatched over the Popsicle back from those
trembling fingers and started licking it vigorously in an attempt of finishing it. But at
the half of the vigorous task of what the detective fixed to himself to complete the Pop
and making the arrogant child gloomy for her mistake, the childish verb was spotted by
the man at the door and resulted in a chuckle to himself. The fellow was unexpectedly
grown one with a blonde all above his head as well as under his nostrils and a wave at
his hair would cost him several hairs to fall. He worn a tight fitting with an almost
popping chest button full hand in which his biceps and muscles were easily spotted.
With an embarrassed shy, Tommy walked towards the door with his habitual non-
scurrying, slow manner and the threshold of the castle like house with a backyard
connected towards a dense forest.
Though a skeptical thought was moving, still the effect of fictions and happenings
made the button popping guy to start the inquiry towards the muffled detective with
this phrase,
“Is it Mr. Tommy Craig, the private investigator whom I had hired.”
“Yours truthfully” replied the pink tipped nose detective in his usual relaxed manner.
“If it’s Private Investigator, Then I’m glad to shake hands with you also my name,
Evan Paul Wagoner.” shook the both with exchanging their names.
As the door flung open, Tommy pushed himself into the mixed characteristic house
with his stranger’s perspective and rejecting his quality of presume and suspecting
every life of the house which included potty used children to false teeth set using
granddad and grandmother.
The house consisted for Two Halls, A Kitchen, Seven Bedrooms with conjoined
bathrooms and The Work Room or The Portrait Room (where portraits are painted)
and a locked cellar. The windows had beautiful pattern of iron frame beneath lied the
sparkling glass windows. Expensive Carpets were rolled at all possible placed at the
House. Solid wooden cupboards stuffed with multi-genre books were spotted at every
nook of the house.
Irrespective of their appearance Massimo took notes of the characteristics of every
survivors of that house thinking about the condition of Richard’s wives.
To the surprise of moderately grown detective he noticed the aristocrat whom he made
nauseous at the train eating raspberry pastries with his fullest potential. Not taking
much serious of his asinine look, Tommy further completed his actions with a place of
his soul over the sofa. While the offerings of plate with blueberry jam splashed
pancake with a neat allotment for knife and fork, Evan handed over the plate to
detective and accompanied his sit with the other two investigators.
“Would you mind if I request you with an introduction of these two chaps” reminded
Tommy in his gentlest voice.
“Oh, I beg your apologies. The person at the right with an exact classic Englishman
outfit is the Inspector of Massachusetts, Mr. Blyton Nick. He is currently handling this
case as his brother who was previously handling this case, died out of asthma.”
“I know” murmured Tommy with a gentle chuckle
“The gentleman at the left with a brown hair and very tall guy with a suite is the retired
English Lieutenant, Mr. William Rudd and is an absolute hardcore fan of my dad’s
artistic view and all of his portraits. And involved himself into to solve the case.” as
Evan ended the introduction, Craig hesitated but finally shook his giant hand after
burying his philosophy about giant humans.
“So Mr. Evan can you briefly explain the purpose of hiring me for the better
convenient understanding of the two new individuals.” pleaded the detective whom
was hired by Evan.
“The need of Mr. Tommy Craig’s service to me was felt when the reason for my Dad’s
suicide or whatever was anonymous.” ended Evan with his short but strong language.
While Evan was about to release a few words from his gloomy lips, The fellow with
the pink tipped nose carefully gestured which resembled to stop and dug out his new
Polaroid Camera from his side slinging bag with recent added prints in a surreptitious
style and took a sudden snap with an unexpected flash of light over Evans’s eyes which
made those two eyeballs shrink for a moment and directly took the photo, dug out a
recorder tape with a fresh tape bought especially for recording the statements of
suspects. He also reached out a roll of duct tape and pulled out a piece with his
sparkling teeth and stuck the photo with the recorder tape and said,
“Just to make things easier” “We are now with Mr. Evan Paul Wagoner, youngest son
of Mr. Richard Paul Wagoner, under the assistance of Massachusetts Inspector Mr.
Blyton Nick and retired English Lieutenant Mr. William Rudd discussing incidents that
took place on September twenty first, 1995 at the night of rehearse of his Portrait’s
official release. And as we all know it that the family had gathered for rehearse of his
Portrait’s official release.” as he completed the dialogue, Tommy gestured hush to the
Inspector and Lieutenant.
“Evan talk what happened on that night” ordered Tommy and gently pressed the play

Statement of Evan Paul Wagoner

Last son of Richard Wagoner and First of Jane Frost

14. 9. 1995 or Thrice the previous week,

Evan: While I was having a gentle nap on my soft and drowning mattress, My
telephone rung to it’s fullest. After placing of the receiver at my watery mouth
“Evan” a gentle voice was heard from the other side.
“Dad” I replied with my humblest but most respectable tone.
“Son, I beg you a favour”
“Anything for you, Dad”
“The Lost eye of the Cadaver is about to get itself accomplished”
“Dad, is truly your portrait is about to get itself accomplished?”
“Expect for a Yes, son. But the trouble part is gathering your siblings.”
“But without a reason, How could they be called?”
“Son, my existence isn’t longer than a year or two. But a gathering before it is quite
pacifying. A rehearse for the portrait’s release is a bit suitable.”
“I’m as not sure as your portrait’s success but would bring out my total potential.”
“I would be expecting for a Yes from your dial at the next call for me.”
“Would answer your call with a positive result, Dad” as I hung up the phone and
returned to my hibernation thinking of convincing the stubborn siblings.
Tommy: Wait, Wait, Wait. Did I just heard, STUBBORN SIBLINGS?
Evan: Yes
Tommy: Stubborn for?
Evan: (Exhales deeply) Kelly and Arthur always had hatred towards Dad as he had
exchanged engagement rings with more than two ladies and they hated that disloyalty
shown towards his wives.
Blyton: Was it legal marriages or any extra marital affair?
Evan: I suppose your limit of questioning is exceeding.
Tommy: Do you think whether this hatred could be turned as a motive for murder or
compelling tortures of divorce for your both stubborn siblings?
Evan: Absolutely Not. Does someone slaughters a person whom they idolizes first in
their life?
Tommy: No
Evan: That’s what my opinion is about their motive of compulsion or murder.
Evan: So, Tommy. Have your question found it’s answer finally?
Tommy: Yes, My Friend, Coming back to fourteenth Sepetember 1995. What
happened after your hibernation?
Evan: After my lovely hibernation, the trouble part of convincing brothers and sister
showed up. However I accomplished the convincement and fulfilled my promise with a
Yes to his call. As I was my Family’s youngest, Everyone… Kelly, Arthur, Hugh and
Sally always had an extra attention and care towards me.

Statement of Kelly Paul Wagoner

Eldest Daughter of Richard Wagoner and Stephanie Summer

Kelly: Did he just said care and attention? Tell him to thank god for not poisoning him.
William: Do you think that are there plenty of hidden reasons for Richard’s only love
or Evan Paul Wagoner to commit the sin of murder?
Kelly: Richard’s only love? Did he just portrayed himself as Richard’s only love?. Oh,
Detective I am afraid that you are just viewing from a single angle.

Statement of Hugh Didlian Deriton
Son-in-law of Richard Wagoner / Husband of Kelly Paul Wagoner

Hugh: Though Kelly had the view of hatred towards Richard as well as with Evan, she
always had that love-hate bond with Evan. I have noticed her times of drought eyes
and gatherings of large tears when Evan lost his mind after the death of…
Blyton: Do you have any guesses of Evan’s own justice for committing a murder?
Statement of Arthur Paul Wagoner
Second son of Richard Wagoner and Elizabeth Autumn

Arthur: Not kind of. Evan isn’t a remorseless guy who can lock all of his guilt and
bravery and kind of open and sensitive much after his wife’s demise.
Tommy: Was Evan married?
Arthur: Wasn’t you guys informed?
Tommy: Not kind of.
Blyton: What let to her demise?

Statement of Neville Heslislian
First and Last son of Kelly Wagoner and Hugh Didlian

Neville: Gradually, a Barium export truck collided on her travel to hospital. Most told
theory during my non presence times, Also understood theory after numerous levels of
baiting. But more than Evan, Richard and Mom were the ones who wailed a lot
thinking of the consequent incidents and aftermath of Evan’s life.
Tommy: Can you elaborate the need of a visit to hospital?
Neville: First of all…Who the hell hired you?
Tommy: I…I… I cannot say that but trust my involvement in this case would be pure
removal of anonymous sticking round this case.
Blyton: So, Heslislian. What was the need of her visiting for Hospital…
Neville: She was… Umm… She was Pregnant. But don’t involve me in a set of
questions linked with the party as I was busy at setting up a trap to disturb the
meditation of Zach and left soon to my band.
William: So the chain of events is that Firstly, she took the car over to hospital as she
was pregnant. Secondly, that Barium exporting truck which led to her fateful demise.

The Statement of Zach Antini
Youngest son of Sally Rapella and Arthur Wagoner
Tommy: Is it Mr. Zach Antini. Son of Sally Rapella and Arthur Paul Wagon….
Zach: Hush… I am in the process of attaining the purpose of my presence in this globe.
Blyton: Our Apologies.
Tommy: Blyton, Learn to act bit matured.
William: Hey, kid. Your request is declined and answer to my questions immediately
or the person of guilt is you, I consider
Zach: You are having a wrong choice, Lieutenant. Now interrogate me.
Tommy: Zach, Was someone acting negative at the rehearsal?
Zach: Zach is my pre-name. It is Gautama Buddha. You cannot interrogate someone
who is a deepest follower of peace and Buddha.
Blyton: Just because of being Buddhism’s follower inevitably eliminates you from the
list of suspects.
Zach: As you wish. Yes. Kelly. She was a bit tensed up and was like lost-a-leg
throughout the day.
Blyton: When was it that you arrived at the rehearse?
Zach: Guess ‘round five or six. You would have a better answer with Kelly or Neville
as they reached the same time of my arrival.
William: Was it only because of a compelled appearance that tensed up Kelly?

The Statement of Sally Rapella
Daughter-in-law of Richard Wagoner and wife of Arthur Wagoner
Sally: Not exactly. Kelly wasn’t with that emotion the whole day but after a
conversation for unknown reasons with Richard.
Tommy: Any guesses of what it was?
Evan: A total blank notion.
Tommy: Elaborate the total scenario occurred at the rehearsal.
Evan: It was twenty first September when he had the gathering for rehearse with the
presence of Kelly, Hugh, Sally, Arthur, April, Anna, Zach and of course myself. We all
had a great time over and saw Dad with his glad face after years. Lot had arguments
with Dad starting from Umm… Kelly, Arthur and Sally.

“Umm, Evan. What about a break?” pleaded Blyton

“Sure” concluded Evan and drifted across the hall.
As they were busy on building their own stories on that night, Tommy snatched up a
Cigar and lit it up with slow and non scurrying manner and blew toxic smoke from his
“When I was aware about the involvement of Mr. Tommy Craig in this case, I was
expecting for something great but not a person of patience and of no temper.” yelled
the Lieutenant. As the hefty set of words came on and on from William, Tommy was
repeatedly puffing out large masses of smoke with an unpredictable emotion.
Blyton: Kelly, What was that factor which resulted in an argument with your own
Kelly: Umm… What? It’s difficult because there isn’t a factor and everything was
pretty fine with my Dad. (in a tensed tone).
Tommy: The night is up, Kelly. You may leave but stay in town until the case is

William: Is it true about your argument with Richard at the night of rehearse.
Sally: What? No… Of course not. It was completely perfect the whole night. (in a
nervous tone)

“You all may leave. But avoid travelling.” concluded Tommy the sentence.

The Missing Pieces of Puzzle:

After the gates of Mr. Richard’s roof were closed, Tommy came plodded puffing out
smoke and with a deep unconscious thought due to the obsession about the clueless
“Halt, lieutenant” cried Craig after spotting of William placing himself into the leather
seat of Taxi.
“Is it something important?” questioned William with his usual thundering voice.
“Spill It”
“Would you mind, If you’d share me your roof for the rest of the night? Only with a
penniless detective fellow.”
“Not at all” and gestured William signaling of hop into taxi towards the moderate
As the Taxi puffed out dark some from the silencer the journey to Hotel La’ Dicaptina
After the end of hearing highly vicious snores of English Lieutenant, the weary driver
slid the dollars into his pocket. The sleepy Detective’s eyeballs exploded after having a
view of a torn card a few yards forward. As he advanced towards the card with the
following lieutenant, He kneeled down and had a sniff over the torn card.
“What are you looking for?” interrogated William in a perplexed tone.
“A fortune” whispered Tommy and sped towards a closed curtain.
As the curtains got cleared, in a distance of two or more yards stood a women. She had
patches round her eyes and had a ridiculous curl around her head. She wore a robe
similar to fairy tale witches and said “Place your money on the table”
“What? Fortune Teller. Absolutely not Tommy and you won’t earn for a support in
these activities.” whispered Rudd in a yelling tone.
Ignoring the phrases of Lieutenant, Craig tossed coins over a plate and placed himself
onto the chair. As the several clangs came to it’s end,
“Welcome, I’m Jennifer Beklion. The Tarot Cards can rearrange your minds of Past,
Answer you Present and Project your future” as she shuffled the cards while the phrase
came to it’s edge.
“This is total nuisance” whispered Rudd.
As she shuffled the cards, Detective noticed cards like The Fool, The Magician, The
High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Heirophant, The Lovers, The Chariot,
Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance,
The Devil, The Tower, The Sun, The Moon, The Star, Judgement and The World.
While shuffling with closed shutters above eyes suddenly her fingers stopped the
placing of cards in perplexed places and pulled out a card displaying the back of it with
black uncountable diamonds.
“Hold your question?” advised the Fortune Teller.
With a close of eyes, Craig resulted in a fake gesture but thinking in deep his mind
expecting for a hunch.
With a turn of the card, The Teller,
“A Major Arcana Deck’s card, The Hanged Man. The Hanged Man projects that you
need to make changes in your situation and approach your desire in a strange way.
Look closer and see whether you can view it in your fullest imaginative way. The
Hanged Man resembles you to take your approach in a new way and questions would
be resolved.” as she ended her theory, Lieutenant Rudd pulled Tommy navigating to
Rudd’s allotted room at the Hotel. Rudd’s lost-sleep over Tommy’s superstitious belief
on Tarot Cards resulted in the lighting of more than seventeen cigarettes over the night.
“Not yet slept, Lieutenant?” interrogated the neat patted haired detective.
“It doesn’t portray the Time but my inability” answered Rudd.
“What was it that twisted to your extent to inability?”
“The Case”
“Obsession weakens your mental stability, Lieutenant. Your obsession at Battle
Grounds serves justice but investigation requires patience, ability of arranging things,
logic, science and laws.”
“But a nostalgic emotion inevitably rejects my interrogation skills”
“What kind of nostalgia?”
“A feel of pleasure in handling the case of a person who influenced my soul, But a dull
emotion in being a victim of my own expectations for a hunch.”
“I accept. But your depressed nostalgia and sleepless nights could blindly navigate to a
deadly disease, Insomnia which could result in a weakened mental stability such as
unconscious and fragments of memories regarding the Past and formation of your own
characters with provision of senses and absolutely you would reach your fatal in your
own causes.”
“But a life of selflessness led to the selfish thought of my wife and turned out to
missing. What could possibly life treat a person with worse factors like a missing wife
and rather a lonely death? So the moral is a selfless guy would possibly be orphaned.”
“Would you be hurt talking ‘bout your wife?”
“Of course not, I met her for the first time while she was handling a surgery on my left
leg, removing a bullet. Indeed after a war. Her improper dosage of anesthesia led to my
quick consciousness. Nurse Rebecca was her name. Rebecca was afraid that her
improper treatment to a soldier would lead her vanishing thought of being a nurse. In
fearing her future, she confessed of marrying me. Not longer than a day with her, the
call for war rose. But my arrival following the war twisted my upcoming days of life ,
She went missing. Unknown amounts of wanted posters, search advertisements and
phone calls. The Soldier successful in protecting the nation failed in protecting his
“Was she ever seen again or any info?”
“Once a friend of mine replied as she was spotted in Massachusetts Carnival. But.
Again. Nothing led to positive consequences.”
“I am sorry for your loss. But what I’m conveying is Don’t waste the rest of your days
by pulling the same string in the harp. That’s why civilized beasts gave others too.”
“That means a lot to me. Hmm? Civilized Beasts?”
“Humans, just a reference with practical and theoretical impacts application.”
As the lieutenant’s face held a large grin, he swifted onto the bed and slid himself into
the sheets of the bed dreaming a day with his wife.
As the moon rested and sun came in as substitute, The Detective and Lieutenant
directed the brush bristles over his teeth, showered and slipped into their outfits.
Tommy maintained an outfit with a first layer of innocent piece of white shirt and a
choking black tie and connected the hanging belt with the black pant and ejected things
like recorder tape, Polaroid prints and lens, a full loaded revolver, Magnifier and of
course, his lovely packet of cigars and a lighter. Rudd wore a tight muscle visible full
handed shirt and a safari pant with empty pockets but a leather purse and a stash of
green, fragrant dollars.
As the taxi landed on the gate step of Richard’s roof, Rudd and Craig progressed
towards the door puffing out masses of smoke from the large brown cigar. As they
reached the door, Blyton came running and slipping in repetition with his brown pant
and suite also a damaged enamel polished name badge to have a link with Lieutenant
and Detective. “Jeez, this fellow triggers always me in continuous agony and
astonishment of how come he was chosen as Inspector of Massachusetts being unfit,
Poor Massachusetts” protested tight muscle visible outfit worn Lieutenant. Tommy
responded with a chuckle to himself also puffing smokes taking cigar in and out from
his pinkish lips. As Blyton made the settlements for cross examining hall, Detective
entered the hall, in a dramatic, heroic entrance clearing himself from the smoke of his
cigar and sat on the old lumber chair.
Lieutenant questioned to Blyton “Who’s the first to be interrogated”.
“Anna, last daughter of Arthur and Sally.” replied Blyton with a smile.
“Err…Arthur, that blind guy right? Was his wife too blind?”
“No Rudd. Just Arthur.”
As Blyton completed his dialogue, Maid came in pushing the wheelchair with Anna,
white shirted, curly haired, dark eye patched, a stubborn handling bag, mentally
challenged. Craig crushed the cigar over the provided ashtray and blew the all possible
smoke from him resembling that he was about to question.
“Anna, how are you?” started Tommy the investigation.
He received nothing but a misdirection gaze and a deepened hush from her.
“This won’t work out” lamented lieutenant as he walked over the Backyard’s open
space with an assist of Blyton.
While having few more interrogations, Tommy went to the spot of Lieutenant with a
great but a failed breath. As he illuminated his cigar again, he strolled to the
Backyard’s space and sat on the chair.
“Any Answers” leaped Lieutenant with a rhetorical question’s answer of No
“Failed” “Lieutenant, is there any interruptions you feel in this case?” inquired Tommy
with a misdirected gaze.
“Yes, It’s Blyton” replied Rudd.
“Lieutenant, it’s not an interruption but stranger things.”
“Of course, The method of homicide.”
“The method? Wrist Slit, Strange for a suicide?
“I confess. I can… I…I…I mean… I can’t believe a very sensitive and sensible person
can incur the pain of splitting of nerves through his wrist. Also wrist slit is a bit
dramatic. Tommy, Do you suspect Foul Play?”
“Yes, I do suspect foul play in the suicide of this Artist. I mean, What’s less for this
guy’s desire? A Billionaire’s homicide is typically obvious.”
“That doesn’t make sense, Detective.”
“Well, resemble the Case to a Puzzle. The variety shapes of puzzles can make out a
clear picture with placing of those in correct spaces. In Case, my suspicious sense of
foul play becomes a truth. Richard’s argument with Kelly, Arthur and Sally becomes
the missing pieces of puzzle. Of course, the chorus of events results in a double
optioned guess.
• Once these puzzles are revealed, the picture is clear.
• Or these aren’t the only puzzles to be revealed.
But my Investigation sense would keep waiting for the solution. In the half of
Tommy’s explanation, The ringing phone of Blyton, pulled him aside.
After an astonished emotion, Blyton plodded towards Lieutenant and exclaimed, “The
Medical Examiner was poisoned by his wife due to tortures applied to her. Now she
went absent and left nothing but a note of murder. With an immediate surprise, The
Inspector, Lieutenant and Detective drifted out from Richard’s House to Medical
Examiner’s Office. When they landed on the polished gold printed words DR.
wall with the usual symbol of Doctors. Detective and Inspector walked towards the
construction. With an Iron Obstacle, The Reporters were pushed on the either sides of
the entrance. While Lieutenant had a conversation with one of the Police, he landed his
hand over Inspector’s shrugged shoulders and said “It was said that the security
cameras were crashed without any recording of any human presence. The Backdoor
was break opened by Steven’s wife, Colette and theorized that she could have escaped
after poisoning him and breaking of the locked door in pure nervousness. She escaped
as Steven was just two steps away from being a penniless guy and compelled his
pregnant wife for their child’s abort as he was unaffordable to bear such expenses. In
order to save her child, she murdered and escaped to somewhere on earth.”
“The Autopsy?” inquired Tommy
“Unfortunately the works of it were yet to be started” replied William.
As the forensic, the medical examiner and the police were collecting evidences and
traces out of floors and cement walls. Tommy reached out for the paper and had a sniff
over it and murmured, “With extreme nervousness”. As he laid the paper down,
Inspector Nick called out Tommy for their evacuation from there and their significant
presence at Richard’s homicide case. As their taxi puffed out dark smoke, the back
tires rolled front to The Wagoners. The Inspector repeatedly lamented in common at
the taxi,
“We are standing still with no presence of clues. Something… Some kind of evidence
we’ve missed…”
“Everyone has their own alibi till the current extracted statements.” said Rudd.
“What made you think so?” questioned the moderate Detective.
“No… Um…Err… The walk…walkthrough of s…statements of Wagoners”
“Blyton walk me through the positions of Wagoners the night after the night of
“Err…Yeah… Well we are aware that the rehearse ended around 10:20, To be more
precise 10:14. Evan escorted Richard to the second floor’s west bedroom or Richard’s
room. Arthur who was busily completing a bottle of champagne with the assist of his
wife at the ground floor left side second bedroom said to be slept at 12:50. Arthur
heard the sound of footsteps ascending but couldn’t go up due to severe weariness.
Evan, informed Hugh his departure due to important works for pre-release of the
portrait. “Just business, discussion of the museum, copyright works and many jobs.”
thought William imagining the words of Evan to Hugh.
Evan was a long miles away from Richard’s roof. Mostly Evan wouldn’t have done it
as the evidence of construction workers. It seems that he had a quarrel with the
workers who scrambled up the car when handing over a bunch of iron rod to fellow
worker. Also the construction was just a street backward.”
“How did you know these evidences?” inquired Tommy.
“Just after you left with the taxi to the hotel.” replied Nick with a grin extending to his
“Well, continuity. Arthur was an insomnia victim and was awoken for the rest of the
night with a drowsy but few minutes of sleep. Sally was a heavy sleeper and resulted in
masses of snores. Well Hugh said, Kelly was affected with some kind of emotion like
fierce combined fear and said to be seen with three times of a murmuring during half
the night and she too left the rehearse soon after it’s conclusion. Well Hugh was a late
sleeper he was said as hearing music for hours and slept almost 11:30. Neville went in
half of the event as he had signed for a 3 hour concert from 8:45 to 12:00 and said he
would have sleep at Kelly’s house. Medical assistant of April locked her wheel chair
and hands and tied the handles of the chair with the ends of the wooden cot’s legs.
Usually April’s (Arthur’s mentally challenged daughter) room’s doors are opened as
sometimes she would ask for use of restroom. Zach had a meditation for a few minutes
and slept in his position of meditation. Anna felt nauseous at half of the party and went
to bed in half of rehearse and again Arthur was woken up at an un-estimated time with
a repetition of stairs but this time a descending voice. And…Um…Y…Yeah… That’s
“What was the estimated time of death?” asked Craig
“About twelve to two” answered Massachusetts Inspector.
“What’s the use of walkthrough? A hunch is significant.” lamented Rudd.
“You won’t be disappointed, Lieutenant” said Tommy with a smile as he slithered his
sleek fingers into the pocket and reached out a piece of thread. The thread wasn’t
longer than two inches. It was brown in color.
“How did you…” looked and asked Lieutenant with astonishment but was interrupted
by Private Investigator.
“As you all left the hall of investigation, I was sitting still with an expression of
exhausted amount of questions. While I pushed my hands over the hand of the
cushioned chair, My hand was struck with hand of April she reached out a thread from
her leather bag and handed that thread over me with a hard to hear whispers “Thread
from footwear.” While I was waiting at the gate there was the footwear of Richard with
a white clothed cotton slipper. Also Richard was stated as a bare footed guy. So, now
my question is:
If Richard is a bare footer, Then this thread belongs to whom?”
“Maybe, the maid.” answered Blyton.
“Can a refugee maid from Istanbul can afford to purchase pure brown leather
footwear? If so, maids are cost sensitive and would they care to pierce the thread of an
expensive sandal? In addition none used the upstairs floor.”
“Seems a Fact” bemoaned Rudd.
“You are such a sleuth.” appreciated Nick in astonishment of first hunch.
With a chuckle on the mouth of Detective, the taxi’s tires halted with a severe screech.
As they landed on the lawn, they walked towards the door and noticed the waiting
Wagoners in rage.
“We rent the presence of Um…Neville and Anna. Others are free to advance” pleaded
“Are our business a joke? I do not hope of these guys investigation methods.”
screamed Hugh with distrust as he sped to his Volkswagen.
As Anna pushed herself into the leather cushioned sofa, Neville entered the hall of
investigation humming his best music at the band.
“Neville, there’s still some more questions for you?” requested Craig.
“Man, I left soon!!! Don’t keep poking onto.” cried Heslislian.
“Just a set of questions.” requested Rudd.
“What the hell? (a deep exhale of inconvenience) Go On.”
“Who were all there at the night till the time you left.”
“Umm…Just Mom and Zach.”
“Why was it that Kelly arrived much early though she hates Richard?”
“She just came up to help the setting besides the maid.”
“Wasn’t you setting up a trap for Zach during Richard’s argument with Kelly?”
“Nah… Don’t ask me about that, I am not much sure ‘bout that.”
“That isn’t an obstacle. Just spill whatever you heard.”
“I just heard a single phrase in the argument. ‘Never interrupt my personal. This is MY
OWN RISK.’ shouted Mom with highlighting MY OWN RISK. Much louder I heard
and I am the only active witness.”
“You may leave” said Craig with a gesture aiming his palm to the nearest exit.
As Neville left the door, Anna entered with much patience at sat on the chair.
“Relax. Just set of formal questions. No need of involvement of Panic.” consoled Nick
with his lowest pointing voice.
“Is it Ms. Anna Summer. Second daughter of Arthur and Sally.” inquired Craig.
“Yes.” replied Anna with a hard to hear voice.
“Did Sally and Arthur had their own reasons for informal conversation with Richard.”
“(With an emotion of fear) None of my parents knew each of the other person’s
conversation. I mean, My Dad isn’t aware of quarrel of Richard with My Mom and My
Mom doesn’t knew Richard’s argument with Arthur. I am not precise with the quarrel
with Mom but more precise with that of Dad.”
“Speak out.”
“My Dad is kind of money minded and a person who cannot be trusted ever. He
pretends hatred towards Richard just because of Kelly’s compulsion of not speaking. In
that night Richard pulled Dad aside and said’
‘Are you stealing from me Arthur?’
‘What? Dad… No!’ protested Dad/(Arthur)
‘Why was it that your mail had the photo copies of all of my portraits copyright
‘Oh… Seems like caught. Dad, your painting’s price is doubled if your copyrights are
purchased and more sum can be demanded. Your copies and adaptations of it in films
and novels based on it provides an unexpected profit for us. Dad, I’m extremely sorry
for not informing you. What do you think of it?’
‘Yeah, It’s my blunder for appointing you in charge of my copyright documents. Not
only the copyrights but you now have lost your trust from me.’ and then Richard
walked away and Arthur shouted,
‘Did you just fired me? Huh? It is just a matter of time and my knowledge lends those
dollars. And after all painting stupid isn’t my only source of expenses. In just fractions
I can swim through dollars of pool till my brain lives with me. Okay!’”
“Thank You Miss Anna. You may leave” said Craig with a gesture aiming his palm to
the nearest exit.
‘Now the clouds are revealing itself’ said Craig as he lighted up a large cigar from his
mouth and walked through the lawn to the balcony of the house.
“I can’t learn this…I mean this ideals of yours is purely complex.” uttered Rudd.
“I’ll explain. The First clue we secured was the thread from footwear of the Unknown
guy. The Next significant statement is of Neville and Anna. It seems that Kelly had
done a risky job and discovery of Richard led to such a conversation. That could be an
illegal or a legal risky business, I am not worried of. But our draft about conversation
is Kelly had an argument with Richard regarding her so and so business which was
regarded as risky. The conversation of Arthur is much precise that our little darling
informed an idea of Arthur’s conversation is that, He sold one of the painting’s
copyrights of Richard’s which wasn’t congratulated by Richard and refused to appoint
Arthur as the copyright documents charge. Now Arthur and Kelly secured their own
motives of crime commitment. But Sally is kind of a question mark. Maybe Arthur and
Kelly’s confession would have some kind of relativity with that of Sally. Blyton and
Lieutenant, Have you ever seen the paintings of Richard?”
“Nope” said Nick.
“Some” replied William
“Neither have I. But my instincts say…” interrupted Rudd the words of Tommy.
“Maybe we should.”
As the exchange of words came to an end, The three investigators ascended the stairs
to the Work Room of Richard. As the door stood in front Blyton turned the knob and
walked in the room the large 24 portraits hung with a beautiful patterned wooden
“A Single Legged Bear, Tears of the statue, The Dumb Murder, A Cruel Execution,
The Lost Eye of the Cadaver, The Famous Chronicles of four. Wow!!” exclaimed
Rudd in excitement of viewing the paintings so magnified and precise.
“Must have mastered in arts” moaned Blyton in amazement.
“What was the last portrait of him?” cross questioned Craig.
“That one, The Lost Eye of the Cadaver.” pointed Lieutenant.
While Craig pulled the painting to floor, and removed the frame, the glass and held the
original work, he lied it down and had a sniff over it.
“Kind of known but can’t be describable scent. I am much related to this scent. But I
cannot recognize it. I guess it comes from the paints.”
While Craig and Rudd was busily gazing over the works, Blyton was searching onto
the drawers of Richard.
“This man is nuisance. Nothing suspicious found. Just Letters, Certificate, Paint
Brushes, Paint Tins and just a Diary.” shouted Blyton.
“Craig, I hope this would ascend up the case” as Blyton completed the sentence, he
handed over a pocket diary with a brown leather coated cover with an almost torn spine
and improper assembling of pages. As the pages were turned one by one by the sleek
fingers of Tommy, his fingers stopped verbs for over a period of time. There was
something written in red ink with a nervous or tired font of handwriting. It said:
“Tumingin Pinturas Y, Utredarna!!”
“Lieutenant, Any notion regarded to this message?”
“I am not sure, but I tented for a few days under the mountain dugouts of Portugal. In
reference, my Portugal knowledge states, I guess Pinturas is a Portugal word and it
means Paintings.
“Exception of it, Do other words sounds like Portuguese too?”
“I regret.”
“But what kind of juncture does a Portuguese word relates to a case.” asked Nick with
a perplexed emotion.
“Maybe a disguised link? Richard has mastered over 49 languages. Also most of these
alphabets are scribbled with non-stability manner. These kinds can be usually viewed
in the handwriting of a dying, exhausted, inability added people. My statement is that
some deepened details like, view over the end of the page, it’s almost torn. Also this
was the last page with the involvement of Ink. And Nick can you navigate the position
of the Diary when you reached it?”
Nick fell down and crawled over the exact point of presence and placed his extended
palm over the spot. “But if it’s a suicide the hunches we secured doesn’t matches with
the common evidences of a homicide. The Thread, The Statement, The Portugal
message, The Position of Diary, The Hangman’s Head Tarot Card, something makes of
us aware that this case involves more seriousness that what we expected for.” reminded
the moderate detective.
“So you say that, this isn’t a suicide?” investigated Rudd.
“I guess.” replied Tommy.
While Rudd and Inspector were protesting that they weren’t ready to buy the statement
of Craig, he was busy in booking his own room by contacting his friend working at
Hotel Dannick Grey twenty four to seven. “The Time is up and Moon has just entered
business. Just ring up for any important details identified and by the way I’ll take The
Lost Eye of The Cadaver and Single Legged Bear. Lieutenant, You…” interrupted
bulky Rudd.
“Prefer The Famous Chronicles of Four.”
“And Blyton you’d be securing The Dumb Murder and A Cruel Execution. Everyone
search for clues around the paintings, And let’s conjoin the next day.” as the speech
ended, the three Investigators part to their own ways on different locations in Taxi. As
the brakes of Taxi screeched, Craig landed down and snatched his hall key at the
reception and jumped onto the cushioned mattress slipped out of his bulky outfits and
jumping onto his pajamas and night outfit of a loose full handed cloth above his waist
and sipping a cup of steaming coffee ordered from the pantry of the Hotel and viewing
The Lost Eye of Cadaver on one side and researching the undiscovered language words
from the rented Books of the Capital Library. “What kind of language does these
words belong to? Tumingin Pinturas Y, Utredarna!!” moaned Craig with fast turning
pages of more than three books at the same time. While he was busy in turning pages,
suddenly his teeth illuminated a grin which was generated in gazing a page from one of
the Books he rented, While he was grinning, The cell phone rung to the fullest tone
with words of Calling in highlighted white and a name called Blyton below it. While
the green phone button was pressed by the fingers belonging to Tommy and placing it
at his ears,
“Craig! A marvelous hunch!! The First word of the Portugal message belongs to the
language of Filipino. In that case the word means ‘Look’. So the theorized message
translated till now is Look Paintings. But I couldn’t find the language owning the
words like Y and Utredarna.”
“Into and Investigators”
“I beg your pardon”
“It is Into and Investigators. Y is a Serbian word and Utredarna is Swedish, now the
phrase makes a message that Look Paintings Into, Investigators!! This proves that the
evidence written by Richard Paul Wagoner means to have some kind of important clue
disguised in paintings, And look for it in the portraits.”
“But how can a message be hidden in paintings? Detective.”
“Lot number of ways, child. Lots of hidden messages are discovered in many scientific
techniques like X Ray Fluoroscopy, Intense Light of Frequency, Microscopic
Examinations and Photography, Dendrochronology, Paint Analysis, Infrared
Reflectography, Layer Artification, Infrared Scan, Emotion Recognition, Spatial
Frequency and Peripheral Vision. Also some Unknown levels of methods and
techniques. Being A Detective involves more knowledge in Forensic, crime and others
too. Fine, I am about to handle the next level of my investigation. It’s better to hang
up” and Tommy hung the phone pushing aside the books and bringing the portrait to
his centre of focus. While he was busily handling a strong stare over the painting, he
wore his coat and his pants and rushed out of the hotel running to a nearby store in
search of something.
An Unexpected Clue:
As the Sun came to it’s shift, It spread it’s flame wings all over the city. As the sun was
spreading it’s wings, The Taxis of Blyton and William halted and both walked
curiously to the backyard lawn. In expecting for a clue, the both sped towards the yard.
“Oh, Enough! Just some Peanut Butter please!” heard Nick the voice of Craig with his
action of stuffing a jam splashed wheat bread without much curiosity.
“Surprised, to see a sleuth without any curiosity on his behalf of case and stuffing a
piece of Bread in his teeth.” yelled Blyton.
Craig pretended a verb with a visibility of his palm pointing to a chair for Blyton and
“Umm…Mum…Bu…Bu…Gu…” blabbered Craig with a stuffed bread muffling his
“Just swallow it!” commanded William with his annoyed tone.
“Is there any clues you spotted?”
“A really interesting pair of alphabets is what I took into light. Each portrait in the
Famous Chronicle has two letter hidden and cannot be seen unless you have a powerful
microscopic magnifying lens. See, the first portrait has two letters. S and S. While the
second has A and E. The third hides F and J. While the final painting contains three
letters such N, R and I. My theory is the last words of Richard like ‘Tumingin Pinturas
Y, Utredarna!! is that he indirectly resulted us in a lead for the case.
“Seems Interesting” whispered Nick.
Blyton had a reaction which had a message that nothing was found in his study of
“Everything is suspicious. Starting from the Pierced Thread, Kelly and Arthur’s
arguments, The Multi Language message linked with closer examination of Portraits,
The Tarot Card. But the most suspicious is, If this is a homicide, why do he have to
add those multi language message and he tore it almost. This looks like he was about to
rip it. But in the abbreviated alphabets discovered from the Four Chronicles forms
some kind of a clue. But What is it?
While Craig was in deep thinking, William raised this question. “Did you found
Tommy nodded his head and pulled out a Ultra Violet Hand Light from his pocket and
gathered the light over ‘The Lost Eye of The Cadaver’ portrait. As the blue shade fell
over the work of Richard, some kind of symbols appeared on the portrait.
“Looks like a Musical Note. But why did he wanted this musical note to be revealed?”
“Maybe we should play this?” demanded Lieutenant.
“So I did.” said Tommy as he placed over a recorder tape with the music of the
respective notes.
When the play button was pressed, a pleasant but scary at dark times kind of music was
“Seems pleasant.” murmured Massachusetts Inspector.
“But, a question keeps revolving around me. Under what circumstances, Did Richard
wanted us to have this music note and in abbreviated bunch of alphabets linked to his
murder?” cross questioned Lieutenant.
While staring at the recorder tape with stuffed music note, Craig reached out his black
diary in his pocket and dashed to Richard’s Work Room followed by Lieutenant and
Inspector. While he ascended the stares with unexpected speed, he missed the door and
went a room advance, He turned again and ran into Richard’s room and pulled out the
The diary from Richard’s drawer, side by flipping pages of it in search of something.
As his expected page arrived, “Boom” he moaned and snapped his fingers. When
Inspector step forward and tried to peek onto the page. He understood that the detective
slid there in search of contact details of Richard’s children’s contact numbers. “Jesus,
this detective haunts me a lot!!” cried William Rudd. While the both investigators were
curious to witness the act of Detective, he slid his hands into pocket and took it out
with a mobile phone and pressed the careful numerical keypad buttons on the phone
with drifting his glances over the keypad and the page. While the ring sound of the
phone was noticed by Lieutenant, Suddenly a voice, leaped from the phone,
“Kelly, I need you to answer to an important question. Okay.”
“I would be pleased to know the person whom contacted me.”
“I AM DETECTIVE CRAIG, The investigator of your father’s homicide case.”
“Okay, go ahead with placing your question.”
“Thank You! Have Mr. Richard ever referred the word or the meaning of the two
alphabets… S and S”
“Yes of course, Why Not?”
“What is the abbreviation of it?”
“Well, it is Stephanie Summer.”
“Stephanie Sum… Wait. Is it …”
“Yes Detective, It’s the name of my mother, Stephanie Summer. Wait. Why did you
just questioned me…” Kelly’s question was interrupted by the hanging over tone from
the phone.
The facial expression of Detective, answered to all possible questions, held by Rudd’s
and Nick’s face due to unexplained actions of The Detective.
“Mr. Rudd! The nimbus is now resolved.” exclaimed moderate Craig.
“Mr. Craig, I beg your pardon” replied William with a puzzled expression.
“Man, those abbreviations weren’t such to the extent of our headaches as we expected.
The answer for S and S is Stephanie Summer. So the Second work must hide…
“Elizabeth Autumn for A and E or E and A” answered Nick with his accomplished
“And of course, the third, Jane Frost for J and F or F and J.” replied the bulky William.
“What’s again the R, N and I? Ugh…Again a loophole. Well who is that N and R and
I. Man, this Richard is a crazy menace!!” lamented Detective.
“We have our regular source of clues. But all these clues end up in an incoherent and
incongruous manner. This is totally inexplicable. I mean… s…someone have to be
evicted from list of suspects to crime committer through incriminating evidences. I
mean …It’s a truth that we all end up and start and end up and start with nothing but a
cipher.” yelled lieutenant in ferocity. He added up, “I Quit. Okay!! I am just quitting.
I’ll confess my quit to Evan and to everyone.” As William stopped his phrase, he
descended the floor below while his foot reached the final step, Tommy was so loud in
his provocation, that it was heard by ferocious Rudd.
“Blyton, looks like the case is complete. I suspect Lieutenant William Rudd as the
guilty one who committed the crime and his works of foul play in the homicide case of
Richard. Blyton, it is no nonsense for a person to quit a case when we have progressed
more than a day with him. Cuff hi…” before Tommy completed the phrase, his throat
was choked over and lieutenant raised his hand choking, Craig over the wall.
“After all, you are just a penniless private investigator begging for case and I refuse the
right of such a scoundrel for accusing me under the circumstances of a foul play. I
won’t fear for tampering your single nerve suffocating currently on your larynx”
moaned Lieutenant as he held the bag of bones like Detective over the wall.
While the hands of lieutenant were pressed over the nerve in the throat, Blyton
avenged the life of Tommy by swapping his hand from cigars to sharp edged umbrella
and smashing it over the retired spine of Rudd which made him hold his cord and
unlocking it from the neck of Craig.
“Jeez, I would hunt every single soul of your both with the extent of cruelty.” cried the
voice of lieutenant in severity of pain and suffocation without a medication.
With a muffled but coughing voice, Tommy said,
“If it isn’t you who ran out the foul play, what triggered your anger? I suspect you
avenge something. Your surreptitious verb can solve down the case. What is it?”
“Depression, Isolation, Quarantined view… Why do I have to not seek for you any?
Please this isn’t the right minutes for pronouncing. I need medication. Please!” as
lieutenant begged, his pity face turned dark. His begging eyes swapped to cold as he
leaped over Detective. But before an inch of holding Craig’s coat, Nick pulled his
pistol and spun the suppressor over the mouth of the gun and shot the left section of the
waist of lieutenant.
As the sun light tripped over the blurry visualized pupils of Tommy, he threw away the
hand of the frozen lieutenant and was unaware of the release bullet from the handgun
of Blyton. As Tommy crawled and sat down on the wooden floor, he felt dripping of
some kind of red fluid over his nails. He swapped his side of fist and was astonished
seeing of it.
“Blood, what have you done? Nick…” froze Tommy for a moment.
He crawled to the way of frozen Rudd and squeezed his right ear over the left breast of
William expecting for beats in the interior region of his ribs. Craig pulled over the
large structured body of lieutenant and cuffed his wrist with that of Nick and drifted to
the nearest taxi and navigating to St. Thomas Hospital.
As the wheels of taxi screeched on the gateway of the hospital Craig held lieutenant in
his hands and tossed him over the stretcher and rolled the wheels of it to the nearest
doctor presence. As the nurses swapped the position of Rudd from stretcher to bed,
The Doctor drifted over with his general operation tools and one of the nurses halted
her fist onto the chest of Craig and slid a mask into the nostrils and lips of Blyton and
held his by his wrist and made him stand still at the end of the operating room.
“Just one chap can handle access over theatre. That is for if in case of improper
anesthesia can wake him up in the mid of our action and to convince and calm his
down.” informed to nervous Craig who was meddling the gap of his fingers.
As the doors of operating hall were halted without any possible presence of human
walk in the theatre, the outfit was cut, the skin above the wrist was pierced in with a
needle and drips of fluid mixed with the liquid hanging onto the nearest iron hanger. A
strange yellow liquid were placed and massed over the enter wound. A sharp cutting
instrument was cut in a straight line ignoring his belly button and the torn skin were
pulled on the either side which made a splitting space with an easy visual of heart,
lungs, kidney and both intestines. The palm of the doctor was left inside the split skin
and the affected part of bullet was lift up. “Severe damage in intestine, a miracle if
found alive.” moaned the doctor leading to the tears of Blyton with presence of
inevitable guilt hardly eliminated.
As the bullet was removed, the crew walked out of theatre, as the Doctor plodded, his
plod was halted by the movement of Craig.
“Doctor, What about…”
“Apologize me, Unknown levels of efforts were handed over to him. Though our
fullest medic treatment was allotted, still his soul refused to stay with, Collect the
corpse and medical examined report the next day. Pray for his soul’s Rest in Peace.”
“I am an atheist, I refuse prayers.” lamented Tommy with obsessed isolation.
As Blyton descended down the hall, Tommy delivered a smack over Blyton’s face, and
stomped over him several times and swapped his bare fist with a full loaded revolver
and placed the mouth of the gun over the central portion of his fore head and added,
“He was just infected with hypothermia, if he was bagged down here, his heart would
be still pumping blood.” As he completed the pronouncing, the mouth of gun was
taken away from Blyton forehead and Tommy jotted it back into his pocket and slid
down the gateway, screwing him with the seat of a taxi.
The Nostalgic Evidence:
While detective closed his eyelids, hoping for a sleep, the fragments of memories and
his phrases haunted the dreams of Tommy Craig in link of affecting is sleep. “Might be
a victim of Insomnia.” murmured Detective Craig. While his eyelids ran to the end,
suddenly, his pupil shrunk down under the visual of last conversation with Rudd.
“I suspect Lieutenant William Rudd” “Why do I have to not seek for you any?”
moaned his mind. As his pupil shrunk, he rented a car from nearest renting store and
drifted to the Mortuary where the corpse of Rudd was kept.
He left his car in the gateway and walked to the mortuary.
“Nurse, can I have the belongings of Mr. William Rudd, please”
“Here you have it.” as the belongings swapped the hands.
While Tommy again reached his room, he jotted Rudd’s belongings on the couch and
swarmed around it. As he was examining every single, object in the bag, he took the
wallet and had a picture of it and a visiting card beside.
In the picture, it held two characters. One, It was lieutenant. The next one was easily
glanced and identified through the extracted description of lieutenant’s spouse,
Rebecca. While the photo was placed aside and when the Detective slid his wrist to his
direct view of the card, A Blue ink’s highlighted circle over the text of visiting card
which made his curious senses arise. It was marked in round with a congesting space
and three words.
It ran:
Nurse Rebecca Ingrid. As the circle drew round the text, there were some words
written beside with the exact origin of ink. It ran like,
The Clue lies beneath son!!
“What could be the possible inexplicable witness? Nurse Rebecca Ingrid, The clue lies
beneath son!” whispered Tommy Craig.
Detective’s pupil shrunk once again.
Conclusion of a Crime:
The Sun succeeded the moon and notification ring filled the eardrums of all the
While the Detective twisted and turned the tires and steering wheel of the car, he
pulled over, his car assisted by the other car of Wagoners. While Tommy ambled to the
main hall where all the possible seats were engaged by the Wagoners, as the
murmuring pride of people consisted over hush after the arrival of Detective, stood
Inspector Blyton Nick at a corner with a guilt emotion come round his face.
“Mhrr.Mhrr” as Detective cleared his throat.
“Had a good day, I hope” started the Detective. He added “So it’s been more than three
days, since I had a good relationship within you guys. But that’s aside. Mr. Evan Paul
Wagoner after thinking through a lot came to a thought of hiring me for his Dad’s
unreasonable demise. He would have kicked around but he had an influence over me of
some kind. Thank You! Well, as to everyone’s expectation I looked into the case and
muddled through… With a criminal, I mean… I…I am not baiting you after all.”
After this statement, Kelly and Sally rubbed their dripping drops of sweat from her
forehead, which clearly mentioned of their nervousness and fear.
He added again, “There were numerous clues, red herrings as well as alibi. But
someone has to still be incriminated right? Kelly?”
“Yes, Of… Of…Of Course.” replied as she was pale in fright so was Sally.
“Well, The Black Sheep is one among your family. And please do fall back on my
statements. If a crime’s presence is recognized? It would definitely have it’s own
sustaining one and his sustaining capacity of survival from the blindfolded law. A
Murderer would be least sentenced for seven to eight years of prison. And the time has
And the Murderer as well as the criminal is none other than…

As this phrase was released Kelly started to rub of tears from her unconscious state of
The Detective adored the curious reactions of the Wagoners with his add up of “Mr.
Nick, Inspector of Massachusetts.”
Criminally framed Blyton was astonished due to the incorrect solution of Private
Investigator Tommy Craig.
“A Foolish thought to accuse a government officer in place of a murderer.” protested
Blyton. Then he added up, “I knew he would conclude with no one but his helping
hands. First, Lieutenant, Next, Me, Then?”
“Don’t burst out. Calm Down. Take a breath. Fine? Witness, that’s what you seek after
all right? Okay from your point of view we’ll speak. Shall We? Well it was about
quarter past eleven. And you walked down here, squeezed through the abandoned
tunnel and went right into the sewer pipe and went up and lifted over the closing metal
and went down the cellar, where Richard stood. And you first held him taped his lips
tied his gigantic structure over a chair and injected Potassium Cyanide over his left
breast. And of course out of toxic, he died soon and for your elimination of suspicion
you slid down his wrist to disguise it up like a suicide. That’s It” end Tommy his
“Ha Ha… Just…Full…Of…Jokes” screamed Blyton.
“Apologize, for my error of speaking of no evidence. Well a question to Wagoners.
You must have thought, What was the reason I claimed a statement that the murderer
was one among your family? Consider It. Was Blyton your brother? Until your end of
knowledge stored in cerebrum you three were the only heir of Richard. But you
weren’t aware of the fourth one. Kelly, I just rang to you for some abbreviation of
several alphabets. But does anyone knew anything of R, N and I?” when Tommy
stopped the words, the Wagoners exchanged looks of astonishment with each other. He
then added up “It’s Nurse Rebecca Ingrid, spouse of William Rudd. When taking few
hours ago, While Lieutenant was a witness for a case concluding clue, A gunfire
occurred and don’t question me about that. Blyton did it for nothing but to add up a red
herring and make the killer inconvenient to hunt for. If you still see these witness as
just an exhaust source, just two more questions and my theory.
First, What is your Mother’s Identity?
Second, What is your Father’s Identity?”
“Now, I am caught so no more excuses. Yes, You gain victory, Detective. My
Mother’s name is Rebecca Ingrid, She was a nurse at the military camps. My Father is
Lieutenant William Rudd. Yes, I murdered Richard Paul Wagoner. Prison Me.”
confessed Blyton Nick.
“Now my turn, Once Rudd, told his wife was spotted in a Massachusetts Carnival after
she went absent. It was a newspaper headline, It ran, ARTIST RICHARD PAUL
WAGONER SPOTTED AT CARNIVAL. When I referred to all possible newspapers
of that year, I realized that Nurse Rebecca was spotted with Richard in that picture. I
studied my own theory, when William left Rebecca after his call of war, Rebecca
frustrated and convinced leaves William making sure that no one witnesses her
absence and spent several days at pavements expecting for a nursing job at all possible
advertisements. Also she never had a space of love towards lieutenant and just married
him for making sure that her carelessness of anesthesia isn’t exposed. She felt that
lieutenant cannot confess Rebecca’s carelessness and prison her as there were hardly
any traces of her presence. And after several days, she spots an advertisement in need
of a medical assistance for globally appreciated artist Richard Paul Wagoner and
discovers herself as a pregnant woman soon. Without anyone’s knowledge of
Rebecca’s baby or Mr. Blyton, Richard’s sense of pity accepted Rebecca as his
medical assistant. Once to surprise of everyone at house, Rebecca gives birth to a
baby. Not the wives but the relations spread rumor that Richard was in marital affair
with Rebecca and to expose it she conjoined with him as his medical assistant. Soon,
hearing lots of advices and discriminations of a woman whose child’s father was a
globally respected one she leaves mysteriously Richard and never said to be seen again
after placing Nick in an orphanage. But the days and years sped after and the
stepmother of Blyton shares or neither she knew nothing about Blyton’s past. In search
of his biological parent, Inspector sets out with his government recognized servant
identity and investigates thoroughly. And his every baiting land upon one single
person, Richard. Unfortunately blindly trusting the rumor without any sense of the
truth, Blyton shadowed Richard’s movements and murdered fixing an exact time for it.
Unexpectedly when Lieutenant knew everything, he shot his own father for his
suspicion’s elimination. So the case is closed and the culprit is none other than Mr.
Blyton.” completed Tommy and loved the emotion of suspense and twist in the facial
expressions of the Wagoners including Blyton Nick. After being revealed from the plot
twist, the police arrived and cuffed Blyton simultaneously crashing his police identity.
Hugh sauntered towards muffled detective with an emotion of amusement and
“That was a good conclusion.”
“Indeed” replied detective sipping his coffee
“Would you be offended if I want to know how you solved this case?”
“Not at all, When I searched through the belongings of Lieutenant, he gave an
important clue about this case and his knowledge about the last sighting of his spouse
at a carnival. I stirred it and thought that why Blyton led the gunfire, I went to Blyton’s
Hospital and took his birth certificate and framed my prospect and…” while he was
talking, suddenly the words of Blyton and the UV light clue reminded him.
“And the case was complete” While he was in turn replying to Hugh, he held a
“Blyton is the murderer but the analysis of his past was only clue that matched him.
None of the other clues matched him like the Musical Note, The Thread. Was those
clues were red herrings or am I missing something.”
While the house as soon abandoned after the departure of Wagoners with a conclusion,
Tommy was squeezing his grey cells expecting for solutions of other clues. While he
was ambling over the yards, Suddenly he rushed to Richard’s Work Room and peeked
over all possible drawers and shelves and left with nothing but hardly an advancement.
While he was gazing at the left over drawers, his trouser pockets vibrated to the extent
and he pulled out the phone from the pocket and found that Arthur was contacting him,
“Detective Tommy Craig”
“Mr. Craig, I’m Arthur”
“I am afraid that you aren’t aware that I knew you.”
“Apologize me. Well the maid informed me your presence at the house. It would be
better if you’d leave at once.”
“Well, I am with several obscure reasons to handle this case once again.”
“But, The House needs a dust free coat also within five days the will reading would
occur. I am pretty much sure that most premises falls to me in consideration of fact
regarding my inability that causes pretty much sentiment so is my Father of that kind.”
“Well the case isn’t closed. Your Siblings presumed the case’s conclusion and so you
“What? An Incomplete Case? I guess nothing’s upon the case but with you. I always
preferred my investment advisor’s closest friend, Detective Teddy Theodore to hire for
this case. What kind of character is Evan? without having obscure reasons between the
known ones and the professionals and hiring an unfit one.”
“Nothing would finals upon your provocations, Mr. Arthur. I am sure my grey cells are
matured enough to solve this case. I am not a Detective who comes in this occupation
watching Investigation Films and reading Sherlock Holmes but a more practical and
professional as you expected. I am sure I am up with my senses and make every penny
of Mr. Evan worth for my hiring. But before your hanging up of this call, I would like
very much to put up this question, What was Mr. Richard’s position and place during
his murder.”
“As you said you would make it worth, Worth it for yourself” moaned Arthur in
temper and hung the call.
While having a clueless answer, Detective planned to be more practical by putting up
on his grey cells, he kneeled on the creaking floor and threw the brown patterned
carpets all over the room and crawled over all the beneath layer of wood, sniffing it. As
he came to the last left area, he discovered a brown stain over the wood and stated that
it was nothing but crimson blood.
“Ha. Here it is. This is the position of Richard’s death” as he clapped his hand while he
said that dialogue.
He slipped out of his pocket, his usual black diary and jotted down the details with the
After sliding the diary into his trouser’s cavity his gaze turned over to the left out
drawer. As he placed his fingers in the drawer and spread all over it in hunt for clues.
While he came across a bunch of bright red ribbon tied letters and immediately
understood the writer of these letters with the handwriting of Richard’s.
“Seems like an apology letter to whom…Ha Ha… To Kelly”
As he read all possible letters with patience and finally came across a different textured
paper, while he turned it, it was a fragment from that of Mr. Richard’s Birth

Witness of a French Lady:

While he was gazing it, his view was interrupted by the calling bell, as Craig opened
the door, he found a woman with a purple frock and had a cheerful smile all over her
“This Mr. Richard’s house?” said her improper English
“I won’t regret”
“I am Laura Franklin. I mother for Kirpin Tilingin, my eldest daughter. Before ago
month, my daughter suffered from loss of blood group AB-. The blood of Mr. Richard
save life my daughter. For thanks telling came I.”
While spotting of gesture of the maid, Tommy pulled himself in.
“Sir, she has mistaken.” said the maid
“No, she seems fine.”
“But she knocked at a wrong door. No one in this house has AB- blood.”
“Richard’s too?”
“Richard’s is AB+ not negative”
“Aren’t you sure enough?”
While detective sauntered towards the French woman and,
“Madam, you had an incorrect prediction. No one here has AB negative blood.”
“No I right. See” as she handed a newspaper with picture of Richard in it and with
“Richard left for a conference with a non estimated time. I shall call you once he
“Here. This my visiting card. I owning a franchise of Gregson’s Pastries. If have time,
come eat.”
While the French Lady walked to her own path, Detective slammed the door and
turned the wheels of car to his room and as his actions suited his thought, He clicked
open a briefcase with all evidences of the case, like the thread, the musical note and the
newspaper of the French Lady with assistance of Richard’s letters and the torn Birth

Tommy Craig Summarizes:

Once all the evidence was fixed in his mind, he shut down his eyelids and thought at
what scent is this case exactly proceeding to and started his recollecting, theorizing and
deducing abilities.
“The previous evidences weren’t likely to be conjoining with the murderer but he is
aware that he is the killer. What are these evidences? What about the torn Birth
Certificate? Why is it torn? In turn the maid is swearing upon her words that Richard is
AB positive but the newspaper points that Richard’s blood saved a girl of AB negative.
Is it possible for a person to have multiple blood groups, Impossible! If it isn’t Richard,
then who is it? An Imposter? Or am I in a Fairy Tale? Damn, this case haunts me a
Suddenly, his eyes glittered and spark of something hit his mind. He bristled over all
Richard’s letters to Kelly and held the newspaper in one hand and one letter in another
hand. While the newspaper held the date of 19.7.1995. While the letter was inked with
the same date. As Craig torn the non posted letter’s envelope and held the creamy
paper in his palm and ran an interesting eye over the careful words of it:
My Dear Kelly,
There has been a bad business with our relations in reference of our past. My
disloyalty casted over my lovely wives by repeated engagements frustrated you. In
order to unravel the isolation of yourself, I landed myself in various loopholes. After
the speeding away of seven years of your ferocity which kept you away from a Dad’s
warmth, Hundreds of letters post, a thousand apologies. Now my existence is not
longer than a year or two. But keep yourself ready for my will reading. I have tried a
lot of time to hand in a relationship with you, But you exposed yourself extended from
me. But anyways, might be a last wish. But still Happy Birthday! My Darling.

As Detective’s fingers crumpled over the paper and seated it at the case. He felt a dent
at the envelope. As he plucked the additional smooth textured paper, he understood
that those were photographs of that time.
“So, It was Birthday of Kelly at the blood donated day.” murmured Craig beneath his
nostrils and slid his eyes onto the photographs.
Re-Investigation of Wagoners:
While the day’s fragments haunted the Detective’s endless nights, he planned to call
the Wagoners once again for the investigation as the case isn’t concluded. The next
day, as his thought suited his action, he sauntered towards the door of Richard where
the Wagoners murmured a lot. While the Detective’s arrival hushed the murmurings,
The maid headed towards Detective with curiosity and whispered,
“Sir, as I was instructed, I cleared the hall and made up an investigation setup for you”
“I am indebted of you” detective replied politely.
There wasn’t the whole lot but the first heirs like Kelly, Arthur and Evan (excluding
As Kelly was called out, she walked towards the door with patience and placed herself
in the cushioned chair.
“Aren’t you fine?”
“Of…Of course… Why? Am I not?”
“No, No, No. Just a conversation regards of your health.”
“Oh, Never mind!”
“Um… Kelly. Err…Yesterday was pretty much turning point of this case…”
“Yes, It was concluded. That cruel…one… Blyton. A Merciless one at heart”
“But, you are obscure with Blyton’s arrest and blindfolded yourself with the identity of
case’s conclusion. But once I discovered it, I owe to find the true identity of murderer
with all possible incriminating evidences.”
“You mean, the case isn’t concluded?”
“I wouldn’t regret that”
“Kelly, I need you to think through well before answering me. Okay? Fine. What
happened exactly on your birthday?”
“My Birthday? Pre-My Dad’s death? Oh it was great! The whole lot gathered and that
was like a bucket list for me. Still I ignored my Dad at the party.
“Was your Dad at the party?”
“Did you expected for a No?”
“And most importantly, where was his corpse found.”
“In his bed room”
“His birth certificate was practically torn out. How come? Most importantly, what
made me to ask that question to you is that, the torn certificate was torn recently as a
peculiar scent of nail polish sniffed out. And more fishy is that. It’s similar to what
polish you are using.”
“Do you suspect me?”
“Not like that…”
“Enough! Enough of my humiliation, As Blyton cursed, your light of suspicion
finalized upon me. I am leaving”
As she left the hall and next the seat was occupied with Arthur and same implied
questions had no considerable clue with him as well as with Evan which finally made
him to head to his leather seated, rented Benz. And drifted his gear to the front and
kicked the accelerator as the wheels sped away while illustrating the fragments of that
day’s investigation,
“It was a perceptible view of sympathy with Kelly but that of switched with Evan and
that blind. Why did she demonstrated such an unexpected ferocity at an amiss time?
The nail polish mark on the torn certificate tallies with that of her brand, Venackle. But
how could a person exactly have multi-variations in his blood. Which must be possibly
impossible practically as well as theoretically?” While he was keep pulling the same
strings of the harp, his eyes sparkled out of something.
As his eyeballs glittered he drove towards Henry’s Medical Examining Office.
An Unexpected Twist:
While he pulled over his car and headed towards Henry’s office, he reached out his
purse and made aware the doctor of his identity and placed himself onto the chair. As
he lit up his Cigar, he puffed out smoke,
“Doctor, I need certain statements from you. Would you mind it?”
“That’s much better. Would you try a Cigar?”
“I don’t prefer smoking.”
“Well, I smoke. Now, The First Question is where exactly was Richard’s body found?”
“At his cellar, I guess”
“But I was informed with that his body was found in his bedroom.”
“I am free to even bet upon me. I am sure that he corpse was taken from his cellar. If
you do not trust upon me, I will persuade you with plenty of reasons, (he held his
drawer and ejected his elbow with handing over his autopsy. At his central left breast
there is an identification of rat nibbles. Would rodents be found in bedrooms? Also he
was poisoned with the drug ‘Bromocriptine’ and someone puppet his hands and slit his
wrist and made up like a suicide but this is a pure, cold, murder!”
While Doctor was illustrating the evidences, The Detective started once again to stir up
that fragments and concluded with several relevant, case turning points:
• Blyton confessed that he murdered Richard at the cellar.
• Kelly stated that Blyton was found dead at his bed room
• Doctor’s autopsy convinces me he was however found at the cellar.
• Once William explained Richard’s corpse was taken to Henry Gadlion’s
Medical Examining Office
• And once Blyton was very much profound me that Richard’s corpse was
brought to Steven Denim’s Medical Examining Office.
• That French Lady professed me with Richard’s non matching blood group with
a persuadable evidence of newspaper.
• The Brown stain once I found under the carpets was blood of Richard.
• Then whose witness can I trust?
While he was resolving over those relevant points, suddenly he exclaimed,
“Doctor, is there any probabilities of a person who has multi blood group.”
“Only if he’s infected with HIV.”
“But that’s not possible”
“Actually that’s pretty much possible.”
“What? Is he a victim of HIV?”
“No…No…No…That’s a propaganda. It’s just a prospect. I guess you are thinking that
there are multiple blood groups in Richard. Well that’s possible only if he’s a twin.
Because both of your aspects tallies here. His Identity, Multiple Blood Groups. Twins
consist of same identity and rarely multiple blood groups. And remember I am
stressing upon rare. That means that would be also possible but barely seen.”
“Now things are resolving upon. Thank You Doctor.”
Then a clarity but a startled emotion occupied the face of sleuth because he was
established with an unexpected plot twist that, RICHARD IS A TWIN! As the sleuth
prostrated on his mattress with his night outfit he theorized on case business. The
emotion of surprise and shock stretched over his face.
Well there wasn’t anything that was more to surprise him as he unraveled all possible
knots and still not one.
“Well as Doctor said Richard was a twin as the evidences suggests. And my previous
companions stated two different examining offices that they were sure of with the
presence of Richard’s corpse or maybe corpses. If there were two corpses, the loophole
resolves and not my headache. Now it seems the twin of Richard is murdered too!! and
so was Richard. Richard’s cadavers were found at utmost far away spots. If Blyton
murdered Richard and not the medical examiner who was hired and if the another
corpse of Richard was drugged with ‘Bromocriptine’ so there are two different
murderers involved in this case. Christ! Damn It! This case lands me in pure
While the private eye was lamenting, he was perceived from a call through his mobile.
“This is Detective Tommy Craig and How can I help you?”
“Well, you won’t be much paid for working ‘for’ but it would be a ‘with’”
“What do you… Who are you?”
“My Client, Mr. Arthur Paul Wagoner hired me to assist you in this case or lead upon.
My name is Teddy Theodore, Professional Detective, Hidden Eye Detective Agency.
“I presume that I have read an article about you in the New Men magazine. Man, you
are famous like me. I am left of none objections to work with you. But it would be a
pleasant experience. No aloof characteristic, I am. But just one rule, Never Interrupt
My Clues and suspect me whether I am of right scent or not. Well we’ll converse more
A Companion’s Arrival:
As the Detective laid the newspaper and exclaimed,
pretty much horrible and terrible. Indeed terribly horrible.” The picture had a woman
with stained and fresh blood over her white frock. Her Facial Structure was brutally
damaged with severe whips over it with a golf stick. Everything was damaged
including her pupils, nostrils, joints, solar plexus, waist and her hip.
As he laid the paper and nibbled over the eggs given by Richard’s maid at Richard’s
roof, the door flung open by a man of about twenty nine to thirty one. He was an inch
descended from the altitude of Tommy. He was easily realized that he was in brown
and exact browns only spotted in civilized spaces of Africa. He maintained a neat
patted hair and was shaved below and beside his nostrils. He wore a classic suite and
easily identified as a fan of Sherlock Holmes with his outfit of a brown striped coat, a
chocolate brown hat, a sparkling magnifier and a polished smoke pipe in his lips and
his saunter was halted and started,
“Is it Mr. Tommy Craig, the Detective who handled this case.”
“I presume” replied sleuth.
“Pleased to meet you!”
“Grazie mille – Thank you very much”
“Would you mind if you’d share all possible circumstances and evidences in this
“Non importa – Never mind”
As he startled stating all possible, witnesses, confusions, twists, links, incidents
and finally concluded.
“Seems Interesting.”
“It would definitely be.”
“So the mysterious and relevant clues are
• The Pierced Thread
• The Musical Note
• The Dried Brown Blood Stain on Richard’s Bed Room
• The Mysterious Murderer of Richard
• The Nail Polish Mark on Richard’s Birth Certificate
As the sleuth click opened his briefcase, those evidences casted it’s appearance.
“So, now we I am left much profound with some confusions. If the twin siblings both
perished, then who is who? I mean which body is Richard’s and which is of his twin.”
“Perhaps, I’ve found it. Just a simple piece of knowledge, (As he pulverized the cigar
butt over the ash tray, he pressurized his palms and stood up). I perceive two reasons to
prove Richard’s carcass is which among the two. The Cadaver found at the Bed Room
of Richard is true Richard and the one at the cellar was Richard’s Twin ‘Eric Paul
“Seems fished out the twin’s identity”
“As I was prior, I did it like a Detective. So I am. And, coming back to the two
• Richard was told as a perfect swimmer. Also swimmers will have less growth of
hair over their feet and legs due to repeated exposure to Chlorine. And that
prospect tallied with the corpse at bedroom.
• Next is, Richard was a multi-hander and mastered works over both hands. But
did most works under the surveillance of his left. Mostly, a left hander would
have callous on the first crumple of his ring finger. Also this prospect of mine
once again tallies out with the cadaver at the bed room.”
“Privileged to have such a masterminded partner”
“Oh, never mind it!”
“I perceive that you lost seconds upon unpaid murder’s solving.”
“Nothing is wasted upon my cases. My Knowledge is purely unraveled out of
experiences and having my senses and application of general logics over
impossible. Also comparing impossible circumstances with logics may leave a lead.
This comparison and theorizing skills is generally significant for Sleuths. Because
one cannot leave a cemented house and breaking it with his bare hands or murder a
person without even a clue and vanish himself with his traces. Every Mystery in
this world is solvable. Just you have to procure and pursue it. My Rivet upon
mysteries placed my fame and too good reputation. Also this is the best price that
our profession pays us in return of what we cast towards it”
“You are a non-stationary source of knowledge. I would be pleased if you’d work
with me in my agency.”
“Forgive me, But My Praising would be compensated if I’d prefer to work in an
Agency. I prefer to be in Solo as my fame and skill still keeps me alive in this
“Oh, not a thing, I think worst of you. ‘Wise comes along Age’ is a propaganda.
‘Wise comes upon Knowledge’ and I would presume it and have you as my mentor
in solving cases.”
As Craig detached his hat and bowed as if to thank him. And both the Detective had
a coincident ideal that praising each other would be endless and it’s better to work
upon the case.
“Mr. Craig. I formed my own theory of the murder night.”
“I would be pleased to hear it.”
“Perhaps as all the member of the lot had a nap excluding
• Arthur- A Victim of Insomnia
• Evan- Left for pre-release works of portraits and never came again.
• Neville- Left as soon as the rehearse started due to the concert.
So, The polish mark on the birth certificate…”
“Ah… That’s just a propaganda.”
“What? An info of fakeness?”
“Why? Investigation involves these kinds of tricks a lot. Would a murderer confess his
crime unless we are aware for the answer of the mystery? You will soon learn it.”
“Will You Master me upon these arts?”
“No...No…No… I am a conjuror and you are one among the audience. You can
surprise, exclaim and praise me. But the secret behind his tricks are just secrets. Okay?
Don’t mistake me. You won’t be disappointed misbelieving the propaganda. But I had
a peculiar scent around the torn region. That is only found in the Wagoners hands. And
I assume that it’s true.”
“Then I prospect, We are nearing to Answers. It means that one of the heir of Richard
tore this only because of so and so reasons. Then I suspect Foul Play may be puppetted
in this Family.”
“Also, the scent I sniffed was unexpectedly strong. As so strong scent would be
flowing only in the fists of women, And I’m sure about It. Now we have a description
of the suspect. The suspect is a woman. She might be the murderer. She tore the
certificate that it could be a peril to her.”
“Then one of the Women here is aware of Richard’s brother Eric!!! Then one of the
women belonging to the Wagoner Family, knows about Eric!! And in chain of
incidents, She could be the murderer!!!”
“And that is the only women and no one else is aware of.”
“Then we must look into the all the women linked to this family.”
“That’s waste of seconds”
“I mean, that she is aware of our movements. And wouldn’t feel guilt to save herself
from suspicion. Even once we had an important clue that would be revealed can close
this case in the autopsy report. It is that this would be exposed of a murder which is
disguised as a suicide. Once we were about to capture the autopsy, The Medical
Examiner was poisoned by his wife and her presence went absent after poisoning him.”
“That’s isn’t incongruous. A murderer indeed slides out of a crime.”
“Indeed this is incongruous. Soon, a week later I read an article that ‘an abducted
victim’s torture tape found at Massachusetts Police Station threshold’”
“I feel no incoherence.”
“It’s just the half of what I told you. It was stated as a woman’s voice and her corpse
was found murdered with a golf stick. That the forensic examiners and medical
examiners found difficult to reconstruct the face of the victim as it was brutally
demolished. I found a link between the murdered woman and the wife regarded as
Colette who is the spouse of The Medical Examiner Steven Denim.”
“It would be inevitable to understand orally. A direct lecture would be clear.”
As the frustrated and incoherent reaction in the face of Teddy was invisible after
Tommy’s allowance to have a direct look, they hopped in the car and drifted away. As
the wheels of the car screeched at the doorway of Dr. Steven Denim’s Medical
Examining Office at the back of his house,
“Wouldn’t there be a vigilant restriction?”
“No. Not Officially but an indirect link is present between our case with Steven
Denim. Under that right we are free to roam, beside it’s identity of a crime setup”
While the curtains got cleared the sleuths ambled over the entire structure of the crime
sequence. Teddy walked over Steven Denim’s murder posture and sniffed over the
chair and made sure that is there any presence of Chlorine Trifluoride or the unnamed
poison used to kill the Doctor. While Tommy held Theodore by his hand and snatched
towards the picture and,
“If you can notice anything in that picture?”
Teddy was perplexed and could see nothing but two familiar figures, The Doctor, His
“I see no hunch and bit unclear.”
Then the Detective left Teddy alone for some time and returned again with a borrowed
newspaper of that day or September twenty sixth, and made Theodore run his riveting
eye over the Headline highlighting with an abducted victim’s torture tape found at
Massachusetts Police Station.
“Seems like what you said.”
“Yes. Now, Can you notice something in this picture?” and pointed out the picture at
newspaper with the dead woman’s.
“Nothing Suspicious.”
“In fact this picture seems no suspicious to a person who fits this article with a fact that
a murderer, Indeed a serial killer murdered a women brutally and left a terrific calling
card for his own fame in a sense of challenging the police officers by drawing their
attention here. Also this woman has no chances of facial recognition. And in no means
this case is linked with our case. Besides these details there is a large difference. That
is Proximity. London is way too far from Massachusetts. But they don’t gaze at my
angle. If you notice the table at which Colette scribbled and left her murder note after
Steven’s death, the glass of water is spilt. The glass is way too far from legible
handwriting or space for hand. If the glass is spilled there must be possibilities like,
• In nervousness
• If she is left handed.
If it was spilt in nervousness, the table’s breadth is considerably small, the glass could
have contacted with the floor. But the glass is on the table. This means she is left
Then the Detective carefully reached out a case of white powder and brushed the
secured Chlorine Trifluoride’s bottle and pierced a scotch tape and took it out of the
“But the fingerprint’s position on the Chlorine Trifluoride’s bottle has a specific
position, only if it’s held with right. A left hander murders in right? Barely could. So
this is too a murder! The Doctor handled two autopsies pre-his death. But particularly
Richard’s autopsy wasn’t made. This means there lay an important case turning clue in
the autopsy. But the cold blooded murderer of our case murdered the Doctor who was
aware of that clue. So I’m predicting that the anonymous murderer of our case killed
Doctor and his wife at the same time. But he left the corpse of the lady later and far
away from London to avoid suspicion.”
“Riveting. But what is the link between the dead woman and Colette?”
“As exclaimed in Richard’s case, The Forensic Investigators concluded that the dead is
a left hander. Suppose a question rises that how can I be sure that with only two
characteristics of woman, left hander matches these two cases? Well, There is no one
who left with reasons to murder Colette. Only if she is aware of her husband’s
murderer’s identity. Also to make sure that Colette’s identity isn’t revealed, her face
was brutally demolished. Now the story would be like One Murderer killed a woman
“So you prospect that the killer of our case is the murderer of Doctor’s family!”
“I guess we are nearing him”
And slid themselves into the car and planned to meet Richard’s room once again.

An Identity:
While the brakes screeched and both sleuths sauntered through the hall, their thought
was about to get suited if not the interruption of maid wasn’t.
“Take your breakfasts. Though you are Detective’s this is the least that I could give
you excluding money. I wanted badly that murderer who killed my boss.”
While the maid walked away for sweeping rooms, Craig pierced a piece of Pancake
and threw it to the nearby pack of hounds and noticed for quite a period of time and
carried the plates to the couch.
“Can you reason your action?”
“Act like a Detective. We are left that murderer is a woman and that might be Sally or
Kelly or the maid. She could have poisoned us if she is. Just for lives.”
“Pretty much smart!”
As the Detectives nibbled upon the pancakes, the unarmed briefcase flew open and the
musical note showed it’s appearance and flew.
Teddy held the flying paper by his palm and froze at it for a moment.
“That’s nothing. I couldn’t claim the clue in it.”
“Perhaps this maybe a word” as the phrase was followed by the reaching of a pen from
Theodore’s pocket.
As he held his pen, his legible handwriting was easily memorized by Tommy. Teddy
drew strokes between the notes and took his pen away after several strokes on the note.
“MAGICK!” exclaimed Tommy
“Magick! Yes! This is the word that Richard wanted us to have.”
“But this word is misspelled.”
“Mr. Tommy. Now is my time for theorizing. M A G I C is the general word for
common people which refers that amusing and impossible tricks performed by a
conjuror. But there is another term which is similar to Magic. That’s Magick. This term
or spelling by adding an additional ‘K’ is generally used by Black and Dark Magicians.
In terms of yours, A person who worships ‘Satan’ and sacrifices people to gain magical
powers. They follow famous Dark Magicians and masters themselves over Dark Arts.
Some common properties of Dark Magicians include, blood, skulls, candles and so on.
They trust in spirits and ghosts so bad. They are generally portrayed as antagonists in
films and books. But Richard doesn’t have any references or hints of being a Dark
Magician. And neither his room contains relations of Dark Arts. Ghastly Guys”
“We regretted raids at cellar, The murder spot of Eric Paul Wagoner.”
“Then we must”
As the scurried in search of maid for cellar key,
“The Cellar! Oh please! I insist you both! Never think of it! That’s much scary!”
replied the startled maid.
“Why not? We are Detectives and we must handle investigations and inspections under
any circumstances”
“Under my own experiences, Forget it!”
“Would you mind if you’d share it?”
“Oh my legs are shivering talking of it! See these hairs on my hand is standing on it’s
ends. I barely quit goose pimples hearing it. But still I’ll share an incident of mine. It
was a time when Richard required a break and retired from his profession for a few
months, basic artists drew the attentions of people and Richard’s absence, they
consider as a hunch. Those clumsy foxes can’t grab attention at Richard’s presence. At
those times, mostly Richard would rest at his own Island yachting and enjoying under
the sun and orphan this house. At the time of my appointment as a maid, Sir Evan said
that ‘NEVER GO TO CELLAR’. Despite his advice, I went to Cellar for sweeping. At
that…time…Oh My… And I went and… while I was sweeping, There was some kind
of fabric which fell over a body. While I neared it, I heard some husky voice beneath it
and when I touched the cloth, that body pounced over me. But Thank God! I escaped
and locked the cellar. When I shared this experience with Arthur and was about to quit,
he said that there were some paranormal activities at the cellar and they hear footsteps
and whispering voice also some weird sound from it. That’s why I’m warning you.
When the maid halted her narration, Craig spotted that Theodore was about to burst his
laughter, Craig saw various thoughts of Teddy in his controlled laughter. Detective
stated that Teddy must be a protestor of Paranormal.
While Craig, despite maid’s addressing of warning, grabbed the key and propelled to
As the key shone, the key was inserted in the key hole and Craig twisted the key with
surveillance of ‘click’ sound and the door flung open. While Tommy placed his careful
steps, Teddy stepped aside and walked over the room.
“Tommy, The Blood” pointed Teddy towards the blood of Eric.
The Brown stain was in perfect spherical shape,
“The Diameter of Blood increases with the height of it’s fall.” moaned the muffled
When Teddy ambled over the room, suddenly his leg broke open a wooden tile and
Teddy was hanging, asking a hand to Tommy.
Craig rushed and lent his hand to Teddy and left his hand and Teddy fell down the tile.
While Craig crouched and jumped through the hole of the wood and dusted his knee
portion of pant and elbows and lent his hand to Teddy and directed him up.
“This room is pure Dark. I can’t see a thing”
Tommy clicked his lighter and the light illuminated up and lighted up all the fire
torches in that geometrical cuboidal structured room. As the fire torches were lit up,
the room illuminated and presented it’s contents.
“This is awesome! A hidden room under the cellar! Richard built a room hidden under
Cellar.” exclaimed Teddy in gaiety.
“Why did he hid this room?” exclaimed Tommy in astonishment.
“He is the true man of fiction”
“Why do we hide a thing?”
“To make it’s presence as invisible to people”
As Teddy ended his phrase, the both ambled through the room and Teddy cried,
“Tommy. See what I guessed was the truth. You said that Richard was dead in his bed
room and Eric was dead in this cellar. So Eric is the one who practiced Dark Arts. And
Richard wanted the investigators of this case to know about his unknown sibling. A lot
of books related to Dark Arts. See, Black Magick Spells of Destruction, The Black
Arts, The Book of Ceremonial Magick, Demons of Magick, Magickal Attack, Kill
your Enemies with Dark Arts, The Higher Key of Salmon, The Book of Forbidden
Language, The Book of Abnormal Keys, Master Jinxing. This Eric was truly a psyche
in Dark Arts.”
The Room was filled with various threads. There were skulls with waxed candles over
it and open Dark Magic related Books and a modified Guillotine with an extended
metal sheet acting as bed. There wasn’t a single piece of fluorescent light and full of
candles and fire torches. There were idols of Satan and Demons. The Room was
considerably disproportional at the point of Teddy who sustained his career at
unjustified long halls at the agency.
“The Case is likely to be narrowed. Richard thought that we must know of Eric before
this case is closed. But nothing lies here like a clue.”
“An Exception, Look at that Guillotine. The sacrificed people must lie here on the
extended metal bed and then assassinated with their headless carcasses. And the
sprinkled blood stain indicates us that there were several chaps acting victims of Eric’s
belief in Dark Arts. But there must be someone at the house definitely, if an outsider
enters. But without that one’s presence how come victims are brought here and even if
they are killed, where does he hide their bodies? More than that, There is an absolute
absence of blood. Shredding the Head incurs a lot of bloodshed. How come there is no
blood? Everything is irrelevant. What is the link between a female murderer and the
reason why Richard hid his brother Eric? We weren’t told about what happened to
Richard’s three wives. Why Kelly had such an anger when I suspected her? What was
the clue in autopsy? What was that peculiar smell from the Famous Four Chronicles?
Wait. Think Tommy. Think Through. Dust up your rusted grey cells. Who killed
Richard? We have a woman’s description. And her Creed. Then think of the scenario
what happened. Would the killer use her own transport. Obviously not. First she would
create an alibi, next an identity and red herrings.”
While Tommy spoke to himself, “Tommy! A Way” shrieked Teddy and presented a
secret door with a rope elevator. Theodore and Craig jumped in the basket and started
pulling the ropes and elevating themselves. Then the rope halted and Teddy pushed the
upward the ground and a limelight fell over them. While the tile was pushed aside, The
Detective Corps jumped on the ground only to realize that they were in the bed room
of Richard.
“This was a Hidden Elevator to Eric’s Sacrifice Hall.” shrieked Theodore.
Teddy sense of exclamation was interrupted by the annoying honks of Taxi and the
doorway. When Tommy and Teddy rushed to the threshold, The maid was placing her
careful body in it.
“Sir, My shift is complete and Isabella will substitute me” answered The Maid.
“Ouch” cried the maid and sat nearer to her previous position and found that she was
pricked by a nail polish bottle.
Teddy pulled Tommy aside but found a dumbfounded emotion on Tommy’s face.
Craig rushed to the leather seat, snatched the nail polish and displayed it to the Taxi
Driver and questioned, “Was the proprietor of this bottle one of your Passengers?”
“Yes Sir” replied the Driver
“When was this bottle found?”
“Not precise, but I guess on twenty…second September”
“How are you so sure?”
“It was a quarrel with my customer. Jeez, a very cost sensitive Madam. Bargained with
me more than an hour, That was the most loss I ever incurred, I consider. And was my
last passenger.”
“Can you recognize duly her identity?”
“Her facial recognition was impossible. It was midnight and her face wasn’t easily
spotted in the darkness and I’m more or less, a victim of Achluophobia and refused to
see her face. But I can consent that I was so sure about her garments .”
“How was her attitude? Was it peculiar?”
“Kind Of. Until her Destination arrived. I think she was doped. Her attitude had a
sudden change when I landed her.”
“Describe her Outfit.”
“Well, she looked like thirty eight to forty. She had a remarkable altitude. She had a
disgrace look at whomever she saw on her travel. She wore a scarlet gown, neat netted
hat, not much stout. Her Heels were glittering blue and she was painting her nails with
that polish you are having. Not much accessories or jewels she wore. Also she
regularly corrected her gown and top. Much Pale.”
“Thank you for your time” bowed Tommy with an excitement and the Driver turned
his steering wheel and kicked the accelerator.
“Yes” cried Tommy in excitement and retrieving his elbows accompanied with a mild
“What is it?”
“The Day what that chap told us tallies with the murder date of Richard.”
“But twenty first…”
“He addressed that that anonymous woman was his final passenger. That means the
woman climbed onto the Taxi on twenty first. And the driver found the bottle the next
day. Date Tallies. Also the description of what he told matches us with what I told.
And I saw regular appearance of Scarlet Gown with Kelly. And the color of nail polish
what is discovered tallies with the brand of Kelly’s. Venackle. Now the culprit of our
case is…”
“Kelly! But for what?”
“Maintain a Memento? Kelly was said to have unknown reasons for her argument
with Richard. Remember? That might be the reason. She reached the home and made
her alibi with the murmurings. And her husband is a part of this crime too. Then if she
travelled with her own car, obviously the limelight of my suspicion fells over her. So,
she hired a taxi. She murdered Richard in hush. She knew about Eric, Richard’s
brother and never uttered a word about it and tore the birth certificate of Richard!
Simple Gimmicks is what made her to hide and now to bring her to light.”
“Tommy, I am getting a memento. Just before the day we met, I read an article that
there were stacks of Narcotics in an abandoned warehouse. And it’s last proprietor was
Kelly. Just because of a highly paid, good defending advocate, she escaped the
“That’s It. I’ve too read about it. Bags of Black Money, Cocaine, Foxy Methoxy,
Heroin, Benzodiazepines, Bromocriptine, Clozapine and Acetominophen were found
in raid. So this was brought under the nose of Richard and to keep up her reputation
and fame, Her father is murdered.”
“And in what means does this concerns with Eric’s assassination.”
“For that we must dig into his forbidden past.”
As their lexicons were halted, they plan to visit the hospital of Richard.
A False Belief:
The Brakes of the car screeched and the doors both were flung open and both placed
their feet at the stone added ground in front of TOBIAS HOSPITALS.
They slithered over the reception, addressed their urgency and identity and snatched
the key of Basement which duly consisted of all Birth Certificates. And the door
clicked open proceeding the footsteps of Detective corps. The Files were categorized
on the Year strata and the files were searched in the strata of ‘1900-1910’. The Files
were scattered and Tommy finally discovered the Birth Report of Richard in his pale
palm following the nearing of Teddy. The Brown Envelope was thrown and the
contents were unrevealed, the birth reports and scans with multiple baby in a single
stomach revealed with causing much shocking to amateurs. While the contents were
parted and were told to inspect it thoroughly and state any possible clues,
“Nothing” said Teddy closing the file.
“An Important Hunch, thirty first march 1923’s fax report sent to this hospital and it

Respected Management of Tobias Hospitals,

Several Years back, we were accustomed to carry out the bounce back of the mental
state of twins (To be precise, their DOB- 19.2.1901) Jeremy Hope and Davis Blake.
But unfortunately even after multiple practices and medications, we were
dumbfounded to know our counterproductive result of what we’ve expected for. We
were guided that they were soon orphaned after their names due to some financial
crisis of their guardians. We were requested of correcting the peculiar behaviour of
them and soon they would be transferred to orphanages. Though we owed and
esteemed your requests, now we refuse to fulfill it. The most diplomatic doctors have
failed in treating the twin’s medical state as they lack the common essence of a being
and basic conscience. We are obvious about our defeat. They are very queer
personalities and it’s impossible to judge them. Some Weeks they lie prostrated at their
beds lacking food and water and also not requesting for. Some days, they went absent
and invisible in the whole asylum and returns later. They’ve tried to free themselves
and more than once ended up murdering a busker who offered help to pursue them.
We are clueless about their projectile and ammunition and weapon resources. They’ve
perforated the limbs of fellow patients and acts to the nook of their violence. They’ve
killed more than seven nurses, three psychoanalysts and dozen of patients. Also our
utmost conscientious care barely rejected their state of mentality. There aren’t more
common in them. Both does opposite and exhibit weird characteristics which are
strange for a mentally challenged one to do. Jeremy is an expert artist. He paints
whatever he likes and hurts mostly. Even Once he used he used a fellow patient’s
blood when he lacked color red. Davis, without anyone’s knowledge answers anything
about Dark Arts and murmurs satanic chants. He had brutally slaughtered three
patients with a precise rip at their larynx. Davis have done more murders than what
we mentioned but we cannot prove it as he hid all possible evidences for his
incrimination. It is much strange for a mentally weak guy to do these things. Once he
killed a fellow doctor who was called for autopsy purposes and filled all the autopsies
himself. Doctors state that it was perfect medical terms used in Davis fillings in
autopsies. We suspect these are symptoms of anti social personality disorder and both
are perfect idols for psychopaths. Jeremy’s arts all are based upon world’s most cruel
methods of murders. Jeremy brings victims and Davis executes them. Davis is
conscientious in executing, hiding witnesses and medical terms. Doctors are gob
smacked about his knowledge about phobias, autopsies and medical terms (for ex:
Asphyxiation). It is still a non abiding act of our asylum’s ethics. But we plead you to
take away the peril causing twins out of our asylum. And we request you to never
consider it a disgrace and kindly accept it as like we esteemed your.

Yours Truthfully,
Greg Hope
The Chief Managing Director of Gregson Dobby’s Asylum for Mentally Ill.
“I am much clear, that my guesses had failed.”
“What kind of guesses?”
“There were a bunch of cocaine packs at Eric’s room and prospected that he might be a
psychopath. But what shook me was both were psychopaths and not one.”
“Jeremy and Davis?”
“Would you think a criminal would sustain over his single identity and easily get
caught? Absolutely Never! His protection is mandatory. Changed Identities, Changed
Profile, Changed Personalities, Changed Future.”
“What next?”
“Gregson Dobby’s”
The amateurs slipped out of the hospitals and headed to Gregson Dobby’s Asylum
earning the curses of fellow drivers with their horrible driving in pleasure.
“Here! Stop right here.” instructed Theodore and Craig stretched his hands on steering
wheel towards north.
“Parking Fee, sir” requested a man of fifty with a torn leather bad with metal clangs in
it sounding like pennies. He was ridiculously short and stout. And his garments were
incredibly non sync with his weird structure and a full black outfit and a camouflaged
Teddy divorced the car’s key and dropped it at the gob smacked parking manager who
was indeed surprised to see a shiny glittering blue Volkswagen which was too much
for his sum and it was pretty much rare to hand over a car key just for the sake of
parking fee.
Tommy and Theodore rejected the emotion of parking manager and preferred walking
for several yards due to highly damaged road which can trigger the overfilling gas can
with a massive explosion!
There stood a gate for about five yards horizontally and with a single act of perceiving,
Tommy identified, the gate’s origin metal, Chromium. The structure was unexpectedly
titanic and was the exact example for an orthodox British construction. There were
neatly placed crimson bricks in a well architected plan.
“May I offer you my help?” said a man with a blue outfit and a neatly polished name
badge stitched on his left breast pocket with bold letters of KENNEDY WATSON. His
eyes were shrunken, with an accommodation on a pool of dark patches beside it which
clearly mentioned of his sleepless nights. His hairs were perceptible as there wasn’t
any. He was in a brown color and a percent descended comparing to the fairness of
Theodore. What was strange to his appearance was a piece of Smith and Wesson 1917
revolver with a neatly dusted barrel and sparkling golden bullets.
“I said, May I offer you my help?” repeated the peculiar looking man.
“No Thanks” exclaimed Tommy and placed his palm on Watson’s waist and tried to
push him away but aborted it once the case of revolver was empty. Watson held the
Smith and Wesson high in his fist with the spherical barrel pointing straight at Craig’s
Solar Plexus.
“Um… Sir! Wa… Wa… Watson… Mr. Watson. I am profound with weapons and
much which is right at my solar plexus. This won’t be a perfect protector for
yourselves once you get into a peril. This Smith and Wesson, Model 1917 is loaded
with five bullets of thirty eight smith and Wesson. If this bullet is of ten grams I am
sure that it’s velocity 234 m/s wont practically work out for a close proximity opponent
indeed me. But perfect for long range shots, But this is no more useful once it’s fixed
to kill me with my professional escaping strategies.”
The dumfounded guardian placed his revolver back into his case and stated,
“Who the Devil are you?”
“I am Neither a Devil nor a God, But their most trustworthy henchman. In Precise, I
am Tommy Craig, The First Private Investigator of Italy and the one beside me is my
trustworthy partner, Teddy Theodore. Our presence here is for an immediate
conclusion for a puzzling case.”
“Can you provide me with a precise detailing?”
“Um… We need the past of Jeremy Hope and Davis Blake”
The uttered names from Craig startled the guardian.
“Oh. The True Devils!”
“You know them!”
“Much. I am a good amelioration for you of their personalities. Years Back, In 1913…
No 1916… Was it 1915?… Yes, 1916. Exactly at that position (Pointed Watson at his
room which was considerably small with the only presence of a direct guarding view at
the gate) I was taking a pretty good aestivation. And I was interrupted by the honks by
a pure yellow taxi at the gate busily vibrating with it’s weak engine. I divorced a key of
the gate from the bunch and plodded towards the car at resulted a knock at the driver’s
window and playing my most favorite tune on the pane till the time of his window’s
“Hey Chap! Good Morning” said that Driver with a peaceful voice and a cheerful
smile. I still remember his smile wrinkles at his pale cheeks. And after I delivered my
greeting, he waved a letter at my pupils with the signature of Mr. Gregson Hope. Ah! I
can still forget the memoirs of the golden time at which the asylum was successful
when Gregson held this asylum and it’s reputation at his back. I was convinced with a
good reason of Gregson’s signature and understood that they our management was
requested with a proviso to cure their mentality. Then I retrieved the lock from the gate
and the taxi ascended in. When I gazed at the taxi’s rear ends I was much dumb
founded when there were two similar facial structure. Just because I’m illiterate and
I’m coming from great poverty, I didn’t spare a minute to understand the logic of
twins. And I practically never seen one in my entire life and much surprised because,
Until the world saw it’s first twin babies, It thought that It was practically as well as
theoretically impossible for double infant with same faces.
Teddy agreed and nodded thoughtfully.
“And I wanted to know the mystery behind it. So I shadowed about them and finally
got concluded about the theories of twins. So whenever I saw them together, I
exhibited a surprised expression. Typically for the first three weeks they were much
active and the most brilliant mentally disabled guys I have ever seen. Sometimes I
thought that they weren’t affected at brain cost. Until that day. February 19 th, 1917.
The Day of their first murder. Venessa ‘De Grande, The French – Spanish Girl went
missing and we searched throughout the asylum. Grande was just a little girl. Cute
little girl. She used to wander with me every time she sees me. Just a four year old
went missing led me in absolute depression. “Uncle Watson, Uncle Watson” she says
and follows me always and hinges upon my hip and I practically swing her holding by
her shoulders. She was the adopted daughter of Gardener. Once she went missing, I
was… I was… I became a walking corpse. Just think, when a little girl whom you love
unexpectedly goes missing. I am an Orphan and when I was adopted by a child and
was given a hope and once she went missing and I was once again orphaned and my
heart went broken!”
Patted Craig, at the desperate but innocent shoulders of Watson, who shred tears with
burying his palms in his face.
“Then One Day, In the Trunk of Mr. Gregson’s Benz, there came an origin for a very
bad smell. At that time Gregson went out for a conference so that we couldn’t open the
trunk and I smash opened the lock of the trunk hoping for the cadaver of a skunk, a
mongoose or even a python. But what I saw is totally gruesome. That picture keeps
acting as an imagery in me. Not letting me even to think and my dreams are haunted by
Grande’s request. Every Day she appears in my dreams, and says “Uncle Watson, Why
did you left me dead?” When I lifted the trunk, those pink cheeks, were brown and
decayed by ants. Blood gushed out. Her sparkling eyeballs was no more there and that
eye cavity was empty and another eye was opened with a fixed screwdriver in it’s
centre. Her skin had fragments of skull at some places. Her fingers were almost cut and
the left portion hung down away from the fingers. I just slammed the trunk in grief.
And that gardener, Vince Blue! Poor Guy! His wife eloped, Both his sons died out of
Viral Fever. And now that! He lost his life out of cardiac arrest after getting orphaned
repeatedly. And autopsy was much hard as that decayed body pulverized into pieces.
Just imagine the tortures would that innocent would have faced. Then day and another,
corpses kept filling the asylum and murdered in gruesome ways, What was more queer
was that there were appearances of Dent Marks and Scratches in the inner lock of gate.
The more stranger thing is Those marks increased only at the day of finding bodies.
Then I understood that the killer is one among the patients and everyday he tries to
puts the body over the proximity range of Asylum. Then One Day, He murdered A
Nurse in front of everyone. But just because of their mental ability, they escaped
justice. But Jeremy’s state of mental ability was cured and Davis was still practicing
Dark Arts. And that’s what I know.” concluded Watson, and he rubbed his watery
hands and his trousers and pulled the key bunch and opened the lock and the gate went
The Construction was visible. There were three structures with three blocks. After
Teddy’s convincing act of the management of their case purposes, they extracted the
same details from everyone what tallied with the statement of Watson.
“Do you have their belongings?” requested Teddy to one of the nurses
“Why not?” answered the nurse in a casual tone and brought him a transparent plastic
zip locked cover with nothing but only Diaries in a dual quantity.
“I am afraid whether these are the only belongings?”
“We don’t know but that’s what we secured” said nurse pointing her nails and opposite
direction. Sleuth secured the belongings of menacing twins, when they went to the
Parking Manager who was wondering the amazement which he incurred, Teddy
divorced the car key from him and also his amazement and went right to their car,
waving a hand at Watson and kicking their engine right to Teddy’s Roof.
A Complication:
The tires and brakes screeched with the accommodation of the engine’s halt of
vibrations. The Car Key was divorced from the key hole and Teddy unlocked the knob
of his wooden door in his usual non scurrying manner. The door flung opened and
Tommy walked conscientiously over his room which was considerably Dark with
surveillance of sun sinking into the west. The switch was clicked on and Teddy’s house
resembled like a general investigator’s room with the usual contents of Newspaper
Pieces, Unlinked Strings, Polaroid Photos, A Dart Board, Mystery Film Posters and
Stacks of Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes and Stephen King Books. Theodore left
Tommy alone and scurried to kitchen and resulted in vaporizing black coffee with jar
of sugar cubes,
“Black Coffee?”
“Ah, Pleased to Have One!” exclaimed Craig and procured the coffee and cubes
handed by Theodore.
His lips rested upon the ceramic cup and sucked the coffee out of the cup.
“Is it Good?”
“Il conto, per favore – The cheque, please”
Laughed the investigating corps burying their exhaust, queer things and
annoyance and giving their cheerful and peaceful chuckles, said Teddy,
“I was much gob smacked to meet such a mastermind first time for my life I
mean. Mastermind is bit too for others but your philosophies, ideas, logics are
impossible, I mean only in fictions. If I had a fortune of starting a Detective
Agency with you, I mean from scrap, Man! I’m serious, From True Scrap, despite
our Fame, Differences, Mentalities, From Scrap and name the Agency, Blood
Print Detective Agencies!”
“Ah! Looks like Holmes’s Agency name. How would be T ‘n T with abbreviating
Tommy and Teddy, I... am not much profound in Naming, Just a review.”
“Ineffective. Clients need interesting, gruesome and intelligent names. Finger
Print Agencies, Just scrap right. Names can be given a frequent tinge. Deal?”
“Deal” shook the amateurs their feeble hands.
While the task they hired themselves of drinking the coffee, they managed to
plant the diaries in their palms and started reading pages, Suddenly Theodore
bounced up and interrogated,
“I apologize for interrupting you, But I have a question, A remarkable one!”
“I esteem it”
“I am having a complexity, If they swapped identities, Then who is the true
Jeremy and Blake?”
The question rose anxiety and curiosity in the facial muscles of Tommy Craig.
Suddenly, His fist slipped the Diary and Tommy’s eyeballs slithered above eyelids and
exhibiting nothing but a white cornea and fell with a Thud against the ground.
“Mr. Craig! Tommy! Hey never shut your eyelids”
Teddy Theodore was orphaned with a dilemma of to whether to treat Tommy by
himself or a Doctor?
Tommy was suffering from asphyxiation and took long sniffs unusually and started
moaning at the ears of Teddy,
“Antidepressants and Benzodiazepine in my pocket” appealed Tommy.
Teddy loaded the pill and water in his food pipe, and the traumatised situation was
seized under control and resulted with a huge sigh!
Craig sat on the floor in a decent posture with a heavy breath and slipping the drug and
pills back in his pockets.
“What just occurred?”
“Apologize Me, for not portraying my fullest honest but I am affected by
atychiophobia. Whenever I sense my failure, I get immediate asphyxiation and start to
lose my consciousness and conscience. Though Benzodiazepines are illegal, I prefer
it’s much effective dosage compared to Antidepressants. Crap! Tomorrow is the will
reading and we must solve this case within this night.”
“Why not extend our investigation period?”
“Will Reading! Ah! I wanted to proclaim the culprit in front of everyone and it would
be the final gathering. Wagoners are tragedies. They won’t hesitate to pocket the
premises even if they are forced in murders. I am sure that Richard acts unfair on
someone and that would practically tear apart the whole family. If it happens, our
earnings would become total Crap and so our reputation!”
The Detective’s swallowed a piece of acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin to cure their
headaches and a piece of Dark Chocolate for precise concentration on the case and
tasked themselves to solve the case, ONCE AND FOR ALL and started to flip the
pages vigorously in hunt for clues and both recited out the pages for a clear picture,
Dearest Friend or My Diary,
Pleased to have a silent companion who cares whatever I do. Today I murdered my
first victim and sacrificed to Satan. It was an advantage for me for murdering a child
as my demonic powers will rise incredibly. These fools have brought us to an asylum
mistakenly thinking us as mentally affected. Indeed this is the safest identity for a
murderer who incurs no loss of his blood. My Brother brings me my victims and co-
operates equally. And he would be rewarded with a part of my demonic powers. He
Paints perfectly and hides the blood through red and the corpse would be put in
common positions. I would soon threaten the asylum to free us or the consequences
would be gruesome. I mean, DAMN GRUESOME!!”
Suddenly Tommy’s eyeballs sparkled out of something and dropped the exact portrait
and went straight to the door and hooking the key in the car’s key hole and drifting
sands on the doorstep of Teddy and leading him to astonishment. But Teddy who was
used to it didn’t pulled the same string and started to bring on his magnifier Glass on
the creamy paper and reading every single page with his usual non scurrying manner
and holding the question that who are the twins Jeremy and Blake comparing to
Richard and Eric exactly?
Simultaneously Teddy’s phone vibrated with incurring the messages from Tommy,
While Teddy carefully placed his magnifier even without a scratch and carefully
opened his inbox, As he read aloud,

The Case is solved and we can meet Tomorrow

With a satisfactory chuckle, grin and giggle, Teddy turned out the lights and slid into
the bed sheets hoping for Tommy’s theories and was excited about the incrimination of
Kelly Paul Wagoner.

A Big Day for a Big Case:

Teddy’s eyelids went up due to the tripping of sunlight over it and pushed the curtains
aside and looking at the shining sun directly. The Undaunted Sleuth, slipped out of his
mattress, polished his teeth and took a scurrying shower under the hot water with the
accompanying soap. He ran out naked only with a towel below his waist and damned a
lot about his attire for a good conclusion. His hand swiped out shirts and halted at a
grey suite and swapped his towel attire to a professional Detective. His Outfit consisted
of an Unexpected Grey suite, Peaceful white shirt, a crimson choking tie and sparkling
grey trousers. Ineffectively thinking of his car he missed to perceive that it was rented
by Tommy and thought to call a taxi and jotted onto the seat and puffed out smoke
from his cigarette smoking mouth and the wheels of Taxi screeched at the doorstep of
Richard and the Driver was bargained with ridiculously low fare and Teddy realized
that he was the first at the roof and managed to had a surreptitious glance at the needles
pointing numerical at his watch and sat on the couch waiting impatiently with playing
of his fingers at the hand rest. One by one, The Cars engaged the parking spaces, and
Wagoners entered the house with nostalgia, anxiety, nervousness, pleasure and sense
of prediction and thinking of convincing to gather the premises by pointing out the
disabilities and blunders of fellow members of family.
Soon the awaited Tommy sauntered in the room with a straw added coffee and earning
the expectations of Wagoners as well as his finest companion, Teddy Theodore.
“Did you solved the case?” leaped Arthur vigorously in eager.
“I suppose so” replied Tommy in his usual attitude.
“What happened?”
“I would be pleased to conclude after the will reading”
Tommy sat to the four legged chair beside the African sleuth and narrowing the space.
Teddy leaned towards Craig and whispered,
“Who is the murderer?”
“No Cut Backs and biased lexicons” replied Craig cheerfully.
As the needles of the clocks drifted across, the will reader and his assistant plodded the
hall and said,
“Good Morning! Everyone”
As he finished his greeting, the will reader’s assistant snatched the nearest Chair and
Table and accommodated and gestured the reader to sit in the chair. The Documents
were spread, The Wagoners were praying to the gods and holding the palms of their
husbands and wives tightly in nervousness. That old reader took a glass of water and
added insulin tablets to avoid diabetics and started with clearing his throat.
“First of all I am just reciting whatever was finalized duly by Mr. Richard. Secondly I
am sorry for you loss. Any Disgrace done to me would land me upon perfect agony
and conclude with not a single penny to anyone. Now the first document for the
copyright of his portraits,
“It is I the one who accepts the conclusion and decision with various stages of thinking
and advices and I am responsible for the whole documents and I finalize that the
person who is described should never argue for premises and accept with their sole
conscience of what I offer from my accounts. The proprietor of the whole copyright
documents which includes the right for adaptations, copy printing and owner rights
would be my past medical assistant’s son Blyton Nick and the whole documents
belongs to him and it’s up to his nerve cells to use it wise.
Yours Truthfully,
Richard Paul Wagoner.””
Tommy Craig perfectly esteemed the choice of Richard and the non consequent but
vigorously protesting conclusion.
“What about the house and his money?” demanded Hugh, banging his shrunken fist on
the will reader’s table.
“Ah, it’s the next document.” took the will reader and flipped another document in his
hands and recited,
“It is I the one who accepts the conclusion and decision with various stages of thinking
and advices and I am responsible for the whole documents and I finalize that the
person who is described should never argue for premises and accept with their sole
conscience of what I offer from my accounts. This document is the most significant and
I hope that my heir would accept this satisfied result without protesting their
objections. None of the person has the right to bring the premises under their control
through compulsion until then it is accepted by the proprietor. The premises include
my houses in India, Berkshire, London, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Milan, Tokyo,
China, Madagascar and in London. And the money at all of my international funds in
multinational banks and in safes belongs...” Oh the next page, “. The premises include
my houses in India, Berkshire, London, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Milan, Tokyo,
China, Madagascar and in London. And the money at all of my international funds in
multinational banks and in safes belongs to the person which I trust the most and my
lovely Blyton Nick and the whole documents belongs to him and it’s up to his nerve
cells to use it wise. I hope that my darlings not to reject this conclusion, is any
objections are placed, my advocate would summon you for the payback of the
investment amount I rented to everyone, which inturn can change the owners of your
Yours Truthfully,
Richard Paul Wagoner.” And... Yeah... That’s it. By the way who the devil is Blyton
Nick? I need to submit the documents and figure out his sign and my job would be
The Wagoners were unexpectedly furious and started to curse and literally abuse their
dad, father-in-law, grandfather whom one remarkable man mentioned that the
Wagoners idolizes.
That conclusion was much appreciated by Craig and Theodore who were exhausted by
the weird but selfish characters. The Wagoners started to rise questions that whether
the will reader placed the name correctly, whether he was bribed, Did he stepped at a
mistaken house or whether is the reader planning anything. The will reader ignored
their statements and sauntered towards Teddy and asked the whereabouts of Blyton
and after Teddy confessed about Blyton’s sentence, he plodded out of the door and he
was so loud that we heard that he instructed the driver to his to the prison.
While the murmurings and curses took a halt, the tables took a gaze at the sleuths and a
deepened hush was maintained followed by the surveillance of the queer eyes on him.
Arthur placed the stick on the floor and tapped at random places and finally touched
the feet of Tommy, He reached Tommy’s ear and whispered, “And now, who the hell
assassinated my father?”
Tommy went a step back. As he raised his glasses, he perceived the sense of suspense
in the Wagoners.
“Shall I?” started Tommy
“Go On.” commanded Hugh
The Wagoners came crowding around Tommy and the nook of the hall. They all more
or less exhibited the same expression, not one of the person’s expectancy mingled with
that of Tommy. Kelly who stopped weeping for will reading started weeping for the
“Now everyone must take a hold of themselves, Chaps. Everything’s going to be
perfectly alright. You mustn’t lose yourselves hearing my conclusions. Why everyone
are staring at me? Be patient and place yourselves at your own chairs. You guys sit, I’ll
be right here theorizing my conclusions and fit upon your expectations.”
Everyone’s voice died away once Craig stood upon.
Tommy cleared his throat.
“Though I am much profound with Italian, I suppose that my junctures of Italian
interference would definitely annoy you. We are here for various reasons. Some
hoping for premises, some for love, some for anger and while some for a conclusion,
We were hired by that gentleman , (his hands pointed at Evan) to investigate the
suicide of Richard Paul Wagoner or Davis Blake. I prospected a possible conclusion
and I request my trustworthy companion to choose the fair side who would be
presenting the facts right here that some might surprise you. But under one proviso,
Never question us till we complete our conclusion.”
As Teddy replaced Tommy that American reached his pocket notebook, took a glance
and prepared himself to recite all possible facts.
“As we all knew, Richard Paul Wagoner was found dead with blood dripping from his
cut right wrist at twenty first September. The person to see him last alive was my client
alias Mr. Evan who escorted Richard to his bedroom for a peaceful nap. The next
morning, when Evan ascended to wake him up was shocked to find him dead. We
found a thread, possibly from the footwear of the murderer. Then we came across a
word leading to Dark Magic and stuff and soon we discovered that he wasn’t the only
son but he was accompanied with his twin and a newspaper’s picture suggests this. The
medical examiner determined that the time of murder might be at twelve to quarter past
two. And for an hour there came a heavy shower that the murderer would definitely not
leave the house without his footprints on the muck, which is practically impossible.”
“The evidence of Arthur suggested that he heard several footsteps ascending the stairs
at midnight. And that, I will consider, was our theory”
“This is subtle and blank. Can you be more precise?” questioned Evan.
“Sure, Now I put over my conclusion on linking all my witness, clues and statements.
When I first entered the house, I suspected that the killer might have killed Richard, on
terms of profession... But soon, I abandoned my all possible prospects after several
occurrences. I suspect that the murderer might have entered through the forest at the
back of your house which connects to the highway which is twenty miles long from
here. So the killer parked her taxi at a street next to Richard’s house, knocked at a
random door and immediately left to the forest once the driver leaves. Of course, her
first danger is now diverted that his unknown passenger landed at a door away from
Richard. Once she left to the forest, she might have definitely needed a torch and an
axe to cut the long stems and would use her perfume to avoid the scent of forest and
now his second peril is diverted too. When everything matched to her plan, what
unexpected was the rain. Her footprints might be found again in the forest. So it’s a
danger now for her. Despite the important evidence, she was totally obsessed in killing
Richard. She entered the backyard but this time with much awareness of her footprints
and carefully avoided the muck. She walked past the door, using a powerful magnet
and poisoned Richard with Potassium Cyanide and left without a creak except for what
was discovered by Arthur, the footsteps. And I guess that the murderer might be a
woman, because which only tallies with the description of the taxi driver only if his
passenger is a woman. So her footwear’s thread stuck near the staircase and that was
secured by Anna but failed to perceive the killer.”
“Exactly” replied Arthur nodding his head in grief.
“Then what about the wrist slit thing?” questioned the maid in her usual polite voice.
“Everything deserves an explanation, Madame. I owe to bring it to my theory. I am
much profound that the prospect of mine that the murderous woman might never have
slit his wrist to cook up like a suicide because, she isn’t such a fool to understand that
her poison might definitely be highlighted in the autopsy without studying it. And
gradually printing the finger of Richard on the vial might be the only conclusion to
keep it up like a suicide. Now a bizarre thought might occur. If Richard was poisoned
and dead, How did slit his own wrist after he died? And indeed your guesses are right,
now in total there are three murderers in this case!”
The whole family felt the triple murderer conclusion like a spin at the roller coaster for
a whole week. Including Teddy was cheated by this twist what he never expected.
“The first is Blyton Nick who murdered for spoiling his mother’s future. But note
Firstly Nick said he went down in a tunnel and murdered Richard’s hiding brother at
the cellar mistakenly thinking as Richard. Secondly the unknown woman who
poisoned the exact Richard, And thirdly the mysterious one who murdered Richard by
thinking that he’s obsessed at his nap and slit his wrist without knowing that Richard
was half dead by the time it (the murderer) murdered.”
The Wagoners exchanged look of amusements at each other. Teddy walked and
whispered to Tommy, “Then what about our investigations at the dead doctor’s house
and the asylum?”
“I Thank You for reminding me of that?” replied Craig in his calm tone.
Tommy once again cleared his throat and placed a massive stomp and the ground
which brought the tables to him.
“Once again, one among the dual murderers murders the medical examiner’s whole
family and made up like two different crimes at vast proximity range. And here comes
the most important part, I discovered a peculiar smell from the torn birth certificate that
is available only in your house, if possible it might be a woman. The reason is that the
birth certificate is the only thing that could bring the distracted case back on it’s track.
And I’m pretty much consent that one of the murderer is one among your family who
is well aware about Richard’s twin too and wanted to be the only one knowing it and
she incinerated the whole evidence with only a shred.”
Everyone gasped.
When Tommy was gazing the suspense in the eyes of Wagoners, Teddy interrupted
and cleared his throat to say his discovery which didn’t totally solve the case but
answered to what made the Detective to asphyxiate.
“Well, we were shocked to find the truth that the twins were murderers in their past
and the asylum record in which they were jailed proves this. But yesterday, we were
pretty much in a complication. A complication that made the Detective asphyxiated.
We were perplexed that everything from physical to mental traits tallied with both.
Their past names were different and we couldn’t conclude the case without proper
identification of bodies. Jeremy loves to paint. So did Richard. Davis murders. Tallies
with trait of Evan, Gradually Jeremy Hope converted to Richard Paul Wagoner and
Davis Blake to Eric Paul Wagoner. Just because of an improper mental state Richard
had to hide his brother Eric and act as a guardian angel during his peril. But, Everyone
were wrong! You, Me, Tommy, Kelly, Arthur and Evan everyone mistaken identities,
If Jeremy loves to paint, we can’t be obvious that he is Richard so did Richard. But the
medical reports of peril brothers, were swapped. And now it is that Jeremy loved to
paint but Eric loved to kill. But the scars of Jeremy matched with Eric. And the
fingerprint of Davis matched with Richard.”
“Then Eric didn’t execute his victims! Eric was perfectly fine. It was Richard who the
psychopath is! Psychologically affected Richard suspected that his brother might leak
his identity which stops him to worship Satan. So he made up a story like a ghost at
cellar and tied his perfect brother alias Jeremy. These many days we were fooled”
spoke the maid.
Once again the family of Richard were surprised of such an unexpected twist. But this
time Teddy was permitted to adore them.
“And now, I should speak of mine” spoke Craig and added up by adjusting his black
frame up, “Well one of the woman in the family is the one who killed. So when I fitted
all the women with the possible motives, something kept annoying me but I couldn’t
realize what it was. If Kelly did it, She might’ve but it’s illogical to assassinate a
person, that too her father for just to keep up her reputation. If it’s Sally, I guessed she
might’ve involved herself in an illicit affair and when Richard held a firm of it, She
could’ve killed him. That suits a bit. And the maid, it’s practically impossible. A
refugee maid just to earn out a living has nothing to do with Richard’s past. If none
suits then what exactly happened with that scent. I thought and I found that it was a
perfect red herring to confuse me over another track and keep buying my time for
searching for a fictional character. If not the woman, then was it the man? There was
an only possibility for it. Then a man of here disguised up a perfect woman and can
confuse the whole case. And suspicions won’t fall on him and the cops would continue
their hunt for a woman who really never exists. What was strange was the description
of taxi driver was the most precise with the usual garments of Mrs. Kelly Paul
Wagoner. Then a man who perfectly knew that a dumb investigator would see the
usual garment of Kelly and frame her as a killer and the description of driver confirms
it. The Plan of Murderer was to wear exact outfit and cosmetics of Kelly and the
witness for this would confirm this. If the dress is repeatedly worn by Kelly, Obviously
she will be framed. Then some man wanted to escape his sentence. He didn’t left it
vacant but had a better substitute”
Teddy froze for a moment.
“If it’s a man, Then who is it? Hugh? Arthur? Evan? Once again I practiced what I did
with the case of woman alias a disguised man. Hugh was in much harmony with
Richard and left with no reasons. Arthur’s greed for copyright documents might’ve
been a motive but still it’s a Herculean Task for a blind to crawl up and slit a person’s
wrist. When I thought that Evan was left with no statements of murder, something
annoyed me. His wife’s demise, None told a clear picture of exactly what happened to
his wife. Was it because that you too weren’t told a truth?”
Hugh interrupted, “Mr. Craig sorry for interrupting but her body got screwed up under
the tracks of a train. Body Parts were hard to find. Actually, that barium thing and all
was all a propaganda”
“Ah! A new theory, But Mr. Hugh sorry for hurting you but that’s not the truth. She
got pieces under the Mexican Express from Mexico till Berkshire. But you know what?
The train stopped at half the way of Mexico due to snow drift and left a week later than
estimated time of arrival. Twenty first July, 1992 the first test of pregnancy at the
workplace and after schedules of visit, her third visit was supposed to be on eleventh
August. Richard was the first one told that Evan’s wife or Nancy Rudolf Isle was dead
under a train. But how can a woman be dead under a train which stopped at it’s first
station and left only a week later. The whole thing was a lie! Richard lacked victims
and his anti social personality disorder triggered his nerves and echoing voices to kill.
After a time, When Richard was left with no victims, he took an advantage of woman
and murdered first his wives and then his youngest daughter in law, the wife of Evan,
Nancy Rudolf Isle. When I took a sniff at the famous four chronicles for the first time,
I had a peculiar scent which I was used to. Then I understood that I mistook an
important clue. That smell was the smell of blood. Those letters on the last one of the
Famous Chronicles weren’t Nurse Rebecca Ingrid. It was Nancy Rudolf Isle. The
Famous Four were containing the blood of his each family victims in each portrait and
Nancy’s blood at the final one. Richard needed a victim and left with no choice, he
murders his daughter in law and blames upon a fictional incident”
Teddy predicted what Tommy was about to say and interrupted and said,
“Now, Evan is the only one left with a motive and I’m sorry to say Evan Paul Wagoner
is one of the murderers. He was the one who disguised like a woman and resembled
like Kelly and planned to frame her as the culprit to save him.”
Evan’s sense of suspense flew and darkness filled in,
“I wanted so badly to be a father. It was never easy. Was It? Unlike the other usual
abusing husbands, I treated her like a delicate hurt ant expecting for a survival hope.
How beautiful Nancy! Oh! Darling! But that gruesome sloth never considered mercy.
It wasn’t involving a life of one but two. When I had the excitement of to be a father, I
was much surprised and still I haven’t trusted that my wife is dead. She’s alive. Alive
somewhere, I wanted a revenge, for all! For taking my life away from me, to do, That
day I was so sure that It was a murder but when I discovered it was my father...Oh...
whom should I esteem, My Demised Wife? Or A Murderous Father? When I decided
that my wife needed justice, just to bring an immediate attention to everyone on Kelly,
I disguised up in her clothes.” concluded Evan and sat down sobbing and brushing his
“But what about the another one?” inquired Teddy
“I won’t trouble you Detectives. It was I who killed Richard cutting his wrist slit open.
I knew everything. Including his secret brother and the murder of my mother and
aunts, I don’t want to speak more. I was already about to surrender. I can stand the
chance of escaping the law anymore. My consciences were echoing my guilt again and
again. How could a man kill all of his wife and his daughter-in-law losing his mercy?
This world believes Richard is a wonderful personality, but none is aware about his
murders. He... God.... Jesus... Guillotined my mother and diverted the police case as
she threw herself from a river due to her psychological issues. That kind of
psychopaths must never wander! I’ve always killed my guilt while murdering him. But
his memories keeps haunting me everyday I dream. A sentence is better than everyday
guilt. ” cried out Kelly.
Tommy Craig was much surprised that a killer accepted without any baiting,
investigation. Just to stop his inconvenience.
“That’s It. A Triple Murder Case, One for spoiling his mother’s future, Another self
served Justice for his wife and Another did fair for her mother. But I think before to
say a word, Till now, I haven’t proposed anything regretting my consciences. But now,
I feel that a murder of a cause is better. I mean it’s illegal, crime but still for you guys,
I conclude this case with accusations of Evan and Kelly Paul Wagoners under
immediate arrest.” concluded Tommy. The London cops arrived and arrested the noble
murderers on their handcuffs. The family was broken apart. Some cried for losing two
relations, Some spoke to the finest advocates for bail issues. But no judge accepts the
murder of a highly reputable man in society to just hand over the bail. Some were still
furious about the premises. Neville was afraid for his motherless future. Hugh was
surprised that such a delicate woman confessed her crime.
Crime occurs every day. There might be lots of types. But there are just two in basic.
The Violent and the Non Violent.
Repetition of Events, Teddy Theodore promised Craig for delivering a letter about
their Detective Agency ideals and hinged onto the train to Berkshire or his hometown.
Tommy Craig who had now much of an investigation experience concluded a case
with his grin. He snatched all his belongings. As usual, is habit of smoking cigars came
again. He reached out a cigar from his collections case and lit it up and resulted masses
of smoke as he ascended the platform preparing himself for his Journey to Italy and
planning to give away the news to the journalists, hoping that he might be a good
Detective and waiting for his clients, humming... his... favourite... song... THE TEARS


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