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IJECES 7 (2) (2018)

Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood

Education Studies

The Role of PAUD Teachers in Implementing the Holistic Environment Based on

Children's Health, Nutrition and Safety

Anita Chandra Dewi Sagala , Ratna Wahyu Pusari, Mila Karmila

Universitas PGRI Semarang, Semarang

Article Info Abstract

Received September 2018 The aim of this study is to describe the role of the teacher in creating an atmosphere
Accepted October 2018 that provides a good environment for children’s health, nutrition and safety. The
Published November 2018 teachers must be able to provide a protection during teaching and learning in schools
by creating a healthy environment and awareness of the importance of nutrition,
Role of Teachers; Early health and safety in children development. To complete this task, the teacher must
Childhood Education; Holis- focus on three basic areas: security, health and nutrition for children. The PAUD
tic Environment; Nutrition; teachers integrate health, safety, and nutrition into the curriculum. This means that
Health; Safety the teacher includes this program every day. This research was conducted in 2017
at Daqu School Semarang. The research methodology used naturalistic qualitative.
The result is the role of the teacher in preparing a holistic environment including:
(1) minimizing the risk of children's health, nutrition and safety, (2) utilizing edu-
cation as tool of heath promotion and reducing the risk for children and parents,
(3) understanding the importance of guidelines, standards, and laws for children's
health, nutrition and safety, (4) practicing the culture competence, (5) developing
partnership with family for giving a concern to the society

© 2018 Semarang State University

Corresponding author:
Dr. Cipto, Jl. Sidodadi Timur No.24, Karangtempel, Semarang Tim., Kota Sema-
p-ISSN 2252-8415
rang, Jawa Tengah 50232 e-ISSN 2476-9584
Anita Chandra Dewi S, et al/ Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 7 (2) (2018)

INTRODUCTION nutrition can contribute a failure in protecting

children. The linkages in the fields of health, sa-
The development of good early childhood fety and nutrition will be easier to understand if a
must involve parents and teachers or educators holistic approach used.
who constantly interact. This continuous interac- It is important to remember that early
tion greatly affects the behavior, ways of learning, childhood education programs mirror diversity in
children’s health and nutrition in the future. The society. So, when we look at this ecological link
earlier of the health and nutrition education pro- between health, safety and nutrition, we must
gram for early childhood is better for the growth also consider culture, family and teachers them-
and development of early childhood. selves. The reality in the field shows that more
Teachers must help parents to fulfill the health, nutrition and safety programs carried out
health, safety and nutritional needs of children in kindergarten are only limited to the introducti-
in their care. Parents are the primary caregiver on of health and nutrition included in certain the-
for children. The term of “parent” will be used mes. Health and nutrition promotion is still little
to refer to a primary caregiver who has the res- given in kindergarten; this is due to the lack of te-
ponsibility of raising children. The term “teach- acher knowledge in understanding the children’s
er” will be used to describe all people working in health, nutrition and safety. Children should
the field of early childhood education, whether start going to the kindergarten and early child-
they are teachers in infants, toddlers, preschool, hood. Health, nutrition and safety programs have
or elementary school level; family child care pro- begun to be introduced so that their insights are
vider; or caregivers. always concerned about how to maintain health,
The teachers of early childhood are teach- nutrition and safety for themselves. The colla-
ers who spend their days working with children to boration between schools and parents is always
provide intellectual stimulation, social and emo- intertwined so that schools will have medical
tional support, and physical care. The good phy- records on the children’s health, nutrition and
sical care is important to support the children’s safety. This research focus on how teacher’s ro-
health, safety and nutritional. Unhealthy children les in preparing holistic environment based on
or those with physical well-being are at the risk of children’s health, nutrition and safety.
having difficulty in performing cognitive tasks and
dealing with others in terms of social and emo- REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE
tional development. Cognitive, social, and emo-
tional and physical difficulties can lead to poor A good environment for early childhood
health. Health must be defined in terms of one’s education uses a holistic approach to health
physical, mental, social, and emotional. The ho- problems, provides good health and safety prac-
listic approach considers the development of all tices, and promotes proper nutrition. The teacher
fields needed for health and well-being. integrates health, safety, and nutrition into the
Nasir, Norimah, Hazizi, Loh and Suraya curriculum. This means that the teacher inclu-
(2012) also explained that the practice of feeding des it in this program every day. Early childhood
children, diet is an indicator of nutritional status teachers must be professional because they have
and cognitive development in children in Seme- this specific knowledge in health and nutrition
nanjung Malaysia. This means that cognitive deve- and can promote healthy habits. By giving these
lopment is influenced by the interaction between instructions to children in care, a high-quality
the environment and the brain. Nutrition plays early childhood education environment can
an important role in influencing cognitive perfor- provide a basis for good health and well-being in
mance. Malnutrition in children will cause lower adulthood. Early childhood education can offer
the children’s cognitive abilities so that it will bot- many children a better chance for an improved
her the children’s performance in school. physical environment at least part of the day.
Good health is the result of unnecessa- A holistic and integrative approach can
ry risk reduction, preventing disease, providing basically build cross sector coordination, pro-
care, promoting the health and well-being of mote innovative programs, reduce lack of kno-
children individually. The teacher must create an wledge, resources and services, build more effi-
atmosphere that provides protection for the envi- cient and effective programs that are culturally
ronment for children. To complete this task, the appropriate. This collaborative planning will
teacher must focus on three basic areas: security, build a sense of policy ownership formulated
nutrition and health. Lack of good health prac- and determined by policy makers, parents and
tices, an unsafe environment, or providing poor implemented program. Besides, the collaborati-

Anita Chandra Dewi S, et al/ Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 7 (2) (2018)

on among sectors will facilitate the formulation form of protein, minerals and water; (3) regula-
of holistic and integrative programs at the local tory substance, in the form of protein, minerals,
level. Such an approach can be characterized as water and vitamins. So there are nutrients which
follows: first, providing comprehensive services, according to their functions included in more
second, ensuring continuous care, third, and pro- than one class; for example proteins are included
viding education for parents and caregivers as in the class of energy substances, building sub-
well as community involvement. (BAPPENAS, stances and regulatory substances while minerals
2006) and water are included in the class of regulatory
The teacher is the most decisive compo- substances and building agents.
nent in the education system as a whole, which
must get central, first and foremost attenti- a. Elements of Nutrition
on. This figure will always be a strategic spot- Nutrients can also be divided into macro
light when talking about education, because the nutrients, namely carbohydrates, fats, and pro-
teachers are always related to any component in teins; micronutrients, namely vitamins, mine-
education system. Teachers hold a major role in rals and water. The basic characteristics of these
building education, especially those held formal- nutrients are as follows:
ly at school. The teacher strongly determines the 1. Carbohydrates consist of elements of
students’ success, especially related to the teach- carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O), which
ing and learning process (Mulyasa, 2011). are divided into two groups, namely simple car-
According to Danim (2010) teachers are bohydrates or simple sugars and complex carbo-
professional educators with the main task of edu- hydrates.
cating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, eva- 2. Lipids (fat or oil) consist of elements of
luating and evaluating students of formal educa- carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O), with
tion. The main task will be effective if the teacher oxygen content smaller than those found in car-
has a certain degree of professionalism which is bohydrates. Food fats are mainly in the form of
reflected in competencies that meet certain quali- triglycerides.
ty standards or ethical norms. 3. Proteins consists of elements of carbon
(C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N) and
Nutrition sometimes sulfur (S) elements, which are ar-
Nutrition talks about food related to health ranged in the form of amino acids. Proteins are
and the process by which organisms use food for formed in the form of bound amino acids in the
maintenance of life, growth, work of members form of peptides.
and normal body tissues and production of ener- 4. Vitamins are organic bonds that help
gy. I Nyoman Supriasa also explained about the or catalyze various biochemical reactions in the
definition of nutrition is a process of organisms body.
using food that consumed normally through di- 5. Minerals are elements or inorganic
gestion, absorption, transportation, storage, me- bonds that play an important role in metabolic
tabolism, and expenditure of substances, which reactions and as a structural part of body tissues,
are not used to sustain life, normal growth and such as bones.
function of organs and produce energy. The defi- 6. Water acts as a solvent and lubricant
nition nutrition is different from the previous un- in the body, and as a means of transporting nut-
derstanding of nutrition, nutrition is the process rients and digestive and metabolic remnants.
of using food that enters the body and then un- The results of research conducted by Her-
dergoes certain processes starting from digestion mina, Nurti and Tjetjep (2004) explained the tar-
to expenditure. get of children is seen that nutrition education in-
Nutrients are chemical compounds con- terventions can influence family behavior. In this
tained in food which in turn are absorbed and case, at least, it can show new habits by always
needed by the body to perform its functions, na- asking the mother to prepare breakfast, asking
mely: for fish and vegetables for the child’s consump-
a. Producing energy. tion. Another change, children are more easily
b. Building and maintaining networks. told to eat and not difficult to eat. The purpose
c. Managing the process of life . of Nutrition Education in Early Childhood Edu-
Nutrients are divided into three groups cation is:
according to their functions in the body, namely: a. The child knows the difference in choo-
(1) energy substances, in the form of carbohydra- sing the food to be eaten by paying attention to
tes, fat and protein; (2) building materials, in the the health and whether or not the food is

Anita Chandra Dewi S, et al/ Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 7 (2) (2018)

b. The children can already know the food about maintaining healths as well as children
needs for growth and development need to be given knowledge to maintain safety
c. The children can already do good pro- from the dangers around them including their sa-
cedures for eating, such as good and right eating fety against strangers. Child safety safeguards are
stages included in child welfare safeguards which are
d. The children are able to behave accor- discussed in the Law of the Republic of Indone-
ding to their environment or socialize in a joint sia Number 4 in 1979 concerning Child Welfare.
eating activity
e. The children can form a good diet METHOd
From the study above, it can be concluded
that basically the child needs to be given know- The method used in this research is  “qua-
ledge, practice and fostered his attitude about litative typed naturalistic «. Qualitative research
good food. Supporting research on nutritional methods are based on the philosophy of post po-
knowledge possessed by mothers will have an sitivism, used to examine the condition of natu-
impact on the child’s diet explained by Tarabash- ral objects (Sugiyono, 2016: 15). Qualitative rese-
kina, Quester and Crouch (2015) that nutritional arch is a research that intends to understand the
knowledge possessed by mothers will provide phenomenon of what is experienced by research
food choices for children to choose healthy or subjects, such as behavior, perception, motiva-
unhealthy foods. Fast food will be a child’s choi- tion, actions, etc. holistically and by the way of
ce if parents do not provide an understanding of description in the form of words and language, in
healthy food. a special natural context and by utilizing various
scientific methods (Moleong, 2012: 6).
Health The type of research used a naturalistic
Healthy children will experience normal qualitative research, which describes naturally the
and reasonable growth and development, name- holistic environment for children’s health, nutriti-
ly the standard of physical growth of children in on and safety in Daqu School. This research is
general and have the ability to meet the standards intended to provide a narrative or in the form of
of the ability of their age. Besides that a healthy words, and use judgment want explore on a who-
child seems to enjoy playing, running, shouting, le relationship that exist in social situation could
jumping, climbing, and not being silent. Healthy find new thing in the next projects. Qualitative re-
children look radiant, creative and always try to search points to definitions, depth concepts, cha-
try something around them. Healthy children racteristics, metaphors, symbols and descriptions.
will usually be able to learn well and be able to
communicate with friends, teachers and their en- Research Settings
vironment. (Santoso, 2013) The location of this research was con-
Understanding health according to Law ducted at Daqu Schol in 2017. In addition, the re-
No. 9 in 1980 concerning health issues included search was carried out by collecting data sources,
physical, spiritual, and social health, not only free reviewing and collecting reacted literature. The
from diseases, disabilities and weaknesses. Men- informants who could be used as respondents in
tal health is a condition that allows optimal phy- the study were: (1) the Principals of Daqu School
sical, intellectual and emotional development of Semarang, (2) Class teachers, (3) Teachers, (4)
a person whereas what is called social health is Parents, (5) Children.
life in society. Life is required that every citizen
has the ability to maintain and advance his own RESULTs and discussion
life and family life in a society allowed working,
resting, and enjoying entertainment in right time This research was carried out by analyzing
(Indan Encang, 1991) in depth the role of PAUD teachers on health,
nutrition and safety-based environmental approa-
Child Safety ches for children at Daqu School Semarang. The
Increasingly the age of the child, usual- analysis of this study was carried out with repea-
ly will reduce child care by their parents. More ted observations to find the results of research in
children experience direct contact with various the form of actions, conversations and evidence
objects in their daily environment, both at home that shows a holistic environment for health, nut-
and at school. The possibility of a child facing rition and child safety at Daqu School Semarang.
an accident while playing will be great. Through The data collection in this study used inter-
health education, children are given knowledge views, observation and documentation. The data

Anita Chandra Dewi S, et al/ Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 7 (2) (2018)

were analyzed and described according to a holis- out at the Daqu School is a daily health food
tic approach to health, nutrition and safety analy- for lunch.  Daqu School plans a month-long
sis found. The data description is carried out by menu. This shows that the provision of nutri-
providing evidence of the results of the analysis tious food at the Daqu School is held every day
on a holistic approach to health, nutrition and sa- for a week in the form of lunch together. Food is
fety in the form of picture evidence and statement made based on menu planning during the week
sentences from the research subject. with regard to balanced nutrition. To support the
Interviews, observations and documentati- children’ nutrition of Daqu School Semarang, the
on of researchers do to strengthen the results of teachers provide snack time regulations by pro-
an analysis of a holistic approach to health, nut- hibiting carrying food containing MSG (Mono-
rition and safety. Interviews and observations of sodium Glutamate), synthetic dyes, and instant
researchers did at Daqu School Semarang with noodles. Snack brought is recommended as halal
Principal and teacher as respondents. Interviews label. For lunch, children at Daqu School Sema-
were conducted to find out the opinions of res- rang held an MOU with food catering where the
pondents regarding a holistic approach to health, menu was determined by the school by not con-
nutrition and safety. The observation did to find taining MSG and instant food.
out the holistic actions or protective actions ta-
ken. 3. Holistic Approach to Child Safety conducted
at Daqu School Semarang
Research Findings Daqu School apply CCTV installed in
Researchers began conducting research to each particular room to monitor learning acti-
find results in the form of a holistic approach to vities in the classroom, the CCTV results can be
health, nutrition and safety for children at Daqu seen in the principal’s office. The use of CCTV
School Semarang. The analysis includes evidence is to ensure children are in good condition and
of conversation that shows the holistic activities free from violence and unwanted things. From
of children’s health, nutrition and safety at Daqu observations conducted by researchers, a holis-
School Semarang. tic approach based on health, nutrition and child
The research findings as follow: safety already exists that works well, but there are
some things that cannot be implemented such as:
1. Approach to Health conducted at Daqu a. There are still games in the outside
School Semarang classroom not safe, because the environment is
Based on the results of interviews re- less supportive, such as the uneven floor so that
garding the health approach taken at Daqu children often fall.
School, The results showed that the Daqu School b. School is on the main road so that if
did anthropometric examinations at least once the school dispersal, children must be considered
in three months including: weight gain, height, properly when leaving school, because it is dange-
head, arm and chest circumference. Anthropo- rous for child safety
metric examination is nutritional anthropometry c. Child health records, especially diseases
related to various kinds of measurements of body that have suffered by children do not yet exist,
dimensions and body composition from various even though it is very important to prevent the
ages and levels of nutrition. The use of anthro- occurrence of health problems while in school,
pometry is to see an imbalance of protein and for example children who frequent nosebleeds,
energy intake. This imbalance is seen in physical fainting, and other diseases.
growth patterns and proportions of body tissues
such as: fat, muscle and the amount of water in Discussion
the body. a. Nutrition Approach at Daqu School Kinder-
The results of anthropometric examina- garten
tions that are carried out will usually be reported Based on the results of interviews that
immediately to the parents to follow up if there is researchers have conducted regarding health
a problem in the child’s growth and development. approaches to children’s health, nutrition and
safety in Daqu School namely the existence of
2. Holistic Approach to Child Nutrition con- planning, implementing health, nutrition and
ducted in kindergarten of Daqu School Sema- child safety. Daqu School plans the  menu eve-
rang ry month, then the menu design is given to pa-
From the results of observations made rents. The menu design was prepared by Daqu,
by researchers, the nutritional approach carried while the implementation was carried out by

Anita Chandra Dewi S, et al/ Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 7 (2) (2018)

the catering appointed by Daqu. Catering par- brain inflammation, blindness, malnutrition and
ties appointed by Daqu have made an MOU even death. While Rubella is usually a mild dise-
with Daqu. Children get a lunch every day from ase in children, but if infecting pregnant women
Monday to Friday. Lunch is at 12.15-12.45. Or- in the early trimester of pregnancy, adapt causes
ganizing meals at school has the function to: (1) miscarriage or disability of the baby born. The
increase consumption of nutrients in daily meals, disability is known as Rubella syndrome, such as
(2) educate manners in joint meals, (3) foster life heart and eyes, deafness and developmental de-
together, (4) train children to eat various types of lays. The immunization program of Measles and
food and nutritious dishes, (5) train independent Rubella in 2017 is for children aged 9 months to
children in terms of eating, (6) train children to 15 years free of charge for students in early child-
use eating tools properly. At Daqu School, there hood, elementary, junior high school and the
are children who are very antigens at a meal to- equivalent.
gether because they can feel various types of food
never eaten before. Every day, the menu served is a. Child Safety Approach at Daqu School
not always same. The menu design was submitted The safety approach taken at Daqu
by the catering and selected by Daqu School to School is the installation of CCTV in a number
be set for a month. The food menu provided in- of schools or classes, the aim is to monitor the
cludes food with balanced nutrition starting from overall learning activities every day so as to op-
containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals timize learning activities, besides recording from
and vitamins. This includes the presence of main CCTV cameras can be useful as an appropriate
foods such as rice, fruit and vegetables. evaluation media to maximize how to best deliver
information to students in the classroom, and be
b. Health Approach at Daqu School able to know the activities of students including if
Good health is the result of reducing unne- there are certain things that cause discomfort. By
cessary risks, preventing disease, providing sensi- using CCTV, it will be seen by who and what is
tive and stimulating care, and promoting the well- done by the child.
being of individual children. The teacher must In school children will have a lot of contact
provide a good health environment for the child’s with many people, also children experience direct
growth and development in the school, where the contact with various objects in their daily envi-
environment is made to maintain and care for ronment, both at home and at school. The possi-
children’s health. Daqu School strives to provide bility of a child facing an accident while playing
a good health environment as long as children are will be a big child in learning activities. Accidents
in school, this can be seen from a clean school en- that often occur in schools are when playing both
vironment, trash bins available around the school in the classroom and outside the classroom, be-
environment, health checks conducted by health cause children cannot estimate or distinguish
workers regularly. Growth and development mo- the level of height and humility properly so that
nitoring are carried out by conducting periodic children often fall while playing outside the clas-
checks by conducting antopometrical and physi- sroom. In addition, children also cannot distin-
cal examination. guish objects or materials that are dangerous and
The health check-up at Daqu School can be harmless. The finding of the safety problem oc-
seen from visits by health workers in giving me- curred at Daqu School, there were no warning
asles and rubella immunization to children in the signs posted at certain places about the danger of
family planning center of Daqu Scchool. Before playing certain playgrounds, for example, also the
giving immunization, parents are asked to fill out lack of skills of teachers in dealing with children
the availability form to allow their children to be who have a particular accident, for example first
immunized against measles and rubella. After pa- aid in dealing with child accidents at school.
rents fill out the form, they will proceed to immu- Daqu School is on the main road so that
nization by health workers from the health center. the use of high fence has been carried out accom-
Rubella is caused by a class of toga viruses, panied by the school security to make safe for
where the measles and Rubella viruses will cause children. Every child coming home from school
infectious diseases transmitted through the respi- is always accompanied by their class teacher and
ratory tract. Children and adults who have never security.
been immunized against measles and rubella or
have never had measles and Rubella; they have a a. The role of the Teacher in preparing a holis-
high risk of contracting this disease. Measles can tic environment
cause serious complications, such as pneumonia, Another way, it can be done by the teacher

Anita Chandra Dewi S, et al/ Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 7 (2) (2018)

in preparing a holistic environment by involving letters for parents,

the family’ notes, it tells about a habit in the fami- 2. Families who are aware of nutrition can
ly. Teachers may also be able to engage in discus- work together to supplement their lovely foods in
sions about their child’s favorite foods as informa- the early childhood education environment on
tion gathering techniques involving families. the day when children are in it, for example when
Asking children to add a list of foods that having lunch together.
their families will buy, this can create good dis- 3. The teacher can even provide simple re-
cussion about family eating habits, so children cipes, where parents are involved,
can talk about their favorite food, but they cannot 4. Teachers can also observe what children
eat because they are not fulfilled by their fami- eat at lunch and inform parents about foods are
lies. The teacher can understand different eating often eaten and avoided by children,
habits in each family by using the information. 5. Teachers can use other ways to involve
The children learn to see food labels in families in building connections such as creating
supermarkets. The message brought in this food families who love nutritious food,
makes children understand that good or bad nut- 6. Teachers can enter food messages
rition is in the food. Children may see poor food through school curriculum in the form of visits
choices at home or in school, so during meals it to fast food restaurants, watching food advertise-
is important to talk about the healthy and nutri- ments on television, visiting food factories,
tious foods. With children often discussing the 7. The teacher can discuss food advertise-
food they see and consume and including health ments which children often see in electronic me-
programs and nutritious food in the school cur- dia such as television, by giving input to children
riculum can help them easily understand how to about the goodness and weaknesses of the food
live a healthy life. Early childhood education has they see in television advertisements.
an impact on developing children’s food habits. In health and nutrition, the teachers need
Children can learn about basic nutrition to consider the six basis to ensure the highly pro-
and early food selection, but nutrition education gram of early childhood education, namely:
activities must be prepared according to the level 1. Maximizing child’ health status
of child development. In addition, children learn 2. Minimizing the risk of health, nutrition,
how they play a role in their nutritional health. safety and welfare
The teachers must build and maintain a 3. Utilizing the education as promotion
healthy environment with good habits by pro- tools in health and reduce the risk for children
moting health and nutrition management for and reduce children and adults
children. Teachers can encourage parents to im- 4. Understanding the importance of the
munize children and encourage the use of proper guidelines, standards, laws for health, safe-
hand washing techniques at school. ty and welfare of children
The health promotion includes immuni- 5. Practicing the cultural competence
zation, and monitoring for child development 6. Developing partnerships with family for
and nutrition education. An integrative holistic give a concern to society
approach includes other actions to improve the The tasks of the teacher in protecting the
health, nutrition, care, protection and welfare in physical health of children are:
the early childhood education environment. a. Children are invited to play freely, where
free to play helps children to move more actively.
CONCLUSION b. Children are motivated to move by pro-
viding interesting activities.
More children rely on Early Childhood c. Designing indoor and outdoor activities
Education programs to provide most of their every week which can make children able to cont-
nutritional needs. Teachers must have knowledge rol the body coordinate motion and make creati-
of nutrition guidelines as they plan menus and ve movements, such as dancing and gymnastics.
provide food to children who are in their care. Te- The outdoor activities can be done by the
achers can provide input to parents about the im- teacher by observing several things such as:
portance of nutrition for child development. a. Design physical processing activities by
The things that the teacher can do to ma- using various ways such as playing in outside,
nage nutritious food for children are: grassy areas, roads with lots of rocks, because
1. The teacher can help the family by pos- children will feel different sensory playing.
ting food menus which will be planned by the b. Make a schedule of physical activities at
school in the form of handouts or notification least twice a week.

Anita Chandra Dewi S, et al/ Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 7 (2) (2018)

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