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Assignment/Activity Title — Columnist Profile

Year — Junior

Portfolio Competency — Social Awareness

Skill(s) — Writing, Research, Rhetoric Analysis,

For the columnist profile project students were assigned a columnist to read, follow, and study for the duration of the
project. After being assigned our columnist, we were assigned to complete three rhetorical analysis, or columnist
responses, on three of the columnist’s columns. Finally we had to complete a profile of the columnist, essentially
completing a rhetorical analysis for the columnist as a whole. This project proved much more difficult than expected for
me, though we had been reading and analyzing writing all year, it was difficult for me to organize my thoughts in a
document. After receiving an unsatisfactory grade on my first columnist response, I knew that I had to work on both my
analysis skills and my writing skills in order to improve my grade on the next two responses. My next two columnist
responses were better than my first one but still unsatisfactory. For the columnist profile I had to dig deeper and focus
much more of my time on it in order to be satisfied with my grade, and that's just what I did. I finished the profile with
enough time to get feedback from my peers and from my teacher. By the time I turned it in I knew that the columnist
profile was my best paper in the project and the best work I could’ve written.

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