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Peer Review Discussion

1. What worries/concerns you have about your paper

My main concern was in the choice of subject, because more than one poem seemed
interesting , I was 2 options but decided by the writer Sylvia Plath because I believe
that Lady Lazarus can analyze aspects of their life , their traumas , problems and
especially the emotions of the artist and his tragic attitude towards life by situations
that marked his childhood.
I found it really interesting biography and part of it is present in his work.
1. How well you think you have achieved the assignment's purpose
I have tried to respect the requested standards and have drafted a carefully about
showing my position largely on the work
I liked the subject that I chose, I found very interesting the work and its relation to
the life of the poet, I also found positive the fact of having to conduct research on
the biography of this to better understand their poems.
I think he spent enough time to do a good job, though a draft I still feel satisfied as
found so far.
However I am willing to improve it according to feedback received
Post by the deadline listed on syllabus/schedule.
Step 2 - Peer Review:
Write a brief letter in response to one student's essay that answers the following:
1. Given your understanding of the assignment, what is working about the writers
first draft? What is good? What do you like? Point to three specific aspects of
his/her draft that are working or 'good'.
My Papas Waltz
By Jamie Callen
It seems a fairly complete test several pluses and an explanation that gives us a clear
idea of the poem chosen. Specifically I think the 3 points that has for the test is:
-The Quotations that support the ideas expressed by the author, to show where in the
poem is located at the time. -The Wording and the views expressed on the poem that
they chose us allow understand that adapts a critical position, which is one of the
objectives to write an essay. -The Poetic language, using a related term that
contextualizes us in the explanation of a poem
2. Given your understanding of the assignment, what in regard to this draft needs
work? Point to three specific aspects of his/her draft that can be improved.

I think there are many things to improve in the learning process but the trial seems well
structured. I think it's difficult to suggest but could include some details as to expand their
opinions to adopt a position on the poem

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