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Seating arrangement and its effects on students' participation

Does it matter where you sit in classes? A classroom setting can influence the
behavior of its users, well this happens because there is a relationship between the position
in a seating arrangement and the behavior of the student,

Many times the way seats are arranged in classes are of vital importance according
to the needs of a certain group of students. Research shows that seating locations are related
to academic achievement and classroom participation [ CITATION Bud00 \p 26 \l 12298 ] . In
addition, the different seating locations provide students with access to learning resources,
such as the teacher and clear lines of sight to the blackboard [ CITATION Dou01 \l 12298 ],
therefore influences their participation in classes and the interaction that they have with the

It is not known which the best seating arrangement is but the advantages and
disadvantages of each of these will be analyzed, besides that it depends a lot on the
objective that the teacher has with the classes.

Orderly rows:

This is the most common arrangement in a class.  This arrangement gives teachers
ample space to walk among the students, walking among students helps teachers remind
them that they are expected to continue working. Also a disadvantage is that many times
when teachers are at their desk they lose sight of the students in the last rows who are

This type of arrangement is suitable for large classes, and when it is required to
teach classes that require showing a video write on the blackboard or give an exhibition,
this work is not suitable for group work but it is suitable for taking exams

Circles Horseshoes:

These promote communication and social cohesion and increase the possibility of
face-to-face communication between teacher and student. Students have a clear vision of
the person expressing their opinions; for teachers it is easy to control the group they can
also motivate shy students to collaborate.

In horseshoes the teacher is next to the blackboard that all the students can see, this
arrangement is ideal to show points of view, make a debate in which you need to use the
blackboard. While in the circle the blackboard is not used, the teacher has visibility of the
whole class and is also recommended to carry out debates, group discussion so that the
teacher teaches a much more direct contact with the student
A disadvantage is that the students are in a place close to each other they are easily
distracted and they talk to each other about topics different from those of the class, as well
as it is difficult for the teacher to interact with each student since he is sitting as part of the

Separate tables:

Where the students sit in small groups at separate tables. The advantage is that
teachers can move around and monitor student activity. Here the students have the
opportunity to interact with each other as well as exchange their ideas and knowledge with
the teacher's support. This arrangement is ideal to use for work in groups that need the
teacher's explanation.

One disadvantage is that it is difficult to teach the whole class because they are all
separated into groups, It is also a problem when the teacher is giving instructions because
the students are sitting at random and also easily distracted.

In conclusion, the disposition of the seats is of vital importance since it modifies the
behavior of the students and helps the teacher to improve the way in which he imparts the
knowledge, It is important that teachers motivate their students, starting with the fact that
they feel comfortable in class and as teachers it is important to create the right environment
for students according to their needs and objectives, so then according to what was studied
the best arrangement depends on the situation of the class and the teacher.

Budge, D. (2000). Secret is in the seating.

Douglas, D., & Gifford, R. (2001). Evaluation of the physical classroom. Educational.

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