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> Residence:
- Dromund Kaas, 2 level private appartment
- Office(1), bedrooms(3), common room (2), kitchen(1), bathrooms(3).
- Engineering / Robotics / Crafting area (1)
- Training area (1)

> Transport / Ships:

- Fury Class Interceptor (1): ISS Bulwark, Katherine Kunrell, Viper Marine Fighter
- Civilian Transport Shuttle (1): ISS Crescent Apex, Droid Pilot
- Custom Jetpack, Z-6 Jetpack based model (1)
- Custom Speeder (1)
- Terminus-Class Destroyer: ISS "Carolean" (Lord Vineac)

> Personal possessions:

- Jewelry: Crystal Pendant, Golden Necklace, Golden Ring.
- Artifacts: Amulet of Ikoral (one-use, Dark Side energy focus); Sith Amulet
(Specialized, boosts physical augmentation); Sith Amulet (multiple uses, energy
focus, rechargable).
- Animal trophies: 7 pristine sleen teeth; 7 pristine vine cat teeth; 2 Sher Kar
pincers; 4 pristine Gundark fangs.
- Decorative pieces: Sith Ritual Daggers (Matentus).

> Armament & Gear:

- Melee weaponry: Custom durasteel Sword (1); Military-grade Vibrosword (2);
Hunting Knife (1).
- Lightsabers (7): Normal/Long hilt(2); Shoto (2); Curved hilt (2); Dualsaber (1).
- Crystals: Synthetic (8); Natural (40): Firkran Crystal (1); Blue (25 out of which
9 are pristine); Green (8 out of which 2 are pristine); Purple (6 out of which 1 is
- Small tool pouch destined for lightsaber maintenance.
- Slicing kit (tools and a data spike).
- 1x Republic Spec-Ops Class Personal Shield Generator (3 reserve power cells).
- 3x thermal detonators (Imperial req.)
- 3x ion grenade (Imperial req.)
- 3x frag grenade (Imperial req.)
- 3x land mines (Imperial req.)

> Droids:
- Custom Protocol Droid (3)
- Field Support Droid MK3 (1)
- X-Frame S2 (2 full contingents)
- XF-2 Marauder_MK2 (5)

> Whitenova Syndicate (mercenary group, undisclosed):

- 22% periodic profit shares.
- 1x D5 Mantis Patrol Craft.
- 5 XS Stock light freighters.
- Nar Shaddaa base of operations: 2 level compound with hangar and warehouse
- 52 total "employees" (gunmen, hired muscle, slicers, saboteurs, mechanics).

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