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You know I eventually dropped out of high school. I was homeless for about 2 and half
years. You know through education I think it’s where I got my turnaround, I'm talking
about going. You know going to school and really learning how to identify my craft.
How to hone in on my craft. How to sharpen that craft. And I realized my gift wasn’t
going. To create itself, my gift wasn’t going. To nurture itself, my gift wasn’t going. To
perfect itself, that was something I was do. I had to do. You have to give it everything
you got. No more TV. No more parties. No more playing. If you have 4.0. what you need
to be doing is studying. Get off the phone. Sorry I'm not available until the end of this
year. You reached the right number. But you're called me at the wrong time. I'm about
to get busy now. But I dare you to fail in writing for a whole year to see if you can get
to the end. I dare you to fail. I dare you to take that same class over and over again. I
dare to stop dropping class. Most of you won’t be successful because when you're
studying and you get tired. You quit. I don’t do well in math, you're right. You aren't
never studied. I'm not good in writing, because you aren't never written before. Stop
being afraid to take a test. Stop being afraid to go to college because your daddy
didn’t go and your mama didn’t go. You can’t get through a writing class. And you got
tutor after tutor, resource after resource. The problem is you aren’t never felt no pain
before you soft. It’s a soft generation. You quit on everything. And if you create a
culture of losing. If you keep being a victim. If you keep letting losing happen to you. If
you keep letting people do you and treat you any kind of way. it’s gonna a become a
culture. There is no excuse for not living up to your fullest potential, and I stopped
being a victim. I stopped saying. I gotta wait for good things to happen to me. And I
said I'm gonna grind. I'm going to fight. I'm going to work. I'm going to press forward.
I'm going to learn. I'm going to do everything in my power. Every single day. I'm going
to do everything in my power. To become a victor and not a victim. You get from being
a loser. Low self-esteem, doubt and fear. And if you can find your way on this side guys.
It’s sweeter on this side. Greatness is about getting better. Never settling. Never
saying, well I got a PHD so I'm finished. You know at the end of the day. When you lay
your head down to sleep, you always wanna blame other people. You wanna, hold
other people to the fire. But you're not holding yourself to the fire. You just said you're
giving 50%. You owe you an explanation. You need to look at yourself in the mirror
and say, why you only giving 50% what's wrong with you? I value myself enough to
give 120% or don’t do it. And that’s the problem with some of you. You're never looked
at yourself in the mirror and said, you let you down. You're not brave enough. You
wanna put it on somebody else. The reason why I'm not successful is because of my
boss. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said, I'm not getting up on
time. I'm not going to work on time. I'm not putting in 120% when I'm at work. I let
me down. And when you get to the point where you can say you let you down. I don’t
care, listen to me no disrespect. I don’t care about Glen. That’s not why I do what I do.
And I love Glen. I don’t come here and do what I do. So Glen can affirm me. So he can
give me a pat on my back. I care more about me. Then I care about what Glen thinks
about me. You need to tell you no more TV, no more snacks, no more deserts. no more,
no, we’re working out now. No, no more alcohol. Not right now. No, I can’t handle it
right now. You need to tell you that you owe you something.

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