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What was the weather like the first time you travelled abroad?

It was about 4 years ago when I first travelled abroad. I was alone with my mum and we were
headed to London. To no one's surprise, when we arrived at the airport it was quite windy and,
before I knew it, it had started to rain. Luckily, however, by that time we had already arrived at
our hotel. What I learned is that the weather in the UK changes dramatically. While one moment
it was raining heavily, the next it was sunny and the sky was clear. And, in contrast to the
previously empty roads, once the rain stopped everyone seemed to be outside doing their daily
tasks. If anything, it was simply fascinating. This would all constantly happen: the weather would
switch from dark and gloomy to bright and cheerful and, along with it, the entire city would too!
Just seeing all this happen on a daily basis made me really enjoy my time spent in a city with
seemingly bipolar weather.

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