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Assignment: 2

a) Identify one recent business relevant problem or opportunity
b) Write brief introduction of that topic [Up to five lines]
c) Write objective of the study
d) write research questions of the study
Business Research Method

Abdul Qadeer

Numan Babar
Roll No 01268
Branding is a way of identifying your business. It is how your customers recognize and
experience your business. A strong brand is more than just a logo; it's reflected in everything
from your customer service style, staff uniforms, business cards and premises to your marketing
materials and advertising. Branding problem is a current issue faced by business. Brand is
difficult to establishing brand reorganization in market dominated by widely recognized.

Some branding Business Problems

1. Keeping All Brands Consistent

Brand consistency refers to a lot more than simply using your logo and brand colors on
marketing materials; brand consistency is ensuring that your marketing message, logo, design,
brand difference, and more is conveyed through every single aspect of your business.
When you ask someone, “What does my company stand for?” they should have an answer since
it resonates through everything. Consistency is key! It establishes credibility and recognition.
Letting your branding slip begins a slope of confusion.

2. Issues with Creativity

Creativity comes in different forms, with creative problem solving and creative design solutions
being some of the ones a small business will encounter most. But feeling blocked, whether
mentally or financially, in either of these is something that large brands can pay an expert to help
take care of. When this isn’t in the budget, what can you do?
For starters, there are so many great online tools that can help you out for free or low cost, which
keep your social posts, logo, and more looking fresh. For creative problem-solving solutions,
brainstorming with other small business owners can help. While this can be an issue, it’s not
something to ruin your small business but can be a challenge to overcome.

3. Lack of Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis is not only something you should perform very early in your branding
journey but something to go ahead and revisit every once in awhile. These analyses will keep
you on top of what your competitors are doing and help you establish your differences, focus
your marketing plans, and hone your product or service.
You’ll see what you need to do better and what you excel at – but without it, how can you be
sure that you’re properly establishing your brand? You’ll know who your competition is, the
threat posed to your business, and even what they’re doing that you can learn from. This can
serve as a guideline to assist with your branding.
4. Fear of Rebranding
Large companies across the world had to start somewhere. It’s not very likely that they did a
great branding or product job, but eventually understood the value. Consider a company like
Apple. Currently, they are a global phenomenon with people waiting in line to purchase their
newest products and watch their large press conferences when the idea for a new product is
launched. This isn’t by accident – it has to do with reconsidering their brand and rebranding as

Research Objectives
 Create identification of brand awareness.
 To understand the issue of creativity.
 To resolve the fear of rebranding
 To understand the all brand consistency

Research Questions
 How we shall resolve the use of creativity?
 How branding problem minimize the fear of rebranding?
 How to understand the problem of lack of competitive?

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