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5/6/2020 IELTS writing test - sample answers

IELTS writing test - sample answers

Nuclear technology - band 7
Nuclear technology brought a variety of contributions in our society. Nuclear power and weapons are some of it
The former is an affordable and environmental friendly source of energy while the latter is believed to be a help
in deterring major wars from happening. However, there are drawbacks around it and for me, it weigh more than
its benefits.

Nuclear energy is forseen to be a viable solution to the impending scarcity of energy due to depletion of fossil
fuels. In addition to that, it does not produce green house gases that can pollute the environment. The cost of the
operating expenses is also lower and it can lead to inexpensive electricity. Meanwhile, nuclear weapons help
maintain world peace because nations that posses it are far less likely to be attacked. Thus, diplomatic talks work
out since no country wants to get into conflict.

Nevertheless, this technology has fair share of disadvantages. One of it is the radioactive materials it contain
which produces radioactive waste as a by-product. Exposure on it can lead to diseases like cancer or other
disabilities. Aside from that, there are certain phenomenon or accidents that can not be avoided despite the high
security standards applied. For instance, the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters, wherein thousands of people
died and are still suffering from its aftermath. The surrounding is also affected with contaminants and is not a
safe for any creature as it is tested after so many years and yet traces of radiations are still present. Additionally,
regarding with the atomic bombs, a little error with these can annihilate a country or can even result to end the

Therefore, even if this technology has numerous of advantages, I do believe that there are other options such as
the solar power and wind mill generations as an alternative source of energy. Also, I stand firm regarding the
risks that comes with it is far bigger and more devastating not only to human beings but also to the place they
live in.

Task Achievement

This is a very well-written essay in which you have addressed the two sides of the argument and your ideas are
relevant and developed. Your position on the question is clear. (8)

Coherence & Cohesion

The essay is well-organised in terms of paragraphing and the presentation of ideas and includes a good range of
linkers. (8)

Lexical Resource

A wide range of vocabulary has been used reasonably flexibly with only a few imprecise word choices. Watch
your use of singular / plural forms and the correct use of object pronouns. (7)

Grammatical Range & Accuracy

You have used a wide range of complex sentences but remember to check your work for small errors with
articles and prepositions. Also, be careful with your use of present perfect. (7.5)

Overall Comment - how to improve

A very good response to the question. You have developed the discussion with reference to both sides of the
issue and given a clear opinion. You included a good range of sentence structures and vocabulary to
communicate your ideas. Aim for even greater accuracy by addressing the use of articles and pronouns. 1/2
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