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Constitution of Maple
Leaf International
School Club of
Business and
Contents: Pages
Article I: Name & Administration 1

Article II: Objectives 1-2

Article III: Executive Team Appointment Criteria 2-3

Article IV: Membership and Co-Executive Officers 3-4

Article V: Selection and Elections 4-6

Article VI: Duties of Officers and Members 6-7

Article VII: Projects 8

Article VIII: Financial Matters 8

Article IX: Club Logo 8-9

Article X: Meetings and Agenda 9

Article XI: Conclusive Statements and 9-10

Article I: Name and Administration
Section A
The name of this club/student organization shall be “MLIS Club of Business and Economics” or “Maple Leaf
International School Business Club” or “Maple Leaf Business Club” (hereinafter, “the club”, “this club”)

The phrase “this document” hereinafter refers to the club’s Constitution.

Section B
i. This club is administered by selected members of Maple Leaf International School, Bangladesh
(hereinafter, “the School”) but is answerable to the School’s Authority.

ii. This club will also be required to comply with the School’s own constitution and be governed by it.
If any of this club’s by-laws come into conflict with the School’s by-laws, the School’s laws shall
prevail. Should this occur, the conflicts shall be amended by the original author or the current
President of the club under the Head Administrator’s guidance.

iii. No one can change the laws established in this document without authorisation from either the
original author of the constitution or the current Head Administrator of the school at that time.

iv. This club will be under the guidance, tutelage and supervision of the club supervisor Jezaul Khair
Hazique, current senior teacher at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Maple Leaf
International School, Dhaka.

Section C
Effective immediately all present and future Executives, Co-Executives, Officers, Members and Volunteers of
this club are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in this document.

Article II: Objectives

The core objectives of this club are as follows:

i. Promotion of entrepreneurial pursuits, business innovation etc. among students of Maple Leaf
International School,

ii. Promotion of leadership, fellowship among people sharing common interest,

iii. Bringing forward Maple Leaf International School as a sophisticated school in the entrepreneurial
grounds with the most inventive students in the nation,

iv. The acknowledgement and valuation of outstanding members of the students in the school, and
bringing out the talent of these individuals,

v. Helping out students of the School, to the best of the members’ abilities, who need assistance in
understanding the practical and theoretical aspects of study (business and economics), whether
academic or extra-curricular, of any age,

vi. To act as a medium for extracurricular activities for all students of this school as well as the provision of
said activities to help facilitate and mentor their growth.

Article III: Executive Team Appointment Criteria

Section A: Presidential Appointment Criteria
i. The President must be a student of A2 (Class XII) of Maple Leaf International School, Dhaka at
the time they assume control of the club. Alternatively, students of AS can also apply for the
presidential role, provided they display exceptional leadership qualities.

ii. The President will be selected by the two members of the previous Executive team.

iii. The President must be exclusively involved in the club, i.e. they are not allowed to assume
other presidential role(s) in any other school clubs while in this position.

iv. The President is required to be a student of Business, if not they must express exceptional
knowledge in at least two of the three major branches of Business (Economics, Business and

v. The President must have achieved a CGPA of at least 3.0 in IGCSE, and must have been in or
above the 60th percentile in AS Level, otherwise they must display exceptional leadership
abilities or possess alternate credentials/qualifications.

Section B: Vice Presidential Appointment Criteria

i. The Vice President must be a student of AS (Class XI) of Maple Leaf International School (Dhaka) or A2
(Class XII) of the school at the time they assume control of the club.

ii. The Vice President will be selected by the two members of the previous Executive team.

iii. a. The Vice President need not be exclusively involved in the club, i.e. they are allowed to assume
another presidential role in other school clubs while in this position.

b. If the President requests the Vice President to make this club their top priority at the time of any
major event, the Vice President is under an Executive obligation to heed their superior officer, as long
as the request is within grounds of reason.

iv. a. The Vice President is not required to be a student of Business; on the contrary he or she is allowed
to be the disciple of another subject, in order to provide a broader perspective while assisting the

b. In case, the President is not a student of Business, the Vice President is required to be a student of

v. The Vice President must have achieved a CGPA of at least 3.0 in IGCSE and must have been in or above
the 60th percentile (if a student of A2), if not they must display exceptional leadership abilities or
possess alternate credentials/ qualifications. Additionally they must have or maintain a record of
approximately 60% attendance throughout the academic (calendar) year.

Article IV: Membership and Co-Executive Officers

Section A: Co-Executive team Appointment Criteria
i. The Co-Executive team will consist of three members working together under the direction of the
Executive team.

ii. At least one out of three members of the Co-Executive team is required to be a student of Business.

iii. They are accountable to the Executive team and actionable for their conduct.

iv. Co-Executive team can be appointed from any batch.

v. An additional Co-Executive may be appointed to work in place of any absent Co-Executive. This
member will replace the absentee Co-Executive if said Co- Executive is negligent in his/her duties.

Section B: The Treasurer Appointment Criteria

i. The role of The Treasurer will be selected and guided by the Vice President from any of the Co-
executive members.

ii. The individual assigned to the role will be assigned to monitor and modify the total amount of funds
reserved for the club events, activities and overall continuation/preservation (hereinafter will be
referred to as ‘The Treasury’).

iii. They are accountable to the Executive team and actionable for their conduct.

iv. The Co-Executive member for the role of Treasurer can be appointed from any batch.

v. Any misuse of the funds for personal gain by the Treasurer will result in immediate replacement and
embargo from the club.

Section B: Membership
i. Any student of AS Level or A2 Level of Maple Leaf International School can be a signed member of
this club.

ii. Volunteers can join to help in the events even if they are not signed members.

iii. Members signing can take place at any time in the year, but at election time the priority must be
given to regular, dedicated, long-term members.

Article V: Selection and Elections

Section A: Presidential Election
i. Presidential elections will take place in the last week of June in the year that the current President
graduates. (e.g. if the current President graduates in 2019, the elections shall take place in the last
week of June 2019)

ii. Candidates will submit their names to the Vice President and sit for one on two interviews with the
current Executive team.

iii. a. January batch candidates and June batch candidates will be considered separately.

b. The best candidate from each batch will be selected.

c. The two candidates selected will act as President on a trial basis until the first week of September,
or, the week before the current President graduates, whichever time comes first. At this time, the
Executive team will elect the better candidate judging them subjectively and objectively on their merits
pertaining to Article III Section-A, of this document.

d. The trial period cannot be shorter than two weeks.

iv. The elections shall be monitored by the Co-Executives to ensure fairness, but they will not have the
power to vote on a candidate. However, their opinions on the candidates should be taken into

v. The maximum tenure of the President is two years.

vi. Should there be a stalemate between two or more candidates, then the resolution, for the role of
President, shall be in the form of a ‘dance off’ (the judging criteria and panel will be decided

Section B: Vice Presidential Elections

i. Vice Presidential elections will take place in the last week of June in the year that the current Vice
President graduates. (e.g. if the current Vice President graduates in 2019, the elections shall take place
in the last week of June 2019)

ii. Candidates will submit their names to the Vice President and sit for one on two interviews with the
current Executive team.

iii. a. January batch candidates and June batch candidates will be considered separately.
b. The best candidate from each batch will be selected.

c. The two candidates selected will act as Vice President on a trial basis until the first week of
September, or, the week before the current Vice President graduates, whichever time comes first. At 4
this time, the Executive team will elect the better Vice President candidate judging them subjectively
and objectively (where necessary) on their merits pertaining to Article III Section-B of this document.

iv. The elections shall be monitored by the Co-Executives to ensure fairness, but they will not have the
power to vote on a candidate. However, their opinions on the candidates should be taken into

v. Since the President will have to work closely with the Vice President, the President will have the first
choice of candidates and may choose to remove up to two people from consideration.

vi. The maximum tenure of the Vice President is two years.

vii. The vice presidential elections will be conducted separate from the presidential elections.

Section D: Exceptions
i. In exceptional situations, such as if one of the Executive members is unable to attend the elections
for whatever reason, they may nominate a Co-Executive to vote in their stead.

ii. a. It is the Executive’s duty in his or her absence to inform and decide if their Co-Executive shall vote
for the Executive’s chosen candidate or whether the absent Executive will temporarily pass their
voting rights for that election to their nominated Co-Executive.

b. If the absent Executive chooses to pass their voting rights for that election to a Co-Executive, the
Co-Executive will vote for the candidate of their own choice.

iii. To ensure that favouritism doesn’t occur, in the event of an Executive’s absence, a previous
Executive may monitor the election proceedings.

iv. If former Executives are unsuccessful in finding suitable candidates through elections or selection,
they may ask senior teachers to aid them. Whether teachers will give aid is dependent upon their

v. Exceptions exist to the timing of the elections in the event that an Executive decides to leave the
club or is voted out. There are no limits as to the number of elections that can take place each year,
but they must never be conducted without issues or disturbances.

vi. a. Any member of the club can quit any time they wish, on the condition that they cannot be
reinstated to their original position if they were part of the Executive or Co-Executive teams, should
they return.

b. A Co-Executive who has resigned can be replaced with any eligible member of the club.
c. An Executive must give reasonable cause of resignation to leave and a formal selection must be
held to replace that Executive.
vii. Promotion of members may occur from within the Executive or Co-Executive team if the President
and Vice President are in mutual agreement to the promotion of that member.

viii. With reference to Article III Section B Point no. Five, under some circumstances the Vice President
can justify an attendance below 80%, provided that he or she can present a logical and well thought
out argument for their absenteeism to the club supervisor.

Section E: Impeachment
i. If any Executive or Co-Executive is found to continuously and frequently display any signs of
incompetency, unpopularity, dishonesty, insubordination, disrespect and/or failing to complete their
duties as detailed in Article VI of this document to a point where their continued presence is clearly not
in the club’s best interests, a special vote may be called for impeachment.

ii. a. In this case, the remaining five Co-Executives and the Executives will vote on the immediate removal
of the officer in question from their position.

b. A minimum of 60% of the total votes casted (for impeachment) will result in the accused officer’s

iii. a. This position may be filled by way of a traditional election if the removed officer was an Executive.

b. If the removed officer was a Co-Executive, they may be replaced with a selected member of the club.

Article VI: Duties of Officers and Members

Section A: Presidential duties
i. The President will oversee all the members, projects, assignments, workshops, events and the
general workings of the club.

ii. The President will work alongside the Vice President on a partnership basis.

iii. The President will brief members and volunteers on their duties any time it is needed.

iv. The President will be in charge of communicating and delivering regular reports to the School
Authority on this club’s matters.

v. The President may allow the Vice President to step in and fill their role if they are unable to be
present or do not feel adequately prepared for the task. However, such unwarranted and frequent
acts may subject them to impeachment.
vi. The President will collaborate with the Vice President in the maintenance of the state of the club
and the club activities, whenever it is needed.

vii. The President will be in charge of assigning the Vice President their duties.
viii. The President must work actively to keep the Vice President updated on club goings-on, so as to
make the latter Executive’s duties easier to accomplish.

ix. The President is mostly independent in their duties and choices, but it is encouraged that the
President treat the Vice President as their equal, in most cases, for the sake of fellowship, a friendly
environment, mutual support and welfare of the club.

Section B: Vice President’s duties

i. The Vice President will work alongside the President on a partnership basis.

ii. The Vice President will assist the President in overseeing all the members, projects, assignments,
workshops, events and the general workings of the club.

iii. The Vice President must be active in the event proceedings even if the President does not require
their assistance.

iv. The Vice President will assign work to the Co-Executive team.

v. Failure to fulfil their duties may lead to the Vice President’s impeachment.

Section D: Co-Executives’ duties

i. a. Co-Executives’ duties will be assigned to them by the Executive team before each event.

b. Aside from those duties, Co-Executives will help manage the volunteers and assign them their

ii. Co-Executives cannot be assigned a heavier workload than they are willing to handle.

iii. Each Co-Executive will need to have at least 70% attendance in club events/activities to be listed as
such at the end of their tenure.

Section E: Treasurer’s duties

i. The Treasurer’s core responsibilities is the regulation (supervise and modify) of the The Treasury and
maintenance of the club’s expenditure and revenue (hereinafter will be referred to as ‘the budget’)

ii. The Treasurer will work alongside with the Vice President on a mutual partnership basis and discuss
the club’s current monetary situation.

iii. The Treasurer must be able to forecast and broadcast any changes in the Treasury to the Vice
President and President.
iv. The Treasurer must attend all club meetings and the compulsory general meeting in order to evaluate
the club’s financial position and set the budget accordingly for proposed future activities and
continued club maintenance. 7

v. In addition to the responsibilities mentioned prior, the individual assigned the role of Treasurer must
preserve a physical and digital copy of the club’s budget that can be accessed by all club members at
any given time.

vi. A separate document titled ‘The Treasury Record’ will be provided to the individual pursuing the role,
to detail any technicalities and elaborations of the role as well the format for the budget.

Article VII: Projects

i. Projects will be will be discussed with and among whomever it may concern and decided at the
start of each President’s tenure.

ii. New Projects may be added or scrapped as needed at any time.

iii. The projects will be filtered through by the leading club supervisor at the time.

Article VIII: Financial Matters

i. Financial matters will be discussed with and among whomever it may concern and decided before
each event.

ii. Any extra expense beyond those needed for each individual event will be covered by members.

iii. Under certain circumstances (e.g.: a lack of fund availability from both members and the School
Authority) the club is entitled, with the permission of the Head Administration, to commence a
fundraiser or temporary entreprise to compensate for the current monetary deficit.

Article IX: Club Logo

i. The club’s logo may be changed at the start of each new President’s tenure if they wish it or

ii. Alternatively, if the ruling President is unable to decide, it be altered by voting amongst the
members of the club.

iii. a. A majority vote, that is 70% of all present and active club members, is required to change the
b. In this scenario five designs will be chosen and the members will vote on these five alone to the
one that holds their preference.

c. Club members can vote only once and only for their preferred design.

iv. The original club logo and its raw files may be requested from the original designer.

v. The original designer of the logo is [blank].

Article X: Meetings and Agenda

i. Regular club meetings will occur at the Physics Laboratory of Maple Leaf International School, Main
Campus, Road 11/A, House no.96, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

ii. To ensure validity, 30% of all existing members must be present for the meetings.

iii. The regular club meetings will take place once on [blanks] of every [blank] week at the start of each
quarter from 0:00 AM to 0:00 PM.

iv. Prior to this the President must inform all members of the upcoming meet and notify the appropriate
authorities of the arrangement.

v. If the President does wish to conduct a meeting he or she must

vi. A general meeting will be held in August to review and discuss the club’s long term goals and objectives.
All executives and co-executives are required to attend.

vii. If any executive or co-executive is unable to attend the meeting, he/she must inform the club supervisor
or the president beforehand and must appoint a suitable candidate for their replacement.

Article XI: Conclusive Statements and Acknowledgements

i. Special situations beyond those addressed in this document will be seen to and considered on an
ad hoc basis.

ii. Meetings will be decided beforehand and set by the Executive team.

iii. The original author of this document is Shair Al Shabab Ebna Didar.

iv. This constitution may be amended by popular vote, but the original author and/or the Head
Administrator must be notified.

v. A copy of this document will be available online for public perusal.

vi. The original copy of this document will be retained by the School and the original Executive team.

vii. A mission statement has been issued and presented to the Vice Principal along with this document.

viii. This document is subject to change pending approval.

Signed by the Principal

Maple Leaf International School

Dhaka, Bangladesh


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