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Exercise – Excel Formula

Create a file using Excel and do the instructions below. Save the file when you’re done and
upload it on MSteam under assignment tab.
1. Get the Square Root of each cell from B1 to B9 using the SQRT() function. Put the
answers on cell C2 to C9.

2. The following sheet contains the monthly sales figures for ACME Gadget Company (on a
per salesperson basis). Calculate the sales for Sam Caan (the first sales man) using the
SUM() function until the sales of Angel Markowitz. Put the answers from cell B14(sum of
Sam Caan) upto F14 (sum of Angel Markowith)
3. Use a range to sum up the total sales for the month of January to December. Put the
answers on cell G2 to G13.
4. Compute the average height of the entire kinder-garden population using the
AVERAGE() function
5. Add a column that shows each child’s relative height in percentages. Which is means...
= (the height of the child) / (the average height which is 3 feet) * (100 to get the number as a
6. The the return on investment or ROI. The return on investment on a $5000 investment
carrying 5% interest rate over different investment periods ( Column C). This will
translate to the following Excel formula: A2 * POWER(B2, C2)
7. Round to the whole number using the Round() function
Note: The Round() function will round to the closest number (given a specific number of
8. Calculate the average of the numbers that appear in a certain range (assuming that we
didn’t use the AVERAGE() function), we could use the following formula:
Note: The COUNT() function can be used to count the numbers in a column even if you don’t
know what will be the last cell in the column.

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