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Exer 3 Excel – Min,Max,MaxIFS,Subtotal,Product,SumProduct

Student's Surname, First Name: Year & Section:

1) Replace the student’s surname, first name with your name the excel file and doc file before
submitting them.
2) Use print screen or snipping tool to document every step that you perform in this exercise found in
the Excel file named “Exer 3 Excel – Min,Max,MaxIFS,Subtotal,Product,SumProduct - Student's
Surname, First Name ”.
3) Follow the instructions shown here.
4) Make an explanation on the result emphasizing the use of the function. (LAST PAGE)

A. Min & Max Formulas Worksheet

1. Open the Min And Max Formulas worksheet.
2. Place your cursor in cell ‘F2’
3. From the Ribbon select the ‘Formulas’ tab
4. Click the Σ AutoSum drop-down arrow
5. Select ‘Max’

6. Select column ‘D’

7. Press the ‘Enter’ button on your keyboard

8. Place your cursor in cell ‘G2’
9. From the Ribbon select the ‘Formulas’ tab
10. Click the Σ AutoSum drop-down arrow
11. Select ‘Min’
12. Select column ‘D’
13. Press the ‘Enter’ button on your keyboard
Alternatively, you may also enter the following into cell ‘F2’:
1. Enter the equal = symbol from your keyboard
2. Type max(
3. Select column ‘D’
4. Press the ‘Enter’ button on your keyboard
or for MIN:
You may enter the following into cell ‘G2’:
1. Enter the equal = symbol from your keyboard
2. Type min(
3. Select column ‘D’
4. Press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard

B. Min Formula Worksheet

STEP 1: We need to enter the MIN function in a blank cell:

STEP 2: The MIN arguments:

number1, [number2], …
Where is the list of values?
Select the cells containing the values that you want to get the
minimum value from.

C. Max Formula Worksheet

STEP 1: We need to enter the MAX function in a blank cell:

STEP 2: The MAX arguments:

number1, [number2], …
Where is the list of values?
Select the cells containing the values that you want to get the
maximum value from.

D. MaxIFS Formula Worksheet

STEP 1: We need to enter the MAXIFS function in a blank cell:
STEP 2: The MAXIFS arguments:
What is the range that contains the values to get the max value
Select the cells containing the sales numbers that you want to get the
maximum value from:

What is the range that contains the values for filtering?
Select the cells containing the sales person names:
=MAXIFS(D9:D13, C9:C13,

What is your filtering criteria?
Since we want to filter the sales numbers for John, type in “John”:
=MAXIFS(D9:D13, C9:C13, “John”)
E. Subtotal Formula Worksheet
Let’s say you have various SUBTOTALS within your data, one SUBTOTAL to
Sum the North Region and another SUBTOTAL to Sum the South Region. You
can include a third SUBTOTAL for your Grand Total which references all of your
data and ignoring the North & South Region SUBTOTALS, meaning that there is
no double counting in your Grand Total.
F. Product formula worksheet
Step 1: Star writing your formula in E4.
The most logical approach is to multiply Work Days times Hours per
day times Hourly wage. You can do that by selecting each individual cell.
But you can also select the whole range
G. SumProduct Formula 1 Worksheet
A quick way to calculate the weighted average of two lists of data is to use the
SUMPRODUCT formula. A weighted average can be used to determine the
average salary of employees, the average grade of an exam or the average selling
price of a company´s stock list, as can been seen below. We want to get the
average selling price of our total stock items. This is easily achievable with the
SUMPRODUCT formula! We will use this to calculate the total value of the
items, then divide this by the total number of units to get the average selling

STEP 1: We need to enter the SUMPRODUCT function in a blank cell:

STEP 2: The SUMPRODUCT arguments:
What is the first array that contains the data?
We want to get the Units Sold so select those values.

What is the second array that contains the data?
We want to get the Sale Price, so select those values. The values will
be multiplied against the first array that we got.
=SUMPRODUCT(C14:C17, D14:D17)
STEP 3: Now we have the total value, we can easily get the average
value by dividing it by the total number of items.
=SUMPRODUCT(C14:C17, D14:D17) / SUM(C14:C17)

H. SumProduct Formula 2 Worksheet

Step 1: Position yourself in cell A3 and start writing the formula.
Step 2: REMEMBER that the first value of your Range 1 will be
multiplied by the first values of Range 2 and 3. In that case, you need and
TIP: With SUMPRODUCT, any time you need and horizontal
calculation, you will use vertical ranges. Any time you need vertical
calculation you will use horizontal ranges.

Write the next formula and press enter:

You will get this result: $ 185,654
Function Explanation
1. MIN Function, Result: $55

The MIN function is used to find the least value in a certain range given by the
user. In this situation, the cell with the least value or which is the value at
minimum is $55.

2. MAX Function Result: $100

The MAX function is contrary to the MIN function since it is a function that
finds the greatest value within a range of cells. In the case given, the cell with
the highest value was $100.

3. MAXIFS Function Result: $3500

The MAXIFS value is like the MAX function but offers an option wherein you
can provide a criterion. This criterion will be the basis for the function if they
should include the cell in finding the greatest value. In the example given, the
criterion is “John” and the function resulted to $3500 since it is the highest
value for John.

4. Subtotal Function Result: $1945

The Subtotal Function is a function used to find the totals of different ranges of
cell excluding cells that are already totaled. In this case, the function skipped 2
cells since they are already included in the total of different calculations. The
result was $1945

5. Product Formula Result: $14 304

The Product formula is a function used to multiply a range of cells. In this case,
the function was used to multiply the values in cell columns B, C, and D which
resulted to $14 304 and so on.

6. SUMPRODUCT Function Result: $455

The SUMPRODUCT function is used to sum the values of certain ranges and
multiplying them to other ranges. In the case given, the sum of units sold and
sale price are multiplied together and was divided by the total units to get an
average selling price of $455.

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