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" Painstaking, original, and useful, and to anyone new to English, a boon.

Aristotle said it best: "The greatest thing by far is to have a com-
mand of metaphors." Rich with historical lore that takes us from
bygone trades and traditions to the computer age, these wonderful
expressions convey shades of meaning more succinctly
than ordinary phrases. Using them well can improve your writing
and speech. Now Metaphorically Speaking offers you 3,800
metaphors—from "alpha to omega—in an easy-to-use, uniquely
organized dictionary. Think of a word, and this book will give you
the metaphors where it appears. Think of a metaphor, and
Metaphorically Speaking will explain its meaning and often its
origin. Think of the idea, and this indispensable reference will supply
you with "an Aladdin's cave" of metaphors that convey it.
So when you need a fresh figure of speech, don't "get your
knickers in a knot" or "bust your boiler." "Look for elephants in
elephant country "—look it up in...

• Ideal for writers, teachers, students, and public speakers
• Invaluable for users of English as a second language
• Features three separate, self-contained listings: a dictionary,
a thematic section, and a thesaurus
• Includes suggestions for party games, advertising copy,
public addresses, and crossword puzzles

51 099
A Time Warner Company

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I S B N D-M»4b-31353-3
auojs ou S3AB3| U jeifj >iooq
"HUM nsnowa JO owiawvisyaawn awv awvwwoD MOA a w ™ awv
An easy and plentiful source of some desired benefit.
(iakIO SI MOO9 SIH1 UUIH) d,,M03 H31IW Vu SI IVHM #9

At public fairs, where cats wrapped in sacks were passed off as
LDW 3H1 JO m O 1 3 1 1 V O 3H1» SVM 3U3HM *S

To not take a matter seriously.
auv SM^na AVU OI» UVSW I I S3oa IVHM ^
These gifts of sacred pachyderms from the King of Siam often
ruined their recipients with the expense of their upkeep.
0 1 0UIH13WOS ,,1UVHJ313 31IHM V» SI AHM '£
A dark horse is a person with unsuspected talents; a Trojan horse is
a trick (it refers to the large gift horse full of soldiers used to bring
about the fall of Troy).
,,3SH0H MMVa Vu U33M139 3DU3H3JJia 3H1 SI IVHM T
An American boxer who became world welterweight champion in
SMOHdviaw ào aoaaiMOUM MOOA i s a i


A Time Warner Company

This book was first published in Australia by Schwartz and Wilkinson, Melbourne.

If you purchase this book without a cover you should be aware that this book may have
been stolen property and reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the publisher. In such
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Warner Books Edition

Copyright © 1990 by Nick E. Renton
All rights reserved.

Warner Books, Inc., 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
IA Time Warner Company

Printed in the United States of America

First Warner Books Printing: August 1992
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Renton, N. E.
Metaphorically speaking : a dictionary of 3,800 picturesque
idiomatic expressions / N.E. Renton.
p. cm.
"First published in Australia by Schwartz and Wilkinson,
Melbourne"—T.p. verso.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-446-39353-3
1. English language—Idioms—Dictionaries. 2 . English language—
Terms and phrases. 3. Figures of speech—Dictionaries.
4 . Picturesque, The—Dictionaries. 5. Metaphor—Dictionaries.
I. Title.
PE1689.R46 1992
423'. 1—dc20 92-363
Book design by Giorgetta Bell McRee
Cover illustration by Peter de Sève
Cover design by Don Puckey
To all the people who think that they
never use any metaphors

In a time when the visual image is such a powerful influence on our

attitude and thoughts, it is well to be reminded of the miracle of
language. How and when was it invented? How do we explain its
richness and variety? By what extraordinary transformation did words
which have quite literal and specific meanings take on metaphysical
significance? Which expression conveys the most vivid meaning, "the
top dog," or its definition, "the person in the most powerful position?"
The metaphor wins every time.
For metaphor is the spice of language. It also activates the reader's or
listener's inner eye to produce images which are just as vivid as visual
ones. Without its color, wit and concreteness would disappear.
Here is a dictionary and thesaurus of metaphors which is both a
practical guide to meaning and a stimulus to enquiry. Only a person in
love with words could have compiled it; and there are surprises in it for
even the most knowledgeable student of language. Mr. Renton achieves
the aim that Sir Philip Sidney saw as the central principle of poetry—to
teach by delighting.

Leonie Kramer
Every Man And His Dog
Use Metaphors

Metaphors which have the community's seal of approval roll off the
tongue so readily that by any yardstick they are invariably thick on the
ground. A person in the pink who plays his cards right and who takes up
the cudgels for the cause will without going overboard or changing tack
find an avalanche of metaphors under his very nose. Unless he puts a foot
wrong or goes off half-cocked he will regard them all as useful tools and
as grist to his mill. He will already be in the picture and will not need to
engage in a witch-hunt or rely on the grapevine in order to put his finger
on them.
Without matters getting out of hand or losing any momentum it stands
out a mile that metaphors are in the blood of every Tom, Dick and Harry
worth his salt and willing to show the flag. Many expressions have been
gathering dust for donkey's years and are so much a hallmark of our
society that their down to earth use at the drop of a hat does not ring a
bell or cause any eyebrows to be raised.


Background 3
Objectives 4
Coverage 5
Arrangement 6
Borderline Cases 8
Common Keywords 8

Metaphors from Literature 10
Metaphors from Politics 11
Metaphors from Religious Sources 12
Metaphors from Heraldry 13
The Role of Foreign Languages 14


The Prevalence of Metaphors 15
The Graphic Nature of Longer Metaphors 75
Mixed Metaphors 16
Metaphors in Transition 17


The Thematic Section 20
Sport 20
The Human Body 21
Animals 21
The World of Sail 21
Music 22
Commerce 22
Amusements Generally 23
Statistics of Usage.... 23


The Thesaurus 24
"Difficulty" as a Concept 25
Money Matters 26
Metaphors Used Euphemistically 27


The Living English Language 29
Duplications 30
Plays on Words 30
Emphasis 31
The Need for Precision 31
Overlap 32
Negative Expressions 33
Nonsense Expressions 34
Colloquialisms 34
Sexist Language 35
Double Metaphors 55
Popular Misconceptions 35
Words are Fun! 37


Grammatical Form of the Metaphor 38
Principles Used in the Listings 39
Metaphors Involving a Change to the Part of Speech 39
Verbs Requiring Special Subjects 40
The Use of Quotation Marks 40
Idioms 41
Synecdoche 41
Personification 41
Hyperbole 41
Irony 42


Metaphors Arranged Alphabetically by Keyword 45
Metaphors in Various Categories
Animals 292
Art 305
Aviation 306
Buildings 306
Cards 312
Chess 313
Circuses 313
Clothes 314
Colors 318
Commerce 321
Crime 323
Death 324
Education 325
Farming 326
Food and Drink 327
Furniture 333
Gambling 335
Geography 336
Government 341
Heraldry 342
History 342
Human Body 344
Law 375
Manufacture 376
Meteorology 378
Mining and Oil 381
Music 382
Mythology 384
Nautical 386
Plants 389
Religion and Biblical 393
Science and Medicine 396
Sex 399
Sport ...400
Theater 405
Transport 407
War and Military 410

Metaphors Expressing Ideas in Certain Subject Areas
Abuse 416
Achievement 416
Activity 418
Advantage 421
Agreement 423
Aim 423
Alternative 424
Anger 425
Annoyance 425
Approval 426
Argument 426
Behavior 428
Belief 429
Benefit 429
Bigness 431
Care 432
Chance 432
Change 433
Confusion 434
Correctness 435
Courage 435
Criticism 436
Danger 437
Decision 437
Development 438
Difficulty 439
Disappointment 442
Displeasure 442
Ease 443
Employment 444
End 445
Enthusiasm 448
Equality 450
Excess 450
Expectation 451
Expense 452
Experience 453
Expertise 454
Fact 454
Factor 455
Failure 456
Falsity 458
Frankness 458
Fright 459
Future 459
Happiness and Enjoyment... 460
Harm 460
Hope : 461
Idea 461
Inference 463
Interest 463
Interference 464
Involvement 465
Judgment 466
Knowledge 466
Leadership 468
Likelihood 468
Membership 469
Misleading 470
Mistake 470
Money 471
Monitoring 472
Naivete 473
Nonsense 473
Opinion 473
Opportunity 474
Past 476
Pleasure 476
Possibility 477
Power 478
Practicability 479
Praise 479
Pretense 479
Prevention 480
Price and Value 480
Pride and Humility 481
Problem 482
Punishment 483
Readiness 483
Refusal and Rejection 484
Reputation 485
Responsibility 485
Result 487
Retirement 489
Revenge 489
Reversal 489
Risk 490
Sadness 491
Sameness 491
Satisfaction 492
Secrecy 492
Situation 493
Skill 495
Slowness 496
Smallness 496
Speech 498
Speed 500
Standard 500
Start 501
Strategy 502
Stupidity 502
Success 503
Surprise 506
Truth 506
Unexpected Happenings 507
Unrealistic Ideas 508
Unwelcome 508
Waiting 509
Wealth ; 509
Welcome 510
Work and Effort 510
Worry 512

Appendix 1: Keywords Occurring Most Frequently 5/3

Appendix 2: Statistical Summary of the Categories 515
Appendix 3: Material for Party Games 519
Appendix 4: Metaphors Derived From the Bible 521
Appendix 5: "Yes, Prime Minister" 528

It is one of the maxims of the civil law that definitions are hazardous
Samuel Johnson (The Rambler)

I am a Bear of Very Little Brain and long words bother me

A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

A cynic once defined a metaphor as " a simile with the words of
comparison left out." Less frivolously, the Concise Oxford Dictionary
puts it as the "application of name or descriptive term to an object to
which it is not literally applicable." The word is derived from two Greek
roots—meta with and phero bear—which in combination denote "transfer"
(of meaning).
The modern English language—as employed in ordinary conversation,
as used on radio and television, as seen in newspaper and magazine
articles and headlines, and as found in more serious literature—is remark-
ably full of metaphors. Some of these have been in currency for a
hundred years or more, giving rise to the description "fossil poetry."
Many metaphors involve colorful analogies. Every day one talks of
"missing the bus," of "being in the same boat" as someone else, of
"getting down to brass tacks" or of "not having a crystal ball." People
are always "getting a feather in their cap," "earning brownie points,"
"building bridges," "grasping at straws," "muddying the waters,"
"cutting the Gordian Knot" and "missing something by a whisker."
For the most part such figures of speech involve combinations of words
sounding very familiar to their audience and their use is quite subcon-
scious. In practice very few metaphors are written inside quotation
marks. Such a tell-tale sign is generally absent, thus clearly indicating
that the writers were not focusing on the aspect that their words did not
represent the literal truth. Fowler in Modern English Usage characterizes
such phrases as "dead metaphors."
A metaphor is often used because it can convey a particular shade of

meaning much more succinctly than other words. This work demonstrates
that metaphors serve to enrich both speech and writing, although at the
price of making communication in English much more difficult both for
foreigners and for computers used on translation tasks.

This book includes, as self-contained listings, a dictionary, a thematic
section and a thesaurus. It is intended as a handy reference tool for both
general readers and educational institutions in all English-speaking countries.
The book is designed to serve a number of assorted purposes, including
the following:

1. To set out in an easily-read and popular style the meanings of the

various metaphors
2. To help persons for whom English is a second language
3. To assist writers and public speakers to become more articulate
4. To provide resource material for teachers of English wishing to
design imaginative courses
5. To give an overall perspective of the subject
6. To show students and lovers of words the richness and diversity of
the living English language
7. To refresh memories of half-remembered phrases
8. To provide some amusement from the patterns presented by the
different categorizations
9. To illustrate that some particular words and concepts are especially
prevalent in figurative use
10. To provide raw material for party games, advertising copy, church
sermons, crossword puzzles and other specialist applications.

The book takes into account the fact that English can rightly be
described as "the language of buried metaphors" and that this feature,
while no doubt fascinating to word-buffs, must be very frustrating to
non-native speakers. Even secondary students for whom English is their
first language tend to see things very literally.
Each metaphor has been given a separate entry, thus avoiding the
practice in many dictionaries of jumbling up related material, which saves
space but causes inconvenience to users. The form of presentation in this
book also allows similar-sounding figurative formations to be compared
and contrasted with each other very easily.
While from the nature of the subject matter this work inevitably
involves some overlap with other books on idioms or picturesque expres-
sions, it is original in terms of the selection of the phrases included, of

their presentation and analysis, and of the simplicity of the definitions


This short word-book, despite its specialized nature, makes no pretense
as to completeness—that would be an impossible task, particularly as
people with an eye out for resemblances are free to coin their own
metaphorical expressions at will. However, the book contains some
14,000 dictionary-style alphabetical entries listing over 3,800 different
metaphors commonly found in current usage, selected from the wide
range available on the basis of the criteria described above. Many of
these could be described as "classical" expressions, but the book also
includes some other metaphors of special interest because of their
origins in fields such as history, mythology, religion, commerce,
science or classical literature or because they are illustrative of typical
modern innovations.
Minor instances of figurative phrases based on local customs and
circulating only in some communities can be found. However, most of
the tabulated metaphors will be readily understood throughout the entire
English-speaking world. This is, no doubt, due to the common origins of
the language in the case of metaphors of long standing and to their use in
films and television in the case of the more recent formations.
There is some overlap between metaphors, cliches, idioms, colloquial-
isms and even pithy sayings and proverbs. No attempt has been made to
draw very fine distinctions, although similes, jargon and euphemisms
have for the most part been deliberately excluded. Many outright slang
terms have also been ignored, although a few borderline cases have been
admitted. Some common picturesque expressions which may not strictly
speaking be metaphors have been included where it seemed likely that
this would be of convenience to users of this book.
Phrases such as "the chair upheld the point of order," "he has a good
pen" or "the land belonged to the crown" are examples of the figure of
speech known as metonymy and are also outside the scope of this book.
In the same vein, expressions such as " I want a word with you" (in
reference to a desired lengthy discussion), a subdivision of the figure of
speech called synecdoche (see Chapter 7), have been disregarded.
Prepositions used metaphorically have also been excluded: "to be in
difficulties," "to be within one's rights," "to be beyond help," and so on.
The main criterion for listing an expression was that in normal contexts
its words are not used in their true or literal sense. However, in each case
the user's intention would have been to convey a message which was
meant to be readily understood by his particular public and which
expressed a specific idea in a picturesque or emphatic way.

To enable the book to remain at a reasonable length, obscure phrases

occasionally found in textbooks but which are not actually in current
circulation have for the most part been excluded.
The richness of the English language can be demonstrated and put in
perspective by comparing the number of metaphors mentioned above as
included in this book even on this limited basis—namely, over 3,800—with
the number of words in "Basic English"—a mere 850.

The bulk of this book is in three separate parts. First of all there is a main
list in Part I which sets out each metaphor dealt with and which gives a
deliberately brief yet concise explanation of its import. Occasionally
where appropriate some further background information is added. This is
followed in Part II by subsidiary lists showing the relevant metaphors
occurring in each of a number of readily identifiable categories. Part III is
a special section, not normally found in dictionaries. It is designed more
for writers than for readers, although it is hoped that the latter will still
find it of interest. It contains lists showing metaphors classified according
to the broad subject areas in which they express ideas or concepts. These
lists will also be of particular relevance to public speakers when preparing
their material.
In addition, some general comments relating to metaphors at large and
dealing with historical and other interesting aspects of the subject are
made in Chapter 2 and the succeeding chapters. Some of these comments
are based on a computer analysis made while researching this project. In
particular, the categories relevant to Part II are discussed further in
Chapter 4 . They have regard to the literal or original meaning of the
words—not to their figurative or borrowed usage. The basis of the
thesaurus in Part III is explained in Chapter 5. A number of miscellane-
ous case studies are presented in Chapter 6. Some aspects of grammar
and punctuation are dealt with in Chapter 7.
Of course, short definitions—while no doubt convenient to most
users—do suffer from one disadvantage, in that they cannot readily cover
exhaustively all the various shades of meaning being attributed to some
phrases in actual practice.
The main list is in alphabetical order of the "keyword" of the phrase,
usually the noun or the verb but on occasions where appropriate an
adjective or an adverb. Simple verbs occurring frequently—be, get, give,
have, let, put, take, etc.—have, however, been ignored. For the conven-
ience of readers many metaphors and their explanations have been set out
in the alphabetical sequence under more than one keyword. This elimi-
nates the need for a separate index or extensive cross references. This
presentation thus overcomes a weakness and an annoying feature of the

few other books in this area. (Nouns are shown in the singular, except
where only the plural form is relevant. Similarly, adjectives and adverbs
are normally shown in the positive degree and verbs in the active voice
and in the infinitive. Transitive verbs are shown with an appropriate
object, such as "someone" or "something.") With minor exceptions—for
special reasons—pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections
are not listed.
It should be recognized that because English is a living language most
metaphors can occur in numerous variations depending on the taste or the
mood of the writer or speaker. For instance, words of qualification or
alternatively of emphasis can be added or omitted. Many subjects can
also be approached from more than one angle—for example, the expres-
sions "something coming to light" and "someone bringing something to
light" were both regarded as involving the same figurative concept and
only the latter version was included in the list. Similarly, "to run for
cover" and "to duck for cover" were treated as really being the one
metaphor despite the use of a different verb in the two versions.
In some instances a pair of opposite metaphors exists—for example:

"to run off the rails" and "to be back on the rails"
"to give a thumbs up" and "to give a thumbs down"
"to be on the right track" and "to be on the wrong track"
"cold-hearted" and "warm-hearted"
"to be the first cab off the rank" and "to be the last" (or "latest")
"cab off the rank"
"to give someone the green light" and "to give someone the red

and so on.
In other instances two related words exist—for example, "crusade"
and "crusader," or the same word is used as two different parts of
speech—for example, "to snowball" and "the snowball effect."
For space reasons some editorial selection has had to be made in many
such cases. Thus if a phrase is not found at the first attempt a different
keyword should be tried (such as a synonym or an antonym, a derivative
or related term, or a word from a different part of the phrase). (In a few
selected cases two alternative versions of a particular keyword or a
particular phrase have been included for ease of reference.)
Hyphenated and unhyphenated compound words which are not tabulat-
ed as such will be found shown under their components. In practice the
words "one," "someone," etc., used for convenience in the listings can
be replaced by other appropriate words—nouns or pronouns, etc.
The subsidiary lists in the thematic section (Part II) are each in
alphabetical order of the keyword relevant to the category concerned.
This approach should assist readers wishing to locate metaphors momen-

tarily forgotten. Where appropriate, a phrase is included in more than one

category or even more than once in the same category. The lists
themselves are in alphabetical order of category.
The subsidiary lists in the thesaurus (Part III) are each in alphabetical
order of the full metaphor in the form in which it appears in Part I. The
lists themselves are in alphabetical order of subject area.
This book is essentially a practical work, more concerned with exam-
ples of metaphors actually encountered in daily use than with the obscure
theories of metaphor devised by some academic commentators. Writers,
whether using existing metaphors or coining new ones, and whether
setting out to do so deliberately or acting subconsciously, are not really
assisted by theoretical considerations. Nor is such theory of much interest
to readers coming across metaphors, whether or not they understand the
underlying message.

A number of phrases such as "to jump at the opportunity," "to swallow
one's pride," "to sift the evidence" and "to have a sweet tooth" contain
some words used literally as well as other words employed figuratively.
Other examples are "to be bankrupt of ideas," "to shoulder the blame,"
"to sing someone's praises," "not to mince words" and " a passport to
success." In such cases only the figurative components have usually been
treated as giving rise to tabulated keywords, although for ease of
reference some exceptions to this principle were made.
One of the difficulties faced by compilers of dictionaries such as this
one is how to draw a clear-cut and unambiguous dividing line between
words having more than one literal meaning and words used figuratively.
For example, while the verb "to stand" has a primary literal meaning of
"to have or take up an upright position" it also has over 20 secondary
meanings, found in expressions such as "to stand on one's dignity," "to
stand up for one's rights," "to stand a case over," "to stand firm," "to
stand for tax reform," "to stand on ceremony," "to stand one's ground"
and so on. Most expressions of this type have been regarded as being
literal, in contradistinction to expressions which can convey a mental
picture of an erect person, such as "to stand up and be counted," "to
stand out from the crowd" and "to stand on one's own two feet."

Appendix 1 shows—purely as a curiosity—the tabulated keywords occur-
ring most often, set out in order of their frequency. (For this purpose a

compound word listed as such has been treated as being a different word
from its components.)
Words representing important parts of the human body score particular-
ly well—"head," "hand," "eye," "heart," etc. Some of these words
are, of course, also used in other contexts—for example, "head" in
"head of steam," "head of the pack," the "head of a nail," "heads and
tails" on coins, heads of animals, etc. The word "hand" is also used in
three different senses—a part of the body; an employee or worker; and
the cards dealt to a player in a game of cards.
The most common noun among the tabulated metaphors which is not
related to the human body is "water" and the animal referred to most
often is the dog.
Phrases containing these very common keywords may in some cases be
found more easily if the search is based on one of the secondary

The greatest thing by far is to have a command of metaphors

Aristotle (The Poetics)

Much matter decocted into a few words

Thomas Fuller (definition of a proverb in
The Worthies of England)


Metaphors abound in poetry, but such a specialized usage is dealt
with by many other analysts and is outside the scope of this book.
Somewhat surprisingly, comparatively few metaphors in contempo-
rary use by the general public have their origins in the major literary
William Shakespeare was responsible, inter alia, for "something is
rotten in the State of Denmark" (in Hamlet), "the devil can cite
scripture for his purpose" and "to want one's pound of flesh" (both in
The Merchant of Venice).
Of course, other Shakespearean passages, such as "all the world's a
stage," are sometimes quoted by people, but these have not really passed
into the modern language as living metaphors.
Cervantes contributed "to tilt at windmills" and "neither fish, flesh
nor good red herring" (both from Don Quixote).
Hans Christian Andersen wrote a story entitled "the Ugly Duckling,"
while the expression "curate's egg" dates back to a Punch cartoon first
published last century which featured a curate's response to his bishop, a
response to the effect the parts of his breakfast egg were excellent!
Sir Walter Scott wrote "O, what a tangled web we weave" (in a line
continuing "When first we practice to deceive!")
"To do a Jekyll and Hyde" refers to a book by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Catch 22 and The Last of the Mohicans are the titles of novels by

Joseph Heller and James Fenimore Cooper, respectively. Box and Cox is
the name of a play.
The concept of somebody being a real Scrooge refers to a character in
Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
Virgil, who died in 19 B.C. probably originated the modern expres-
sions involving the Trojan horse and the Greeks bearing gifts.
Many well-known quotations are, of course, literally true and thus do
not rank as metaphors—for example, John Donne's famous "no man is
an island."
The works of Shakespeare also lend themselves to the coming of brand
new expressions. For instance, a writer recently mentioned the "Macbeth
Principle," in reference to the view that if something unpleasant needed
to be done, then it should be done without delay (or, as the immortal bard
himself put it, "if it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were
done quickly").


While politicians no doubt invent numerous metaphors in the course of
their daily speech making, few of these seem to survive.
Oliver Cromwell's famous direction to Sir Peter Lely to paint his
portrait "warts and all" has, however, become a contemporary idiom.
Benjamin Disraeli once told a conference that he was "on the side of
the angels."
Sir Winston Churchill invented the term "the iron curtain," but the
Churchillian ring to some of his other sayings has probably militated
against their use in ordinary situations.
Churchill is also credited with describing his successor, Clement
Attlee, as a "sheep in sheep's clothing."
In America at the turn of the century President Theodore Roosevelt
coined the oft-quoted expression "speak softly and carry a big stick."
Two phrases attributed to another United States president—this time
Harry S. Truman—are "if one can't stand the heat one should stay out of
the kitchen" and "the buck stops here." The latter expression built up on
a much earlier metaphor, "to pass the buck," which in turn referred to
the buckhorn knife passed around the table during certain card games in
order to indicate who the dealer was.
A well-chosen political metaphor can be remarkably powerful in its
psychological effect—consider, for example, the expression "the cold
Clever politicians can also use existing classical metaphors to good
advantage—for instance, British prime minister Harold Macmillan once
said of an opponent: "If Harold Wilson ever went to school without any
boots, it was merely because he was too big for them."


The ancient non-Christian European religions gave rise to a number
of current expression, such as "to be in the lap of the gods" and
Primitive tribes in Africa originated the term "mumbo jumbo," while
Australian Aboriginal culture was the source of the expression "to point
the bone at someone."
Both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible contribute a number
of phrases which are used by both believers and non-believers in
circumstances far removed from those of their origin. Some of these
phrases sound distinctly biblical, but many others do not.
For example, the Old Testament uses the oft-quoted "to hold out an
olive branch," "the writing is on the wall," "to cast one's bread upon
the waters" and "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Somewhat
surprisingly, the very modern term "to be in an ivory tower" also comes
from this source.
Other Old Testament passages which give rise to currently-used expres-
sions involve forbidden fruit, David and Goliath, the walls of Jericho, a
fly in the ointment, the tower of Babel, the road to Damascus, the mark
of Cain, feet of clay, manna from Heaven, the flesh pots of Egypt and the
wisdom of Solomon. "To sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage" (in
other words, for a mere portion of soup) is another contemporary
expression, although one which admittedly sounds rather quaint because
of its archaic language.
The famous test word shibboleth has also passed into the language as
the term for an out-dated political principle. (It is actually a Hebrew word
meaning "stream in flood." Its significance in biblical times was that the
way in which it was pronounced made it possible to tell an Ephraimite
from a member of another tribe, because of his inability to pronounce the
initial " s h " sound in some words correctly.)
The New Testament uses the popular "by their fruits ye shall know
them" and refers to a wolf in sheep's clothing, the salt of the earth,
putting one's hand to the plow, turning the other cheek, killing the
fatted calf, being a doubting Thomas, separating the sheep from the
goats, being a good Samaritan and seeing the mote in another person's
For metaphors which are derived from the Bible the chapter and verse
citations pertaining to them are set out following the definitions given in
this book. Such metaphors are also shown in Appendix 4, arranged for
ease of reference in alphabetical order of both the keyword and the
relevant book of the Bible.
A special classification called "Religion and Biblical" is included in

Part II. However, this approaches the subject from a completely different
perspective from that just presented, focusing more on words such as
angel, devil, saint, soul, heaven and hell, rather than on actual religious
Actually the use of such terms raises an interesting philosophical point
which is best illustrated by an example. Consider the expression "to send
someone to Coventry." This can clearly be used literally in relation to the
English city of that name, and those employing the expression would
obviously believe that such a place existed. However, the same expres-
sion can also be used figuratively in the sense of "to ostentatiously and
collectively ignore a person by way of punishment." In contrast, whether
heaven and hell really exist is a question of faith rather than a matter of
fact. In these circumstances, can phrases such as "manna from heaven"
(unexpected benefits) or "on a cold day in hell" (never) be truly regarded
as metaphors by those who do not in the first instance ascribe any literal
meaning to the words "heaven" or "hell"?


Metaphors derived from heraldry are comparatively rare and those which
exist are not without their controversy.
For instance, the phrase "blue ribbon" (of superb quality) probably
refers to the insignia of the Order of the Garter, the highest of the ancient
British Orders of Chivalry. However, many heraldry experts feel that the
expression really refers to the ribbons used in agricultural shows or at
race meetings rather than to the blue ribbons worn by knights on
ceremonial occasions.
The "blot on the escutcheon" (a blemish on a person's character, in
reference to one of nine possible marks of disgrace placed on a shield
in earlier days) is better known in heraldry as an "abatement of
honor." The expression actually refers to the charges (that is, to the
designs, figures or symbols) placed on coats of arms in order to show
that the bearer has been guilty of some unknightly conduct or dishon-
orable action. Few examples were encountered in practice, because,
understandably enough, men would rather not display arms at all than
show their disgrace to the world. Blots were in any case regarded
as only temporary, as they could be erased by some compensating deed
of honor.
The term "bar sinister" in reference to illegitimacy has not been
regarded as a true metaphor, but in any case the expression is heraldic
nonsense, as bars (horizontal stripes on a coat of arms) can from their
very nature be neither "dexter" nor "sinister." Furthermore, the various
symbols used for denoting bastardy in heraldry include the bend, the
baton and the border, but never the bar.


Although not widely realized, some ordinary English words originate from
the metaphorical use of certain Latin terms—"companions," from cum
panis, people who eat bread together; "colleagues," from cum and
légère, persons who are chosen with each other; "to conspire," from
cum and spirare, to breathe together; and so on.
In a few instances, English has actually borrowed current metaphors
from a foreign language. The following eleven French phrases are
examples of this:

"danse macabre"
"bete noire"
"crème de la creme"
' 'volte face' '
' 'tour de force' '
' faux pas' '
"coup de grace"
"enfant terrible"
"esprit de corps"
"touche" and
"carte blanche,"

as is the Italian "prima donna."

In a slightly different class is the Swedish word "smorgasbord,"
which is used both literally of food and figuratively of other things.
Similar remarks also apply to the Latin phrase "postmortem," which
is used both literally as a medical term and figuratively in other contexts.


The sole aim of the metaphor is to call up a visual image


The intolerable wrestle with words and meanings

T.S. Eliot ( ' 'Burnt Norton' ' )


Metaphors are so prevalent that if one were to specifically look out for
them it would completely spoil one's reading and listening and thus
detract from the author's purpose.
There are only a few areas of writing in which metaphors are deliber-
ately carefully avoided. Two examples would be material prepared
specifically for non-native speakers and material intended for translation
into foreign languages.
Another example would be legislation and legal documents generally,
where precision is essential and where beauty of expression is an
unaffordable luxury. Even the modern trend toward "Plain English"
drafting would not make metaphors acceptable in such contexts.
Metaphors are, of course, less likely to be used in technical material
such as car or computer manuals than in, say, either ordinary conversation
or literary works, whether prose or poetry.
Figurative expressions have on occasion had their opponents—in 1670
one Samuel Parker went so far as to seriously advocate an Act of
Parliament actually forbidding the use of "fulsome and luscious" meta-
phors in England!


The standard metaphors listed in this book range from single words to
longer phrases and on rare occasions even to complete sentences (see also
Chapter 7).

Many idiomatic expressions depend for their effect on the ideas

represented by the combination of words rather than by the words
individually—consider, for example, the metaphors "to pour oil on
troubled waters," " a storm in a teacup" and "to shut the stable door
after the horse has bolted."
Writers can, of course, create graphic messages by incorporating
metaphorical ideas into longer passages. For example, the plain " a chink
of light" can be built up into " a welcome ray of light piercing the
gloom." Again, one can draw attention to the ravages of inflation by
sentences such as: "Money saved for a rainy day now buys a much
smaller umbrella than it used to."
Similarly, ever-increasing government regulation with its many anoma-
lies can be criticized by pointing out that the "level playing field is
getting more bumpy all the time."
A lawyer discussing the nature of certain evidence once made his point
to the court very neatly in the following terms:
If there is a large elephant on your front doorstep, then it is not a bad
idea to take notice of it, even if you cannot weigh it exactly.
Taking particular care can be described as "checking whether every i
has been dotted and making sure that every t is crossed."
Original metaphors drawing on contemporary practices can also be
very effective. For example, something particularly large or unusual
can be described as "justifying an entry in the Guinness Book of

An anonymous author once wrote "never mix your drinks or your
metaphors" and this accords with the traditional advice on this subject
given to young writers. However, mixed metaphors frequently arise in
practice without any intention on the part of their creators and without
their absurdity necessarily distracting readers.
For example, a government official investigating a fraud case was
recently reported as saying:
When the music stops the house of cards collapses and the emperor is
found to be wearing no clothes.
Again, a politician has criticized his opponents for "orchestrating the
emasculation" of a particular law.
The most frequently quoted mixed metaphor comes from a speech by
Sir Boyle Roche to the Irish Parliament some 200 years ago:
Mr Speaker, I smell a rat; I see him forming in the air and darkening
the sky; but I'll nip him in the bud.
One further example: "While the iron is hot, stay on your toes, keep
the ball rolling and don't throw a spanner in the works."

Of course, even a single metaphor can sound absurd—for example, a

reference to the Yiddish Art Theater as a "Mecca for Jewish theater-
It is also possible to create amusing results by twisting and parodying
commonly-used metaphors, as in "Mr. Smith is all tip and no iceberg.
He always has his head buried under the desk."
The lists in this book will provide raw material for party games—see
Appendix 3—and also for script-writers seeking to achieve comic effects
by stringing together chains of unrelated or inconsistent metaphors, as in
the following two illustrative passages:
Keep your back to the wall, your shoulder to the wheel, your ear to the
ground, your nose to the grindstone, your eye out for trouble, your chin
up, your head down and your feet firmly on the ground.
Our staff get exercise by jumping to conclusions, flying off the handle,
carrying things too far, dodging responsibility and pushing their luck.

Sometimes expressions which originally started off in figurative usage
later on make a complete transition and over time virtually become
"regular" words—for instance:

"to be petrified"
"to unmask" someone
"to be in the limelight"
"to have overtones"
"to set up a smokescreen"
"to be in the pipeline"
"a watchdog role"
"a snowball effect"

as well as both components in " a pastor and his flock."

Possible further examples of this trend would include the nouns:

"a backlash"
"a catalyst"
"a pipedream"
"a whitewash"
"a framework"
"an avalanche"
"a loop-hole"
"a crusade"
"a sounding board"
"a nightmare"

" a yardstick"
" a stalemate"
" a blueprint"
" a bottleneck"
" a watershed"
" a scenario"
" a stumbling block"
" a footing"
" a scapegoat"
" a breadwinner"
" a windfall"
" a nosedive"
" a deadline"
" a figurehead"
"pecking order"
"chicken feed"
"spectrum" and

the adjectives:

"half-baked" and

and the verbs:

"to encapsulate"
"to backfire"
"to crystallize"
"to polarize"
"to choreograph"
"to highlight"
"to undermine a person"
"to ferret something out"
"to hand pick"
"to paralyze a city"
"to pontificate"
"to backpedal"
"to crucify a person" and
"to pre-empt something."

Other such verbs are mentioned later in the section headed "Metaphors
involving a Change to the Part of Speech" in Chapter 7.
It seems likely that many of the other terms in this book, particularly
those lacking short synonyms, are heading in the same direction and will
become "regular" words in due course.


Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind

Rudyard Kipling

That's nothing to what I could say if I chose

Lewis Carroll (the Duchess in
Alice in Wonderland)


The 37 different sets of tabulations in the Thematic Section (Part II)
reflect the attempt at classification referred to in Chapter 1. They are
included mainly as a matter of general interest, but also because in some
cases the category gives a shorthand indication as to the origin of the
metaphor concerned.
Of necessity the categorization process involved the making of a
number of arbitrary decisions. There is, for example, some overlap
between certain animals and plants viewed as such or alternatively
regarded as food or alternatively again as a product of farming. Some
words were accordingly allocated to the nearest available category.
However, despite this roughness the counts go some way toward demon-
strating the unevenness of the literal subject matter which gives rise to the
phrases listed.
The comments below will serve as a brief general introduction to this
aspect, but the detailed listings really speak for themselves.

Understandably, analogies based on sport are fairly common: "to be
given riding instructions," "to be slow off the mark," "to be right
behind the eight ball," "to play by the book," "to throw in the towel,"
"to give a blow by blow description," "to hit someone below the belt,"

"to jump the gun", "saved by the bell," "hook, line and sinker," " a
master stroke" and "track record"—to name just a few.
Cricket terms are particularly prevalent in the countries favoring that
game: "it's not cricket," "to have the runs on the board," "to have had
a good inning," "to be on a sticky wicket," "until stumps are drawn,"
and so on.


However, the most frequent references involve parts of the human body:
"to scratch one's dead," "to twist someone's arm," "to burn one's
fingers," "to have broad shoulders," "to have one's ear to the ground,"
"to step on someone's toes," and so on. Some people get "itchy feet"
while others merely get "cold feet."
Nearly a quarter of all entries relate to just this one important category.

The next most popular category is the one based on animals: "to let
sleeping dogs lie," "to throw a cat among the pigeons," "to take the
bull by the horns," "to be an ostrich," "to stir up a hornets' nest" and
"to buy a pig in a poke"—not to mention "black sheep," "red
herrings," "dark horses," "underdogs," "sacred cows," "guinea pigs,"
"sacrificial lambs," "flies in the ointment," "can of worms" and the
well-known "dog in the manger."
The range of animals found in metaphors is quite uneven—some less
common species, such as giraffes, platypuses and zebras, are not represented
at all.
The term "animal" has been used in its correct sense, including birds,
fish, insects and so on, and not merely mammals.
In some cases it is not clear whether a particular expression refers to
human beings or to animals. For example, the analogy in "to put flesh
and bone on something" could have either in mind.


The era of sailing ships has left its legacy in phrases such as ' 'to learn the
ropes," "to trim one's sails," "to change tack," "to be plain sailing,"
"to nail one's colors to the mast," "to sail close to the wind," "to take
the wind out of someone's sails," " I like the cut of his jib" and "the
calm before the storm." There is also the pair of opposites, "to sail under
false colors" and "to show one's true colors."

One of the expressions mentioned above, "to be plain sailing" (to be

quite straight forward and very easy), is actually a corruption of "plane
sailing," in reference to navigation by means of a "plane chart" on
which meridians and parallels of latitude are represented by equidistant
straight lines, an approximate method which ignores the curvature of the
earth and which is therefore simpler for short distances.
Sailing expressions are shown in the "Nautical" category.

Music is another rich source. Examples include "to change one's tune,"
"to sing for one's supper," "to hit a sour note," "to have another string
to one's bow," "to softpedal," "to be a one-man band" and "to face the
music." There are also the rather similar in meaning "to beat one's
drum" and "to blow one's own trumpet"—presumably in contrast
to the position of the person who "plays second fiddle" to somebody
The listings include three similar examples based on the verb "to
strike" and the adjective "right," namely, "to strike the right chord"
(to appeal successfully to someone's emotions), "to strike the right key"
(to find the appropriate solution) and "to strike the right note" (to make a
good impression). While these definitions have been given to demonstrate
the shades of meaning which are possible, the phrases may well be being
used more or less interchangeably in practice.
Other variations to this theme are "to strike a responsive chord" (to
get a favorable reaction to a proposal) and the plain "to strike a chord"
(to sound familiar or to recall something to mind). The last-mentioned
idea can also be rendered as "to ring a bell."

Expressions such as "Al at Lloyd's," "to give someone a blank check,"
"the other side of the coin," "to show dividends" and "to be below
par," together with the concept of something "not adding up," have all
come into wider usage from the world of commerce.
The terms "to burn one's fingers" and "to fly a kite"—the latter in the
sense of issuing uncovered checks in the hope of covering them before
clearance—have moved in the reverse direction, although this particular
phrase is also used in a différent way in politics (the testing of public
reaction to contemplated legislation by leaking broad details of it to the


Apart from sport and music, as discussed above, many other forms of
popular amusement are understandably enough also noteworthy sources
of metaphors—for instance, art, theater, circuses, gambling and various
indoor games such as cards and chess.
The origins of some of the expressions relating to cards which are in
popular use today may not be obvious on the surface. For example, a
"showdown" occurs in poker games when the players put their cards
down on the table face up in order to show the strength of their hands,
while "level pegging" refers to the marking of the score with pegs in
Two other cards phrases, "passing the buck" and "the buck stops
here," have already been mentioned in Chapter 2 .

Appendix 2 summarizes the main categories adopted. It also shows their
relative frequencies and the number of items in each. Apart from
anything else, the statistics provide an interesting sociological commen-
tary on the activities which most readily spring to mind when writers and
speakers wish to make a point by using an analogy. In most cases the
association will be readily understood by readers and listeners with a
twentieth-century English-speaking cultural background.
About 13 per cent of the listed metaphors did not conveniently fit into
any of these categories, while some of the defined categories such as
"Sex" and "Heraldry" produced astonishingly low scores.


Let thy speech be short, comprehending much in few words

Ecclesiasticus 32:8

Be not the slave of words

Thomas Carlyle {Sartor Resartus)

The Thesaurus (Part III) is to some extent the reverse of the Dictionary
(Part I). Instead of starting with metaphors and then presenting their
meanings, it starts with base words summarizing the meanings and then
sets out the various metaphors relevant to the broad subject area con-
cerned. (Sometimes for convenience several different subject areas are
shown together, where the base word has more than one meaning.)
To illustrate, "taking a risk" is an area in which many metaphorical
expressions abound, although they all have slightly different connotations:

"to go out on a limb"

"to stick one's neck out"
"to rush in where angels fear to tread"
"to take the plunge"
"to play with dynamite"
"to go through fire and water"
"to chance one's arm"
"to jump in feet first"
"to play Russian roulette"
"to take a punt"
"to be sitting on a volcano."

The opposite of this concept is "to play it safe." These and various
other such phrases are shown under "Risk" in Part III.
Of course, the main alphabetical list in Part I also contains some
entries which deal with subject concepts—for instance, phrases relating to

"newness" can be obtained by looking up "new" and "old" in Part I,

while some phrases implying completeness will be found under " a l l " and
In some cases, the listings contain both positive and negative usages—
thus entries actually relating to "Lack of Enthusiasm" will be found
under the general heading "Enthusiasm," and so on.
The subject areas chosen for tabulation are set out alphabetically
in the table of contents. As there is some overlap between them,
users interested in a particular subject area may need to consult more
than one list, depending on the shade of meaning desired—for example,
it might be appropriate to look at the two lists headed "Risk"
and "Danger"; or alternatively at the two lists headed "Risk" and
Once again, the unevenness of metaphorical usage causes some surprise—
for instance, why should there be three times as many expressions for the
end of various activities (namely, 110) than for the start of something
(namely, 39)?

To take a further example, the concept of "difficulty" gives rise to a
great many figurative expressions. On the first encounter with a difficulty
one "runs into a roadblock," "strikes a snag" or "runs into heavy
weather." In fact, one "has a job in front of one" and may need "to put
one's thinking cap on" in order to solve the problem.
If the difficulty is shared with other people then they are all "in the
same boat." As one prepares to overcome the difficulty, one decides that
"the show must go on" and alternatively "sharpens one's ax" or
"battens down the hatches."
The actual attempt to overcome the difficulty involves "grasping the
nettle," "taking the bull by the horns," "grabbing the devil by the tail"
or "biting the bullet." After that one "jumps the hurdle," "irons out"
the problem or "makes a good fist" at trying to fix it. If one fails, one
"sinks deeper into the mire" (or "into the mud"). If one succeeds, one
has "fallen on one's feet." One is then "out of the woods" and can
"heave a sigh of relief."
To take unfair advantage of someone already in difficulty is "to
kick a man when he is down." To desert a person who is in difficulty
is "to leave him in the lurch." A period fraught with difficulties is
"a sticky patch." Something very difficult is said to be "sheer
There are well over a dozen different expressions for actually "being in
difficulty." Some involve shades of additional meaning—

from (a): just being agitated because one is in a slight muddle,

through (b): being stuck in a delicate situation or experiencing bad
to (c): facing near despair because some task is beyond one's

In rough order of severity (least to most) these expressions are as

"to be in a pickle"
"to be in a stew"
"to be in a jam"
"to be in a hole"
"to be out of one's depth"
"to have a hard row to hoe"
"to be pushing uphill" (or "fighting an uphill battle")
"to be on a sticky wicket"
"to have the cards" (or "the odds") "stacked against one"
"to be in a quagmire"
"to be in deep water" (or "in hot water") and
"to be in the soup."

A difficult query is a "sixty-four thousand dollar question." If, on the

other hand, one encounters no difficulties at all, then one is said to be
having a "dream run."
The above 42 illustrations do not, of course, exhaust all the possibilities.

Financial journals use ordinary metaphors all the time—for example,
share prices either "skyrocket" or "go into a tailspin," takeovers are made
"with much fanfare" and new chief executives "take the helm." Special
metaphors with technical meanings also exist—for example, securities
held by investors can be said to be "above the water" (above cost price).
Political allusions to spending taxpayers' funds occur in expressions
such as "to pork barrel" and "to engage in pump priming." For a
humorous effect, large sums of money can be referred to as "telephone
The actual word "money" used in its literal sense is found in the
partly-figurative phrases "money for jam," "to see the color of some-
one's money," "to have money burning a hole in one's pocket,"
"putting one's money where one's mouth i s , " "money down the drain"
and "the money is rolling in."
When a purely figurative expression for "money" is desired, words
such as "pocket," "purse" or "penny" are often used, as in:

"to have deep pockets"

"to line one's pocket"
"to button up one's purse" and
"to cost a pretty penny."

However, not all terms fall into this pattern. People can be "in the
black." They can also "feather their nest" or they may "burn their
Strange things happen when a country's sterling currency is decimal-
ized. Phrases such as "in for a penny, in for a pound," "the penny
dropped," " a ha'p'orth of tar," "penny-pinching" and the ungrammati-
cal "he doesn't have two pennies to rub together" remain unchanged. On
the other hand, "to throw in one's six pennies' worth" (sometimes
rendered as " . . .one's two bobs' worth") becomes "to throw in one's
two cents' worth," while "to have two bob each way" is converted to
the version "to have fifty cents each way"—hardly close decimal
Similarly, expressions involving imperial distances or weights do not
always get metricated—for example, "to drain every ounce out of
something," "to go the extra mile," " a yardstick," " a milestone,"
"not to give an inch," "to stand out a mile," "to get mileage out of
some matter" and "to inch forward."
Of course, everyone with even 28.3 grams of common sense realizes
that exact conversions would not be appropriate in all circumstances.


Metaphors can be used as a device for being tactful or tô soften a harsh
message. For example, instead of saying to a person "you are an
unmitigated liar" one can put it more gently—but just as effectively—in
the form of "that is just a cock and bull story."
Similarly one can say " a cobbler should stick to his last," rather than
"you are a fool for trying this"; "your friend is a slippery customer,"
rather than "your friend tried to cheat me"; and "it was under your
very nose," rather than "you are an idiot for not spotting the
Again, in a business context a short reference to a "new broom" can
sound more positive than a formal utterance about "changed management
Whether this tactic really works and the words sound less hard may, of
course, depend on other factors, such as accompanying the message by
suitable body language, by a smile or by a twinkle in the eye of the
Other euphemisms will be found in Part HI under headings such as:

"Mistake"—"to put the cart before the horse," etc.

"Naivete"—"to be babes in the wood," etc.
"Slowness"—"to drag one's heels," etc.
"Stupidity"—"to put forward a cock-eyed proposal," etc. and
"Unrealistic Ideas"—"to have one's head in the clouds," etc.


Proper words in proper places make the true definition of style

Jonathan Swift ("Letter to a Young Clergyman")

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone,

"it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."
Lewis Carroll (Through the Looking Glass)


The origins of most of the figurative expressions currently in circulation
are lost in antiquity and their authors are unknown.
However, the heterogeneous nature of English metaphors and the
power which they add to the language can best be demonstrated by
examining some actual cases. The following illustrations are taken more
or less at random from the vast collection used to compile this book.
It is, for example, intriguing to note that often words which when
taken literally are quite inoffensive acquire not only color but also
pejorative overtones when engaged as figures of speech—for example,
"to split hairs."
On another tack (!), interesting effects can also be obtained by
deliberately misquoting well-known expressions, producing renditions
such as "every silver cloud has a dark lining."
The word "metaphor" itself can be used in a non-literal way. For
example, a film on "home entertainments and theater" was given the
subtitle "metaphors of decadence and blurred reality," while one writer
coined the phrase "metaphors of evil" in connection with "contemporary
German literature and the shadow of Nazism."
It will be interesting to see whether the new computer technology
inspires any additional metaphors for the wider community. As regards
the reverse situation, many computer terms—such as "bit," "memory,"
"hardware," "window" and "word"—are ordinary English words giv-
en special meanings, rather than figures of speech. The word "software"

(meaning a computer program) is an artificially-coined term, based on the

long-established word "hardware" (meaning building materials, tools,
etc., in ordinary usage—but also adopted by the computer industry to
mean the physical components of a computer, as distinct from the
programs). Perhaps the term "garbage" is a true metaphor—"garbage in,
garbage out" (if there are errors in the input data then there will
inevitably be errors in the output data).

On occasions a whole series of commonly-used metaphors is evolved in
order to express just one simple idea—such as "to be within a bull's roar
of something," "to be within a hair's breadth of something" and "to be
within an ace of something"—or when speakers refer to only a postage
stamp (or alternatively a cigarette paper or alternatively again a wafer or a
tissue) separating either two objects or two close contestants in a race.
Again, wishful thinking has inspired several different phrases—those
referring to the impossibility of turning the clock back, of unscrambling
an omelette, or of putting the genie back in the bottle.
Some further examples of this pattern are "to miss the boat," "to miss
the bus" and "to miss the train"—three transport phrases which all mean
much the same thing—and "to hold a winning hand," "to hold all the
aces" and "to hold the trump cards"—three phrases from the world of
cards which once again have an identical meaning.
One can also be in something "up to one's shoulder," "up to one's
neck," "up to one's elbow," "up to one's freckles" or even "up to
one's eyeballs."
There are also many pairs of duplicates. To name just a few:

"to give a hand" and "to lend a hand"

"to escape by the skin of one's teeth" and "to escape by the skin of
one's nose"
"to bore someone to tears" and "to bore someone to death"
"a thorn in one's side" and " a thorn in one's flesh"
"a drop in the ocean" and " a drop in the bucket."

"To be on the wrong tack" (another sailing term) parallels "to be on the
wrong track" and "to be on the wrong tram" (from onshore activities).

Although similes in general are outside the scope of this book, special
mention should be made of those which amount to a play on words rather
than a true comparison—for example, "to charge like a wounded bull"

(to impose excessive prices) and "to be flat out like a lizard" (to be hard
at work).

Particular attention is drawn to a series of phrases which contain some
words used quite literally in combination with figurative fancy expres-
sions and elaborations inserted purely for the purpose of greater empha-
sis. Some examples of this pattern are as follows:

"to vanish into thin air"

"at a break-neck pace"
"crystal clear"
"every man and his dog"
"to be the end of the road"
"to get away with murder"
"to confront something head on"
"to refuse point blank"
"to save a bundle"
"a long time between drinks"
"why in the world?"
"No way!"
"in every nook and cranny"
"short and sweet"
"enough to sink a battleship"
"alive and kicking"
"the last of the Mohicans"
"to go post haste" and
"to cost an arm and a leg."

Again, it is sometimes said that prices are "going through the roof" or
that some innovation is "the hottest thing since sliced bread."
In a slightly différent class is the picturesque insult in which a person is
described as being "lower than a snake's belly!"
Some metaphors used by way of elaboration really add little of
substance—for example, "for my sins."


In many metaphors the precise words do not matter and synonyms or
other variations according to the speaker's preferences can readily be
used. In other cases, however, the exact word is essential. For example,

the two words "street" and "road" are not interchangeable in either
direction in:

"to be streets ahead"

"not to be in the same street as someone"
"to be on the right road"
"to be at the crossroads."

Similarly, something can be "up one's street" or more commonly "up

one's alley," but never "up one's road."
Again, a person can "pull himself up" either "by his bootstraps" or
"by his own shoelaces." But a person is "British to his bootstraps"
without such an alternative.

Is a "shot in the dark" really different from a "stab in the dark?" There
are, no doubt, differences in the shades of meaning which may make one
term or the other better in some particular circumstances. In the listings
the former has been defined as an "intelligent or lucky guess" and the
latter as a "sheer guess." However, in the context of a living language
spoken by millions of people it should not be assumed that such clear-cut
distinctions are made every time people use these expressions. These
remarks apply not only to the specific illustration just given but also in
the general case.
Again, some rather similar combinations of words occur in two or
more really quite distinct metaphors. Thus, "that is a fine kettle of fish"
(that is a terrible muddle) can be distinguished from "that is a very
different kettle of fish" (that is something very dissimilar).
Again, "to undermine a person" (to injure his reputation) has only a
small overlap with "to undermine a proposal" (to sabotage it).
"That is all water under the bridge" (that no longer matters) is not
quite the same as " a lot of water has passed under the bridge since he
came" (much has happened since he came).
"To give someone a hand" (to assist a person) is significantly different
from "to give someone a free hand" (to authorize a person to act as he
sees fit).
"To rekindle an old flame" (to inspire the reinstatement of a former
loving relationship) might even refer to "an old flame" (a former lover).
"An activity on the horizon" (one expected, but not immediately)
differs both from " a cloud on the horizon" (a faint indication of possible
future trouble) and from the worse still "black clouds on the horizon"
(anticipated bad news).
A person can either "see the light" (understand the real situation) or

"see the light at the end of the tunnel" (be close to finalizing a long
exercise), while a document can "see the light of day" (be made public).
Again, a matter can be "brought to light" (drawn to general attention) so
that those responsible can "shed light on it" (give explanations about it).
A person can "keep his own eyes open for something" (be on the
lookout for useful information) or he can "open someone else's eyes to
something" (alert another person to the truth of some matter). He can
also receive a real "eye opener" (surprise) or he can go into something
"with his eyes wide open" (fully conscious of the ramifications).
The expression "to put one's feet up" (to relax) can be contrasted with
the expression "to put one's foot down" (to exert one's authority and
insist on something).
In the area of near slang, "to have a shot at someone" (to tease a
person) is very different from "to have a shot at something" (to make an
attempt at achieving some goal).

A great number of rather colloquial expressions seem to work only in the
negative—for instance:

"it is not the end of the world"

"don't hold your breath for the outcome"
"he is not Robinson Crusoe"
"you're not here to win prizes"
"don't let the grass grow under your feet"
"that is not cricket"
"don't bust your boiler"
"it does not matter a row of beans"
"she didn't give an inch"
"that is not my cup of tea"
"I would not touch that with a ten-foot pole"
"that cuts no ice with me"
"he didn't miss a beat"
"he held a gun with no bullets"
"he is not the only pebble on the beach"
"it's not over till the fat lady sings"
"he did not turn a hair"
"nothing is sacred"
"she did not bat an eyelash"
"don't lose any sleep over this"
"I would not know him from Adam"
"not for love or money"
"he didn't have a dog's chance"

"it was no picnic"

"he did not put a foot wrong"
"she didn't pull any punches"
" I cannot for the life of m e . . . "
"to make no bones about i t . . . " and
"you haven't a leg to stand on."

The corresponding affirmative phrases would just not be idiomatic.

On a slightly different tack, the expression "he is no angel" is not at
all the opposite of "he is an angel."

Then there are also some "nonsense" metaphors, such as:

"since the year dot"

"to increase exponentially"
"to the nth degree" and
"to move at a rate of knots."

These are all expressions which when taken literally are actually quite
"To fly in the face of my specific orders" contains not one but rather
two quite absurd terms.
There is also the expression "with 20/20 hindsight," which sounds
more impressive and plausible than is really justified.

Some phrases can be used orally although they would be regarded as
unacceptable in literary pieces—for instance:

"stiff cheese"
"fair crack of the whip"
"shoot!" (in the sense of "speak")
"buzz off"
"I'll nail him"
"I have to fly"
"he can get lost"
"if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times"
"between you and me and the gatepost"
"you can go and jump in the lake"
"you can eat your heart out"

"that is on your head"

"that is your funeral"
"keep your shirt on!" and
"more power to your elbow."

Another "negative only" expression, "no dice," is also in the same

A rather different example is "if he were alive today he would turn in
his grave."

Many metaphors involve sexist language, having been coined long before
attention was paid to such matters. Examples include "the man in the
street," " a mansize job," "soul brother," "to separate the men from the
boys," "as every schoolboy knows" and "he is your man."
Of course, not every reference to males paints that sex in a good
light—consider, for example, the expression " a man of straw." However,
the relatively few references in metaphors to females tend to be unflattering—
for instance, "witchhunt" and "it's not over till the fat lady sings."

The expression " a backseat driver" is a rare example of a double
metaphor. Clearly, the word "driver" is not being used literally even
when the phrase is employed in the context of monitoring. When it is
used with the figurative meaning of " a person seeking to exercise
control" then the whole phrase becomes yet a further metaphor.
A more modern example is the radio term "feedback." Originally it
referred to the interaction between amplifiers and speakers, which must
have suggested to its early users some analogy to food. The secondary
concept in turn gave rise to the contemporary meaning of the phrase (a
response from a target audience to those trying to influence it), an
analogy based on an analogy.

Some metaphors in colloquial use are based on a misunderstanding as to
the correct meaning of the literal words. Six examples of this are as

"A leading question" (a very pertinent question): This involves the


misuse of a legal term used in relation to cross-examinations—a

term which actually means a question so framed as to suggest the
"Opening gambit" (the first in a series of strategic moves): This
is a tautological expression, which also involves a misunderstanding
of a technical chess term concerned with the making of a sacrifice.
"To decimate" (to greatly reduce in size): This expression is often
used in the sense of "to reduce to one tenth," although its original
meaning was "to reduce by one tenth," in reference to executing
every tenth soldier as punishment for mutiny or cowardice.
"To create a Frankenstein" (to create something wicked and out
of control): This is a reference to the fictional creator of "Frankenstein's
monster" in a story by Mary Shelley, in mistake for a reference
to the monster itself.
"At the eleventh hour" (at the last moment): As a day has 24
hours and half a day has 12 hours, this phrase is doubly wrong; "at
the twenty-fourth hour" would be much more logical. (The phrase
actually refers to the twelve hours between sunrise and sunset, the
"day" in biblical times.)
"To compound the felony" (having already acted improperly to
make matters worse): This also involves the misuse of a legal term.
Compounding a felony is the crime of agreeing for money not to
prosecute a person for felony. In reality it is therefore an offense by a
different person—not a second and worse offense by the original

As indicated under the heading "Hyperbole" in Chapter 7, the expres-

sion "light years" is often used incorrectly to mean " a long time." It is
actually a term used in astronomy. A "light year" is the distance
travelled by light in a 12-month period.
Another common practice is to use the phrase "to come full circle"
—which obviously implies returning to one's original starting point—in
mistake for another metaphor, "to turn around 180 degrees"—which
means reversing one's previous stance and now going in the opposite
Again, the mathematical term "lowest common denominator" is often
used when speaking of the highest level of taste, etc., found among all
the members of some target audience.
Some metaphors periodically get misquoted—for example, "to have a
hard row to hoe" is sometimes rendered as the meaningless "to have a
hard road to hoe."
Sometimes the popular meaning of a phrase acquires a différent
emphasis from that intended by the classical author. For example, "to be
an albatross around someone's neck," from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, now usually means "to be a great burden

from which one cannot easily escape." The original overtones of doom
and the earlier meaning of the phrase, " a source of bad luck," rarely
apply nowadays.


Technically speaking, the phrase " a rose by any other name would smell
as sweet"—actually, another quotation from Shakespeare, this time from
Romeo and Juliet—is not a metaphor. Clearly, the statement is literally
true. However, speakers using it would not be referring to roses, or to
smelling, or to sweetness. The phrase taken as a whole is clearly much
more powerful than its separate components might suggest.
Finally, another curiosity. Sometimes an interesting reversal of the
normal pattern occurs. A humorous effect can be achieved by actually
employing a commonly-used figurative expression in its literal sense, as
in the caption to an amusing press photograph published recently. This
showed two policemen exchanging their official headgear with two pretty
female party-goers wearing Mickey Mouse hats. The imaginative caption
was "If the cap fits . . . "
Words are fascinating and their study can be fun. Metaphors can
almost be regarded as an art form. Readers who may never have become
aware of the multitude of metaphorical usages even in their own speech
will find, it is hoped, the analysis and examples in this book both
entertaining and instructive.


Terminological inexactitude
Winston Churchill

And torture one poor word ten thousand ways

John Dryden (Mac Flicknoe)


Metaphors can take a great variety of différent grammatical forms,
including nouns by themselves—for example, " a figurehead," " a honey-
moon"; nouns qualified by adjectives—"a round robin," " a lame dog";
adjectives by themselves—"apocryphal," "ham-fisted"; and adjectival
phrases—"off the cuff," "for the long haul."
Nouns qualified by adjectival phrases with or without other adjectives
are relatively common—"an ocean full of fish," "the other side of the
coin," " a knight in shining armor," " a share of the cake," " a trap for
young players," and so on.
A few metaphors are adverbial phrases—"with a heavy heart," "with
a flourish of trumpets"; or adverbial clauses—"when the chips are
down," "when it comes to the crunch," "when one's ship comes
Some metaphors are mini-sentences—"his name is mud," "there is no
such animal"; exclamations—"chalk it up!," "tell it to the marines!";
or even questions—"just what is his game?," "were your ears
Some sentences start with the indefinite pronoun "it"—"it takes two
to tango," "it will all come out in the wash."
A number of metaphors are direct conditional statements—"if the cap
fits, then wear it," "if the mountain will not go to Mahomet, then
Mahomet will go to the mountain." Others merely imply conditions
—"first in, best dressed," "love me, love my dog."
About 70 per cent of all the expressions listed commence with a verb,
although it can be argued in some cases that only the words following the

infinitive comprise the real metaphor. Metaphors can involve a verb by

itself—"to ruminate," "to pan out"; a verb with a noun or an adjective
as a complement—"to be a tonic," "to be kosher"; a verb with an
object—"to throw a long shadow," "to trump a person," "to beard the
lion in his den"; a verb modified by an adverb or an adverbial phrase—
"to ebb away," "to be in hand"; and so on.
Sometimes only the passive voice gives an idiomatic expression—for
example, "to be cheesed off."
The phrase "to give the devil his due" is different again. It exists only
in the infinitive and can be used only in parenthesis, as in: "To give the
devil his due, John was always loyal."
There are really no limits to the grammatical forms which a metaphor
can take. Furthermore, no logical rules govern this aspect.


Where the infinitive is shown in the listings, all forms of the verb
concerned are normally usable except where specifically stated otherwise—
for example, "to rest on one's laurels" extends to "he rested on his
laurels," "are you just going to rest on your laurels?," and so on. On
occasions, however, an expression involving a verb exists in a more
restricted way, such as " I could eat a horse," which is used mainly in the
first person, or the near slang "join the club!," which is found only in
the imperative mood. In such cases the listings show the commonly-used
form of the metaphor.
Nouns shown with either the definite or the indefinite article in the
listings are usually encountered only in that form.
No attempt has been made to correct the language of ungrammatical
or inelegant expressions in popular use—for example, "fast and
furious" (when used as an adverb) or "this is nothing to write home


Some expressions are based on nouns when used literally but on verbs
when used figuratively, as in " a white ant" and "to white ant someone"
Other examples of this phenomenon include the following:

"to snowball"
"to pinpoint"
"to cave in"

"to earmark"
"to rubber stamp"
"to grandstand"
"to mushroom"
"to spearhead" and
"to mothball."

Some examples of phrases which moved in the reverse direction,

namely, verbs when used literally and nouns when used figuratively, are
as follows:

"a breakthrough"
"a standstill" and
"a walkover."


Some verbs used as metaphors can be combined with only a narrow
range of nouns as their subjects in their figurative applications. For

only a price or a value can "skyrocket"

only a telephone or some similar piece of equipment can "run hot"
only alleged facts can be "taken at face value"
only an unpleasant incident can "come back to haunt a person"
only a. joke or a funny story can "fall flat"
only an argument can be "shot to ribbons" and
only information can be brought "out into the open."

Again, only the participants in some contest such as an election can be

said to be "running neck and neck."


The metaphors listed in this book can, generally speaking, be regarded as
perfectly respectable. As mentioned in Chapter 1, they are therefore not
usually written inside quotation marks. Such punctuation would not really
be appropriate, as it would indicate to readers either that the author felt
guilty and apologetic about the use of the expression (in the case of slang)
or that he was feeling particularly proud of himself for having invented
something brilliant and wanted to draw special attention to it.


Outside the scope of this book are a large number of colorful idioms
which represent the literal truth—picturesque expressions such as "this is
not the end of the world" (you will get over this setback), "he does not
wear horns" (he is much more like you than you expect), "you should
practice what you preach" (you should do yourself what you tell others to
do) and "you got it in one" (your first hypothesis, as just enunciated, is

In some metaphors the abstract is treated as though it were the concrete,
as when a proposal is "thrown out of the window" or "swept under the
carpet" or "taken with a grain of salt." Again, one can "pour cold
water" on an idea or "knock it on the head."
A person can "come to grips" with a problem, "bare" his soul,
"unveil" a plan, "eat" his words or know something "inside out."
Such phrases are further examples of the figure of speech called

Other metaphors involve personification, for instance, "to break the
back" of a task, a "glaring error" and "the kiss of death."
Again, the solution to a problem can "stare someone in the face."

The expression "light years" is both a metaphor and a hyperbole. It can
legitimately be used to mean " a great distance." However, it is also
frequently used—quite incorrectly, as it happens—in the sense of " a long
On the other hand, "breathing space," despite appearances, does refer
to an interval of time.
The expression "if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times"
also involves a hyperbole.
Some metaphors comprise deliberate oversimplifications or understate-
ments, as "to dot the f s and cross the f's" and "to turn an honest

Some metaphors involve elements of irony—for example, "deafening
silence" and "people stayed away in droves."
It is also possible to invent metaphors in order to be ironical. For
instance, a copper coin tendered in mistake for a silver coin can be
described as being "rather sunburnt."


A to represent a weakness in an other-

wise strong position (refers to the
A from a to z
Greek warrior who was the hero of
from start to finish
Homer's ILIAD)
Al to be Al at Lloyd's
ACID to be the acid test
to be in perfect order (refers to the
to establish something beyond doubt
classification of ships in Lloyd's reg-
ister in London) ACID to put the acid on someone
to make demands on a person
ABANDON to abandon ship
to abrogate one's responsibilities or ACORN tall oaks from little acorns
to abandon a project grow
even major enterprises have to have
ABOUT to do an about-face
small beginnings (from "Lines written
to reverse a previously enunciated
for a School Declamation" by David
ABYSS to be close to the abyss
ACT to act out a charade
to face imminent total destruction
ostentatiously to pretend to be doing
ACE to be within an ace of something in an ethical fashion
ACT to be a hard act to follow
to be extremely close to something
to be an impressive performance, not
ACE to have an ace up one's sleeve easily matched by the next person
to hold an impressive counter-argu-
ACT to clean up one's act
ment in reserve
to fix up the deficiencies in one's
ACE to hold all the aces affairs
to be in an unbeatable position to
ACT to get in on the act
defeat others
to participate in some activity started
ACHE heartache by others
ACT to get one's act together
ACHILLES to be someone's to organize one's activities so as to
Achilles' heel make them efficient
ACT to read the Riot Act AHEAD to be ahead of the field
to reprimand persons who are exces- to be better than one's competitors
sively noisy (refers to the police read-
ing out to a rowdy crowd extracts AID a band aid
from a law requiring its disperse- help which is superficial or ephem-
ment) eral rather than substantial or perma-
ACTION to have a piece of the
action AIR a castle in the air
to be one of several parties to a an impracticable proposition
project AIR a feeling in the air
ADAM not to know someone from a premonition held by many people
Adam AIR to be a breath of fresh air
to be unable to recognize a person to be a pleasant change from the past
ADAM since Adam was a boy
AIR to be full of hot air
for a very long time
to have an exaggerated opinion of
ADD it adds up one's own importance and to boast
it makes sense about it
ADD that takes on added color AIR to clear the air
there are now further facts which al- to remove any possible misunder-
ter the appearance of a matter standings
ADD to add apples to oranges AIR to have too many balls in the air
to quite illogically lump unconnected to attempt to do more than can be
things together coped with
ADD to add fuel to the fire AIR to leave something up in the air
to make a bad situation worse to continue with an unresolved prob-
ADRIFT to come adrift lem
(of a plan) not to work out as in- AIR to pluck figures out of the air
tended to just make figures up arbitrarily
ADVOCATE to act as a devil's AIR to produce something out of thin
advocate air
to put a point of view which one does to get hold of something in circum-
not hold in order to draw out the best stances where this seemed impossible
arguments regarding a proposition
(refers to a church official vetting a AIR to put on airs and graces
candidate for sainthood) to act in an affected manner
AFLOAT to stay afloat AIR to throw one's cap into the air
to remain solvent to celebrate some achievement
AGAINST to swim against the tide AIR to throw one's hat into the air
to take up a minority position to express joy
AHEAD full bore ahead! AIR to vanish into thin air
proceed forward! unexpectedly to disappear
AHEAD full steam ahead! AIR to walk on air
get going as fast as possible! to be joyful
AISLE to have an audience rolling ALL it is all grist to the mill
in the aisles this is useful but unexciting addi-
to amuse an audience tional material
ALADDIN an Aladdin's cave ALL it will all come out in the wash
a place full of unexpected treasure the facts will emerge as work pro-
ALARM the alarm bells are ringing
It is unwise to proceed ALL not to be all beer and skittles
not to be all pleasant and easy
ALARM to sound alarm bells
to give warning ALL not to put all one's eggs in one
ALBATROSS to be an albatross
to spread one's risks
around someone's neck
to be a great burden (popularized by ALL someone's fingers are all
Coleridge's ANCIENT MARINER) thumbs
a person is clumsy with his hands
ALEC to be a smart Alec
to give witty but cheeky responses to ALL to all sing from the same
one's superiors or customers hymnal
to act consistently with each other
ALIVE to be alive and kicking
to be in good form ALL to be all ears
to be very attentive
ALIVE to eat someone alive
to soundly defeat a person ALL to be all eyes
to observe very closely
ALL / would not do so-and-so for all
the tea in China ALL to be all over but the shouting
I will never do so-and-so to be virtually finished
ALL a Jack of all trades ALL to be all systems "go"
an amateur who can turn his hand to to go ahead as fast as possible
ALL to be all that it is cracked up
ALL all hands on deck to be
everybody is requested to help out to be as good as the claims made for
ALL all hands to the pumps
everybody is requested to help out ALL to be all washed out
to feel feeble
ALL all hell broke loose
great confusion erupted ALL to compete on all fours with
ALL all his Christmases came at to strive on equal terms
he was overjoyed ALL to get the worst of all worlds
to get a series of disadvantages with-
ALL all roads lead to Rome out achieving any corresponding ad-
all alternatives will have the same vantages
ALL to hold all the aces
ALL all that glitters is not gold to be in an unbeatable position to de-
things are not always what they seem feat others
ALL all the dogs are barking ALL to hold all the cards
this news is being widely disseminated to be assured of victory
ALL to laugh all the way to the bank AMMUNITION ammunition
to appreciate one's good fortune arguments helpful to a case
ALL to let it all hang out ANCHOR the sheet anchor
to unburden oneself the source of one's confidence
ALL to pull out all stops ANCHOR to anchor
to make maximum effort to fix firmly

ALL to spark on all cylinders ANCHOR to weigh anchor

to work extremely well to move to another address
AND neck and neck
ALL to walk all over someone (of contestants) with little between them
to act in a way which completely
disregards another person's sensibil- ANGEL a fallen angel
ity i previously trusted person who has
ALL to want to jump all one's fences
at once ANGEL fools rush in where angels
to be unrealistic fear to tread
unsophisticated persons take unwise
ALL warts and all risks in circumstances where more
with the unfavorable features as well knowledgeable persons would exer-
as the favorable ones (Oliver Crom- cise caution
well's direction to an artist painting
his portrait) ANGEL someone's guardian angel
someone's friend, watching over him
ALLEY to be up one's alley and advancing his interests
to be right within a person's expertise
ANGEL to be an angel
or area of interest
to be very helpful
ALLEY to rush into a blind alley ANGEL to be no angel
to make a precipitate move which to have a great many serious faults
does not lead one anywhere
ANGEL to be on the side of the
ALLIANCE an unholy alliance angels
a working relationship for a nefarious to be on the side of righteousness
purpose between unlikely partners (from a speech by Benjamin Disraeli)
ALPHA from alpha to omega ANIMAL there is no such animal
from start to finish (refers to the first that does not exist
and last letters of the Greek alphabet)
ANIMAL to be a political animal
ALTAR to sacrifice something on to want to be in politics
the altar of some belief
to give up some benefit as a matter of ANOINT the anointed one
principle the desired successor
ANSWER the answer to a maiden's
AMENDMENT to plead the Fifth
an unexpected but very welcome
to refuse to answer an unwelcome
question (refers to the Fifth Amend-
ment of the United States Constitu- ANT to white ant someone
tion, which provides protection to surreptitiously seek to destroy a
against self-incrimination) person
ANTEDILUVIAN antediluvian APRON to be tied to someone's
very outmoded (lit., "before the apron strings
Flood") to be excessively influenced by a
APART to be miles apart
to have great philosophical differen- ARCHITECT to be the architect of
ces something
to be the person devising something
APART to be poles apart
to have ideas which are very différent
AREA to be a gray area
APART to drift apart
to be in an undefined position strad-
to lose contact or to change feelings
dling two or more possibilities
once held in common
ARM / would give my right arm for
APART to tear someone apart
to ruthlessly destroy another person's
I am very keen to acquire something
ARM a shot in the arm
APOCRYPHAL apocryphal
something to revive a person's enthu-
fictitious but resembling truth and il-
lustrating a point (refers to certain
Old Testament books included in ARM at arm's length
only some versions of the Bible) between parties who are strangers
bearing no special duty to each other
APOLOGY to be an apology for
and who have no financial or other
relationship with each other (a legal
to be a poor substitute for something
APPETITE to whet one's appetite
ARM to be armed to the teeth
to arouse one's curiosity or interest
to carry many weapons
APPLE a rotten apple
ARM to chance one's arm
an isolated dishonest person in an
to take a great risk (refers to the
otherwise honest group
stripes on the uniforms of non-com-
APPLE in apple pie order missioned officers)
in perfect order and condition
ARM to cost an arm and a leg
APPLE to add apples to oranges to be excessively expensive
to quite illogically lump unconnected ARM to have a long arm
things together to have far-reaching power
APPLE to be the apple of ARM to lose one's right arm
someone's eye to lose some highly-valued assistance
to be a person of whom another per-
son is proud ARM to twist someone's arm
to coerce another person to do some-
APPLECART to upset the applecart thing against his will or better judge-
to engage in conduct disturbing a ment
peaceful state of affairs and thereby ARM with open arms
cause discomfort enthusiastically
APPLY to apply the blowtorch to ARMCHAIR to get an armchair
something ride
to totally destroy something to be given a particularly easy time
ARMOR a chink in someone's ASHES to wear sackcloth and ashes
armor humbly to demonstrate repentance
an opportunity to take advantage of a
ASK someone asked for it
a person deserves his fate
ARMOR a knight in shining armor
a very helpful person, who is also ASS to make an ass of oneself
gallant and idealized to act stupidly in public

ARMPIT to be in something up to ATMOSPHERE atmosphere

one's armpits psychological environment
to be very deeply involved in some- ATMOSPHERE in a rarefied
thing atmosphere
ARMS to be up in arms against in ignorance of the real world
something ATTACH to have strings attached
to express violent opposition to a to be subject to conditions
AUNT an Aunt Sally
AROUND to get around some a person who can readily be singled
difficulty out and criticized as the proxy for a
to use an approach which overcomes group
some difficulty
AVALANCHE avalanche
AROUND to get around someone
a great volume manifesting itself in a
to induce a person to do as one
short time
ARROW another arrow in one's AVENUE avenue
quiver method of approach
an additional reason AWASH to be awash with something
ART to raise something to a fine art to have plenty of something
form AWAY to be carried away
to become very clever at doing some- to be excited by something imagina-
thing tive
ARTHUR / don't know whether I'm
AWAY to be unable to keep people
Arthur or Martha
away with a big stick
I haven't time to think
to be faced with a large crowd or
ARTICLE an article of faith much demand
a fundamental belief on which certain
behavior is based AWAY when the cat is away the
mice will play
ASCERTAIN to ascertain the lay of
in the absence of supervision disci-
the land
pline will be lax
to establish the pertinent facts and
opinions AX an old battle-ax
ASHES to rise from the ashes like a formidable, quarrelsome and hostile
a Phoenix woman
to be the replacement for something AX the ax has fallen
destroyed in some disaster (refers to a it is now too late
mythical bird which was supposed to
rise from the ashes of its funeral pyre AX to ax
with renewed youth) to cancel
AX to have an ax to grind BACK feedback
to have a vested interest; to bear a response from a target audience to
resentment or a grudge those seeking to influence it
AX to sharpen one's ax BACK it fell off the back of a truck
to get ready for a difficult task (of goods) they were stolen; (of a
politically sensitive document) it was
AX where the ax falls
leaked to me
who gets terminated
BACK on the back of something
by virtue of something
BABE out of the mouths of babes BACK put your back into it!
(as indiscreetly revealed) the truth work energetically!

BABE to be babes in the wood BACK so-and-so would give one

to be excessively naive and inexperi- the shirt off his back
enced and thus ripe for exploitation so-and-so is very generous

BABEL a tower of Babel BACK something is on the back

a noisy and confused assembly (Gen- burner
esis 11) consideration is postponed pending
further research
BABY to be left holding the baby
to be tricked into accepting responsi- BACK the straw which broke the
bility for someone else's problems camel's back
the latest step, which, when added to
BABY to be one's baby a large number of seemingly harm-
to be one's area of responsibility less previous steps, sets off a disaster
resulting from the cumulative effect
BABY to throw out the baby with
the bathwater BACK through the back door
to discard a major benefit in the unofficially or surreptitiously
course of obtaining a comparatively
minor advantage BACK to backpedal
to reverse to some extent previously
BACK a backseat driver applied policies
a person seeking to exercise control
BACK to back someone into a
BACK a thought in the back of corner
one's mind to drive a person into a position from
an undeveloped idea which escape is difficult
BACK as soon as someone's back BACK to back the wrong horse
was turned to have faith in, give support to
at the moment it became possible to and/or invest in a project which
do something without a person's proves to be unsuccessful
BACK to be able to do something
BACK back-breaking with one hand behind one's back
overburdening to be able to do something very
BACK behind someone's back
in a way which deliberately conceals BACK to be back on deck
an activity from a person to have returned after an absence

BACK to be back to scratch BACK to pat oneself on the back

to have to start all over again immodestly to congratulate oneself
BACK to be fed up to the back teeth BACK to pat someone on the back
to be disgusted to congratulate a person or to reas-
BACK to be like water off a duck's sure a person
back BACK to put one's back into
(of advice or criticism) to be com- something
pletely rejected to work hard at achieving some goal
BACK to break the back of a task BACK to put someone back in his
to complete the bulk of the work box
BACK to bring someone back to to make it clear to a person that his
the pack views are not welcome
to make a person conform BACK to put someone back in his
BACK to cover one's back place
to take precautions to make it clear to a person that he
should not continue to act as though
BACK to engage in back biting he had greater seniority than he really
to criticize in an unfriendly manner has
BACK to get back on one's feet BACK to put someone on the back
to recover from an illness or some foot
other setback to cause a person to adopt a lower
BACK to get off someone's back profile
to leave a person alone to carry on BACK to put something back on its
without constant criticism feet
BACK to get one's own back on to repair something
someone BACK to ride on the back of
to extract revenge someone
BACK to get someone's back up without effort to benefit from the
to annoy or antagonize a person prior efforts of others
BACK to go back to square one BACK to scratch one another's
to start all over again backs
BACK to have eyes at the back of to help each other
one's head BACK to see the back of someone
to know more of what is going on to know that a person is no longer
than is generally realized involved in something
BACK to have one's back to the wall BACK to stab someone in the back
to be hard-pressed by creditors or to deliberately and surreptitiously
opponents harm a person who regarded one as a
BACK to make a rod for one's own friend
back BACK to take a backseat
to act in disregard of likely disadvan- not to actively involve oneself
tages for oneself BACK to tie someone's hands
BACK to need to watch one's back behind his back
to find it necessary to take care in to make it impossible for a person to
case others act against one's interests act at all
BACK to turn back the clock BACON to bring home the bacon
to have another opportunity to do to be successful
something which should have been
BACON to save one's bacon
done already or to undo something
to escape harm
which cannot be undone
BAD to give a dog a bad name
BACK to turn one's back on
to malign a person
to decline to further assist or deal BAD to make bad blood between
with a person two parties
to cause ill feeling between two
BACKBONE backbone
chief strength or character
BAD to throw good money after bad
BACKFIRE to backfire
to waste further money in a vain
to be counterproductive
attempt to recover money already lost
BACKGROUND background BAG a mixed bag
information some advantages and some disadvan-
supplementary information relating to tages
some matter which enables the main
information to be seen in context and BAG a whole bag of tricks
understood better a series of articles or a series of
artificial devices
BACKGROUND one's background
the environment in which one grew BAG it is in the bag
up the enterprise has succeeded
BACKHANDED a backhanded BAG to let the cat out of the bag
compliment to reveal an embarrassing secret (re-
a polite expression seemingly of fers to the exposure of cheats at fairs,
praise but really intended as an insult attempting to pass a cat wrapped in a
sack off as a piglet)
BACKLASH a backlash
BAG to pack one's bags
adverse reaction to some move
to signal one's intention to depart
BACKROOM a backroom boy BAG yes sir—yes sir—three bags
an expert unable to communicate full!
effectively with the lay public (in servile response to some request)
BACKWARD to bend over yes, very willingly!
backward to do something BAIL to bail someone out
to go to great trouble to accommo- to render assistance to someone un-
date another person's wishes able to help himself
BACKWARD to take a step BAIL to bail out of something
backward to abandon an enterprise in anticipa-
to move farther away from one's goal tion of disaster
BACKWASH backwash BAILIWICK to be in someone's
consequence bailiwick
BACKWATER a backwater to be some other person's responsibility
a place of little activity BAIT to swallow the bait
BACKYARD in one's own backyard to succumb to a temptation deliber-
in one's own domain ately put in one's way
BAKE half-baked BALL to keep an eye on the ball
not well thought out to monitor a fast-changing situation
BALANCE to balance the books BALL to keep the ball rolling
to get one's own back to take advantage of the existing mo-
mentum or to participate actively
BALANCE to balance the picture
to put the other side of the story or BALL to keep up with the ball
to quote facts in contradiction to stay on top of the situation
BALANCE to tip the balance BALL to pass the ball along
to provide further information or ar- to cooperate with others
gument which results in an issue,
BALL to play ball
which could have been decided either
to cooperate
way, being determined in a particular
way BALL to run with the ball
to make the most of the opportunity
BALANCE to weigh two alternative
propositions in the balance BALL to start the ball rolling
to assess the relative significance of to commence and enthusiastically ad-
two alternative propositions vance an activity involving people
BALL a crystal ball BALL to take one's bat and ball
accurate knowledge of the future home
as a gesture of spite to remove an
BALL the ball is in someone's court
essential ingredient which one has
it is some other person's responsibility
contributed to a joint enterprise
BALL to be a new ball game
to be subject to completely revised BALLOON to go down like a lead
rules or very different conditions balloon
to receive a very cool reception
BALL to be in the right ballpark
to be approximately correct BALLOON when the balloon goes
BALL to be line ball when the adverse facts come to light
to be equal
BANANA a banana republic
BALL to be on the ball a country with a poor economy
to be fully informed
BAND a band aid
BALL to be right behind the eight ball
help which is superficial or ephemeral
to be in a position of extreme disad-
rather than substantial or permanent
BAND a one-man band
BALL to blackball someone
a person performing many different
to reject a person as unsuitable
roles single-handedly
BALL to have a ball
BANDWAGON to hop onto the
to have an enjoyable time
BALL to have the ball at one's feet to join the majority (the antonym of
to have unlimited opportunity "bandwagon effect" is "underdog ef-
BALL to have too many balls in
the air BANDY to bandy something about
to attempt to do more than can be to discuss something in a light-
coped with hearted manner

BANG a big bang BARK someone's bark is worse

a sudden major change in the environ- than his bite
ment the harsh words belie the reality of
mild action
BANG to bang one's head up
against a brick wall BARK to bark up the wrong tree
to fight an unwinnable case to reach an incorrect conclusion
BANG to finish with a bang BARK why keep a dog and bark
to conclude something in grand style oneself?
it is silly to pay for assistance and
BANK to laugh all the way to the
then do things personally
to appreciate one's good fortune BARN to barnstorm
to visit accompanied by a show of
BANKRUPT to be bankrupt of ideas
to be bereft of ideas
BARREL a barrelful of something
BAPTISM a baptism of fire
many of something
the commencement of an operation
which presented great difficulty BARREL lock, stock and barrel
BAR no holds barred
without any limitation BARREL to have someone over a
BAR not to have a bar of something
to take advantage of someone's weak-
to be totally opposed to something
ened position in relation to oneself
BARE the bare bones
BARREL to look down the barrel
(of a story) nothing but the essential
of a gun
to be given little choice in a matter
BARE the cupboard is bare
BARREL to pork barrel
the wished-for resources are just not
to spend taxpayers' money in one
area in order to attract political sup-
BARE to bare one's soul port
talkatively to give a revealing insight BARREL to really scrape the
into oneself bottom of the barrel
BARE to bare one's teeth to lower one's standards because one
to imply threats is short of important or relevant
BAREFACED barefaced issues
shameless BARREL with both barrels blazing
BARGAIN bargaining chips with great intensity
benefits which can be conceded in BARRICADE to go to the
negotiations in order to obtain some barricades for something
advantage to very strongly believe in something
BARGAIN to be more than one BARRIER to break down the
bargained for barriers
to be more than one expected to do away with the prejudice prevent-
BARK all the dogs are barking ing something
this news is being widely dissemi- BARROW to push a barrow
nated to promote a particular cause

BASE to get to first base BATH a bloodbath

to succeed in getting others to start catastrophic losses
comprehending a problem
BATH to give someone a bath
BASH a bible basher to dramatically defeat a person
a person who makes unwelcome at-
BATHWATER to throw out the
tempts to force his religious beliefs
baby with the bathwater
on others
to discard a major benefit in the
BASKET a basket case course of obtaining a comparatively
a poorly-performing enterprise minor advantage
BASKET not to put all one's eggs BATON to have a field marshal's
in one basket baton in one's kit
to spread one's risks to be ambitious
BASKET to put something into the BATTEN to batten down the hatches
"too hard" basket to get ready for expected difficulties
to defer consideration of a difficult BATTERY to recharge one's
issue batteries
BASTARD a bastard to have a recuperative break
an unpleasant person BATTLE a battle royal
BASTION the last bastion a fight or argument with many simul-
the only remaining defensive measure taneous participants
BATTLE an old battle-ax
BAT not to bat an eyelid a formidable, quarrelsome and hostile
to fail to express any surprise woman
BAT off one's own bat BATTLE to fight an uphill battle
on a person's own initiative and with- to face difficulties or to have formida-
out outside help ble opposition
BAT to go to bat for someone BATTLESHIP enough to sink a
to carry out a task on another per- battleship
son's behalf more than sufficient
BAT to have bats in the belfry BAY to hold someone at bay
to be mad to successfully resist an attacker

BAT to maintain a straight bat BAY to keep the jackals at bay

to be efficient to pay one's creditors just sufficient
to avoid repercussions
BAT to open the batting BAY to set the hounds baying
to be the first in a series of persons to excite the gossips by providing
speaking or doing something material which they can use
BAT to take one's bat and ball home BE to be kosher
as a gesture of spite to remove an to fulfill all requirements (refers to
essential ingredient which one has food complying with all aspects of
contributed to a joint enterprise Jewish religious law)
BATED to wait with bated breath BEACH not to be the only pebble
to be excited in anticipation of some on the beach
event not to be the only available person
BEADLEDOM beadledom BEAR to bear fruit
stupid officiousness to result in success
BEADY to have one's beady eyes BEAR to grin and bear it
on something to suffer adversity cheerfully
to await the chance to acquire some-
BEARD to beard the lion in his den
thing to which one is not properly
to visit someone important at his
BEAK to be a sticky beak
BEARER a standard bearer
to show excessive curiosity into mat-
a highly visible activist for a cause
ters not of one's concern
BEAST the nature of the beast
BEAM to be off beam
the reality of the situation
to be mistaken
BEAT any stick to beat a dog
BEAN not to have a bean
any excuse will do if it serves one's
to have no money
BEAN not to matter a row of beans
BEAT not to miss a beat
to be utterly unimportant
to carry on without the slightest
BEAN to be full of beans interruption
to be very cheerful BEAT one can't beat City Hall
BEAN to know how many beans the ordinary citizen is powerless
make five against bureaucracy
to have common sense BEAT to beat a drum for someone
BEAN to spill the beans to propagate another person's cause
to indiscreetly reveal sensitive infor- BEAT to beat a retreat
mation to abandon some project
BEAR I fear the Greeks even when BEAT to beat about the bush
they bear gifts to hide the unpleasant truth
I am suspicious of generous behavior BEAT to beat by a long shot
from traditional opponents (from Vir- to defeat very convincingly
gil's AENEID, in reference to the Tro-
jan horse) BEAT to beat each other over the
BEAR not to have been born to be always fighting
not to be naive BEAT to beat one's breast
to express sorrow
BEAR to be a cross which one has BEAT to beat one's drum
to bear to immodestly publicize one's own
to be a difficulty which one has to attributes
BEAT to beat someone at his own
BEAR to be born on the wrong side game
of the blanket to outwit a person in his own special-
to be illegitimate ization
BEAR to be born with a silver BEAT to beat someone to the punch
spoon in one's mouth to get to some objective ahead of
to be brought up by wealthy parents some keen rival

BEAT to beat the odds BEDLAM bedlam

to do better than could reasonably a scene of uproar (refers to the Hos-
have been expected pital of St. Mary of Bethlehem,
which was used as a lunatic asylum
BEATEN to be off the beaten track
from 1547 onward)
to do unconventional things
BEDROCK bedrock price
BEAUTY beauty is in the eye of
lowest possible price
the beholder
some things are matters for subjective BEE to be a busy bee
judgments to work with great diligence
BEAVER an eager beaver BEE to have a bee in one's bonnet
a person with great drive and enthusi- to have an obsession
asm even if this causes annoyance to
BEELINE to make a beeline for
BEAVER to beaver away to go straight to something with great
to work diligently at some task enthusiasm or to head for some goal
by the most direct route
BED a hotbed of crime
a place where crime flourishes BEER not to be all beer and skittles
not to be all pleasant and easy
BED one has made one's bed and
one will now have to lie on it BEER to be small beer
one has to bear the consequences of to be quite unimportant
one's actions
BEER to cry in one's beer
BED to be no bed of roses to show remorse
to be difficult or uncomfortable
BEG to beg on bended knees
BED to be on one's death bed to request in great earnestness
(of an organization or a piece of
BEGIN charity begins at home
equipment) to be about to cease
a person's first responsibility should
be to his family
BED to bed something down BEHIND behind someone's back
to find a taker for something in a way which deliberately conceals
BED to get out of bed on the an activity from a person
wrong side BEHIND to start from behind
to be grumpy scratch
BED to jump into bed with someone to be faced with a handicap
to enter into a joint enterprise with BEHOLDER beauty is in the eye
another person of the beholder
some things are matters for subjective
BED to put something to bed judgments
to finally dispose of
BELFRY to have bats in the belfry
BEDDING feather bedding to be mad
(in industrial relations) creating un-
necessary jobs solely to increase em- BELL bell-wether
ployment; (in economics) assisting an first indication
inefficient industry by government BELL bells and whistles
grants or excessive tariff protection imaginative variations

BELL right on the bell BEND to be hell bent on something

at the last possible moment to be very determined to achieve
something, regardless of the adverse
BELL saved by the bell consequences
rescued before disaster strikes
BEND to be round the bend
BELL the alarm bells are ringing to be crazy
it is unwise to proceed
BEND to beg on bended knees
BELL to be a warning bell to request in great earnestness
to be a warning
BEND to bend over backward to do
BELL to bell the cat something
to do some dangerous but highly use- to go to great trouble to accommo-
ful mission (refers to a fable in which date another person's wishes
none of the mice was willing to put a
warning bell on a cat) BEND to bend the rules
to overlook minor infractions of the
BELL to ring a bell rules
to sound familiar or recall something
BERTH to give someone a wide
to mind
BELL to sound alarm bells to go out of one's way to avoid con-
to give warning tact with a person
BELLY I've had a belly full BESIDE to be beside oneself
I have had enough of this to be very agitated

BELLY afire in someone's belly BEST first in best dressed

great enthusiasm persons acting early will do better
than latecomers
BELOW below the salt
in a subordinate position (refers to BEST to claim that something is
the seating order at ancient Roman the best thing since sliced bread
dining tables) to have an exaggerated opinion of the
importance or novelty of an invention
BELOW to be below par or practice
to be less than the desired standard BEST to put one's best foot forward
BELT to belt someone over the head to make a special effort
to override someone's views or argu- BEST to want the best of both worlds
ments to unreasonably desire to get some
BELT to get something under one's advantage without incurring a corre-
belt sponding disadvantage
to achieve something BET a good bet
a good proposition
BELT to hit someone below the belt
to act unfairly toward another person BET to hedge one's bets
to take action involving a cost but
BELT to tighten one's belt which is designed to reduce the pos-
to lower one's rate of spending sible adverse consequences of some
BENCHMARK a benchmark
a standard by which something is BET you bet!
measured definitely!
BET you can bet your life on BIG to be unable to keep people
something away with a big stick
something is certain to happen to be faced with a large crowd or
much demand
BETE to be someone's bete noire
to be a person whose ideas and ac- BIG to stand over someone with a
tions cause upset and loathing in an- big stick
other person (French, "black beast") to intimidate a person in order to get
him to act in a particular way
BETTER to be better than a poke
in the eye with a burnt stick BIG to wield a big stick
to be particularly welcome to exert power

BIBLE a bible basher BILL to fit the bill

a person who makes unwelcome at- to meet all the requirements
tempts to force his religious beliefs BILL to get a clean bill of health
on others after proper investigation to be found
BIBLE to be the bible not wanting
to be the authority BIND spellbinding
BIG a big bang fascinating to an audience
a sudden major change in the environ- BIND to bind someone hand and foot
ment to completely limit a person's free-
BIG a big wheel dom to act
an important person BIND to catch someone in a bind
to find a person in a difficulty from
BIG someone's eyes are bigger
which he cannot readily extricate
than his stomach
a person is unrealistic
BIRD a bird in the hand is worth
BIG speak softly and carry a big two in the bush
stick a benefit currently available is more
be polite to your potential enemies valuable than a seemingly much larg-
but maintain an active and visible er benefit which may or may not be
defense capability (from a speech by achieved in the future
Theodore Roosevelt in 1901)
BIRD a bird's-eye view
BIG the big smoke a general overview or summary of a
the big city subject, emphasizing the major fea-
BIG to be a big fish in a little pond tures
to be a person holding an important BIRD a little bird told me
office but in an unimportant organiza- I heard from an unnamable informant
tion (Ecclesiastes 10:20)
BIG to be too big for one's boots BIRD birds of a feather flock
to have an unwarranted belief as to together
one's capabilities or status persons of like interests gather in the
same place
BIG to be too big for one's breeches
to have an exaggerated idea of one's BIRD that is strictly for the birds
own importance that is blatant and naive nonsense

BIRD the bird has flown BITE to bite off more than one can
the person sought is no longer about chew
to be overly ambitious and thus unre-
BIRD the early bird gets the worm
a person who acts ahead of others alistic as to one's capabilities
gets an advantage over them BITE to bite one's fingernails
to anxiously await a decision
BIRD to be a rare bird
to be an unusual type of individual BITE to bite one's lip
to control one's anger
BIRD to have a bird brain
to be stupid BITE to bite someone's head off
to rudely express displeasure at some
BIRD to kill two birds with one stone
to achieve a second objective in the
course of achieving the first objective BITE to bite someone's nose off
to speak to a person aggressively
BIRTH to give birth to something
to create or invent something BITE to bite the bullet
to face up to the difficulties of a
BIRTHRIGHT to sell one's situation
birthright for a mess of pottage
through foolishness to exchange some- BITE to bite the dust
thing of substance for something of to die
little value (Genesis 25) BITE to bite the hand that feeds one
BIT to champ at the bit to show ingratitude
to be impatient BITE to engage in back biting
BIT to take the bit between one's to criticize in an unfriendly manner
teeth BITE to get only one bite at the
to face up to a problem cherry
to receive no further opportunity
BITE / could have bitten my tongue
off BITE to have a hair of the dog
I wish that I had not made such a that bit one
hurtful remark to drink more in an attempt to over-
come the effects of alcohol already
BITE hard-bitten consumed
toughened by experience
BITE to start to bite
BITE someone's bark is worse than to start to be effective
his bite
the harsh words belie the reality of BITTER to be a bitter pill to
mild action swallow
to be a great humiliation and disap-
BITE to be bitten pointment which have to be endured
to be swindled
BLACK a black hole
BITE to be bitten with something an intermediate range of values pro-
to become very enthusiastic over ducing anomalous results or a partic-
something ularly obnoxious prison cell
BITE to bite BLACK a black sheep
to respond predictively to a remark a disreputable member of an other-
designed to provoke wise reputable group
BLACK in black and white BLANK to have a blank canvas
in writing, spelling out all the details to be bereft of ideas
BLACK the pot calling the kettle BLANK to refuse point blank
black to refuse outright
a person criticizing another person
BLANK to start with a blank sheet
without realizing his own even grea-
of paper
ter shortcomings
to commence an exercise without
BLACK there are black clouds on being bound by any established prac-
the horizon tices
bad news is expected
BLANKET to be a wet blanket
BLACK things look black to be a spoilsport
there is little hope of success or pros-
BLANKET to be born on the
perity or a favorable outcome
wrong side of the blanket
BLACK to be a black and white to be illegitimate
BLANKET to throw a blanket over
to involve very clear distinctions
a proposal
BLACK to be in someone's black to refuse to proceed with a proposal
to be out of favor with a person BLAZE to blaze a trail
to be the first person to do something
BLACK to be in the black
to have money BLAZE with both barrels blazing
with great intensity
BLACK to blackball someone
to reject a person as unsuitable BLEED one's heart bleeds for
BLACK to give someone a black one feels truly sad for a person's fate
to indicate one's displeasure with a BLEED to slowly bleed to death
person to be heading in gradual steps toward
total ruin
BLACK to have a black mark
against one's name BLEEDING to stem the hemorrhage
to have a tarnished reputation to put a stop to the financial losses of
BLACK to paint a black picture a project
to state a set of unfavorable factors BLESSING a blessing in disguise
BLACK to paint someone black an unwelcome but salutary experience
to ruin a person's reputation BLESSING to be a mixed blessing
BLANCHE carte blanche to be an outcome with some desirable
freedom to use one's discretion on and some undesirable features
behalf of another person (French, BLESSING to give one's blessing
"white card") to something
BLANK to draw a blank to indicate one's approval of some-
to be unsuccessful thing
BLANK to give someone a blank BLIND a nod is the same as a
check wink to a blind horse
to give another person unlimited del- fine distinctions are not appropriate
egated authority here

BLIND blind Freddy could see that BLOCK to block someone's path
something is such-and-such to interfere with a person's opportu-
it is very obvious that something is nity to advance himself
BLOCK to put one's head on the
BLIND the blind leading the blind block
persons without the necessary skills to have the courage of one's convictions
for a task purporting to impart those BLOOD a blueblood
skills to others a person of high birth (refers to the
BLIND to be blind to something appearance of veins on the skin of
to be unaware of some matter and its members of some royal families)
significance BLOOD bad blood
BLIND to have a blind spot about animosity
something BLOOD blood, sweat and tears
to fail to recognize the adverse as- hard work and much effort
pects of something
BLOOD bloodshed
BLIND to rush into a blind alley retribution
to make a precipitate move which
BLOOD fresh blood
does not lead one anywhere
newly joined members of some organ-
BLIND to turn a blind eye to ization
BLOOD full-blooded
to pretend something obvious does
not exist (refers to action by Nelson
when disregarding Admiralty signals) BLOOD hot-blooded
very passionate
BLINDER to take one's blinders off
to face reality BLOOD one's own flesh and blood
one's offspring
BLINDLY to follow someone blindly
to follow a person unquestioningly BLOOD the lifeblood
the main or essential ingredient; or
BLOCK roadblocks
the person or factor instilling enthu-
BLOCK someone's head is on the
BLOOD there is blood in the streets
much damage has been done to a
a person is in danger of having his
appointment terminated
BLOOD there is blood in the water
BLOCK stumbling block
something is likely to cause a person
an impediment or difficulty prevent-
to go into a frenzy
ing the easy completion of some proj-
ect or a dilemma involving a moral BLOOD there is blood on the floor
issue this has caused great anguish
BLOCK the cheering could be BLOOD to be after someone's blood
heard a block away to be keen to make a person the
there was great rejoicing victim of an angry confrontation
BLOCK to be a chip off the old BLOOD to be in someone's blood
block to be something about which a person
to resemble one's father is very knowledgeable or keen
BLOOD to curdle one's blood BLOSSOM to blossom
to be horrific (of a person's attributes) to develop
BLOOD to do something in cold BLOT to be a blot on someone's
blood escutcheon
to be cruel without feeling any emo- to be a blemish on a person's character
tion about it
BLOT to blot one's copybook
BLOOD to draw blood from a stone to spoil one's previously good reputa-
to do the impossible tion or record
BLOOD to draw first blood BLOW a blow-by-blow description
to get an advantage a description overburdened by unim-
portant or irrelevant detail
BLOOD to give something a blood
transfusion BLOW a body blow
to give something new enthusiasm a very damaging event
BLOOD to have blood on one's BLOW death blow
hands incident which results in the destruc-
to be the person responsible for tion of something
someone else's predicament BLOW the affair blew up
BLOOD to introduce new blood certain unwelcome facts have become
to recruit new members to some publicly available
organization BLOW to be a severe blow
to be a great disappointment
BLOOD to let blood
to allow some harm as the price for BLOW to blow hot and cold
achieving some greater benefit to vacillate
BLOOD to make bad blood between BLOW to blow one's own trumpet
two parties to immodestly publicize one's own
to cause ill feeling between two attributes
BLOW to blow one's top
BLOOD to make someone's blood to show anger (refers to a volcano)
BLOW to blow something
to make a person very angry
unintentionally to destroy some oppor-
BLOOD to see blood tunity
to be very angry
BLOW to blow something out of
BLOOD to smell blood the water
to divine imminent victory to destroy something
BLOOD to thirst for blood BLOW to blow the cobwebs away
to be eager for revenge to revive an old issue

BLOODBATH a bloodbath BLOW to blow the lid off something

catastrophic losses to expose something no matter how
embarrassing this might be
BLOODLETTING bloodletting
planned reductions BLOW to blow the whistle on
BLOODY to get a bloody nose to report a person's improper behav-
to suffer an undignified rebuff ior to the authorities or to publicize it
BLOW to blow up BLUE to be a blue-chip stock
(of a person) to express rage to be of excellent quality
BLOW to blow up in someone's face BLUE to be a bolt from the blue
to rebound on a person to be a totally unexpected event
BLOW to get one's head blown off BLUE to be in a blue funk
to be very soundly abused to be terrified
BLOW to see which way the wind BLUE to come out of the blue
is blowing to be totally unexpected
to establish the factors relevant to a
BLUE to feel blue
to feel depressed
BLOW to soften the blow
BLUE to go on till one is blue in
to take action to reduce the trauma of
the face
bad news
to argue for a long time
BLOW to strike a blow
BLUE to have a blue fit
to resume work
to be very agitated
BLOW to strike a blow for some
BLUE to scream blue murder
to make serious allegations
to work toward the attainment of
some principle BLUE true blue
superbly loyal
BLOWTORCH to apply the
blowtorch to something BLUEPRINT blueprint
to totally destroy something a master plan for some activity or a
model which others can copy
BLUE a blueblood
a person of high birth (refers to the BLUSH at first blush
appearance of veins on the skin of prima facie
members of some royal families)
BOARD a springboard
BLUE between the devil and the a situation from which one intends to
deep blue sea make a rapid advance
to be faced with two equally unpalat- BOARD across the board
able alternatives which cannot both over the whole range of activity
be avoided
BOARD back to the drawing board
BLUE blue ribbon the details need to be reconsidered
of superb quality (refers to the insig-
nia of the Order of the Garter) BOARD to act as a sounding board
to give, on request, constructive criti-
BLUE blue sky cisms of ideas tentatively held
supremely optimistic BOARD to be above board
BLUE blue-eyed boy to be quite legitimate
person shown unjustified favoritism BOARD to be on the drawing board
BLUE once in a blue moon to be in the process of being planned
very rarely (refers to the volcanic in detail
eruption at Krakatoa in 1883 when BOARD to go overboard
volcanic dust caused the moon to to act foolishly and in an excessive
appear blue) way

BOARD to have the runs on the BOIL to keep the pot boiling
board to ensure that an issue stays current
to have a demonstratable record of
BOIL to make someone's blood boil
to make a person very angry
BOARD to pipe someone on board
BOIL to reach boiling point
to welcome a person
to reach a climax
BOARD to take something on board
BOILER not to bust one's boiler
to offer to give further consideration
not to exert oneself unduly
to a matter
BOLT nuts and bolts
BOARDER to repel boarders
basic ingredients
to keep out unwanted persons
BOLT to be a bolt from the blue
BOAT to be in the same boat
to be a totally unexpected event
to share a common set of difficulties
BOLT to shoot one's bolt
BOAT to get off the boat
to lose one's temper
to disassociate oneself from some
project BOLT to shut the stable door after
the horse has bolted
BOAT to miss the boat
to take preventive action only after
to fail to exploit an opportunity
the relevant event
BOAT to rock the boat
BOMB a bombshell
to disturb the comfortable status quo
an unpleasant surprise
BOB Bob's your uncle
BOMB a time bomb
that solves the problem
a source of serious problems which
BOB to have two bob each way are certain to surface later on
to equivocate
BOMB to be a bomb
BODY a body blow to be grossly defective
a very damaging event
BOMB to put a bomb under someone
BODY over my dead body to induce a person to take some action
BOMBARD to bombard someone
BODY to keep body and soul with something
together to overwhelm a person with material
to keep alive or to persistently assail a person with
words of argument or abuse
BOGGLE the mind boggles
this is astonishing BONE a bone of contention
the subject matter of violent disagree-
BOIL hard-boiled ment
toughened by experience
BONE backbone
BOIL it boils down to this chief strength or character
the essential features are as follows
BONE the bare bones
BOIL to bring something to the boil (of a story) nothing but the essential
to bring something to a climax elements
BOIL to come off the boil BONE to cut costs to the bone
to no longer require urgent attention to economize
BONE to feel something in one's BOOK to be a turn up for the books
bones to be a surprising development
to suspect something without having
BOOK to be in someone's black
any real evidence for it
BONE to get close to the bone to be out of favor with a person
to cause discomfort by being accurate BOOK to be in someone's good
BONE to gnaw one's fingers to the books
bone to be well regarded by another person
to fret
BOOK to close the book on
BONE to have a bone to pick something
to have a grievance which requires to terminate an activity
BOOK to cook the books
BONE to make no bones about it fraudulently to maintain false records
to be brutally frank of financial transactions
BONE to point the bone at someone BOOK to judge a book by its cover
to accuse a person (actually, an Aus- foolishly to go only by superficial
tralian Aboriginal method of applying appearances
a curse) BOOK to play by the book
BONE to put flesh and bone on to apply the rules strictly
something BOOK to take a leaf out of
to supply details of a proposal previ- someone's book
ously revealed only in outline to model oneself on another person
BONE to throw someone a bone BOOK to talk one's book
to fob a person off with a symbolic to present arguments which, while
but unimportant gesture plausible, are really designed to fos-
BONE to work one's fingers to the ter one's vested interest
bone BOOK to throw the book at someone
to work very hard to prosecute a person with all the
vigor allowed by law
BONEHEADED boneheaded
stupid BOOK to use every trick in the book
to try very hard and use every con-
BONNET to have a bee in one's ceivable argument
to have an obsession BOOKWORM a bookworm
a person who likes reading and study
BOO to be too frightened to say
"boo" to a goose BOOM to lower the boom
to be excessively shy to terminate an activity
BOOT the boot is on the other foot
BOOBY to win the booby prize the real facts are the other way round
to do worse than all others
BOOT to be too big for one's boots
BOOK to balance the books to have an unwarranted belief as to
to get one's own back one's capabilities or status
BOOK to be a closed book BOOT to give someone the boot
to be a secret to terminate a person's appointment
BOOT to go in boots and all BORROW to live on borrowed time
to do something very roughly to live longer than expected
BOOT to hang up one's boots BOTTLE a bottleneck
to retire a factor obstructing an even flow
BOOT to have one's heart in one's BOTTLE to be a full bottle on
boots something
to be terrified to be very knowledgeable
BOOT to lick someone's boots BOTTLE to bottle up some feeling
to show humility to keep some feeling entirely to
BOOT to put the boot in
to reprimand a person BOTTLE to let the genie out of the
BOOT to quake in one's boots
to cause something irreversible to
to be afraid
take place
BOOTSTRAP to be British to
BOTTLE to put the genie back in
one's bootstraps
the bottle
to be very demonstrative about one's
to undo something which cannot be
BOOTSTRAP to pull oneself up by
BOTTOM from the bottom of one's
one's bootstraps
to make a praiseworthy effort to bet-
very sincerely
ter oneself unaided
BOTTOM rock bottom
BORE full bore ahead!
very low
proceed forward!
BOTTOM the bottom line
BORE to bore someone to death
the conclusion which matters or the
to greatly weary a person by dull and
net effect of a series of developments
uninteresting conversation or by lack
of action BOTTOM to be at the bottom of the
BORE to bore someone to tears to be in the most junior position in
to greatly weary a person by dull and some hierarchy
uninteresting conversation or by lack
of action BOTTOM to be at the bottom of the
totem pole
BORE to bore the pants off someone to be in the most junior position in
to weary a person by dull and uninter- some hierarchy
esting conversation
BOTTOM to really scrape the
BORN not to have been born bottom of the barrel
yesterday to lower one's standards because one
not to be naive is short of important or relevant
BORN to be born on the wrong issues
side of the blanket BOUNCE to bounce back
to be illegitimate to resume a cheerful existence after
BORN to be born with a silver some setback
spoon in one's mouth BOUND by leaps and bounds
to be brought up by wealthy parents with surprisingly fast progress

BOW shots across the bow BOX to shadow box

warnings to go through the motions without
achieving or intending to achieve
BOW to bow down anything
to succumb to pressure
BOY a backroom boy
BOW to bow out an expert unable to communicate
to retire from some activity effectively with the lay public
BOW to draw a long bow BOY a whipping boy
to state a conclusion which while a person made to suffer for the faults
possible is unlikely on the known of others
BOY as every schoolboy knows
BOW to have a second string to as is recognized by everyone
one's bow
to have an additional qualification ap- BOY blue-eyed boy
propriate to the task person shown unjustified favoritism
BOY since Adam was a boy
BOW to take a bow
for a very long time
to receive recognition
BOY to be a good boy
BOWL to be in a goldfish bowl to be cooperative
to be very open to view
BOY to separate the men from the
BOX Box and Cox boys
two persons who are never around at to distinguish between those with and
the same time (from the name of a without certain skills
BRACE to splice the main brace
BOX the whole box and dice to serve an extra ration of rum
all relevant components
BRAIN anyone with even half a
BOX to be in the box seat brain
to be in a very powerful position to everyone
control activity
BRAIN hare-brained
BOX to be on one's soap box wildly stupid
to hold forth on an issue about which
one feels keenly BRAIN someone's brain needs
BOX to be one out of the box a person is very silly
to be unexpectedly superb
BRAIN to have a bird brain
BOX to open up a Pandora's box to be stupid
to do something which produces all
BRAIN to have something on one's
sorts of undesired and unexpected
side-effects (refers to the woman in
to be obsessed with some notion
Greek mythology who brought mis-
ery to mankind; the box contained BRAIN to pick someone's brain
human ills) to get the benefit of another person's
knowledge and experience
BOX to put someone back in his box
to make it clear to a person that his BRAINCHILD brainchild
views are not welcome inspired original idea

BRAINSTORM to brainstorm BREAD to claim that something is

to pool thoughts in the course of a the best thing since sliced bread
session designed to generate fresh to have an exaggerated opinion of the
ideas and especially to build upon the importance or novelty of an invention
ideas of others or practice
BRAINWAVE a brainwave BREAD to know on which side one's
a suddenly occurring bright idea bread is buttered
to be aware of the important con-
BRAKE to put the brake on someone
to stop a person
BREAD to put jam on someone's
BRANCH to hold out an olive
to make a good situation even better
to make peace overtures (Genesis
8:11) BREADTH to be within a hair's
breadth of something
BRASS not to have a brass razoo
to be extremely close to something
to be very poor
BREAK all hell broke loose
BRASS to get down to brass tacks
great confusion erupted
to discuss the aspects which really
matter BREAK at a break-neck pace
very fast
BRAVE to brave the water
to enter a venture with courage and BREAK back-breaking
determination overburdening
BRAVE to put a brave face on it BREAK heartbreak
to face adversity cheerfully despair
BREACH once more unto the breach BREAK not to break someone's door
let us get on with the task (from down
Shakespeare's "Henry V") to be quite unenthusiastic about some-
one's goods or services
BREACH to stand in the breach
to bear the brunt of criticisms BREAK one cannot make an
omelette without breaking eggs
BREAD a bread and butter issue the desired end dictates the means
a basic issue which is of importance even if they cause harm to others
to many people
BREAK the straw which broke the
BREAD a breadwinner camel's back
a person earning by personal exertion the latest step, which, when added to
the income of a household a large number of seemingly harm-
less previous steps, sets off a disaster
BREAD to be someone's bread and resulting from the cumulative effect
to be a person's livelihood or to be a BREAK to be a broken reed
person's everyday experience to be a weak and unreliable person
BREAD to cast one's bread upon the BREAK to break a drought
waters to resume supplies after an interval
not to expect gratitude or recognition BREAK to break down the barriers
for one's good works (Ecclesiastes to do away with the prejudice prevent-
11:1) ing something

BREAK to break new ground BREATH to draw a deep breath

to do something for which there is no to get ready for exertion or for emo-
precedent tional news
BREAK to break one's duck BREATH to take one's breath away
to end a spell without results to greatly surprise or astonish
BREAK to break one's neck to do BREATH to wait with bated breath
something to be excited in anticipation of some
to be particularly keen event
BREATH to waste one's breath
BREAK to break ranks
to talk or request something without
to identify oneself as having separate
achieving anything
interests or views from the rest of a
group BREATHE to breathe down
someone's neck
BREAK to break the back of a task to cause annoyance to another person
to complete the bulk of the work by remaining in his vicinity or by
BREAK to break the ice supervising him too closely; or to be
to take the initiative in starting discus- narrowly behind another person in
sions some competitive situation
BREAK to break the spell BREATHE to breathe easy
to spoil the effect (following some crisis) to relax
BREATHE to breathe life into a
BREAK to make or break someone corpse
to be a factor leading either to a to revive something moribund
person's success or to his failure,
with no intermediate position BREATHE to get some breathing
BREAKFAST to be a dog's to get more time in which to accom-
breakfast plish something
to be a very messy arrangement
BREECHES to be too big for one's
BREAKFAST to be able to eat breeches
someone for breakfast to have an exaggerated idea of one's
to be able to outwit a person very own importance
easily BREEZE it's a breeze
BREAKTHROUGH a breakthrough it is easy
success in overcoming resistance to a BRICK it is London to a brick
proposal it is virtually certain
BREAST to beat one's breast BRICK one can't make bricks
to express sorrow or anger without straw
one cannot achieve results in the ab-
BREAST to make a clean breast of sence of adequate resources
to confess BRICK to bang one's head up
against a brick wall
BREATH not to hold one's breath to fight an unwinnable case
for something
BRICK to be up against a brick wall
to give up all expectation
to be unable to achieve anything be-
BREATH to be a breath of fresh air cause of intractable opposition or
to be a pleasant change from the past apathy

BRICK to drop a brick BRING to bring someone to heel

to make a sudden shattering and un- to make a person conform
expected announcement
BRING to bring something to the
BRICKBATS to throw brickbats at boil
someone to bring something to a climax
to express displeasure with a person
BRING to bring the house down
BRIDGE a lot of water has flowed to greatly amuse an audience
under the bridge since then
BRINK to push someone over the
much has happened since then
BRIDGE to be water under the by a small action to cause the abso-
bridge lute ruin (financially or emotionally)
to matter no longer of someone already in peril
BRIDGE to bridge a gap BRITISH the very best of British
to fill a need or make up a shortfall luck
you will have a hard time of it, but
BRIDGE to bridge a gulf you carry my best wishes
to overcome a wide divergence in
views BRITISH to be British to one's
BRIDGE to build bridges to be very demonstrative about one's
to work at improving relationships Britishness
BRIDGE to burn one's bridges BROAD a broad brush approach
to do something irreversible rough justice
BRIDGE to cross a bridge only BROAD it is as broad as it is long
when one comes to it it does not really matter
to await the crystallization of a situa- BROAD to have broad shoulders
tion before sorting it out to be able to cope well with responsi-
BRIDGEHEAD a bridgehead bility
an advance post set up to facilitate BROADEN to broaden someone's
further access to some new market, mind
etc. to expose a person to a greater vari-
ety of experiences and interests than
BRIGHT bright-eyed and he had previously
naive but enthusiastic BROADSIDE a broadside
a short verbal attack
BRIGHT the bright side
the favorable aspects BRONZE to be cast in bronze
to be virtually unalterable
BRIGHT the one bright spot on the BROOM a new broom
horizon a changed regime which is likely to
the only hopeful aspect alter the status quo
BRING to bring a plate BROTH too many cooks spoil the
to take food to a party broth
BRING to bring someone down to one leader is all that is required
earth BROTHER a soul brother
to disillusion a person a person of similar ideals

BROW highbrow BUCKET to be only a drop in the

intellectual or cultural bucket
to be quite insignificant in the total
BROW to knit one's brows
to indicate one's displeasure
BUCKET to kick the bucket
BROWN to be browned off
to die
to be fed-up
BUCKET to tip a bucket on someone
BROWNIE to get brownie points
to point out in a humiliating way
to do a person a favor with the likely
another person's faults
result that the recipient will do a
favor in return in due course BUD to nip something in the bud
BRUISE to nurse one's bruises to stop some activity in its early
to face up to the consequences of stages when stopping it is still rela-
defeat tively easy

BRUSH a broad brush approach BUGGY the horse and buggy days
rough justice long ago

BRUSH to be tarred with the same BUILD to build bridges

brush to work at improving relationships
to be damned merely because of BUILD to engage in empire building
one's association with another person to set out to expand the size of the
BRUSH to brush someone aside business or bureaucratic unit for
to pass over and ostentatiously ignore which one is responsible, especially
a person as a means of increasing one's own
BRUSH to give someone the
brush-off BULL a bull in a china shop
to make it clear that one does not want a careless person likely to cause great
dealings or conversation with a person damage
BRUSH to have a touch of the BULL a cock and bull story
tarbrush an explanation which is completely
to be not quite a full-blood Caucasian unbelievable and unacceptable
BUBBLE a South Sea bubble BULL to be a red rag to a bull
an unrealistic financial venture which to be something which makes a per-
is bound to result in total loss son very angry and very excited (re-
BUBBLE the bubble has burst fers to the erroneous belief that the
the inevitable has occurred or the color red, rather than the motion of
scheme has come to ruination waving, excites a bull)
BUCK the buck stops here BULL to be within a bull's roar of
I accept full responsibility (sign on something
the desk of Harry S. Truman when to be very close to something
president of the United States)
BULL to charge like a wounded bull
BUCK to pass the buck to impose excessive prices (a play on
in an uncooperative spirit to decline words; not a simile)
responsibility for a matter on the
grounds that someone else more pro- BULL to hit the bull's eye
perly has responsibility for it to make the correct decision

BULL to take the bull by the horns BURN to burn oneself out
to come to grips with the realities of to overexert oneself
a difficult problem
BURN to burn the candle at both
BULLDOZE to bulldoze some ends
proposal through to work excessively long hours
to ensure the passage of some mea-
BURN to burn the midnight oil
sure in complete disregard of criticism
to work late into the night
or opposition
BURN to fiddle while Rome burns
BULLET a gun with no bullets
to neglect important considerations
something incomplete and therefore
while concentrating on trivial side-
useless for the desired purpose
BULLET a magic bullet
BURN to have money burning a hole
a guaranteed remedy
in one's pocket
BULLET to bite the bullet to be impatient to spend or invest
to face up to the difficulties of a available funds
BURN to keep the home fires
BULLET to have a bullet which can burning
be fired to maintain normal domestic activity
to have available an effective re- during the temporary absence of the
sponse which can be used at will breadwinner
BUMP to bump into someone BURN were your ears burning?
to meet a person accidentally we were discussing you
BUN a bunfight BURNER something is on the back
a minor and relatively friendly skir- burner
mish consideration is postponed pending
further research
BUNDLE to drop one's bundle
to become despondent BURST the bubble has burst
the inevitable has occurred or the
BUNDLE to save a bundle
scheme has come to ruination
to save much money
BURST the dam burst
BURDEN to put a burden on the cumulative effect of many things
someone's shoulders caused a disaster
to impose responsibilities on a person
BURST to be bursting at the seams
BURN burning question to be very crowded
a much discussed question
BURY dead and buried
BURN heartburn (of some issue) definitely concluded,
regret at some non-achievement especially so long ago as to be nearly
BURN to be better than a poke in the forgotten
eye with a burnt stick BURY to bury one's head in the sand
to be particularly welcome to refuse to face up to an unpleasant
BURN to burn one's bridges truth (refers to the reputed habit of
to do something irreversible ostriches in danger)
BURN to burn one's fingers BURY to bury the hatchet
to lose money through foolishness to abandon hostilities

BUS the wheels are back under the BUTTER a butter fingers
bus a person unable to catch and/or hold
normal activity has been resumed on to an object
BUS to jump on the bus BUTTER someone looks as if butter
to join an activity already well under would not melt in his mouth
way a person looks sweet and innocent
BUS to miss the bus BUTTER to be someone's bread and
to fail to exploit an opportunity butter
BUSH a bird in the hand is worth to be a person's livelihood or to be a
two in the bush person's everyday experience
a benefit currently available is more BUTTER to know on which side
valuable than a seemingly much larg- one's bread is buttered
er benefit which may or may not be to be aware of the important consi-
achieved in the future derations
BUSH to beat about the bush BUTTERFLY to have a butterfly
to hide the unpleasant truth mind
BUSHEL to hide one's light under a not to concentrate on the matter on
bushel hand
to keep others in ignorance of one's
skills and experience BUTTERFLY to have butterflies in
one's stomach
BUSHFIRE to fight bushfires a feeling of anxiety
to deal with crises as they arise rather
than take preventive action BUTTON to button up one's purse
to refuse to spend money
BUSHY bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
naive but enthusiastic BUTTON to hit the panic button
BUSINESS monkey business to act hastily and irrationally
mischievous or underhand activity BUTTON to press a button
BUSINESS to mean business to make something happen
to demonstrate a serious intent to do
BUY / buy that
I accept that idea
BUSMAN a busman's holiday
leisure time spent in a way not BUY to buy a pig in a poke
significantly différent from one's nor- to buy goods of unknown quality
mal business activities
BUY to buy into some argument
BUST not to bust one's boiler to seek to participate in some discus-
not to exert oneself unduly sion
BUTT to butt in BUY to buy something for a song
to involve oneself uninvited in some- to buy something very cheaply
one else's conversation
BUTT to get up off one's butt BUY to buy straw hats in winter
to cease being apathetic to buy in a depressed market when
most other people are sellers
BUTTER a bread and butter issue
a basic issue which is of importance BUZZ to buzz off
to many people to go away
CALL to call it a day
to cease involvement with some activ-
CAB to be the first cab off the rank
to start ahead of all others
CALL to call off the dogs
CABBAGE to be on someone's
to abandon an audit or other inquiry
cabbage patch
to engage in a competitive activity in CALL to call the shots
a territory regarded by someone al- to have the direction over a project
ready there as rightfully belonging
CALL the calm before the storm
exclusively to him
the quiet period before an expected or
CAIN the mark of Cain inevitable crisis
disgrace (Genesis 4:15)
CAMEL the straw which broke the
CAIN to raise Cain camel's back
to create a disturbance (Genesis 4:5) the latest step, which, when added to
a large number of seemingly harm-
CAKE a share of the cake
less previous steps, sets off a disaster
a portion of the total available for
resulting from the cumulative effect
CAMP in our camp
CAKE that takes the cake
in the group representing our vested
that is quite absurd or outrageous or
excessively cheeky
CAMP to have one's feet in both
CAKE to be a piece of cake
to be very easy or greatly to one's
to have good relations with two
CAKE to be icing on top of the cake
CAN a can of worms
to be an additional benefit in an al-
a heterogeneous collection of unex-
ready satisfactory scenario
pected problems
CAKE to want to have one's cake
and eat it too CAN to carry the can for someone
to want two mutually exclusive alter- to accept the blame for another per-
natives son's actions or inactions

CALF to kill the fatted calf CANCER a cancer

to demonstrate welcome and forgive- an evil which is likely to spread
ness on a person's return (Luke CANDLE not fit to hold a candle to
15:23) someone
CALL he who pays the piper calls greatly inferior to another person
the tune
a person contributing money or re- CANDLE not to be worth the candle
sources to a project is entitled to a to be too expensive in relation to the
say in its control true value

CALL the pot calling the kettle black CANDLE to burn the candle at both
a person criticizing another person ends
without realizing his own even great- to work excessively long hours
er shortcomings CANE to take a caning
CALL to call a spade a spade to suffer the adverse consequences of
not to mince words one's acts or omissions
CANNON a loose cannon on the CARD a three card trick
deck a ruse used by a dishonest person in
a mistake likely to cause trouble order to induce his victims to hand
over some of their assets
CANOE to paddle one's own canoe
to do something unaided and in one's CARD a wild card
own way an unexpected development
CANTER to win the prize in a CARD drawcard
canter feature expected to attract a crowd
to win very easily CARD let the cards fall where they
CANVAS to get off the canvas may
to recover after near defeat irrespective of what happens

CANVAS to have a blank canvas CARD to be on the cards

to be bereft of ideas to be likely
CARD to have a card up one's
CAP a feather in one's cap
a meritorious personal achievement
to secretly have information relevant
CAP cap to a transaction
upper permitted limit CARD to have the cards stacked
CAP if the cap fits then wear it against one
if your circumstances correspond to be faced with many difficulties
with those described then you must frustrating a project
endure the consequences CARD to hold all the cards
CAP to cap a story to be assured of victory
to tell an even funnier story than the CARD to hold one's cards close to
one just told one's chest
CAP to earn a dunce's cap to keep one's plans and strategies
to do something stupid secret
CARD to hold the trump card
CAP to go cap in hand
to be in an unbeatable position to
to show humility while soliciting a
defeat others
CARD to lay one's cards on the
CAP to put one's thinking cap on table
to concentrate on finding a solution to be utterly frank and open or to
to a difficult problem honestly disclose one's position
CAP to set one's cap at someone CARD to play every card in the pack
(of females) to try to attract a person to try very hard and use every con-
as a marriage partner ceivable argument
CAP to throw one's cap into the air CARD to play one's cards right
to celebrate some achievement to approach a matter sensibly
CARD to play the cards as they fall
CARAVAN the caravan will roll on to deal with problems as they arise
the activity will continue
CARD to play the last card in the
CARD a house of cards pack
an organization which gives a mis- to lower one's standards in a final
leading impression of solidity desperate effort
CARD to play the trump card CARRY to carry coals to Newcastle
to make a final move, thereby defeat- to do something ridiculously unneces-
ing one's opponents sary
CARD without any cards to play CARRY to carry the can for
without the means to achieve some- someone
thing to accept the blame for another per-
CARE a devil-may-care attitude son's actions or inactions
a reckless attitude CARRY to carry the world on one's
CARE not to care a pin for shoulders
something to resent being left to perform a huge
not to have the slightest interest in task single-handedly (refers to Atlas,
something who was condemned to bear the
heavens on his shoulders for leading
CARPET the red-carpet treatment the Titans against the gods)
courtesies extended to a person to
make him feel important and welcome CARRY to carry weight
to be influential
CARPET to be on the carpet
to be lectured in regard to one's al- CART to put the cart before the
leged misdeeds horse
to do things in the wrong order
CARPET to get a magic carpet ride
to something CART to upset the applecart
to be very fortunate in achieving to engage in conduct disturbing a
some objective peaceful state of affairs and thereby
cause discomfort
CARPET to sweep something under
the carpet CARTE carte blanche
to pretend that some blemish does not freedom to use one's discretion on
exist behalf of another person (French,
CARROT sticks and carrots "white card")
disincentives and incentives in com- CARVE to be carved in marble
bination (refers to the handling of to be virtually unalterable
CARVE to carve out a niche for
CARRY speak softly and carry a big oneself
stick to deliberately create an opportunity
be polite to your potential enemies to use one's talents effectively
but maintain an active and visible
defense capability (from a speech by CASE a basket case
Theodore Roosevelt in 1901) a poorly-performing enterprise
CARRY to be carried away CASE to be an open and shut case
to be excited by something imaginative to be an unarguable proposition (a
CARRY to carry a spare tire phrase popular in detective novels
to be fat and probably a play on the two mean-
ings of the word "case")
CARRY to carry a torch for
someone CASE to have a cast-iron case
to act as an enthusiastic advocate of to be absolutely assured of victory in
another person's cause legal proceedings
CASE to make a Federal case out of CAT a cat and dog existence
something a life full of frequent squabbles
to attach far too much significance to
CAT a cat may look at a king
a trivial issue
don't give yourself airs!
CAST the die is cast
CAT a copycat
the course of action in train is irre-
a person who imitates another per-
son's ideas
CAST to be cast in bronze
CAT a game of cat and mouse
to be virtually unalterable
negotiations between two parties of
CAST to be cast in someone's mold unequal bargaining power during
to take after another person which the stronger makes some tem-
porary concessions to the weaker
CAST to cast a chill over something
without, however, affecting the lat-
to be a depressing influence over
ter's eventual total defeat
CAT there is more than one way to
CAST to cast a cloud over something skin a cat
to spoil the pleasure of an occasion this can be achieved in a variety of
CAST to cast a shadow over acceptable ways
something CAT there is no room to swing a cat
to introduce a note of warning or this place is very small (actually re-
sadness in regard to some matter fers to a cat-o'-nine-tails)
CAST to cast an eye over something CAT to be a cat's paw
to look at something critically to be a person who is being used as a
CAST to cast one's bread upon the tool by others
waters CAT to be the cat's pajamas
not to expect gratitude or recognition to have an exaggerated idea of one's
for one's good works (Ecclesiastes own importance
11:1) CAT to bell the cat
CAST to cast prudence to the winds to do some dangerous but highly use-
to cease being prudent ful mission (refers to a fable in which
none of the mice was willing to put a
CAST to cast sheep's eyes at warning bell on a cat)
to look at a person amorously CAT to kick the cat
to take out one's anger on some inno-
CAST to give a cast-iron guarantee cent party
to give a very secure undertaking to
do something CAT to let the cat out of the bag
to reveal an embarrassing secret (re-
CAST to have a cast-iron case fers to the exposure of cheats at fairs,
to be absolutely assured of victory in attempting to pass a cat wrapped in a
legal proceedings sack off as a piglet)
CASTLE a castle in Spain CAT to rain cats and dogs
an impracticable proposition to rain heavily
CASTLE a castle in the air CAT to see which way the cat jumps
an impracticable proposition to await developments
CAT to throw a cat among the CATCH to catch someone in the net
pigeons to unexpectedly involve a particular
to cause consternation by revealing person in the course of activity de-
an unpleasant and unexpected fact signed to involve many others
CAT when the cat is away the mice CATCH to catch someone off guard
will play to surprise a person (a fencing term)
in the absence of supervision, disci-
CATCH to catch someone on the
pline will be lax
CAT wildcat to take a person by surprise
(of a strike) unofficial; (of an oil
CATCH to catch someone
well) drilled as a pure prospect; (of a
financial scheme) very hazardous
to apprehend a person in the course
CATALYST a catalyst of committing a crime
a factor causing something to happen
CATCH to catch someone with his
CATAPULT to catapult pants down
(of sales, etc.) to increase rapidly to act when another person least ex-
pects it
CATAPULT to catapult to fame
to achieve fame unexpectedly quickly CATCH to catch someone with his
trousers down
CATCH / wouldn't be caught dead
to act when another person least ex-
without some object
pects it
I regard some object as very impor-
tant CATCH to catch someone's eye
to attract the attention of another per-
CATCH catch-22 son or to seek permission to address
a situation made impossible because that person
it requires as a prior fulfillment
something which does not exist until CATCH to throw a sprat to catch a
that condition is satisfied (title of a mackerel
novel by Joseph Heller) to risk a little in the hope of gaining
CATCH first catch your hare
do things in logical order and after CAVE an Aladdin's cave
proper preparation (advice on how to a place full of unexpected treasure
cook a hare in Mrs. Beeton's cele- CAVE to cave in
brated COOK BOOK) to yield to pressure
CATCH to be caught by the tide CEILING ceiling
to be dealt with by something inevi- upper permitted limit
table CEMENT to cement a relationship
CATCH to catch someone flat-footed to do something in an endeavor to
to embarrass a person in the course of make a relationship permanent
his making mistakes or being unpre- CENT to have fifty cents each way
pared to equivocate
CATCH to catch someone in a bind CENT to throw in one's two cents'
to find a person in a difficulty from worth
which he cannot readily extricate to modestly supply one's own facts or
himself views
CENTER the center of gravity CHANCE not a dog's chance
the place most convenient to the no hope at all
greatest number
CHANCE not the ghost of a chance
CENTER to be center stage no hope at all
to have everyone's attention
CHANCE to chance one's arm
CENTER to be the center of the to take a great risk (refers to the
spider's web stripes on the uniforms of non-com-
to control an operation which in- missioned officers)
volves numerous and/or complex in-
CHANCE to have a snowflake's
chance in hell
CENTERPIECE the centerpiece to have no hope or possibility at all
(of a proposal) the highlight or the
CHANGE a leopard cannot change
main ingredient
his spots
CHAFF to separate the wheat from each person is born with certain unal-
the chaff terable characteristics
to distinguish between important and
CHANGE the cold wind of change
unimportant ingredients
the unpleasant realities of new circum-
CHAIN the weakest link in the stances
chain CHANGE to be shortchanged
the least efficient component in a to be given less than is due to one
project the overall efficiency of which
is governed by the efficiency of the CHANGE to change one's mind
least efficient component to alter the views which one had
previously formed
CHAIN to drag the chain
to perform unduly slowly CHANGE to change one's tune
to alter one's publicly-expressed views
CHAIR to get an arm-chair ride
to be given a particularly easy time CHANGE to change the whole
CHAIR to play musical chairs to alter the major assumptions on
to be a part of a general reshuffling of which some assessment was based
duties or functions which is not nec- CHANGE to have a change of heart
essarily to everyone's liking to form a new view in place of a
CHALK chalk it up! strongly-held previous view
the success was unexpected CHANGE to ring the changes
CHALK to win by a long chalk to exhaust the number of different
to win very conclusively ways of doing something (refers to
the permutations used for ringing
CHAMELEON a chameleon peals of church bells)
a person without character who
changes his stance all the time to CHANGE to swap horses in
reflect the current circumstances midstream
to change direction during the course
CHAMP to champ at the bit of a project
to be impatient
CHAPTER to quote chapter and
CHANCE a fat chance verse
little hope to authenticate the information
CHARADE to act out a charade CHEEK to turn the other cheek
ostentatiously to pretend to be doing to show that one has not been intimi-
something in an ethical fashion dated (Matthew 5:39)
CHARGE to charge like a wounded CHEEK tongue in cheek
bull full of irony
to impose excessive prices (a play on CHEER the cheering could be heard
words; not a simile) a block away
CHARGE to recharge one's there was great rejoicing
batteries CHEESE cheese paring
to have a recuperative break stingy
CHARITY charity begins at home CHEESE stiff cheese!
a person's first responsibility should circumstances which may be unwel-
be to his family come but which will not be altered
and in respect of which no great sym-
CHARLIE tailend Charlie pathy is felt
a person who habitually comes last CHEESE to be cheesed off
CHARM to charm the pants off to be disgusted
someone CHEMISTRY good chemistry
to delight a person a good ability to work closely to-
CHARYBDIS to be between Scylla gether
and Charybdis CHERRY to get only one bite at the
to be faced with two equally unpalat- cherry
able alternatives which cannot both to receive no further opportunity
be avoided (refers to the voyage of CHESS to be a chess game
Ulysses) to be a complex exercise, requiring
CHASE a wild goose chase great skill
a foolish search for something which CHESSMASTER a chessmaster
does not exist a clever strategist
CHASE to chase a corpse CHEST to get something off one's
to harp on something long ago re- chest
solved or a lost cause to confess

CHASE to chase every hare CHEST to hold one's cards close to

to be easily sidetracked one's chest
to keep one's plans and strategies
CHASE to chase rainbows secret
to be quite unrealistic CHEST to lock something up in the
CHECK to give someone a blank old oak chest
check to put in a safe place and out of mind
to give another person unlimited del- CHESTNUT to pull someone's
egated authority chestnuts out of the fire
to retrieve a situation
CHECKMATE checkmate
defeat CHEW to bite off more than one can
CHEEK cheek by jowl to be overly ambitious and thus unre-
close to each other alistic as to one's capabilities
CHEW to chew fat CHILL to send a chill down
to eat and talk together someone's spine
CHEW to chew someone's ear to be worrying news
to force one's conversation on an CHIN to keep one's chin up
unwilling listener to maintain one's morale
CHEW to chew the cud CHIN to lead with one's chin
to reflect on something by one's brash behavior to virtually
CHEW to have something to chew on invite one's opponents to take action
to have firm facts on which to base a against one
decision CHIN to rub one's chin
CHICKEN chicken and egg to muse
two factors each of which results in CHIN to take it on the chin
the other to cheerfully accept a misfortune
CHICKEN chicken-hearted CHINA / would not do so-and-so for
showing little courage all the tea in China
CHICKEN the chickens are coming I will never do so-and-so
home to roost CHINA a bull in a china shop
the consequences of past actions are a careless person likely to cause great
becoming obvious damage
CHICKEN to be chicken feed CHINESE a Chinese puzzle
to be small and unimportant a perplexing enigma
CHICKEN to count one's chickens CHINESE Chinese walls
before they are hatched a system to ensure that different parts
to treat as fact the expected results of of some organization do not gain ac-
a future proposal cess to each other's confidential infor-
CHIEF more chiefs than Indians mation
a disproportionately large number of CHINK a chink in someone's
supervisors armor
CHILD a problem child an opportunity to do something
a source of unnecessary difficulty which otherwise could not be done
CHILD brainchild CHINK a chink in the wall
inspired original idea an opportunity to do something
CHILD to be child's play which otherwise could not be done
to be easy or to require only elemen- CHINK a chink of light
tary skills and knowledge a small hope of a solution or break-
CHILD to take food out of the through
mouths of children CHIP bargaining chips
cruelly to deprive the needy benefits which can be conceded in
CHILDHOOD second childhood negotiations in order to obtain some
dotage advantage

CHILL to cast a chill over CHIP that is the way the chips fall
something that is the actual situation
to be a depressing influence over CHIP to be a blue chip stock
something to be of excellent quality
CHIP to be a chip off the old block CHRISTMAS all his Christmases
to resemble one's father came at once
CHIP to chip in he was overjoyed
to contribute financially CHUM a green chum
CHIP to have a chip on one's an inexperienced person
shoulder CIGARETTE only a cigarette paper
to unreasonably resent something between them
CHIP to have had one's chips virtually equal or close together
to have received all that is going to CIRCLE the wheel has turned the
be forthcoming complete circle
CHIP to turn one's chips in things are now back to where they
to convert one's assets or entitle- were before
ments into cash
CIRCLE to do a full circle
CHIP when the chips are down to be back to where one was before
when all facts are known and taken or (in error) to go in the opposite
into consideration direction
CHISEL to chisel away at something CIRCLE to run around in circles
to reduce the size of something in a to engage in excited but useless
series of small stages activity
CHOICE Hobson's choice CIRCLE to try to square the circle
no right at all to select (refers to to attempt the impossible (refers to a
Thomas Hobson, a horsekeeper in classical problem in geometry, name-
Cambridge, England, who offered ly, to construct with a compass a
customers seeking a change of horses square of the same area as a given
a single beast on a "take it or leave circle)
it" basis)
CIRCUIT to short-circuit something
CHOP to chop someone off at the
to do something, eliminating various
intermediate steps
to stop someone's proposals prema-
turely CIRCUS to be a real circus
CHOP to lick one's chops to be a highly disorganized affair
to look forward to something with CITE the devil can cite scripture for
pleasurable anticipation his purpose
CHORD to strike a chord a person can quote a respectable or
to sound familiar or recall something hostile authority while advocating a
to mind disreputable cause of his own (from
CHORD to strike a responsive chord
to get a favorable reaction to a CITIZEN a second-class citizen
proposal a person not treated as an equal
CHORD to strike the right chord CITY one can't beat City Hall
to appeal successfully to someone's the ordinary citizen is powerless
emotions against bureaucracy
CHOREOGRAPH to choreograph CIVIL to keep a civil tongue in one's
something head
to organize the detail of who does to be polite, especially under provoca-
what and when in a project tion
CLAIM to stake a claim CLEAN to have clean hands
to indicate one's desire to obtain to be innocent or to act ethically
CLEAN to keep one's nose clean
CLANGER to drop a clanger to act with circumspection and hon-
to do something indiscreet or which esty despite temptation to do other-
offends social conventions wise
CLAP to clap eyes on something CLEAN to make a clean breast of
to catch sight of something something
to confess
CLASP to clasp at straws
to have a hopeless case but show CLEAN to wipe the slate clean
unjustified optimism on noting minor to forgive past indiscretions
positive features
CLEANER to take someone to the
CLASS a second-class citizen cleaners
a person not treated as an equal to cheat a person financially
CLASS to be first class CLEAR clear cut
to be very satisfactory not borderline
CLAY to have feet of clay CLEAR the coast is clear
to be vulnerable (Daniel 2:33) there are no observers to one's activ-
ity around
CLEAN a Herculean cleaning of the
stables CLEAR to be crystal clear
a thorough revision of operating pro- to have a very obvious meaning
cedure (refers to Hercules, a mythical CLEAR to be in the clear
Greek hero who cleaned the stables to be exonerated or free from suspi-
of Augeas) cion
CLEAN a clean sweep CLEAR to clear the air
the complete removal in an election to remove any possible misunder-
of all sitting members standings
CLEAN a cleanskin CLEAR to clear the decks
a person without a criminal record to get ready for action
CLEAN a spring cleaning CLEAR to clear the ground
a thorough review occurring a long to dispose of the preliminaries
time after the previous one
CLEAR to come through loud and
CLEAN to clean up a mess clear
to sort out mistakes or neglect to be well understood
CLEAN to clean up one's act CLEAR to have a clear picture of
to fix up the deficiencies in one's something
affairs to have a good understanding of
CLEAN to come clean
to confess CLEAR to jump a hurdle
to overcome a problem or difficulty
CLEAN to get a clean bill of health
after proper investigation to be found CLEAR when the smoke clears
not wanting when sufficient time has passed
CLEFT to be in a cleft stick CLOSE to draw the nets closer
to be in a dilemma to intensify one's efforts
CLIFF to be a cliff-hanger CLOSE to get close to the bone
to be very exciting to cause discomfort by being accurate
CLIMATE climate CLOSE to sail close to the wind
commercial environment to act in a very dangerous manner
CLING to cling on by one's CLOSET to come out of the closet
fingertips to publicly admit one's homosexual-
to have only a slender hold ity
CLIP to clip someone's wings CLOTH to cut one's coat according
to reduce another person's freedom to to the cloth
act as he thinks fit to accommodate oneself to limita-
CLOAK cloak and dagger activity tions beyond one's control and to do
secret activity the best in the circumstances
CLOAK to cloak something CLOTHES to steal someone's clothes
to disguise the true nature of some- to plagiarize another person's ideas
CLOTHING to be a wolf in sheep's
CLOCK to turn back the clock clothing
to have another opportunity to do to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous
something which should have been although masquerading as something
done already or to undo something harmless (Matthew 7:15)
which cannot be undone
CLOUD every cloud has a silver
CLOSE to be a close shave lining
to be a narrow escape there are benefits even in seemingly
CLOSE to be a closed book adverse situations
to be a secret CLOUD there are black clouds on
CLOSE to be close to one's heart the horizon
to be a project on which one is very bad news is expected
CLOUD to be in cloud cuckoo land
CLOSE to be close to the abyss to be mad or to have unrealistic
to face imminent total destruction expectations
CLOSE to be too close to home CLOUD to be on cloud nine
to be too near the truth to be wel- to be very happy
CLOSE to close ranks CLOUD to be under a cloud
to sink minor differences in order to to be under suspicion or to be out of
present a unified front to a common favor
enemy CLOUD to cast a cloud over
CLOSE to close the book on something
something to spoil the pleasure of an occasion
to terminate an activity CLOUD to cloud one's mind
CLOSE to close the gate to allow irrelevant or extraneous fac-
to deny an opportunity which was tors to affect one's impartiality or
previously available judgment
CLOUD to have a cloud hanging COBBLER a cobbler should stick to
over one's head his last
there is doubt as to one's future every person should confine himself
to activities for which he has been
CLOUD to have one's head in the
to be unrealistic COBWEB to blow the cobwebs away
to revive an old issue
CLOVER to be in clover
to enjoy a life of ease and luxury COCK a cock and bull story
an explanation which is completely
CLUB join the club!
unbelievable and unacceptable
you are only one of many people
with similar problems COCK cock-eyed
COACH an opening wide enough to
drive a coach and four through COCK to cock one's eye at someone
an excellent opportunity to glance knowingly at a person
COACH to drive a coach and horses COCK to go off half-cocked
through something to act without adequate thought or
to demonstrate major errors in some- preparation (refers to a gun at the
thing half-ready)
COAL to be at the coal face COCKED to knock something into a
to be in the place where the real work cocked hat
is done to twist something so that its original
form is hardly recognizable
COAL to carry coals to Newcastle
to do something ridiculously unneces- COCKLE to warm the cockles of
sary someone's heart
to delight a person
COAL to haul someone over the
coals COCOON in a cocoon
to reprimand a person in a safe and isolated environment
COAST the coast is clear COFFIN to be another nail in
there are no observers to one's activ- someone's coffin
ity around to represent a further step toward
COASTER a roller coaster ride someone's downfall
a series of successes followed by COG to be a small cog in a large
failures wheel
COAT to cut one's coat according to to be a relatively unimportant person
the cloth in a large organization
to accommodate oneself to limita-
tions beyond one's control and to do COIN the other side of the coin
the best in the circumstances the arguments for the opposite point
of view
COAT to hang onto someone's
coat-tails COIN to pay someone back in his
to excessively rely on another per- own coin
son's initiatives to retaliate in kind
COAT to trail one's coat-tails COLD a cold day in hell
to invite a quarrel never
COLD cold-hearted COLD to pour cold water on some
cruel or mean or unmoved idea
to be unenthusiastic about some pro-
COLD cold turkey posal or scornful of its apparent
the sudden cessation of drugs to an weaknesses
COLD to put something into cold
COLD in the cold light of day storage
in an unemotional atmosphere at a to put something aside for dealing
later stage with at some indeterminate future
COLD that is cold comfort time
that appears on the surface to be COLD to send a cold shiver down
reassurance and consolation but re- someone's spine
ally it is not to horrify a person
COLD the cold war COLLAR to be hot under the collar
the unfriendly relations between the to be very agitated
communist nations and the rest of the
world COLLISION to be on a collision
COLD the cold wind of change to be headed for a clash with an
the unpleasant realities of new circum- opponent
COLOR that is a horse of a very
COLD to be a cold fish different color
to be an unemotional person that is a much more acceptable propo-
COLD to be in a cold sweat
to be afraid COLOR that takes on added color
there are now further facts which al-
COLD to blow hot and cold ter the appearance of a matter
to vacillate
COLOR to nail one's colors to the
COLD to come in out of the cold mast
to be welcomed into a group to publicly declare one's position and
to maintain it in the face of criticism
COLD to do something in cold blood
to be cruel without feeling any emo- COLOR to pass with flying colors
tion about it to be very successful
COLD to get cold feet COLOR to sail under false colors
to become scared to pretend that one's real character or
beliefs are different from what they
COLD to give someone the cold really are
to ostentatiously ignore a person COLOR to see the color of
someone's eyes
COLD to leave someone cold to see how a person matches expecta-
to fail to impress a person tions or requirements
COLD to leave someone out in the COLOR to see the color of
cold someone's money
to deny a desired objective to a to get evidence of the sincerity of a
person person's proposal
COLOR to show one's true colors COME to come through loud and
to disclose one's real character or clear
beliefs to be well understood
COLUMNIST a fifth columnist COME to come to a full stop
a person using his position of trust to to completely cease activity
work for a rival cause
COME to come to a head
COMB to go through something with to reach culmination
a fine-tooth comb
COME to come to grips with some
to conduct an extremely thorough
to be on the way to solving a problem
COME all his Christmases came at
COME to come to someone's ears
to come to someone's attention
he was overjoyed
COME to come to the party
COME the chickens are coming
to agree to someone's terms
home to roost
the consequences of past actions are COME to come up smelling like a
becoming obvious rose
not to have a stain on one's character
COME to argue till the cows come
home COME to cross a bridge only when
to argue for ever one comes to it
to await the crystallization of a situa-
COME to come adrift
tion before sorting it out
(of a plan) not to work out as intend-
ed COME to jump that hurdle when one
comes to it
COME to come apart at the seams
to deal with a particular problem only
(of an arrangement) to break down
when it becomes necessary to do so
COME to come back to haunt
someone COME when one's ship comes in
(of an unpleasant incident) to be a when one's business venture is suc-
constant reminder to a person cessfully completed or when luck
COME to come down with a thud
to be suddenly disillusioned COME when the crunch comes
when the inevitable conclusion is
COME to come in out of the cold reached
to be welcomed into a group
COMEDY a comedy of errors
COME to come in thick and fast a series of separate mistakes in rela-
to arrive quickly and in great volume tion to some matter (name of a
COME to come out into the open Shakespeare play)
to start being frank
COMFORT that is cold comfort
COME to come out of one's ears that appears on the surface to be
to be plentiful reassurance and consolation but re-
COME to come out of the blue ally it is not
to be totally unexpected COMMAND to be in a commanding
COME to come out of the closet position
to publicly admit one's homosexuality to have a strategic advantage
COMMAND to be in command CONFRONT to confront someone
to be on top of a situation head on
to confront a person
commandment CONJURE to conjure up a picture
unwritten rule to use words to convey a vivid
COMPANY to have shares in a
paper company CONJURE to conjure up something
to institute unnecessary clerical pro- to produce something in circum-
cedures stances where this seemed impossible
COMPARE to compare notes CONTEMPLATE to contemplate
to exchange information about some one's navel
subject of mutual interest to be introspective
COMPETE to compete on all fours CONVERT to preach to the
with someone converted
to strive on equal terms to say something to those who al-
ready believe in it
COMPLETE the wheel has turned
the complete circle COOK a Cook's tour
things are now back to where they a guided tour of inspection (refers to
were before Thomas Cook, the travel company)
COMPLETE to turn a complete COOK there are many ways to cook
somersault eggs
to reverse one's established policy there are many ways to achieve an
COMPLIMENT a left-handed
compliment COOK to be cooking with gas
a thinly-disguised insult to be fully operational
COMPLIMENT to return the COOK to cook one's goose
compliment to do something which backfires on
to reciprocate or to extract revenge one

COMPOUND to compound the COOK to cook the books

felony fraudulently to maintain false records
having already acted improperly to of financial transactions
make matters worse (the misuse of a COOK too many cooks spoil the
legal term: compounding a felony is broth
the crime of agreeing for money not one leader is all that is required
to prosecute a person for felony; in
reality it is therefore an offense by a COOKIE that is the way the cookie
different person—not a second and crumbles
worse offense by the original culprit) that is the actual situation

CONCERT to be up to concert pitch COOL cool it!

to be ready calm down!
COOL to cool one's heels
CONCRETE to set something in
to be kept waiting
to make something virtually unalter- COOL to keep a cool head
able to stay calm and rational in a crisis
COOL to play it cool CORNER to see something out of
to take a low-key and rational approach the corner of one's eye
COOP to fly the coop to only just see something
to grow up and become independent CORNER to turn the corner
COP to cop it in the neck to commence being successful after
to suffer a severe disaster initial failures
CORPS esprit de corps
COPYBOOK to blot one's copybook
a feeling of camaraderie and concern
to spoil one's previously good reputa-
for the good name of some organiza-
tion or record
tion of which one is a member
COPYCAT a copycat (French, "vital breath of a body")
a person who imitates another per- CORPSE to breathe life into a
son's ideas corpse
CORD to cut the cord to revive something moribund
to severe a connection (refers to the CORPSE to chase a corpse
umbilical cord) to harp on something long ago re-
CORE rotten to the core solved or a lost cause
completely corrupt COTTON to be out of one's
CORE to be the hard core cotton-picking mind
to be the central and most difficult to act irrationally
problem COTTON to keep one's
cotton-picking fingers off something
CORN to tread on someone's corns not to interfere in something
to upset another person by interfering
in his area of responsibility COTTON to wrap someone in cotton
CORNER cornerstone to be overprotective toward a person
key ingredient
COUNT the final countdown
CORNER from the four corners of the last stages of something (refers to
the globe the launch of space vehicles)
from everywhere COUNT to count one's chickens
CORNER to back someone into a before they are hatched
corner to treat as fact the expected results of
to drive a person into a position from a future proposal
which escape is difficult COUNT to stand up and be counted
CORNER to be around the corner to publicly announce one's position
to be imminent on some issue
COUNTRY one looks for elephants
CORNER to be in a tight corner in elephant country
to experience a crisis one needs to search in the right place
CORNER to cut corners COUP to receive the coup de grace
to lower one's standards in order to to be finished off by an opponent
complete something more quickly (French, "mercy stroke")
CORNER to paint oneself into a COURSE in the course of a day's
corner march
to foolishly put oneself into a posi- while carrying out one's normal activ-
tion from which escape is impossible ities
COURSE it is horses for courses COVER to cover oneself
some combinations work particularly to create evidence so that if one is
well criticized or accused later on one can
clear one's name
COURSE to be on a collision course
to be headed for a clash with an COVER to cover the field
opponent to be comprehensive
COURSE to be on course COVER to duck for cover
to be progressing satisfactorily to- to seek to avoid blame
ward one's goal COVER to judge a book by its cover
COURSE to be par for the course foolishly to go only by superficial
to be normal appearances

COURSE to plot a safe course COW a cash cow

through troubled waters a source of ready money
to make a plan which overcomes cer- COW a milch cow
tain difficulties an easy and plentiful source of some
desired benefit
COURSE to run its course
to come to a natural end COW a sacred cow
an institution so well established that
COURT the ball is in someone's it is virtually unalterable
it is some other person's responsi- COW to argue till the cows come
bility home
to argue forever
COURT to have a friend at court
a person with influence who is will- COX Box and Cox
ing to use it on one's behalf two persons who are never around at
the same time (from the name of a
COURT to laugh something out of play)
to ridicule a proposition as having no CRACK someone is a hard nut to
basis whatsoever crack
it is very difficult to persuade a per-
COURT to put oneself out of court son to do something
to disqualify oneself from being con-
sidered for something CRACK the crack of dawn
at the exact moment of sunrise
CONVENTRY to send someone to
Coventry CRACK to be a crack in the wall
to ostentatiously and collectively ig- to represent a small unintended op-
nore a person by way of punishment portunity which can be exploited
COVER to cover one's back CRACK to be a fair crack of the
to take precautions whip
to be just
COVER to cover one's hide
to provide excuses or take other eva- CRACK to be all that it is cracked
sive action in an attempt to avoid the up to be
adverse consequences of one's actions to be as good as the claims made for
COVER to cover one's tracks
to hide the evidence of one's involve- CRACK to crack
ment to have a mental break-down
CRACK to crack down on something CREME crème de la creme
to seek to eradicate something something quite superlative (French,
CRACK to crack the whip "the cream of the cream")
to exert one's authority CREST to be on the crest of a wave
CRACK to have a crack at to enjoy success which may not last
something CRESTFALLEN crestfallen
to attempt something dejected
CRACK to paper over the cracks CRICKET a cricket team
to institute extremely superficial and eleven people
basically ineffective remedies
CRICKET not to be cricket
CRACK to use a sledgehammer to to be unfair
crack a nut
to devote vastly more resources to a CROCODILE to shed crocodile
project than is warranted by all the tears
circumstances to be a hypocrite
CRADLE to be the cradle of CROOK by hook or by crook
something by fair means or foul
to be the place where some idea was
first nurtured CROSS to be a cross which one
has to bear
CRANNY in every nook and cranny to be a difficulty which one has to
everywhere endure
CRASH to gatecrash a gathering
to attend a gathering without any right CROSS to be at the crossroads
to be there to need to choose between several
mutually exclusive alternatives
CRAWL to crawl out of the woodwork
to turn up unexpectedly and in large CROSS to cross a bridge only
numbers when one comes to it
to await the crystallization of a situa-
CREAM to be cream on top of the tion before sorting it out
to be an additional benefit in an al- CROSS to cross one's mind
ready satisfactory scenario to occur to one
CREATE to create a Frankenstein CROSS to cross someone's path
to create something wicked and out to meet another person by chance
of control (a reference to the fictional
creator of a monster, in mistake for a CROSS to cross swords with
reference to the monster itself) someone
to have a disagreement with another
CREATE to create a storm person
to kick up a fuss
CREEK to be up the creek CROSS to cross the Rubicon
to be completely mistaken; to be in to make an irreversible decision in
trouble regard to some commitment
CREEP to make someone's flesh CROSS to dot the i's and cross
creep the t's
to frighten a person with something to be meticulous in completing the
horrific documentation for a transaction
CROSS to have one's wires crossed CRUSADE a crusade
to be mistaken about key facts an aggressive campaign to achieve
some political or social objective
CROSS to keep one's fingers crossed
to hope for a good outcome CRUSOE not to be Robinson Crusoe
to be one of a large number of people
CROW as the crow flies with a common problem (from Daniel
by the shortest distance Defoe's ROBINSON CRUSOE)
CROW to eat crow CRUTCH a crutch
to accept a humiliating defeat an artificial non-permanent support
CROWD to stand out from the crowd CRY a cry for help
to be noticeably better than one's a subconscious or indirect indication
competitors that a person is in need of psycholog-
CROWN the crowning point ical counselling
the height of a person's achievement CRY a shoulder to cry on
CROWN the jewel in someone's crown
the most significant component CRY it is no use crying over spilt
CROWN to wear one's crown of lamenting over a disaster achieves
thorns nothing
to have one's own difficulties (John
19:5) CRY to be a far cry from something
to be a long way from something
CROWN uneasy lies the head that CRY to cry ''wolf"
wears a crown to repeatedly raise an unjustified con-
responsibility involves some risks and cern with the result that one will be
some burdens (from Shakespeare's ignored when the circumstances change
CRY to cry in one's beer
CRUCIFY to crucify someone to show remorse
to unfairly do severe damage to a
person's reputation or credibility CRY to cry one's eyes out
to express great sadness at a situation
CRUEL to cruel someone's pitch CRY to laugh all the way to the bank
to spoil a person's chances to appreciate one's good fortune
CRUMB to throw someone a few CRYSTAL a crystal ball
crumbs accurate knowledge of the future
to fob a person off with a few sym-
bolic but unimportant concessions CRYSTAL to be crystal clear
to have a very obvious meaning
CRUMBLE that is the way the CRYSTALLIZE to crystallize
cookie crumbles to emerge in its final form
that is the actual situation
CUCKOO to be a cuckoo in the nest
CRUNCH when it comes to the to purport to be a member of a group
crunch of people although having no such right
when the matter comes up for decision
CUCKOO to be in cloud cuckoo
CRUNCH when the crunch comes land
when the inevitable conclusion is to be mad or to have unrealistic
reached expectations
CUD to chew the cud CURTAIN it's curtains!
to reflect on something this is the end!
CUDGEL to take up the cudgels CURTAIN the curtain rises on
for someone something
to defend a person something is about to start
CUFF off the cuff CURTAIN the iron curtain
impromptu the border between the communist
nations and the rest of the world
CUP a storm in a teacup
(from a speech by Sir Winston Chur-
a controversy about a minor matter
chill in 1946)
but one which looms large in the
minds of the parties CURTAIN to ring down the curtain
on something
CUP not to be someone's cup of tea
to treat something as concluded
to be outside a person's expertise or
area of interest CUSTOMER a slippery customer
a shifty person
CUPBOARD a skeleton in the
cupboard CUT clear cut
an unpleasant truth the knowledge of not borderline
which has been deliberately suppressed
CUT cut it out!
CUPBOARD the cupboard is bare stop doing that!
the wished-for resources are just not CUT cut-throat
available highly competitive
CURATE to be a curate's egg CUT one could have cut the
to be good only in parts (refers to an atmosphere with a knife
1895 cartoon in PUNCH) those present were very tense
CURDLE to curdle one's blood CUT the cut of someone's jib
to be horrific someone's personal appearance
CURE the cure is worse than the CUT to be a cut above the rest
disease to be plainly superior
the remedy involves more disadvan-
CUT to be at the cutting edge of
tages than if it were not applied
CURL to make someone's hair curl to be in a position where important
(of news) to give someone a shock decisions need to be made
CURLY to get someone by the short CUT to be cut and dried
and curly hairs to be well settled or long established
to have domination over a person CUT to be cut off at the knees
CURRENT an undercurrent to have a pet project aborted
a barely noticeable feeling of dissent CUT to be cut to pieces
in the community which is not being to be very upset
CUT to be cut up
CURSE not worth a tinker's curse to be distressed
CUT to cut both ways
CURTAIN curtain raiser to involve both advantages and disad-
introduction vantages of similar significance

CUT to cut corners CYLINDER to spark on all cylinders

to lower one's standards in order to to work extremely well
complete something more quickly
CUT to cut no ice with someone D
to have little effect on a person
DADDY the daddy of them all
CUT to cut one's coat according to the progenitor
the cloth
to accommodate oneself to limitations DAGGER cloak and dagger activity
beyond one's control and to do the secret activity
best in the circumstances DAGGER to look daggers at someone
CUT to cut one's nose off to spite to look at a person in a way which
one's face indicates great animosity
to act in pique in a way which harms DAM the dam burst
only oneself the cumulative effect of many things
CUT to cut one's own throat caused a disaster
to act in a way which damages one's DAMASCUS to be on the road to
own interests Damascus
CUT to cut one's teeth on something to see the error of one's ways (Acts
to get one's first experience by doing 9:3)
DAMOCLES to have a sword of
CUT to cut someone dead Damocles hanging over one
to snub a person to be in imminent danger despite nor-
CUT to cut tall poppies down to size mal activity going on all around one
to humiliate haughty persons DAMP a damp squib
CUT to cut the Gordian knot disappointingly ineffective action (re-
to solve, especially by force, a virtu- fers to fireworks which fail to go off)
ally insoluble problem (refers to a DANCE nothing to make a song or
complicated knot tied by Gordius and dance about
eventually cut by Alexander the Great) unexciting or unimportant
CUT to cut the cord DANCE to lead someone a merry
to sever a connection (refers to the dance
umbilical cord) to mislead a person
CUT to cut the ground from under DANCE to make a song and dance
someone's feet about something
to unexpectedly withdraw support and to create a fuss
in the process cause embarrassment
or to demolish a person's case DANSE danse macabre
gruesome final step (French, "ghastly
CUT to cut the painter dance")
to become separated
DARK a dark horse
CUT to have one's work cut out to
a person with unsuspected talents
do something
it will be difficult to achieve something DARK a leap into the dark
CUT to take shortcuts a rash move
to do something by a faster but less DARK a shot in the dark
thorough method an intelligent or lucky guess
DARK a stab in the dark DAY every dog has his day
a sheer guess good luck comes sooner or later
DARK to be in the dark DAY he would not give one the time
to be uninformed of day
DARK to keep someone in the dark he is unwilling to help anybody
to deliberately keep a person unin- DAY in Halcyon days
formed in past happier times (refers to the 14
DARK to keep something dark days about the winter solstice when
to keep something secret winds were calm and to the mythical
bird said to breed in a floating nest at
DARK to look on the dark side that time)
to be pessimistic
DAY in the cold light of day
DARK to whistle in the dark in an unemotional atmosphere at a
to feign greater confidence than one later stage
really has
DAY in the course of a day's march
DARKEN never darken my door while carrying out one's normal activ-
again ities
do not ever return
DAY late in the day
DAWN a false dawn
only when a project is well advanced
an incident giving rise to unjustified
hope DAY one's days are numbered
DAWN light dawns one is about to be abolished
the point is grasped DAY the order of the day
DAWN the crack of dawn the customary behavior
at the exact moment of sunrise DAY to be the dawn of a new day
DAWN to be the dawn of a new day to be the start of a different regime
to be the start of a different regime DAY to call it a day
DAY a cold day in hell to cease involvement with some activity
never DAY to keep something for a rainy
DAY a field day day
a very enjoyable and successful oc- to keep something in reserve
casion DAY to see the light of day
DAY a nine-day wonder to be made public
an exciting event, but one which will DAYLIGHT daylight robbery
cease to arouse interest when the nov-
the charging of grossly excessive prices
elty has worn off
DAYLIGHT to see daylight
DAY a red-letter day to get the right answer
an important occasion (refers to the
color used to print saints' days on DEAD / wouldn't be caught dead
some calendars) without some object
I regard some object as very important
DAY at the end of the day
in due course or at the conclusion of DEAD a dead-end position
a project a job with no prospects of advancement

DEAD a dead letter DEAL to wheel and deal

a rule still in existence but no longer to energetically enter into commercial
observed in practice transactions of dubious propriety
DEAD dead and buried DEALER sharp dealer
(of some issue) definitely concluded, person engaging in barely honest or
especially so long ago as to be nearly mildly unethical practices
DEATH a death wish
DEAD drop dead! the contemplation of action so foolish
go away, I want no dealings with you that it is likely to lead to utter disaster
DEAD over my dead body DEATH death blow
never incident which results in the destruc-
tion of something
DEAD to be a dead duck
to have failed DEATH sudden death
instantaneously or without phasing in
DEAD to cut someone dead
to snub a person DEATH to be in at the death
to be present at the conclusion of
DEAD to get rid of the dead wood
to terminate the services of unsatis-
factory personnel DEATH to be on one's death bed
DEAD to kill some proposal stone (of an organization or a piece of equip-
dead ment) to be about to cease functioning
to abandon some proposal completely DEATH to be the kiss of death
DEAD to leave others for dead to be something intended to be help-
to be vastly superior ful but resulting in total destruction
DEAD to make noise enough to DEATH to bore someone to death
wake the dead to greatly weary a person by dull and
to be excessively noisy uninteresting conversation or by lack
of action
DEAD to run into a dead end
to get nowhere in an investigation DEATH to die a natural death
by virtue of changed circumstances
DEADLINE deadline or the effluxion of time to be no
time by which something must be longer relevant
DEATH to sign one's own death
DEAF to fall on deaf ears warrant
to be totally disregarded to foolishly do something which is
DEAFENING deafening silence inevitably bound to lead to utter disaster
great apathy and lack of enthusiasm DEATH to slowly bleed to death
DEAL a raw deal to be heading in gradual steps toward
unfair treatment total ruin
DEAL a sweetheart deal DEATH to sound the death knell
an agreement negotiated in private of something
without full regard to the interests of to indicate the impending end of
those affected something
DEAL to deal the final hand DEATHKNOCK on the deathknock
to take steps which conclude a matter at the last possible moment
DECIMATE to decimate DEFLOWER to deflower
to greatly reduce in size (often used to deprive of virginity
in the sense of "to reduce to one
DEFY to defy gravity
tenth," although the original meaning
to go up when the expectation is to
was "to reduce by one tenth")
go down
DECIPHER to decipher something
DEGREE to give someone the third
to understand the significance of
to apply pressure while questioning
DECK a loose cannon on the deck closely a person under suspicion
a mistake likely to cause trouble
DEGREE to the nth degree
DECK all hands on deck with great precision
everybody is requested to help out
DEGREE to turn around 180
DECK to be back on deck degrees
to have returned after an absence to completely reverse a stance
DECK to clear the decks DELIVER to deliver the goods
to get ready for action to achieve the objective
DECKCHAIR to rearrange the DELPHIC Delphic
deckchairs on the Titanic deliberately obscure (refers to the or-
to take some initiative which is quite acle at Delphi)
useless because it does not take much
greater change into account DEN to beard the lion in his den
to visit someone important at his
DEEP deep-rooted headquarters
strongly felt
DENMARK something is rotten in
DEEP still waters run deep the state of Denmark
a person with a quiet manner may the situation is not correct (from Shake-
have a surprisingly great knowledge speare's HAMLET)
of a subject
DENOMINATOR the lowest
DEEP to be in deep water
common denominator
to be in great difficulty
the highest level of taste found among
DEEP to go off the deep end all the members of some target aud-
to lose one's temper ience
DEEP to have deep pockets DEPTH to be out of one's depth
to have large financial resources to find that some issue is too compli-
DEEP to jump straight in at the cated or too difficult
deep end DERAIL to derail some strategy
to do something without a proper to cause a strategy to fail
DEEP to play a deep game DESPOND a slough of despond
to show cunning a feeling of hopelessness

DEEP to sink deeper into the mire DESTROY soul-destroying

to get into further difficulties extremely boring and demotivating
DEEP to sink deeper into the mud DEVASTATE to be devastated
to get into even greater difficulty to be extremely disappointed
DEVELOP to develop a head of steam DICK every Tom, Dick and Harry
to gain momentum just about everybody
DEVIL a devil-may-care attitude DICTIONARY someone has
a reckless attitude swallowed a dictionary
a person uses excessively long words
DEVIL be a devil!
take a chance! DIE no dice
the proposal is totally unacceptable
DEVIL between the devil and the
deep blue sea DIE the die is cast
to be faced with two equally unpalat- the course of action in train is irre-
able alternatives which cannot both versible
be avoided
DIE the whole box and dice
DEVIL he must have a long spoon all relevant components
that sups with the devil
DIE to be dying to do something
great care is needed when negotiating
to be extremely keen to do something
deals with disreputable parties
DIE to be the throw of a loaded die
DEVIL poor devil
to be an act of deceit
person to be pitied
DIE to die a natural death
DEVIL talk of the devil
by virtue of changed circumstances
here is the person we were just
or the effluxion of time to be no
longer relevant
DEVIL the devil can cite scripture
DIE to die hard
for his purpose
not to give up easily
a person can quote a respectable or
hostile authority while advocating a DIFFERENT that is a horse of a
disreputable cause of his own (from very different color
Shakespeare's MERCHANT OF VENICE) that is a much more acceptable propo-
DEVIL the devil one knows is better
than the devil one does not know DIFFERENT to march to a different
the status quo is more comfortable drum
than change to show an independent approach
DEVIL to act as a devil's advocate DIG to dig one's heels in
to put a point of view which one does to become even more stubborn than
not hold in order to draw out the best at first
arguments regarding a proposition (re-
fers to a church official vetting a DIG to dig one's own grave
candidate for sainthood) to take action which results in an
unintended disaster for oneself
DEVIL to give the devil his due
to be fair (a phrase used in parenthe- DIG to dig one's toes in
sis, and only in the infinitive) to become even more stubborn than
at first
DEVIL to grab the devil by the tail
to face up to difficulties DIM to take a dim view of something
not to regard something favorably
DIAMOND to be a rough diamond
to have many attributes but a gruff DINNER to be done like a dinner
manner to be defeated and humiliated

DINOSAUR a dinosaur DISPATCH to be mentioned in

a person with incredibly outmoded dispatches
ideas to be favorably mentioned (refers to
military recognition for bravery)
DIP to dip one's toes in the water
to gently explore an opportunity DISSEMINATE to disseminate ideas
to spread ideas to a wide audience
DIRE in dire straits (lit., "to scatter seeds in various
in great need places")
DIRECTION a step in the right DISTANCE to keep one's distance
direction to avoid familiarity
the first in a series of measures de-
signed to correct some problem DISTANT distant fields look greener
activities of which one has no experi-
DIRECTION it is pointing in the ence seem much easier than is really
right direction the case
success looks likely
DITCH to make a last-ditch stand
DIRECTION to head someone in to make a brave effort to stave off
the right direction final defeat
to assist a person to achieve something DIVE to take a nosedive
DIRT to strike pay dirt to suddenly and unexpectedly fall
to become successful steeply

DIRTY dirty DIVIDENDS to show dividends

unfair to be successful
DO the left hand does not know
DIRTY to do someone's dirty work what the right hand is doing
to do something unethical on behalf one section of a large bureaucracy
of another person does not realize that another section
DIRTY to get one's hands dirty is simultaneously doing something
to do the necessary but unpleasant or inconsistent
menial parts of a task DOCK to be in the dock
DIRTY to wash one's dirty linen in to need to defend one's stance
public DOCTOR just what the doctor
to expose one's domestic differences ordered
to the world at large exactly right
DISASTER a pit of disaster DOG a cat and dog existence
great and unexpected misfortune a life full of frequent squabbles

DISCLOSE to disclose one's hand DOG a dogfight

to give away information regarding a small side-skirmish, especially be-
one's intention tween airplanes
DOG a lame dog
DISEASE the cure is worse than a person under some disadvantage
the disease needing attention and assistance
the remedy involves more disadvan-
tages than if it were not applied DOG a shaggy-dog story
an amusing anecdote with an unex-
DISGUISE a blessing in disguise pected ending, often involving talking
an unwelcome but salutary experience animals given certain human skills

DOG a sly dog DOG to be in the doghouse

a person who is discreet about his to be in disgrace
DOG to call off the dogs
DOG a watchdog to abandon an audit or other inquiry
a person or organization monitoring
DOG to give a dog a bad name
to malign a person
DOG all the dogs are barking
DOG to go to the dogs
this news is being widely disseminated to be ruined
DOG any stick to beat a dog
DOG to have a hair of the dog that
any excuse will do if it serves one's
bit one
to drink more in an attempt to over-
DOG dog-eared come the effects of alcohol already
(of pages) well-thumbed consumed
DOG dog-tired DOG to lead a dog's life
tired out to be ill-treated
DOG every dog has his day DOG to let sleeping dogs lie
good luck comes sooner or later to refrain from raising an issue which
is not obviously requiring attention
DOG every man and his dog
everybody DOG to rain cats and dogs
to rain heavily
DOG love me—love my dog
if you accept me then you must also DOG to throw something to the dogs
accept my associates to sacrifice something
DOG not a dog's chance DOG two men and a dog
no hope at all very few people
DOG one cannot teach an old dog DOG underdog
new tricks object of sympathy (the antonym of
people get irreversibly set in their "underdog effect" is "bandwagon
ways effect")
DOG the tail wagging the dog DOG why keep a dog and bark
a minor aspect with disproportionate oneself?
effect on a major aspect it is silly to pay for assistance and
DOG the top dog then do things personally
the person in the most powerful
DOLDRUMS to be in the doldrums
to be depressed or to show no activity
DOG to be a dog in the manger (refers to a region of little wind near
to spitefully deny something to oth- the equator, becalming sailing ships)
ers, notwithstanding its uselessness to
oneself DOLLAR a sixty-four thousand
dollar question
DOG to be a dog's breakfast a pertinent but very difficult question
to be a very messy arrangement (refers to a television quiz show in
DOG to be a gay dog which an initial prize doubles with
to lead an idle life while flaunting the the successful answering of progres-
symbols of wealth sively more difficult questions)

DOMINO a domino effect DOOR to open up doors

a series of disasters each of which to create opportunities
after the first is precipitated by the
DOOR to put something at
one before
someone's door
DONKEY donkey work to blame a person
necessary but uninspiring routine work
DOOR to show someone the door
DONKEY for donkey's years to ask a person to leave
for a long time
DOOR to shut the door on someone
DONKEY to talk the hind leg off a to deny another person a desired
donkey opportunity
to talk excessively
DOOR to shut the stable door after
DONNA a prima donna the horse has bolted
a person with an exaggerated opinion to take preventive action only after
of his own importance which makes the relevant event
relations with others needlessly diffi-
DOOR to slam the door in
cult (Italian, "first lady")
someone's face
DOOR a foot in the door ostentatiously to refuse to have any
the opportunity to do business dealings with a person
DOOR never darken my door again DOORSTEP on one's own doorstep
do not ever return in one's own domain
DOOR not to break someone's door DOT from the year dot
down from time immemorial
to be quite unenthusiastic about some- DOT to arrive on the dot
one's goods or services to turn up at the exact scheduled time
DOOR one's door is always open DOT to dot the i's and cross the t's
people can take their problems to one to be meticulous in completing the
at any time documentation for a transaction
DOOR through the back door DOT to sign on the dotted line
unofficially or surreptitiously to confirm one's agreement
DOOR to be out the door DOUBT a doubting Thomas
to have one's position terminated a person who refuses to believe claims
in the absence of proof (John 20:25)
DOOR to beat a path to someone's
door DOUGHNUT watch the doughnut—
to seek a person out in great numbers not the hole
look for the positive aspects
DOOR to keep the wolf from the
DOWN a down-to-earth solution
a realistic solution
to avoid imminent trouble
DOWN low-down
DOOR to knock on doors confidential information relevant to
to seek out opportunities to do business something
DOOR to leave the door open DOWN that is money down the drain
to issue a standing invitation for the money has been wastefully lost on a
resumption of some negotiations failed project

DOWN to be down in the mouth DRAIN that is money down the drain
to be depressed money has been wastefully lost on a
failed project
DOWN to be down the track
to be making progress DRAIN to drain every ounce out of
DOWN to be further down the line to get the maximum use or pleasure
to have a low priority out of something
DOWN to be on the downgrade DRAKE to play ducks and drakes
to be of deteriorating quality not to treat the matter seriously
DOWN to catch someone with his DRAW back to the drawing board
trousers down the details need to be reconsidered
to act when another person least ex-
pects it DRAW to be on the drawing board
to be being planned in detail
DOWN to keep one's head down
to work very diligently DRAW to be quick on the draw
to act precipitately
DOWN to kick a man when he is
DRAW to be the luck of the draw
to be a chance result
to take unfair advantage of a person
already in difficulty DRAW to draw a blank
to be unsuccessful
DOWN to put one's foot down
to exert one's authority and insist on DRAW to draw a deep breath
something to get ready for exertion or for emo-
tional news
DOWNFALL downfall
ruination DRAW to draw a long bow
to state a conclusion which while
DOWNHILL to go downhill possible is unlikely on the known
to deteriorate facts
DOZEN it is six of one and half a DRAW to draw a veil over something
dozen of the other pointedly to avoid discussing something
it does not matter
DRAW to draw blood from a stone
DOZEN to talk nineteen to the dozen to do the impossible
to engage in much idle chatter
DRAW to draw fire
DRAFT to feel the draft to encounter criticism
to experience unfavorable conditions
DRAW to draw first blood
DRAG to drag one's feet to get an advantage
to perform unduly slowly
DRAW to draw the line at that
DRAG to drag one's heels to refuse to go any further
to perform unduly slowly
DRAW to draw the nets closer
DRAG to drag someone by the head to intensify one's efforts
and ears
to force a person to reveal the true DRAW to draw the short straw
facts to be the one appointed to do something
DRAG to drag the chain DRAW until stumps are drawn
to perform unduly slowly until the project ends (refers to cricket)
DRAWBRIDGE to pull up the DRINK to be meat and drink
drawbridge to be very pleasurable
to refuse to cooperate
DRIVE an opening wide enough to
DRAWCARD drawcard drive a coach and four through
feature expected to attract a crowd an excellent opportunity
DRAWER to tuck something away DRIVE to almost drive someone to
in a drawer tears
to put something aside for the time to present information designed to
being make another person express sympa-
thy not warranted by the facts
DRAWER top drawer
first class DRIVE to drive a coach and horses
through something
DREAM a pipedream
to demonstrate major errors in some-
a fanciful notion, wished for but
DRIVE to drive a wedge between
DREAM to be successful beyond
two persons
one's wildest dreams
to set out to cause two persons to
to be far more successful than one
confront each other
could have expected
DRIVE to drive someone from pillar
DREAM to dream up some story to post
to concoct a false story naively or to send a person to a series of places
maliciously in a vain attempt to achieve something
DREAM to have a dream run DRIVE to drive someone out of his
to encounter no difficulties mind
DRESS dress rehearsal to cause great worry to a person
preliminary skirmish DRIVE to drive someone to the wall
DRESS first in best dressed to ruin a person
persons acting early will do better DRIVE to drive someone up the wall
than latecomers to annoy another person by one's
DRESS to be dressed up to the nines actions
to be attired in excessively elaborate DRIVE to drive the lesson home
garments to take certain action which is un-
pleasant but which has the effect of
DRESS to dress someone down
registering a message
to scold a person
DRIVER a backseat driver
DRESS to engage in window dressing a person seeking to exercise control
to present figures in an artificially
favorable light DRIVER to be in the driver's seat
to be in charge
DRIFT to drift apart
to lose contact or to change feelings DRONE a drone
once held in common an idle person

DRINK it is a long time between DROP at the drop of a hat

drinks very readily
activity is occurring only very spas- DROP drop dead!
modically go away, I want no dealings with you

DROP someone's jaw dropped DROWN to drown one's sorrows

someone registered obvious disappoint- to drink by way of solace and in an
ment, incredulity or shock attempt to forget some misfortune
DROP the penny dropped DRUG to be a drug on the market
a person has just realized a fact which to be in overplentiful supply
should have been obvious (refers to
DRUM to beat a drum for someone
old-fashioned pay toilets)
to propagate another person's cause
DROP to be only a drop in the
DRUM to beat one's drum
to immodestly publicize one's own
to be quite insignificant in the total
DROP to be only a drop in the ocean DRUM to drum someone out of
to be quite insignificant in the total some organization
scene to terminate in ignominy a person's
employment or membership (refers to
DROP to drop a brick the ceremonial cashiering in the army
to make a sudden shattering and un- to the beating of parade drums)
expected announcement
DRUM to drum up support
DROP to drop a clanger to actively seek out support
to do something indiscreet or which
offends social conventions DRUM to march to a different drum
DROP to drop into one's lap to show an independent approach
to turn up fortuitously DRUNK to be punch drunk
DROP to drop names to be stupefied by some news
to slip names of celebrities allegedly DRY a dry hole
known to the speaker into a conversa- an exercise which after much effort
tion in an attempt to impress proves fruitless
DROP to drop one's bundle
to become despondent DRY a dry run
a trial exercise
DROP to squeeze the last drop out
of something DRY the ink is hardly dry
to get the maximum advantage out of something intended to last a long time
some favorable situation is to be changed shortly after its
DROP to wait for the other shoe to
drop DRY to be cut and dried
to await the seemingly imminent and to be well settled or long established
inevitable (refers to a man undressing,
disturbing a neighbor by dropping DRY to dry up
one shoe, then frustrating his expec- to cease
tation by putting the other shoe down DRY to keep one's powder dry
gently) to retain key arguments or resources
DROUGHT to break a drought in reserve for use later
to resume supplies after an interval DRY to leave someone high and dry
DROVE people stayed away in to withdraw all support from a person
droves or to isolate a person from a desired
few people came involvement
DRY to suck the lemon dry DUST to bite the dust
to get the maximum advantage out of to die
some favorable situation
DUST to dust some idea off
DUCK a lame duck to revive some proposal
a person unable to fend for himself (a
DUST to gather dust
lame duck president - a president still
not to be acted upon without being
in office but without influence be-
formally rejected
cause the commencement of his suc-
cessor's term is imminent) DUST to throw dust into someone's
DUCK in two shakes of a duck's tail
to deceive a person by presenting
in an instant
inaccurate or misleading information
DUCK to be a dead duck
DUST when the dust settles
to have failed
when sufficient time has passed
DUCK to be a sitting duck
DYED dyed in the wool
to be readily exploited
very loyal and partisan
DUCK to be like water off a duck's
DYNAMITE to be dynamite
to cause outrage
(of advice or criticism) to be completely
rejected DYNAMITE to play with dynamite
to invite trouble by virtue of one's
DUCK to break one's duck
risky conduct
to end a spell without results (refers
to cricket)
DUCK to duck for cover
to seek to avoid blame EAGER an eager beaver
a person with great drive and enthusi-
DUCK to play ducks and drakes
asm even if this causes annoyance to
not to treat the matter seriously
DUCKLING an ugly duckling EAGLE to have an eagle eye
a person initially thought unintelli- to be able to notice small mistakes
gent who develops and becomes bril- very readily
liant (refers to a cygnet in a brood of
ducks in a children's story of that EAR a word in someone's ear
name by Hans Christian Andersen) a confidential discussion

DUE to give the devil his due EAR dog-eared

to be fair (a phrase used in parenthe- (of pages) well-thumbed
sis, and only in the infinitive) EAR little pitchers have long ears
children have a tendency to overhear
DUMP to be in the dumps things
to feel depressed
EAR one can't make a silk purse
DUMP to dump something in out of a sow's ear
someone's lap it is impossible to manufacture some-
to impose some responsibility on an- thing of a high standard without ap-
other person propriate raw materials
DUNCE to earn a dunce's cap EAR to be all ears
to do something stupid to be very attentive
EAR to be music to one's ears EAR to lend someone an ear
to be comments which one is very to pay attention to a person
pleased to hear
EAR to play it by ear
EAR to be out on one's ear to develop one's strategy to always fit
to have one's services abruptly termi- in with circumstances as they change
nated from time to time
EAR to be up to one's ears in EAR to prick up one's ears
something to suddenly start paying attention to a
to be very deeply involved in some- conversation in progress as a result of
thing a half-heard phrase
EAR to be wet behind the ears EAR to send someone away with a
to be excessively naive and inexperi- flea in his ear
enced to give a person frank but unwelcome
EAR to chew someone's ear facts (refers to fleas trapped in the
to force one's conversation on an armor of ancient knights)
unwilling listener EAR to turn something on its ear
EAR to come out of one's ears to reverse something
to be plentiful EAR walls have ears
EAR to come to someone's ears someone may be overhearing (words
to come to someone's attention on wartime posters, reminding people
EAR to drag someone by the head of the existence of spies; may also
and ears refer to certain rooms in the Louvre,
constructed so that conversations could
to force a person to reveal the true
be heard in other rooms)
EAR to fall around one's ears EAR were your ears burning?
to collapse utterly we were discussing you

EAR to fall on deaf ears EAR with one's ears pinned back
to be totally disregarded chastened
EAR to get the wrong sow by the ear EARLY the early bird gets the worm
to reach an incorrect conclusion a person who acts ahead of others
gets an advantage over them
EAR to go in one ear and out the
other EARMARK to earmark
to leave no impression to allocate to a specific purpose
EAR to have money flowing out of EARN to earn a dunce's cap
one's ears to do something stupid
to be very rich
EARN to earn one's stripes
EAR to have someone's ear
to deserve promotion
to have a person's attention
EAR to keep an ear to the ground EARN to earn peanuts
to be well informed as to current to get a reward which is far too small
developments in relation to the value of the services
EAR to keep one's ears open
to be on the lookout for useful infor- EARTH a down-to-earth solution
mation a realistic solution
EARTH earth-shattering EAT to eat one's words
very significant to retract
EARTH how on earth? EAT to eat out of someone's hands
just how? to be unduly compliant
EARTH to be the salt of the earth EAT to eat someone alive
to be a person whose ordinary efforts to soundly defeat a person
benefit the community (Matthew 5:13)
EARTH to bring someone down to EAT to eat someone out of house
earth and home
to disillusion a person to ruin a person by eating all he has
EARTH to charge the earth EAT to want to have one's cake
to impose very high prices and eat it too
to want two mutually exclusive alter-
EARTH to move heaven and earth
to do everything possible
EARTH to promise the earth EAT you can eat your heart out
to give extravagant assurances you are entitled to feel sad or jealous
EARTH to run someone to earth EAVESDROP to eavesdrop
to locate a person to deliberately listen to conversations
to which one is not a party
EASY to be easy meat
to be an opponent who is readily EBB ebb and flow
outwitted fluctuations
EASY to be easy on the eye EBB to ebb away
to be visually attractive to decline gradually
EASY to breathe easy ECHO to echo someone's words
(following some crisis) to relax to repeat another person's views as
though they were one's own
EAT I'll eat my hat if so-and-so
happens ECLIPSE to eclipse someone
I do not believe that so-and-so will to outshine a person
happen EDGE gilt-edged
EAT moth-eaten very safe
(of ideas, etc.) antiquated EDGE to be a two-edged sword
EAT the proof of the pudding is in to involve both advantages and disad-
the eating vantages of similar significance
the success of a venture will be mea- EDGE to be at the cutting edge of
sured by its results something
EAT to be able to eat someone for to be in a position where important
breakfast decisions need to be made
to be able to outwit a person very easily EDGE to be on a knife edge
EAT to eat crow to be in danger
to accept a humiliating defeat EDGE to be on edge
EAT to eat humble pie to be nervous
to apologize EDGE to be on the edge of one's seat
EAT to eat one's heart out to be very excited at what is currently
to suffer bitterly happening
EDGE to be on the razor's edge EGG not to put all one's eggs in
to be in great danger one basket
to spread one's risks
EDGE to become frayed at the edges
no longer to be quite appropriate EGG one cannot make an omelette
without breaking eggs
EDGE to fiddle at the edges
the desired end dictates the means
to do some relatively minor things
even if they cause harm to others
which do not deal with the substance
of a problem EGG there are many ways to cook
EDGE to give someone the edge
there are many ways to achieve an
to give a person an advantage over
EDGE to have a leading edge EGG to be a bad egg
to have an advantage to engage in dishonest behavior

EDGE to push someone over the EGG to be a curate's egg

brink to be good only in parts (refers to an
by a small action to cause the abso- 1895 cartoon in PUNCH)
lute ruin (financially or emotionally) EGG to have egg on one's face
of someone already in peril to be embarrassed by the results of
EDGE to set someone's teeth on one's own stupidity
edge EGG to kill the goose that lays the
to cause a person to feel unhappy at a golden eggs
situation through excessive greed to destroy a
EDGE to take the edge off something very profitable enterprise
to weaken the force or impact of
EGG to teach one's grandmother
how to suck eggs
EDGE to tinker at the edges to try to tell a much more experi-
to make minor or cosmetic changes enced person something very obvious
without affecting the substance to him
EDGE to tip someone over the edge EIGHT to be right behind the eight
to cause a person to become mentally ball
ill to be in a position of extreme disad-
EDGEWAYS to get words in
edgeways ELBOW elbow grease
to manage to interrupt a conversation hard manual work
in order to put a separate point of
view ELBOW more power to your elbow
may your praiseworthy efforts lead to
EGG a nest egg success
life savings
ELBOW to be up to one's elbow in
EGG as sure as eggs are eggs something
with great certainty to be deeply involved in something
EGG chicken and egg ELBOW to elbow someone out
two factors each of which results in to force a person out of some office
the other and oneself into it

ELEMENT to be in one's element END a dead-end position
to be very comfortable in familiar a job with no prospects of advance-
surroundings or in an environment in ment
which one can cope very readily
END at the end of the day
ELEPHANT a rogue elephant in due course or at the conclusion of
a person of vicious temper who acts a project
in an undisciplined way
ELEPHANT a white elephant END the tail end of something
an expensive and useless luxury (re- the very end of something
fers to gifts of sacred elephants by END this is the end of the road for
the King of Siam to persons then someone
ruined by the expense of their upkeep) a person will have no further oppor-
ELEPHANT one looks for tunity to do something
elephants in elephant country
one needs to search in the right place END to be at the end of one's tether
to be frustrated by a lack of knowl-
ELEVEN at the eleventh hour edge, authority or patience
at the last moment (actually "at the
twenty-fourth hour" would be more END to be on the losing end of the
logical) (Matthew 20:9) stick
to be worse off while the other party
ELEVEN the second eleven
to a transaction becomes correspond-
persons performing an important func-
ingly better off
tion but one which is less important
than that performed by others (refers END to be the thin end of the wedge
to cricket) by conceding a small point to create
ELEVENTH eleventh an undesirable precedent for much
commandment larger issues
unwritten rule
END to burn the candle at both
EMASCULATE to emasculate ends
something to work excessively long hours
to delete the essential features of
something END to go off the deep end
to lose one's temper
EMOLLIENT to be an emollient
to be a measure designed to make END to have hold of the wrong end
people more favorably disposed to of the pineapple
one's wishes to be utterly mistaken
EMPIRE to engage in empire END to hold the wrong end of the
building stick
to set out to expand the size of the to be completely mistaken about
business or bureaucratic unit for which something
one is responsible, especially as a means
of increasing one's own importance END to jump straight in at the deep
ENCAPSULATE to encapsulate to do something without a proper
some idea lead-in
to reduce the essential points of a
complicated proposal to a small num- END to make ends meet
ber of words to live within one's income

END to run into a dead end EVEN to even the score
to get nowhere in an investigation to get one's own back for some past
END to see the light at the end of
the tunnel EVEN to keep something on an
to be close to finalizing a long exercise even keel
to ensure that something is not harmed
END to seek the pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow EVERY as every schoolboy knows
to have naive expectations as is recognized by everyone

END to tie up the loose ends EVERY every Pancake Tuesday

to complete the minor outstanding only on rare occasions (refers to Shrove
items of some substantially finished Tuesday, when pancakes are tradition-
project ally eaten)

ENFANT an enfant terrible EVERY every Tom, Dick and Harry

a person who raises pertinent but just about everybody
unpalatable issues (French, "terrible EVERY every cloud has a silver
child," " a little terror") lining
there are benefits even in seemingly
ENOUGH enough to sink a adverse situations
more than sufficient EVERY every dog has his day
good luck comes sooner or later
ENSHRINE to enshrine
to incorporate as an important part of EVERY every man and his dog
something everybody
EVERY in every nook and cranny
ENTER to enter the home stretch everywhere
to commence the last stage
EVERY to chase every hare
ESCAPE to escape by the skin of to be easily sidetracked
one's nose
to only just avoid some disaster EVERY to drain every ounce out
of something
ESCAPE to escape by the skin of to get the maximum use or pleasure
one's teeth out of something
to only just avoid some disaster EVERY to play every card in the
ESCUTCHEON to be a blot on pack
someone's escutcheon to try very hard and use every con-
to be a blemish on a person's character ceivable argument

ESPIRIT esprit de corps EVERY to resist something every

a feeling of camaraderie and concern inch of the way
for the good name of some organiza- to utterly resist something
tion of which one is a member (French, EVERY to use every trick in the
"vital breath of a body") book
to try very hard and use every con-
ESTATE the fourth estate ceivable argument
the press
EVERYTHING everything but the
EVE to be on the eve of something kitchen sink
to occur just before some event a lot of things
EVERYTHING everything under EYE blue-eyed boy
the sun person shown unjustified favoritism
EYE bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
EVERYTHING to do everything by naive but enthusiastic
to do everything imperfectly or in- EYE cock-eyed
completely stupid

EXHAUST to exhaust the field EYE in one's mind's eye

to use up all the possibilities using a vivid imagination
EXHIBITION to make an EYE in someone's eyes
exhibition of oneself in a person's judgment
to behave in a way which invites EYE lynx-eyed
ridicule having acute vision
EXISTENCE a cat and dog EYE one would give one's eye teeth
existence for something
a life full of frequent squabbles a person would very much like to
EXPEDITION a fishing expedition achieve some objective
an exercise designed to get informa-
EYE one-eyed
tion to which one is not strictly entitled
EXPLODE to explode
EYE someone's eyes are bigger than
(of a person) to express rage
his stomach
EXPOSE to expose one's flank a person is unrealistic
to allow others to take advantage of one
EYE someone's eyes popped
EXTRA to go the extra mile a person expressed great surprise
to work beyond the call of duty
EYE to be a sight for sore eyes
EYE a bird's-eye view to be something welcome
a general overview or summary of a
subject, emphasizing the major features EYE to be all eyes
to observe very closely
EYE a mote in someone's eye
a fault in another person which is EYE to be an eye opener
trifling in comparison to an unrecog- to be a surprise
nizable major fault in oneself (Matthew
7:3) EYE to be better than a poke in
the eye with a burnt stick
EYE a smack in the eye to be particularly welcome
a rebuff
EYE to be easy on the eye
EYE all eyes are on something to be visually attractive
everyone's attention is focused on
something EYE to be eye wash
to be nonsense
EYE an eye for an eye
retaliation (Exodus 21:24) EYE to be in the eye of the storm
to be at the center of a controversy
EYE beauty is in the eye of the
beholder EYE to be in the public eye
some things are matters for subjective to have one's every action subject to
judgments scrutiny by the community

EYE to be one in the eye for someone EYE to have one's eyes glued to
to represent an unexpected and unwel- something
come defeat to concentrate on looking at some-
thing to the exclusion of other com-
EYE to be only a gleam in peting calls for attention
someone's eyes
to be a long way from final achieve- EYE to have stars in one's eyes
ment (for emotional rather than rational rea-
sons) to be ecstatic
EYE to be the apple of someone's
eye EYE to hit someone right between
to be a person of whom another per- the eyes
son is proud to be brutally frank

EYE to cast an eye over something EYE to hit the bull's eye
to look at something critically to make the correct decision

EYE to cast sheep's eyes at someone EYE to keep a weather eye out for
to look at a person amorously something
to look out with particular care
EYE to catch someone's eye
EYE to keep an eye on the ball
to attract the attention of another per-
to monitor a fast-changing situation
son or to seek permission to address
that person EYE to keep one's eye on someone
to supervise a person or to monitor a
EYE to clap eyes on something person's activities and behavior
to catch sight of something
EYE to keep one's eye on something
EYE to cock one's eye at someone to monitor a situation
to glance knowingly at a person
EYE to keep one's eyes open
EYE to cry one's eyes out to be on the lookout for useful infor-
to express great sadness at a situation mation
EYE to do someone in the eye EYE to keep one's eyes open for
to cheat a person something
to be on the lookout for an opportuni-
EYE to have an eagle eye ty to do something
to be able to notice small mistakes
very readily EYE to keep one's eyes peeled for
EYE to have an eye for something to be on the constant lookout for
to appreciate the appearance of some- something
EYE to make eyes at someone
EYE to have eyes at the back of to look at a person amorously
one's head EYE to open someone's eyes to
to know more of what is going on something
than is generally realized to alert another person to the truth of
EYE to have one's beady eyes on something
something EYE to pick the eyes out of
to await the chance to acquire some- something
thing to which one is not properly to choose the most valuable items
entitled from among a large number
EYE to pull the wool over EYELASH not to bat an eyelash
someone's eyes to fail to express any surprise
to deceive or deliberately mislead an-
EYELID to hang on by the eyelids
other person
to have only a slender hold
EYE to rub one's eyes
to express astonishment EYESORE eyesore
extremely ugly object
EYE to see eye to eye with someone
to agree
EYE to see something with half an
eye FACE a poker face
to sum up a matter instantly a facial expression which does not
reveal one's thoughts during negotia-
EYE to see the color of someone's tions
to see how a person matches expecta- FACE a slap in the face
tions or requirements a calculated insult or action amounting
to a rebuke
EYE to shut one's eyes to something
to deliberately take no notice of some- FACE a straight face
thing, especially in dereliction of one's a facial expression which does not
duty reveal one's thoughts in a humorous
EYE to throw dust into someone's situation
eyes FACE someone's face fell
to deceive a person by presenting someone registered obvious disap-
inaccurate or misleading information pointment
EYE to turn a blind eye to something FACE to be at the coal face
to pretend something obvious does to be in the place where the real work
not exist (refers to action by Nelson is done
when disregarding Admiralty signals)
FACE to be left red-faced
EYE with an eye toward doing to be embarrassed
with the intention that something par- FACE to blow up in someone's face
ticular be done to rebound on a person
EYE with one's eyes wide open FACE to cut one's nose off to spite
fully conscious of the ramifications one's face
to act in pique in a way which harms
EYEBALL eyeball to eyeball only oneself
confronting each other and taking ac-
count of each other's reactions FACE to do an about-face
to reverse a previously enunciated
EYEBALL to be up to the eyeballs policy
in something
to be very deeply involved in some- FACE to face a rocky road ahead
thing to be likely to encounter difficulties
EYEBROW to raise one's eyebrows FACE to face the music
to express one's utter astonishment to accept responsibility when confront-
EYEFUL to get an eyeful of ed by one's critics
something FACE to fall flat on one's face
to see something impressive to make a bad error of judgment
FACE to fly in the face of some rule FACE to stare someone in the face
to blatantly disregard some rule (of a solution, etc.) to become obvious
FACE to go on till one is blue in FACE to take something at face
the face value
to argue for a long time (of alleged facts) to accept something
without question or challenge
FACE to have a long face
to look miserable FACE to wipe the smile off
someone's face
FACE to have egg on one's face
to destroy a person's complacency
to be embarrassed by the results of
one's own stupidity FACE two-faced
FACE to hurl something in
someone's face FACE volte face
to reproach a person in regard to a reversal of previously-held beliefs
something (French, " a turning around")
FACE to lose face FACE wipe that smile off your face!
to endure embarrassment by virtue of treat this matter more seriously!
being defeated or having one's errors
FACE you will laugh on the other
found out
side of your face
FACE to present a happy face to the you will regret this
world FAILURE heart failure
bravely to gloss over one's problems a shock
FACE to put a brave face on it FAIR a fair-weather friend
to face adversity cheerfully a person purporting to be a friend
FACE to put a new face on who offers no support in difficult times
something FAIR to be a fair crack of the whip
to alter the way something should be to be just
FAIR to be fair game
FACE to put one's best face on to be someone who can legitimately
something be attacked
to focus on the positive features sur-
rounding a basically disastrous situation FAIRY a fairy godmother
a person showing great kindness
FACE to save face
to be allowed to keep one's dignity FAIRY to believe in the tooth fairy
despite having suffered a defeat or to be particularly gullible
made an error FAITH an article of faith
FACE to set one's face against a fundamental belief on which certain
something behavior is based
to oppose some matter FAITHFUL the old faithful
FACE to show one's face a greatly loved article
to put in an appearance FALL a fallen angel
FACE to slam the door in someone's a previously trusted person who has
face transgressed
ostentatiously to refuse to have any FALL crestfallen
dealings with a person dejected
FALL downfall FALL to fall in a heap
ruination (of a proposal) to collapse utterly
FALL it fell off the back of a truck FALL to fall into line
(of goods) they were stolen; (of a to conform with others
politically sensitive document) it was FALL to fall on deaf ears
leaked to me to be totally disregarded
FALL let the cards fall where they may FALL to fall on one's feet
irrespective of what happens surprisingly to succeed despite diffi-
FALL someone's face fell culties
someone registered obvious disap- FALL to fall over one's own feet
pointment to be very clumsy
FALL that is the way the chips fall FALL to fall through
that is the actual situation not to eventuate as expected
FALL the ax has fallen FALL to fall to pieces
it is now too late (of a plan) to collapse
FALL the roof has fallen in FALL to fall to the ground
an enterprise has collapsed to fail
FALL the sky fell in FALL to play the cards as they fall
a very serious problem arose to deal with problems as they arise
FALL the wheels fell off FALL where the ax falls
the plan failed who gets terminated
FALL they fell over themselves to FALL windfall
do something unexpected good fortune
they showed great keenness while doing
something FALSE a false dawn
an incident giving rise to unjustified
FALL to be riding for a fall hope
to act in a reckless manner
FALSE to sail under false colors
FALL to fall around one's ears to pretend that one's real character or
to collapse utterly beliefs are different from what they
FALL to fall between two stools really are
not to fit neatly into either of two FAMILY to sell off the family silver
available alternatives and waver be- to sell off one's prized possessions
tween them
FAMINE to be either feast or famine
FALL to fall by the wayside to go from one extreme to the other
to abandon and not complete what
FAN to fan the flames
one set out to do
to increase unrest
FALL to fall flat
FANCYFREE footloose and
(of a joke) to be unappreciated by the
unmarried and without any romantic
FALL to fall flat on one's face attachments
to make a bad error of judgment
FANFARE with much fanfare
FALL to fall head over heels in love with great enthusiasm and public
to fall very much in love acclaim
FAR to be a far cry from something FAVORITE favorite son
to be a long way from something person preferred by many people for
some office
FAST fast and furious
in an exciting way, in quick succession FEAR / fear the Greeks even when
they bear gifts
FAST life in the fast lane I am suspicious of generous behavior
existence full of exciting but worth- from traditional opponents (from Vir-
less activity gil's AENEID, in reference to the
FAST to come in thick and fast Trojan horse)
to arrive quickly and in great volume FEAR/00/5 rush in where angels
FAST to play fast and loose fear to tread
to disregard one's obligations unsophisticated persons take unwise
risks in circumstances where more
FAST to pull a fast one knowledgeable persons would exer-
to engage in a dirty trick cise caution
FAT a fat chance FEAR in fear and trembling
little hope in a state of apprehension
FAT it's not over till the fat lady FEAST a movable feast
sings an event not customarily held on a set
it is not finished yet date

FAT the fat is in the fire FEAST to be either feast or famine

action with certain unstoppable con- to go from one extreme to the other
sequences has now been initiated FEATHER a feather in one's cap
FAT to chew fat a meritorious personal achievement
to eat and talk together FEATHER birds of a feather flock
FAT to trim the fat together
to increase efficiency by reducing persons of like interests gather in the
outlays same place

FATAL to be fatal FEATHER feather bedding

to be sufficient to destroy some pro- (in industrial relations) creating un-
posal necessary jobs solely to increase em-
ployment; (in economics) assisting an
FATE to seal someone's fate inefficient industry by government
to cause a certain outcome adversely grants or excessive tariff protection
affecting a person
FEATHER to feather one's own nest
FATHER father knows best to improperly arrange a transaction
as an expert I know better than you on behalf of others to one's own
do just what is most suitable for you financial advantage
FATTEN to kill the fatted calf FEATHER to make feathers fly
to demonstrate welcome and forgive- to cause trouble to those misbehaving
ness on a person's return (Luke 15:23)
FEATHER to ruffle someone's
FAUX faux pas feathers
something indiscreet or offending so- to engage in behavior which irritates
cial conventions (French, ' 'false step") another person
FEATHER to show the white feather FENCE on our side of the fence
to indicate cowardice (refers to cross- in the group representing our vested
bred birds, not regarded as useful in interest
cock fighting)
FENCE to be on the other side of
FEATHER to thrash with a feather the fence
to award only a minor punishment for to have an opposing point of view or
a very serious offense position
FEDERAL to make a Federal case FENCE to be over the fence
out of something to be unreasonable
to attach far too much significance to
a trivial issue FENCE to mend fences
FEED to be chicken feed to achieve a reconciliation
to be small and unimportant FENCE to rush one s fences
FEED to be fed up to the back teeth to act precipitately
to be disgusted FENCE to sit on the fence
FEED to bite the hand that feeds one to refuse to choose between two
to show ingratitude alternatives
FEED to feed the fire FENCE to want to jump all one's
to exacerbate a situation fences at once
FEEDBACK feedback to be unrealistic
response from a target audience to FERRET to ferret something out
those seeking to influence it by diligent research to discover some
FEEL a gut feeling secret
a belief based purely on intuition and
unsupported by facts or evidence FESTER to open up a festering sore
to upset a person by drawing atten-
FEEL to feel one's oats tion to a long-standing grievance
to display self-importance
FETTER to fetter someone
FEEL to feel the draft
to stop a person acting on his own
to experience unfavorable conditions
FEEL to feel the pinch
to be adversely affected by financial FEVER to be at fever pitch
stringency to be in a state of excited activity
FEEL to feel the rough side of FIDDLE to fiddle at the edges
someone's tongue to do some relatively minor things
to be verbally abused by a person which do not deal with the substance
FELL in one fell swoop of a problem
all at the same time FIDDLE to fiddle while Rome burns
FELONY to compound the felony to neglect important considerations
having already acted improperly to while concentrating on trivial side-
make matters worse (the misuse of a issues
legal term: compounding a felony is
the crime of agreeing for money not FIDDLE to play second fiddle
to prosecute a person for felony; in to fulfill a subordinate role
reality it is therefore an offense by a FIELD a field day
different person—not a second and a very enjoyable and successful occa-
worse offense by the original culprit) sion
FIELD a level playing field FIGHT to fight fire with fire
competition on equal terms to counter a dangerous situation by
making an equally dangerous move
FIELD distant fields look greener
activities of which one has no experi- FIGHT to fight tooth and nail
ence seem much easier than is really to strive very hard to win
the case
FIGHT to have a fight on one's
FIELD to be ahead of the field hands
to be better than one's competitors to encounter resistance or opposition
to a proposal
FIELD to cover the field
to be comprehensive FIGUREHEAD a figurehead
FIELD to exhaust the field the ceremonial chief officer of some
to use up all the possibilities organization without any real power
(refers to the carving at the front of a
FIELD to have a field marshal's ship)
baton in one's kit
to be ambitious FILL to fill a vacuum
to take advantage of an opportunity
FIFTH a fifth columnist not acted on by others
a person using his position of trust to
work for a rival cause FILL to fill in the fine print
to provide the precise details in re-
FIFTH to be a fifth wheel spect of something presently existing
to be superfluous in broad outline only
FIFTH to plead the Fifth Amendment FILL to fill someone's shoes
to refuse to answer an unwelcome to be a good successor
question (refers to the Fifth Amend-
ment of the United States Constitu- FILTER to filter through to someone
tion, which provides protection against (of information) to eventually reach a
self-incrimination) person
FIFTY to have fifty cents each way FINAL the final straw
to equivocate the latest step, which, when added to
FIG one would not give a fig for a large number of seemingly harm-
something less previous steps, sets off a dis-
one regards something as worthless aster resulting from the cumulative
FIGHT a bunfight
a minor and relatively friendly skirmish FINAL to deal the final hand
to take steps which conclude a matter
FIGHT a dogfight
a small side-skirmish, especially be- FIND the river found its mark
tween airplanes equilibrium between two pressures has
been achieved
FIGHT to fight an uphill battle
to face difficulties or to have formida- FIND to find one's feet
ble opposition to develop one's skills
FIGHT to fight bushfires FIND to find out the state of play
to deal with crises as they arise rather to ascertain the current position of
than take preventive action some project
FIND water will find its own level FINGER to have a finger in the pie
people will reach an appropriate posi- to have an interest in a project
tion relative to others
FINGER to have green fingers
FINE not to put too fine a point on it to be good at gardening
speaking bluntly
FINGER to have itchy fingers
FINE to fill in the fine print to be impatient
to provide the precise details in re-
spect of something presently existing FINGER to have one's fingers in
in broad outline only many different pies
to be engaged in a variety of separate
FINE to fine-tune something activities
to adjust something in order to bring
it to perfection or to make it fit the FINGER to have one's fingers in
circumstances in a much more appro- the till
priate fashion to steal from one's employer
FINE to go through something with FINGER to have one's fingers on
a fine-tooth comb the pulse
to conduct an extremely thorough to know what is going on
investigation FINGER to have sticky fingers
FINE to raise something to a fine to be dishonest
art form
FINGER to keep one's cotton-
to become very clever at doing some-
picking fingers off something
not to interfere in something
FINE to tread a fine line
cautiously to take action in circum- FINGER to keep one's fingers
stances where either too much or too crossed
little will cause difficulties to hope for a good outcome

FINGER light-fingered FINGER to let something slip

good at stealing through one's fingers
to allow something to escape from
FINGER not to lay a finger on one's ownership or control
to refrain from hurting a person FINGER to point the finger at
FINGER not to lift a finger to help to accuse a person or allege some
someone indiscretion on his part
to refuse to assist
FINGER to pull one's fingers out
FINGER someone's fingers are all
to get on with a job with alacrity
a person is clumsy with his hands FINGER to put one's finger on
FINGER to burn one's fingers something
to lose money through foolishness to identify the essential features of
FINGER to gnaw one's fingers to
the bone FINGER to stir a finger
to fret to make some minimum effort
FINGER to have a finger in FINGER to twist someone around
something one's little finger
to be involved in something by charm to get one's way

FINGER to wave a finger at FIRE to draw fire
someone to encounter criticism
to indicate mild displeasure at an- FIRE to feed the fire
other person's actions to exacerbate a situation
FINGER to work one's fingers to FIRE to fight fire with fire
the bone to counter a dangerous situation by
to work very hard making an equally dangerous move
FINGERNAIL to bite one's FIRE to fire a parting shot
fingernails to make a defiant gesture on leaving
to anxiously await a decision
FIRE to fire a salvo at someone
FINGERNAIL to hang on by one's to present a series of criticisms to a
fingernails person
to have only a slender hold
FIRE to fire a volley at someone
FINGERTIP to cling on by one's to send a series of angry messages to
fingertips someone
to have only a slender hold FIRE to go through fire and water
FINGERTIP to have some subject to undertake all attendant risks
at one's fingertips FIRE to hang fire
to be very familiar with a subject to take no immediate action
FINISH a photo finish FIRE to have a bullet which can be
a close result in a contest fired
to have available an effective response
FIRE a baptism of fire which can be used at will
the commencement of an operation
which presented great difficulty FIRE to have other irons in the fire
to have the opportunity to do some-
FIRE a fire in someone's belly thing else as an alternative
great enthusiasm
FIRE to hold fire
FIRE fire sale to defer criticizing
a forced sale, realizing bargain prices FIRE to hold one's fire
FIRE out of the frying pan into the to delay proposed action
fire FIRE to keep the home fires burning
from one bad situation to an even to maintain normal domestic activity
worse one during the temporary absence of the
FIRE sure-fire breadwinner
guaranteed FIRE to play with fire
to invite trouble through one's foolish
FIRE the fat is in the fire conduct
action with certain unstoppable con-
sequences has now been initiated FIRE to pull someone's chestnuts
out of the fire
FIRE to add fuel to the fire to retrieve a situation
to make a bad situation worse
FIRE to pull something out of the
FIRE to be in the firing line fire
to be among the first to be under to salvage something in a seemingly
attack hopeless situation
FIRE to set the Thames on fire FIRST to jump in feet first
to do something noteworthy to take a calculated risk
FIRE to set the world on fire FISH a fishing expedition
to do something particularly brilliant an exercise designed to get informa-
tion to which one is not strictly entitled
FIRE to stoke the fires
to provoke a violent reaction FISH a queer fish
an unusual type of person
FIRE where there is smoke there is
fire FISH an ocean full offish
if there is a hint of trouble, then it is plenty of opportunity
highly likely that there really is trouble
FISH neither fish, flesh nor good red
FIREMAN a visiting fireman herring
an important person calling on busi- unclassifiable by virtue of being nei-
ness to whom certain courtesies need ther one thing nor another (from
to be paid Cervantes' Don Quixote)
FIRESTORM to run into a firestorm FISH that has nothing to do with
to be faced with many protests the price offish
that is quite irrelevant
FIREWORKS fireworks
aggressive behavior because of anger FISH to be a big fish in a little
FIRST at first blush pond
prima facie to be a person holding an important
office but in an unimportant organiza-
FIRST at first hand tion
FISH to be a cold fish
FIRST first catch your hare to be an unemotional person
do things in logical order and after
proper preparation (advice on how to FISH to be a different kettle offish
cook a hare in Mrs. Beeton's cele- to be something very dissimilar
brated COOK BOOK) FISH to be a fine kettle offish
FIRST first in best dressed to be a terrible muddle
persons acting early will do better FISH to be a fish out of water
than latecomers to be in difficulty by virtue of being
FIRST headfirst in a strange environment
precipitately FISH to be in a goldfish bowl
FIRST to be first class to be very open to view
to be very satisfactory FISH to fish for compliments
FIRST to be first off the mark to drop hints in the hope that one will
to start ahead of all others receive praise or recognition
FIRST to be the first cab off the rank FISH to fish in troubled waters
to start ahead of all others to profit from a disturbed situation
FIRST to draw first blood FISH to have more important fish
to get an advantage to fry
FIRST to get to first base to have more important things to do
to succeed in getting others to start FISHY to be fishy
comprehending a problem to be suspicious
FIST ham-fisted FLAG to show the flag
undiplomatic and clumsy to visit a place in order to boost
morale there
FIST hand over fist
rapidly overtaking each other during FLAG to wave a flag for someone
progress toward a common goal to promote a person's cause
FIST hard-fisted FLAGSHIP flagship
stingy most important member of a group of
related entities
FIST tight-fisted
stingy FLAK to attract flak
to attract criticism
FIST to lose money hand over fist
to lose money very fast and convinc- FLAME an old flame
ingly a former lover
FIST to make a good fist of FLAME keepers of the flame
something persons keen to maintain old traditions
to be successful in a difficult task
FLAME to fan the flames
FIST to rule with an iron fist to increase unrest
to keep strict discipline
FLAME to inflame a situation
FISTFUL to hold out a fistful of to aggravate a situation
to ofFer by way of inducement FLAME to pour gasoline on the flames
to make a bad situation worse
FIT if the cap fits then wear it
if your circumstances correspond with FLAME to rekindle an old flame
those described then you must endure to inspire the reinstatement of a for-
the consequences mer loving relationship
FIT not fit to hold a candle to FLAME to shoot someone down in
someone flames
greatly inferior to another person to utterly destroy another person's
FIT not to get along with someone
in a fit FLANK to expose one's flank
not to get along with a person to allow others to take advantage of one
FIT to fit the bill FLASH a flash in the pan
to meet all the requirements something which begins promisingly
FIT to have a blue fit but does not last (refers to the prim-
to be very agitated ing of old guns)

FIT to have a fit FLASH in a flash

to be in a state of great agitation in an instant
FIT to have a fit of the vapors FLASH to see red lights flashing
to be horrified to be conscious of the danger
FIVE to know how many beans FLAT flat out like a lizard
make five to be hard at work (a play on words,
to have common sense not a simile)
FLAG to rally to the flag FLAT to be in a flat spin
to show support for a cause to be in a state of high excitement
FLAT to catch someone flat-footed FLESH to go the way of all flesh
to embarrass a person in the course of to die
his making mistakes or being unpre-
FLESH to make someone's flesh creep
to frighten a person with something
FLAT to fall flat horrific
(of a joke) to be unappreciated by the
FLESH to put flesh and bone on
FLAT to fall flat on one's face to supply details of a proposal pre-
to make a bad error of judgment viously revealed only in outline
FLAVOR to be the flavor of the FLESH to see someone in the flesh
month to see someone in person
to be a commodity temporarily popu-
FLESHPOT fleshpots
lar without a logical reason
sumptuous living (Exodus 16:3)
FLEA to send someone away with FLEX to flex one's muscles
a flea in his ear to exert one's personality or powers
to give a person frank but unwelcome
facts (refers to fleas trapped in the FLOCK birds of a feather flock
armor of ancient knights) together
persons of like interests gather in the
FLEECE to fleece someone same place
to cheat a person out of some asset
FLOCK flock
FLESH neither fish flesh nor good congregation in the charge of a reli-
red herring gious official
unclassifiable by virtue of being nei-
ther one thing not another (from FLOG to flog a dead horse
Cervantes' DON QUIXOTE)
to misguidedly do something patently
FLESH one's own flesh and blood
FLOODGATE to open up the
one's offspring
FLESH one's pound of flesh to take action which will have mas-
that which is due to one (from Shake- sive consequences
speare's MERCHANT OF VENICE) FLOOR there is blood on the floor
FLESH the spirit is willing but the this has caused great anguish
flesh is weak FLOOR to get in on the ground floor
the body is not up to the demands to invest on very favorable terms
made on it
FLOOR to hold the floor
FLESH to be a thorn in someone's to dominate a conversation
to be a person whose persistent pres- FLOOR to wipe the floor with
ence and righteous views annoy someone
to inflict a humiliating defeat on a
FLESH to be more than flesh can person
FLOTSAM flotsam and jetsam
to be more than a person can reason-
derelict persons, without a fixed abode
ably be expected to endure or stable life (refers to goods found
FLESH to flesh out the skeleton floating and to goods thrown over-
to supply the missing pertinent details board deliberately, respectively)
FLOURISH with a flourish of FLY to fly by the seat of one's pants
trumpets to act unprofessionally
FLY to fly high
FLOW a lot of water has flowed to be ambitious
under the bridge since then
much has happened since then FLY to fly in the face of some rule
to blatantly disregard some rule
FLOW ebb and flow
fluctuations FLY to fly off the handle
FLOW to have money flowing out to show irrational anger
of one's ears FLY to fly out the window
to be very rich to be lost
FLUSH to flush out the facts FLY to fly the coop
to ascertain, after some effort, the to grow up and become independent
truth of some matter
FLUX to be in a state of flux FLY to have to fly
to be subject to continuous change to need to leave in order to reach the
next destination quickly
FLY / would love to be a fly on the
wall FLY to let fly at someone
I would love to hear what goes on to attack a person with strong words
FLY a fly in the ointment FLY to make feathers fly
a flaw (refers to dead flies turning to cause trouble to those misbehaving
perfumes rancid) (Ecclesiastes 10:1)
FLY to make sparks fly
FLY a fly-by-night operator to cause rapid activity to take place
a confidence trickster
FLY to make the fur fly
FLY a highflyer to create a disturbance
an ambitious and/or successful person
FLY as the crow flies FLY to achieve a flying start
by the shortest distance to get operational very quickly

FLY someone can't hurt a fly FLYING to pass with flying colors
someone is very gentle and kindhearted to be very successful
FLY the bird has flown FOAM to foam at the mouth
the person sought is no longer about to show anger
FLY there are no flies on someone FOCUS to bring something into
a person is alert focus
FLY time flies to put some matter into its proper
time passes very quickly, but if wast- content and explain its true significance
ed can never be recovered (from FOCUS to focus on something
Virgil's GEORGICS)
to concentrate attention on something
FLY to fly a kite
FOG to be in a fog
to issue uncovered checks in the hope
to be in a state of confusion
that they will be covered before clear-
ance or to test public reaction to leg- FOGGY not to have the foggiest
islation in contemplation by leaking notion
broad details of it to the media to know nothing at all about the subject
FOLD the fold FOOT the boot is on the other foot
the body of believers (refers to an the real facts are the other way round
enclosure for sheep) FOOT to be at one's feet
FOLD to quietly fold up one's tent to be in the immediate vicinity
to surreptitiously abandon a previously- FOOT to be quick on one's feet
cherished stance to cleverly take advantage of a situation
FOLLOW to be a hard act to follow FOOT to be rushed off one's feet
to be an impressive performance, not to be rushed
easily matched by the next person
FOOT to be six feet under
FOLLOW to follow in someone's to be dead
FOOT to bind someone hand and
to do as another person did
FOLLOW to follow one's nose to completely limit a person's free-
to act intuitively dom to act
FOLLOW to follow the herd FOOT to catch someone flat-footed
to do what most other people are to embarrass a person in the course of
doing his making mistakes or being unpre-
FOOD food for thought
material for examinatin in one's mind FOOT to cut the ground from under
someone's feet
FOOD to take food out of the to unexpectedly withdraw support and
mouths of children in the process cause embarrassment
cruelly to deprive the needy or to demolish a person's case
FOOL/00/s rush in where angels FOOT to drag one's feet
fear to tread to perform unduly slowly
unsophisticated persons take unwise
risks in circumstances where more FOOT to fall on one's feet
knowledgeable persons would exer- surprisingly to succeed despite diffi-
cise caution culties
FOOT to fall over one's feet
FOOL to live in a fool's paradise
to be very clumsy
to delude oneself
FOOT to find one's feet
FOOT a foot in the door to develop one's skills
the opportunity to do business
FOOT to get back on one's feet
FOOT itchy feet to recover from an illness or some
a desire to travel other setback
FOOT nimble-footed FOOT to get cold feet
quick to change the direction of one's to become scared
activities when circumstances warrant
FOOT to get off on the wrong foot
FOOT not to let grass grow under with someone
one's feet to make an unfavorable initial im-
not to let inertia or delay spoil some- pression on a person
FOOT to get one's feet wet
FOOT not to put a foot wrong to do the necessary but unpleasant or
to behave impeccably menial parts of a task
FOOT to go hotfoot FOOT to shoot oneself in the foot
to do something fast to act in a foolish way and thus harm
one's own cause
FOOT to have feet of clay
to be vulnerable (Daniel 2:33) FOOT to stand on one's own two
FOOT to have one foot in the grave
not to require the help of others
to be dying
FOOT to start off on the right foot
FOOT to have one's feet firmly on
to commence an operation with great
the ground
care to do it correctly
to know what one is doing
FOOT to sweep someone off her feet
FOOT to have one's feet in both camps
to cause a person to lose all discern-
to have good relations with two
FOOT to tread someone under foot
FOOT to have one's foot on something
to oppress a person
to be about to acquire something or
to be able to acquire something FOOT to vote with one's feet
to show one's displeasure by termi-
FOOT to have the ball at one's feet nating an association
to have unlimited opportunity
FOOT to wait hand and foot on
FOOT to have two left feet someone
to be clumsy to accommodate a person's every real
FOOT to jump in feet first or imagined whim
to take a calculated risk FOOTBALL a political football
FOOT to put one's best foot forward a political issue which is not being
to make a special effort debated on its merits

FOOT to put one's feet up FOOTHOLD to gain a foothold

to relax to achieve a position from which fur-
ther advances can readily be made
FOOT to put one's foot down
FOOTLOOSE footloose and
to exert one's authority and insist on
unmarried and without any romantic
FOOT to put one's foot in it attachments
to make a foolish mistake FOOTNOTE a footnote
FOOT to put one's foot in one's a passing comment by way of elabora-
mouth tion
to say something foolish FOOTPRINT without leaving any
FOOT to put someone on the back foot footprints
to cause a person to adopt a lower without making any impression
profile FOOTSTEP to follow in someone's
FOOT to put something back on its footsteps
feet to do as another person did
to repair something FOR a tooth for a tooth
FOOT to run someone off his feet retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
to keep a person very busy on some FOR an eye for an eye
physical task retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
FORBID forbidden fruit FORWARD to take a giant step
something particularly desired just be- forward
cause it is not allowed (Genesis 2:17) to make a significant advance
FORCE to force someone onto his FOUL foul play
knees treachery or murder
to inflict a humiliating defeat on a
person FOUL to foul one's own nest
to disparage one's home or workplace
FORCE to force someone's hand
to take action causing another person FOUNDER to founder on the
to react shoals of something
to come to grief because of unexpect-
FORCE to join forces ed dangers
to cooperate with one another in or-
der to achieve a common objective FOUNTAINHEAD fountainhead
source of all wisdom
FORCE tour de force
feat of skill or strength (French, "feat FOUR an opening wide enough to
of strength") drive a coach and four through
an excellent opportunity
FORGIVE anyone could be
forgiven for believing that FOUR four square
it is understandable that people would honest and reliable
believe that FOUR from the four corners of the
FORK fork in the road globe
turning point for decisions from everywhere
FORKED to speak with forked FOUR to compete on all fours with
tongues someone
to utter half-truths with the intention to strive on equal terms
of misleading the listener FOURTH the fourth estate
FORM not to do something in any the press
way, shape or form FOX a fox hole
not to do something space which is really too small for a
FORM to raise something to a fine person's needs or comfort
art form FRAMEWORK framework
to become very clever at doing some- outline of a proposal, on which fur-
thing ther details can be developed
FORT to hold the fort FRANKENSTEIN to create a
to be in charge during the temporary Frankenstein
absence of a superior to create something wicked and out
FORWARD to give something a of control (a reference to the fictional
nudge forward creator of a monster, in mistake for a
to give modest encouragement to reference to the monster itself)
something FRAY to become frayed at the edges
FORWARD to inch forward no longer to be quite appropriate
to make slow but steady progress FREDDY blind Freddy could see
FORWARD to put one's best foot that something is such-and-such
forward it is very obvious that something is
to make a special effort such-and-such
FREE to get off scot free FRUIT to bear fruit
to go unpunished (refers to an ex- to result in success
emption from tax)
FRUITLESS fruitless
FREE to give someone a free hand yielding no benefit
to authorize a person to act as he sees
FRY out of the frying pan into the
FREE to give someone free rein from one bad situation to an even
to confer complete direction on an- worse one
other person
FRY to have more important fish to
FREEZE to freeze someone out fry
to deliberately exclude a person
to have more important things to do
FRESH fresh blood FUEL to add fuel to the fire
newly joined members of some organ- to make a bad situation worse
FULL I've had a belly full
FRESH to be a breath of fresh air I have had enough of this
to be a pleasant change from the past
FULL an ocean full of fish
FRIEND to have a friend at court plenty of opportunity
a person with influence who is willing
to use it on one's behalf FULL full-blooded
FRIGHTEN to frighten hell out of
someone FULL full bore ahead!
to alarm a person proceed forward!

FRIGHTEN to frighten the horses FULL full steam ahead!

to scare people off by one's ill- get going as fast as possible!
considered tactics FULL to be a full bottle on
FROG to have a frog in one's throat something
to be hoarse to be very knowledgeable
FROG to leap frog something FULL to be full of beans
to overtake something, with the like- to be very cheerful
lihood of in turn being overtaken (re-
fers to a game in which participants FULL to be full of hot air
jump over each other in turn) to have an exaggerated opinion of
one's own importance and to boast
FRONT to have a job in front of one about it
to face difficulties
FULL to be in full swing
FROWN to frown on something to be very active
to disapprove of some matter
FULL to come to a full stop
FRUIT by their fruits ye shall know to completely cease activity
their reputation will be based on their FULL to get full marks for
results (Matthew 7:20) something
to deserve praise for something
FRUIT forbidden fruit
something particularly desired just be- FULL to have one's hands full
cause it is not allowed (Genesis 2:17) to be fully occupied
FULL yes sir—yes sir—three bags GALL gall
full! impudence
(in servile response to some request)
GALLERY to play to the gallery
yes, very willingly!
to do something which appeals to the
FUN fun and games general public rather than something
amusement derived in the course of a which is right
serious activity
GALVANIZE to galvanize someone
FUN to be no fun into action
to be difficult to enthuse a person into doing some-
FUNERAL that is your funeral! thing
that is the fate which you will have to GAMBIT a gambit
suffer an opening move in a competitive
FUNK to be in a blue funk situation which involves short-term
to be terrified losses in the expectation of long-term
FUR to make the fur fly
to create a disturbance GAMBIT opening gambit
FURIOUS fast and furious the first in a series of strategic moves
(a tautological expression which also
in an exciting way, in quick succession
involves a misunderstanding of a tech-
FURNITURE to be part of the nical chess term)
to be so familiar that one's presence GAME I'll soon stop his little game
goes completely unnoticed his activities are not tolerated and I
will ensure that they cease
FURTHER to be further down the
line GAME a game of cat and mouse
to have a low priority negotiations between two parties of
unequal bargaining power during which
FUSE to have a short fuse the stronger makes some temporary
to lose one's temper very readily concessions to the weaker without,
FUSE to light a fuse however, affecting the latter's eventu-
to cause serious reactions al total defeat
GAME a game of poker
G negotiations in which the parties try
GAIN to gain a foothold to bluff each other
to achieve a position from which fur- GAME a game of snakes and ladders
ther advances can readily be made a series of ups and downs
GAIN to gain ground GAME a mug's game
to advance one's position relative to activity which wise persons would
others eschew
GAIN to gain the upper hand
to attain, after some effort, an advan- GAME don't play games with me!
tage over another person do not insult my intelligence by that
line of conduct
GAIN what one loses on the swings
one gains on the roundabouts GAME fun and games
there are advantages and disadvan- amusement derived in the course of a
tages which offset each other serious activity
GAME game, set and match GAMUT the whole gamut
completion the whole range of some activity
GAME it is just a game to someone GANDER what is sauce for the
it is an exercise which a person does goose is sauce for the gander
not take seriously arguments which apply in one case
GAME so-and-so is the name of also apply in another
the game GAP to bridge a gap
so-and-so is the essential element of to fill a need or make up a shortfall
the exercise
GARAGE garage sale
GAME the game is up sale of miscellaneous assets at cheap
escape is now impossible prices
GAME the only game in town GARDEN everything in the garden
the only event worthy of attention is lovely
GAME to be a chess game everything is fine
to be a complex exercise, requiring
GARDEN to lead someone up the
great skill
garden path
GAME to be a new ball game to mislead a person by deliberately
to be subject to completely revised fallacious arguments
rules or very different conditions
GARTER / will have his guts for
GAME to be fair game garters
to be someone who can legitimately I am extremely angry and dissatisfied
be attacked with him
GAME to beat someone at his own GAS to be cooking with gas
game to be fully operational
to outwit a person in his own special-
ization GASOLINE to pour gasoline on the
GAME to give the game away to make a bad situation worse
to cease involvement with some activity
GASOLINE to put a match to gasoline
GAME to lift one's game
to make a bad situation worse
to raise the standard of one's perfor-
mance GATE to close the gate
GAME to play a deep game to deny an opportunity which was
to show cunning previously available

GAME to play the game GATE to gatecrash a gathering

to observe the letter and the spirit of to attend a gathering without any right
the rules or to act honorably to be there
GAME to stick to one's game GATEPOST between you and me
to confine oneself to activities in areas and the gatepost
in which one has knowledge and confidentially
expertise GATEWAY gateway to something
GAME two can play at that game method of achieving something
it is possible to retaliate GATHER to gather dust
GAME what is his game? not to be acted upon without being
what is the significance of his actions? formally rejected
GAUNTLET to run the gauntlet GIFT to look a gift horse in the
to be subjected to criticism (from the mouth
Spanish word for "passage," in ref- to be suspicious about a benefit which
erence to punishment inflicted on de- has been volunteered
linquents made to run between two
GILD to gild the lily
files of soldiers)
(actually: to gild refined gold, to paint
GAUNTLET to throw down the the lily) to do something patently
gauntlet unnecessary
to issue a challenge (refers to the
glove worn by a knight) GILT gilt-edged
very safe
GAY to be a gay dog
to lead an idle life while flaunting the GIRD to gird up one's loins
symbols of wealth to get ready for action
GEAR to be geared up to do something GLARE glaring error
to have equipment, labor and know- patently obvious mistake
how in place adequate for some task GLASS people in glass houses
GEAR to be in top gear should not throw stones
to be making excellent progress those who are less than perfect are
GEL to gel foolish to criticize others
to make sense GLASSES to see something through
GENIE to let the genie out of the bottle rose-colored spectacles
to cause something irreversible to take to appreciate only the advantages and
place to completely disregard the disadvan-
GENIE to put the genie back in the
bottle GLEAM to be only a gleam in
to undo something which cannot be someone's eyes
undone to be a long way from final achieve-
GET it is getting to me ment
it is affecting me psychologically GLEE to rub one's hands with glee
GHOST not the ghost of a chance to express great satisfaction
no hope at all GLITTER all that glitters is not
GHOST to give up the ghost gold
to die things are not always what they seem
GIANT a giant GLOBE from the four corners of
a person whose ability and achieve- the globe
ments exceed that of most other people from everywhere
GIANT to take a giant step forward
GLOVE the gloves are off
to make a significant advance
the challenge has been accepted
GIDDY to play the giddy goat
to act the fool GLOVE to take off the gloves
to fight mercilessly or to debate with
GIFT I fear the Greeks even when great ferocity
they bear gifts
I am suspicious of generous behavior GLOVE to treat someone with kid
from traditional opponents (from Virgil's gloves
AENEID, in reference to the Trojan horse) to handle a person with great discretion
GLOVE to work hand in glove with GOAT to play the giddy goat
someone to act the fool
to work in close cooperation with a
GOAT to separate the sheep from
person or to be in collusion with a
the goats
person to the detriment of others
to distinguish between those with and
GLOVE with an iron hand in a without certain attributes (Matthew
velvet glove 25:32)
with a hard attitude made to seem
GOD a little tin god
a petty tyrant
GLOW a warm inner glow
GOD the mills of God grind slowly
satisfaction at some achievement
retribution may be delayed but is
GLUE to have one's eyes glued to inevitable
GOD to be in the lap of the gods
to concentrate on looking at some-
to be a matter of pure chance (refers
thing to the exclusion of other com-
to wax tablets inscribed with requests
peting calls for attention
and placed on the knees of statues of
GLUTTON to be a glutton for Greek gods)
GODFORSAKEN godforsaken
to act irresponsibly in the face of
dismal and without any redeeming
inevitable retribution
GNASH to gnash one's teeth
to express frustration GODMOTHER a fairy godmother
a person showing great kindness
GNAT to strain at a gnat
to be scrupulous about trifles GOLD a golden handshake
a large payment in connection with or
GNAW to gnaw one's fingers to as an inducement to retirement
the bone
to fret GOLD a golden opportunity
an unparalleled opportunity
GO from go to whoa
from start to finish (refers to the com- GOLD a pot of gold
mand given to horses) wealth
GO from the word "go" GOLD all that glitters is not gold
from the beginning things are not always what they seem
GO it was touch and go GOLD golden parachute
there were considerable risks—the generous provisions in a remunera-
objective was achieved, but only just tion package which come into play in
GO to be all systems "go" certain circumstances
to go ahead as fast as possible GOLD golden shackles
GOAL to score a goal financial arrangements designed to dis-
to achieve an objective courage employees changing employers
GOAL to score an own goal GOLD silence is golden
to blow oneself up it is better not to incriminate anyone
GOAT a scapegoat GOLD to be a river of gold
a person unfairly blamed for some- to be a source of ongoing great
thing not his fault profitability
GOLD to be worth one's weight in GOOD to have a good nose for
gold business
to be very desirable to be able to identify profitable busi-
GOLD to go for the gold ness situations
to aim for victory (refers to Olympic GOOD to see someone in a good
medals) light
GOLD to have a heart of gold to regard a person favorably
to have a generous disposition GOOD to throw good money after
GOLD to kill the goose that lays bad
the golden eggs to waste further money in a vain
through excessive greed to destroy a attempt to recover money already lost
very profitable enterprise GOODS to deliver the goods
GOLD to seek the pot of gold at to achieve the objective
the end of the rainbow GOOSE a wild goose chase
to have naive expectations a foolish search for something which
GOLD to strike gold does not exist
to have one's efforts suddenly rewarded
GOOSE to be too frightened to say
by great success
"boo" to a goose
GOLDFISH to be in a goldfish bowl to be excessively shy
to be very open to view
GOOSE to cook one's goose
GOLDFISH what is this—a bunch to do something which backfires on
of grapes or a bowl of goldfish? one
surely you know what this is!
GOOSE to kill the goose that lays
GOLDMINE a goldmine the golden eggs
a source of much wealth or of many through excessive greed to destroy a
facts very profitable enterprise
GOLIATH a Goliath GOOSE what is sauce for the goose
a giant or a person whose ability and is sauce for the gander
achievements exceed those of most arguments which apply in one case
other people (1 Samuel 17) also apply in another
GOMORRAH a Sodom and GOOSEBERRY to play gooseberry
Gomorrah to act as an unwelcome chaperon
a place of vice (Genesis 18:20)
GORDIAN to cut the Gordian knot
GOOD this does my heart good to solve, especially by force, a virtu-
I rejoice at this ally insoluble problem (refers to a
GOOD to be a good boy complicated knot tied by Gordius and
to be cooperative eventually cut by Alexander the Great)
GOOD to be in good heart GOSPEL to take something as
to be cheerful, especially in adversity gospel
GOOD to be in someone's good to believe that something is true
books GRAB to be up for grabs
to be well regarded by another person to be available virtually for the asking
GOOD to be of good heart GRAB to grab the devil by the tail
to be brave in adversity to face up to difficulties
GRACE to put on airs and graces GRASS not to let grass grow under
to act in an affected manner one's feet
not to let inertia or delay spoil some-
GRADE to be on the downgrade
to be of deteriorating quality
GRASSHOPPER since he was knee
GRADE to make the grade
high to a grasshopper
to succeed
since he was a very young child
GRAIL search for the Holy Grail
GRAVE he would turn in his grave
work toward a difficult goal (refers to
he would have been very surprised or
a vessel supposedly used by Christ at
displeased if he had known while still
the last supper and featuring in the
Arthurian legends)
GRAVE to dig one's own grave
GRAIN something goes against the
to take action which results in an
unintended disaster for oneself
something is completely and frustrat-
ingly against a people's inclination GRAVE to have one foot in the grave
to be dying
GRANDMOTHER to teach one's
grandmother how to suck eggs GRAVITY the center of gravity
to try to tell a much more experi- the place most convenient to the
enced person something very obvious greatest number
to him
GRAVITY to defy gravity
GRANDSTAND to grandstand to go up when the expectation is to
to boost oneself go down
GRANITE to be carved in marble GRAVY to get on a gravy train
to be virtually unalterable to take steps to become a recipient of
benefits which are available but unde-
GRAPE that is just sour grapes
those are disparaging remarks made
only because he is peeved and resent- GRAY to be a gray area
ful at someone else's better fortune to be in an undefined position strad-
dling two or more possibilities
GRAPE to hear on the grapevine
to learn unofficially GREASE elbow grease
hard manual work
GRAPE what is this—a bunch of
grapes or a bowl of goldfish? GREASE to grease someone's palms
surely you know what this is! to bribe a person
GRASP to grasp at straws GREAT to be going great guns
to have a hopeless case but show to be making very successful progress
unjustified optimism on noting minor GREAT to be great guns at
positive features something
GRASP to grasp the nettle to be very skilled at something
to deal with a neglected difficulty GREEK / fear the Greeks even
when they bear gifts
GRASS a snake in the grass
I am suspicious of generous behavior
a person of low character
from traditional opponents (from Vir-
GRASS grass roots gil's AENEID, in reference to the Trojan
at the lowest level horse)

GREEK something is all Greek to GRIST it is all grist to the mill

someone this is useful but unexciting addition-
something is incomprehensible to a al material
person GRIT to grit one's teeth
GREEN a green chum to get ready to suffer pain
an inexperienced person GROAN the table groaned
GREEN distant fields look greener the food was plentiful
activities of which one has no experi- GROUND ground rules
ence seem much easier than is really basic principles
the case
GROUND to be on shaky ground
GREEN to be green not to have strong arguments
to be naive
GROUND to be thin on the ground
GREEN to give the green light to be scarce
to grant permission
GROUND to break new ground
GREEN to have a green thumb to do something for which there is no
to be good at gardening precedent
GREEN to move on to greener GROUND to clear the ground
pastures to dispose of the preliminaries
to commence a new, better career
GROUND to cut the ground from
GREEN to turn green under someone's feet
to become very envious to unexpectedly withdraw support and
GREYHOUND move over and let in the process cause embarrassment
the greyhound see the rabbit or to demolish a person's case
move over GROUND to fall to the ground
GRIN to grin and bear it to fail
to suffer adversity cheerfully GROUND to gain ground
GRIND the mills of God grind to advance one's position relative to
slowly others
retribution may be delayed but is GROUND to get in on the ground
inevitable floor
GRIND to grind to a halt to invest on very favorable terms
to cease some activity despite expec- GROUND to get something off the
tations that it would continue ground
GRIND to have an ax to grind to take a project beyond its initial
to have a vested interest stages and make it operational
GRINDSTONE to keep one's nose GROUND to give ground
to the grindstone to make some concessions or to re-
to work with particular diligence treat or to concede some arguments
GRIP to come to grips with some GROUND to go to ground
problem to become unavailable to those seek-
to be on the way to solving a problem ing a person
GRIP to have something in an iron GROUND to have one's feet firmly
grip on the ground
to hold something very securely to know what one is doing
GROUND to have the high ground GUIDE guiding light
to have an advantage in moral terms yardstick for ethical behavior
GROUND to keep an ear to the GUINEA a guinea pig
ground a person on whom some new practice
to be well informed as to current is tried out
GULF to bridge a gulf
GROUND to kiss the ground to overcome a wide divergence in
to suffer a loss views
GROUND to plow new ground GUM to be up a gum tree
to laboriously engage in an untried to be in difficulty or at the end of
activity one's resources
GROUND to prepare one's ground GUM to gum up the works
to get ready for a confrontation to cause an activity to be halted
GROUND to run someone to the
ground GUN a gun with no bullets
to discover the whereabouts of a person something incomplete and therefore
useless for the desired purpose
GROUND to stand one's ground
to maintain a stance in the face of GUN a scattergun approach
opposition an effort going here, there and every-
where, instead of being properly
GROW growing pains targeted
problems encountered by virtue of
expansion GUN a shotgun wedding
GROW not to let grass grow under a wedding held to ensure that an
one's feet impending birth will be legitimate (re-
not to let inertia or delay spoil some- fers to threats by the bride's father to
thing kill the bridegroom)

GROW something grows on one GUN to be a gun for hire

one becomes gradually more favora- to be a person willing to undertake
bly impressed with something assignments for a fee
GUARANTEE to give a cast-iron GUN to be going great guns
guarantee to be making very successful progress
to give a very secure undertaking to
do something GUN to be great guns at something
to be very skilled at something
GUARD new guard
changed regime GUN to bring out one's biggest guns
to use the most impressive persons or
GUARD to catch someone off guard arguments
to surprise a person (a fencing term)
GUARD to slip under one's guard GUN to hold a gun at someone's
to cause a mistake to be made despite head
care being taken to prevent this to put pressure on a person to make a
particular decision regardless of his
GUARDIAN someone's guardian desires in the matter
someone's friend, watching over him GUN to jump the gun
and advancing his interests to start before one is meant to

GUN to look down the barrel of a HAIR not to touch a hair on

gun someone's head
to be given little choice in a matter not to harm a person
GUN to outgun someone HAIR not to turn a hair
to outmaneuver a person to remain composed
GUN to spike someone's guns HAIR to a hair
to cause something to become useless exactly
GUN to stick to one's guns HAIR to be within a hair's breadth
to continue to hold certain beliefs of something
notwithstanding opposition by others to be extremely close to something
GUN to turn one's guns on someone HAIR to get someone by the short
to criticize a person and curly hairs
to have domination over a person
GURGLER to go down the gurgler
to be ruined HAIR to have a hair of the dog that
GUT a gut feeling bit one
a belief based purely on intuition and to drink more in an attempt to over-
unsupported by facts or evidence come the effects of alcohol already
GUT gutless wonder
coward HAIR to keep one's hair on
to remain calm in a crisis
GUTFUL to have had a gutful
to be disgusted HAIR to keep out of someone's hair
to let another person get on with his
GUTS / will have his guts for garters work in his own way
I am extremely angry and dissatisfied
with him HAIR to let one's hair down
to relax
GUTS to kick someone in the guts
to take action needlessly hurtful to HAIR to make someone's hair curl
another person (of news) to give someone a shock

GUTS something has no guts in it HAIR to make someone's hair stand

something has no real value to it on end
to give a person shocking news
H HAIR to split hairs
to draw absurdly fine distinctions
HA'P'ORTH to spoil the ship for a
ha'p'orth of tar HAIR to tear one's hair out
to engage in a false economy (the to be agitated
current word "ship" is actually a mis-
take for the original word "sheep' ' and HAIR to wear a hair shirt
the tar refers to the treatment of to practice self-discipline
wounds) HALCYON in Halcyon days
HACKLE to raise someone's hackles in past happier times (refers to the 14
to make a person angry days about the winter solstice when
winds were calm and to the mythical
HAIR hair-raising bird said to breed in a floating nest at
scary that time)

HALF it is six of one and half a HAMMER to use a sledgehammer

dozen of the other to crack a nut
it does not matter to devote vastly more resources to a
project than is warranted by all the
HALF not to do anything by halves
to do everything extremely well
HAMSTRING to be hamstrung
HALF to do everything by halves to have limited freedom to act as one
to do everything imperfectly or in- would wish
HAND a backhanded compliment
HALF to have half a mind to do a polite expression seemingly of praise
something but really intended as an insult
to be tempted or mildly inclined to do HAND a bird in the hand is worth
something two in the bush
HALF-BAKED half-baked a benefit currently available is more
not well thought out valuable than a seemingly much larg-
er benefit which may or may not be
HALF-COCKED to go off half- achieved in the future
to act without adequate thought or HAND a left-handed compliment
preparation (refers to a gun at the a thinly-disguised insult
half-ready) HAND all hands on deck
everybody is requested to help out
HALF-HEARTED half-hearted
unenthusiastic HAND all hands to the pumps
everybody is requested to help out
HALF-WAY a half-way house
an intermediate position HAND at first hand
HALL liberty hall HAND hand over fist
a place where one is free to do as one rapidly overtaking each other during
wishes progress toward a common goal
HALL one can't beat City Hall HAND high-handed
the ordinary citizen is powerless against overbearing
HAND on the one hand
HALLMARK a hallmark putting one side of the proposition
a standard (refers to the official assay HAND one's right-hand man
mark on gold and silver, originally one's chief aide
put on at the Goldsmiths' Hall) HAND single-handedly
HALT to grind to a halt without help from other persons
to cease some activity despite expec- HAND sleight of hand
tations that it would continue deceit by trickery
HAM ham-fisted HAND the hand of fate
undiplomatic and clumsy chance
HAND the left hand does not know
HAM to be the ham in the sandwich
what the right hand is doing
to be caught in the middle of a dis-
one section of a large bureaucracy
pute between other parties
does not realize that another section
HAMMER to go hammer and tongs is simultaneously doing something
to do something with great energy inconsistent
HAND to accept something with HAND to gain the upper hand
both hands to attain, after some effort, an advan-
to accept something eagerly tage over another person
HAND to be able to do something HAND to get one's hands dirty
with one hand behind one's back to do the necessary but unpleasant or
to be able to do something very easily menial parts of a task
HAND to be able to lay one's hands HAND to get out of hand
on something to get out of control
to be able to locate something
HAND to give someone a free hand
HAND to be at hand to authorize a person to act as he sees
to be in the vicinity, ready to help fit
HAND to be in hand HAND to give someone a hand
to be under control to assist a person
HAND to be in someone's hands HAND to go cap in hand
to be being dealt with by someone to show humility while soliciting a
with the necessary authority favor
HAND to be out of someone's hands HAND to go down on one's hands
to be up for decision by a different and knees to someone
person with great humility to ask a favor of a
HAND to be putty in someone's
hands HAND to grab some opportunity
to be far too easily influenced by with both hands
another person to seize some opportunity with great
HAND to bind someone hand and
foot HAND to hand on the torch
to completely limit a person's free- to pass on accumulated knowledge
dom to act
HAND to hand over something on
HAND to bite the hand that feeds a silver platter
one to provide a valuable benefit for vir-
to show ingratitude tually nothing
HAND to catch someone red-handed HAND to handpick someone
to apprehend a person in the course to carefully choose a person for his
of committing a crime individual attributes
HAND to deal the final hand HAND to have a fight on one's
to take steps which conclude a matter hands
HAND to disclose one's hand to encounter resistance or opposition
to give away information regarding to a proposal
one's intention HAND to have a hand in something
HAND to eat out of someone's hands to be one of the participants in some
to be unduly compliant project
HAND to force someone's hand HAND to have blood on one's hands
to take action causing another person to be the person responsible for some-
to react one else's predicament

HAND to have clean hands HAND to put one's hands in one's

to be innocent or to act ethically pockets
to spend
HAND to have one's hands full
to be fully occupied HAND to rub one's hands with glee
to express great satisfaction
HAND to have the whip hand
to be in control of a situation HAND to rule with an iron hand
to keep strict discipline
HAND to hold a winning hand HAND to sit on one's hands
to be in an unbeatable position to deliberately to do nothing
defeat others
HAND to stir a hand
HAND to hold someone's hand to volunteer assistance
to give detailed on-the-job training
HAND to strengthen someone's hand
and supervision
to give a person additional authority
HAND to hold the power to do or greater moral support or more facts
something in the hollow of one's to support his case
hand HAND to take something in hand
to have the right to make crucial to assume control over something
HAND to throw in one's hand
HAND to join hands with someone to give in or to give up
to cooperate with a person
HAND to throw up one's hands
HAND to keep one's hands in to express disgust
to engage in activities which rein-
HAND to tie someone's hands
force skills which one has previously
to prevent a person from acting as he
sees fit
HAND to lay one's hands on HAND to tie someone's hands
something behind his back
to acquire something to make it impossible for a person to
HAND to lend a hand act at all
to assist HAND to tip one's hand
HAND to live from hand to mouth to disclose details of one's position
being in poor financial circumstances HAND to try one's hand at
to survive with little by way of safety something
margin to attempt a new activity, especially
HAND to lose money hand over fist by way of experiment
to lose money very fast and convinc- HAND to turn one's hand to
ingly something
HAND to play right into someone's to tackle some project
hands HAND to wait hand and foot on
to act so as to give a person an someone
unintended advantage to accommodate a person's every real
HAND to put one's hand to the plow or imagined whim
voluntarily to undertake some task HAND to wash one's hands of
(Luke 9:62) something
HAND to put one's hand up to emphatically decline future respon-
to identify oneself sibility

HAND to win hands down HANG there is a big question mark

to win very convincingly hanging over someone's head
HAND to work hand in glove with there are considerable doubts about a
someone person's competence, integrity or
to work in close cooperation with a suitability
person or to be in collusion with a HANG to be a cliff-hanger
person to the detriment of others to be very exciting
HAND to wring one's hands HANG to get the hang of something
to express despair to learn how to do something
HAND with a heavy hand
in an oppressive fashion HANG to give someone enough
rope to hang himself
HAND with a high hand to give a person the opportunity to do
arrogantly (Exodus 14:8) something which is likely to get him
HAND with an iron hand in a into severe trouble
velvet glove
HANG to hang by a slender thread
with a hard attitude made to seem soft
to only just survive
HAND with an open hand
generously HANG to hang fire
HANDFUL a handful to take no immediate action
a small number HANG to hang on by one's
HANDFUL to be a handful fingernails
to be difficult to manage to have only a slender hold
HANDLE to fly off the handle HANG to hang on by one's nails
to show irrational anger to have only a slender hold
HANDLE to get a handle on HANG to hang on by the eyelids
something to have only a slender hold
to acquire understanding of something
HANDSHAKE a golden handshake HANG to hang on by the skin of
a large payment in connection with or one's teeth
as an inducement to retirement to only just survive

HANDSTAND to turn handstands HANG to hang one's head

to express great joy to be ashamed of oneself
HANG a peg to hang a hat on HANG to hang onto someone's
something which provides a conven- coat-tails
ient or plausible excuse for some par- to excessively rely on another per-
ticular action son's initiatives
HANG not to be a hanging matter HANG to hang up one's boots
to be only a minor mistake to retire
HANG one might as well be hanged HANG to hang up one's shingle
for a sheep as for a lamb to go into business offering expert
further action will not increase the personal services
adverse consequences already in train
(refers to the stealing of both sheep HANG to have a cloud hanging
and lambs being capital crimes under over one's head
old English law) there is doubt as to one's future

HANG to have a sword of HARD to take a hard line

Damocles hanging over one to be uncompromising
to be in imminent danger despite nor-
HARD-BITTEN hard-bitten
mal activity going on all around one
toughened by experience
HANG to have a threat hanging
HARD-BOILED hard-boiled
over one's head
toughened by experience
to fear some intimated unpleasant
action HARD-FISTED hard-fisted
HANG to let it all hang out
to unburden oneself HARD-HEADED hard-headed
HAPPY to be trigger-happy
to be impetuous HARD-HEARTED hard-hearted
HAPPY to present a happy face to
the world HARD-MOUTHED hard-mouthed
bravely to gloss over one's problems uncontrollable
HARD that is hard to take HARD-NOSED hard-nosed
it is difficult to face up to the reality tough in negotiations
of this HARE first catch your hare
HARD to be a hard act to follow do things in logical order and after
to be an impressive performance, not proper preparation (advice on how to
easily matched by the next person cook a hare in Mrs. Beeton's cele-
brated COOK BOOK)
HARD to be between a rock and a
hard place HARE hare-brained
to be faced with two equally difficult wildly stupid
and uncomfortable choices HARE to chase every hare
HARD to be hard to swallow to be easily sidetracked
not to be readily acceptable HARE to run with the hare and
HARD to be hard on the heels of hunt with the hounds
something to keep in with two opposing sides
to closely follow something HARE to set a hare running
HARD to be the hard core in order to achieve some desired ef-
to be the central and most difficult fect to initiate some related activity
problem HARMONIZE to harmonize several
HARD to die hard things
not to give up easily to make several things conform with
HARD to have a hard row to hoe each other
to be a difficult assignment HARMONY to be in harmony with
HARD to hit someone hard someone
to greatly affect a person emotionally to act in the same way as another
or to cost a person a lot of money person

HARD to put something into the HARNESS in harness

"too hard" basket before retirement
to defer consideration of a difficult HARRY every Tom, Dick and Harry
issue just about everybody

HARVEST harvest HAT to throw one's hat into the ring

end result of labor to publicly announce one's interest in
some position
HASTE to go post haste
to go very fast HAT to wear a particular hat
to act in a particular capacity or for a
HAT I'll eat my hat if so-and-so
particular vested interest
I do not believe that so-and-so will HATCH to batten down the hatches
happen to get ready for expected difficulties
HAT a peg to hang a hat on HATCH to count one's chickens
something which provides a conven- before they are hatched
ient or plausible excuse for some par- to treat as fact the expected results of
ticular action a future proposal
HAT at the drop of a hat HATCHET to bury the hatchet
very readily to abandon hostilities
HAT not to just pick something out HATCHET to do a hatchet job
of a hat to destroy some existing activity or to
to choose carefully, after weighing all ruin a person's credibility
the considerations HAUL for the long haul
HAT to be old hat as a long-term proposition
to be a very widely-known fact HAUL to haul someone over the
HAT to buy straw hats in winter coals
to buy in a depressed market when to reprimand a person
most other people are sellers HAUNT to come back to haunt
HAT to keep something under one's someone
hat (of an unpleasant incident) to be a
to maintain a confidence constant reminder to a person
HAT to knock something into a HAY to hit the hay
cocked hat to go to sleep
to twist something so that its original HAY to look for a needle in a
form is hardly recognizable haystack
HAT to pull a rabbit out of the hat to attempt something with a very small
to produce an unexpected and seem- chance of success
ingly miraculous but highly desirable HAY to make hay while the sun
solution shines
HAT to score a hat trick to utilize an opportunity before it
to have three successive favorable disappears
outcomes HAYSTACK to find a needle in a
HAT to take one's hat off to someone haystack
to be full of admiration for a person to find something when the probabili-
HAT to talk through one's hat ty of finding it is very small
to say things which demonstrate the HAYWIRE to go haywire
speaker's ignorance of the subject to refuse to function properly
HAT to throw one's hat into the air HEAD a hothead
to express joy an impetuous person

HEAD a hydra-headed monster HEAD to bang one's head up

an evil which is not readily destroyable against a brick wall
HEAD a swelled head to fight an unwinnable case
an exaggerated idea of one's abilities HEAD to be able to do something
or status standing on one's head
HEAD an old head on young to be able to do something very easily
shoulders HEAD to be at the head of the pack
experience, knowledge and maturity to be the best of many or the de facto
in a young person leader
HEAD hard-headed HEAD to be head and shoulders
realistic above the rest
HEAD headfirst to be significantly more capable than
precipitately others
HEAD head over heels HEAD to be off one's head
topsy-turvy to be crazy
HEAD heads I win—tails you lose HEAD to be over someone's head
whichever way this matter goes I will to be beyond a person's ability to
benefit at your expense understand
HEAD heads will roll HEAD to be unable to make head
transgressors will be punished or tail of something
HEAD level-headed to be unable to understand how some-
rational thing functions or what something
HEAD not to touch a hair on
someone's head HEAD to beat each other over the
not to harm a person head
to be always fighting
HEAD off the top of one's head
based on experience but without de- HEAD to belt someone over the head
tailed consideration to override someone's views or argu-
HEAD pigheaded ments
unduly obstinate HEAD to bite someone's head off
HEAD pull your head in! to rudely express displeasure at some
do not interfere in this! person
HEAD someone's head is on the HEAD to bury one's head in the
block sand
a person is in danger of having his to refuse to face up to an unpleasant
appointment terminated truth (refers to the reputed habit of
HEAD that is on your head ostriches in danger)
you will have to accept responsibility HEAD to come to a head
for that to reach culmination
HEAD there is a big question mark HEAD to confront someone head on
hanging over someone's head to confront a person
there are considerable doubts about a
person's competence, integrity or HEAD to develop a head of steam
suitability to gain momentum

HEAD to drag someone by the HEAD to have rocks in the head

head and ears to be mentally unbalanced
to force a person to reveal the true
HEAD to head someone in the right
HEAD to eat one's head off to assist a person to achieve something
to eat excessively
HEAD to hit the nail right on the
HEAD to fall head over heels in love head
to fall very much in love to astutely come to the correct conclu-
HEAD to get one's head blown off
to be very soundly abused HEAD to hold a gun at someone's
HEAD to give someone his head
to put pressure on a person to make a
to let a person do as he wants to
particular decision regardless of his
HEAD to go off one's head desires in the matter
to lose one's temper HEAD to hold one's head high
HEAD to go over someone's head to stay unruffled and to maintain one's
to bypass lower levels of authority dignity despite attempts by others to
and approach someone more senior embarrass
instead HEAD to just hold one's head
HEAD to go to someone's head above water
to cause a person to get an exaggerat- to cope with problems but with little
ed idea of his abilities or status margin to spare or to stay solvent

HEAD to hang one's head HEAD to keep a civil tongue in

to be ashamed of oneself one's head
to be polite, especially under provoca-
HEAD to have a cloud hanging tion
over one's head
HEAD to keep a cool head
there is doubt as to one's future
to stay calm and rational in a crisis
HEAD to have a head start HEAD to keep a level head
to have an advantage over others to stay calm and rational in a crisis
HEAD to have a threat hanging HEAD to keep one's head
over one's head to remain calm in a crisis or to
to fear some intimated unpleasant unexpectedly retain an elected or
action appointed position
HEAD to have eyes at the back of HEAD to keep one's head down
one's head to work very diligently
to know more of what is going on HEAD to kick heads in
than is generally realized to demonstrate annoyance at or dis-
HEAD to have one's head in the like of certain persons
clouds HEAD to knock an idea on the head
to be unrealistic to utterly reject a proposal
HEAD to have one's head screwed HEAD to knock two heads together
on straight to make two persons come to their
to be shrewd senses and deal with each other
HEAD to laugh one's head off HEAD to snap someone's head off
to greatly enjoy something to speak to a person aggressively
HEAD to let one's head go HEAD to tackle someone head-on
to do as one wants to to confront a person
HEAD to let one's heart rule one's HEAD to turn someone's head
head to cause a person to get an exaggerat-
to act on emotion rather than on reason ed idea of his abilities or status
HEAD to lose one's head HEAD to turn something on its head
to become confused to reverse something
HEAD to need something like a hole HEAD uneasy lies the head that
in the head wears a crown
to be landed with a completely unde- responsibility involves some risks and
sired problem some burdens (from Shakespeare's
HEAD to need to have one's head HENRY iv)
HEAD woolly-headed
to be foolish
slightly muddled
HEAD to promote someone over
the heads of others HEAD you want your head read
to promote a person to a position you should reconsider this matter
more senior than that held by some HEADACHE a headache
persons previously outranking him a cause for worry
HEAD to pull one's head in HEADWAY to make headway
to retreat from a previously held stance to make progress
HEAD to put one's head in the noose HEAL to heal wounds
to recklessly and unnecessarily ex- to affect a reconciliation
pose oneself to great danger
HEALTH to get a clean bill of
HEAD to put one's head into the health
lion's mouth after proper investigation to be found
to recklessly expose oneself to great not wanting
HEAP to be at the bottom of the
HEAD to put one's head on the heap
block to be in the lowest position in a
to have the courage of one's convictions hierarchy
HEAD to put our heads together HEAP to be destined for the scrap-
to confer and pool ideas heap
HEAD to rear its ugly head to face a future in which one will
to make an unwelcome appearance have no meaningful role
HEAD to scratch one's head HEAP to fall in a heap
to be amazed or puzzled (of a proposal) to collapse utterly
HEAD to scream one's head off HEAR the cheering could be heard
to scream very loudly a block away
HEAD to shake one's head there was great rejoicing
to indicate disbelief or wonder or HEAR to hear a whisper
disapproval to learn a rumored hypothesis

HEART chicken-hearted HEART to eat one's heart out

showing little courage to suffer bitterly
HEART cold-hearted HEART to give someone heart
cruel or mean or unmoved to cause a person to cheer up
HEART from the bottom of one's HEART to have a change of heart
heart to form a new view in place of a
very sincerely strongly-held previous view
HEART half-hearted HEART to have a heart
unenthusiastic to have compassion
HEART hard-hearted HEART to have a heart of gold
unsympathetic to have a generous disposition
HEART heart and soul
with great energy HEART to have a heart of oak
to be brave
HEART heart failure
a shock HEART to have a heart of stone
to be unfeeling
HEART heart-stopping
exciting HEART to have a heart-to-heart talk
HEART one's heart bleeds for to have a confidential discussion on a
someone highly personal matter
one feels truly sad for a person's fate HEART to have one's heart in
HEART one's heart is not in some one's boots
cause to be terrified
one has little enthusiasm for some HEART to have one's heart in
cause one's mouth
HEART one's heart sank to be startled
one realized the extent of some disaster
HEART to have one's heart in
HEART open-hearted something
cordial to be enthusiastic about and commit-
HEART this does my heart good ted to a cause
I rejoice at this HEART to have one's heart in the
HEART to be close to one's heart right place
to be a project on which one is very to have a well-developed social con-
keen science
HEART to be in good heart HEART to have one's heart set on
to be brave in adversity something
HEART to be of good heart to be very keen to achieve something
to be brave in adversity HEART to know something in
HEART to be someone after one's one's heart of hearts
own heart to know something while reluctant to
to be a person who shares one's beliefs admit it, even to oneself
HEART to break someone's heart HEART to let one's heart rule
to act in a way causing great upset to one's head
another person to act on emotion rather than on reason

HEART to lose heart HEARTBURN heartburn

to cease being enthusiastic regret at some non-achievement
HEART to pour one's heart out to HEAT if one can't stand the heat
someone one should stay out of the kitchen
to inflict one's woes on another person a person should not put himself in a
position involving pressures with which
HEART to pull at one's heart strings
he cannot cope (words attributed to
to affect one emotionally
Harry S. Truman)
HEART to search one's heart
HEAT to take the heat off someone
to have misgivings
to divert attention away from a person
HEART to steal someone's heart
HEAT to turn the heat on something
to cause a person to fall in love with
to intensify the investigation of some
HEART to steel one's heart against
HEAT to turn up the heat on
to determine that, notwithstanding one's
to increase the pressure on a person
natural compassion, something shall
not happen HEAVE to heave a sigh a relief
to express satisfaction at the achieve-
HEART to take heart from
ment of a solution to a difficult problem
to be encouraged by something HEAVEN heaven help you!
you are in trouble
HEART to take something to heart
to learn to appreciate the significance HEAVEN heaven only knows
of something or to be much saddened it is not known
by something HEAVEN manna from heaven
HEART to warm the cockles of unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15)
someone's heart HEAVEN to be in seventh heaven
to delight a person to be very happy
HEART to wear one's heart on HEAVEN to move heaven and earth
one's sleeve to do everything possible
to lack the reserve expected of one
HEAVEN to reek to high heaven
HEART warm-hearted to be patently unethical
affectionate or generous HEAVY to make heavy weather of
HEART with a heavy heart something
in sorrow to struggle excessively with a rela-
tively simple task
HEART with a sinking heart
with growing despondency HEAVY to run into heavy weather
to encounter difficulties
HEART you can eat your heart out HEAVY with a heavy hand
you are entitled to feel sad or jealous in an oppressive fashion
HEARTACHE heartache HEAVY with a heavy heart
sadness in sorrow
HEARTBREAK heartbreak HEAVYWEIGHT a heavyweight
despair a person of importance or influence

HEDGE to be hedged around HELL to be hell bent on something

(of a statement) to be surrounded by to be very determined to achieve some-
qualifications thing, regardless of the adverse con-
HEDGE to hedge one's bets
to take action involving a cost but HELL to frighten hell out of
which is designed to reduce the pos- someone
sible adverse consequences of some to alarm a person
activity HELL to give someone hell
HEEL head over heels to make life difficult for a person
topsy-turvy HELL to have a snowflake's chance
HEEL to be hot on the heels of in hell
something to have no hope or possibility at all
to closely follow something HELL to raise merry hell
HEEL to be someone's Achilles' heel to prominently involve others in a
to represent a weakness in an other- matter in the expectation of signifi-
wise strong position (refers to the cant results from this action
Greek warrior who was the hero of HELM to be at the helm
Homer's i n AD) to be in charge
HEEL to bring someone to heel HELP to cry for help
to make a person conform a subconscious or indirect indication
that a person is in need of psycholog-
HEEL to cool one's heels ical counselling
to be kept waiting
HELP heaven help you!
HEEL to dig one's heels in you are in trouble
to become even more stubborn than
at first HELP not to lift a finger to help
HEEL to drag one's heels to refuse to assist
to perform unduly slowly
HEM to be hemmed in
HEEL to fall head over heels in love to be limited in the choice of actions
to fall very much in love available
HEEL to kick one's heels HEMORRHAGE to stem the
to be kept waiting hemorrhage
to put a stop to the financial losses of
HEEL to snap at someone's heels a project
to be a minor irritation to a person
HEN a mother hen
HEEL well-heeled an overly protective person
rich HEN hen-pecked
HELL all hell broke loose subject to domination by one's wife
great confusion erupted HERCULEAN a Herculean
HELL come hell or high water cleaning of the stables
a thorough revision of operating pro-
regardless of the consequences
cedure (refers to Hercules, a mythical
HELL on a cold day in hell Greek hero who cleaned the stables
never of Augeas)

HERCULEAN to be a Herculean HIDEBOUND hidebound

task narrow-minded
to be laborious HIGH come hell or high water
HERD to follow the herd regardless of the consequences
to do what most other people are HIGH high water mark
doing triumph
HERE the buck stops here HIGH to be for the high jump
I accept full responsibility (sign on to be threatened with a reprimand and
the desk of Harry S. Truman when punishment
president of the United States)
HIGH to be on one's high horse
HERE to be neither here nor there to be excessively pompous
to be irrelevant or unimportant
mGH to fly high
HERESY heresy to be ambitious
views different from those held by HIGH to have the high ground
the majority
to have an advantage in moral terms
HERO to make a hero of oneself HIGH to hold one's head high
to curry favors to stay unruffled and to maintain one's
HERRING neither fish, flesh nor dignity despite attempts by others to
good red herring embarrass
unclassifiable by virtue of being nei- HIGH to leave someone high and dry
ther one thing nor another (from to withdraw all support from a person
Cervantes" DON QUIXOTE) or to isolate a person from a desired
HERRING to be a red herring involvement
to be something designed to divert HIGH to ride high
attention away from the main question to be successful but vulnerable
HIDE to cover one's hide HIGH with a high hand
to provide excuses or take other eva- arrogantly (Exodus 14:8)
sive action in an attempt to avoid the
HIGH-HANDED high-handed
adverse consequences of one's actions
HIDE to have a thick hide HIGHBROW highbrow
to be impervious to criticism intellectual or cultural
HIDE to have the hide of a HIGHFLYER a highflyer
an ambitious and/or successful person
to be totally unaffected by and unre-
sponsive to valid criticism HIGHLIGHT a highlight
a particularly important item
HIDE to hide one's light under a
bushel HIGHLIGHT to highlight something
to keep others in ignorance of one's to draw particular attention to a matter
skills and experience HIGHWAY highway robbery
HIDE to hide under someone's skirts the charging of grossly excessive prices
to let someone else take the conse- HIJACK to hijack a debate
quences of one's actions to involve oneself in the public dis-
HIDE to want someone's hide cussion of some matter and turn that
to be keen to penalize a person discussion to one's advantage

HILL light on the hill HIT to hit someone for six

distant goal acting as an inspiration to damage a person's cause
HILL to be over the hill HIT to hit someone hard
to be old to greatly aflfect a person emotionally
or to cost a person a lot of money
HILL to be pushing uphill
to face difficulties HIT to hit someone right between
the eyes
HILL to fight an uphill battle
to be brutally frank
to face difficulties or to have formida-
ble opposition HIT to hit the bull's eye
to make the correct decision
HILL to go downhill
to deteriorate HIT to hit the hay
to go to sleep
HILL to head for the hills
to seek to escape one's commitments HIT to hit the jackpot
to be very lucky
HILL to push water uphill
to foolishly attempt the impossible HIT to hit the mark
to achieve one's object or to make
HILT to the hilt
the correct decision (refers to archery)
to the maximum extent
HIT to hit the nail right on the head
HIMALAYAN of Himalayan
to astutely come to the correct conclu-
HIT to hit the roof
HIND to stand up on one's hind legs
to be very angry
to exert one's authority
HIT to hit the straps
HIND to talk the hind leg off a
to really get going
to talk excessively HOBBY to be off on one's hobby
HINDSIGHT with 20120 hindsight
to throw into conversation aspects of
with the benefit of knowing what
a subject in which one has a passion-
ate interest
HIP the hip pocket nerve
HOBSON Hobson's choice
the assessment of issues by their fi-
no right at all to select (refers to
nancial effects on one
Thomas Hobson, a horsekeeper in
HIP to shoot from the hip Cambridge, England, who offered cus-
to speak frankly and openly tomers seeking a change of horses a
HIRE to be a gun for hire single beast on a "take it or leave it"
to be a person willing to undertake basis)
assignments for a fee HOE to have a hard row to hoe
HIT it hits one to be a difficult assignment
one comes to realize something HOG a road hog
HIT to hit one's stride an inconsiderate motorist
to settle down to some task HOG to go the whole hog
HIT to hit someone below the belt to do something very thoroughly (re-
to act unfairly toward another person fers to the close shearing of lambs)

HOG to make a hog of oneself HOLD to hold someone at bay

to demonstrate greed to successfully resist an attacker
HOGWASH hogwash HOLD to hold someone's hand
nonsense to give detailed on-the-job training
and supervision
HOIST to be hoist with one's own
petard HOLD to hold the floor
to have one's own case used against to dominate a conversation
one (refers to being blown up by
HOLD to hold the fort
one's own bomb)
to be in charge during the temporary
HOLD an argument holding water absence of a superior
a debating point of substance
HOLD to hold the purse strings
HOLD hold your horses! to have control of expenditure
just wait a little!
HOLD to hold the trump card
HOLD no holds barred to be in an unbeatable position to
without any limitation defeat others
HOLD not fit to hold a candle to HOLD to hold the wrong end of
someone the stick
greatly inferior to another person to be completely mistaken about
HOLD not to hold one's breath for
something HOLD to just hold one's head
to give up all expectation above water
to cope with problems but with little
HOLD to be left holding the baby
margin to spare or to stay solvent
to be tricked into accepting responsi-
bility for someone else's problems HOLD to put something on ' 'hold' '
to put something aside for the time
HOLD to hold a winning hand
being with a view to resuming activi-
to be in an unbeatable position to
ty later on (refers to the telephone)
defeat others
HOLE a black hole
HOLD to hold all the aces an intermediate range of values pro-
to be in an unbeatable position to ducing anomalous results or a partic-
defeat others ularly obnoxious prison cell
HOLD to hold all the cards HOLE a dry hole
to be assured of victory an exercise which after much effort
HOLD to hold fire proves fruitless
to defer criticizing HOLE a fox hole
space which is really too small for a
HOLD to hold one's head high person's needs or comfort
to stay unrufiQed and to maintain one's
dignity despite attempts by others to HOLE a loop-hole
embarrass means of getting around the intention
of some regulation
HOLD to hold one's tongue
to keep quiet HOLE a square peg in a round hole
a person much more suitable for a
HOLD to hold out an olive branch position rather different from the one
to make peace overtures (Genesis 8:11) held

HOLE to be in a hole HOME nothing to write home about

to experience some difficulties unimpressive
HOLE to expose holes HOME the chickens are coming
to expose weaknesses in an argument home to roost
the consequences of past actions are
HOLE to have money burning a
becoming obvious
hole in one's pocket
to be impatient to spend or invest HOME to argue till the cows come
available funds home
to argue forever
HOLE to need something like a
hole in the head HOME to be home and hosed
to be landed with a completely unde- to have won
sired problem
HOME to be home on the sheep's
HOLE to pigeon-hole back
to put aside for further consideration to be doing well
in the distant future
HOME to be too close to home
HOLE to stop up one hole in a sieve to be too near the truth to be welcome
to do something quite useless
HOME to bring a fact home to
HOLE watch the doughnut—not the someone
hole despite his inclination to the contrary
look for the positive aspects to make a person realize a fact
HOLE watering hole HOME to bring home the bacon
a bar or place to get a drink to be successful
HOLLOW that has a hollow ring HOME to drive the lesson home
to it to take certain action which is un-
that statement is insincere pleasant but which has the effect of
registering a message
HOLLOW to hold the power to do
something in the hollow of one's HOME to eat someone out of
hand house and home
to have the right to make crucial to ruin a person by eating all he has
decisions HOME to enter the home stretch
HOLY a holier-than-thou attitude to commence the last stage
excessive righteousness HOME to keep the home fires
HOLY an unholy alliance to maintain normal domestic activity
a working relationship for a nefarious during the temporary absence of the
purpose between unlikely partners breadwinner
HOLY search for the Holy Grail HOME to take one's bat and ball
work toward a difficult goal (refers to home
a vessel supposedly used by Christ at as a gesture of spite to remove an
the last supper and featuring in the essential ingredient which one has
Arthurian legends) contributed to a joint enterprise
HOME charity begins at home HOMEWORK to do one's
a person's first responsibility should homework
be to his family to thoroughly analyze an issue

HONEY a land of milk and honey HORN the horns of a dilemma

a country in which everything is in the unpalatable alternatives between
abundant supply which a choice must be made
HONEYMOON a honeymoon HORN to lock horns with someone
a short period enjoyed by a newcom- to have an argument with another
er to some activity before his per- person
formance is criticized
HORN to pull one's horns in
HOOK by hook or by crook to retreat from previously stated views
by fair means or foul
HORN to take the bull by the horns
HOOK hook line and sinker to come to grips with the realities of
wholly a difficult problem
HOOK to be hooked on something HORNET to stir up a hornet's nest
to be addicted to something to take action which results in un-
pleasant side-effects
HOOK to get someone off the hook
to rescue a person from an embarrass- HORSE / could eat a horse
ing predicament I am very hungry
HOOK to let someone off the hook HORSE a Trojan horse
to allow a person to escape the ad- 2L trick (refers to a large gift horse full
verse consequences of his own actions of soldiers used to bring about the
fall of Troy, as described in Homer's
HOOP to jump through hoops
to undergo some ordeal
HORSE a dark horse
HOOT not to care a hoot
a person with unsuspected talents
not to show the slightest concern or
enthusiasm HORSE a nod is the same as a
wink to a blind horse
HOP something is but a hop, skip
fine distinctions are not appropriate
and jump away
something is nearby
HORSE a stalking horse
HOP to be on the hop
an ostensible reason
to be always bustling about
HOP to catch someone on the hop HORSE a two-horse race
to take a person by surprise a contest between only two serious
HOP to hop onto the bandwagon
to join the majority (the antonym of HORSE a warhorse
"bandwagon effect" is "underdog an old soldier who likes to relive past
effect") wartime experiences

HORIZON the one bright spot on HORSE a willing horse

the horizon a cheerful worker
the only hopeful aspect HORSE hold your horses!
HORIZON there are black clouds just wait a little!
on the horizon HORSE horse sense
bad news is expected natural shrewdness
HORIZON to loom on the horizon HORSE horsetrading
to be expected but not immediately tough negotiations

HORSE it is horses for courses HORSE to swap horses in midstream

some combinations work particularly to change direction during the course
well of a project
HORSE that is a horse of a very HORSE wild horses would not
different color cause me to do something
that is a much more acceptable propo- I absolutely refuse to do something
sition (refers to a form of torture)
HORSE the horse and buggy days HORSEPLAY horseplay
long ago boisterous and undignified behavior
HORSE to back the wrong horse HOSED to be home and hosed
to have faith in, give support to and/ to have won
or invest in a project which proves to
be unsuccessful HOT a hot potato
an embarrassing issue
HORSE to be off on one's hobby
horse HOT a hothead
to throw into conversation aspects of an impetuous person
a subject in which one has a passion- HOT hot-blooded
ate interest very passionate
HORSE to be on one's high horse HOT red-hot
to be excessively pompous highly exciting and desirable
HORSE to drive a coach and HOT to be full of hot air
horses through something to have an exaggerated opinion of
to demonstrate major errors in some- one's own importance and to boast
thing about it
HORSE to flog a dead horse
HOT to be hot off the press
to misguidedly do something patently
to be the latest news
HORSE to frighten the horses HOT to be hot on a subject
to scare people off by one's ill- to be knowledgeable and enthusiastic
considered tactics about a subject

HORSE to learn something from HOT to be hot on the heels of

the horse's mouth something
to get information from someone qual- to closely follow something
ified to impart it HOT to be hot stuff
HORSE to look a gift horse in the to be skillful or very passionate
mouth HOT to be hot under the collar
to be suspicious about a benefit which to be very agitated
has been volunteered
HOT to be in hot water
HORSE to put the cart before the to be very agitated
to do things in the wrong order HOT to be in hot water
to be in trouble or to be in difficulty
HORSE to shut the stable door
after the horse has bolted HOT to be in the hot seat
to take preventive action only after to hold a position requiring one to
the relevant event answer criticism or accusations
HOT to blow hot and cold HOUSE to be in the doghouse
to vacillate to be in disgrace
HOT to get hot HOUSE to be on the house
to get close to the solution to be free of cost
HOT to go hotfoot HOUSE to bring the house down
to do something fast to greatly amuse an audience
HOT to make some place too hot HOUSE to eat someone out of
for someone house and home
to persecute a person and thus make to ruin a person by eating all he has
conditions very unpleasant for him
HOUSE to put one's house in order
HOT to run hot to fix up the deficiencies in one's
(of equipment) to be subject to partic- affairs
ularly high usage HOUSEHOLD a household name
HOT to strike while the iron is hot a very familiar name
to take advantage of a situation which
HOYLE according to Hoyle
cannot last
with authority
HOTBED a hotbed of crime
HUMBLE to eat humble pie
a place where crime flourishes
to apologize
HOUND to run with the hare and
HUNT a witchhunt
hunt with the hounds
an exercise seeking to find someone
to keep in with two opposing sides
who can be blamed
HOUND to set the hounds baying
HUNT to run with the hare and
to excite the gossips by providing
hunt with the hounds
material which they can use
to keep in with two opposing sides
HOUR at the eleventh hour
HURDLE to jump a hurdle
at the last moment (actually "at the
twenty-fourth hour" would be more to overcome a problem or difficulty
logical) (Matthew 20:9) HURDLE to jump that hurdle when
HOUSE a half-way house one comes to it
an intermediate position to deal with a particular problem only
when it becomes necessary to do so
HOUSE a house of cards
an organization which gives a mis- HURL to hurl something in
leading impression of solidity someone's face
to reproach a person in regard to
HOUSE a madhouse something
an organization in great turmoil
HURT someone can't hurt a fly
HOUSE a plague on both your someone is very gentle and kindhearted
I am disgusted with both of you (from HYDE to do a Jekyll and Hyde
Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET) to have a split personality (refers to
HOUSE people in glass houses MR. HYDE by Robert Louis Stevenson)
should not throw stones
those who are less than perfect are HYDRA a hydra-headed monster
foolish to criticize others an evil which is not readily destroyable
HYMNAL to all sing from the INCH to inch forward
same hymnal to make slow but steady progress
to act consistently with each other
INCH to resist something every
inch of the way
I to utterly resist something
I to dot the i's and cross the t's INDIAN more chiefs than Indians
to be meticulous in completing the a disproportionately large number of
documentation for a transaction supervisors
ICE to break the ice INFLAME to inflame a situation
to take the initiative in starting dis- to aggravate a situation
INK the ink is hardly dry
ICE to cut no ice with someone something intended to last a long
to have little effect on a person time is to be changed shortly after its
ICE to put something on ice
to put something aside for the time INN no room at the inn
being no room
ICE to skate on thin ice INNER a warm inner glow
to act in disregard of obvious danger satisfaction at some achievement
ICEBERG to be the tip of the INNINGS to have had a good
iceberg innings
to be only a very small portion of a to have had a successful life
much larger but less obvious whole
INSIDE to know something inside
ICING to be icing on top of the cake out
to be an additional benefit in an al- to know something very thoroughly
ready satisfactory scenario
INSIDE to turn something inside out
IMAGE to tarnish one's image to examine something thoroughly
to become less highly regarded
INSTRUCTION riding instructions
IMPETUS to have impetus directions as to how to do something
to move along forcefully
INTEREST to pay something back
IMPRIMATUR imprimatur with interest
confirmation that something is in or- to return a small favor with a bigger
der (Latin, '"let it be printed"; refers favor or to extract retribution of
to the formal ruling given by a Ro- greater value than the circumstances
man Catholic bishop authorizing the warrant
publication of a book on religion or
morals) INTRODUCE to introduce new
INCH give him an inch and he will to recruit new members to some
take a mile organization
make him a small concession and he
will abuse it by taking much more IRON the iron curtain
the border between the communist
INCH not to give an inch nations and the rest of the world
not to budge or concede to the slightest (from a speech by Sir Winston Churchill
degree despite pressure to do so in 1946)
IRON to give a cast-iron guarantee
to give a very secure undertaking to
JACK a Jack of all trades
do something
an amateur who can turn his hand to
IRON to have a cast-iron case anything
to be absolutely assured of victory in JACKAL to keep the jackals at bay
legal proceedings to pay one's creditors just sufficient
IRON to have other irons in the fire to avoid repercussions
to have the opportunity to do some- JACKET to keep someone in a
thing else as an alternative straitjacket
IRON to have something in an iron to deny a person any discretionary
powers at all
to hold something very securely JACKPOT to hit the jackpot
IRON to iron out something to be very lucky
to sort out a difficult problem JAM money for jam
remuneration easily earned
IRON to rule with a rod of iron
to keep strict discipline JAM to be in a jam
to be in difficulties
IRON to rule with an iron fist
to keep strict discipline JAM to just pick the plums out of
the jam
IRON to rule with an iron hand to take only the very best items
to keep strict discipline
JAM to put jam on someone's bread
IRON to strike while the iron is hot to make a good situation even better
to take advantage of a situation which
cannot last JAUNDICED jaundiced
affected by jealousy
IRON with an iron hand in a velvet
JAW someone's jaw dropped
someone registered obvious disap-
with- a hard attitude made to seem
pointment, incredulity or shock
JEKYLL to do a Jekyll and Hyde
ISSUE to be a black and white to have a split personality (refers to
to involve very clear distinctions MR. HYDE by Robert Louis Stevenson)
ITCH to be itching to go JELLY to be set like a jelly
to be highly enthusiastic and keen to to be very well established
start JEREMIAH Jeremiah
ITCHY itchy feet a person who looks on the gloomy
a desire to travel side of everything (refers to the
prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament)
ITCHY to have itchy fingers JERICHO walls of Jericho
to be impatient something seemingly solid but actu-
IVORY to be in an ivory tower ally destructible (Joshua 6:20)
to be immersed in theoretical consid- JERK a knee-jerk reaction
erations and ignorant of the practical a response made instantaneously and
realities (Song of Solomon 7:4) without any proper consideration
JETSAM flotsam and jetsam JUDGE to judge a book by its cover
derelict persons, without a fixed foolishly to go only by superficial
abode or stable life appearances
JETTISON to jettison some JUGULAR to go for the jugular
proposal to attempt to destroy something com-
to abandon some proposal as worth- pletely
less or impracticable
JUICE to stew in one's juice
JEWEL a jewel to suffer the adverse consequences of
a valued assistant one's acts or omissions
JEWEL the jewel in someone's JUMP something is but a hop, skip
crown and jump away
the most significant component something is nearby
JIB the cut of someone's jib JUMP to be for the high jump
someone's personal appearance to be threatened with a reprimand and
JOB something would try the
patience of Job JUMP to get the jump on someone
something is very vexatious (James to get an advantage over a person
JUMP to jump a hurdle
JOB to have a job in front of one to overcome a problem or difficulty
to face difficulties
JUMP to jump at the opportunity
JOIN join the club! to enthusiastically take immediate ad-
you are only one of many people vantage of a good chance
with similar problems
JUMP to jump down someone's
JOIN to join forces throat
to cooperate with one another in or- to react angrily to the remarks of the
der to achieve a common objective other party to a conversation
JOIN to join hands with someone
JUMP to jump for joy
to cooperate with a person
to express great satisfaction
JOINT to put someone's nose out
of joint JUMP to jump in feet first
to upset another person to take a calculated risk

JOT not a jot JUMP to jump into bed with someone

not even a small amount (refers to the to enter into a joint enterprise with
Greek letter iota or i) another person

JOWL cheek by jowl JUMP to jump into the ring

close to each other to join in enthusiastically

JOY to jump for joy JUMP to jump on the bus

to express great satisfaction to join an activity already well under
JUAN to be a Don Juan
to be a libertine JUMP to jump straight in at the
deep end
JUDAS to play Judas to do something without a proper
to betray a person (Matthew 26) lead-in

JUMP to jump that hurdle when KEELHAUL to keelhaul someone

one comes to it to penalize a person
to deal with a particular problem only KEEP to be unable to keep people
when it becomes necessary to do so away with a big stick
JUMP to jump the gun to be faced with a large crowd or
to start before one is meant to much demand
JUMP to jump through hoops KEEP to keep a civil tongue in
to undergo some ordeal one's head
to be polite, especially under pro-
JUMP to jump to a conclusion vocation
to infer something without proper
consideration KEEP to keep a level head
to stay calm and rational in a crisis
JUMP to jump to attention
to show respect KEEP to keep a tally
to keep a record (refers to a piece of
JUMP to jump up and down wood with notches made on it to
to show excitement or anger or frus- indicate a count)
KEEP to keep a weather eye out
JUMP to nearly jump out of one's for something
skin to look out with particular care
to receive a fright KEEP to keep body and soul
JUMP to see which way the cat together
jumps to keep alive
to await developments KEEP to keep one's chin up
JUMP to want to jump all one's to maintain one's morale
fences at once KEEP to keep one's cotton-picking
to be unrealistic fingers off something
JUMP you can jump in the lake not to interfere in something
I intend to take no notice whatsoever KEEP to keep one's distance
of you or your views to avoid familiarity
JUNGLE a jungle KEEP to keep one's ears open
a place where everyone makes his to be on the lookout for useful infor-
own rules mation
JUNGLE the law of the jungle KEEP to keep one's eye on someone
the principle that those having power to supervise a person or to monitor a
will use it at the expense of all others person's activities and behavior
KEEP to keep one's eye on
JURY the jury is still out something
no decision has yet been made or the to monitor a situation
public has not yet given an indication
of its views KEEP to keep one's eyes open
to be on the lookout for useful infor-
K KEEP to keep one's eyes open for
KEEL to keep something on an something
even keel to be on the lookout for an opportu-
to ensure that something is not harmed nity to do something

KEEP to keep one's eyes peeled for KEEP to keep someone's seat warm
something to hold a position temporarily with a
to be on the constant lookout for view to another person taking it over
something permanently in the near future
KEEP to keep one's fingers crossed KEEP to keep something dark
to hope for a good outcome to keep something secret
KEEP to keep one's hair on KEEP to keep something on an
to remain calm in a crisis even keel
to ensure that something is not harmed
KEEP to keep one's hands in
to engage in activities which rein- KEEP to keep something under
force skills which one has previously one's hat
acquired to maintain a confidence
KEEP to keep one's head KEEP to keep something up one's
to remain calm in a crisis or to sleeve
unexpectedly retain an elected or to secretly retain something in re-
appointed position serve for use in the future or at a later
stage of negotiations
KEEP to keep one's head down
to work very diligently KEEP to keep tabs on something
to monitor something
KEEP to keep one's mouth shut
not to discuss some matter KEEP to keep the ball rolling
to take advantage of the existing mo-
KEEP to keep one's nose out of
mentum or to participate actively
not to meddle in something KEEP to keep the homes fires
KEEP to keep one's nose to the
to maintain normal domestic activity
during the temporary absence of the
to work with particular diligence
KEEP to keep one's pecker up
KEEP to keep the jackals at bay
to stay cheerful
to pay one's creditors just sufficient
KEEP to keep one's powder dry to avoid repercussions
to retain key arguments or resources
KEEP to keep the lid on something
in reserve for use later
to keep a matter under control
KEEP to keep out of someone's hair
KEEP to keep the pot boiling
to let another person get on with his
work in his own way to ensure that an issue stays current
KEEP to keep the wolf from the door
KEEP to keep someone in a
to avoid imminent trouble
to deny a person any discretionary KEEP to keep track of something
powers at all to be completely aware of where
something is and how it is functioning
KEEP to keep someone in the dark
to deliberately keep a person unin- KEEP to keep under wraps
formed to keep confidential
KEEP to keep someone on his toes KEEP to keep up with the ball
to induce a person to be efficient to stay on top of the situation

KEEP why keep a dog and bark KICK to kick one's heels
oneself? to be kept waiting
it is silly to pay for assistance and
KICK to kick over one's traces
then do things personally
to become insubordinate
KEEPER keepers of the flame
KICK to kick some proposal around
persons keen to maintain old traditions
to examine a proposal from all angles
KEEPER to let something go to the
KICK to kick someone around
to abuse a person
to deliberately ignore a particular
incident KICK to kick someone in the guts
to take action needlessly hurtful to
KETTLE the pot calling the kettle
another person
a person criticizing another person KICK to kick someone in the teeth
without realizing his own even greater to take action which demonstrates an-
shortcomings noyance at or dislike of a person
KETTLE to be a different kettle of KICK to kick someone out
fish to expel a person
to be something very dissimilar
KICK to kick someone upstairs
KETTLE to be a fine kettle offish to promote a person to a purely cere-
to be a terrible muddle monial position
KEY to strike the right key KICK to kick the bucket
to find the appropriate solution to die

KEYNOTE keynote address KICK to kick the cat

opening address, designed to set the to take out one's anger on some inno-
theme of a conference cent party

KICK / could kick myself KICK to kick up a fuss

I regret that I acted thus to create a fuss
KID to treat someone with kid gloves
KICK a kick in the pants
to handle a person with great discretion
an admonition
KILL to be dressed to kill
KICK to be alive and kicking to be more finely dressed than the
to be in good form occasion warrants
KICK to kick a man when he is KILL to be in at the kill
down to be present at the climactic finish to
to take unfair advantage of a person something
already in difficulty
KILL to be killed in the rush
KICK to kick heads in to be the supplier of something ex-
to demonstrate annoyance at or dis- tremely popular
like of certain persons
KILL to kill oneself laughing
KICK to kick in to be greatly amused
to contribute financially
KILL to kill some proposal stone
KICK to kick off dead
to start some action to abandon some proposal completely

KILL to kill the fatted calf KITCHEN if one can't stand the
to demonstrate welcome and forgive- heat one should stay out of the
ness on a person's return (Luke kitchen
15:23) a person should not put himself in a
position involving pressures with
KILL to kill the goose that lays the
which he cannot cope (words attributed
golden eggs
to Harry S. Truman)
through excessive greed to destroy a
very profitable enterprise KITCHEN to get the rounds of the
KILL to kill two birds with one (of a husband) to be subject to per-
stone sonal abuse by his wife
to achieve a second objective in the
course of achieving the first objective KITE to fly a kite
to issue uncovered checks in the hope
KILL to make a killing that they will be covered before
to be in a very successful business clearance or to test public reaction to
venture legislation in contemplation by leaking
KINDRED kindred spirit broad details of it to the media
person with similar interests and KITTEN to have kittens
eccentricities to be in a state of great dismay (refers
KING a cat may look at a king to a superstition that certain acts
don't give yourself airs! would cause women to bear kittens
instead of children)
KING to pay a king's ransom
to pay a very large sum KNEE a knee-jerk reaction
a response made instantaneously and
KINGMAKER kingmaker without any proper consideration
person engaging in behind-the-scenes
activities to promote another person KNEE since he was knee high to a
to a particular leadership position grasshopper
since he was a very young child
KISS to be the kiss of death
to be something intended to be help- KNEE to be cut off at the knees
ful but resulting in total destruction to have a pet project aborted
KISS to kiss and make up KNEE to beg on bended knees
to reconcile one's differences to request in great earnestness
KISS to kiss something good-bye KNEE to force someone onto his
to give something up as permanently knees
lost to inflict a humiliating defeat on a
KISS to kiss the ground
to suffer a loss KNEE to go down on one's hand
and knees to someone
KISS to kiss the rod with great humility to ask a favor of a
to accept punishment meekly person
KIT to have afield marshal's baton KNEE weak-kneed
in one's kit unassertive or irresolute
to be ambitious KNELL to sound the death knell of
KITCHEN everything but the something
kitchen sink to indicate the impending end of
a lot of things something

KNICKERS to get one's knickers KNOCK to knock something into a

in a knot cocked hat
to get unduly excited to twist something so that its original
form is hardly recognizable
KNIFE before one can say "knife"
very quickly KNOCK to knock the stuffing out
of someone
KNIFE one could have cut the
to completely demoralize a person
atmosphere with a knife
those present were very tense KNOCK to knock two heads
KNIFE the knives are out
to make two persons come to their
there is an active campaign against
senses and deal with each other
KNIFE to be on a knife edge KNOT at a rate of knots
to be in danger very fast

KNIFE to hold a knife at KNOT to cut the Gordian knot

someone's throat to solve, especially by force, a virtu-
to exert undue pressure on another ally insoluble problem (refers to a
person in an endeavor to achieve a complicated knot tied by Gordius and
result which would otherwise not be eventually cut by Alexander the Great)
forthcoming KNOT to get into a knot
KNIFE to sharpen the knives to get into a state of confusion
to get ready for a concerted attack on
some principle KNOT to get one's knickers in a
KNIFE to stick a knife into someone to get unduly excited
to act vindictively toward a person
KNOT to tie the knot
KNIGHT a knight in shining armor to marry
a very helpful person
KNIGHT a white knight KNOW / don't know whether I'm
a party voluntarily coming to the as- Arthur or Martha
sistance of another party at considera- I haven't time to think
ble cost to itself KNOW by their fruits ye shall
KNIT to knit one's brows know them
to indicate one's displeasure their reputation will be based on their
results (Matthew 7:20)
KNOCK on the deathknock
at the last possible moment KNOW father knows best
KNOCK to knock an idea on the as an expert I know better than you
head do just what is most suitable for you
to utterly reject a proposal KNOW not to know someone from
KNOCK to knock on doors Adam
to seek out opportunities to do business to be unable to recognize a person
KNOCK to knock someone off his KNOW the devil one knows is
perch better than the devil one does not
to displace a person from his leader- know
ship position in some competitive the status quo is more comfortable
situation than change
KNOW the left hand does not know LADDER to be at the bottom of
what the right hand is doing the ladder
one section of a large bureaucracy to be in the most junior position in
does not realize that another section some hierarchy
is simultaneously doing something
LADY it's not over till the fat lady
KNOW to know a thing or two it is not finished yet
about something
LAKE you can jump in the lake
to have acquired a lifetime of cun-
I intend to take no notice whatsoever
ning about a subject
of you or your views
KNOW to know how many beans
LAMB a lamb led to slaughter
make five
a naive person allowing himself to be
to have common sense
KNOW to know one's mind
to form and adhere to an opinion LAMB one might as well be
hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
KNOW to know the ropes further action will not increase the
to know how to do one's job adverse consequences already in train
KNOW to know where one stands (refers to the stealing of both sheep
to know what one supports or how and lambs being capital crimes under
one is affected old English law)
KNOW to know which way to turn LAMB sacrificial lamb
to know which strategy to adopt or somebody unfairly made to suffer for
where to seek assistance the mistakes of others
KNUCKLE to rap someone over LAMB to be mutton dressed up as
the knuckles lamb
to admonish a person to foolishly pretend to be younger
KOSHER to be kosher LAMB to wait two shakes of a
to fulfill all requirements (refers to lamb's tail
food complying with all aspects of to wait just a few moments
Jewish religious law) LAME a lame dog
a person under some disadvantage
needing attention and assistance
LABEL to give something a label LAME a lame duck
to classify something a person unable to fend for himself (a
lame duck president—a president still
LABOR to labor mightily and in office but without influence be-
bring forth a mouse cause the commencement of his suc-
to be quite ineffective cessor's term is imminent)
LACE strait-laced LAND to ascertain the lay of the
puritanical land
LADDER a game of snakes and to establish the pertinent facts and
ladders opinions
a series of ups and downs LAND to be in cloud cuckoo land
LADDER rungs up a ladder to be mad or to have unrealistic
gradual steps to an ultimate goal expectations
LAND to be in the land of the LARK to rise with the lark
living to get up early
to be alive
LAST a cobbler should stick to his
LAND to land something last
to achieve something every person should confine himself
LANDMARK a landmark ruling to activities for which he has been
a decision marking a turning point in trained
the way a matter is approached LAST the final straw
LANDSCAPE to be part of the the latest step, which, when added to
landscape a large number of seemingly harm-
to be present and fully accepted with- less previous steps, sets off a dis-
out question aster resulting from the cumulative
LANDSLIDE a landslide
an electoral result involving victory LAST the last bastion
or defeat by an unexpectedly large the only remaining defensive measure
margin LAST the last of the Mohicans
LANE life in the fast lane to be the last of a group (refers to a
existence full of exciting but worth- near extinct tribe of American Indians)
less activity (title of a novel by James Fenimore
LANE to go down memory lane
to reminisce LAST to be on one's last legs
to be nearly worn out
LANGUAGE to speak the same
language LAST to have come down in the
to have a good understanding and last shower
similar ideas to be naive
LAP to be in the lap of the gods LAST to make a last-ditch stand
to be a matter of pure chance (refers to make a brave effort to stave off
to wax tablets inscribed with requests final defeat
and placed on the knees of statues of
Greek gods) LAST to play the last card in the
LAP to drop into one's lap to lower one's standards in a final
to turn up fortuitously desperate effort
LAP to dump something in
someone's lap LAST to squeeze the last drop out
to impose some responsibility on an- of something
other person to get the maximum advantage out of
some favorable situation
LAP to lap it up
to enjoy the attention LATE late in the day
only when a project is well advanced
LARGE larger than life
in person and full of enthusiasm LATHER to get a lather up
to get unduly excited
LARGE to be a small cog in a
large wheel LATHER to whip oneself into a
to be a relatively unimportant person lather
in a large organization to become unduly excited
LAUGH to laugh all the way to the LAY to kill the goose that lays the
bank golden eggs
to appreciate one's good fortune through excessive greed to destroy a
very profitable enterprise
LAUGH to laugh one's head off
to greatly enjoy something LAY to lay a proposal on the table
to make a proposal available for dis-
LAUGH to laugh something out of cussion or to adjourn discussion on a
court proposal for an indefinite period
to ridicule a proposition as having no
basis whatsoever LAY to lay down the law
to be officious
LAUGH you will laugh on the
other side of your face LAY to lay it on the line
you will regret this to make clear what the accepted rules
of behavior are
LAUREL to look to one's laurels
to be careful not to lose one's reputa- LAY to lay it on with a trowel
tion for some skill to flatter
LAUREL to rest on one's laurels LAY to lay one's cards on the table
to use a reputation for success earned to be utterly frank and open or to
in earlier times as a substitute for honestly disclose one's position
current endeavor
LAY to lay one's hands on
LAW Murphy's law something
the principle that everything which to acquire something
can go wrong will go wrong LAY to lay some theory to rest
LAW Parkinson's law to abandon some theory as being no
the principle that work expands to longer appropriate
match the work capacity available (ti- LEAD a lamb led to slaughter
tle of a book by Prof. C. Northcote a naive person allowing himself to be
Parkinson) exploited
LAW the law of the jungle LEAD all roads lead to Rome
the principle that those having power all alternatives will have the same
will use it at the expense of all others outcome
LAW to lay down the law LEAD the blind leading the blind
to be officious persons without the necessary skills
for a task purporting to impart those
LAY not to lay a finger on someone skills to others
to refrain from hurting a person
LEAD to go down like a lead
LAY to be a laid-down misère balloon
to be very easily accomplished and/or to receive a very cool reception
to be certain of outcome (refers to the
declaration in certain card games un- LEAD to lead a dog's life
dertaking to win no tricks) to be ill-treated
LAY to be able to lay one's hands LEAD to lead someone a merry
on something dance
to be able to locate something to mislead a person
LEAD to lead someone by the nose LEAP to leap at an idea
to induce another person to comply to accept a suggestion enthusiastically
with one's wishes LEAP to leapfrog something
LEAD to lead someone up the to overtake something, with the like-
garden path lihood of in turn being overtaken (re-
to mislead a person by deliberately fers to a game in which participants
fallacious arguments jump over each other in turn)
LEAD to lead with one's chin LEAP to leap in
by one's brash behavior to virtually to commence an activity without con-
invite one's opponents to take action sidering the wisdom of doing so or
against one the best way to proceed
LEAD to swing the lead LEARN to learn a lesson
to cheat an employer by not working to benefit from one's experience
while being paid to do so LEARN to learn something from
LEADING a leading question the horse's mouth
a very pertinent question (the misuse to get information from someone
of a legal term, which actually means qualified to impart it
a question so framed as to suggest the LEARN to learn the ropes
answer) to be taught the elementary features
LEADING to be the leading light LEASE a new lease on life
to be the most important person in a the prospect of a worry-free existence
venture from now on
LEADING to have a leading edge LEASH to hold someone on a short
to have an advantage leash
to give a person very little authority
LEAF to take a leaf out of
someone's book LEAST to take the line of least
to model oneself on another person resistance
to succumb to outside pressure
LEAF to turn over a new leaf
to reform LEAVE a case of rats leaving a
sinking ship
LEAGUE to be in the same league the desertion of an enterprise in antic-
to have comparable skills ipation of imminent failure
LEAN a shoulder to lean on LEAVE to be left holding the baby
sympathy to be tricked into accepting responsi-
bility for someone else's problems
LEAN to lean on someone
to utilize the support of another per- LEAVE to leave no stone unturned
son or to pressure another person to to be very thorough
do something against his inclination LEAVE to leave one's mark on
LEAP a leap into the dark something
a rash move to be responsible for permanently
altering the way something is operated
LEAP a quantum leap
LEAVE to leave oneself wide open
a gigantic step forward
to act in such a way that one's oppo-
LEAP by leaps and bounds nents will find much which can be
with surprisingly fast progress easily criticized
LEAVE to leave others for dead LEG not to have a leg to stand on
to be vastly superior to have one's arguments completely
demolished or to be without accepta-
LEAVE to leave someone cold
ble excuse or explanation
to fail to impress a person
LEG to be on one's last legs
LEAVE to leave someone high and to be nearly worn out
to withdraw all support from a person LEG to cost an arm and a leg
or to isolate a person from a desired to be excessively expensive
involvement LEG to do the leg work
LEAVE to leave someone in the to carry out the tedious part of a
lurch project
to desert a person who is in difficul- LEG to give someone a leg up
ties (refers to the score in certain to give a person some assistance
LEG to have a leg in
LEAVE to leave someone out in the to have an opportunity which has the
cold potential to lead to bigger things
to deny a desired objective to a LEG to have one's tail between
person one's legs
LEAVE to leave something up in to show great humility in the light of
the air a backdown
to continue with an unresolved problem LEG to pull someone's leg
LEAVE to leave the door open to tell a false but plausible story as an
to issue a standing invitation for the act of humor
resumption of some negotiations LEG to shake a leg
LEAVE without leaving any to hurry up
footprints LEG to stand up on one's hind legs
without making any impression to exert one's authority
LEECH leech LEG to talk the hind leg off a
person taking undue advantage of donkey
others to talk excessively
LEEWAY to make up leeway LEG with his tail between his legs
to get back to a normal position or to contritely
get to the position held by one's LEG ROPE to put a leg rope on
competitors someone
LEFT a left-handed compliment to give a person very little authority
a thinly-disguised insult LEMON the answer is a lemon
LEFT the left hand does not know the outcome is inconclusive
what the right hand is doing LEMON to sell someone a lemon
one section of a large bureaucracy to sell a person a grossly defective
does not realize that another section product on the basis that it represents
is simultaneously doing something quality
LEMON to suck the lemon dry
LEFT to have two left feet to get the maximum advantage out of
to be clumsy some favorable situation
LEND to lend a hand LETTER a red-letter day
to assist an important occasion (refers to the
color used to print saints' days on
LEND to lend one's name to
some calendars)
to endorse something LEVEL a level playing field
competition on equal terms
LEND to lend someone an ear
to pay attention to a person LEVEL to be on the level
to be honest
LEND to lend weight to something
to use one's influence in support of LEVEL to keep a level head
some cause to stay calm and rational in a crisis
LENGTH at arm's length LEVEL water will find its own level
between parties who are strangers people will reach an appropriate posi-
bearing no special duty to each other tion relative to others
and who have no financial or other
LEVEL-HEADED level-headed
relationship with each other (a legal
LIBERTY liberty hall
LENGTH to go to great lengths
a place where one is free to do as one
to take much trouble
LEOPARD a leopard cannot
LICENSE a license to print money
change his spots
a lucrative government-conferred mo-
each person is born with certain unal-
nopoly or privilege
terable characteristics
LICK to lick one's chops
LESSON to drive the lesson home
to look forward to something with
to take certain action which is un-
pleasurable anticipation
pleasant but which has the effect of
registering a message LICK to lick one's wounds
to adjust oneself to defeat
LESSON to learn a lesson
to benefit from one's experience LICK to lick someone's boots
to show humility
LESSON to teach someone a lesson
to inflict something unpleasant on a LICK to lick something into shape
person in the hope that it will lead to to make something presentable and
a change in his behavior. effective

LET bloodletting LID to blow the lid off something

planned reductions to expose something no matter how
embarrassing this might be
LET to let blood LID to keep the lid on something
to allow some harm as the price for to keep a matter under control
achieving some greater benefit
LIE one has made one's bed and
LET to let someone off the hook one will now have to lie on it
to allow a person to escape the ad- one has to bear the consequences of
verse consequences of his own actions one's actions
LETTER a dead letter LAY to ascertain the lay of the land
a rule still in existence but no longer to establish the pertinent facts and
observed in practice opinions
LIE to let sleeping dogs lie LIFT not to lift a finger to help
to refrain from raising an issue which someone
is not obviously requiring attention to refuse to assist
LIE to lie low LIFT to lift one's game
to stay inconspicuous to raise the standard of one's perfor-
LIE to take something lying down mance
to accept a disadvantage without LIGHT a chink of light
protest a small hope of a solution or break-
LIE uneasy lies the head that wears through
a crown LIGHT a highlight
responsibility involves some risks a particularly important item
and some burdens (from Shakespeare's
HENRY iv) LIGHT a light in the sky
a sign of great hope
LIFE / cannot for the life of me
I just cannot LIGHT guiding light
yardstick for ethical behavior
LIFE a new lease on life
the prospect of a worry-free existence LIGHT in the cold light of day
from now on in an unemotional atmosphere at a
LIFE larger than life later stage
in person and full of enthusiasm LIGHT light dawns
LIFE life in the fast lane the point is grasped
existence full of exciting but worth- LIGHT light on the hill
less activity
distant goal acting as an inspiration
LIFE life raft
financial assistance sufficient to avert LIGHT light-fingered
insolvency good at stealing

LIFE not on your life LIGHT shining light

definitely not eminent or scholarly person
LIFE to be the life and soul of the LIGHT to be in the limelight
party to be exposed to public attention
to be the prime enthusiast for a cause
LIGHT to be the leading light
LIFE to breathe life into a corpse to be the most important person in a
to revive something moribund venture
LIFE to lead a dog's life LIGHT to bring something to light
to be ill-treated to draw to public attention
LIFE to save someone's life
to be of great help to a person LIGHT to get the red light
to be forbidden to do something
LIFE you can bet your life on
something LIGHT to give the green light
something is certain to happen to grant permission
LIFEBLOOD the lifeblood LIGHT to hide one's light under a
the main or essential ingredient; or bushel
the person or factor instilling enthu- to keep others in ignorance of one's
siasm skills and experience
LIGHT to highlight something LIMB to go out on a limb
to draw particular attention to a to put oneself at risk through foolish
matter action
LIGHT to light a fuse LIMBO to be in limbo
to cause serious reactions to have one's ultimate fate yet to be
LIGHT to see red lights flashing
to be conscious of the danger LIMBO to consign something to
LIGHT to see someone in a good
to consider something as permanently
disposed of
to regard a person favorably
LIMELIGHT to be in the limelight
LIGHT to see the light
to be exposed to public attention
to understand the real situation
LIMIT the sky is the limit
LIGHT to see the light at the end
the cost is no obstacle
of the tunnel
to be close to finalizing a long exercise LINCHPIN linchpin
essential feature central to a project
LIGHT to see the light of day
to be made public LINE hook, line and sinker
LIGHT to shed light on something
to give explanations LINE someone's job is on the line
a person's career path is under con-
LIGHT to steal the spotlight sideration and/or his present position
to set out to be the center of attention is at risk
LIGHT to turn the spotlight on LINE the Plimsoll line
something the standard
to draw public attention to something
LINE the bottom line
LIGHTLY to tread lightly the conclusion which matters or the
to be careful net effect of a series of developments
LIGHTNING a lightning rod LINE to be further down the line
a person who attracts trouble to to have a low priority
LINE to be in the firing line
LIGHTWEIGHT lightweight to be among the first to be under
uninfluential attack
LILLIPUTIAN Lilliputian LINE to be line ball
small (refers to a place in Swift's to be equal
GULLIVER'S TRAVELS) LINE to be out of line
LILY lily-livered to adopt a stance not held by others
cowardly LINE to draw the line at that
LILY lily-white to refuse to go any further
honest and incorruptible LINE to fall into line
LILY to gild the lily to conform with others
(actually: to gild refined gold, to LINE to lay it on the line
paint the lily) to do something patent- to make clear what the accepted rules
ly unnecessary of behavior are
LINE to line one's pockets LINING every cloud has a silver
to make, improperly and secretly, a lining
profit out of some transaction there are benefits even in seemingly
adverse situations
LINE to make a beeline for
something LINK the weakest link in the chain
to go straight to something with great the least efficient component in a
enthusiasm or to head for some goal project the overall efficiency of which
by the most direct route is governed by the efficiency of the
least efficient component
LINE to put one's reputation on the
line LION the lion's share
to take a public stance in the realiza- the biggest portion
tion that there is a risk that one's
reputation will suffer if one is proved LION to beard the lion in his dean
wrong to visit someone important at his
LINE to read between the lines
to appreciate the true significance of LION to put one's head into the
something not put into words lion's mouth
to recklessly expose oneself to great
LINE to sign on the dotted line danger
to confirm one's agreement
LION to throw someone to the lions
LINE to sit on the sidelines
to abandon a person
not to take part in the main action
LINE to step out of line LIP a stiff upper lip
obstinate courage in the face of pain
to infringe accepted rules of behavior
or adversity
LINE to swallow the line
to accept as truth the story being LIP to be tight-lipped
proffered to keep confidences or to be uncom-
LINE to take a hard line
to be uncompromising LIP to bite one's lip
to control one's anger
LINE to take the line of least
resistance LIP to pay lip service to some rules
to succumb to outside pressure to disregard some rules in practice
while acknowledging them in words
LINE to toe the line
to conform LIP to seal one's lips
to keep a confidence
LINE to tread the thin line
cautiously to take action in circum- LIST a shopping list
stances where either too much or too a catalogue of demands
little will cause difficulties
LISTEN a listening post
LINEN to wash one's dirty linen in a place where information of strategic
public value can be collected
to expose one's domestic differences
to the world at large LITMUS a litmus test
an event which allows the outcome of
LINGER the melody lingers on future events to be predicted more
the benefit of past actions remains accurately
LITTLE a little bird told me LOAD to be the throw of a loaded
I heard from an unnameable inform- die
ant (Ecclesiastes 10:20) to be an act of deceit
LITTLE a little tin god LOCK lock, stock and barrel
a petty tyrant entirely
LITTLE little pitchers have long LOCK to lock horns with someone
ears to have an argument with another
children have a tendency to overhear person
LOCK to lock someone into some
LITTLE tall oaks from little acorns arrangement
grow to create an agreement which cannot
even major enterprises have to have be broken by one of the parties
small beginnings (from '"Lines writ-
ten for a School Declamation'" by LOCK to lock something up in the
David Everett) old oak chest
to put in a safe place and out of mind
LITTLE to be a big fish in a little
pond LOGGERHEAD to be at
to be a person holding an important loggerheads
office but in an unimportant organization to constantly fight one another
LITTLE to twist someone around LOGJAM a logjam
one's little finger a stoppage of activity caused by input
by charm to get one's way in greater volume than allowed for
LIVE not to live in each other's LOIN to gird up one's loins
pockets to get ready for action
to each follow his own lifestyle LONDON it is London to a brick
LIVE to be a live wire it is virtually certain
to be an enthusiast LONE a lone wolf
LIVE to live from hand to mouth a person who prefers to act without
being in poor financial circumstances, involving others
to survive with little by way of safety LONE to be a lone voice in the
margin wilderness
LIVE to live in a fool's paradise to be the only person stating unpopu-
to delude oneself lar views
LIVER lily-livered LONG for the long haul
cowardly as a long-term proposition
LIZARD flat out like a lizard LONG he must have a long spoon
to be hard at work (a play on words, that sups with the devil
not a simile) great care is needed when negotiating
deals with disreputable parties
LLOYD to be Al at Lloyd's
to be in perfect order (refers to the LONG it is a long time between
classification of ships in Lloyd's reg- drinks
ister in London) activity is occurring only very spas-
LOAD that has taken a load off my modically
mind LONG it is as broad as it is long
I am relieved it does not really matter
LONG little pitchers have long ears LOOK to give someone a black look
children have a tendency to overhear to indicate one's displeasure with a
things person
LONG take a long walk on a short LOOK to look a gift horse in the
pier mouth
go away, I want no dealings with you to be suspicious about a benefit
which has been volunteered
LONG that is a long shot
there is only a remote possibility LOOK to look after number one
to act selfishly
LONG the long and the short of it
all that needs to be said about this LOOK to look at someone sideways
to silently and politely indicate one's
LONG to be long in the tooth
to be old
LOOK to look daggers at someone
LONG to draw a long bow
to look at a person in a way which
to state a conclusion which while
indicates great animosity
possible is unlikely on the known
facts LOOK to look down the barrel of
a gun
LONG to enter a long road
to be given little choice in a matter
to commence a task which will take a
long time LOOK to look down the nose at
LONG to have a long arm
to treat a matter with obvious contempt
to have far-reaching power
LOOK to look for a needle in a
LONG to have a long face
to look miserable
to attempt something with a very
LONG to throw a long shadow small chance of success
to have wide-spread ramifications
LOOK to look on the dark side
LONG to win by a long chalk to be pessimistic
to win very conclusively
LOOK to look to one's laurels
LOOK a cat may look at a king to be careful not to lose one's reputa-
don't give yourself airs! tion for some skill
LOOK distant fields look greener LOOK to need to look over one's
activities of which one has no experi- shoulder
ence seem much easier than is really to be subject to attack which is not
the case obvious

LOOK one looks for elephants in LOOM to loom on the horizon

elephant country to be expected but not immediately
one needs to search in the right place LOOP a loop-hole
LOOK someone looks as if butter a means of getting around the inten-
would not melt in his mouth tion of some regulation
a person looks sweet and innocent LOOSE a loose cannon on the deck
a mistake likely to cause trouble
LOOK things look black
there is little hope of success or pros- LOOSE to have a loose tongue
perity or a favorable outcome to speak foolishly or indiscreetly
LOOSE to have a screw loose LOSE what one loses on the swings
to be mentally unbalanced one gains on the roundabouts
there are advantages and disadvan-
LOOSE to play fast and loose
tages which offset each other
to disregard one's obligations
LOSE you can get lost
LOOSE to tie up the loose ends
I intend to take no notice whatsoever
to complete the minor outstanding
of you or your views
items of some substantially finished
project LOUD to come through loud and
LOSE get lost!
to be well understood
just go away!
LOVE love me—love my dog
LOSE heads I win—tails you lose
if you accept me then you must also
whichever way this matter goes I will
accept my associates
benefit at your expense
LOVE not for love or money
LOSE not to lose any sleep over
definitely not
not to worry about some matter LOVELY everything in the garden
is lovely
LOSE to be on the losing end of everything is fine
the stick
to be worse off while the other party LOW low-down
to a transaction becomes correspond- confidential information relevant to
ingly better off something
LOSE to lose face LOW the lowest common
to endure embarrassment by virtue of denominator
being defeated or having one's errors the highest level of taste found among
found out all the members of some target au-
LOSE to lose heart
to cease being enthusiastic LOW to lie low
to stay inconspicuous
LOSE to lose money hand over fist
LOWER to lower one's rights
to lose money very fast and convinc-
to reduce one's ambition
LOWER to lower the boom
LOSE to lose one's head to terminate an activity
to become confused
LUCK the very best of British luck
LOSE to lose one's marbles you will have a hard time of it, but
to become senile you carry my best wishes
LOSE to lose one's nerve LUCK to be the luck of the draw
to abandon, out of fear, a decision to to be a chance result
do something
LUCK to push one's luck
LOSE to lose one's right arm having already done well in some-
to lose some highly-valued assistance thing, to then take risks which can
LOSE to lose one's touch prejudice everything
to cease to be familiar with something LUCK to take pot luck
LOSE to lose steam to take whatever happens by chance
to slow down to be available

LUCKY one can thank one's lucky MAGIC there is no magic in that
stars that is quite ordinary
one was extremely fortunate
MAGIC to get a magic carpet ride
LUKEWARM lukewarm to something
unenthusiastic though not hostile to be very fortunate in achieving
some objective
LUMP to have a lump in one's
throat MAGIC to wave a magic wand
to feel emotional to direct affairs without the restraints
of the real world
LURCH to leave someone in the
lurch MAGNET to be a magnet
to desert a person who is in difficul- to be a factor drawing a crowd of
ties (refers to the score in certain people
MAHOMET if the mountain will
LURK to lurk in the shadows not come to Mahomet then Mahomet
to have a low profile at the moment, will go to the mountain
but with the possibility of becoming on recognizing that one has insuffi-
much more conspicuous at any time cient power to effect one's most de-
sired solution, one decides to make
LYNX lynx-eyed
do with the next best alternative
having acute vision
MAIDEN the answer to a maiden's
M an unexpected but very welcome
MACABRE danse macabre happening
gruesome final step (French, "ghastly
MAIN to splice the main brace
to serve an extra ration of rum
MACHINE a sausage machine
MAINSTREAM mainstream
the turning out of large volumes
without particular thought
MAKE matchmaker
MACHINE when the wash comes
intermediary facilitating or instigating
through the machine
some merger
in due course
MACHINERY to be a well-oiled MAKE not to be made of money
piece of machinery not to be wealthy
to be functioning very satisfactorily MAKE ready-made
MACKEREL to throw a sprat to easily fabricated or available without
catch a mackerel difficulty
to risk a little in the hope of gaining MAKE to kiss and make up
much to reconcile one's differences
MAD a madhouse MAKE to make or break someone
an organization in great turmoil to be a factor leading either to a
MAGIC a magic bullet person's success or to his failure,
a guaranteed remedy with no intermediate position
MAGIC the magic moment MAN a poor man's something
the perfect time a second-best version

MAN every man and his dog MAP to put some organization on
everybody the map
to make the organization a force to be
MAN he is your man
reckoned with
he conforms to an ideal
MARATHON marathon
MAN one man's meat is another
requiring great endurance (refers to
man's poison
the run to get aid during the battle of
people's tastes differ
Marathon in 490 BC)
MAN one's right-hand man
MARBLE to be carved in marble
one's chief aide
to be virtually unalterable
MAN the man in the street
MARBLE to lose one's marbles
the average citizen
to become senile
MAN to be a man of straw MARCH in the course of a day's
to have no assets while giving a con- march
trary appearance while carrying out one's normal activ-
MAN to be one's own man ities
to approach every issue in a totally MARCH to get one's marching
objective manner orders
MAN to kick a man when he is to be told to leave
down MARCH to march to a different
to take unfair advantage of a person drum
already in difficulty to show an independent approach
MAN to separate the men from the MARCH to steal a march on
boys someone
to distinguish between those with and to anticipate another person's actions
without certain skills and get in ahead
MAN two men and a dog MARE a mare's nest
very few people a discovery with illusory benefits
MANAGE to stage-manage MARGIN safety margin
something allowance for miscalculations
to arrange how something happens
MARINE tell it to the marines
MANGER to be a dog in the such nonsense is not believable
to spitefully deny something to oth- MARINER to be an albatross
ers, notwithstanding its uselessness to around someone's neck
oneself to be a great burden (popularized by
MANNA manna from heaven
unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15) MARK a hallmark
a standard (refers to the official assay
MANSIZE a mansize job mark on gold and silver, originally
a large task worth doing well put on at the Goldsmiths' Hall)
MANTLE to assume someone's MARK a landmark ruling
mantle a decision marking a turning point in
to take over another person's role the way a matter is approached

MARK high water mark MARK to overstep the mark

triumph to fail to observe the proprieties
MARK mark my words MARKET to be a drug on the
you will find out that I am right market
to be in overplentiful supply
MARK the mark of Cain
disgrace (Genesis 4:15) MARSHAL to have a field
marshal's baton in one's kit
MARK the river found its mark
to be ambitious
equilibrium between two pressures
has been achieved MARTHA / don't know whether
I'm Arthur or Martha
MARK to be first off the mark
I haven't time to think
to start ahead of all others
MASK to unmask someone
MARK to be slow off the mark
to discover a person's true identity
to be slow to start something
MAST to nail one's colors to the
MARK to be up to the mark mast
to be of the right standard to publicly declare one's position and
MARK to be wide off the mark to maintain it in the face of criticism
to have a belief which is far removed MASTER a chessmaster
from the true position a clever strategist
MARK to get full marks for MASTER a master stroke
something particularly brilliant action
to deserve praise for something
MASTER a past master
MARK to have a black mark an expert with long experience
against one's name
MATCH game, set and match
to have a tarnished reputation
MARK to hit the mark MATCH the whole shooting match
to achieve one's object or to make the whole lot
the correct decision (refers to archery)
MATCH to put a match to gasoline
MARK to leave one's mark on to make a bad situation worse
to be responsible for permanently MATCHMAKER matchmaker
altering the way something is operated intermediary facilitating or instigating
some merger
MARK to make one's mark
to make an impression on people (re- MATTER it is mind over matter
fers to the cross made as the signa- one's resolve to overcome suffering
ture of illiterate persons) will succeed
MARK to make something one's MATTER not to matter a row of
trademark beans
to earn a reputation for maintaining to be utterly unimportant
some stance
MAVERICK maverick
MARK to mark time a person who likes to do things dif-
to do nothing while awaiting develop- ferently from other persons (refers to
ments unbranded livestock)

MCCOY to be the real McCoy MEET to meet one's Waterloo

the genuine article (refers to an Amer- to receive a decisive defeat (refers to
ican boxer who became world welter- Napoleon's fate at the Battle of Water-
weight champion in 1890) loo)
MEALY mealy-mouthed MELODY the melody lingers on
not at all forceful in debate the benefit of past actions remains

MEASURE to take someone's MELT someone looks as if butter

measure would not melt in his mouth
to sum up a person's character or a person looks sweet and innocent
skills MELT to go back into the melting pot
to be up for reconsideration ab initio
MEAT one man's meat is another
man's poison MELTING a melting pot
people's tastes differ a country where people with different
ethnic backgrounds over time merge
MEAT to be easy meat into one nation
to be an opponent who is readily
outwitted MEND to mend fences
to achieve a reconciliation
MEAT to be meat and drink MERRY the more the merrier
to be very pleasurable everyone is welcome
MEAT to be the ham in the MERRY to be on a merry-go-round
sandwich to be sent from one bureaucrat to
to be caught in the middle of a dis- another
pute between other parties
MERRY to lead someone a merry
MEAT to contain much meat dance
to contain much material worthy of to mislead a person
consideration MERRY to raise merry hell
MEAT to make mincemeat of to prominently involve others in a
something matter in the expectation of signifi-
to devastate something cant results from this action

MECCA a Mecca for something MESS to clean up a mess

a place at which supporters of some- to sort out mistakes or neglect
thing congregate MESS to sell one's birthright for a
mess of pottage
MEDICINE strong medicine
through foolishness to exchange some-
a tough remedy
thing of substance for something of
MEDICINE to get a taste of one's little value (Genesis 25)
own medicine MESSAGE to get the message
to suffer from an initiative intended to understand the real import of what
to affect only other persons is being said
MEDICINE to take one's medicine METEORIC meteoric
to submit to something unpleasant rapid
but necessary
MEXICAN a Mexican standoff
MEET to make ends meet a situation where neither of two par-
to live within one's income ties is making a move

MICROSCOPE to be under the MILEAGE to get some mileage out

microscope of something
to be the subject of close examination to benefit from something
MID to swap horses in midstream MILK a land of milk and honey
to change direction during the course a country in which everything is in
of a project abundant supply
MIDAS the Midas touch MILK it is no use crying over spilt
attributes which cause a person's milk
ventures to be extremely profitable lamenting over a disaster achieves
(refers to King Midas of Phrygia, nothing
who had the power to turn everything
he touched into gold) MILK to be cream on top of the
MIDDLE a middle-of-the-road milk
solution to be an additional benefit in an al-
a solution near the middle of a range ready satisfactory scenario
of possibilities MILL it is all grist to the mill
MIDNIGHT to burn the midnight this is useful but unexciting addi-
oil tional material
to work late into the night MILL run of the mill
MILCH a milch cow normal or average
an easy and plentiful source of some MILL the mills of God grind slowly
desired benefit retribution may be delayed but is
MILE a milestone inevitable
an achievement MILL to put someone through the
MILE someone would run a mile mill
a person would do anything to escape to give a person practical experience
his responsibilities
MILLSTONE a millstone round
MILE to be able to spot trouble a someone's neck
mile away a great burden
to be able to spot trouble before it
MINCE not to mince words
actually happens
to speak bluntly
MILE to be miles apart
to have great philosophical differences MINCE to make mincemeat of
MILE to be miles away to devastate something
to have one's mind on other matters
MIND a thought in the back of
MILE to go the extra mile one's mind
to work beyond the call of duty an undeveloped idea
MILE to miss something by a mile MIND in one's mind's eye
to be nowhere near one's target using a vivid imagination
MILE to stick out a mile MIND it is mind over matter
to be very apparent one's resolve to overcome suffering
MILE give him an inch and he will will succeed
take a mile MIND that has taken a load off my
make him a small concession and he mind
will abuse it by taking much more I am relieved

MIND the mind boggles MIND to know one's mind

this is astonishing to form and adhere to an opinion
MIND to be a weight off one's mind MIND to make up one's mind
to be a great relief to reach a conclusion after contem-
plating a matter
MIND to be of two minds
to be undecided between two alterna- MIND to prey on one's mind
tives (of a problem) to keep worrying one
MIND to be of one mind MIND to put someone's mind at
(of several people) to be agreed rest
to reassure a person
MIND to be out of one's cotton-
picking mind MIND to slip one's mind
to act irrationally to be overlooked or forgotten
MIND to broaden someone's mind MIND to speak one's mind
to expose a person to a greater vari- to express one's views frankly and
ety of experiences and interests than forcefully
he had previously
MIND to spring to mind
MIND to change one's mind to suddenly occur to a person
to alter the views which one had
previously formed MINE a goldmine
a source of much wealth or of many
MIND to cloud one's mind facts
to allow irrelevant or extraneous fac-
tors to affect one's impartiality or MINE a minefield
judgment a source of great hidden danger or of
difficulties not obvious on a first
MIND to cross one's mind encounter
to occur to one
MINNOW to miss the sharks while
MIND to drive someone out of his
netting the minnows
to succeed in minor aspects but fail in
to cause great worry to a person
the ones that really matter
MIND to give someone a piece of
one's mind MINT to charge a mint
to abuse another person to impose very high prices

MIND to have a mind of one's own MIRAGE mirage

not to be easily influenced illusory benefit

MIND to have a one-track mind MIRE to sink deeper into the mire
to keep coming back to one narrow to get into further difficulties
topic of conversation MISERE to be a laid-down misère
MIND to have an open mind to be very easily accomplished and/or
to be willing to assess evidence on its to be certain of outcome (refers to the
merits and without prejudging it declaration in certain card games un-
dertaking to win no tricks)
MIND to have half a mind to do
something MISS not to miss a beat
to be tempted or mildly inclined to do to carry on without the slightest
something interruption

MISS to miss something by a mile MONEY money for jam

to be nowhere near ones target remuneration easily earned
MISS to miss the boat MONEY not for love or money
to fail to exploit an opportunity definitely not
MISS to miss the bus MONEY not to be made of money
to fail to exploit an opportunity not to be wealthy
MISS to miss the sharks while MONEY pin money
netting the minnows an allowance to a wife for her per-
to succeed in minor aspects but fail in sonal use
the ones that really matter
MONEY that is money down the
MISS to miss the train drain
to fail to exploit an opportunity money has been wastefully lost on a
MITE not a mite failed project
not at all (refers to a Flemish coin of
MONEY the money is rolling in
small value)
the scheme is very profitable
MIX a mixed bag
some advantages and some disadvan- MONEY to have a run for one's
tages money
to at least get some enjoyment out of
MIX to be a mixed blessing an otherwise abortive exercise
to be an outcome with some desirable
and some undesirable features MONEY to have money burning a
hole in one's pocket
MOHICAN the last of the Mohicans to be impatient to spend or invest
to be the last of a group (refers to a available funds
near extinct tribe of American Indians)
(title of a novel by James Fenimore MONEY to have money flowing out
Cooper) of one's ears
to be very rich
MOLD to be cast in someone's mold
to take after another person MONEY to lose money hand over
MOLE to make mountains out of to lose money very fast and convinc-
molehills ingly
to treat a minor problem as though it
were a major disaster MONEY to put money on the table
to back one's judgment in a tangible
MOMENT at the psychological way or to demonstrate one's sincerity
at the most appropriate instant of MONEY to put one's money where
time (a phrase which actually con- one's mouth is
fuses the German word for "motive" to back one's judgment by putting
with the term for an instant of time) assets at risk
MONEY to see the color of
MOMENT the magic moment
someone's money
the perfect time
to get evidence of the sincerity of a
MOMENTUM to have momentum person's proposal
to move along forcefully MONEY to throw good money
MONEY a license to print money after bad
a lucrative government-conferred mo- to waste further money in a vain
nopoly or privilege attempt to recover money already lost

MONKEY monkey business MOTE a mote in someone's eye

mischievous or underhand activity a fault in another person which is
trifling in comparison to an unrecog-
MONKEY to play monkey tricks on
nized major fault in oneself (Matthew
to engage in discreditable behavior
affecting a person MOTH moth-eaten
MONSTER a hydra-headed monster (of ideas, etc.) antiquated
an evil which is not readily destroy- MOTHBALL to mothball equipment
able to put equipment on a "care and
MONSTER to create a Frankenstein maintenance" basis
to create something wicked and out MOTHER a mother hen
of control (a reference to the fictional an overly protective person
creator of a monster, in mistake for a
reference to the monster itself) MOTHERHOOD a motherhood
MONTH to be the flavor of the a statement so obvious and uncontro-
month versial as not to be worth making
to be a commodity temporarily popu- (such as "motherhood is a good
lar without a logical reason thing")
MOON once in a blue moon
MOTION to set the wheels in
very rarely (refers to the volcanic
eruption at Krakatoa in 1883 when
to institute appropriate action
volcanic dust caused the moon to
appear blue) MOUNTAIN if the mountain will
MOON to be over the moon not come to Mahomet then Mahomet
to be very excited will go to the mountain
on recognizing that one has insuffi-
MOONLIGHT a moonlight flit cient power to effect one's most de-
an escape from creditors sired solution one decides to make do
MOONSHINE moonshine with the next best alternative
unrealistic ideas MOUNTAIN to make mountains
MORTEM to conduct a postmortem out of molehills
on something to treat a minor problem as though it
to review past actions with a view to were a major disaster
learning lessons for the future (Latin, MOUSE a game of cat and mouse
"after the death") negotiations between two parties of
MORTGAGE to have a mortgage unequal bargaining power during
on something which the stronger makes some tem-
to have a moral claim in regard to a porary concessions to the weaker
matter without, however, affecting the lat-
ter's eventual total default
MORTGAGE to mortgage the future
to get benefits now but at a cost in MOUSE mice have been here
due course intruders have entered this place
MOSAIC a mosaic MOUSE to labor mightily and
something with a large number of bring forth a mouse
different aspects to it to be quite ineffective

MOUSE when the cat is away the MOUTH to look a gift horse in the
mice will play mouth
in the absence of supervision disci- to be suspicious about a benefit
pline will be lax which has been volunteered
MOUTH hard-mouthed MOUTH to make one's mouth
uncontrollable water
to excite desire
MOUTH mealy-mouthed
not at all forceful in debate MOUTH to put one's foot in one's
MOUTH out of the mouths of to say something foolish
MOUTH to put one's head into the
(as indiscreetly revealed) the truth
lion's mouth
MOUTH someone looks as if butter to recklessly expose oneself to great
would not melt in his mouth danger
a person looks sweet and innocent MOUTH to put one's money where
MOUTH to be a big mouth one's mouth is
to back one's judgment by putting
to lack discretion in one's conversation
assets at risk
MOUTH to be born with a silver MOUTH to put words into
spoon in one's mouth someone's mouth
to be brought up by wealthy parents to attempt to get someone to say
MOUTH to be down in the mouth something in the particular terms
to be depressed drafted by another person
MOUTH to shoot one's mouth off
MOUTH to be left with a nasty
to speak without thinking
taste in one's mouth
to be appalled or very disappointed at MOUTH to take food out of the
another person's unethical behavior mouths of children
to one cruelly to deprive the needy
MOUTH to foam at the mouth MOUTH you took the words right
to show anger out of my mouth
you have just said what I was about
MOUTH to have one's heart in to say
one's mouth
MOVE a moving target
to be startled
an objective subject to constant revi-
MOUTH to keep one's mouth shut sion
not to discuss some matter MOVE move over and let the
greyhound see the rabbit
MOUTH to learn something from
move over
the horse's mouth
to get information from someone MOVE to move down a notch
qualified to impart it to accept a lower position

MOUTH to live from hand to mouth MOVE to move heaven and earth
being in poor financial circumstances to do everything possible
to survive with little by way of safety MOVE your move!
margin the next step is up to you

MOVER prime mover MUSEUM a museum piece

person initiating and promoting a an old article the use of which is no
cause longer efficient
MUCKRAKER a muckraker MUSHROOM to mushroom
a person who sets out to publicize to expand rapidly
misconduct of prominent persons or
MUSIC to be music to one's ears
to be comments which one is very
MUD a stick-in-the-mud pleased to hear
an unenterprising person
MUSIC to face the music
MUD his name is mud to accept responsibility when con-
he completely lacks credibility (a fronted by one's critics
play on the name of one Dr. Samuel
Mudd) MUSIC when the music stops
suddenly and soon (refers to an im-
MUD some mud will stick minent crisis leading to some resolu-
reputations will be hurt even after tion of a matter as in a game of
accusations are proved false musical chairs)
MUD to muddy the waters MUSICAL to play musical chairs
to deliberately confuse an issue by to be a part of a general reshuffling of
creating a diversion duties or functions which is not nec-
MUD to sink deeper into the mud essarily to everyone's liking
to get into even greater difficulty
MUTTON to be mutton dressed up
MUD to sling mud as lamb
to make unfair imputations to foolishly pretend to be younger
MUDRAKER a mudraker MYOPIA myopia
a person who sets out to publicize the inability to appreciate an argu-
features harming another person's ment (lit., short-sightedness)
MUG a mug's game
activity which wise persons would
eschew N to the nth degree
MUMBO mumbo jumbo with great precision
blatant nonsense (refers to a deity NAIL a thumbnail sketch
worshipped by primitive tribes) brief but pertinent details
MURDER to be sheer murder NAIL on the nail
to be extremely unpleasant or diffi- immediately
cult; or to be an inglorious defeat
MURDER to get away with murder NAIL to be another nail in
to do something outrageous without someone's coffin
penalty to represent a further step toward
someone's downfall
MURPHY Murphy's law
the principle that everything which NAIL to bite one's fingernails
can go wrong will go wrong to anxiously await a decision
MUSCLE to flex one's muscles NAIL to fight tooth and nail
to exert one's personality or powers to strive very hard to win
NAIL to hang on by one's NAME to have a black mark
fingernails against one's name
to have only a slender hold to have a tarnished reputation
NAIL to hit the nail right on the NAME to lend one's name to
head something
to astutely come to the correct conclu- to endorse something
NAME to make a name for oneself
NAIL to nail a lie to earn a good reputation by virtue of
to expose an untruth some skill
NAIL to nail one's colors to the NARROW to be on the straight
mast and narrow
to publicly declare one's position and to be completely honest
to maintain it in the face of criticism NASTY a nasty piece of work
NAIL to nail someone an unpleasant person
to put the blame on a person NASTY to be left with a nasty taste
NAIL to nail someone to the wall in one's mouth
to outmaneuver another person to be appalled or very disappointed at
another person's unethical behavior
NAIL to nail something down to one
to tie up the loose ends of an arrange-
ment NATURAL to die a natural death
by virtue of changed circumstances
NAME a rose by any other name or the effluxion of time to be no
would smell as sweet longer relevant
the form does not affect the substance
NATURE the nature of the beast
(from Shakespeare's ROMEO AND
the reality of the situation
NATURE to be second nature to
NAME his name is mud someone
he completely lacks credibility (a to be something which a person does
play on the name of one Dr. Samuel intuitively
NAVEL to contemplate one's navel
NAME no names—no packdrill to be introspective
the identities of the parties will be
kept confidential in order to protect NECK a bottleneck
them a factor obstructing an even flow
NAME so-and-so is the name of NECK a millstone round someone's
the game neck
so-and-so is the essential element of a great burden
the exercise NECK at a break-neck pace
NAME to drop names very fast
to slip names of celebrities allegedly NECK it is neck or nothing
known to the speaker into a conversa- a desperate effort is called for
tion in an attempt to impress
NECK neck and neck
NAME to give a dog a bad name (of contestants) with little between
to malign a person them
NECK neck of the woods NEEDLE to look for a needle in a
localized area haystack
to attempt something with a very
NECK to be a pain in the neck
small chance of success
to be an unpleasant person or to be a
nuisance NELLY nervous Nellies
persons unwilling to take any risks
NECK to be an albatross around
someone's neck NEMESIS nemesis
to be a great burden (popularized by downfall serving as retribution (refers
Coleridge's ANCIENT MARINER) to a goddess in Greek mythology)
NECK to be up to one's neck in NERVE the hip pocket nerve
something the assessment of issues by their fi-
to be very deeply involved in some- nancial effects on one
thing NERVE to get on someone's nerves
NECK to break one's neck to do by one's behavior to cause annoyance
something to a person
to be particularly keen NERVE to have a nerve
NECK to breathe down someone's to be impudent
neck NERVE to have nerves of steel
to cause annoyance to another person not to be easily frightened
by remaining in his vicinity or by
supervising him too closely; or to be NERVE to lose one's nerve
narrowly behind another person in to abandon, out of fear, a decision to
some competitive situation do something

NECK to cop it in the neck NERVE to touch a nerve

to suffer a severe disaster to mention something which another
person would rather pretend did not
NECK to save someone's neck exist
to come to the rescue of a person
NERVOUS nervous Nellies
NECK to send a chill down persons unwilling to take any risks
someone's neck NEST a mare's nest
to be worrying news a discovery with illusory benefits
NECK to stick one's neck out NEST a nest egg
to have the courage of one's convic- life savings
tions or to take a calculated risk
NEST to be a cuckoo in the nest
NEED to need something like a to purport to be a member of a group
hole in the head of people although having no such
to be landed with a completely un- right
desired problem
NEST to feather one's own nest
NEEDLE to be on pins and needles to improperly arrange a transaction
to be very agitated on behalf of others to one's own
financial advantage
NEEDLE to find a needle in a
haystack NEST to foul one's own nest
to find something when the probabil- to disparage one's home or work-
ity of finding it is very small place

NEST to stir up a hornet's nest NEW to introduce new blood

to take action which results in un- to recruit new members to some
pleasant side-effects organization
NET a safety net scheme NEW to plow new ground
a scheme for dealing with the excep- to laboriously engage in an untried
tional cases not covered by normal activity
NEW to put a new face on
NET to catch someone in the net something
to unexpectedly involve a particular to alter the way something should be
person in the course of activity de- regarded
signed to involve many others
NEW to turn over a new leaf
NET to draw the nets closer to reform
to intensify one's efforts
NEWCASTLE to carry coals to
NET to miss the sharks while Newcastle
netting the minnows to do something ridiculously unneces-
to succeed in minor aspects but fail in sary
the ones that really matter
NICHE to carve out a niche for
NET to slip through the net oneself
to happen as an isolated case despite to deliberately create an opportunity
steps taken to prevent such events to use one's talents effectively
NET to spread the net more widely NICHE to find one's niche
to become more comprehensive to find the opportunity to use one's
NETTLE to grasp the nettle talents
to deal with a neglected difficulty
NIGGER the nigger in the woodpile
NEW a new broom the factor spoiling an otherwise satis-
a changed regime which is likely to factory arrangement
alter the status quo
NIGHT a fly-by-night operator
NEW a new lease on life a confidence trickster
the prospect of a worry-free existence
from now on NIGHT ships that pass in the night
NEW new guard persons who fail to meet up
changed regime NIGHT the night is young
NEW one cannot teach an old dog the project is only at a very early
new tricks stage
people get irreversibly set in their NIGHT to be a night owl
ways to habitually go to bed late
NEW to be a new ball game
to be subject to completely revised NIGHT to spend a sleepless night
rules or very different conditions to worry about something

NEW to be the dawn of a new day NIGHTMARE a nightmare

to be the start of a different regime an unpleasant experience
NEW to break new ground NIMBLE nimble-footed
to do something for which there is no quick to change the direction of one's
precedent activities when circumstances warrant

NINE a nine-day wonder NOOK in every nook and cranny

an exciting event, but one which will everywhere
cease to arouse interest when the NOOSE to put one's head in the
novelty has worn off noose
NINE a stitch in time saves nine to recklessly and unnecessarily ex-
preventive maintenance saves money pose oneself to great danger
in the long run NOOSE to tighten the noose
NINE to be dressed up to the nines to get closer to inflicting defeat
to be attired in excessively elaborate NOSE hard-nosed
garments tough in negotiations
NINE to be on cloud nine NOSE to be no skin off someone's
to be very happy nose
not to matter to a person
NINETEEN to talk nineteen to the
dozen NOSE to be on the nose
to engage in much idle chatter to be accurate (of a proposal or
NIP to nip something in the bud
to stop some activity in its early NOSE to bite someone's nose off
stages when stopping it is still rela- to speak to a person aggressively
tively easy NOSE to cut one's nose off to spite
one's face
NIT to nitpick to act in pique in a way which harms
to criticize a person in respect to very only oneself
minor matters
NOSE to escape by the skin of
NOBODY to be a nobody one's nose
to be unimportant to only just avoid some disaster
NOD a nod and a wink NOSE to follow one's nose
a sign that understanding has been to act intuitively
reached in a matter which in the in- NOSE to get a bloody nose
terests of discretion has not been to suffer an undignified rebuff
discussed aloud
NOSE to get up someone's nose
NOD a nod is the same as a wink to irritate a person
to a blind horse
fine distinctions are not appropriate NOSE to have a good nose for
here business
to be able to identify profitable busi-
NOD to get the nod ness situations
to receive approval NOSE to keep one's nose clean
NOIRE to be someone's bete noire to act with circumspection and hon-
to be a person whose ideas and ac- esty despite temptation to do otherwise
tions cause upset and loathing in an- NOSE to keep one's nose out of
other person (French, "black beast") something
NOISE to make a noise about not to meddle in something
something NOSE to keep one's nose to the
to complain or express dissatisfaction grindstone
about something to work with particular diligence
NOSE to lead someone by the nose NOTE to hit a sour note
to induce another person to comply to discover an unexpected flaw in an
with one's wishes otherwise satisfactory piece of work
NOSE to look down the nose at NOTE to strike the right note
something to make a good impression
to treat a matter with obvious contempt NUDGE to give something a nudge
NOSE to pay through the nose to give modest encouragement to
to pay an excessive price something
NOSE to poke one's nose into NUMBER one's days are numbered
something one is about to be abolished
to interfere NUMBER one's opposite number
NOSE to poke one's nose outside a person with similar responsibilities
to venture outside in another organization
NUMBER someone's number is up
NOSE to put someone's nose out of
a person's period of activity or influ-
ence is about to expire
to upset another person
NUMBER to look after number one
NOSE to rub someone's nose in it to act selfishly
to humiliate a person by highlighting
NURSE to nurse one's bruises
something embarrassing to him
to face up to the consequences of defeat
NOSE to take a nosedive NUT nuts and bolts
to suddenly and unexpectedly fall basic ingredients
NUT someone is a hard nut to crack
NOSE to take something on the it is very difficult to persuade a per-
nose son to do something
to meekly accept a rebuff NUT to be nuts
NOSE to thumb one's nose at to be crazy
someone NUT to be nuts about someone
to show one's contempt for someone to be infatuated with a person
in authority and to ostentatiously dis- NUT to use a sledgehammer to
regard his orders crack a nut
NOSE to turn up one's nose at to devote vastly more resources to a
something project than is warranted by all the
to express one's disdain circumstances
NUTSHELL in a nutshell
NOSE under someone's nose by way of summary
in a person's immediate area of re-
sponsibility or in circumstances where
he should have known something o
NOTCH to move down a notch OAK tall oaks from little acorns
to accept a lower position grow
even major enterprises have to have
NOTE to compare notes small beginnings (from "Lines writ-
to exchange information about some ten for a School Declamation" by
subject of mutual interest David Everett)
OAK to have a heart of oak OIL to oil the wheels
to be brave to make things go smoothly
OAK to lock something up in the OIL to pour oil on troubled waters
old oak chest to calm down a situation
to put in a safe place and out of mind
OIL to run something on the smell
OAR to stick one's oar in of an oil rag
to intervene without invitation in a to run something very economically
dispute to which one is not a party and efficiently
OATS to feel one's oats OINTMENT a fly in the ointment
to display self-importance a flaw (refers to dead flies turning
perfumes rancid) (Ecclesiastes 10:1)
OATS to sow wild oats
to indulge in foolish behavior while a OLD an old flame
young adult a former lover
OCEAN an ocean full offish OLD an old head on young
plenty of opportunity shoulders
experience, knowledge and maturity
OCEAN to be only a drop in the
in a young person
to be quite insignificant in the total OLD it is on for young and old
scene the excitement has started
ODDS that is over the odds OLD one cannot teach an old dog
that is unacceptable new tricks
people get irreversibly set in their ways
ODDS to be at odds with someone
to disagree with a person OLD to be old hat
to be a very widely known fact
ODDS to beat the odds
to do better than could reasonably OLD to lock something up in the
have been expected old oak chest
to put in a safe place and out of mind
ODDS to have the odds stacked
against one OLD to rekindle an old flame
to be faced with many difficulties to inspire the reinstatement of a for-
frustrating a project mer loving relationship
ODDS to pay over the odds OLIVE to hold out an olive branch
to pay too much to make peace overtures (Genesis 8:11)
OIL not to be an oil painting OMEGA from alpha to omega
to be ugly from start to finish (refers to the first
and last letters of the Greek alphabet)
OIL to be a well-oiled piece of
machinery OMELETTE one cannot make an
to be functioning very satisfactorily omelette without breaking eggs
the desired end dictates the means
OIL to burn the midnight oil even if they cause harm to others
to work late into the night
OMELETTE to unscramble the
OIL to get the good oil omelette
to receive useful, reliable and timely to undo something which cannot be
information undone
ONE a one-way street OPEN to be an eye opener
a flow of activity in only one direc- to be a surprise
tion OPEN to be an open and shut case
ONE a one-man band to be an unarguable proposition (a
a person performing many different phrase popular in detective novels
roles single-handedly and probably a play on the two mean-
ings of the word "'case'")
ONE on the one hand
putting one side of the proposition OPEN to be out in the open
ONE one for the road (of information) to be publicly available
a final drink before leaving OPEN to come out into the open
ONE one-eyed to start being frank
biased OPEN to have an open mind
ONE to be one in the eye for to be willing to assess evidence on its
someone merits and without prejudging it
to represent an unexpected and un- OPEN to keep one's ears open
welcome defeat to be on the lookout for useful in-
ONE to be one out of the box
to be unexpectedly superb OPEN to keep one's eyes open
to be on the lookout for useful in-
ONE to be only round one formation
to be only the first of many stages
OPEN to keep one's eyes open for
ONE to go back to square one something
to start all over again to be on the lookout for an opportu-
ONE to have a one-track mind nity to do something
to keep coming back to one narrow OPEN to leave oneself wide open
topic of conversation to act in such a way that one's oppo-
ONE to look after number one nents will find much which can be
to act selfishly easily criticized
ONION to know one's onions OPEN to leave the door open
to be well informed in some area to issue a standing invitation for the
(refers to Dr. C. T. Onions, editor resumption of some negotiations
Of the SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH OPEN to open someone's eyes to
DICTIONARY) something
OPEN an open sesame to alert another person to the truth of
access to something normally inacces- something
sible OPEN to open the batting
OPEN one's door is always open to be the first in a series of persons
people can take their problems to one speaking or doing something
at any time OPEN to open up a Pandora's box
OPEN open slather to do something which produces all
freedom for people to do what they sorts of undesired and unexpected
want side-effects (refers to the woman in
Greek mythology who brought mis-
OPEN open-hearted ery to mankind; the box contained
cordial human ills)
OPEN to open up an old wound ORDER the order of the day
to take action which revives a long- the customary behavior
standing grievance
ORDER to be a tall order
OPEN to open up doors to be an unreasonable expectation
to create opportunities
ORDER to get one's marching
OPEN to open up the floodgates orders
to take action which will have mas- to be told to leave
sive consequences
OPEN with an open hand ORDER to put one's house in
generously order
to fix up the deficiencies in one's
OPEN with one's eyes wide open affairs
fully conscious of the ramifications
OSTRICH to be an ostrich
OPEN with open arms to refuse to face up to an unpleasant
enthusiastically truth (refers to the reputed habit of
OPENING an opening wide enough ostriches in danger)
to drive a coach and four through
an excellent opportunity OTHER to be on the other side of
the fence
OPENING opening gambit to have an opposing point of view or
the first in a series of strategic moves position
(a tautological expression which also
involves a misunderstanding of a OUNCE not to have an ounce of
technical chess term) sense
OPENING opening shot to be stupid
first step in an activity expected to OUNCE to drain every ounce out
last a long time of something
OPERA a soap opera to get the maximum use or pleasure
a radio or television serial, often out of something
based on exaggerated domestic situa-
tions of no great importance (refers to OUTGUN to outgun someone
sponsorship by soap manufacturers) to outmaneuver a person
OPPOSITE one's opposite number OVER to be all over bar the
a person with similar responsibilities shouting
in another organization to be virtually finished
ORANGE to add apples to oranges
to quite illogically lump unconnected OVERBOARD to go overboard
things together to act foolishly and in an excessive
ORCHESTRATE to orchestrate
something OVERKILL overkill
to arrange for something to happen more action than really required for
ORDER in apple pie order the purpose
in perfect order and condition OVERSHADOW to overshadow
ORDER just what the doctor someone
ordered to reduce the influence of a person by
exactly right outshining him
OVERSTEP to overstep the mark PACK to send someone packing
to fail to observe the proprieties to dismiss a person ignominiously
OVERTIME to work overtime at PACKDRILL no names—no
something packdrill
to spend a lot of time and effort at the identities of the parties will be
doing something kept confidential in order to protect
OVERTONE overtones
implied threats PAD to keep off someone's pad
not to interfere with or compete
OVERTURE to make overtures to
against another person in his custom-
someone ary area of activity
to make suggestions to a person, in-
viting further negotiations PADDLE to paddle one's canoe
to do something unaided and in one's
OWL to be a night owl
own way
to habitually go to bed late
PADDOCK to have a spell in the
OYSTER the world is one's oyster
one has enormous scope for activity
to have leave of absence
PAIN growing pains
problems encountered by virtue of
P to watch one's p's and q s expansion
to be very careful (may refer to pints PAIN to be a pain in the neck
and quarts of beer on a hotel slate or to be an unpleasant person or to be a
to easily-confused printer's type) nuisance
PACE to put someone through his PAINT to paint a black picture
paces to state a set of unfavorable factors
to test a person
PAINT to paint oneself into a
PACE to set the pace corner
to give a lead in regard to a rate of to foolishly put oneself into a posi-
progression tion from which escape is impossible
PACK to be at the head of the PAINT to paint someone black
pack to ruin a person's reputation
to be the best of many or the de facto PAINT to paint the town red
leader to go on an exciting social outing
PACK to bring someone back to PAINTER to cut the painter
the pack to become separated
to make a person conform
PAINTING not to be an oil
PACK to pack one's bags painting
to signal one's intention to depart to be ugly
PACK to play every card in the pack PAIR a pigeon pair
to try very hard and use every con- one son and one daughter as the sole
ceivable argument offspring
PACK to play the last card in the pack
PAJAMAS to be the cat's pajamas
to lower one's standards in a final
to have an exaggerated idea of one's
desperate effort
PALACE a palace revolt PANTS to catch someone with his
the overthrow of those in authority by pants down
their subordinates to act when another person least ex-
pects it
PALE to be beyond the pale
to be socially unacceptable, espe- PANTS to charm the pants off
cially for unacceptable standards or someone
behavior to delight a person
PALE to be only a pale shadow of PANTS to fly by the seat of one's pants
something to act unprofessionally
to be a weak imitation PANTS to scare the pants off
PALM to grease someone's palms someone
to bribe a person to greatly frighten a person
PANTS to wear the trousers
PALPABLE palpable
to be the dominant party
readily understandable
PAPER only a cigarette paper
PAN a flash in the pan between them
something which begins promisingly virtually equal or close together
but does not last (refers to the prim-
ing of old guns) PAPER a paper tiger
an empty threat
PAN out of the frying pan into the
PAPER paper warfare
an excessive amount of correspond-
from one bad situation to an even
ence or red tape
worse one
PAPER to have shares in a paper
PAN to pan out company
to succeed to institute unnecessary clerical pro-
PANCAKE every Pancake Tuesday cedures
only on rare occasions (refers to PAPER to paper over the cracks
Shrove Tuesday, when pancakes are to institute extremely superficial and
traditionally eaten) basically ineffective remedies
PANDORA to open up a Pandora's PAPER to start with a blank sheet
box of paper
to do something which produces all to commence an exercise without
sorts of undesired and unexpected being bound by any established prac-
side-effects (refers to the woman in tices
Greek mythology who brought mis- PAR to be below par
ery to mankind; the box contained
to be less than the desired standard
human ills)
PAR to be par for the course
PANIC to hit the panic button to be normal
to act hastily and irrationally
PARACHUTE golden parachute
PANTS a kick in the pants generous provisions in a remunera-
an admonition tion package which come into play in
PANTS to bore the pants off certain circumstances
someone PARADISE to live in a fool's
to weary a person by dull and un- paradise
interesting conversation to delude oneself
PARALLEL parallel PARTY the party is over
similar or corresponding the previous pleasant arrangements
have been discontinued
PARALYZE to paralyze something
to bring something to a standstill PARTY to be the life and soul of
the party
PARCEL to be part and parcel
to be the prime enthusiast for a cause
to be the essential ingredients
PARTY to come to the party
PARE cheese paring
to agree to someone's terms
PAS faux pas
PARIAH pariah
something indiscreet or offending so-
social outcast (refers to members of a
cial conventions (French, "false
low caste in India)
PARISH parish pump issues
PASS ships that pass in the night
issues of trivial importance
persons who fail to meet up
PARK to be in the right ballpark
PASS to pass the buck
to be approximately correct
in an uncooperative spirit to decline
PARKINSON Parkinson's law responsibility for a matter on the
the principle that work expands to grounds that someone else more prop-
match the work capacity available (ti- erly has responsibility for it
tle of a book by Prof. C. Northcote
PASS to pass with flying colors
to be very successful
PAROCHIAL parochial
PASSPORT to be a passport to
narrow minded
PARRY to parry some argument to be a means of achieving success
to deflect some argument (refers to
PASSWORD the password is
PART to be part and parcel the main attraction is so-and-so
to be the essential ingredients
PAST a past master
PART to be part of the furniture an expert with long experience
to be so familiar that one's presence
PASTOR pastor
goes completely unnoticed
religious official in charge of a con-
PART to be part of the landscape gregation
to be present and fully accepted with-
out question PASTURE to move on to greener
PART to fire a parting shot to commence a new, better career
to make a defiant gesture on leaving
PAT to pat oneself on the back
PART to play one's part immodestly to congratulate oneself
to cooperate or carry out one's obli-
gations under some arrangement PAT to pat someone on the back
to congratulation a person or to reas-
PARTHIAN a Parthian shaft sure a person
a cutting remark made at the moment
of departure (refers to missiles shot PATCH a sticky patch
backward by flying Parthian horsemen) a period fraught with difficulties
PATCH not to be a patch on PATIENCE something would try the
someone patience of Job
not to be comparable to a person something is very vexatious (James
PATCH to be on someone's cabbage
patch PATIENCE to have the patience of
to engage in a competitive activity in a saint
a territory regarded by someone al- to endure annoyances with particular
ready there as rightfully belonging calm
exclusively to him
PAUL to rob Peter in order to pay
PATCH to patch up some quarrel Paul
to reconcile one's differences to fix up one grievance by causing
PATCHWORK a patchwork quilt
a result arising from many uncoor- PAVE to pave the way
dinated inputs to prepare for something
PATH path PAW to be a cat's paw
means of achieving an objective to be a person who is being used as a
PATH slippery path tool by others
dangerous course of action PAWN a pawn
PATH to be on a path strewn with a person of small importance who is
roses manipulated by others
to lead a very pleasant life PAY he who pays the piper calls
PATH to be on the warpath the tune
to be on the lookout for faults which a person contributing money or re-
can be criticized sources to a project is entitled to a
say in its control
PATH to beat a path to someone's
door PAY that has put paid to it
to seek a person out in great numbers the project can no longer proceed
PATH to block someone's path PAY to pay a king's ransom
to interfere with a person's opportu- to pay a very large sum
nity to advance himself
PAY to pay lip service to some rules
PATH to cross someone's path to disregard some rules in practice
to meet another person by chance while acknowledging them in words
PATH to lead someone up the
garden path PAY to pay off
to mislead a person by deliberately to be successful
fallacious arguments PAY to pay someone back in his
PATH to smooth the path for own coin
someone to retaliate in kind
to use one's influence to make ar- PAY to pay something back with
rangements so that a person's task interest
will be easier or more readily ac- to return a small favor with a bigger
complished favor or to extract retribution of
PATH to tread a particular path greater value than the circumstances
to take certain initiatives warrant
PAY to pay the price PEDESTRIAN pedestrian
to suffer the adverse consequences of uninspired
one's acts or omissions PEEL to keep one's eyes peeled for
PAY to rob Peter in order to pay Paul something
to fix up one grievance by causing to be on the constant lookout for
another something
PAY to strike pay dirt PEG a peg to hang a hat on
to become successful something which provides a conven-
ient or plausible excuse for some par-
PEA a pea and thimble trick ticular action
a clever fraud committed in the pres-
ence of its victim without this being PEG a square peg in a round hole
obvious at the time a person much more suitable for a posi-
tion rather diiferent from the one held
PEANUT to earn peanuts
to get a reward which is far too small PEG off the peg
in relation to the value of the services (of clothes) ready-made
rendered PEG to be level pegging
(of contestants) to have little between
PEARL a pearl
a thing of great excellence
PEG to peg out
PEARL to cast pearls before swine
to die (refers to the final stroke in a
to confer valuable benefits on some-
game of croquet)
one who neither recognizes nor ap-
preciates them PEG to take someone down a peg
or two
PEBBLE not to be the only pebble
to point out to a person that he is not
on the beach
as good as he thinks he is
not to be the only available person
PEN to put pen to paper
PEBBLE to throw a pebble against
the window to set out one's ideas in written form
to gently draw attention to oneself PEN with a stroke of the pen
by edict
PECK hen-pecked
subject to domination by one's wife PENCIL to need to sharpen one's
PECK pecking order
to be required to improve one's per-
order of seniority
PECKER to keep one's pecker up
PENDULUM the swing of the
to stay cheerful
PEDAL to backpedal the alternation of voter acceptance
to reverse to some extent previously between opposing political parties
applied policies
PENETRATE to penetrate
PEDAL to softpedal someone's thick skull
to restrain oneself to make a person understand some-
thing difficult or acknowledge some-
PEDESTAL to put someone on a
thing unwelcome
to admire a person and regard him as PENNY a twopenny halfpenny outfit
more marvelous than is warranted a quite insignificant operation
PENNY in for a penny—in for a PETER to rob Peter in order to
pound pay Paul
once something is commenced it to fix up one grievance by causing
ought to be finished; or if one is another
willing to take a small risk then one
PETER to tickle the Peter
might as well take a bigger one
to rob one's employer
PENNY penny-pinching
PETREL to be a stormy petrel
excessively frugal
a person who disturbs a pleasant state
PENNY the penny dropped of affairs by agitating for change
a person has just realized a fact
PETRIFY to be petrified
which should have been obvious (re-
to be badly scared
fers to old-fashioned pay toilets)
PETTICOAT petticoat government
PENNY to be only ten pence in the
rule by women
to be slightly stupid PHOENIX to rise from the ashes
like a Phoenix
PENNY to throw in one's six
to be the replacement for something
pennies' worth
destroyed in some disaster (refers to a
to modestly supply one's own facts or
mythical bird which was supposed to
rise from the ashes in its funeral pyre
PENNY to turn an honest penny with renewed youth)
to earn money out of odd jobs
PHOTO a photo finish
PEOPLE people in glass houses a close result in a contest
should not throw stones
PICK not to just pick something
those who are less than perfect are
out of a hat
foolish to criticize others
to choose carefully, after weighing all
PEOPLE to be unable to keep the considerations
people away with a big stick
PICK to handpick someone
to be faced with a large crowd or
to carefully choose a person for his
much demand
individual attributes
PERCH to knock someone off his PICK to have a bone to pick
perch to have a grievance which requires
to displace a person from his leader- discussion
ship position in some competitive
situation PICK to just pick the plums out of
the jam
PERSPECTIVE to put something to take only the best items
into perspective
to explain the background of some- PICK to keep one's cotton-picking
thing so that its significance in rela- fingers off something
tion to other things can be better not to interfere in something
appreciated PICK to nitpick
PETARD to be hoist with one's to criticize a person in respect to very
own petard minor matters
to have one's own case used against PICK to pick someone's brain
one (refers to being blown up by to get the benefit of another person's
one's own bomb) knowledge and experience
PICK to pick up the pieces PIE to have a finger in the pie
to resume previous activities to the to have an interest in a project
maximum extent possible after some
PIE to have one's fingers in many
different pies
PICKLE to be in a pickle to be engaged in a variety of separate
to be in difficulties activities
PICNIC to be no picnic PIECE a museum piece
to be unpleasant an old article the use of which is no
longer efficient
PICTURE to balance the picture
to put the other side of the story or to PIECE a nasty piece of work
quote facts in contradiction an unpleasant person

PICTURE to change the whole PIECE early in the piece

picture at an early stage of some activity
to alter the major assumptions on PIECE to be a piece of cake
which some assessment was based to be very easy or greatly to one's
PICTURE to conjure up a picture
to use words to convey a vivid PIECE to be a well-oiled piece of
impression machinery
to be functioning very satisfactorily
PICTURE to have a clear picture of
something PIECE to be cut to pieces
to have a good understanding of to be very upset
something PIECE to be shot to pieces
PICTURE to paint a black picture to have one's case seriously damaged
to state a set of unfavorable factors PIECE to be thrilled to pieces
PICTURE to present a rosy to be greatly thrilled
picture PIECE to fall to pieces
to state s set of favorable factors (of a plan) to collapse
PICTURE to put someone in the PIECE to give someone a piece of
picture one's mind
to fill a person in with the back- to abuse another person
ground of a situation
PIECE to have a piece of someone
PICTURE to see the big picture to vent one's frustration on a person
to have the vision and imagination
enabling a project to be developed as PIECE to have a piece of the action
part of a bigger whole to be one of several parties to a
PIE in apple pie order
in perfect order and condition PIECE to pick up the pieces
to resume previous activities to the
PIE pie in the sky maximum extent possible after some
a hoped for result unlikely to be setback
PIER take a long walk on a short
PIE to eat humble pie pier
to apologize go away, I want no dealings with you
PIG a guinea pig PIN pin money
a person on whom some new practice an allowance to a wife for her per-
is tried out sonal use
PIG to buy a pig in a poke PIN to be on pins and needles
to buy goods of unknown quality to be very agitated
PIGEON a pigeon pair PIN to pin someone down
one son and one daughter as the sole to find a person willing to accept
offspring blame or responsibility or to force a
PIGEON to be one's pigeon person to announce a decision or con-
to be one's area of responsibility cede a point

PIGEON to pigeon-hole PIN with one's ears pinned back

to put aside for further consideration chastened
in the distant future PINCH penny-pinching
PIGEON to throw a cat among the excessively frugal
PINCH to feel the pinch
to cause consternation by revealing
to be adversely affected by financial
an unpleasant and unexpected fact
PIGHEADED pigheaded
unduly obstinate PINEAPPLE to have hold of the
wrong end of the pineapple
PILL to be a bitter pill to swallow to be utterly mistaken
to be great humiliation and disap-
pointment which have to be endured PINK to be tickled pink
to be very pleased
PILL to sugar the pill
to cause something to be more accept- PINK to look in the pink
able to look well
PILLAR a pillar of some PINPOINT to pinpoint
organization to identify very precisely
a significant supporter of some organ-
ization PINPRICK a pinprick
a trifling irritation
PILLAR to drive someone from
pillar to post PINT one can't get a quart into a
to send a person to a series of places pint pot
in a vain attempt to achieve something one cannot do the impossible
PILLORY to put someone in the PINTSIZE pintsize
pillory small
to hold a person up to ridicule for his
beliefs PIP to pip someone at the post
to achieve something only just ahead
PIN for two pins I would do of a rival
my tolerance is almost exhausted and PIPE put that in your pipe and
I am very tempted to do so-and-so smoke it
contemplate that fact
PIN not to care a pin for something
not to have the slightest interest in PIPE to pipe someone on board
something to welcome a person
PIPEDREAM a pipedream PLACE to be between a rock and a
a fanciful notion, wished for but hard place
unlikely to be faced with two equally difficult
and uncomfortable choices
PIPELINE a pipeline to someone
an intermediary used as a means of PLACE to have one's heart in the
communicating ideas to a person right place
to have a well-developed social con-
PIPELINE to be in the pipeline science
to be being dealt with
PLACE to put someone back in his
PIPER he who pays the piper calls place
the tune to make it clear to a person that he
a person contributing money or re- should not continue to act as though
sources to a project is entitled to a he had greater seniority than he really
say in its control has
PIRATE pirate PLAGUE a plague on both your
(of radio) unlicensed; (of recordings houses!
or computer software) published in I am disgusted with both of you (from
breach of copyright law Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET)

PISTOL to hold a pistol at PLAGUE to be of plague proportions

someone's head to be great in number
to put pressure on a person to make a
particular decision regardless of his PLAIN to be plain sailing
desires in the matter to be quite straightforward and very
PIT a pit of disaster
great and unexpected misfortune PLANET to be off the planet
to be extremely naive or uninformed
PITCH to be at fever pitch
to be in a state of excited activity PLANK to walk the plank
to face certain doom
PITCH to be up to concert pitch
to be ready PLATE to bring a plate
to take food to a party
PITCH to cruel someone's pitch
to spoil a person's chances PLATE to have too much on one's
PITCH to queer the pitch for to be unable to cope with one's
someone workload
to spoil the opportunity a person has
to do something PLATE to serve something up to
someone on a plate
PITCHER little pitdhers have long to make something especially easy
ears for a particular person
children have a tendency to overhear
things PLATTER to hand over something
on a silver platter
PITFALL pitfall to provide a valuable benefit for vir-
unsuspected danger tually nothing
PLACE a place in the sun PLAY a level playing field
a favorable situation competition on equal terms
PLAY don't play games with me! PLAY to play it by ear
do not insult my intelligence by that to develop one's strategy to always fit
line of conduct in with circumstances as they change
from time to time
PLAY foul play
treachery or murder PLAY to play it cool
PLAY horseplay to take a low-key and rational approach
boisterous and undignified behavior PLAY to play it safe
to take no risks
PLAY to be child's play
to be easy or to require only elemen- PLAY to play monkey tricks on
tary skills and knowledge someone
to engage in discreditable behavior
PLAY to be in full play
affecting a person
to be fully operational
PLAY to play musical chairs
PLAY to find out the state of play
to be a part of a general reshuffling of
to ascertain the current position of
duties or functions which is not nec-
some project
essarily to everyone's liking
PLAY to play Judas
PLAY to play one's cards right
to betray a person (Matthew 26)
to approach a matter sensibly
PLAY to play Russian roulette PLAY to play one's part
to take stupid risks to cooperate or carry out one's obli-
PLAY to play a deep game gations under some arrangement
to show cunning PLAY to play possum
PLAY to play ball to pretend that one is not present
to cooperate PLAY to play right into someone's
PLAY to play by Marquis of hands
Queensberry rules to act so as to give a person an
to act ethically unintended advantage
PLAY to play second fiddle
PLAY to play by the book
to fulfill a subordinate role
to apply the rules strictly
PLAY to play the cards as they fall
PLAY to play down something to deal with problems as they arise
to seek to have less emphasis or at-
tention given to something PLAY to play the game
to observe the letter and the spirit of
PLAY to play ducks and drakes the rules or to act honorably
not to treat the matter seriously
PLAY to play the giddy goat
PLAY to play every card in the to act the fool
to try very hard and use every con- PLAY to play the last card in the
ceivable argument pack
to lower one's standards in a final
PLAY to play fast and loose desperate effort
to disregard one's obligations
PLAY to play the trump card
PLAY to play gooseberry to make a final move, thereby defeating
to act as an unwelcome chaperon one's opponents
PLAY to play the gallery PLOW to plow profits back
to do something which appeals to the to retain profits in a business
general public rather than something
PLOW to put one's hand to the plow
which is right
voluntarily to undertake some task
PLAY to play with dynamite (Luke 9:62)
to invite trouble by virtue of one's
risky conduct PLUCK to pluck figures out of the
PLAY to play with fire to just make figures up arbitrarily
to invite trouble through one's foolish
conduct PLUG to have the plug pulled out
from under one
PLAY to underplay some situation to have a successful activity destroyed
to hold something in reserve by the actions of someone else
PLAY two can play at that game PLUM the plum
it is possible to retaliate the best item in a collection
PLAY when the cat is away the mice PLUM to just pick the plums out of
will play the jam
in the absence of supervision, disci- to take only the best items
pline will be lax
PLUNGE to take the plunge
PLAY without any cards to play to expose oneself to certain risks
without the means to achieve something
POACH to poach on someone's
PLAYERS a trap for young players preserves
a good opportunity for the inexperi- to encroach uninvited on another per-
enced or naive to make mistakes son's territory
PLEAD to plead the Fifth POCKET not to live in each other's
Amendment pockets
to refuse to answer an unwelcome to each follow his own lifestyle
question (refers to the Fifth Amend-
ment of the United States Constitu- POCKET the hip pocket nerve
tion, which provides protection against the assessment of issues by their fi-
self-incrimination) nancial effects on one
PLIMSOLL the Plimsoll line POCKET to be in someone's pocket
the standard to be subject to undue influence by
another person
PLOT to plot a safe course through
troubled waters POCKET to be out of pocket
to make a plan which overcomes cer- to have been forced to spend money
tain difficulties which cannot be recovered from others
PLOW speed the plow! POCKET to have deep pockets
let us get on with this as fast as to have large financial resources
possible! POCKET to have money burning a
PLOW to plow new ground hole in one's pocket
to laboriously engage in an untried to be impatient to spend or invest
activity available funds
PLOW to plow on POCKET to line one's pockets
to methodically and painstakingly con- to make, improperly and secretly, a
tinue with an activity profit out of some transaction
POCKET to put one's hands in POKE to be more than one can poke
one's pockets a stick at
to spend to be more than can reasonably be
POINT it is pointing in the right
direction POKE to buy a pig in a poke
success looks likely to buy goods of unknown quality
POINT not to put too fine a point on POKE to poke one's nose into
it something
speaking bluntly to interfere
POINT to get brownie points POKE to poke one's nose outside
to do a person a favor with the likely to venture outside
result that the recipient will do a
POKER a game of poker
favor in return in due course
negotiations in which the parties try
POINT to pinpoint to bluff each other
to identify very precisely POKER a poker face
POINT to point the bone at someone a facial expression which does not
to accuse a person (actually, an Aus- reveal one's thoughts during negotia-
tralian Aboriginal method of applying tions
a curse)
POLARIZE to polarize
POINT to point the finger at someone to cause people to identify themselves
to accuse a person or allege some as belonging to groups holding op-
indiscretion on his part posing views
POINT to reach boiling point POLE not to touch something with a
to reach a climax ten-foot pole
to go out of one's way to avoid some-
POINT to refuse point blank
to refuse outright
POLE to be at the bottom of the
POINT to score a point
totem pole
to make a clever contribution in the
to be in the most junior position in
course of debate
some hierarchy
POINT to score points POLE to be poles apart
to make a good impression to have ideas which are very different
POINT to score top points POND to be a big fish in a little
to outwit other persons pond
POINT to take the point to be a person holding an important
to understand the proposition being office but in an unimportant organiza-
advanced without necessarily accepting tion
it PONTIFICATE to pontificate
POISON one man's meat is another to speak as if with great authority and
man's poison with an assumed air of infallibility
people's tastes differ PONY a show pony
POKE to be better than a poke in the a pompous person
eye with a burnt stick POOR a poor man's something
to be particularly welcome a second best version
POOR poor devil POST to signpost something
person to be pitied to give an indication of the alterna-
POP someone's eyes popped tives available
a person expressed great surprise POSTAGE only a postage stamp
POPPY a tall poppy between them
a person with great power or respon- virtually equal or close together
sibility and/or in receipt of high POT a melting pot
remuneration a country where people with different
POPPY to cut tall poppies down to ethnic backgrounds over time merge
size into one nation
to humiliate haughty persons POT a pot of gold
PORK to pork barrel wealth
to spend taxpayers' money in one area POT fleshpots
in order to attract political support sumptuous living (Exodus 16:3)
PORT any port in a storm
POT one can't get a quart into a pint
anything which helps to avoid diffi-
culties is welcome
one cannot do the impossible
PORT port of call
one of a series of places being visited POT the pot calling the kettle black
a person criticizing another person
POSSUM to play possum without realizing his own even greater
to pretend that one is not present shortcomings
POSSUM to stir the possum POT to go back into the melting pot
to set out to raise controversial issues to be up for reconsideration ab initio
POST a listening post POT to keep the pot boiling
a place where information of strategic
to ensure that an issue stays current
value can be collected
POT to seek the pot of gold at the
POST a staging post
end of the rainbow
a place where action is initiated
to have naive expectations
POST to conduct a postmortem on
something POT to stir the pot
to review past actions with a view to to set out to raise controversial issues
learning lessons for the future (Latin, POT to sweeten the pot
"after the death") to provide a few additional inducements
POST to drive someone from pillar POT to take pot luck
to post to take whatever happens by chance
to send a person to a series of places to be available
in a vain attempt to achieve something POTATO a hot potato
POST to go post haste an embarrassing issue
to go very fast POTATO to be small potatoes
POST to keep someone posted to be quite unimportant
to keep a person informed POTSHOT to take a potshot at
POST to pip someone at the post someone
to achieve something only just ahead to make disparaging remarks about a
of a rival person
POTTAGE to sell one's birthright PRAYER on a wing and a prayer
for a mess of pottage without proper resources
through foolishness to exchange some-
PRAYER the answer to a maiden's
thing of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25)
an unexpected but very welcome
POUND in for a penny—in for a happening
PRE-EMPT to pre-empt some issue
once something is commenced it ought
to deliberately do something which
to be finished; or if one is willing to
has the effect of limiting the range of
take a small risk then one might as
alternative approaches to a matter
well take a bigger one
PREACH to preach to the converted
POUND one's pound of flesh
to say something to those who al-
that which is due to one (from Shake-
ready believe in it
PREPARE to prepare one's ground
POUR it never rains but it pours
to get ready for a confrontation
crises often occur together
PRESENT to present a rosy picture
POUR to pour cold water on some
to state a set of favorable factors
to be unenthusiastic about some pro- PRESERVES to poach on
posal or scornful of its apparent someone's preserves
weaknesses to encroach uninvited on another per-
son's territory
POUR to pour oil on troubled waters
to calm down a situation PRESS to be hot off the press
to be the latest news
POUR to pour one's heart out to
someone PRESS to press a button
to inflict one's woes on another person to make something happen
POUR to pour gasoline on the flames PRESSURE to apply pressure on
to make a bad situation worse someone
to induce a person to do something
POUR to pour vitriol on something
which he would otherwise not do by
to sharply criticize something
implying adverse consequences if he
POWDER to keep one's powder dry does not cooperate
to retain key arguments or resources
PRETTY to sit pretty
in reserve for use later
to be comfortably off
POWER more power to your elbow
PREY to prey on one's mind
may your praiseworthy efforts lead to
success (of a problem) to keep worrying one
PRICE that has nothing to do with
POWER the power behind the
the price of fish
that is quite irrelevant
a person exercising the real authority
but without having the official right PRICE to pay the price
to do so (the antonym of "titular to suffer the adverse consequences of
head") one's acts or omissions
POWER under one's own power PRICK a pinprick
without external help a trifling irritation
PRICK to prick up one's ears PROPORTION to be of plague
to suddenly start paying attention to a proportions
conversation in progress as a result of to be great in number
a half-heard phrase
PRUNE to prune
PRIEST the high priest of something to remove the superfluous
the leading advocate of something
PRIMA a prima donna psychological moment
a person with an exaggerated opinion at the most appropriate instant of time
of his own importance which makes (a phrase which actually confuses the
relations with others needlessly diffi- German word for "motive" with the
cult (Italian, "first lady") term for an instant of time)
PRIME prime mover PUBLIC to wash one's dirty linen in
person initiating and promoting a cause public
to expose one's domestic differences
PRIME to engage in pump priming
to the world at large
to spend public money with the aim
of attracting parochial electoral support PUDDING the proof of the pudding
is in the eating
PRINT a license to print money
the success of a venture will be meas-
a lucrative government-conferred mo-
ured by its results
nopoly or privilege
PULL not to pull any punches
PRINT to fill in the fine print
to be brutally frank
to provide the precise details in re-
spect of something presently existing PULL pull your head in!
in broad outline only do not interfere in this!
PRIZE not to be here to win prizes PULL to have pull
to be altruistic to have influence
PRIZE to win the booby prize PULL to have the plug pulled out
to do worse than all others from under one
to have a successful activity destroyed
PRIZE to win the prize in a canter
by the actions of someone else
to win very easily
PULL to pull a fast one
PROBLEM a problem child
to engage in a dirty trick
a source of unnecessary difficulty
PULL to pull a rabbit out of the hat
PRODUCE to produce something
to produce an unexpected and seem-
out of thin air
ingly miraculous but highly desirable
to get hold of something in circum-
stances where this seemed impossible
PULL to pull at one's heart strings
PROFILE profile
to affect one emotionally
PULL to pull one's fingers out
PROMISE to promise the earth
to get on with a job with alacrity
to give extravagant assurances
PULL to pull one's head in
PROOF the proof of the pudding is
to retreat from a previously held stance
in the eating
the success of a venture will be meas- PULL to pull one's horns in
ured by its results to retreat from previously stated views
PULL to pull one's socks up PULL to pull together
to set out to improve or correct one's to work in harmony
inadequate behavior or performance PULL to pull up the drawbridge
PULL to pull one's weight to refuse to cooperate
to do one's proper share of the work PULSE to have one's fingers on the
requiring to be done pulse
PULL to pull oneself together to know what is going on
to cease acting without purpose or PUMP all hands to the pumps
enthusiasm everybody is requested to help out
PULL to pull oneself up by one's PUMP parish pump issues
bootstraps issues of trivial importance
to make a praiseworthy effort to bet- PUMP to engage in pump priming
ter oneself unaided to spend public money with the aim
of attracting parochial electoral support
PULL to pull oneself up by one's
own shoelaces PUNCH not to pull any punches
to make a superhuman effort to be brutally frank
PUNCH to be punch drunk
PULL to pull out all stops to be stupefied by some news
to make maximum effort
PUNCH to beat someone to the punch
PULL to pull someone's chestnuts to get to some objective ahead of
out of the fire some keen rival
to retrieve a situation PUNCH to telegraph one's punches
PULL to pull someone's leg by one's actions to give advance warn-
to tell a false but plausible story as an ing of one's future plans
act of humor PUNCTUATE to punctuate
PULL to pull something off to interrupt something
to achieve success in some enterprise
PUNISHMENT to be a glutton for
PULL to pull something out of the punishment
fire to act irresponsibly in the face of
to salvage something in a seemingly inevitable retribution
hopeless situation
PUNT to take a punt
PULL to pull strings to take a calculated risk
to use one's special influence with PUP to sell someone a pup
those in a position to make favorable to cheat a person in a transaction,
decisions which might otherwise not especially by misrepresentation as to
be forthcoming the true value of something
PULL to pull the rug out from under PURPLE to be purple with rage
someone to be very angry
to unexpectedly withdraw support and
in the process cause embarrassment PURPOSE the devil can cite
scripture for his purpose
PULL to pull the wool over a person can quote a respectable or
someone's eyes hostile authority while advocating a
to deceive or deliberately mislead an- disreputable cause of his own (from
other person Shakespeare's MERCHANT OF VENICE)

PURR to positively purr PYRRHIC a Pyrrhic victory
(of a person) to be very pleased; (of a win which costs more than if there
an engine) to run very smoothly had been a loss (refers to the battle at
which King Pyrrhus of Epirus defeated
PURSE one can't make a silk purse the Romans at Asculum)
out of a sow's ear
it is impossible to manufacture some-
thing of a high standard without ap- Q
propriate raw materials Q to watch one s p's and q's
PURSE to button up one's purse to be very careful (may refer to pints
to refuse to spend money and quarts of beer on a hotel slate or
to easily-confused printer's type)
PURSE to hold the purse strings QUAGMIRE to be in a quagmire
to have control of expenditure to be in great difficulty
PURSE to tighten the purse strings QUAKE to quake in one's boots
to reduce outlays to be afraid
PUSH to be pushing uphill QUANTUM a quantum leap
to face difficulties a gigantic step forward
PUSH to push a barrow QUART one can't get a quart into a
to promote a particular cause pint pot
one cannot do the impossible
PUSH to push one's luck
having already done well in some- QUEENSBERRY to play by
thing, to then take risks which can Marquis of Queensberry rules
prejudice everything to act ethically
QUEER a queer fish
PUSH to push someone around an unusual type of person
to exercise, in an obnoxious man-
ner, one's superiority over another QUEER to be in Queer Street
person to be in debt
PUSH to push someone over the QUEER to queer the pitch for
brink someone
by a small action to cause the abso- to spoil the opportunity a person has
lute ruin (financially or emotionally) to do something
of someone already in peril
QUESTION a leading question
PUSH to push water uphill a very pertinent question (the misuse
to foolishly attempt the impossible of a legal term, which actually means
a question so framed as to suggest the
PUSSY to pussyfoot around answer)
to take ineffectual steps
QUESTION burning question
PUTTY to be putty in someone's a much-discussed question
to be far too easily influenced by QUESTION there is a big question
another person mark hanging over someone's head
there are considerable doubts about a
PUZZLE a Chinese puzzle person's competence, integrity or
a perplexing enigma suitability
QUICK to be quick on one's feet RACK to go to rack and ruin
to cleverly take advantage of a situation to face downfall or destruction
QUICK to be quick on the draw RAFT life raft
to act precipitately financial assistance sufficient to avert
QUIET on the quiet
surreptitiously RAG rags to riches
the transition from poverty to wealth
QUIET to shed a quiet tear for
something RAG to be a red rag to a bull
to lament the passing of something to be something which makes a per-
son very angry and very excited (re-
QUIETLY to quietly fold up one's
fers to the erroneous belief that the
color red, rather than the motion of
to surreptitiously abandon a previously-
waving, excites a bull)
cherished stance
RAG to run something on the smell
QUILT a patchwork quilt
of an oil rag
a result arising from many uncoordi-
to run something very economically
nated inputs
and efficiently
QUIT to quit the scene
RAGE to be purple with rage
to depart
to be very angry
QUIVER another arrow in one's
RAIL to run off the rails
to significantly depart from the in-
an additional reason
tended course of action
QUOTE to quote chapter and verse
RAILROAD to railroad something
to authenticate the information
to rush people into accepting a proposal
R RAILWAY what a way to run a
RABBIT move over and let the railway!
greyhound see the rabbit the way things are done is disgraceful
move over (refers to a cartoon)
RABBIT to pull a rabbit out of the RAIN it never rains but it pours
hat crises often occur together
to produce an unexpected and seem- RAIN to rain cats and dogs
ingly miraculous but highly desirable to rain heavily
RAINBOW to chase rainbows
RACE a two-horse race to be quite unrealistic
a contest between only two serious
contestants RAINBOW to seek the pot of gold at
the end of the rainbow
RACE not to be in the race to have naive expectations
to lack the required standard
RAINY to keep something for a
RACE rat race rainy day
pressures of modern living to keep something in reserve
RACE your race is run RAISE curtain raiser
you have had your opportunity introduction
RAISE hair-raising RANK to close ranks
scary to sink minor differences in order to
present a unified front to a common
RAISE to raise Cain
to create a disturbance (Genesis 4:5)
RANSOM to pay a king's ransom
RAISE to raise merry hell
to pay a very large sum
to prominently involve others in a
matter in the expectation of signifi- RAP to rap someone over the
cant results from this action knuckles
to admonish a person
RAISE to raise one's eyebrows
to express one's utter astonishment RARE to be a rare bird
to be an unusual type of individual
RAISE to raise one's voice for some
cause RAREFY in a rarefied atmosphere
to publicly advocate some cause in ignorance of the real world
RAISE to raise someone's hackles RAT a case of rats leaving a sinking
to make a person angry ship
the desertion of an enterprise in antic-
RAISE to raise something to a fine
ipation of imminent failure
art form
to become very clever at doing some- RAT rat race
thing pressures of modern living
RAISE to raise the stake RAT to smell a rat
to increase the amount of potential to become suspicious
gain or loss in a project
RATE at a rate of knots
RAKE a muckraker very fast
a person who sets out to publicize
RATTLE saber rattling
misconduct of prominent persons or
hints of retribution if certain conduct
does not cease
RAKE a mudraker RAW a raw deal
a person who sets out to publicize unfair treatment
features harming another person's
reputation RAZOO not to have a brass razoo
to be very poor
RALLY to rally to the flag
to show support for a cause RAZOR to be on the razor's edge
to be in great danger
RAM to ram something down READ to need to have one's head
someone's throat examined
to pressure another person into accept- to be foolish
ing an idea with which he does not
agree READ to read between the lines
to appreciate the true significance of
RANK to be the first cab off the rank something not put into words
to start ahead of all others
READ to read the Riot Act
RANK to break ranks to reprimand persons who are exces-
to identify oneself as having separate sively noisy (refers to the police read-
interests or views from the rest of a ing out to a rowdy crowd extracts
group from a law requiring its dispersement)
READ you want your head examined RED neither fish, flesh nor good
you should reconsider this matter red herring
unclassifiable by virtue of being nei-
READ you wouldn't read about it!
ther one thing nor another (from
that is unbelievable
Cervantes' DON QUIXOTE)
READY ready-made
RED red-hot
easily fabricated or available without
difficulty highly exciting and desirable
RED red tape
REAL to be a real trooper
excessively bureaucratic procedures
to be a person willing to try anything
RED the red-carpet treatment
REAP to reap as one has sown
courtesies extended to a person to
to experience the consequences of one's
make him feel important and welcome
own actions
RED to be a red herring
REAP to reap the whirlwind
to be something designed to divert
to suffer the adverse consequences of
attention away from the main question
a bad act
RED to be a red rag to a bull
REAP to sow the wind and reap the
to be something which makes a per-
son very angry and very excited (re-
to make bad mistakes and to suflFer
fers to the erroneous belief that the
the even worse consequences
color red, rather than the motion of
REAR to rear its ugly head waving, excites a bull)
to make an unwelcome appearance
RED to be in the red
REARRANGE to rearrange the to owe money
deckchairs on the Titanic
RED to be left red-faced
to take some initiative which is quite
to be embarrassed
useless because it does not take much
greater change into account RED to catch someone red-handed
to apprehend a person in the course
REASON without rhyme or reason
of committing a crime
quite unaccountably
RED to get the red light
RECEIVE to receive the coup de
to be forbidden to do something
to be finished off by an opponent RED to paint the town red
(French, "mercy stroke") to go on an exciting social outing
RECHARGE to recharge one's RED to see red
batteries to become very angry
to have a recuperative break
RED to see red lights flashing
RECIPE a recipe for disaster to be conscious of the danger
a certain way of achieving disaster
REED to be a broken reed
RECORD track record to be a weak and unreliable person
proven performance
REEK to reek to high heaven
RED a red-letter day to be patently unethical
an important occasion (refers to the
color used to print saints' days on REEL to leave someone reeling
some calendars) to leave a person in a state of shock
REHEARSAL dress rehearsal REST to rest on one's laurels
preliminary skirmish to use a reputation for success earned
in earlier times as a substitute for
REIN a tight rein current endeavor
strong controls
RETREAT to beat a retreat
REIN to give rein to one's fancy to abandon some project
to let one's imagination have free
scope RETREAT to retreat into one's shell
to become shy and introversive
REIN to give someone free rein
to confer complete discretion on an- RETURN to return the compliment
other person to reciprocate or to extract revenge

REIN to rein in something RHINOCEROS to have the hide of

to keep better control over something a rhinoceros
to be totally unaffected by and unre-
REIN to take over the reins sponsive to valid criticism
to assume control
RHYME without rhyme or reason
REINVENT to reinvent the wheel quite unaccountably
to waste resources doing something RIBBON blue ribbon
already accomplished of superb quality (refers to the insig-
REKINDLE to rekindle an old flame nia of the Order of the Garter)
to inspire the reinstatement of a for- RIBBON to be shot to ribbons
mer loving relationship (of an argument) to be utterly discred-
RELIGIOUSLY religiously ited
conscientiously RIBBON to tear something to
REPEL to repel boarders ribbons
to keep out unwanted persons to damage something severely
RICH that is a bit rich
REPUBLIC a banana republic
that is very cheeky
a country with a poor economy
RICHES rags to riches
RESISTANCE to take the line of the transition from poverty to wealth
least resistance
to succumb to outside pressure RID to get rid of the dead wood
to terminate the services of unsatis-
RESPONSIVE to strike a responsive factory personnel
to get a favorable reaction to a proposal RIDE a roller coaster ride
a series of successes followed by
REST to be head and shoulders failures
above the rest RIDE riding instructions
to be significantly more capable than directions as to how to do something
RIDE to be riding for a fall
REST to lay some theory to rest to act in a reckless manner
to abandon some theory as being no
longer appropriate RIDE to get a magic carpet ride to
REST to put someone's mind at rest to be very fortunate in achieving some
to reassure a person objective
RIDE to get an armchair ride RIGHT to have one's heart in the
to be given a particularly easy time right place
to have a well-developed social con-
RIDE to go along for the ride
to seek to benefit from a project in
which others contribute the effort RIGHT to lose one's right arm
RIDE to ride high to lose some highly-valued assistance
to be successful but vulnerable RIGHT to play one's cards right
RIDE to ride on the back of someone to approach a matter sensibly
without eflFort to benefit from the prior RIGHT to sell one's birthright for a
efforts of others mess of pottage
RIDE to ride on the sheep's back through foolishness to exchange some-
to benefit from the production of wool thing of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25)
RIDE to ride out the storm
to come safely through some danger- RIGHT to set someone on the right
ous situation road
to show a person how to go about
RIDE to ride roughshod over doing something
to disregard the feelings and wishes RIGHT to start off on the right foot
of a person to commence an operation with great
care to do it correctly
RIDE to ride the wave
to be successful for the time being RIGHT to strike the right chord
to appeal successfully to someone's
RIDE to take someone for a ride emotions
to deceive a person
RIGHT to strike the right key
RIGHT / would give my right arm to find the appropriate solution
for something
I am very keen to acquire something RIGHT to strike the right note
to make a good impression
RIGHT a step in the right direction
the first in a series of measures de- RING that has a hollow ring to it
signed to correct some problem that statement is insincere
RIGHT one's right-hand man RING that has a nice ring to it
one's chief aide that sounds attractive
RIGHT the left hand does not know
RING the alarm bells are ringing
what the right hand is doing
it is unwise to proceed
one section of a large bureaucracy
does not realize that another section RING to jump into the ring
is simultaneously doing something to join in enthusiastically
RING to ring a bell
RIGHT to be in the right ballpark to sound familiar or recall something
to be approximately correct to mind
RIGHT to get on someone's right
side RING to ring down the curtain on
to make a good impression on a person something
to treat something as concluded

RING to ring the changes RIVER the river found its mark
to exhaust the number of different equilibrium between two pressures has
ways of doing something (refers to been achieved
the permutations used for ringing peals
RIVER to be a river of gold
of church bells)
to be a source of ongoing great
RING to run rings around someone profitability
to easily outwit another person
RIVER to sell someone down the
RING to step into the ring river
to enter a competitive environment to betray a person who has placed his
trust in one
RING to throw one's hat into the
ring RIVET to be riveted to one's seat
to publicly announce one's interest in to find the activity being watched
some position very exciting and worthy of full
RIOT to read the Riot Act
to reprimand persons who are exces- ROAD a middle-of-the-road solution
sively noisy (refers to the police read- a solution near the middle of a range
ing out to a rowdy crowd extracts of possibilities
from a law requiring its dispersement)
ROAD all roads lead to Rome
RIOT to run riot all alternatives will have the same
to act impetuously and without restraint outcome
RIP to be a Rip van Winkle ROAD fork in the road
to be a person out of touch with turning point for decisions
current conditions (title of and char-
ROAD one for the road
acter in a book by Washington Irving)
a final drink before leaving
RIP to rip someone off
ROAD roadblocks
to exploit a person
RIP to rip something to shreds
to damage something severely ROAD the royal road to success
the way of attaining success without
RIPPLE to make ripples effort
to disturb the status quo
ROAD this is the end of the road for
RISE rising star someone
person making good progress in his a person will have no further oppor-
career tunity to do something
RISE the curtain rises on something
something is about to start ROAD to be at the crossroads
to need to choose between several
RISE to rise from the ashes like a mutually exclusive alternatives
to be the replacement for something ROAD to be on the road to
destroyed in some disaster (refers to a Damascus
mythical bird which was supposed to to see the error of one's ways (Acts
rise from the ashes of its funeral pyre 9:3)
with renewed youth) ROAD to enter a long road
RISE to rise with the lark to commence a task which will take a
to get up early long time
ROAD to face a rocky road ahead ROCK someone's marriage is on the
to be likely to encounter difficulties rocks
ROAD to get the show on the road someone's marriage has broken down
to commence a planned activity ROCK to be between a rock and a
ROAD to go down a particular road hard place
to adopt a particular strategy to be faced with two equally difficult
and uncomfortable choices
ROAD to happen down the road
to happen later ROCK to be on the rocks
to be bankrupt
ROAD to road test something
to try something out under real condi- ROCK to have rocks in the head
tions to be mentally unbalanced
ROAD to set someone on the right ROCK to rock the boat
road to disturb the comfortable status quo
to show a person how to go about
ROCKET to give someone a rocket
doing something
to severely reprimand a person
ROAR to be within a bull's roar of
something ROCKET to put a rocket under
to be very close to something someone
to induce a person to take some action
ROAST a roasting
a scolding ROCKET to skyrocket
(of a price or value) to increase great-
ROB to rob Peter in order to pay ly in a short time
to fix up one grievance by causing ROCKY to face a rocky road
another ahead
to be likely to encounter difficulties
ROBBERY daylight robbery
ROD to kiss the rod
the charging of grossly excessive prices
to accept punishment meekly
ROBBERY highway robbery
ROD to make a rod for one's own
the charging of grossly excessive prices
ROBIN a round robin to act in disregard of likely disadvan-
(1) series of checks from A to B, tages for oneself
from B to C, from C to A, and so on,
leaving all of them in the same net ROD to rule with a rod of iron
position as before to keep strict discipline

ROBIN a round robin ROGUE a rogue elephant

(2) a document signed by members of a person of vicious temper who acts
an organization which has the same in an undisciplined way
effect as a resolution of a meeting ROLL heads will roll
ROBINSON before one can say trangressors will be punished
' 'Jack Robinson' ' ROLL the caravan will roll on
very quickly the activity will continue
ROCK bedrock price ROLL the money is rolling in
lowest possible price the scheme is very profitable
ROCK rock bottom ROLL to get rolled
very low to be outvoted
ROLL to have an audience rolling in ROOM there is no room to swing a
the aisles cat
to amuse an audience this place is very small (actually re-
fers to a cat-o'-nine-tails)
ROLL to keep the ball rolling
to take advantage of the existing mo- ROOST the chickens are coming
mentum or to participate actively home to roost
the consequences of past actions are
ROLL to roll off the tongue
becoming obvious
to be said very easily
ROOST to rule the roost
ROLL to roll up one's sleeves
to dominate
to get on with a job energetically
ROOT deep-rooted
ROLL to start the ball rolling
strongly felt
to commence and enthusiastically ad-
vance an activity involving people ROOT grass roots
at the lowest level
ROLLER a roller coaster ride
a series of successes followed by ROOT to put one's roots down
failures to settle in
ROME all roads lead to Rome ROOT to strike at the roots of
all alternatives will have the same something
outcome to work toward the destruction of
ROME to fiddle while Rome burns
to neglect important considerations ROPE to be on the ropes
while concentrating on trivial side-is- to be facing defeat
ROPE to give someone enough rope
ROME when in Rome do as the to hang himself
Romans do to give a person the opportunity to do
it is best to conform to the local something which is likely to get him
customs into severe trouble
ROOF the roof has fallen in ROPE to give someone too much
an enterprise has collapsed rope
to give a person too much latitude
ROOF to go through the roof
(of a person) to be very upset or (of ROPE to know the ropes
prices) to escalate greatly to know how to do one's job
ROOF to hit the roof ROPE to learn the ropes
to be very angry to be taught the elementary features
ROOF to scream something from the ROPE to put a leg rope on someone
rooftops to give a person very little authority
to communicate a message to a wide
audience ROPE to show someone the ropes
to teach a beginner how to do some-
ROOF under one roof thing
under the same management
ROSE a rose between two thorns
ROOM no room at the inn something beautiful in the midst of
no room ugliness
ROSE a rose by any other name ROULETTE to play Russian
would smell as sweet roulette
the form does not affect the substance to take stupid risks
(from Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JU-
ROUND a round robin
(1) a series of checks from A to B,
ROSE to be no bed of roses from B to C, from C to A, and so on,
to be difficult or uncomfortable leaving all of them in the same net
position as before
ROSE to be on a path strewn with
roses ROUND a round robin
to lead a very pleasant life (2) a document signed by members of
an organization which has the same
ROSE to come up smelling like a
effect as a resolution of a meeting
not to have a stain on one's character ROUND a square peg in a round
ROSE to see something through
a person much more suitable for a
rose-colored spectacles
position rather different from the one
to appreciate only the advantages and
to completely disregard the disadvan-
tages ROUND going the rounds
ROSY to present a rosy picture (of a rumor) being spread
to state a set of favorable factors ROUND to be only round one
ROT the rot set in to be only the first of many stages
conditions started to deteriorate ROUND to be round the bend
ROTTEN a rotten apple to be crazy
an isolated dishonest person in an ROUND to get the rounds of the
otherwise honest group kitchen
ROTTEN rotten to the core (of a husband) to be subject to per-
completely corrupt sonal abuse by his wife
ROTTEN something is rotten in the ROUND to make the wheels go
state of Denmark round
the situation is not correct (from Shake- to cause something to happen
speare's HAMLET)
ROUND to turn round
ROUGH to be a rough diamond to reverse one's policy
to have many attributes but a gruff
manner ROUND to win some rounds
to be partly successful
ROUGH to feel the rough side of
someone's tongue ROUNDABOUT what one loses on
to be verbally abused by a person the swings one gains on the round-
ROUGH to take the rough with the abouts
smooth there are advantages and disadvan-
to accept the hardships of life along tages which offset each other
with its pleasant features ROW not to matter a row of beans
ROUGHSHOD to ride roughshod to be utterly unimportant
over someone ROW to be on skid row
to disregard the feelings and wishes to have no means
of a person
ROW to have a hard row to hoe RUBBISH a load of rubbish
to be a difficult assignment blatant nonsense
ROYAL a battle royal RUBICON to cross the Rubicon
a fight or argument with many simul- to make an irreversible decision in
taneous participants regard to some commitment
ROYAL the royal road to success RUDDER to be a rudderless ship
the way of attaining success without to be a project not managed properly
RUFFLE to ruffle someone's feathers
RUB here's the rub to engage in behavior which irritates
this is where a difficulty arises (a another person
term used in lawn bowling)
RUG to pull the rug out from under
RUB not to have the wherewithal to someone
rub two sticks together to unexpectedly withdraw support and
to be very poor in the process cause embarrassment
RUB to rub it in RUG to sweep something under the
to humiliate another person by em- carpet
phasizing his defeat to pretend that some blemish does not
RUB to rub off on someone
to benefit a person through an associ- RUIN to go to rack and ruin
ation which increases his skills to face downfall or destruction

RUB to rub one's chin RULE ground rules

to muse basic principles

RUB to rub one's eyes RULE to bend the rules

to express astonishment to overlook minor infractions of the
RUB to rub one's hands with glee
RULE to let one's heart rule one's
to express great satisfaction
RUB to rub salt into someone's to act on emotion rather than on reason
wound RULE to play by Marquis of
to deliberately make damage even Queensberry rules
worse to act ethically
RUB to rub shoulders with someone RULE to rule the roost
to mingle with a person to dominate
RUB to rub someone up the wrong RUMINATE to ruminate
way to ponder over a matter (lit., to chew
to annoy someone with actions fail- the cud)
ing to recognize his current mood RUN a dry run
RUB to rub someone's nose in it a trial exercise
to humiliate a person by highlighting RUN run of the mill
something embarrassing to him normal or average
RUBBER to rubber-stamp something RUN someone would run a mile
to endorse without considering the a person would do anything to escape
merits his responsibilities

RUN the sands are running out RUN to run riot

the time available for some action is to act impetuously and without restraint
nearly at an end
RUN to run someone off his feet
RUN the tide is running in favor of to keep a person very busy on some
some proposition physical task
public opinion supports some proposi-
RUN to run someone to earth
to locate a person
RUN to be up and running
RUN to run someone to the ground
to be operative
to discover the whereabouts of a person
RUN to duck for cover
RUN to run the gauntlet
to seek to avoid blame
to be subjected to criticism (from the
RUN to have a dream run Spanish word for "passage," in ref-
to encounter no difficulties erence to punishment inflicted on de-
linquents made to run between two
RUN to have a run for one's money
files of soldiers)
to at least get some enjoyment out of
an otherwise abortive exercise RUN to run to seed
to become shabby
RUN to have the runs on the board
to have a demonstrable record of RUN to run with something
achievement to take advantage of some current
RUN to run a tight ship
to manage an efficient organization RUN to run with the ball
to make the most of the opportunity
RUN to run around in circles
to engage in excited but useless activity RUN to run with the hare and hunt
with the hounds
RUN to run hot
to keep in with two opposing sides
(of equipment) to be subject to partic-
ularly high usage RUN to set a hare running
in order to achieve some desired ef-
RUN to run into a dead end
fect to initiate some related activity
to get nowhere in an investigation
RUN your race is run
RUN to run into heavy weather
you have had your opportunity
to encounter difficulties
RUNG rungs up a ladder
RUN to run its course
gradual steps to an ultimate goal
to come to a natural end
RUNNER front-runner
RUN to run off the rails
person expected to win
to significantly depart from the in-
tended course of action RUSH fools rush in where angels
fear to tread
RUN to run one's own ship
unsophisticated persons take unwise
to do things and organize subordi-
risks in circumstances where more
nates in one's own way
knowledgeable persons would exer-
RUN to run out of steam cise caution
to lose one's energy and enthusiasm
RUSH to be killed in the rush
RUN to run rings around someone to be the supplier of something ex-
to easily outwit another person tremely popular
RUSH to rush one's fences SAFETY to act as a safety valve
to act precipitately to be a procedure which allows per-
sons with grievances to ventilate them
RUSSIAN to play Russian roulette
in an orderly fashion
to take stupid risks
SAIL to be plain sailing
RUT to be in a rut to be quite straightforward and very
to lead a dull life, with no change easy
from long-established habits
SAIL to sail against the wind
to oppose the views currently being
held by others
SABER saber rattling SAIL to sail close to the wind
hints of retribution if certain conduct to act in a very dangerous manner
does not cease SAIL to sail under false colors
SACK to get the sack to pretend that one's real character
to be dismissed (refers to the bag of or beliefs are different from what they
tradesmen's tools) really are
SACKCLOTH to wear sackcloth SAIL to set sail
and ashes to commence a voyage
humbly to demonstrate repentance SAIL to take the wind out of
someone's sails
SACRED a sacred cow to upset a person by anticipating his
an institution so well established that actions or using arguments which he
it is virtually unalterable was proposing to use
SACRED a sacred trust SAIL to trim one's sails
a moral obligation to institute austerity
SACRED nothing is sacred SAINT a saint
nothing is safe from interference a good person
SACRIFICIAL sacrificial lamb SAINT to have the patience of a
somebody unfairly made to suffer for saint
the mistakes of others to endure annoyances with particular
SADDLE to be in the saddle
SALE/ïre sale
to be in command
a forced sale, realizing bargain prices
SAFE to play it safe SALLY an Aunt Sally
to take no risks a person who can readily be singled
SAFE to plot a safe course through out and criticized as the proxy for a
troubled waters group
to make a plan which overcomes cer- SALT below the salt
tain difficulties in a subordinate position (refers to
the seating order at ancient Roman
SAFETY a safety net scheme dining tables)
a scheme for dealing with the excep-
tional cases not covered by normal SALT not to be worth one's salt
arrangements not to be pulling one's weight (refers
to Roman soldiers being paid in salt—a
SAFETY safety margin practice giving rise to the modern
allowance for miscalculations word "salary")
SALT to be the salt of the earth SAUCE what is sauce for the goose
to be a person whose ordinary efforts is sauce for the gander
benefit the community (Matthew 5:13) arguments which apply in one case
also apply in another
SALT to rub salt into someone's
wound SAUSAGE a sausage machine
to deliberately make damage even the turning out of large volumes with-
worse out particular thought
SALT to take something with a grain SAVE saved by the bell
of salt rescued before disaster strikes
to regard the facts in a statement with
considerable skepticism SAVE to save face
to be allowed to keep one's dignity
SALVAGE to salvage something out despite having suffered a defeat or
of the wreck made an error
to achieve some minor benefits out of
a disastrous situation SAVE to save one's bacon
to escape harm
SALVO to fire a salvo at someone
to present a series of criticisms to a SAVE to save one's skin
person to get off safely

SAMARITAN a good Samaritan SAVE to save someone's life

a person going out of his way to do a to be of great help to a person
kindness to others (Luke 10:33) SAVE to save someone's neck
SAME to all sing from the same to come to the rescue of a person
hymnal SAY before one can say "Jack
to act consistently with each other Robinson' '
SAME to be in the same boat very quickly
to share a common set of difficulties
SCALES to tip the scales
SAME to be in the same league to be a factor which in combination
to have comparable skills with other factors results in a particu-
lar decision which would otherwise
SAND shifting sands not have been reached
arguments which are constantly being
changed SCALP to be after someone's scalp
to be keen to penalize a person
SAND the sands are running out
the time available for some action is SCAPEGOAT a scapegoat
nearly at an end a person unfairly blamed for some-
thing not his fault
SAND to bury one's head in the
sand SCAR to scar someone
to refuse to face up to an unpleasant to leave a person permanently grieving
truth (refers to the reputed habit of
ostriches in danger) SCARCE to make oneself scarce
to take oneself out of view
SANDWICH to be the ham in the
sandwich SCARE to scare the pants off
to be caught in the middle of a dis- someone
pute between other parties to greatly frighten a person
SCATTER a scattergun approach SCORE to score top points
an effort going here, there and every- to outwit other persons
where, instead of being properly
SCORE to see the score
to appreciate the reality of a situation
SCATTER to scatter something to
SCORE to underscore something
the four winds
to emphasize something
to permanently get rid of something
SCOT to get off scot free
SCENARIO scenario
to go unpunished (refers to an ex-
details of arrangements
emption from tax)
SCENE behind the scenes
SCRAPE to really scrape the bottom
out of public view or awareness of the barrel
SCENE to make a scene to lower one's standards because one
to create a fuss is short of important or relevant issues
SCENE to quit the scene SCRAP-HEAP to be destined for the
to depart scrap-heap
to face a future in which one will
SCENE to set the scene for
have no meaningful role
to get things ready for something SCRATCH to be back to scratch
to have to start all over again
SCENT to throw someone off the
scent SCRATCH to be up to scratch
to deceive a person by giving out to be of the required standard
misleading indications
SCRATCH to only scratch the
SCHOOL to tell tales out of school surface
to deliberately leak a secret to deal with only a small portion of a
much larger whole
SCHOOLBOY as every schoolboy
knows SCRATCH to scratch one another's
as is recognized by everyone backs
to help each other
SCORE to even the score
to get one's own back for some past SCRATCH to scratch one's head
action to be amazed or puzzled
SCORE to score a goal SCRATCH to scratch something
to achieve an objective together
to improvise
SCORE to score a hat trick
to have three successive favorable SCRATCH to start from behind
outcomes scratch
to be faced with a handicap
SCORE to score a point SCRATCH to start from scratch
to make a clever contribution in the to commence something without the
course of debate benefit of any past activity
SCORE to score an own goal SCREAM to scream and yell
to blow oneself up to protest violently
SCORE to score points SCREAM to scream blue murder
to make a good impression to make serious allegations
SCREAM to scream something from SEAL a seal of approval
the rooftops confirmation that something is satis-
to communicate a message to a wide factory
SEAL to seal one's lips
SCREEN to set up a smokescreen to keep a confidence
to deliberately confuse an issue by
SEAL to seal someone's fate
disguising its salient features
to cause a certain outcome adversely
SCREW to have a screw loose affecting a person
to be mentally unbalanced
SEAL to set the seal on something
SCREW to have one's head screwed to confirm absolutely that something
on straight is agreed
to be shrewd
SEAM to be bursting at the seams
SCREW to put the screws on to be very crowded
to exert pressure on a person SEAM to come apart at the seams
(of an arrangement) to break down
SCREW to tighten the screw
to increase the moral and psychologi- SEARCH a soul-searching exercise
cal pressure an examination of the advantages and
disadvantages of a proposal
SCRIPTURE the devil can cite
scripture for his purpose SEARCH search for the Holy Grail
a person can quote a respectable or work toward a difficult goal (refers to
hostile authority while advocating a a vessel supposedly used by Christ at
disreputable cause of his own (from the last supper and featuring in the
Shakespeare's MERCHANT OF VENICE) Arthurian legends)
SCROOGE to be a real Scrooge SEARCH to search one's heart
to be miserly and unmoved (refers to a to have misgivings
character in Charles Dickens' A CHRIST-
SEASON the silly season
the holiday period, when hard news
SCYLLA to be between Scylla and is scarce and journalistic standards
Charybdis are lowered
to be faced with two equally unpalat-
able alternatives which cannot both SEAT a backseat driver
be avoided (refers to the voyage of a person seeking to exercise control
Ulysses) SEAT to be in the box seat
SEA a South Sea bubble to be in a very powerful position to
an unrealistic financial venture which control activity
is bound to result in total loss
SEAT to be in the driver's seat
SEA between the devil and the deep to be in charge
blue sea
to be faced with two equally unpalat- SEAT to be in the hot seat
able alternatives which cannot both to hold a position requiring one to
be avoided answer criticism or accusations
SEA to be all at sea SEAT to be on the edge of one's seat
to be confused as to what is going on to be very excited at what is currently
and what to do next happening
SEAT to be riveted to one's seat SEE to see daylight
to find the activity being watched to get the right answer
very exciting and worthy of full
SEE to see eye to eye with someone
to agree
SEAT to fly by the seat of one's pants
SEE to see red
to act unprofessionally
to become very angry
SEAT to keep someone's seat warm
SEE to see red lights flashing
to hold a position temporarily with a
to be conscious of the danger
view to another person taking it over
permanently in the near future SEE to see someone in a good light
to regard a person favorably
SEAT to take a backseat
not to actively involve oneself SEE to see something with half an
SECOND a second-class citizen
to sum up a matter instantly
a person not treated as an equal
SEE to see the back of someone
SECOND second childhood
to know that a person is no longer
involved in something
SECOND the second eleven
SEE to see the big picture
persons performing an important func-
to have the vision and imagination
tion but one which is less important
enabling a project to be developed as
than that performed by others (refers
part of a bigger whole
to cricket)
SEE to see the color of someone's
SECOND to be second nature to
to see how a person matches expecta-
to be something which a person does
tions or requirements
SEE to see the color of someone's
SECOND to have a second string to
one's bow
to get evidence of the sincerity of a
to have an additional qualification ap-
person's proposal
propriate to the task
SECOND to play second fiddle SEE to see the light
to fulfill a subordinate role to understand the real situation
SEE blind Freddy could see that SEE to see the light at the end of the
something is such-and-such tunnel
it is very obvious that something is to be close to finalizing a long exercise
such-and-such SEE to see the light of day
SEE not to see the wood for the trees to be made public
to overlook the general picture be-
cause of undue concentration on the SEE to see the score
details to appreciate the reality of a situation

SEE suck it and see SEE to see the writing on the wall
discover experimentally how some- to appreciate the inevitability of some
thing works event (Daniel 5)
SEE to see blood SEE to see which way the cat jumps
to be very angry to await developments
SEED to run to seed SEND to send someone to Coventry
to become shabby to ostentatiously and collectively ig-
nore a person by way of punishment
SEED to sow seeds
to propagate ideas in the hope that SENSE a sixth sense
they will be adopted intuition (refers to the five senses—
sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)
SEEK to seek the pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow SENSE horse sense
to have naive expectations natural shrewdness
SELL to be sold on something SENTENCE to be sentenced to some
to be utterly dedicated to a proposal fate
to be condemned by circumstances to
SELL to sell off the family silver
endure some fate
to sell off one's prized possessions
SEPARATE to separate the men
SELL to sell one's birthright for a
from the boys
mess of pottage
to distinguish between those with and
through foolishness to exchange some-
without certain skills
thing of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25) SEPARATE to separate the sheep
from the goats
SELL to sell someone a lemon
to distinguish between those with and
to sell a person a grossly defective
without certain attributes (Matthew
product on the basis that it represents
SEPARATE to separate the wheat
SELL to sell someone a pup
from the chaff
to cheat a person in a transaction,
to distinguish between important and
especially by misrepresentation as to
unimportant ingredients
the true value of something
SERVE to serve something up to
SELL to sell someone down the river
someone on a plate
to betray a person who has placed his
to make something especially easy
trust in one
for a particular person
SEND to send a chill down SERVICE to pay lip service to some
someone's neck rules
to be worrying news to disregard some rules in practice
SEND to send a cold shiver down wile acknowledging them in words
someone's spine SESAME an open sesame
to horrify a person access to something normally inacces-
SEND to send a smoke signal sible
to give an indication SET game, set and match
SEND to send someone away with a
flea in his ear SET the rot set in
to give a person frank but unwelcome conditions started to deteriorate
facts (refers to fleas trapped in the SET the stage is set
armor of ancient knights) something is about to happen
SEND to send someone packing SET the sun has set on something
to dismiss a person ignominiously something has concluded
SET to be set like a jelly SET to set up a smokescreen
to be very well established to deliberately confuse an issue by
disguising its salient features
SET to have one's heart set on
something SETTLE when the dust settles
to be very keen to achieve something when sufficient time has passed
SET to set a hare running SEVEN to be at sixes and sevens
in order to achieve some desired ef- to be confused, concerned and unde-
fect, to initiate some related activity cided
SET to set one's cap at someone SEVEN to be in seventh heaven
(of females) to try to attract a person to be very happy
as a marriage partner
SEVERE to be a severe blow
SET to set one's sights on something to be a great disappointment
to aim to achieve something
SEW to sew something up
SET to set sail to negotiate a deal
to commence a voyage
SHACKLE golden shackles
SET to set someone on the right road financial arrangements designed to dis-
to show a person how to go about courage employees changing employers
doing something
SHADE to throw someone in the
SET to set someone's teeth on edge shade
to cause a person to feel unhappy at a to surpass a person
SHADOW to be in someone's
SET to set something in concrete shadow
to make something virtually unalterable to be unable to exert one's personali-
SET to set the Thames on fire ty because of association with a more
to do something noteworthy important person
SET to set the hounds baying SHADOW to be only a pale shadow
to excite the gossips by providing of something
material which they can use to be a weak imitation
SET to set the pace SHADOW to cast a shadow over
to give a lead in regard to a rate of something
progression to introduce a note of warning or
SET to set the scene for something sadness in regard to some matter
to get things ready for something SHADOW to lurk in the shadows
SET to set the seal on something to have a low profile at the moment,
to confirm absolutely that something but with the possibility of becoming
is agreed much more conspicuous at any time
SET to set the wheels in motion SHADOW to overshadow someone
to institute appropriate action to reduce the influence of a person by
SET to set the world on fire outshining him
to do something particularly brilliant SHADOW to shadow box
SET to set tongues wagging to go through the motions without
to behave in a way which encourages achieving or intending to achieve
scandal mongers anything
SHADOW to throw a long shadow SHARE a share of the cake
to have widespread ramifications a portion of the total available for
SHAFT a Parthian shaft
a cutting remark made at the moment SHARE the lion's share
of departure (refers to missiles shot the biggest portion
backward by flying Parthian horsemen)
SHARE to have shares in a paper
SHAGGY a shaggy-dog story company
an amusing anecdote with an unex- to institute unnecessary clerical pro-
pected ending, often involving talking cedures
animals given certain human skills
SHARK to miss the sharks while
SHAKE a golden handshake netting the minnows
a large payment in connection with or to succeed in minor aspects but fail in
as an inducement to retirement the ones that really matter
SHAKE in two shakes of a duck's SHARP sharp dealer
tail person engaging in barely honest or
in an instant mildly unethical practices
SHAKE to shake a leg SHARP to have a sharp tongue
to hurry up to speak one's mind in forceful lan-
SHAKE to shake a tree
to do something in order to see what SHARPEN to need to sharpen one's
will result pencil
to be required to improve one's per-
SHAKE to shake down formance
to sleep on an improvised bed
SHARPEN to sharpen one's ax
SHAKE to shake one's head to get ready for a difficult task
to indicate disbelief or wonder or
disapproval SHARPEN to sharpen the knives
to get ready for a concerted attack on
SHAKE to wait two shakes of a some principle
lamb's tail
to wait just a few moments SHATTER earth-shattering
very significant
SHAKY to be on shaky ground
not to have strong arguments SHAVE to be a close shave
to be a narrow escape
SHAMBLES to throw something
into a shambles SHED to shed a quiet tear for
to make something messy and useless something
to lament the passing of something
SHAPE not to do something in any
shape or form SHED to shed crocodile tears
not to do something to be a hypocrite
SHAPE shipshape SHED to shed light on something
in excellent condition to give explanations
SHAPE to lick something into shape SHEEP a black sheep
to make something presentable and a disreputable member of an other-
effective wise reputable group
SHEEP one might as well be hanged SHELL to be shell-shocked
for a sheep as for a lamb to be stunned by unexpected bad news
further action will not increase the SHELL to retreat into one's shell
adverse consequences already in train to become shy and introversive
(refers to the stealing of both sheep
and lambs being capital crimes under SHELVE to shelve some proposal
old English law) to abandon some proposal
SHEEP to be a wolf in sheep's SHEPHERD to shepherd some
clothing group
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous to marshall the members of some
although masquerading as something group
harmless (Matthew 7:15) SHIBBOLETH a shibboleth
SHEEP to be home on the sheep's a doctrine once held as essential but
back now abandoned as having outlived its
to be doing well usefulness (a word used as a test to
determine to which tribe an Israelite
SHEEP to cast sheep's eyes at belonged) (Judges 12:6)
SHIFT shifting sands
to look at a person amorously
arguments which are constantly being
SHEEP to ride on the sheep's back changed
to benefit from the production of wool SHILLING to be only ten pence in
SHEEP to separate the sheep from the shilling
the goats to be slightly stupid
to distinguish between those with and SHILLING to cut someone off with a
without certain attributes (Matthew shilling
25:32) to exclude a person as a beneficiary
SHEEP to spoil the ship for a under one's will (refers to the mistak-
ha' p' orth of tar en belief that a will cannot be upset
to engage in a false economy (the in favor of a person actually named
current word "ship" is actually a in a will and clearly not overlooked)
mistake for the original word "sheep" SHINE a knight in shining armor
and the tar refers to the treatment of a very helpful person
SHINE shining light
SHEEPISH sheepish eminent or scholarly person
embarrassed, as though guilty
SHINE to make hay while the sun
SHEER to be sheer murder shines
to be extremely unpleasant or diffi- to utilize an opportunity before it
cult; or to be an inglorious defeat disappears
SHEET the sheet anchor SHINE to take a shine to someone
the source of one's confidence to be keen on a person
SHEET to start with a blank sheet of SHINE to take the shine off
paper something
to commence an exercise without being to spoil the performance of something
bound by any established practices SHINE to take the shine out of
SHELF to be on the shelf something
to be available for marriage to demonstrably surpass
SHINGLE to hang up one's shingle SHIRT to wear a hair shirt
to go into business offering expert to practice self-discipline
personal services SHIVER to send a cold shiver down
SHIP a case of rats leaving a sinking someone's spine
ship to horrify a person
the desertion of an enterprise in antic- SHOAL to founder on the shoals of
ipation of imminent failure something
SHIP enough to sink a battleship to come to grief because of unexpect-
more than sufficient ed dangers
SHIP shipshape SHOCK to be shell-shocked
in excellent condition to be stunned by unexpected bad news
SHIP ships that pass in the night SHOE to be in someone's shoes
persons who fail to meet up to have another person's responsibility
SHIP to abandon ship SHOE to fill someone's shoes
to abrogate one's responsibilities or to be a good successor
to abandon a project SHOE to wait for the other shoe to
SHIP to be a rudderless ship drop
to be a project not managed properly to await the seemingly imminent and
SHIP to run a tight ship inevitable (refers to a man undressing,
disturbing a neighbor by dropping one
to manage an efficient organization
shoe, then frustrating his expectation
SHIP to run one's own ship by putting the other shoe down gently)
to do things and organize subordi-
nates in one's own way SHOELACE to pull oneself up by
one's own shoelaces
SHIP to spoil the ship for a to make a superhuman effort
ha'p'orth of tar
to engage in false economy (the cur- SHOESTRING to do something on
rent word "ship" is actually a mis- a shoestring
take for the original word "sheep" to do something with great economy
and the tar refers to the treatment of SHOOT a straight shooter
wounds) a person who is frank and outspoken
SHIP when one's ship comes in SHOOT a troubleshooter
when one's business venture is suc- a person good at finding and then
cessfully completed or when luck rectifying faults
SHOOT shoot!
SHIRT keep your shirt on! go on, speak!
SHOOT the whole shooting match
SHIRT so-and-so would give one the the whole lot
shirt off his back
so-and-so is very generous SHOOT to be on a slippery shoot
to court disaster
SHIRT to lose one's shirt
to suffer heavy financial losses SHOOT to be shot to pieces
SHIRT to put one's shirt on to have one's case seriously damaged
something SHOOT to be shot to ribbons
to invest heavily in some speculative (of an argument) to be utterly discred-
venture ited
SHOOT to shoot from the hip SHORT to give someone short shift
to speak frankly and openly to be impatient with a person (refers
to the confession to a priest just be-
SHOOT to shoot one's bolt
fore an execution)
to lose one's temper
SHORT to have a short fuse
SHOOT to shoot one's mouth off
to lose one's temper very readily
to speak without thinking
SHORT to hold someone on a short
SHOOT to shoot oneself in the foot
to act in a foolish way and thus harm
to give a person very little authority
one's own cause
SHORT to short-circuit something
SHOOT to shoot someone down in
to do something, eliminating various
intermediate steps
to utterly destroy another person's
arguments SHORT to take shortcuts
to do something by a faster but less
SHOOT to shoot something out of
thorough method
the water
to frustrate something SHORTHAND to be a shorthand
way of saying something
SHOP a bull in a china shop
to be a way of saying something in
a careless person likely to cause great
summarized form
SHOP a shopping list
a catalogue of demands
not to recognize the likely consequen-
SHOP to shop around ces
to explore alternatives
SHOT a bit shot
SHOP to shut up shop an important person
to cease an established activity
SHOT a shot in the arm
SHOP to talk shop something to revive a person's enthu-
to discuss business or professional siasm
matters on a social occasion
SHOT a shot in the dark
SHORT take a long walk on a short an intelligent or lucky guess
SHOT a sitting shot
go away, I want no dealings with you
an initial move which is designed to
SHORT the long and the short of it establish facts for use in a later action
all that needs to be said about this
SHOT opening shot
SHORT to be short and sweet first step in an activity expected to
to be very brief and to the point last a long time
SHORT to be shortchanged SHOT shots across the bow
to be given less than is due to one warnings
SHORT to draw the short straw SHOT that is a long shot
to be the one appointed to do something there is only a remote possibility
SHORT to get someone by the short SHOT to be a sitting shot
and curly hairs to be a person whose actions make
to have domination over a person him very vulnerable to criticism
SHOT to beat by a long shot SHOULDER to give someone the
to defeat very convincingly cold shoulder
SHOT to call the shots to ostentatiously ignore a person
to have the direction over a project SHOULDER to have a chip on one's
SHOT to fire a parting shot shoulder
to make a defiant gesture on leaving to unreasonably resent something
SHOT to give one's best shot SHOULDER to have broad
to make the best attempt possible shoulders
SHOT to have a shot at someone to be able to cope well with responsi-
to use subtly chosen words implying bility
friendly criticism but designed to em- SHOULDER to need to look over
barrass another person one's shoulder
SHOT to have a shot at something to be subject to attack which is not
to attempt to achieve something obvious
SHOT to take a potshot at someone SHOULDER to put a burden on
to make disparaging remarks about a someone's shoulders
person to impose responsibilities on a person
SHOTGUN a shotgun wedding
a wedding held to ensure that an SHOULDER to put one's shoulder
impending birth will be legitimate (re- to the wheel
fers to threats by the bride's father to to make a strong effort
kill the bridegroom) SHOULDER to rub shoulders with
SHOULDER a shoulder to cry on someone
sympathy to mingle with a person
SHOULDER a shoulder to lean on SHOULDER to shoulder the blame
sympathy to accept the blame
SHOULDER an old head on young
shoulders SHOULDER to shrug one's
experience, knowledge and maturity shoulders
in a young person to indicate that one does not know or
care or that one is unable or unwill-
SHOULDER shoulder to shoulder ing to assist
in close proximity
SHOULDER straight from the SHOULDER to stand on someone's
shoulder shoulders
bluntly to build upon another person's ideas
SHOULDER to be head and SHOULDER to take a weight off
shoulders above the rest someone's shoulder
to be significantly more capable than to assist a person by relieving him of
others some responsibility
SHOULDER to carry the world on SHOULDER to work shoulder to
one's shoulders shoulder
to resent being left to perform a huge to work with united effort
task single-handedly (refers to Atlas,
who was condemned to bear the heav- SHOUT to be all over bar the
ens on his shoulders for leading the shouting
Titans against the gods) to be virtually finished
SHOW a show pony SHRED to rip something to shreds
a pompous person to damage something severely
SHOW a sideshow SHRIFT to give someone short shrift
an unimportant adjunct to be impatient with a person (refers
to the confession to a priest just be-
SHOW the show must go on fore an execution)
despite difficulties the action in con-
templation has to proceed SHRINK a shrinking violet
a shy person
SHOW to bare one's teeth
to imply threats SHRUG to shrug one's shoulders
to indicate that one does not know or
SHOW to get the show on the road care or that one is unable or unwill-
to commence a planned activity ing to assist
SHOW to give the show away SHRUG to shrug something off
to indiscreetly reveal sensitive infor- to indicate that one is unable or un-
mation willing to do something
SHOW to show dividends SHUDDER one shudders to think
to be successful what the outcome might be
SHOW to show one's face there is great concern as to the outcome
to put in an appearance SHUT to be an open and shut case
SHOW to show one's true colors to be an unarguable proposition (a
to disclose one's real character or phrase popular in detective novels and
beliefs probably a play on the two meanings
of the word "case")
SHOW to show someone the door
to ask a person to leave SHUT to keep one's mouth shut
not to discuss some matter
SHOW to show someone the ropes
to teach a beginner how to do some- SHUT to shut one's eyes to
thing something
to deliberately take no notice of some-
SHOW to show the flag thing, especially in dereliction of one's
to visit a place in order to boost duty
morale there
SHUT to shut the door on someone
SHOW to show the white feather to deny another person a desired
to indicate cowardice (refers to cross- opportunity
bred birds, not regarded as useful in
cock fighting) SHUT to shut the stable door after
the horse has bolted
SHOW to steal the show to take preventive action only after
to have the maximum appeal to those the relevant event
SHUT to shut up shop
SHOWCASE showcase to cease an established activity
SHUTTER to put up the shutters
SHOWDOWN showdown to cease an established activity
disclosure of certain pertinent facts SHYLOCK a Shylock
SHOWER to have come down in the a hard-hearted creditor who insists on
last shower his legal due (from Shakespeare's

SIDE a broadside SIDELIGHT sidelight
a short verbal attack incidential happening
SIDE on our side of the fence SIDELINE to sit on the sidelines
in the group representing our vested not to take part in the main action
interest SIDESHOW a sideshow
SIDE the bright side an unimportant adjunct
the favorable aspects SIDEWAYS to look at someone
SIDE the other side of the coin sideways
the arguments for the opposite point to silently and politely indicate one's
of view disapproval

SIDE to be a thorn in someone's SIEVE to stop up one hole in a sieve

flesh to do something quite useless
to be a person whose persistent pres- SIFT to sift
ence and righteous views annoy to closely examine the evidence or a
set of facts with a view to attaching
SIDE to be born on the wrong side
different significance as appropriate
of the blanket
to each of the various components
to be illegitimate
SIGH to heave a sigh of relief
SIDE to be on the other side of the to express satisfaction at the achieve-
fence ment of a solution to a difficult problem
to have an opposing point of view or
position SIGHT to be a sight for sore eyes
to be something welcome
SIDE to be on the side of the angels
to be on the side of righteousness SIGHT to be shortsighted
(from a speech by Benjamin Disraeli) not to recognize the likely consequen-
SIDE to feel the rough side of
someone's tongue SIGHT to lower one's sights
to be verbally abused by a person to reduce one's ambition
SIGHT to set one's sights on
SIDE to get on someone's right side
to make a good impression on a person
to aim to achieve something
SIDE to get out of bed on the wrong SIGHT with 20120 hindsight
side with the benefit of knowing what
to be grumpy happened
SIDE to know on which side one's SIGN to sign on the dotted line
bread is buttered to confirm one's agreement
to be aware of the important consider-
ations SIGN to sign one's own death
SIDE to look on the dark side to foolishly do something which is
to be pessimistic inevitably bound to lead to utter disaster
SIDE to split one's side SIGNAL to send a smoke signal
to be convulsed with laughter to give an indication
SIDE you will laugh on the other SIGNPOST to signpost something
side of your face to give an indication of the alterna-
you will regret this tives available
SILENCE deafening silence SING to sing for one's supper
great apathy and lack of enthusiasm to carry out a task in order to receive
a favor in return
SILENCE silence is golden
it is better not to incriminate anyone SING to sing someone's praises
to commend a person exuberantly
SILK one can't make a silk purse out
of a sow's ear SINGLE single-handedly
it is impossible to manufacture some- without help from other persons
thing of a high standard without ap-
SINK a case of rats leaving a sinking
propriate raw materials
SILLY the silly season the desertion of an enterprise in antic-
the holiday period, when hard news ipation of imminent failure
is scarce and journalistic standards
SINK enough to sink a battleship
are lowered
more than sufficient
SILVER every cloud has a silver
SINK everything but the kitchen sink
a lot of things
there are benefits even in seemingly
adverse situations SINK it is a case of sink or swim
the attempt is worthwhile, despite the
SILVER to be born with a silver risk of failure
spoon in one's mouth
to be brought up by wealthy parents SINK one's heart sank
one realized the extent of some disaster
SILVER to hand over something on
a silver platter SINK to sink deeper into the mire
to provide a valuable benefit for vir- to get into further difficulties
tually nothing SINK to sink deeper into the mud
SILVER to have a silver tongue to get into even greater difficulty
to be eloquent SINK to sink slowly in the west
SILVER to sell off the family silver to fail gradually
to sell off one's prized possessions SINK to sink without a trace
to disappear completely
SIMON a simple Simon
a foolish, gullible or half-witted person SINK with a sinking heart
with growing despondency
SIMPLE a simple Simon
a foolish, gullible or half-witted person SINKER hook, line and sinker
SIN for one's sins
by way of punishment, as it were SIT to be a sitting duck
to be readily exploited
SING it's not over till the fat lady
sings SIT to be a sitting shot
it is not finished yet to be a person whose actions make
him very vulnerable to criticism
SING to all sing from the same
hymnal SIT to sit on one's hands
to act consistently with each other deliberately to do nothing
SING to sing a particular song SIT to sit on someone
to state particular views to repress a person
SIT to sit on the fence SKATE to skate around some subject
to refuse to choose between two by diversionary tactics to avoid dis-
alternatives cussing some subject
SIT to sit on the sidelines SKATE to skate on thin ice
not to take part in the main action to act in disregard of obvious danger
SIT to sit pretty SKELETON a skeleton in the cup-
to be comfortably off board
an unpleasant truth the knowledge of
SIT to sit tight
which has been deliberately suppressed
obstinately to do nothing
SKELETON to flesh out the skeleton
SITE a siting shot
to supply the missing pertinent details
an initial move which is designed to
establish facts for use in a later action SKETCH a thumbnail sketch
brief but pertinent details
SIX it is six of one and half a dozen
of the other SKID to be on skid row
it does not matter to have no means
SIX to be at sixes and sevens SKID to put the skids under someone
to be confused, concerned and unde- to ruin a person
cided SKIN a cleanskin
SIX to be six feet under a person without a criminal record
to be dead SKIN there is more than one way
SIX to hit someone for six to skin a cat
to damage a person's cause this can achieved in a variety of ac-
ceptable ways
SIX to throw in one's six pennies'
SKIN to be no skin off someone's
to modestly supply one's own facts or
not to matter to a person
SKIN to escape by the skin of one's
SIXTH a sixth sense nose
intuition (refers to the five senses— to only just avoid some disaster
sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)
SKIN to escape by the skin of one's
SIXTY-FOUR a sixty-four thousand teeth
dollar question to only just avoid some disaster
a pertinent but very difficult question
(refers to a TV quiz show in which SKIN to get under someone's skin
an initial prize doubles with the suc- to annoy another person through
cessful answering of progressively more stupidity
difficult questions) SKIN to hang on by the skin of one's
SIZE to cut tall poppies down to size to only just survive
to humiliate haughty persons
SKIN to have a thick skin
SIZE to try something on for size to be impervious to criticism
to cheekily do something
SKIN to nearly jump out of one's
SKATE to get one's skates on skin
to hurry up to receive a fright
SKIN to save one's skin SLAP a slap on the wrist
to get off safely a mild rebuke
SKIP something is but a hop, skip SLATE to wipe the slate clean
and jump away to forgive past indiscretions
something is nearby
SLATHER open slather
SKIRT to hide under someone's freedom for people to do what they
skirts want
to let someone else take the conse-
SLAUGHTER a lamb led to
quences of one's actions
SKIRT to skirt around the difficulties a naive person allowing himself to be
to act as though the difficulties did exploited
not exist
SKITTLES not to be all beer and sledgehammer to crack a nut
skittles to devote vastly more resources to a
not to be all pleasant and easy project than is warranted by all the
SKULL to penetrate someone's thick
skull SLEEP not to lose any sleep over
to make a person understand some- something
thing difficult or acknowledge some- not to worry about some matter
thing unwelcome SLEEP to go to sleep
SKY a light in the sky to become inactive
a sign of great hope
SLEEP to let sleeping dogs lie
SKY blue sky to refrain from raising an issue which
supremely optimistic is not obviously requiring attention
SKY pie in the sky SLEEP to sleep on one's rights
a hoped for result unlikely to be to fail to exercise some entitlement
achieved within a reasonable period
SKY the sky fell in SLEEP to spend a sleepless night
a very serious problem arose to worry about something
SKY the sky is the limit SLEEVE to have a card up one's
the cost is no obstacle sleeve
to secretly have information relevant
SKYROCKET to skyrocket to a transaction
(of a price or value) to increase great-
ly in a short time SLEEVE to have an ace up one's
SLACK to take up the slack to hold an impressive counter-argument
to take advantage of surplus capacity in reserve
SLAM to slam the door in someone's SLEEVE to keep something up one's
face sleeve
ostentatiously to refuse to have any to secretly retain something in re-
dealings with a person serve for use in the future or at a later
SLAP a slap in the face stage of negotiations
a calculated insult or action amounting SLEEVE to laugh up one's sleeve
to a rebuke to laugh surreptitiously
SLEEVE to roll up one's sleeves SLIPPERY to be on a slippery shoot
to get on with a job energetically to court disaster
SLEEVE to wear one's heart on SLOUGH a slough of despond
one's sleeve a feeling of hopelessness
to lack the reserve expected of one
SLOW to be slow off the mark
SLEIGHT sleight of hand to be slow to start something
deceit by trickery
SLOWLY to slowly bleed to death
SLENDER to hang by a slender to be heading in gradual steps toward
thread total ruin
to only just survive
SLUG to slug it out
SLICE to claim that something is the to engage in a minor skirmish
best thing since sliced bread
SLY a sly dog
to have an exaggerated opinion of the
a person who is discreet about his
importance or novelty of an invention
or practice
SMACK a smack in the eye
SLICE to have a piece of the action
a rebuff
to be one of several parties to a
project SMALL it's a small world
it is surprising to meet people one
SLIDE to be on a slippery shoot
knows in unexpected places
to court disaster
SMALL to be a small cog in a large
SLING to sling mud
to make unfair imputations
to be a relatively unimportant person
SLIP a slip of the tongue in a large organization
incorrect words uttered accidentally
SMALL to be small beer
SLIP to be slipping to be quite unimportant
to be losing one's cunning or expertise
SMALL to be small potatoes
SLIP to let something slip through to be quite unimportant
one's fingers SMART to be a smart Alec
to allow something to escape from to give witty but cheeky responses to
one's ownership or control one's superiors or customers
SLIP to slip one's mind SMELL a rose by any other name
to be overlooked or forgotten would smell as sweet
the form does not affect the substance
SLIP to slip through the net
(from Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET)
to happen as an isolated case despite
steps taken to prevent such events SMELL something smells
something is suspicious
SLIP to slip under one's guard
to cause a mistake to be made despite SMELL to come up smelling like a
care being taken to prevent this rose
not to have a stain on one's character
SLIPPERY a slippery customer
a shifty person SMELL to run something on the
smell of an oil rag
SLIPPERY slippery path to run something very economically
dangerous course of action and efficiently
SMELL to smell a rat SMORGASBORD smorgasbord
to become suspicious a series of different items from which
SMELL to smell blood a number can be chosen (from the
to divine imminent victory Swedish words for "butter," "goose"
and "table")
SMELL to smell out something
to discover something by careful SNAG to strike a snag
investigation to encounter a difficulty
SMELL to smell trouble SNAIL at a snail's pace
to perceive difficulties very slowly
SMILE to wipe the smile off SNAKE a game of snakes and
someone's face ladders
to destroy a person's complacency a series of ups and downs
SMILE wipe that smile off your face! SNAKE a snake in the grass
treat this matter more seriously! a person of low character
SMOKE put that in your pipe and SNAP to snap at someone's heels
smoke it to be a minor irritation to a person
contemplate that fact
SNAP to snap someone's head off
SMOKE the big smoke to speak to a person aggressively
the big city
SNEEZE that is not to be sneezed
SMOKE to go up in smoke at
to come to nothing that is so significant that it should not
SMOKE to send a smoke signal be rejected
to give an indication SNOW to snow someone under
SMOKE to set up a smokescreen to overload a person with work
to deliberately confuse an issue by
SNOWBALL to snowball
disguising its salient features
to grow rapidly in size or influence
SMOKE when the smoke clears
when sufficient time has passed SNOWFLAKE to have a snowflake's
chance in hell
SMOKE where there is smoke there to have no hope or possibility at all
is fire
if there is a hint of trouble, then it is SOAP a soap opera
highly likely that there really is trouble a radio or television serial, often based
on exaggerated domestic situations of
SMOOTH to be in smooth water no great importance (refers to spon-
to have no troubles sorship by soap manufacturers)
SMOOTH to smooth the path for SOAP to be on one's soap box
someone to hold forth on an issue about which
to use one's influence to make ar- one feels keenly
rangements so that a person's task
will be easier or more readily accom- SOAP to soft-soap someone
plished to flatter a person
SMOOTH to take the rough with the SOCK to chop someone off at the
smooth socks
to accept the hardships of life along to stop someone's proposals pre-
with its pleasant features maturely
SOCK to pull one's socks up SONG swan song
to set out to improve or correct one's last appearance before retirement
inadequate behavior or performance
SONG to buy something for a song
SODOM a Sodom and Gomorrah to buy something very cheaply
a place of vice (Genesis 18:20)
SONG to make a song and dance
SOFT to have a soft spot for about something
someone to create a fuss
to be very fond of a person
SONG to sing a particular song
SOFT to have a soft underbelly to state particular views
to have a weakness which can be
SOOTHE soothing syrup
insincere expressions of sympathy or
SOFT to soft-pedal flattery
to restrain oneself
SORE eyesore
SOFT to soft-soap someone extremely ugly object
to flatter a person
SORE to be a sight for sore eyes
SOFTEN to soften someone up to be something welcome
to make a person more favorably dis-
posed to one's wishes SORE to open up a festering sore
to upset a person by drawing atten-
SOFTEN to soften the blow tion to a long-standing grievance
to take action to reduce the trauma of
bad news SORROW to drown one's sorrows
SOFTLY speak softly and carry a to drink by way of solace and in an
big stick attempt to forget some misfortune
be polite to your potential enemies SOUL a soul brother
but maintain an active and visible a person of similar ideals
defense capability (from a speech by
Theodore Roosevelt in 1901) SOUL a soul-searching exercise
an examination of the advantages and
SOLDIER to be a brave soldier disadvantages of a proposal
to be brave
SOLDIER to soldier on SOUL heart and soul
to carry on despite difficulties with great energy

SOLOMON to need the wisdom of SOUL soul-destroying

Solomon extremely boring and demotivating
to be faced with the need to make a SOUL to bare one's soul
difficult decision (1 Kings 3:16-28) talkatively to give a revealing insight
SOMERSAULT to turn a complete into oneself
to reverse one's established policy SOUL to be the life and soul of the
SON favorite son to be the prime enthusiast for a cause
person preferred by many people for
some office SOUL to keep body and soul together
to keep alive
SONG nothing to make a song or
dance about SOUND to sound alarm bells
unexciting or unimportant to give warning
SOUND to sound the death knell of SPACE to get some breathing space
something to get more time in which to accom-
to indicate the impending end of plish something
SPADE to call a spade a spade
SOUNDING to act as a sounding not to mince words
to give, on request, constructive criti- SPADE to do the spadework
cisms of ideas tentatively held to prepare

SOUNDING to take a sounding SPAIN a castle in Spain

to ascertain people's views an impracticable proposition
SOUP to be in the soup SPANNER to throw a spanner into
to be in great difficulties the works
to cause an unexpected complication
SOUR that is just sour grapes
those are disparaging remarks made SPARE to carry a spare tire
only because he is peeved and resent- to be fat
ful at someone else's better fortune SPARK to make sparks fly
SOUR to hit a sour note to cause rapid activity to take place
to discover an unexpected flaw in an
SPARK to spark on all cylinders
otherwise satisfactory piece of work
to work extremely well
SOUR to turn sour
to become impracticable or unprofitable
tough and efficient, with a complete
SOUTH a South Sea bubble absence of the finer things of life
an unrealistic financial venture which
is bound to result in total loss SPEAK speak softly and carry a big
SOW one can't make a silk purse be polite to your potential enemies
out of a sow's ear but maintain an active and visible
it is impossible to manufacture some- defense capability (from a speech by
thing of a high standard without ap- Theodore Roosevelt in 1901)
propriate raw materials
SPEAK speak of the devil
SOW to get the wrong sow by the here is the person we were just
ear discussing
to reach an incorrect conclusion
SPEAK to speak one's mind
SOW to reap as one has sown
to express one's views frankly and
to experience the consequences of one's
own actions
SOW to sow seeds SPEAK to speak the same language
to propagate ideas in the hope that to have a good understanding and
they will be adopted similar ideas
SOW to sow the wind and reap the SPEAK to speak volumes for
whirlwind something
to make bad mistakes and to suffer to place something in a favorable
the even worse consequences light
SOW to sow wild oats SPEARHEAD to spearhead
to indulge in foolish behavior while a something
young adult to lead a movement
SPECTACLES to see something SPIN to be in a flat spin
through rose-colored spectacles to be in a state of high excitement
to appreciate only the advantages and
SPIN to spin a yarn
to completely disregard the disadvan-
tages to tell an amusing or unlikely story
SPIN to spin something out
SPECTER to raise the specter of
to prolong some matter
to draw attention to a worrying ex- SPINE to send a cold shiver down
pectation of something someone's spine
to horrify a person
SPECTRUM spectrum
wide range of different opinions or SPIRIT kindred spirit
backgrounds persons with similar interests and
SPEED speed the plow!
let us get on with this as fast as SPIRIT the spirit is willing but the
possible! flesh is weak
the body is not up to the demands
SPELL to break the spell made on it
to spoil the eflFect
SPIT spit it out!
SPELL to have a spell in the unburden yourself!
to have leave of absence SPITE to cut one's nose off to spite
one's face
SPELL to spell something out to act in pique in a way which harms
to explain something in detail only oneself
SPELLBINDING spellbinding SPLASH to make a splash
fascinating to an audience to create a sensation
SPEND to spend a sleepless night SPLEEN to vent one's spleen on
to worry about something someone
SPIDER to be the center of the to demonstrate one's ill temper to a
spider's web person
to control an operation which involves SPLICE to splice the main brace
numerous and/or complex ingredients to serve an extra ration of rum
SPIKE to spike someone's guns SPLIT to split hairs
to cause something to become useless to draw absurdly fine distinctions
SPILL it is no use crying over spilt SPLIT to split one's side
milk to be convulsed with laughter
lamenting over a disaster achieves
nothing SPOIL to spoil the ship for a
ha'p'orth of tar
SPILL to spill the beans to engage in a false economy (the
to indiscreetly reveal sensitive infor- current word "ship" is actually a
mation mistake for the original word "sheep"
SPIN tailspin and the tar refers to the treatment of
very fast fall wounds)
SPIN to be a money spinner SPOIL too many cooks spoil the
to produce large profits easily and broth
quickly one leader is all that is required
SPOKE to put a spoke in someone's SPREAD to spread one's wings
wheel to assert authority which has not yet
to interfere with another person's ac- been conferred by one's superiors and
tivity, so preventing its continuance for which one may not be ready
SPONGE to throw up the sponge SPREAD to spread oneself thin
to concede defeat to attempt to do more than is feasible
in the available time
SPOON he must have a long spoon
that sups with the devil SPREAD to spread the net more
great care is needed when negotiating widely
deals with disreputable parties to become more comprehensive
SPOON to be born with a silver SPRING a spring cleaning
spoon in one's mouth a thorough review occurring a long
to be brought up by wealthy parents time after the previous one
SPOON to get the wooden spoon SPRING to spring to mind
to come in gloriously last to suddenly occur to a person
SPOT a leopard cannot change his SPRINGBOARD a springboard
spots a situation from which one intends to
each person is born with certain unal- make a rapid advance
terable characteristics
SPUR to spur someone on
SPOT the one bright spot on the to agitate a person into doing something
the only hopeful aspect SPUR to win one's spurs
to gain recognition after a period of
SPOT to be a tender spot
effort (refers to the earning of a knight-
to be a subject on which a person is
hood in battle)
SPOT to have a blind spot about SQUARE a square peg in a round
something hole
to fail to recognize the adverse as- a person much more suitable for a
pects of something position rather different from the one
SPOT to have a soft spot for
someone SQUARE four square
to be very fond of a person honest and reliable

SPOT to put someone on the spot SQUARE to go back to square one

to embarrass a person to start all over again

SPOTLIGHT to steal the spotlight SQUARE to try to square the circle

to set out to be the center of attention to attempt the impossible (refers to a
classical problem in geometry, name-
SPOTLIGHT to turn the spotlight ly, to construct with a compass a
on something square of the same area as a given
to draw public attention to something circle)
SPRAT to throw a sprat to catch a SQUEAKY the squeaky wheel gets
mackerel the most attention
to risk a little in the hope of gaining those complaining the most loudly
much will get their problems sorted out first
SQUEEZE to squeeze someone out STAKE to raise the stake
to force a person to leave to increase the amount of potential
SQUEEZE to squeeze the last drop gain or loss in a project
out of something STAKE to stake a claim
to get the maximum advantage out of to indicate one's desire to obtain
some favorable situation something
SQUIB a damp squib STALEMATE stalemate
disappointingly ineffective action (re- a final result in which neither party to
fers to fireworks which fail to go off) a dispute is victorious
STAB a stab in the dark STALK a stalking horse
a sheer guess an ostensible reason
STAB to stab someone in the back STAMP only a postage stamp
to deliberately and surreptitiously harm between them
a person who regarded one as a friend virtually equal or close together
STABLE a Herculean cleaning of the STAMP to put one's own stamp on
stables something
a thorough revision of operating pro- to affect something with one's own
cedure (refers to Hercules, a mythical characteristic style
Greek hero who cleaned the stables
of Augeas) STAMP to rubber-stamp something
to endorse without considering the
STABLE to shut the stable door after merits
the horse has bolted
to take preventive action only after STAMPEDE to stampede someone
the relevant event into something
to pressure a person into taking some
STACK to have the cards stacked
against one
to be faced with many difficulties STAND if one can't stand the heat
frustrating a project one should stay out of the kitchen
a person should not put himself in a
STACK to have the odds stacked
position involving pressures with which
against one
he cannot cope (words attributed to
to be faced with many difficulties Harry S. Truman)
frustrating a project
STAND not to have a leg to stand
STAGE the stage is set
something is about to happen
to have one's arguments completely
STAGE to be center stage demolished or to be without accepta-
to have everyone's attention ble excuse or explanation
STAGE to be on a world stage STAND to be able to do something
to be prominent in international affairs standing on one's head
STAGE to stage-manage something to be able to do something very easily
to arrange how something happens STAND to know where one stands
STAGE to upstage someone to know what one supports or how
to deprive another person of the glory one is affected
which he would otherwise have enjoyed STAND to make a last-ditch stand
STAGING a staging post to make a brave effort to stave off
a place where action is initiated final defeat
STAND to make someone's hair STAR to have stars in one's eyes
stand on end (for emotional rather than rational rea-
to give a person shocking news sons) to be ecstatic
STAND to stand in someone's way STAR to shoot for the stars
to prevent a person achieving his goal to be unrealistic
STAND to stand in the breach STARE to stare someone in the face
to bear the brunt of criticisms (of a solution, etc.) to become obvious
STAND to stand on one's own two START to have a head start
feet to have an advantage over others
not to require the help of others
START to start from behind scratch
STAND to stand on someone's to be faced with a handicap
START to start from scratch
to build upon another person's ideas
to commence something without the
STAND to stand one's ground benefit of any past activity
to maintain a stance in the face of START to start the ball rolling
opposition to commence and enthusiastically ad-
STAND to stand out from the crowd vance an activity involving people
to be noticeably better than one's START to start with a blank sheet
competitors of paper
STAND to stand over someone with to commence an exercise without being
a big stick bound by any established practices
to intimidate a person in order to get STATE to be in a state of flux
him to act in a particular way to be subject to continuous change
STAND to stand up and be counted STATE to find out the state of play
to publicly announce one's position to ascertain the current position of
on some issue some project
STAND to stand up on one's hind STAY if one can't stand the heat one
legs should stay out of the kitchen
to exert one's authority a person should not put himself in a
position involving pressure with which
STANDARD a standard bearer he cannot cope (words attributed to
a highly visible activist for a cause Harry S. Truman)
STANDOFF a Mexican standoff STAY to stay tuned
a situation where neither of two par- to keep in touch for further informa-
ties is making a move tion as it becomes available
STANDSTILL a standstill STEAL to steal a march on someone
an inability to proceed to anticipate another person's actions
STAR one can thank one's lucky and get in ahead
stars STEAL to steal someone's clothes
one was extremely fortunate to plagiarize another person's ideas
STAR rising star STEAL to steal someone's heart
person making good progress in his to cause a person to fall in love with
career one
STEAL to steal someone's thunder STEP a step in the right direction
to take credit for another person's the first in a series of measures de-
good work (refers to a dispute over signed to correct some problem
the copying of a machine invented by
a 17th-century dramatist to reproduce STEP a stepping stone
the sound of thunder during a play) a means to an end

STEAL to steal the show STEP by small steps

to have the maximum appeal to those gradually
watching STEP step by step
STEAL to steal the spotlight gradually
to set out to be the center of attention STEP to follow in someone's
STEAM full steam ahead! footsteps
get going as fast as possible! to do as another person did
STEAM to develop a head of steam STEP to get in step with someone
to gain momentum to do as another person does
STEAM to let off steam STEP to overstep the mark
to engage in noisy or robust activity to fail to observe the proprieties
as a form of relaxation
STEP to step down
STEAM to lose steam to retire from some position
to slow down
STEP to step into the ring
STEAM to run out of steam to enter a competitive environment
to lose one's energy and enthusiasm
STEP to step out of line
STEAM under one's own steam to infringe accepted rules of behavior
without external help
STEP to take a giant step forward
STEAMROLL to steamroll to make a significant advance
something through
to use enormous force to achieve an STEP to take a step backward
objective to move farther away from one's goal

STEEL to be a man of steel STEP to step on someone's corns

to upset another person by interfering
to be a person with moral courage
in his area of responsibility
STEEL to have nerves of steel
not to be easily frightened STEP to step on someone's toes
to upset another person by interfering
STEEL to steel one's heart against in his area of responsibility
to determine that, notwithstanding one's STEP to watch one's step
natural compassion, something shall to be on the lookout for danger or to
not happen set out to improve one's behavior

STEM to stem the hemorrhage STEW to be in a stew

to put a stop to the financial losses of to be in difficulties
a project
STEW to stew in one's juice
STEM to stem the tide to suffer the adverse consequences of
to make progress against something one's acts or omissions
STICK a cobbler should stick to his STICK to be on the losing end of
last the stick
every person should confine himself to be worse off while the other party
to activities for which he has been to a transaction becomes correspond-
trained ingly better off
STICK a stick-in-the-mud STICK to be unable to keep people
an unenterprising person away with a big stick
to be faced with a large crowd or
STICK any stick to beat a dog much demand
any excuse will do if it serves one's
purpose STICK to get stuck into some
STICK it sticks in my throat to attempt to solve a problem with
I find it galling great vigor
STICK not to have the wherewithal STICK to get stuck into someone
to rub two sticks together to castigate a person
to be very poor
STICK to give someone a bit of stick
STICK some mud will stick to mildly criticize a person
reputations will be hurt even after STICK to hold the wrong end of the
accusations are proved false stick
STICK speak softly and carry a big to be completely mistaken about
stick something
be polite to your potential enemies STICK to stand over someone with
but maintain an active and visible a big stick
defense capability (from a speech by to intimidate a person in order to get
Theodore Roosevelt in 1901) him to act in a particular way
STICK sticks and carrots STICK to stick a knife into someone
disincentives and incentives in com- to act vindictively toward a person
bination (refers to the handling of
STICK to stick one's neck out
to have the courage of one's convic-
STICK the words stuck in my throat tions or to take a calculated risk
I just could not get myself to say the STICK to stick out a mile
intended words to be very apparent
STICK to be a good old stick STICK to stick to one's game
to be a kind and thoughtful person to confine oneself to activities in areas
STICK to be better than a poke in in which one has knowledge and
the eye with a burnt stick expertise
to be particularly welcome STICK to stick to one's guns
to continue to hold certain beliefs
STICK to be in a cleft stick
notwithstanding opposition by others
to be in a dilemma
STICK to wield a big stick
STICK to be more than one can to exert power
poke a stick at
to be more than can reasonably be STICKY a sticky patch
handled a period fraught with difficulties
STICKY to be a sticky beak STOCK lock, stock and barrel
to show excessive curiosity into mat- entirely
ters not of one's concern
STOCK to be a blue-chip stock
STICKY to be on a sticky wicket to be of excellent quality
to face some difficulties
STOCK to take stock
STICKY to come to a sticky end to contemplate the alternatives
to endure an unpleasant fate
STOKE to stoke the fires
STICKY to have sticky fingers to provoke a violent reaction
to be dishonest
STOMACH someone's eyes are
STIFF a stiff upper lip bigger than his stomach
obstinate courage in the face of pain a person is unrealistic
or adversity
STOMACH to have butterflies in
STIFF stiff cheese! one's stomach
circumstances which may be unwel- a feeling of anxiety
come but which will not be altered
STOMACH to have no stomach for
and in respect of which no great
sympathy is felt
to have no taste or fortitude for
STILL still waters run deep something
a person with a quiet manner may STONE a milestone
have a surprisingly great knowledge an achievement
of a subject
STONE a stepping stone
STING to be the sting in the tail a means to an end
to be the unexpected unpleasant con-
clusion STONE cornerstone
key ingredient
STIR to stir a finger
STONE people in glass houses
to make some minimum effort
should not throw stones
STIR to stir a hand those who are less than perfect are
to volunteer assistance foolish to criticize others
STIR to stir the possum STONE the touchstone
to set out to raise controversial issues the standard
STIR to stir the pot STONE to draw blood from a stone
to set out to raise controversial issues to do the impossible

STIR to stir up a hornet's nest STONE to have a heart of stone

to take action which results in un- to be unfeeling
pleasant side-effects STONE to kill some proposal stone
STITCH a stitch in time saves nine to abandon some proposal completely
preventive maintenance saves money
in the long run STONE to kill two birds with one
STITCH to have someone in stitches to achieve a second objective in the
to greatly amuse a person course of achieving the first objective
STITCH to stitch up a deal STONE to leave no stone unturned
to successfully conclude a deal to be very thorough
STONE within a stone's throw STORM there are black clouds on
very close the horizon
bad news is expected
STONEWALLING stonewalling
deliberate obstruction or delaying tactics STORM to barnstorm
to visit accompanied by a show of
STOOL to fall between two stools
not to fit neatly into either of two
available alternatives and waver be- STORM to be in the eye of the storm
tween them to be at the center of a controversy
STOP a whistlestop tour STORM to brainstorm
a hurried (especially ceremonial) visit to pool thoughts in the course of a
to many places session designed to generate fresh ideas
and especially to build upon the ideas
STOP heart-stopping
of others
STOP the buck stops here STORM to create a storm
I accept full responsibility (sign on to kick up a fuss
the desk of Harry S. Truman when STORM to ride out the storm
president of the United States) to come safely through some danger-
STOP to be stopped in one's tracks ous situation
suddenly and unexpectedly to be STORM to run into a firestorm
prevented from carrying on with a to be faced with many protests
STOP to come to a full stop STORM to take someone by storm
to completely cease activity to captivate an audience

STOP to pull out all stops STORM to weather the storm

to make maximum effort to come safely through a crisis
STOP to stop up one hole in a sieve STORMY to be a stormy petrel
to do something quite useless a person who disturbs a pleasant state
STOP when the music stops of affairs by agitating for change
suddenly and soon (refers to an im- STORY a cock and bull story
minent crisis leading to some resolu- an explanation which is completely
tion of a matter, as in a game of unbelievable and unacceptable
musical chairs)
STORY a tall story
STORAGE to put something into an interesting but untrue and unbe-
cold storage lievable tale
to put something aside for dealing
with at some indeterminate future time STRAIGHT a straight face
STORE to take over the store a facial expression which does not
to assume the management reveal one's thoughts in a humorous
STORM any port in a storm
anything which helps to avoid diffi- STRAIGHT a straight shooter
culties is welcome a person who is frank and outspoken
STORM the calm before the storm STRAIGHT straight from the
the quiet period before an expected or shoulder
inevitable crisis bluntly
STRAIGHT to be on the straight STRAW the straw which broke the
and narrow camel's back
to be completely honest the latest step, which, when added to
a large number of seemingly harm-
STRAIGHT to jump straight in at less previous steps, sets off a disaster
the deep end resulting from the cumulative effect
to do something without a proper
lead in STRAW to be a man of straw
to have no assets while giving a con-
STRAIGHT to maintain a straight trary appearance
to be efficient STRAW to buy straw hats in winter
to buy in a depressed market when
STRAIN to strain at a gnat most other people are sellers
to be scrupulous about trifles
STRAW to clasp at straws
STRAIT in dire straits to have a hopeless case but show
in great need unjustified optimism on noting minor
positive features
STRAIT strait-laced
puritanical STRAW to draw the short straw
to be the one appointed to do something
STRAIT to keep someone in a
straitjacket STREAM mainstream
to deny a person any discretionary orthodox
powers at all
STREAM to get on stream
STRANGLE to strangle some to now operate successfully following
discussion the end of a settling-in period
to cut off some unfinished discussion
STREAM to swap horses in
STRANGLEHOLD a stranglehold midstream
a firm grip on a commercial situa- to change direction during the course
tion, effectively freezing out a com- of a project
petitor STREET a one-way street
STRAP to hit the straps a flow of activity in only one direction
to really get going STREET not to be in the same street
STRAW one can't make bricks as someone
without straw not to be of comparable quality
one cannot achieve results in the ab- STREET the man in the street
sence of adequate resources the average citizen
STRAW straws in the wind STREET there is blood in the streets
unofficial preliminary indications of much damage has been done to a
something likely to be formally re- cause
vealed soon
STREET to be in Queer Street
STRAW the final straw to be in debt
the latest step, which, when added to
a large number of seemingly harmless STREET to be streets ahead
previous steps, sets off a disaster to outperform one's competitors by a
resulting from the cumulative effect wide margin
STREET to be up one's alley STRIKE to strike a responsive chord
to be right within a person's expertise to get a favorable reaction to a proposal
or area of interest
STRIKE to strike a snag
STREET to walk in off the street to encounter a difficulty
to come without prior arrangement or
STRIKE to strike at the roots of
STRENGTH to be a tower of to work toward the destruction of
strength something
to be a person who supports and
STRIKE to strike gold
comforts another
to have one's efforts suddenly rewarded
STRENGTHEN to strengthen by great success
someone's hand
STRIKE to strike pay dirt
to give a person additional authority
to become successful
or greater moral support or more facts
to support his case STRIKE to strike the right chord
to appeal successfully to someone's
STRETCH to enter the home stretch emotions
to commence the last stage
STRIKE to strike the right key
STREW to be on a path strewn with to find the appropriate solution
to lead a very pleasant life STRIKE to strike the right note
to make a good impression
STRICTLY that is strictly for the
birds STRIKE to strike while the iron is
that is blatant and naive nonsense hot
to take advantage of a situation which
STRIDE to hit one's stride cannot last
to settle down to some task
STRING to be tied to someone's
STRIDE to take something in one's apron strings
stride to be excessively influenced by a
to cope with something easily female
STRIKE it strikes me STRING to have a second string to
it occurs to me one's bow
STRIKE to be thunderstruck to have an additional qualification ap-
to be amazed propriate to the task
STRIKE to be within striking STRING to have strings attached
distance to be subject to conditions
to be fairly close STRING to hold the purse strings
STRIKE to strike a blow to have control of expenditures
to resume work STRING to pull at one's heart
STRIKE to strike a blow for some strings
principle to affect one emotionally
to work toward the attainment of some STRING to pull strings
principle to use one's special influence with
STRIKE to strike a chord those in a position to make favorable
to sound familiar or recall something decisions which might otherwise not
to mind be forthcoming
STRING to tighten the purse strings SUIT to follow suit
to reduce outlays to do the same as others
STRIPE to earn one's stripes SUMMER one swallow does not
to deserve promotion make a summer
much further evidence is desirable
STROKE a master stroke before any action taken
particularly brilliant action
SUN a place in the sun
STROKE with a stroke of the pen a favorable situation
by edict
SUN everything under the sun
STUFF to be hot stuff everything
to be skillful or very passionate SUN the sun has set on something
STUFFING to knock the stuffing out something has concluded
of someone SUN to make hay while the sun
to completely demoralize a person shines
to utilize an opportunity before it
STUMBLE stumbling block
an impediment or difficulty prevent-
ing the easy completion of some pro- SUP he must have a long spoon that
ject or a dilemma involving a moral sups with the devil
issue great care is needed when negotiating
deals with disreputable parties
STUMPS until stumps are drawn
until the project ends (refers to cricket) SUPPER to sing for one's supper
to carry out a task in order to receive
SUCK suck it and see a favor in return
discover experimentally how some- SURE sure-fire
thing works guaranteed
SUCK to suck someone in SURFACE on the surface
to embroil an innocent party in an on the basis of a superficial first
unethical enterprise impression
SUCK to suck the lemon dry SURFACE to only scratch the surface
to get the maximum advantage out of to deal with only a small portion of a
some favorable situation much larger whole
SUCK to teach one's grandmother SWALLOW one swallow does not
how to suck eggs make a summer
to try to tell a much more experi- much further evidence is desirable
enced person something very obvious before any action taken
to him SWALLOW someone has swallowed
a dictionary
SUDDEN sudden death a person uses excessively long words
instantaneously or without phasing in
SWALLOW to be a bitter pill to
SUGAR to sugar the pill swallow
to cause something to be more accept- to be a great humiliation and disap-
able pointment which have to be endured
SUIT one's long suit SWALLOW to be hard to swallow
one's main skills not to be readily acceptable
SWALLOW to swallow one's pride SWEETEN to sweeten a deal
to take action despite the humiliating to offer some concessions or incentives
nature of this course
SWEETEN to sweeten the pot
SWALLOW to swallow the bait to provide a few additional inducements
to succumb to a temptation deliber-
SWEETHEART a sweetheart deal
ately put in one's way
an agreement negotiated in private
SWALLOW to swallow the line without full regard to the interests of
to accept as truth the story being those affected
SWELL a swelled head
SWAMP to swamp someone an exaggerated idea of one's abilities
to overload a person or status
SWAN swan song SWIM it is a case of sink or swim
last appearance before retirement the attempt is worthwhile, despite the
risk of failure
SWAP to swap horses in midstream
to change direction during the course SWIM to be in the swim
of a project to be a member of a group knowing
what is going on
SWARM to swarm out
to gather in large numbers SWIM to swim against the tide
to take up a minority position
SWEAT blood, sweat and tears
hard work and much effort SWINE to cast pearls before swine
to confer valuable benefits on some-
SWEAT no sweat one who neither recognizes nor ap-
this presents no difficulty preciates them
SWEAT to be in a cold sweat SWING the swing of the pendulum
to be afraid the alternation of voter acceptance
SWEAT to sweat it out between opposing political parties
to await one's fate calmly SWING there is no room to swing
SWEEP a clean sweep a cat
the complete removal in an election this place is very small (actually re-
of all sitting members fers to a cat-o'-nine-tails)

SWEEP to sweep someone off her SWING to be in full swing

feet to be very active
to cause a person to lose all discern- SWING to swing the lead
ment to cheat an employer by not working
SWEEP to sweep something under while being paid to do so
the carpet SWING what one loses on the swings
to pretend that some blemish does not one gains on the roundabouts
exist there are advantages and disadvan-
SWEET a rose by any other name tages which offset each other
would smell as sweet SWIPE to take a swipe at someone
the form does not affect the substance to attempt to embarrass a person for
(from Shakespeare' s ROMEO AND JULIET) something that person has done
SWEET to be short and sweet SWOOP in one fell swoop
to be very brief and to the point all at the same time
SWORD to be a two-edged sword TABLE to turn the tables on
to involve both advantages and disad- someone
vantages of similar significance to cause the relative positions of one-
self and another person to be reversed
SWORD to cross swords with
someone TACK to be on the wrong tack
to have a disagreement with another to be using an incorrect procedure or
person policy
SWORD to have a sword of TACK to change tack
Damocles hanging over one to alter one's direction
to be in imminent danger despite nor- TACK to get down to brass tacks
mal activity going on all around one to discuss the aspects which really
SWORD to hold a sword at matter
someone's throat TACKLE to tackle someone head-on
to exert undue pressure on another to confront a person
person in an endeavor to achieve a
result which would otherwise not be TAIL bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
forthcoming naive but enthusiastic

SYRUP soothing syrup TAIL heads I win—tails you lose

insincere expressions of sympathy or whichever way this matter goes I will
flattery benefit at your expense

SYSTEM to be all systems '"go"' TAIL in two shakes of a duck's tail

to go ahead as fast as possible in an instant
TAIL the tail end of something
the very end of something
T to a t TAIL the tail wagging the dog
exactly a minor aspect with disproportionate
effect on a major aspect
T to dot the i's and cross the t's
to be meticulous in completing the TAIL to be the sting in the tail
documentation for a transaction to be the unexpected unpleasant con-
TAB to keep tabs on something
to monitor something TAIL to be unable to make head or
tail of something
TABLE to lay a proposal on the to be unable to understand how some-
table thing functions or what something
to make a proposal available for dis- means
cussion or to adjourn discussion on a
proposal for an indefinite period TAIL to get off one's tail
to stir oneself from one's inertia
TABLE to lay one's cards on the
table TAIL to grab the devil by the tail
to be utterly frank and open or to to face up to difficulties
honestly disclose one's position
TAIL to hang onto someone's
TABLE to put money on the table coat-tails
to back one's judgment in a tangible to excessively rely on another per-
way or to demonstrate one's sincerity son's initiatives
TAIL to have a tiger by the tail TALL a tall story
to be involved in an activity which is an interesting but untrue and unbe-
much more dangerous than one had lievable tale
TALL tall oaks from little acorns
TAIL to have one's tail between grow
one's legs even major enterprises have to have
to show great humility in the light of small beginnings (from "Lines writ-
a backing down ten for a School Declamation" by
David Everett)
TAIL to trail one's coat-tails
to invite a quarrel TALL to be a tall order
to be an unreasonable expectation
TAIL to wait two shakes of a lamb's
tail TALL to cut tall poppies down to
to wait just a few moments size
TAIL with his tail between his legs to humiliate haughty persons
contritely TALLY to keep a tally
TAILEND tailend Charlie to keep a record (refers to a piece of
a person who habitually comes last wood with notches made on it to
indicate a count)
TAILOR to tailor something
to do something in a way which has TANGENT to go off at a tangent
regard to the specific needs or prefer- to depart from the main matter under
ences of a particular person consideration and follow instead some
other matter only marginally related
TAILSPIN tailspin to it
very fast fall
TANGLE a tangled web
TALE a telltale sign a series of lies, especially with incon-
a visible indication revealing true facts sistencies leading to exposure (from
despite efforts at concealment Sir Walter Scott's MARMION)
TALE an old wives' tale
TANGO it takes two to tango
a traditionally-held theory without any
some activities cannot be carried out
scientific backing
TALE to tell tales out of school
to deliberately leak a secret TAP to be on tap
to be readily available on request
TALK talk of the devil
here is the person we were just TAP to turn off the tap
discussing to deny further access to supplies or
TALK to talk shop
to discuss business or professional TAPE red tape
matters on a social occasion excessively bureaucratic procedures
TALK to talk turkey TAR to be tarred with the same
to talk realistically brush
to be damned merely because of one's
TALL a tall poppy association with another person
a person with great power or respon-
sibility and/or in receipt of high TAR to have a touch of the tarbrush
remuneration to be not quite a full-blood Caucasian
TAR to spoil the ship for a ha'p'orth TEACH to teach someone a lesson
of tar to inflict something unpleasant on a
to engage in a false economy (the person in the hope that it will lead to
current word "ship" is actually a mis- a change in his behavior
take for the original word "sheep"
TEACUP a tempest in a teacup
and the tar refers to the treatment of
a controversy about a minor matter
but one which looms large in the
TARGET a moving target minds of the parties
an objective subject to constant revision TEAM a cricket team
TARGET target eleven people
TEAR blood, sweat and tears
TARGET to zero in on a target hard work and much effort
to move directly toward one's objective TEAR that's torn it
TARNISH to tarnish one's image that has foiled the proposal
to become less highly regarded TEAR to almost drive someone to
TASTE to be left with a nasty taste tears
in one's mouth to present information designed to
to be appalled or very disappointed at make another person express sympa-
another person's unethical behavior thy not warranted by the facts
to one TEAR to bore someone to tears
to greatly weary a person by dull and
TASTE to get a taste of one's own uninteresting conversation or by lack
medicine of action
to suffer from an initiative intended
to affect only other persons TEAR to shed a quiet tear for
TAT tit for tat to lament the passing of something
TEAR to shed crocodile tears
TATTER in tatters to be a hypocrite
utterly destroyed TEAR to tear one's hair out
TEA / would not do so-and-so for to be agitated
all the tea in China TEAR to tear oneself away
I will never do so-and-so to leave despite a great desire to stay
TEA not to be someone's cup of tea TEAR to tear someone apart
to be outside a person's expertise or to ruthlessly destroy another person's
area of interest case
TEACH one cannot teach an old dog TEAR to tear something to ribbons
new tricks to damage something severely
people get irreversibly set in their TELEGRAPH to telegraph one's
ways punches
TEACH to teach one's grandmother by one's actions to give advance warn-
how to suck eggs ing of one's future plans
to try to tell a much more experi- TELL a telltale sign
enced person something very obvious a visible indication revealing true facts
to him despite efforts at concealment
TELL if I've told you once I've told TEST to test the water
you a thousand times to try out an idea in a small way
I express resentment at the need to
TETHER to be at the end of one's
constantly repeat some statement
TELL tell it to the marines to be frustrated by a lack of knowl-
such nonsense is not believable edge, authority or patience
TELL to tell tales out of school THAMES to set the Thames on fire
to deliberately leak a secret to do something noteworthy
TEMPEST a tempest in a teacup THANK one can thank one's lucky
a controversy about a minor matter stars
but one which looms large in the one was extremely fortunate
minds of the parties
THEME variations on a theme
TEN to be only ten pence in the alternative approaches in similar vein
to be slightly stupid THERE to be neither here nor there
TEN not to touch something with a to be irrelevant or unimportant
ten-foot pole THICK through thick and thin
to go out of one's way to avoid regardless of any obstacles
THICK to be in the thick of things
TENDER to be a tender spot to get involved at the center of some
to be a subject on which a person is activity
TENT to quietly fold up one's tent THICK to come in thick and fast
to surreptitiously abandon a previously- to arrive quickly and in great volume
cherished stance THICK to have a thick skin
TENTACLE tentacles to be impervious to criticism
strong and unpleasant influence ex- THICK to have the hide of a
tending a long way from its base and rhinoceros
in many directions to be totally unaffected by and unre-
TENTERHOOK to be on sponsive to valid criticism
to anxiously await some result THICK to penetrate someone's thick
TERRIBLE an enfant terrible to make a person understand some-
a person who raises pertinent but thing difficult or acknowledge some-
unpalatable issues (French, "little thing unwelcome
THIMBLE a pea and thimble trick
TEST a litmus test a clever fraud committed in the pres-
an event which allows the outcome of ence of its victim without this being
future events to be predicted more obvious at the time
TEST to be the acid test THIN that argument is wearing a
to establish something beyond doubt bit thin
that is a very weak case
TEST to road test something
to try something out under real condi- THIN through thick and thin
tions regardless of any obstacles
THIN to be the thin edge of the THOMAS a doubting Thomas
wedge a person who refuses to believe claims
by conceding a small point to create in the absence of proof (John 20:25)
an undesirable precedent for much
larger issues THORN a rose between two thorns
something beautiful in the midst of
THIN to be thin on the ground ugliness
to be scarce
THORN to be a thorn in someone's
THIN to produce something out of flesh
thin air to be a person whose persistent pres-
to get hold of something in circum- ence and righteous views annoy
stances where this seemed impossible
THORN to wear one's crown of
THIN to skate on thin ice thorns
to act in disregard of obvious danger to have one's own difficulties (John
THIN to spread oneself thin
to attempt to do more than is feasible THOUSAND a sixty-four thousand
in the available time dollar question
a pertinent but very difficult question
THIN to tread the thin line (refers to a TV quiz show in which
cautiously to take action in circum- an initial prize doubles with the suc-
stances where either too much or too cessful answering of progressively more
little will cause difficulties difficult questions)
THIN to vanish into thin air THOUSAND a thousand and one
unexpectedly to disappear many
THING to be in the thick of things THOUSAND if I've told you once
to get involved at the center of some I've told you a thousand times
activity I express resentment at the need to
THINK one shudders to think what constantly repeat some statement
the outcome might be THREAD the thread
there is great concern as to the outcome the connecting link of a set of argu-
THINK to put one's thinking cap on ments
to concentrate on finding a solution
THREAD to hang by a slender
to a difficult problem
THINK to think twice before doing to only just survive
to consider with particular care THREE a three-card trick
a ruse used by a dishonest person in
THINLY thinly-veiled order to induce his victims to hand
barely concealed over some of their assets
THIRD to give someone the third THREE yes sir—yes sir—three
degree bags full!
to apply pressure while questioning (in servile response to some request)
closely a person under suspicion yes, very willingly!
THIRST to thirst for blood THROAT cut-throat
to be eager for revenge highly competitive
THROAT it sticks in my throat THROUGH a breakthrough
I find it galling success in overcoming resistance to a
THROAT the words stuck in my
throat THROUGH to fall through
I just could not get myself to say the not to eventuate as expected
intended words THROW people in glass houses
THROAT to be at each other's should not throw stones
throats those who are less than perfect are
to be always fighting foolish to criticize others
THROAT to cut one's own throat THROW to be the throw of a loaded
to act in a way which damages one's die
own interests to be an act of deceit

THROAT to have a lump in one's THROW to throw a blanket over a

throat proposal
to feel emotional to refuse to proceed with a proposal
THROW to throw a cat among the
THROAT to have someone by the
to cause consternation by revealing
to claim victory over an opponent
an unpleasant and unexpected fact
THROAT to hold a knife at THROW to throw a long shadow
someone's throat to have wide-spread ramifications
to exert undue pressure on another
person in an endeavor to achieve a THROW to throw a pebble against
result which would otherwise not be the window
forthcoming to gently draw attention to oneself
THROAT to hold a sword at THROW to throw a spanner into the
someone's throat works
to exert undue pressure on another to cause an unexpected complication
person in an endeavor to achieve a THROW to throw a sprat to catch
result which would otherwise not be a mackerel
forthcoming to risk a little in the hope of gaining
THROAT to jump down someone's much
throat THROW to throw brickbats at
to react angrily to the remarks of the someone
other party to a conversation to express displeasure with a person
THROAT to ram something down THROW to throw down the gauntlet
someone's throat to issue a challenge (refers to the
to pressure another person into accept- glove worn by a knight)
ing an idea with which he does not THROW to throw dust into
agree someone's eyes
THRONE the power behind the to deceive a person by presenting
throne inaccurate or misleading information
a person exercising the real authority THROW to throw good money after
but without having the official right bad
to do so (the antonym of "titular to waste further money in a vain
head") attempt to recover money already lost
THROW to throw in one's hand THROW to throw something to the
to give in or to give up dogs
THROW to throw in the towel to sacrifice something
to concede defeat THROW to throw the book at
THROW to throw one's cap into the someone
air to prosecute a person with all the
to celebrate some achievement vigor allowed by law
THROW to throw one's hat into the THROW to throw up one's hands
air to express disgust
to express joy
THROW to throw up the sponge
THROW to throw one's weight about
to concede defeat
to use one's real or imagined status in
order to achieve certain results THROW within a stone's throw
THROW to throw out the baby with very close
the bathwater
THUD to come down with a thud
to discard a major benefit in the course
to be suddenly disillusioned
of obtaining a comparatively minor
advantage THUMB a rule of thumb
THROW to throw someone a bone a simple yet useful approximation
to fob a person off with a symbolic THUMB a thumbnail sketch
but unimportant gesture brief but pertinent details
THROW to throw someone a few
crumbs THUMB someone's fingers are all
to fob a person off with a few sym- thumbs
a person is clumsy with his hands
bolic but unimportant concessions
THROW to throw someone in the THUMB to be under someone's
shade thumb
to surpass a person to be dominated by a person
THROW to throw someone off the THUMB to give a thumbs up
scent to approve or grant permission (refers
to deceive a person by giving out to sign given by Roman emperor spar-
misleading indications ing a life)
THROW to throw someone to the. THUMB to thumb one's nose at
lions someone
to abandon a person to show one's contempt for someone
THROW to throw someone to the in authority and to ostentatiously dis-
wolves regard his orders
to expose a person to exploitation by THUMB to twiddle one's thumbs
more sophisticated persons not to be involved in any worthwhile
THROW to throw something into a activity
to make something messy and useless THUMP a tub thumper
a preacher who rants and raves
THROW to throw something out of
the window THUNDER to be thunderstruck
to completely reject an idea or proposal to be amazed
THUNDER to steal someone's TIE to be tied to someone's apron
thunder strings
to take credit for another person's to be excessively influenced by a
good work (refers to a dispute over female
the copying of a machine invented
TIE to be tied up
by a 17th-century dramatist to repro-
to be engaged
duce the sound of thunder during a
play) TIE to tie in with something
to be consistent with something
THUNDERBOLT a thunderbolt
a surprise TIE to tie someone's hands
to prevent a person from acting as he
TICK what makes someone tick sees fit
what causes a person to act as he
does TIE to tie someone's hands behind
his back
TICKET just the ticket to make it impossible for a person to
just what is needed act at all
TICKET that's the ticket! TIE to tie something up
that is the proper thing to do to finalize the arrangements for some-
TICKET to write one's own ticket thing
to set one's own terms and conditions TIE to tie the knot
TICKLE to be tickled pink to marry
to be very pleased TIE to tie up the loose ends
TICKLE to tickle the Peter to complete the minor outstanding
to rob one's employer items of some substantially finished
TICKLISH ticklish
awkward, requiring delicate handling TIGER a paper tiger
an empty threat
TIDE the tide has turned
conditions have changed TIGER a toothless tiger
an authority which has been given
TIDE the tide is running in favor
totally inadequate powers for its task
of some proposition
public opinion supports some proposi- TIGER to have a tiger by the tail
tion to be involved in an activity which is
TIDE to be caught by the tide much more dangerous than one had
to be dealt with by something inevitable
TIDE to stem the tide TIGHT a tight rein
to make progress against something strong controls

TIDE to swim against the tide TIGHT a watertight contract

to take up a minority position a contract without loopholes or es-
cape clauses
TIDE to turn the tide
to reverse the direction of something TIGHT tight-fisted
TIE to be tied down
to have responsibilities precluding al- TIGHT to be in a tight corner
ternative activities to experience a crisis
TIGHT to be tight-lipped TIN a little tin god
to keep confidences or to be uncom- a petty tyrant
TINKER not worth a tinker's curse
TIGHT to run a tight ship worthless
to manage an efficient organization
TINKER to tinker at the edges
TIGHT to sit tight to make minor or cosmetic changes
obstinately to do nothing without affecting the substance
TIGHTEN to tighten one's belt TIP it is on the tip of my tongue
to lower one's rate of spending the right word has momentarily es-
caped me
TIGHTEN to tighten the noose
to get closer to inflicting defeat TIP to be the tip of the iceberg
to be only a very small portion of a
TIGHTEN to tighten the purse
much larger but less obvious whole
to reduce outlays TIP to cling on by one's fingertips
to have only a slender hold
TIGHTEN to tighten the screw
to increase the moral and psychologi- TIP to have some subject at one's
cal pressure fingertips
to be very familiar with a subject
TIGHTROPE to walk a tightrope
to do something very dangerous TIP to tip a bucket on someone
to point out in a humiliating way
TILL to have one's fingers in the another person's faults
to steal from one's employer TIP to tip one's hand
to disclose details of one's position
TILT to tilt at windmills
TIP to tip someone over the edge
to attack an imagined but nonexistent
to cause a person to become mentally
enemy (from Cervantes' DON QUIXOTE)
TIME a stitch in time saves nine TIP to tip the balance
preventive maintenance saves money to provide further information or ar-
in the long run gument which results in an issue,
TIME a time bomb which could have been decided either
a source of serious problems which way, being determined in a particular
are certain to surface later on way
TIME he would not give one the time TIP to tip the scales
of day to be a factor which in combination
he is unwilling to help anybody with other factors results in a particu-
TIME if I've told you once I've told lar decision which would otherwise
you a thousand times not have been reached
I express resentment at the need to TIP to tiptoe around the difficulties
constantly repeat some statement to act as though the difficulties did
TIME to live on borrowed time not exist
to live longer than expected TIRE to carry a spare tire
TIME to mark time to be fat
to do nothing while awaiting develop- TISSUE only a tissue between them
ments virtually equal or close together
TIT tit for tat TONGUE it is on the tip of my
reprisals tongue
the right word has momentarily es-
TITANIC to rearrange the deckchairs caped me
on the Titanic
to take some initiative which is quite TONGUE to feel the rough side of
useless because it does not take much someone's tongue
greater change into account to be verbally abused by a person
TOAST to have someone on toast TONGUE to find one's tongue
to be victorious over a person to overcome one's shyness and speak
TOE a toehold TONGUE to have a loose tongue
an opportunity small in itself but with to speak foolishly or indiscreetly
the potential to lead to bigger things TONGUE to have a sharp tongue
TOE to dig one's toes in to speak one's mind in forceful lan-
to become even more stubborn than guage
at first TONGUE to have a silver tongue
to be eloquent
TOE to dip one's toe in the water
to gently explore an opportunity TONGUE to hold one's tongue
to keep quiet
TOE to keep someone on his toes
to induce a person to be efficient TONGUE to keep a civil tongue in
one's head
TOE to tiptoe around the difficulties to be polite, especially under provoca-
to act as though the difficulties did tion
not exist
TONGUE to roll off the tongue
TOE to toe the line to be said very easily
to conform
TONGUE to set tongues wagging
TOE to tread on someone's toes to behave in a way which encourages
to upset another person by interfering scandal mongers
in his area of responsibility
TONGUE to speak with forked
TOKEN by the same token tongues
by way of corroboration to utter half-truths with the intention
of misleading the listener
TOM every Tom, Dick and Harry
just about everybody TONGUE tongue in cheek
full of irony
TONE overtones
implied threats TONIC to be a tonic
to cheer someone up
TONGS to go hammer and tongs TOOL tools
to do something with great energy
the means to do something
TONGUE / could have bitten my TOOTH a tooth for a tooth
tongue off retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
I wish that I had not made such a
hurtful remark TOOTH one would give one's eye
teeth for something
TONGUE a slip of the tongue a person would very much like to
incorrect words uttered accidently achieve some objective
TOOTH teething trouble TOOTH to kick someone in the teeth
problems in the early stages of a to take action which demonstrates an-
project noyance at or dislike of a person
TOOTH to bare one's teeth TOOTH to lie through one's teeth
to imply threats to tell blatant untruths
TOOTH to be armed to the teeth TOOTH to set someone's teeth on
to carry many weapons edge
to cause a person to feel unhappy at a
TOOTH to be fed up to the back
to be disgusted TOOTH to take the bit between one's
TOOTH to be long in the tooth
to face up to a problem
to be old
TOOTHLESS a toothless tiger
TOOTH to believe in the tooth fairy
an authority which has been given
to be particularly gullible
totally inadequate powers for its task
TOOTH to cut one's teeth on
TOP off the top of one's head
based on experience but without de-
to get one's first experience by doing
tailed consideration
TOP the top dog
TOOTH to escape by the skin of
the person in the most powerful
one's teeth
to only just avoid some disaster
TOP to be at the top of the tree
TOOTH to fight tooth and nail
to be a leading member of one's
to strive very hard to win
TOOTH to get one's teeth into
TOP to be icing on top of the cake
to be an additional benefit in an al-
to tackle a task with enthusiasm
ready satisfactory scenario
TOOTH to gnash one's teeth
TOP to be in top gear
to express frustration
to be making excellent progress
TOOTH to go through something TOP to be on top of the world
with a fine-tooth comb to be very happy
to conduct an extremely thorough
investigation TOP to be over the top
to be quite outrageous
TOOTH to grit one's teeth
to get ready to suffer pain TOP to blow one's top
to show anger (refers to a volcano)
TOOTH to hang on by the skin of
TOP to score top points
one's teeth
to outwit other persons
to only just survive
TOP top drawer
TOOTH to have a sweet tooth first class
to be particularly fond of cakes and
confectionery TORCH to carry a torch for
TOOTH to have teeth to act as an enthusiastic advocate of
to be effective another person's cause
TORCH to hand on the torch TOUCH to touch wood
to pass on accumulated knowledge it is to be hoped that our good luck
will not go away
TORPEDO to torpedo something
to make something ineffective TOUCHE touche
TORRENT a torrent of words well said (French, "touched")
a rapid and uninterrupted outpouring TOUR a Cook's tour
of words a guided tour of inspection (refers to
Thomas Cook, the travel company)
TOSS it is a toss-up
either alternative is equally acceptable TOUR a whistlestop tour
a hurried (especially ceremonial) visit
TOSS to argue the toss
to many places
to dispute a decision
TOUR tour de force
TOSS to toss up
feat of skill or strength (French, "feat
to decide on a fairly arbitrary basis
of strength")
TOTEM to be at the bottom of the
TOWEL to throw in the towel
totem pole
to concede defeat
to be in the most junior position in
some hierarchy TOWER a tower of Babel
a noisy and confused assembly (Gen-
TOUCH it was touch and go
esis 11)
there were considerable risks—the ob-
jective was achieved, but only just TOWER to be a tower of strength
to be a person who supports and
TOUCH not to touch a hair on comforts another
someone's head
not to harm a person TOWER to be in an ivory tower
to be immersed in theoretical consid-
TOUCH not to touch something with erations and ignorant of the practical
a ten-foot pole realities (Song of Solomon 7:4)
to go out of one's way to avoid something
TOWN the only game in town
TOUCH the Midas touch the only event worthy of attention
attributes which cause a person's ven-
tures to be extremely profitable (re- TOWN to go to town
fers to King Midas of Phrygia, who to spend lavishly
had the power to turn everything he TOWN to paint the town red
touched into gold) to go on an exciting social outing
TOUCH the touchstone TRACE to kick over one's traces
the standard to become insubordinate
TOUCH to have a touch of the TRACK to be down the track
tarbrush to be making progress
to be not quite a full-blood Caucasian TRACK to be off the beaten track
TOUCH to lose one's touch to do unconventional things
to cease to be familiar with something TRACK to be off the track
TOUCH to touch a nerve to be irrelevant
to mention something which another TRACK to be on the wrong track
person would rather pretend did not to be heading toward an incorrect
exist solution
TRACK to be on track TRAM to be on the wrong tram
to be making the scheduled progress to be completely mistaken as to the
basic facts
TRACK to be stopped in one's tracks
suddenly and unexpectedly to be TRAMPLE to trample someone
prevented from carrying on with a underfoot
project by virtue of one's great power to treat
a person's rights with contempt and
TRACK to cover one's tracks not to give them proper consideration
to hide the evidence of one's involve-
ment TRANSFUSION to give something
a blood transfusion
TRACK to go down a particular to give something new enthusiasm
to make decisions aimed at a particu- TRANSPARENT transparent
lar goal (of behavior, etc.) to be easily seen
as not genuine
TRACK to have a one-track mind
to keep coming back to one narrow TRAP a trap for young players
topic of conversation a good opportunity for the inexper-
ienced or naive to make mistakes
TRACK to keep track of something TRAP to walk into a trap
to be completely aware of where some-
to be tricked into doing something
thing is and how it is functioning
TRACK to make tracks treacherous waters
to leave to engage in an enterprise with risks
TRACK track record which are not obvious
proven performance TREAD fools rush in where angels
fear to tread
TRADE a Jack of all trades unsophisticated persons take unwise
an amateur who can turn his hand to risks in circumstances where more
anything knowledgeable persons would exer-
TRADE horsetrading cise caution
tough negotiations TREAD to tread a particular path
TRADE to make something one's to take certain initiatives
trademark TREAD to tread lightly
to earn a reputation for maintaining to be careful
some stance TREAD to tread on someone's corns
TRAIL to blaze a trail to upset another person by interfering
to be the first person to do something in his area of responsibility

TRAIL to trail one's coat-tails TREAD to tread on someone's toes

to invite a quarrel to upset another person by interfering
in his area of responsibility
TRAIN to get on a gravy train TREAD to tread someone under foot
to take steps to become a recipient of to oppress a person
benefits which are available but unde-
served TREAD to tread the thin line
cautiously to take action in circum-
TRAIN to miss the train stances where either too much or too
to fail to exploit an opportunity little will cause difficulties
TREADMILL to be on a treadmill TRICK a whole bag of tricks
to be involved in some unpleasant a series of articles or a series of
ongoing activity which cannot readily artificial devices
be stopped
TRICK one cannot teach an old dog
TREASURE a treasure trove new tricks
a valuable discovery people get irreversibly set in their
TREAT to treat someone with kid ways
gloves TRICK something has done the trick
to handle a person with great discretion something has achieved the desired
TREATMENT the red-carpet purpose
treatment TRICK to be unable to take a trick
courtesies extended to a person to to be unable to achieve success in
make him feel important and welcome anything
TREE not to see the wood for the TRICK to play monkey tricks on
trees someone
to overlook the general picture be- to engage in discreditable behavior
cause of undue concentration on the affecting a person
TRICK to score a hat trick
TREE to bark up the wrong tree
to have three successive favorable
to reach an incorrect conclusion
TREE to be at the top of the tree
to be a leading member of one's TRICK to use every trick in the book
profession to try very hard and use every con-
ceivable argument
TREE to be up a gum tree
to be in difficulty or at the end of TRICKLE a trickle
one's resources a small amount, in gradual stages
TREE to be up a tree TRIGGER to be trigger-happy
to be perplexed or cornered to be impetuous

TREE to shake a tree TRIGGER trigger

to do something in order to see what factor responsible for certain events
will result occurring at that particular time

TREMBLE in fear and trembling TRIM to trim one's sails

in a state of apprehension to institute austerity

TRENCH to be back in the trenches TRIM to trim the fat

to be made to carry out menial tasks to increase efficiency by reducing
TRICK a pea and thimble trick
a clever fraud committed in the pres- TROJAN a Trojan horse
ence of its victim without this being a trick (refers to a large gift horse full
obvious at the time of soldiers used to bring about the
fall of Troy, as described in Homer's
TRICK a three-card trick ILIAD)
a ruse used by a dishonest person in
order to induce his victims to hand TROOPER to be a real trooper
over some of their assets to be a person willing to try anything
TROUBLE a trouble shooter TRUMP to play the trump card
a person good at finding and then to make a final move, thereby defeating
rectifying faults one's opponents
TROUBLE teething trouble TRUMP to trump someone
problems in the early stages of a to defeat a person
TRUMP to turn up trumps
TROUBLE to fish in troubled waters to finish up better than expected or to
to profit from a disturbed situation experience unexpected good luck
TROUBLE to plot a safe course TRUMPET to blow one's own
through troubled waters trumpet
to make a plan which overcomes cer- to immodestly publicize one's own
tain difficulties attributes
TROUBLE to pour oil on troubled TRUMPET with a flourish of
waters trumpets
to calm down a situation triumphantly
TROUBLE to smell trouble TRUST a sacred trust
to perceive difficulties a moral obligation

TROUSERS to catch someone with TRY something would try the

his trousers down patience of Job
to act when another person least ex- something is very vexatious (James
pects it 5:11)
TROUSERS to wear the trousers TRY to try something on for size
to be the dominant party to cheekily do something

TROVE a treasure trove TUB a tub thumper

a valuable discovery a preacher who rants and raves

TROWEL to lay it on with a trowel TUBE to go down the tube

to flatter to fail

TRUCK it fell off the back of a truck TUCK to tuck something away in a
(of goods) they were stolen; (of a drawer
politically sensitive document) it was to put something aside for the time
leaked to me being

TRUCK to have no truck with TUESDAY every Pancake Tuesday

someone only on rare occasions (refers to Shrove
to refuse to deal with a person Tuesday, when pancakes are tradition-
ally eaten)
TRUE to show one's true colors
to disclose one's real character or TUG a tug of war
beliefs a dispute in which each protagonist
desires a different course of action
TRUE true blue
superbly loyal TUNE he who pays the piper calls
the tune
TRUMP to hold the trump card a person contributing money or re-
to be in an unbeatable position to sources to a project is entitled to a
defeat others say in its control
TUNE to be in tune with someone TURN the tide has turned
to think on the same lines as another conditions have changed
person TURN the wheel has turned
TUNE to change one's tune circumstances have changed
to alter one's publicly-expressed views TURN the wheel has turned the
TUNE to fine-tune something complete circle
to adjust something in order to bring things are now back to where they
it to perfection or to make it fit the were before
circumstances in a much more appro- TURN the worm has turned
priate fashion a previously compliant person is now
TUNE to stay tuned exerting his personality
to keep in touch for further informa- TURN to be a turn up for the books
tion as it becomes available to be a surprising development
TUNE to tune in TURN to do a U-turn
to pay attention to reverse one's thinking
TUNNEL to see the light at the end TURN to know which way to turn
of the tunnel to know which strategy to adopt or
to be close to finalizing a long exercise where to seek assistance
TUNNEL tunnel vision TURN to leave no stone unturned
an extremely narrow and inflexible to be very thorough
way of considering issues
TURN to turn a blind eye to
TURF to be on one's own turf something
to engage in one's own customary to pretend something obvious does
area of activity not exist (refers to action by Nelson
when disregarding Admiralty signals)
TURK young Turks
members of an organization who hold TURN to turn a complete somersault
ideas regarded as too revolutionary to reverse one's established policy
TURKEY cold turkey TURN to turn an honest penny
the sudden cessation of drugs to an to earn money out of odd jobs
addict TURN to turn around 180 degrees
TURKEY to talk turkey to completely reverse a stance
to talk realistically TURN to turn back the clock
TURN as soon as someone's back to have another opportunity to do
was turned something which should have been
at the moment it became possible to done already or to undo something
do something without a person's which cannot be undone
knowledge TURN to turn green
TURN he would turn in his grave to become very envious
he would have been very surprised or TURN to turn handstands
displeased if he had known while still to express great joy
TURN to turn off the tap
TURN not to turn a hair to deny further access to supplies or
to remain composed information
TURN to turn one's back on TURN to turn the tables on someone
someone to cause the relative positions of one-
to decline to further assist or deal self and another person to be reversed
with a person
TURN to turn the tide
TURN to turn one's chips in to reverse the direction of something
to convert one's assets or entitlements TURN to turn turtle
into cash to capsize
TURN to turn one's guns on TURN to turn up one's nose at
someone something
to criticize a person to express one's disdain
TURN to turn one's hand to TURN to turn up the heat on
something someone
to tackle some project to increase the pressure on a person
TURN to turn over a new leaf TURN to turn up trumps
to reform to finish up better than expected or to
experience unexpected good luck
TURN to turn round
to reverse one's policy TURN to turn white
to express shock at unexpected news
TURN to turn someone on
to excite a person TURNCOAT a turncoat
a person changing sides (refers to the
TURN to turn something inside out practice of mercenary soldiers switching
to examine something thoroughly to the winning side and displaying
TURN to turn something on its ear that side's colors by turning their coats
to reverse something inside out)

TURN to turn something on its head TURTLE to turn turtle

to reverse something to capsize
TWENTY with 20120 hindsight
TURN to turn something upside down
with the benefit of knowing what
to greatly revolutionize something
TURN to turn sour TWICE to think twice before doing
to become impractical or unprofitable something
TURN to turn the corner to consider with particular care
to commence being successful after TWIDDLE to twiddle one's thumbs
initial failures not to be involved in any worthwhile
TURN to turn the heat on something activity
to intensify the investigation of some TWILIGHT twilight zone
matter state of imperfect understanding
TURN to turn the other cheek TWIST to twist someone around
to show that one has not been intimi- one's little finger
dated (Matthew 5:39) by charm to get one's way
TURN to turn the spotlight on TWIST to twist someone's arms
something to coerce another person to do some-
to draw public attention to something thing against his will or better judgment
TWO a two-horse race TWO to wait two shakes of a lamb's
a contest between only two serious tail
contestants to wait just a few moments
TWO for two pins I would do TWO two can play at that game
so-and-so it is possible to retaliate
my tolerance is almost exhausted and TWO two men and a dog
I am very tempted to do so-and-so very few people
TWO in two shakes of a duck's tail TWO two-faced
in an instant insincere
TWO it takes two to tango TWOPENNY a twopenny halfpenny
some activities cannot be carried out outfit
single-handedly a quite insignificant operation
TWO not to have the wherewithal
to rub two sticks together
to be very poor
U-TURN to do a U-turn
TWO to be a two-edged sword to reverse one's thinking
to involve both advantages and disad-
vantages of similar significance UGLY an ugly duckling
a person initially thought unintelli-
TWO to be of two minds gent who develops and becomes bril-
to be undecided between two alterna- liant (refers to a cygnet in a brood of
tives ducks in a children's story of that
TWO to have two bob each way name by Hans Christian Andersen)
to equivocate UGLY to rear its ugly head
TWO to have two left feet to make an unwelcome appearance
to be clumsy UMBRELLA an umbrella
TWO to kill two birds with one stone protection; or something all-embracing
to achieve a second objective in the UMBRELLA under the umbrella of
course of achieving the first objective some organization
TWO to knock two heads together under the auspices of some organization
to make two persons come to their UNCHARTED to be in uncharted
senses and deal with each other waters
TWO to put two and two together to be the first to experience something
to reach a conclusion by combining UNCLE Bob's your uncle
isolated pieces of information that solves the problem
TWO to take someone down a peg UNDER to have the plug pulled out
or two from under one
to point out to a person that he is not to have a successful activity destroyed
as good as he thinks he is by the actions of someone else
TWO to throw in one's two cents' UNDERBELLY to have a soft
worth underbelly
to modestly supply one's own facts or to have a weakness which can be
views exploited
UNDERCURRENT an undercurrent UNVEIL to unveil something
a barely noticeable feeling of dissent to give details not previously available
in the community which is not being UP to be up and running
vocalized to be operative
UNDERDOG underdog UPHILL to be pushing uphill
object of sympathy (the antonym of to face difficulties
"underdog effect" is "bandwagon
effect") UPHILL to fight an uphill battle
to face difficulties or to have formida-
UNDERFOOT to trample someone ble opposition
by virtue of one's great power to treat UPHILL to push water uphill
a person's rights with contempt and to foolishly attempt the impossible
not to give them proper consideration UPPER to gain the upper hand
UNDERMINE to undermine to attain, after some effort, an advan-
someone's position tage over another person
to injure another person's reputation UPSET to upset the applecart
and influence by unfair and secret to engage in conduct disturbing a
tactics peaceful state of affairs and thereby
cause discomfort
UNDERMINE to undermine
something UPSIDE the upside
to sabotage something the advantage
UNDERPLAY to underplay some UPSIDE to turn something upside
situation down
to hold something in reserve to greatly revolutionize something
UNDERSCORE to underscore UPSTAGE to upstage someone
something to deprive another person of the glory
to emphasize something which he would otherwise have enjoyed
UNEARTH to unearth something UPSTAIRS to kick someone upstairs
to discover something after research to promote a person to a purely cere-
UNEASY uneasy lies the head that monial position
wears a crown USE to use every trick in the book
responsibility involves some risks and to try very hard and use every con-
some burdens (from Shakespeare's ceivable argument
UNHOLY an unholy alliance ideally perfect (refers to the mythical
a working relationship for a nefarious island in Sir Thomas More's UTOPIA)
purpose between unlikely partners
UNMASK to unmask someone V
to discover a person's true identity VACUUM to fill a vacuum
UNSCRAMBLE to unscramble the to take advantage of an opportunity
omelette not acted on by others
to undo something which cannot be VALUE to take something at face
undone value
UNSTUCK he came unstuck (of alleged facts) to accept something
his plans did not work out without question or challenge
VALVE to act as a safety valve VERSE to quote chapter and verse
to be a procedure which allows per- to authenticate the information
sons with grievances to ventilate them VICTORY a Pyrrhic victory
in an orderly fashion a win which costs more than if there
VANGUARD to be at the vanguard had been a loss (refers to the battle at
of something which King Pyrrhus of Epirus defeated
to be among the first to do something the Romans at Asculum)
VANISH to vanish into thin air VIEW a bird's-eye view
unexpectedly to disappear a general overview or summary of a
VAPOR to have a fit of the vapors subject, emphasizing the major features
to be horrified VIEW to take a dim view of
VARIATION variations on a theme something
alternative approaches in similar vein not to regard something favorably

VEGETABLE to become a vegetable VINE to hear on the grapevine

to lose one's mental and physical to learn unofficially
faculties VINE to wither on the vine
VEIL thinly-veiled by virtue of changed circumstances
barely concealed or the effluxion of time to be no
longer relevant
VEIL to draw a veil over something
pointedly to avoid discussing something VIOLET a shrinking violet
a shy person
VEIL to unveil something
to give details not previously available VISION tunnel vision
an extremely narrow and inflexible
VEIL under the veil of something way of considering issues
on the pretext of something
VITRIOL to pour vitriol on
VEIN in another vein something
as an alternative way of looking at to sharply criticize something
VOICE to be a lone voice in the
VELVET with an iron hand in a wilderness
velvet glove to be the only person stating unpopu-
with a hard attitude made to seem lar views
VOICE to raise one's voice for some
VENGEANCE to attack with a cause
vengeance to publicly advocate some cause
to attack strongly
VOLCANO to be sitting on a
VENGEANCE to rebound with a volcano
vengeance to be safe for the time being but
to return to an issue with great exposed to the risk of a sudden great
enthusiasm disaster
VENOM venom VOLLEY to fire a volley at someone
deep-rooted ill will to send a series of angry messages to
VENT to vent one's spleen on someone
someone VOLTE volte face
to demonstrate one's ill temper to a a reversal of previously-held beliefs
person (French, " a turning around")
VOLUME to speak volumes for WALK take a long walk on a short
something pier
to place something in a favorable go away, I want no dealings with you
WALK to walk a tightrope
VOTE to vote with one's feet to do something very dangerous
to show one's displeasure by termi-
WALK to walk all over someone
nating an association
to act in a way which completely
VULTURE vulture disregards another person's sensibility
person benefiting from another's mis-
WALK to walk away from something
to abrogate one's responsibilities in
regard to some matter
w WALK to walk away with a profit
WAG the tail wagging the dog to achieve a profit on concluding a
a minor aspect with disproportionate project
effect on a major aspect
WALK to walk in off the street
WAG to set tongues wagging to come without prior arrangement or
to behave in a way which encourages notification
scandal mongers
WALK to walk into a trap
WAGON to be on the water wagon to be tricked into doing something
to be teetotal
WALK to walk on air
WAIT to wait for the other shoe to to be joyful
to await the seemingly imminent and WALK to walk the plank
inevitable (refers to a man undressing, to face certain doom
disturbing a neighbor by dropping one
WALKOVER a walkover
shoe, then frustrating his expectation
an easy victory
by putting the other shoe down gently)
WAIT to wait hand and foot on WALL Chinese walls
someone a system to ensure that different parts
to accommodate a person's every real of some organization do not gain ac-
or imagined whim cess to each other's confidential infor-
WAIT to wait in the wings
to be prepared to stay unobtrusive till WALL / would love to be a fly on
the appropriate time for action arrives the wall
I would love to hear what goes on
WAIT to wait with bated breath
to be excited in anticipation of some WALL a chink in the wall
event an opportunity to do something which
WAKE in the wake of someone otherwise could not be done
following a person's example WALL to bang one's head up against
WAKE to make noise enough to a brick wall
wake the dead to fight an unwinnable case
to be excessively noisy WALL to be a crack in the wall
WAKE to wake up to something to represent a small unintended op-
to realize a fact or its significance portunity which can be exploited
WALL to be up against a brick wall WAR a tug of war
to be unable to achieve anything be- a dispute in which each protagonist
cause of intractable opposition or desires a different course of action
WAR the cold war
WALL to drive someone to the wall the unfriendly relations between the
to ruin a person communist nations and the rest of the
WALL to drive someone up the wall
to annoy another person by one's WAR to be on the warpath
actions to be on the lookout for faults which
can be criticized
WALL to go to the wall
to become bankrupt WARFARE paper warfare
an excessive amount of correspond-
WALL to have one's back to the wall
ence or red tape
to be hard-pressed by creditors or
opponents WARHORSE a warhorse
an old soldier who likes to relive past
WALL to nail someone to the wall
wartime experiences
to outmaneuver another person
WARM a warm inner glow
WALL to put a wall around someone satisfaction at some achievement
to stop a person associating with others
WARM to keep someone's seat warm
WALL to see the writing on the wall to hold a position temporarily with a
to appreciate the inevitability of some view to another person taking it over
event (Daniel 5) permanently in the near future
WALL walls have ears WARM to warm the cockles of
someone may be overhearing (words someone's heart
on wartime posters, reminding people to delight a person
of the existence of spies; may also
refer to certain rooms in the Louvre, WARM to warm up
constructed so that conversations could to get ready
be heard in other rooms) WARM warm-hearted
WALL walls of Jericho affectionate or generous
something seemingly solid but actual- WARRANT to sign one's own death
ly destructible (Joshua 6:20) warrant
WAND to wave a magic wand to foolishly do something which is
to direct affairs without the restraints inevitably bound to lead to utter disaster
of the real world WART warts and all
WANT to want something both ways with the unfavorable features as well
to desire two mutually exclusive as the favorable ones (Oliver Crom-
objectives well's direction to an artist painting
his portrait)
WANT to want the best of both
worlds WASH backwash
to unreasonably desire to get some consequence
advantage without incurring a corre- WASH hogwash
sponding disadvantage nonsense
WANT you want your head read WASH in the wash-up
you should reconsider this matter when everything is finalized
WASH it will all come out in the WATER a backwater
wash a place of little activity
the facts will emerge as work proceeds
WATER a lot of water has flowed
WASH it won't wash under the bridge since then
this explanation is not acceptable much has happened since then
WASH someone's brain needs WATER an argument holding water
washing a debating point of substance
a person is very silly
WATER come hell or high water
WASH that washes with me regardless of the consequences
I agree
WATER high water mark
WASH to be all washed out triumph
to feel feeble
WATER still waters run deep
WASH to be eye wash a person with a quiet manner may
to be nonsense have a surprisingly great knowledge
WASH to wash one's dirty linen in of a subject
public WATER there is blood in the water
to expose one's domestic difference something is likely to cause a person
to the world at large to go into a frenzy
WASH to wash one's hands of WATER to be a fish out of water
something to be in difficulty by virtue of being
to emphatically decline future respon- in a strange environment
WATER to be above water
WASH when the wash comes through (of securities) to have a market value
the machine in excess of the cost price
in due course
WATER to be in deep water
WASTE to waste one's breath to be in great difficulty
to talk or request something without
achieving anything WATER to be in hot water
to be in trouble or to be in difficulty
WATCH a watchdog
a person or organization monitoring WATER to be in smooth water
behavior to have no troubles

WATCH to need to watch one's back WATER to be in uncharted waters

to find it necessary to take care in to be the first to experience something
case others act against one's interest WATER to be like water off a duck's
WATCH to watch one's p's and q's back
to be very careful (may refer to pints (of advice or criticism) to be completely
and quarts of beer on a hotel slate or rejected
to easily-confused printer's type) WATER to be on the water wagon
WATCH to watch one's step to be teetotal
to be on the lookout for danger or to WATER to be water under the bridge
set out to improve one's behavior to matter no longer
WATCH watch the doughnut—not the WATER to blow something out of
hole the water
look for the positive aspects to destroy something
WATER to brave the water WATER to test the water
to enter a venture with courage and to try out an idea in a small way
WATER to water down something
WATER to cast one's bread upon to reduce the severe impact of some-
the waters thing
not to expect gratitude or recognition
for one's good works ( Ecclesiastes 11:1) WATER water will find its own level
people will reach an appropriate posi-
WATER to dip one's toe in the water tion relative to others
to gently explore an opportunity
WATER watering hole
WATER to enter treacherous waters hotel
to engage in an enterprise with risks
which are not obvious WATERLOO to meet one's Waterloo
to receive a decisive defeat (refers to
WATER to fish in troubled waters Napoleon's fate at the Battle of Water-
to profit from a disturbed situation loo)
WATER to go through fire and water
WATERSHED a watershed
to undertake all attendant risks
an occasion dividing two distinct phases
WATER to go to water of activity
to succumb to pressure
WATERTIGHT a watertight contract
WATER to just hold one's head a contract without loopholes or es-
above water cape clauses
to cope with problems but with little
margin to spare or to stay solvent WAVE a brainwave
a suddenly occurring bright idea
WATER to make one's mouth water
to excite desire WAVE to be on the crest of a wave
to enjoy success which may not last
WATER to muddy the waters
to deliberately confuse an issue by WAVE to cause waves
creating a diversion to disturb the status quo
WATER to plot a safe course WAVE to ride the wave
through troubled waters to be successful for the time being
to make a plan which overcomes cer-
tain difficulties WAVE to wave a finger at someone
to indicate mild displeasure at an-
WATER to pour cold water on some other person's actions
to be unenthusiastic about some pro- WAVE to wave a flag for someone
posal or scornful of its apparent to promote a person's cause
weakness WAVE to wave a magic wand
WATER to pour oil on troubled to direct affairs without the restraints
waters of the real world
to calm down a situation WAVELENGTH to be on the same
WATER to push water uphill wavelength
to foolishly attempt the impossible to think on similar lines
WATER to shoot something out of WAVELENGTH to be on the wrong
the water wavelength
to frustrate something to be incorrect in one's thinking
WAY a half-way house WAY to stand in someone's way
an intermediate position to prevent a person achieving his goal
WAY a one-way street WAY to want something both ways
a flow of activity in only one direction to desire two mutually exclusive
WAY no way! objectives
definitely not! WAY to worm one's way in
WAY that is the way the chips fall to subtly insinuate oneself into a per-
that is the actual situation son's trust
WAY there is more than one way to WAYSIDE to fall by the wayside
skin a cat to abandon and not complete what
this can be achieved in a variety of one set out to do
acceptable ways WEAK the spirit is willing but the
WAY to cut both ways flesh is weak
to involve both advantages and disad- the body is not up to the demands
vantages of similar significance made on it
WAY to go the way of all flesh WEAK the weakest link in the chain
to die the least efficient component in a proj-
WAY to have fifty cents each way ect the overall efficiency of which is
to equivocate governed by the efficiency of the least
efficient component
WAY to have two bob each way
to equivocate WEAK weak-kneed
unassertive or irresolute
WAY to know which way to turn
to know which strategy to adopt or WEALTH a wealth of something
where to seek assistance a great quantity of something

WAY to laugh all the way to the WEAPON to use all the weapons
bank at one's disposal
to appreciate one's good fortune to utilize all available advantages

WAY to make headway WEAR if the cap fits then wear it

to make progress if your circumstances correspond with
those described then you must endure
WAY to pave the way the consequences
to prepare for something
WEAR that argument is wearing a
WAY to resist something every inch bit thin
of the way that is a very weak case
to utterly resist something
WEAR to have to wear something
WAY to rub someone up the wrong to have to put up with something
to annoy someone with actions fail- WEAR to wear a hair shirt
ing to recognize his current mood to practice self-discipline
WAY to see which way the cat jumps WEAR to wear one's crown of
to await developments thorns
WAY to see which way the wind is to have one's own difficulties (John
blowing 19:5)
to establish the factors relevant to a WEAR to wear sackcloth and ashes
situation humbly to demonstrate repentance
WEAR to wear the trousers WEDGE to drive a wedge between
to be the dominant party two persons
WEAR uneasy lies the head that to set out to cause two persons to
wears a crown confront each other
responsibility involves some risks and WEED to weed some group out
some burdens (from Shakespeare's to get rid of some elements not meet-
HENRY iv) ing a desired standard
WEATHER a fair-weather friend WEIGH to weigh anchor
a person purporting to be a friend to move to another address
who offers no support in difficult times
WEIGH to weigh in with a
WEATHER to be under the weather particular argument
to be drunk or (less often) sick to produce a strong argument
WEATHER to keep a weather eye WEIGH to weigh in with something
out for something to bring something along
to look out with particular care
WEIGH to weigh two alternative
WEATHER to make heavy weather propositions in the balance
of something to assess the relative significance of
to struggle excessively with a rela- two alternative propositions
tively simple task
WEIGHT a heavyweight
WEATHER to run into heavy
a person of importance or influence
to encounter difficulties WEIGHT lightweight
WEATHER to weather the storm uninfluential
to come safely through a crisis WEIGHT to be a weight off one's
WEB a tangled web mind
a series of lies, especially with incon- to be a great relief
sistencies leading to exposure (from WEIGHT to be worth one's weight
Sir Walter Scott's MARMION) in gold
WEB to be the center of the spider's to be very desirable
web WEIGHT to carry weight
to control an operation which involves to be influential
numerous and/or complex ingredients WEIGHT to lend weight to
WED to be wed to something something
to be utterly dedicated to a proposal to use one's influence in support of
WEDDING a shotgun wedding some cause
a wedding held to ensure that an WEIGHT to pull one's weight
impending birth will be legitimate (re- to do one's proper share of the work
fers to threats by the bride's father to requiring to be done
kill the bridegroom) WEIGHT to take a weight off
WEDDING wedding someone's shoulder
amalgamation to assist a person by relieving him of
WEDGE to be the thin end of the some responsibility
wedge WEIGHT to throw one's weight
by conceding a small point, to create about
an undesirable precedent for much to use one's real or imagined status in
larger issues order to achieve certain results
WELL to go back to the well WHEEL to make the wheels go
to go to the original source round
to cause something to happen
WEST to sink slowly in the west
to fail gradually WHEEL to oil the wheels
WET to be a wet blanket to make things go smoothly
to be a spoilsport WHEEL to put a spoke in someone's
WET to be wet behind the ears wheel
to be excessively naive and inexper- to interfere with another person's ac-
ienced tivity, so preventing its continuance

WET to get one's feet wet WHEEL to put one's shoulder to the
to do the necessary but unpleasant or wheel
menial parts of a task to make a strong effort
WETHER bell-wether WHEEL to reinvent the wheel
first indication to waste resources doing something
already accomplished
WHEAT to separate the wheat from
the chaff WHEEL to set the wheels in motion
to distinguish between important and to institute appropriate action
unimportant ingredients
WHEEL to wheel and deal
WHEEL a big wheel to energetically enter into commercial
an important person transactions of dubious propriety
WHEEL fortune's wheel WHEEL to wheel someone in
the vicissitudes of life to bring a person along for a confron-
WHEEL the squeaky wheel gets the tation
most attention WHEEL wheels within wheels
those complaining the most loudly secret machinations
will get their problems sorted out first
WHET to whet one's appetite
WHEEL the wheel has turned to arouse one's curiosity or interest
circumstances have changed
WHEEL the wheel has turned the WHIP a whipping boy
complete circle a person made to suffer for the faults
things are now back to where they of others
were before WHIP to be a fair crack of the whip
WHEEL the wheels are back under to be just
the bus WHIP to crack the whip
normal activity has been resumed to exert one's authority
WHEEL the wheels fell off
the plan failed WHIP to have the whip hand
to be in control of a situation
WHEEL to be a fifth wheel
to be superfluous WHIP to whip oneself into a lather
to become unduly excited
WHEEL to be a small cog in a
large wheel WHIRL to reap the whirlwind
to be a relatively unimportant person to suffer the adverse consequences of
in a large organization a bad act
WHIRLWIND to sow the wind and WHITE to turn white
reap the whirlwind to express shock at unexpected news
to make bad mistakes and to suffer
WHITE to white ant someone
the even worse consequences
to surreptitiously seek to destroy a
WHISKER by a whisker person
only just
WHITEWASH to whitewash
WHISPER to hear a whisper to exonerate when this is not warranted
to learn a rumored hypothesis by the facts
WHISTLE a whistlestop tour WHOA from go to whoa
a hurried (especially ceremonial) visit from start to finish (refers to the com-
to many places mand given to horses)
WHISTLE bells and whistles WHOLE a whole bag of tricks
imaginative variations a series of articles or a series of
WHISTLE to blow the whistle on artificial devices
to report a person's improper behav- WHOLE the whole box and dice
ior to the authorities or to publicize it all relevant components

WHISTLE to whistle in the dark WHOLE to go the whole hog

to feign greater confidence than one to do something very thoroughly (re-
really has fers to the close shearing of lambs)
WHISTLE you can whistle for it WICKET to be on a sticky wicket
you wish in vain to face some difficulties
WHITE a white elephant WIDE to be wide off the mark
an expensive and useless luxury (re- to have a belief which is far removed
fers to gifts of sacred elephants by from the true position
the King of Siam to persons then
ruined by the expense of their upkeep) WIDE to give something a wide
WHITE a white knight
to go out of one's way to avoid con-
a party voluntarily coming to the as-
tact with a person
sistance of another party at considera-
ble cost to itself WIELD to wield a big stick
WHITE a white lie to exert power
a false statement uttered in a good WIFE an old wives' tale
cause a traditionally-held theory without any
WHITE in black and white scientific backing
in writing, spelling out all the details
WILD a wild card
WHITE lily-white an unexpected development
honest and incorruptible
WHITE to be a black and white WILD a wild goose chase
issue a foolish search for something which
to involve very clear distinctions does not exist
WHITE to show the white feather WILD to be successful beyond one's
to indicate cowardice (refers to cross- wildest dreams
bred birds, not regarded as useful in to be far more successful than one
cock fighting) could have expected
WILD to sow wild oats WIN to win the booby prize
to indulge in foolish behavior while a to do worse than all others
young adult
WIN to win the prize in a canter
WILD wildcat to win very easily
(of a strike) unofficial; (of an oil
well) drilled as a pure prospect; (of a WIND something in the wind
financial scheme) very hazardous something is going on secretly (this
phrase uses the actual word "some-
WILD wild horses would not cause thing")
me to do something
I absolutely refuse to do something WIND straws in the wind
(refers to a form of torture) unofficial preliminary indications of
something likely to be formally re-
WILDERNESS to be a lone voice vealed soon
in the wilderness
to be the only person stating unpopu- WIND the cold wind of change
lar views the unpleasant realities of new circum-
WILDERNESS to be in the stances
wilderness WIND to cast prudence to the winds
to be out of office against one's will to cease being prudent
WILLING a willing horse WIND to get wind of something
a cheerful worker to hear rumors giving advance infor-
WILLING the spirit is willing but mation
the flesh is weak
WIND to put the wind up someone
the body is not up to the demands
to alarm a person
made on it
WIN a breadwinner WIND to reap the whirlwind
a person earning by personal exertion to suffer the adverse consequences of
the income of a household a bad act
WIN heads I win—tails you lose WIND to sail against the wind
whichever way this matter goes I will to oppose the views currently being
benefit at your expense held by others
WIN to hold a winning hand WIND to sail close to the wind
to be in an unbeatable position to to act in a very dangerous manner
defeat others
WIND to scatter something to the
WIN to win by a long chalk four winds
to win very conclusively to permanently get rid of something
WIN to win hands down WIND to see which way the wind
to win very convincingly
is blowing
WIN to win one's spurs to establish the factors relevant to a
to gain recognition after a period of situation
effort (refers to the earning of a knight-
hood in battle) WIND to sow the wind and reap the
WIN to win some rounds to make bad mistakes and to suffer
to be partly successful the even worse consequences
WIND to take the wind out of WINK a nod is the same as a wink
someone's sails to a blind horse
to upset a person by anticipating his fine distinctions are not appropriate
actions or using arguments which he here
was proposing to use
WINK not to get a wink of sleep
WINDFALL windfall not to sleep at all
unexpected good fortune
WINKLE to be a Rip van Winkle
WINDMILL to tilt at windmills to be a person out of touch with
to attack an imagined but nonexistent current conditions (title of and char-
enemy (from Cervantes' DON QUIXOTE) acter in a book by Washington Irving)
WINDOW a window of opportunity WINNER to be on a winner
an opportunity temporarily available to have faith in, give support to and/
or invest in a project which proves to
WINDOW to engage in window
be successful
to present figures in an artificially WINTER to buy straw hats in winter
favorable light to buy in a depressed market when
most other people are sellers
WINDOW to fly out the window
to be lost WIPE to wash one's hands of
WINDOW to throw a pebble against
to emphatically decline future respon-
the window
to gently draw attention to oneself
WIPE to wipe the floor with someone
WINDOW to throw something out
to inflict a humiliating defeat on a
of the window
to completely reject an idea or proposal
WIPE to wipe the slate clean
WING on a wing and a prayer
to forgive past indiscretions
without proper resources
WING to clip someone's wings WIPE to wipe the smile off someone's
to reduce another person's freedom to face
act as he thinks fit to destroy a person's complacency

WING to spread one's wings WIPE wipe that smile off your face!
to assert authority which has not yet treat this matter more seriously!
been conferred by one's superiors and WIRE to be a live wire
for which one may not be ready to be an enthusiast
WING to take someone under one's WIRE to go haywire
wing to refuse to function properly
to protect a person
WIRE to have one's wires crossed
WING to wait in the wings to be mistaken about key facts
to be prepared to stay unobtrusive till
the appropriate time for action arrives WISH a death wish
the contemplation of action so foolish
WINK a nod and a wink
that it is likely to lead to utter disaster
a sign that understanding has been
reached in a matter which in the in- WITCH a witchhunt
terest of discretion has not been an exercise seeking to find someone
discussed aloud who can be blamed
WITH to be with it WOOD to be out of the woods
to think on the same lines as the the previous difficulties have been
current generation or to be fully overcome
WOOD to get rid of the dead wood
WITHER to wither on the vine to terminate the services of unsatis-
by virtue of changed circumstances factory personnel
or the effluxion of time to be no WOOD to touch wood
longer relevant it is to be hoped that our good luck
WOLF a lone wolf will not go away
person who prefers to act without WOODEN to get the wooden spoon
involving others to come ingloriously last
WOLF to be a wolf in sheep's WOODPILE the nigger in the
clothing woodpile
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous the factor spoiling an otherwise satis-
although masquerading as something factory arrangement
harmless (Matthew 7:15)
WOODWORK to crawl out of the
WOLF to cry "wolf" woodwork
to repeatedly raise an unjustified con- to turn up unexpectedly and in large
cern with the result that one will be numbers
ignored when the circumstances change
WOOL dyed in the wool
WOLF to keep the wolf from the very loyal and partisan
WOOL to pull the wool over
to avoid imminent trouble
someone's eyes
WOLF to throw someone to the to deceive or deliberately mislead an-
wolves other person
to expose a person to exploitation by WOOL to wrap someone in cotton
more sophisticated persons wool
WONDER a nine-day wonder to be overprotective toward a person
an exciting event, but one which will WOOL woolly-headed
cease to arouse interest when the nov- slightly muddled
elty has worn off
WORD a torrent of words
WONDER gutless wonder a rapid and uninterrupted outpouring
coward of words
WOOD neck of the woods WORD a word in someone's ear
localized area a confidential discussion
WORD from the word "go"
WOOD not to see the wood for the
from the beginning
to overlook the general picture be- WORD mark my words
cause of undue concentration on the you will find out that I am right
details WORD not to mince words
WOOD to be babes in the wood to speak bluntly
to be excessively naive and inexper- WORD the password is so-and-so
ienced and thus ripe for exploitation the main attraction is so-and-so
WORD the word is out WORKS to be in the works
it is now known to be being dealt with
WORD the words stuck in my throat WORKS to get the works
I just could not get myself to say the to get the full treatment
intended words
WORKS to gum up the works
WORD to eat one's words to cause an activity to be halted
to retract
WORKS to throw a spanner into the
WORD to echo someone's words works
to repeat another person's views as to cause an unexpected complication
though they were one's own
WORLD it's a small world
WORD to get words in edgeways it is surprising to meet people one
to manage to interrupt a conversation knows in unexpected places
in order to put in a separate point of
view WORLD to be on top of the world
to be very happy
WORD to put words into someone's
mouth WORLD to be out of this world
to attempt to get someone to say to be superb
something in the particular terms
drafted by another person WORLD to carry the world on one's
WORD you took the words right out to resent being left to perform a huge
of my mouth task single-handedly (refers to Atlas,
you have just said what I was about who was condemned to bear the heav-
to say ens on his shoulders for leading the
WORK a nasty piece of work Titans against the gods)
an unpleasant person WORLD to get the worst of all
WORK donkey work worlds
necessary but uninspiring routine work to get a series of disadvantages with-
out achieving any corresponding ad-
WORK to do someone's dirty work vantages
to do something unethical on behalf
of another person WORLD to make a world of
WORK to do the leg work to make a great deal of difference
to carry out the tedious part of a
project WORLD to se the world on fire
to do something particularly brilliant
WORK to do the spadework
to prepare WORLD to want the best of both
WORK to have one's work cut out to unreasonably desire to get some
to do something advantage without incurring a corre-
it will be difficult to achieve something sponding disadvantage
WORK to work hand in glove with WORLD why in the world?
someone why?
to work in close cooperation with a
person or to be in collusion with a WORM a bookworm
person to the detriment of others a person who likes reading and study
WORM a can of worms WOUND to lick one's wounds
a heterogeneous collection of unex- to adjust oneself to defeat
pected problems
WOUND to open up an old wound
WORM the early bird gets the worm to take action which revives a long-
a person who acts ahead of others standing grievance
gets an advantage over them
WOUND to rub salt into someone's
WORM the worm has turned wound
a previously compliant person is now to deliberately make damage even
exerting his personality worse
WORM to worm one's way in WRAP that wraps it up
to subtly insinuate oneself into a per- that is the end
son's trust
WRAP to be wrapped in something
WORSE someone's bark is worse to enjoy something
than his bite
the harsh words belie the reality of WRAP to keep under wraps
mild action to keep confidential
WORST to get the worst of all WRAP to wrap someone in cotton
worlds wool
to get a series of disadvantages with- to be overprotective toward a person
out achieving any corresponding ad- WRAP to wrap up a deal
vantages to bring a deal to a successful conclu-
WORTH not to be worth one's salt sion
not to be pulling one's weight (refers WRECK to salvage something out
to Roman soldiers being paid in salt—a of the wreck
practice giving rise to the modern to achieve some minor benefits out of
word "salary") a disastrous situation
WORTH not worth a tinker's curse
WRING to wring one's hands
to express despair
WORTH to be worth one's weight
in gold WRIST a slap on the wrist
to be very desirable a mild rebuke

WORTH to throw in one's six WRITE nothing to write home about

pennies' worth unimpressive
to modestly supply one's own facts or WRITE to see the writing on the
views wall
WORTH to throw in one's to appreciate the inevitability of some
two-cents' worth event (Daniel 5)
to modestly supply one's own facts or WRITE to write one's own ticket
views to set one's own terms and conditions
WOUND to charge like a wounded WRONG not to put a foot wrong
bull to behave impeccably
to impose excessive prices (a play on WRONG to back the wrong horse
words; not a simile) to have faith in, give support to and/
WOUND to heal wounds or invest in a project which proves to
to affect a reconciliation be unsuccessful
WRONG to bark up the wrong tree YARDSTICK a yardstick
to reach an incorrect conclusion a standard by which something is
WRONG to be born on the wrong
side of the blanket YARN to spin a yarn
to be illegitimate to tell an amusing or unlikely story
WRONG to be on the wrong tack YEAR for donkey's years
to be using an incorrect procedure or for a long time
policy YEAR from the year dot
WRONG to be on the wrong track from time immemorial
to be heading toward an incorrect YELL to scream and yell
solution to protest violently
WRONG to be on the wrong tram YEOMAN yeoman service
to be completely mistaken as to the valuable assistance over a long time
basic facts
YESTERDAY not to have been born
WRONG to be on the wrong yesterday
wavelength not to be naive
to be incorrect in one's thinking
YOUNG a trap for young players
WRONG to get off on the wrong foot a good opportunity for the inexper-
with someone ienced or naive to make mistakes
to make an unfavorable initial im- YOUNG an old head on young
pression on a person shoulders
WRONG to get out of bed on the experience, knowledge, and maturity
wrong side in a young person
to be grumpy YOUNG it is on for young and old
WRONG to get the wrong sow by the excitement has started
the ear YOUNG the night is young
to reach an incorrect conclusion the project is only at a very early
WRONG to have hold of the wrong
end of the pineapple YOUNG young Turks
to be utterly mistaken members of an organization who hold
ideas regarded as too revolutionary
WRONG to hold the wrong end of
the stick
to be completely mistaken about
something Z from a to z
from start to finish
WRONG to rub someone up the
wrong way ZERO to zero in on a target
to annoy someone with actions fail- to move directly toward one's objective
ing to recognize his current mood
180 to turn around 180 degrees
to completely reverse a stance

YARD in one's own backyard

in one's own domain

ANIMALS BEAK to be a sticky beak

to show excessive curiosity into mat-
ALBATROSS to be an albatross
ters not of one's concern
around someone's neck
to be a great burden (popularized by BEAST the nature of the beast
Coleridge's ANCIENT MARINER) the reality of the situation
ANIMAL there is no such animal BEAVER an eager beaver
that does not exist a person with great drive and enthusi-
asm even if this causes annoyance to
ANIMAL to be a political animal others
to want to be in politics
BEAVER to beaver away
ANT to white ant someone to work diligently at some task
to surreptitiously seek to destroy a BEE to be a busy bee
person to work with great diligence
ASS to make an ass of oneself BEE to have a bee in one's bonnet
to act stupidly in public to have an obsession
BAIT to swallow the bait BEELINE to make a beeline for
to succumb to a temptation deliber- something
ately put in one's way to go straight to something with great
enthusiasm or to head for some goal
BARK someone's bark is worse than by the most direct route
his bite
the harsh words belie the reality of BETE to be someone's bete noire
mild action to be a person whose ideas and ac-
tions cause upset and loathing in an-
BARK to bark up the wrong tree other person (French "black heart")
to reach an incorrect conclusion BIRD a bird in the hand is worth
BAT to have bats in the belfry two in the bush
to be mad a benefit currently available is more
valuable than a seemingly much lar-
BAY to hold someone at bay ger benefit which may or may not be
to successfully resist an attacker achieved in the future

BIRD a bird's-eye view BULL a cock and bull story

a general overview or summary of a an explanation which is completely
subject, emphasizing the major features unbelievable and unacceptable
BIRD a little bird told me BULL to be a red rag to a bull
I heard from an unnamable informant to be something which makes a per-
(Ecclesiastes 10:20) son very angry and very excited (re-
fers to the erroneous belief that the
BIRD birds of a feather flock together
color red, rather than the motion of
persons of like interests gather in the
waving, excites a bull)
same place
BULL to be within a bull's roar of
BIRD that is strictly for the birds
that is blatant and naive nonsense
to be very close to something
BIRD the bird has flown
BULL to charge like a wounded bull
the person sought is no longer about
to impose excessive prices (a play on
BIRD the early bird gets the worm words; not a simile)
a person who acts ahead of others
gets an advantage over them BULL to hit the bull's eye
to make the correct decision
BIRD to be a rare bird
to be an unusual type of individual BULL to take the bull by the liorns
to come to grips with the realities of
BIRD to have a bird brain a difficult problem
to be stupid
BUTT to butt in
BIRD to kill two birds with one stone uninvited to involve oneself in some-
to achieve a second objective in the one else's conversation
course of achieving the first objective
BUTTERFLY to have a butterfly
BIT to champ at the bit
to be impatient
not to concentrate on the matter on
BLOOD to smell blood hand
to divine imminent victory
BUTTERFLY to have butterflies in
BONE a bone of contention one's stomach
the subject matter of violent disagree- a feeling of anxiety
BUZZ to buzz off
BONE the bare bones to go away
(of a story) nothing but the essential
elements CALF to kill the fatted calf
to demonstrate welcome and forgive-
BONE to have a bone to pick ness on a person's return (Luke 15:23)
the have a grievance which requires
discussion CAMEL the straw which broke the
camel's back
BONE to throw someone a bone the latest step, which, when added to
to fob a person off with a symbolic a large number of seemingly harm-
but unimportant gesture less previous steps, sets off a disaster
resulting from the cumulative effect
BULL a bull in a china shop
a careless person likely to cause great CAT a cat and dog existence
damage a life full of frequent squabbles

CAT a cat may look at a king CAT to throw a cat among the
don't give yourself airs! pigeons
to cause consternation by revealing
CAT a copycat an unpleasant and unexpected fact
a person who imitates another per-
son's ideas CAT when the cat is away the mice
will play
CAT a game of cat and mouse in the absence of supervision disci-
negotiations between two parties of pline will be lax
unequal bargaining power during which
the stronger makes some temporary CAT wildcat
concessions to the weaker without, (of a strike) unofficial; (of an oil
however, affecting the latter's eventu- well) drilled as a pure prospect; (of a
al total defeat financial scheme) very hazardous

CAT there is more than one way to CHAMELEON a chameleon

skin a cat a person without character who changes
this can be achieved in a variety of his stance all the time to reflect the
current circumstances
acceptable ways
CHICKEN chicken and egg
CAT there is no room to swing a
two factors each of which results in
the other
this place is very small (actually re-
fers to a cat-o'-nine-tails) CHICKEN chicken-hearted
showing little courage
CAT to be a cat's paw
to be a person who is being used as a CHICKEN the chickens are coming
tool by others home to roost
the consequences of past actions are
CAT to be the cat's pajamas becoming obvious
to have an exaggerated idea of one's
own importance CHICKEN to be chicken feed
to be small and unimportant
CAT to bell the cat
to do some dangerous but highly use- CHICKEN to count one's chickens
ful mission (refers to a fable in which before they are hatched
none of the mice was willing to put a to treat as fact the expected results of
warning bell on a cat) a future proposal
CHOP to lick one's chops
CAT to kick the cat
to look forward to something with
to take out one's anger on some inno-
pleasurable anticipation
cent party
COBWEB to blow the cobwebs away
CAT to let the cat out of the bag
to revive an old issue
to reveal an embarrassing secret (re-
fers to the exposure of cheats at fairs, COCK a cock and bull story
attempting to pass a cat wrapped in a an explanation which is completely
sack off as a piglet) unbelievable and unacceptable
CAT to rain cats and dogs COCK cock-eyed
to rain heavily stupid
CAT to see which way the cat jumps COCOON in a cocoon
to await developments in a safe and isolated environment

COW a cash cow DOG a lame dog

a source of ready money a person under some disadvantage
needing attention and assistance
COW a milch cow
an easy and plentiful source of some DOG a shaggy dog story
desired benefit an amusing anecdote with an unex-
pected ending, often involving talk-
COW a sacred cow ing animals given certain human skills
an institution so well established that
it is virtually unalterable DOG a sly dog
a person who is discreet about his
COW to argue till the cows come weaknesses
to argue forever DOG a watchdog
a person or organization monitoring
CRAWL to crawl out of the behavior
to turn up unexpectedly and in large DOG all the dogs are barking
numbers this news is being widely disseminated

CRESTFALLEN crestfallen DOG any stick to beat a dog

dejected any excuse will do if it serves one's
CROCODILE to shed crocodile tears
to be a hypocrite DOG dog-eared
(of pages) well-thumbed
CROW as the crow flies
by the shortest distance DOG dog-tired
tired out
CROW to eat crow
to accept a humiliating defeat DOG every dog has his day
good luck comes sooner or later
CUCKOO to be a cuckoo in the nest
to purport to be a member of a group DOG every man and his dog
of people although having no such everybody
right DOG love me—love my dog
CUCKOO to be in cloud cuckoo if you accept me then you must also
land accept my associates
to be mad or to have unrealistic DOG not a dog's chance
expectations no hope at all
CUD to chew the cud
DOG one cannot teach an old dog
to reflect on something
new tricks
DINOSAUR a dinosaur people get irreversibly set in their
a person with incredibly outmoded ways
DOG the tail wagging the dog
DOG a cat and dog existence a minor aspect with disproportionate
a life full of frequent squabbles effect on a major aspect
DOG a dogfight DOG the top dog
a small side-skirmish, especially be- the person in the most powerful
tween airplanes position

DOG to be a dog in the manger DONKEY for donkey's years

to spitefully deny something to oth- for a long time
ers, notwithstanding its uselessness to
DONKEY to talk the hind leg off a
DOG to be a dog's breakfast to talk excessively
to be a very messy arrangement
DRAKE to play ducks and drakes
DOG to be a gay dog not to treat the matter seriously
to lead an idle life while flaunting the
DRONE a drone
symbols of wealth
an idle person
DOG to be in the doghouse
DROVE people stayed away in
to be in disgrace
DOG to call off the dogs few people came
to abandon an audit or other inquiry
DUCK a lame duck
DOG to give a dog a bad name a person unable to fend for himself (a
to malign a person lame duck president - a president still
in office but without influence be-
DOG to go to the dogs
cause the commencement of his suc-
to be ruined
cessor's term is imminent)
DOG to have a hair of the dog that
DUCK in two shakes of a duck's tail
bit one
in an instant
to drink more in an attempt to over-
come the effects of alcohol already DUCK to be a dead duck
consumed to have failed
DOG to lead a dog's life DUCK to be a sitting duck
to be ill-treated to be readily exploited
DOG to let sleeping dogs lie DUCK to be like water off a duck's
to refrain from raising an issue which back
is not obviously requiring attention (of advice or criticism) to be com-
pletely rejected
DOG to rain cats and dogs
to rain heavily DUCK to play ducks and drakes
DOG to throw something to the dogs not to treat the matter seriously
to sacrifice something DUCKLING an ugly duckling
DOG two men and a dog a person initially thought unintelli-
very few people gent who develops and becomes bril-
liant (refers to a cygnet in a brood of
DOG underdog ducks in a children's story of that
object of sympathy (the antonym of name by Hans Christian Andersen)
"underdog effect" is "bandwagon ef-
fect") EAGLE to have an eagle eye
to be able to notice small mistakes
DOG why keep a dog and bark very readily
it is silly to pay for assistance and EAR to turn something on its ear
then do things personally to reverse something
DONKEY donkey work EARMARK to earmark
necessary but uninspiring routine work to allocate to a specific purpose

EGG to be a bad egg FISH that has nothing to do with the

to engage in dishonest behavior price of fish
that is quite irrelevant
ELEPHANT a rogue elephant
a person of vicious temper who acts FISH to be a big fish in a little pond
in an undisciplined way to be a person holding an important
office but in an unimportant organiza-
ELEPHANT a white elephant
an expensive and useless luxury (re-
fers to gifts of sacred elephants by FISH to be a cold fish
the King of Siam to persons then to be an unemotional person
ruined by the expense of their upkeep)
FISH to be a different kettle offish
ELEPHANT one looks for elephants to be something very dissimilar
in elephant country
FISH to be a fine kettle offish
one needs to search in the right place
to be a terrible muddle
EYE bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
FISH to be a fish out of water
naive but enthusiastic
to be in difficulty by virtue of being
FEATHER to make feathers fly in a strange environment
to cause trouble to those misbehaving
FISH to fish in troubled waters
FEATHER to ruffle someone's to profit from a disturbed situation
FISHY to be fishy
to engage in behavior which irritates
to be suspicious
another person
FLEA to send someone away with
FEATHER to show the white feather
a flea in his ear
to indicate cowardice (refers to cross-
to give a person frank but unwelcome
bred birds, not regarded as useful in
facts (refers to fleas trapped in the
cock fighting)
armor of ancient knights)
FEATHER to thrash with a feather
FLOCK flock
to award only a minor punishment for
congregation in the charge of a reli-
a very serious offense
gious official
FERRET to ferret something out FLY / would love to be a fly on the
by diligent research to discover some wall
secret I would love to hear what goes on
FETTER to fetter someone FLY a fly in the ointment
to stop a person acting on his own a flaw (refers to dead flies turning
initiative perfumes rancid) (Ecclesiastes 10:1)
FISH a queer fish FLY a fly-by-night operator
an unusual type of person a confidence trickster
FISH an ocean full offish FLY someone can't hurt a fly
plenty of opportunity someone is very gentle and kindhearted
FISH neither fish, flesh nor good FLY there are no flies on someone
red herring a person is alert
unclassifiable by virtue of being nei-
ther one thing nor another (from FLY to fly the coop
Cervantes' DON QUIXOTE) to grow up and become independent

FOLD the fold GOLDFISH to be in a goldfish

the body of believers (refers to an bowl
enclosure for sheep) to be very open to view
FOOT to put something back on its GOLDFISH what is this—a bunch
feet of grapes or a bowl of goldfish?
to repair something surely you know what this is!

FOUR an opening wide enough to GOOSE a wild goose chase

drive a coach and four through a foolish search for something which
an excellent opportunity does not exist

FOX a fox hole GOOSE to be too frightened to say

space which is really too small for a "boo" to a goose
person's needs or comfort to be excessively shy
GOOSE to cook one's goose
FROG to have a frog in one's throat
to do something which backfires on
to be hoarse
FROG to leap frog something GOOSE to kill the goose that lays
to overtake something, with the like- the golden eggs
lihood of in turn being overtaken (re- through excessive greed to destroy a
fers to a game in which participants very profitable enterprise
jump over each other in turn)
GOOSE what is sauce for the goose
FUR to make the fur fly is sauce for the gander
to create a disturbance arguments which apply in one case
GAME to be fair game also apply in another
to be someone who can legitimately GRASSHOPPER since he was knee
be attacked high to a grasshopper
since he was a very young child
GANDER what is sauce for the
goose is sauce for the gander HACKLE to raise someone's hackles
arguments which apply in one case to make a person angry
also apply in another
HALCYON in Halcyon days
GNAT to strain at a gnat in past happier times (refers to the 14
to be scrupulous about trifles days about the winter solstice when
winds were calm and to the mythical
GO from the word "go" bird said to breed in a floating nest at
from the beginning that time)
GOAT a scapegoat HAMSTRUNG to be hamstrung
a person unfairly blamed for some- to have limited freedom to act as one
thing not his fault would wish
GOAT to play the giddy goat HARE first catch your hare
to act the fool do things in logical order and after
proper preparation (advice on how to
GOAT to separate the sheep from
cook a hare in Mrs. Beeton's cele-
the goats
brated COOK BOOK)
to distinguish between those with and
without certain attributes (Matthew HARE hare-brained
25:32) wildly stupid

HARE to chase every hare HORN to lock horns with someone

to be easily sidetracked to have an argument with another
HARE to run with the hare and hunt
with the hounds HORN to pull one's horns in
to keep in with two opposing sides to retreat from previously stated views
HARE to set a hare running HORSE / could eat a horse
in order to achieve some desired ef- I am very hungry
fect to initiate some related activity
HORSE a Trojan horse
HARNESS in harness a trick (refers to a large gift horse full
before retirement of soldiers used to bring about the
HEAD to rear its ugly head fall of Troy, as described in Homer's
to make an unwelcome appearance
HEN a mother hen HORSE a dark horse
an overly protective person a person with unsuspected talents
HEN hen-pecked HORSE a nod is the same as a wink
subject to domination by one's wife to a blind horse
fine distinctions are not appropriate
HERD to follow the herd here
to do what most other people are
doing HORSE a stalking horse
an ostensible reason
HERRING to be a red herring
to be something designed to divert HORSE a two-horse race
attention away from the main question a contest between only two serious
HIDE to cover one's hide
to provide excuses or take other eva- HORSE a warhorse
sive action in an attempt to avoid the an old soldier who likes to relive past
adverse consequences of one's actions wartime experiences
HIDEBOUND hidebound HORSE a willing horse
narrow-minded a cheerful worker
HOG a road hog HORSE hold your horses!
an inconsiderate motorist just wait a little!
HOG to go the whole hog HORSE horse sense
to do something very thoroughly (re- natural shrewdness
fers to the close shearing of lambs)
HORSE horsetrading
HOG to make a hog of oneself tough negotiations
to demonstrate greed HORSE it is horses for courses
HOGWASH hogwash some combinations work particularly
nonsense well
HOOT not to care a hoot HORSE that is a horse of a very
not to show the slightest concern or different color
enthusiasm that is a much more acceptable propo-
HORN the horns of a dilemma sition
the unpalatable alternatives between HORSE the horse and buggy days
which a choice must be made long ago

HORSE to back the wrong horse HORSEPLAY horseplay

to have faith in, give support to and/ boisterous and undignified behavior
or invest in a project which proves to
HOUND to run with the hare and
be unsuccessful
hunt with the hounds
HORSE to be off on one's hobby to keep in with two opposing sides
HOUND to set the hounds baying
to throw into conversation aspects of
to excite the gossips by providing
a subject in which one has a passion-
material which they can use
ate interest
JACKAL to keep the jackals at bay
HORSE to be on one's high horse
to pay one's creditors just sufficient
to be excessively pompous
to avoid repercussions
HORSE to drive a coach and horses
KID to treat someone with kid gloves
through something
to handle a person with great discretion
to demonstrate major errors in some-
thing KITTEN to have kittens
to be in a state of great dismay (refers
HORSE to flog a dead horse
to a superstition that certain acts would
to misguidedly do something patently
cause women to bear kittens instead
useless of children)
HORSE to frighten the horses
LAMB a lamb led to slaughter
to scare people off by one's ill-
a naive person allowing himself to be
considered tactics
HORSE to learn something from the
LAMB one might as well be hanged
horse's mouth
for a sheep as for a lamb
to get information from someone qual-
further action will not increase the
ified to impart it
adverse consequences already in train
HORSE to look a gift horse in the (refers to the stealing of both sheep
mouth and lambs being capital crimes under
to be suspicious about a benefit which old English law)
has been volunteered LAMB sacrificial lamb
HORSE to put the cart before the somebody unfairly made to suffer for
horse the mistakes of others
to do things in the wrong order LAMB to be mutton dressed up as
HORSE to shut the stable door after lamb
the horse has bolted to foolishly pretend to be younger
to take preventive action only after LAMB to wait two shakes of a
the relevant event lamb's tail
to wait just a few moments
HORSE to swap horses in
midstream LAP to lap it up
to change direction during the course to enjoy the attention
of a project LARK to rise with the lark
HORSE wild horses would not cause to get up early
me to do something LEASH to hold someone on a short
I absolutely refuse to do something leash
(refers to a form of torture) to give a person very little authority

LEECH leech MONKEY to play monkey tricks on

person taking undue advantage of someone
others to engage in discreditable behavior
affecting a person
LEOPARD a leopard cannot change
his spots MOTH moth-eaten
each person is born with certain unal- (of ideas, etc.) antiquated
terable characteristics
MOTHBALL to mothball equipment
LION the lion's share to put equipment on a "care and
the biggest portion maintenance" basis
LION to beard the lion in his den MOUSE a game of cat and mouse
to visit someone important at his negotiations between two parties of
headquarters unequal bargaining power during which
the stronger makes some temporary
LION to put one's head into the
concessions to the weaker without,
lion's mouth
however, affecting the latter's eventu-
to recklessly expose oneself to great
al total defeat
MOUSE mice have been here
LION to throw someone to the lions
intruders have entered this place
to abandon a person
MOUSE to labor mightily and bring
LIZARD flat out like a lizard
forth a mouse
to be hard at work (a play on words,
to be quite ineffective
not a simile)
MOUSE when the cat is away the
LYNX lynx-eyed
mice will play
having acute vision
in the absence of supervision disci-
MACKEREL to throw a sprat to pline will be lax
catch a mackerel
NEST a nest egg
to risk a little in the hope of gaining
life savings
NEST to feather one's own nest
MARE a mare's nest to improperly arrange a transaction
a discovery with illusory benefits on behalf of others to one's own
MAVERICK maverick financial advantage
a person who likes to do things dif- NEST to foul one's own nest
ferently from other persons (refers to to disparage one's home or workplace
unbranded livestock)
NIT to nitpick
MINNOW to miss the sharks while to criticize a person in respect of very
netting the minnows minor matters
to succeed in minor aspects but fail in OSTRICH to be an ostrich
the ones that really matter to refuse to face up to an unpleasant
MOLE to make mountains out of truth (refers to the reputed habit of
molehills ostriches in danger)
to treat a minor problem as though it OWL to be a night owl
were a major disaster to habitually go to bed late
MONKEY monkey business OYSTER the world is one's oyster
mischievous or underhand activity one has enormous scope for activity

PACK to be at the head of the pack PONY a show pony

to be the best of many or the de facto a pompous person
POSSUM to play possum
PACK to bring someone back to the to pretend that one is not present
POSSUM to stir the possum
to make a person conform
to set out to raise controversial issues
PEARL a pearl
PUP to sell someone a pup
a thing of great excellence
to cheat a person in a transaction,
PECK pecking order especially by misrepresentation as to
order of seniority the true value of something
PECKER to keep one's pecker up PURR to positively purr
to stay cheerful (of a person) to be very pleased; (of
an engine) to run very smoothly
PERCH to knock someone off his
perch PUSSY to pussyfoot around
to displace a person from his leader- to take ineffectual steps
ship position in some competitive
situation RABBIT move over and let the
greyhound see the rabbit
PETREL to be a stormy petrel move over
a person who disturbs a pleasant state
of affairs by agitating for change RABBIT to pull a rabbit out of the
PIG a guinea pig to produce an unexpected and seem-
a person on whom some new practice ingly miraculous but highly desirable
is tried out solution
PIG to buy a pig in a poke RAT a case of rats leaving a sinking
to buy goods of unknown quality ship
PIGEON a pigeon pair the desertion of an enterprise in antic-
one son and one daughter as the sole ipation of imminent failure
RAT rat race
PIGEON to be one's pigeon pressures of modern living
to be one's area of responsibility
RAT to smell a rat
PIGEON to pigeon-hole to become suspicious
to put aside for further consideration
in the distant future REIN a tight rein
strong controls
PIGEON to throw a cat among the
pigeons REIN to give rein to one's fancy
to cause consternation by revealing to let one's imagination have free
an unpleasant and unexpected fact scope
PIGHEADED pigheaded REIN to rein in something
unduly obstinate to keep better control over something
PITFALL pitfall RHINOCEROS to have the hide of
unsuspected danger a rhinoceros
PLAGUE to be of plague proportions to be totally unaffected by and unre-
to be great in number sponsive to valid criticism

ROBIN a round robin SHEEP to spoil the ship for a

(1) a series of checks from A to B, ha'p'orth of tar
from B to C, from C to A, and so to engage in a false economy (the
on, leaving all of them in the same current word "ship" is actually a
net position as before mistake for the original word "sheep"
ROBIN a round robin and the tar refers to the treatment of
(2) a document signed by members of wounds)
an organization which has the same SHEEPISH sheepish
effect as a resolution of a meeting embarrassed, as though guilty
ROOST to rule the roost SHELL to retreat into one's shell
to dominate to become shy and introversive
RUMINATE to ruminate SKIN a cleanskin
to ponder over a matter (lit., to chew a person without a criminal record
the cud)
SNAIL at a snail's pace
SHARK to miss the sharks while
very slowly
netting the minnows
to succeed in minor aspects but fail in SNAKE a game of snakes and
the ones that really matter ladders
SHEEP a black sheep a series of ups and downs
a disreputable member of an other- SNAKE a snake in the grass
wise reputable group a person of low character
SHEEP one might as well be hanged SNAP to snap at someone's heels
for a sheep as for a lamb to be a minor irritation to a person
further action will not increase the
adverse consequences already in train SOW one can't make a silk purse
(refers to the stealing of both sheep out of a sow's ear
and lambs being capital crimes under it is impossible to manufacture some-
old English law) thing of a high standard without ap-
propriate raw materials
SHEEP to be a wolf in sheep's
clothing SOW to get the wrong sow by the
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous ear
although masquerading as something to reach an incorrect conclusion
harmless (Matthew 7:15)
SPIDER to be the center of the
SHEEP to be home on the sheep's spider's web
back to control an operation which involves
to be doing well numerous and/or complex ingredients
SHEEP to cast sheep's eyes at
SPRAT to throw a sprat to catch a
to look at a person amorously
to risk a little in the hope of gaining
SHEEP to ride on the sheep's back much
to benefit from the production of wool
SPUR to spur someone on
SHEEP to separate the sheep from
to agitate a person into doing something
the goats
to distinguish between those with and SQUIB a damp squib
without certain attributes (Matthew disappointingly ineffective action (re-
25:32) fers to fireworks which fail to go off)

STAMPEDE to stampede someone TIGER a paper tiger

into something an empty threat
to pressure a person into taking some
TIGER a toothless tiger
an authority which has been given
STICK sticks and carrots totally inadequate powers for its task
disincentives and incentives in com-
TIGER to have a tiger by the tail
bination (refers to the handling of
to be involved in an activity which is
much more dangerous than one had
STING to be the sting in the tail realized
to be the unexpected unpleasant con-
TOOTH to bare one's teeth
to imply threats
STIR to stir up a hornet's nest
TOOTH to take the bit between one's
to take action which results in un-
pleasant side-effects
to face up to a problem
SWALLOW one swallow does not
TRACE to kick over one's traces
make a summer
to become insubordinate
much further evidence is desirable
before any action taken TRAMPLE to trample someone
SWARM to swarm out
by virtue of one's great power to treat
to gather in large numbers
a person's rights with contempt and
SWINE to cast pearls before swine not to give them proper consideration
to confer valuable benefits on some-
TURKEY cold turkey
one who neither recognizes nor ap-
the sudden cessation of drugs to an
preciates them
TAIL bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
TURKEY to talk turkey
naive but enthusiastic
to talk realistically
TAIL the tail end of something
TURTLE to turn turtle
the very end of something
to capsize
TAIL to be the sting in the tail UNDERBELLY to have a soft
to be the unexpected unpleasant con- underbelly
clusion to have a weakness which can be
TAIL to get off one's tail exploited
to stir oneself from one's inertia VENOM venom
TAIL to have one's tail between deep-rooted ill will
one's legs VULTURE vulture
to show great humility in the light of person benefiting from another's mis-
a back down fortune
TAIL with his tail between his legs WEB a tangled web
contritely a series of lies, especially with incon-
sistencies leading to exposure (from
TENTACLE tentacles
Sir Walter Scott's MARMION)
strong and unpleasant influence ex-
tending a long way from its base and WETHER bell-wether
in many directions first indication

WHISKER by a whisker WORM the worm has turned

only just a previously compliant person is now
exerting his personality
WHOA from go to whoa
from start to finish (refers to the com- WORM to worm one's way in
mand given to horses) to subtly insinuate oneself into a per-
son's trust
WING to clip someone's wings
to reduce another person's freedom to
act as he thinks fit ART
WING to spread one's wings ART to raise something to a fine art
to assert authority which has not yet form
been conferred by one's superiors and to become very clever at doing some-
for which one may not be ready thing
WING to take someone under one's CANVAS to have a blank canvas
wing to be bereft of ideas
to protect a person EXHIBITION to make an exhibition
WOLF a lone wolf of oneself
a person who prefers to act without to behave in a way which invites
involving others ridicule
MOSAIC a mosaic
WOLF to be a wolf in sheep's
something with a large number of
different aspects to it
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous
although masquerading as something PAINT to paint a black picture
harmless (Matthew 7:15) to state a set of unfavorable factors
WOLF to cry "wolf" PAINTING not to be an oil painting
to repeatedly raise an unjustified con- to be ugly
cern with the result that one will be PEDESTAL to put someone on a
ignored when the circumstances change pedestal
WOLF to keep the wolf from the to admire a person and regard him as
door more marvelous than is warranted
to avoid imminent trouble PERSPECTIVE to put something
into perspective
WOLF to throw someone to the
to explain the background of some-
thing so that its significance in rela-
to expose a person to exploitation by
tion to other things can be better
more sophisticated persons
WOOL dyed in the wool
PICTURE to balance the picture
very loyal and partisan
to put the other side of the story or to
WORM a bookworm quote facts in contradiction
a person who likes reading and study PICTURE to change the whole
WORM a can of worms picture
a heterogeneous collection of unex- to alter the major assumptions on
pected problems which some assessment was based
WORM the early bird gets the worm PICTURE to conjure up a picture
a person who acts ahead of others to use words to convey a vivid
gets an advantage over them impression

PICTURE to have a clear picture FLYING to achieve a flying start

of something to get operational very quickly
to have a good understanding of
something GROUND to get something off the
PICTURE to put someone in the to take a project beyond its initial
picture stages and make it operational
to fill a person in with the back-
ground of a situation LAND to land something
to achieve something
PICTURE to see the big picture
to have the vision and imagination PARACHUTE golden parachute
enabling a project to be developed as generous provisions in a remunera-
part of a bigger whole tion package which come into play in
certain circumstances
SKETCH a thumbnail sketch
brief but pertinent details TAILSPIN tailspin
very fast fall "
iWIATIOM WING on a wing and a prayer
without proper resources
BAIL to bail out of something
to abandon an enterprise in anticipa- ZERO to zero in on a target
tion of disaster to move directly toward one's objective
BALLOON to go down like a lead
to receive a very cool reception
ARCHITECT to be the architect of
BALLOON when the balloon goes something
up to be the person devising something
when the adverse facts come to light innovative
EDGE to have a leading edge BACKYARD in one's own backyard
to have an advantage in one's own domain
FLY a highflyer BELFRY to have bats in the belfry
an ambitious and/or successful person to be mad
FLY time flies BENCHMARK a benchmark
time passes very quickly, but if wast- a standard by which something is
ed can never be recovered (from measured
Virgil's GEORGICS)
BLOWTORCH to apply the
FLY to fly by the seat of one's pants blowtorch to something
to act unprofessionally to totally destroy something
FLY to fly high BLUEPRINT blueprint
to be ambitious a master plan for some activity or a
model which others can copy
FLY to have to fly
to need to leave in order to reach the BOLT nuts and bolts
next destination quickly basic ingredients
FLY to let fly at someone BRICK it is London to a brick
to attack a person with strong words it is virtually certain

BRICK one can't make bricks CASTLE a castle in the air

without straw an impracticable proposition
one cannot achieve results in the ab-
CEILING ceiling
sence of adequate resources
upper permitted limit
BRICK to be up against a brick wall
CEMENT to cement a relationship
to be unable to achieve anything be-
to do something in an endeavor to
cause of intractable opposition or
make a relationship permanent
CHISEL to chisel away at something
BRICK to drop a brick
to reduce the size of something in a
to make a sudden shattering and un-
series of small stages
expected announcement
CLOSET to come out of the closet
BRICKBATS to throw brickbats at
to publicly admit one's homosexuality
to express displeasure with a person CORNER to be around the corner
to be imminent
BRIDGE a lot of water has flowed
under the bridge since then CORNER to be in a tight corner
much has happened since then to experience a crisis
BRIDGE to be water under the CORNER to cut corners
bridge to lower one's standards in order to
to matter no longer complete something more quickly
BRIDGE to bridge a gap DOOR a foot in the door
to fill a need or make up a shortfall the opportunity to do business
BRIDGE to bridge a gulf DOOR never darken my door again
to overcome a wide divergence in do not ever return
DOOR not to break someone's door
BRIDGE to build bridges down
to work at improving relationships to be quite unenthusiastic about some-
BRIDGE to burn one's bridges one's goods or services
to do something irreversible
DOOR one's door is always open
BRIDGE to cross a bridge only when people can take their problems to one
one comes to it at any time
to await the crystallization of a situa-
DOOR through the back door
tion before sorting it out
unofficially or surreptitiously
BRUSH a broad brush approach
rough justice DOOR to be out the door
to have one's position terminated
BRUSH to be tarred with the same
brush DOOR to beat a path to someone's
to be damned merely because of one's door
association with another person to seek a person out in great numbers
CARPET to be on the carpet DOOR to leave the door open
to be lectured in regard to one's al- to issue a standing invitation for the
leged misdeeds resumption of some negotiations
CASTLE a castle in Spain DOOR to open up doors
an impracticable proposition to create opportunities

DOOR to put something at someone's FENCE to want to jump all one's

door fences at once
to blame a person to be unrealistic
DOOR to show someone the door FLOOR to get in on the ground floor
to ask a person to leave to invest on very favorable terms
DOOR to shut the door on someone FLOOR to hold the floor
to deny another person a desired to dominate a conversation
FLOOR to wipe the floor with
DOOR to slam the door in someone's someone
face to inflict a humiliating defeat on a
ostentatiously to refuse to have any person
dealings with a person
FRAMEWORK framework
DOORSTEP on one's own doorstep outline of a proposal, on which fur-
in one's own domain ther details can be developed
DRAIN that is money down the drain FUSE to have a short fuse
money has been wastefully lost on a to lose one's temper very readily
failed project
GARDEN everything in the garden
DRAW back to the drawing board is lovely
the details need to be reconsidered everything is fine
DRAW to be on the drawing board GATE to close the gate
to be being planned in detail to deny an opportunity which was
DRAWBRIDGE to pull up the previously available
drawbridge GATE to gatecrash a gathering
to refuse to cooperate to attend a gathering without any right
DUST when the dust settles to be there
when sufficient time has passed
GATEPOST between you and me
EAVESDROP to eavesdrop and the gatepost
to deliberately listen to conversations confidentially
to which one is not a party
GATEWAY gateway to something
FENCE on our side of the fence method of achieving something
in the group representing our vested
interest HALL liberty hall
a place where one is free to do as one
FENCE to be on the other side of wishes
the fence
to have an opposing point of view or HAMMER to go hammer and tongs
position to do something with great energy
FENCE to be over the fence HOLE a square peg in a round hole
to be unreasonable a person much more suitable for a
FENCE to mend fences position rather different from the one
to achieve a reconciliation held
FENCE to sit on the fence HOME charity begins at home
to refuse to choose between two a person's first responsibility should
alternatives be to his family

HOME to be too close to home LOCK to lock someone into some

to be too near the truth to be welcome arrangement
to create an agreement which cannot
HOME to keep the home fires
be broken by one of the parties
to maintain normal domestic activity MARBLE to be carved in marble
during the temporary absence of the to be virtually unalterable
breadwinner NAIL on the nail
HOUSE a half-way house immediately
an intermediate position NAIL to hit the nail right on the
HOUSE people in glass houses head
should not throw stones to astutely come to the correct conclu-
those who are less than perfect are sion
foolish to criticize others NAIL to nail someone
HOUSE to be on the house to put the blame on a person
to be free of cost NAIL to nail something down
to tie up the loose ends of an arrange-
HOUSE to bring the house down
to greatly amuse an audience
NICHE to carve out a niche for
HOUSE to eat someone out of house oneself
and home to deliberately create an opportunity
to ruin a person by eating all he has to use one's talents effectively
HOUSE to put one's house in order NICHE to find one's niche
to fix up the deficiencies in one's to find the opportunity to use one's
affairs talents
HOUSEHOLD a household name NOOK in every nook and cranny
a very familiar name everywhere
INN no room at the inn NUT nuts and bolts
no room basic ingredients
KITCHEN to get the rounds of the PAINT to paint oneself into a corner
kitchen to foolishly put oneself into a posi-
(of a husband) to be subject to per- tion from which escape is impossible
sonal abuse by his wife PAPER to paper over the cracks
LADDER a game of snakes and to institute extremely superficial and
ladders basically ineffective remedies
a series of ups and downs PATH path
LADDER rungs up a ladder means of achieving an objective
gradual steps to an ultimate goal PATH slippery path
LADDER to be at the bottom of the dangerous course of action
ladder PATH to be on a path strewn with
to be in the most junior position in roses
some hierarchy to lead a very pleasant life
LEAD to swing the lead PATH to beat a path to someone's
to cheat an employer by not working door
while being paid to do so to seek a person out in great numbers

PATH to block someone's path ROOF to go through the roof

to interfere with a person's opportu- (of a person) to be very upset or (of
nity to advance himself prices) to escalate greatly
PATH to cross someone's path ROOF to hit the roof
to meet another person by chance to be very angry
PATH to lead someone up the garden ROOF to scream something from the
path rooftops
to mislead a person by deliberately to communicate a message to a wide
fallacious arguments audience
PATH to smooth the path for ROOF under one roof
someone under the same management
to use one's influence to make ar-
rangements so that a person's task ROOM there is no room to swing a
will be easier or more readily accom- cat
plished this place is very small (actually re-
fers to a cat-o'-nine-tails)
PATH to tread a particular path
to take certain initiatives SCREW to have a screw loose
to be mentally unbalanced
PEG a square peg in a round hole
a person much more suitable for a SCREW to tighten the screw
position rather different from the one to increase the moral and psychologi-
held cal pressure
PENNY the penny dropped SHINGLE to hang up one's shingle
a person has just realized a fact which to go into business offering expert
should have been obvious (refers to personal services
old-fashioned pay toilets) SINK everything but the kitchen sink
PILLAR a pillar of some a lot of things
organization SLEDGEHAMMER to use a
a significant supporter of some organ- sledgehammer to crack a nut
ization to devote vastly more resources to a
PLUG to have the plug pulled out project than is warranted by all the
from under one circumstances
to have a successful activity destroyed STABLE a Herculean cleaning of the
by the actions of someone else stables
PUTTY to be putty in someone's a thorough revision of operating pro-
hands cedure (refers to Hercules, a mythical
to be far too easily influenced by Greek hero who cleaned the stables
another person of Augeas)
RIVET to be riveted to one's seat STEAMROLL to steamroll
to find the activity being watched something through
very exciting and worthy of full to use enormous force to achieve an
attention objective
ROCK bedrock price STONE cornerstone
lowest possible price key ingredient
ROOF the roof has fallen in STONE the touchstone
an enterprise has collapsed the standard

TACK to get down to brass tacks WALL to nail someone to the wall
to discuss the aspects which really to outmaneuver another person
matter WALL to put a wall around someone
TAR to have a touch of the tarbrush to stop a person associating with others
to be not quite a full-blood Caucasian WALL ta see the writing on the wall
TONGS to go hammer and tongs to appreciate the inevitability of some
to do something with great energy event (Daniel 5)
TOOLS tools WALL walls have ears
the means to do something someone may be overhearing (words
on wartime posters, reminding people
TOWER a tower of Babel of the existence of spies; may also
a noisy and confused assembly (Gen- refer to certain rooms in the Louvre,
esis 11) constructed so that conversations could
TOWER to be a tower of strength be heard in other rooms)
to be a person who supports and WALL walls of Jericho
comforts another something seemingly solid but actual-
TROWEL to lay it on with a trowel ly destructible (Joshua 6:20)
to flatter WAY to pave the way
to prepare for something
TUNNEL tunnel vision
an extremely narrow and inflexible WEDGE to be the thin end of the
way of considering issues wedge
by conceding a small point to create
WALL Chinese walls an undesirable precedent for much
a system to ensure that different parts larger issues
of some organization do not gain access
to each other's confidential information WHITEWASH to whitewash
to exonerate when this is not warranted
WALL / would love to be a fly on by the facts
the wall
I would love to hear what goes on WINDMILL to tilt at windmills
to attack an imagined but non-exis-
WALL a chink in the wall tent enemy (from Cervantes' DON
an opportunity to do something which QUIXOTE)
otherwise could not be done
WINDOW a window of opportunity
WALL to be a crack in the wall an opportunity temporarily available
to represent a small unintended op-
portunity which can be exploited WINDOW to engage in window
WALL to drive someone to the wall to present figures in an artificially
to ruin a person favorable light
WALL to drive someone up the wall WINDOW to fly out the window
to annoy another person by one's to be lost
WINDOW to throw a pebble against
WALL to go to the wall the window
to become bankrupt to gently draw attention to oneself
WALL to have one's back to the wall WINDOW to throw something out
to be hard-pressed by creditors or of the window
opponents to completely reject an idea or proposal

YARDSTICK a yardstick CARD to lay one's cards on the

a standard by which something is table
measured to be utterly frank and open or to
honestly disclose one's position
CARDS CARD to play every card in the pack
to try very hard and use every con-
ACE to be within an ace of
ceivable argument
to be extremely close to something CARD to play one's cards right
ACE to have an ace up one's sleeve to approach a matter sensibly
to hold an impressive counter-argu- CARD to play the cards as they fall
ment in reserve to deal with problems as they arise
ACE to hold all the aces CARD to play the last card in the
to be in an unbeatable position to pack
defeat others to lower one's standards in a final
BUCK the buck stops here desperate effort
I accept full responsibility (sign on CARD without any cards to play
the desk of Harry S. Truman when without the means to achieve something
President of the United States)
BUCK to pass the buck DEALER sharp dealer
in an uncooperative spirit to decline person engaging in barely honest or
responsibility for a matter on the mildly unethical practices
grounds that someone else more pro- HAND to deal the final hand
perly has responsibility for it to take steps which conclude a matter
CARD a house of cards HAND to disclose one's hand
an organization which gives a mis- to give away information regarding
leading impression of solidity one's intention
CARD a three-card trick
a ruse used by a dishonest person in HAND to force someone's hand
order to induce his victims to hand to take action causing another person
over some of their assets to react

CARD a wild card HAND to hold a winning hand

an unexpected development to be in an unbeatable position to
defeat others
CARD let the cards fall where they
may HAND to throw in one's hand
irrespective of what happens to give in or to give up
CARD to have the cards stacked HAND to tip one's hand
against one to disclose details of one's position
to be faced with many difficulties
frustrating a project HANDS to win hands down
CARD to hold all the cards to win very convincingly
to be assured of victory MISERE to be a laid-down misère
CARD to hold one's cards close to to be very easily accomplished and/or
one's chest to be certain of outcome (refers to the
to keep one's plans and strategies declaration in certain card games un-
secret dertaking to win no tricks)

ODDS to have the odds stacked CHESS to be a chess game

against one to be a complex exercise, requiring
to be faced with many difficulties great skill
frustrating a project
CHESSMASTER a chessmaster
PACK to play the last card in the a clever strategist
to lower one's standards in a final GAMBIT a gambit
desperate effort an opening move in a competitive
situation which involves short term
PEG to be level pegging losses in the expectation of long term
(of contestants) to have little between gains
POKER a game of poker GAMBIT opening gambit
negotiations in which the parties try the first in a series of strategic moves
(a tautological expression which also
to bluff each other
involves a misunderstanding of a tech-
POKER a poker face nical chess term)
a facial expression which does not re-
veal one's thoughts during negotiations KNIGHT a white knight
a party voluntarily coming to the as-
SHOWDOWN showdown sistance of another party at considera-
disclosure of certain pertinent facts ble cost to itself
SUIT one's long suit
one's main skills MOVE your move!
the next step is up to you
SUIT to follow suit
to do the same as others PAWN a pawn
a person of small importance who is
TRICK to be unable to take a trick manipulated by others
to be unable to achieve success in
anything STALEMATE stalemate
TRUMP to hold the trump card a final result in which neither party to
to be in an unbeatable position to a dispute is victorious
defeat others
TRUMP to play the trump card CIRCUSES
to make a final move, thereby defeat- AUNT an Aunt Sally
ing one's opponents a person who can readily be singled
TRUMP to trump someone out and criticized as the proxy for a
to defeat a person group
TRUMP to turn up trumps BALL to have too many balls in the
to finish up better than expected or to air
experience unexpected good luck to attempt to do more than can be
UNDERPLAY to underplay some coped with
situation CARD to be on the cards
to hold something in reserve to be likely
CARD to have a card up one's
CHESS sleeve
CHECKMATE checkmate to secretly have information relevant
defeat to a transaction

CIRCUS to be a real circus TRICK one cannot teach an old dog

to be a highly disorganized affair new tricks
people get irreversibly set in their
CONJURE to conjure up a picture
to use words to convey a vivid
impression TRICK something has done the trick
something has achieved the desired
CONJURE to conjure up something purpose
to produce something in circumstances
where this seemed impossible TRICK to score a hat trick
to have three successive favorable
HOOP to jump through hoops outcomes
to undergo some ordeal
TRICK to use every trick in the book
LINE to tread the thin line to try very hard and use every con-
cautiously to take action in circum- ceivable argument
stances where either too much or too
little will cause difficulties WAND to wave a magic wand
to direct affairs without the restraints
MAGIC the magic moment of the real world
the perfect time
MAGIC there is no magic in that CLOTHES
that is quite ordinary
APRON to be tied to someone's
MERRY to be on a merry-go-round apron strings
to be sent from one bureaucrat to to be excessively influenced by a
another female
NET a safety net scheme BELT to get something under one's
a scheme for dealing with the excep- belt
tional cases not covered by normal to achieve something
arrangements BELT to hit someone below the belt
PULL to pull a rabbit out of the hat to act unfairly toward another person
to produce an unexpected and seem- BELT to tighten one's belt
ingly miraculous but highly desirable to lower one's rate of spending
BONNET to have a bee in one's
ROLLER a roller coaster ride bonnet
a series of successes followed by to have an obsession
BOOT to be too big for one's boots
SLEIGHT sleight of hand to have an unwarranted belief as to
deceit by trickery one's capabilities or status
SPOTLIGHT to turn the spotlight BOOT to give someone the boot
on something to terminate a person's appointment
to draw public attention to something BOOT to go in boots and all
SWING what one loses on the swings to do something very roughly
one gains on the roundabouts BOOT to hang up one's boots
there are advantages and disadvan- to retire
tages which offset each other
BOOT to have one's heart in one's
TIGHTROPE to walk a tightrope boots
to do something very dangerous to be terrified

BOOT to lick someone's boots CLOAK cloak and dagger activity

to show humility secret activity
BOOT to put the boot in CLOAK to cloak something
to reprimand a person to disguise the true nature of something
BOOT to quake in one's boots CLOTHES to steal someone's clothes
to be afraid to plagiarise another person's ideas
BOOTSTRAP to be British to one's CLOTHING to be a wolf in sheep's
bootstraps clothing
to be very demonstrative about one's to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous
Britishness although masquerading as something
harmless (Matthew 7:15)
BOOTSTRAP to pull oneself up by
one's bootstraps COAT to cut one's coat according
to make a praiseworthy effort to bet- to the cloth
ter oneself unaided to accommodate oneself to limitations
beyond one's control and to do the
BREECHES to be too big for one's best in the circumstances
to have an exaggerated idea of one's COAT to hang onto someone's
own importance coat-tails
to excessively rely on another per-
CAP a feather in one's cap son's initiatives
a meritorious personal achievement
COAT to trail one's coattails
CAP cap to invite a quarrel
upper permitted limit COLLAR to be hot under the collar
CAP if the cap fits then wear it to be very agitated
if your circumstances correspond with CUFF off the cuff
those described then you must endure impromptu
the consequences
DRESS first in best dressed
CAP to cap a story persons acting early will do better
to tell an even funnier story than the than latecomers
one just told DRESS to dress someone down
CAP to earn a dunce's cap to scold a person
to do something stupid GARTER / will have his guts for
CAP to go cap in hand garters
to show humility while soliciting a I am extremely angry and dissatisfied
favor with him
GAUNTLET to throw down the
CAP to put one's thinking cap on gauntlet
to concentrate on finding a solution to issue a challenge (refers to the
to a difficult problem glove worn by a knight)
CAP to set one's cap at someone GLOVE the gloves are off
(of females) to try to attract a person the challenge has been accepted
as a marriage partner
GLOVE to treat someone with kid
CAP to throw one's cap into the air gloves
to celebrate some achievement to handle a person with great discretion

GLOVE to work hand in glove with HAT to throw one's hat into the air
someone to express joy
to work in close cooperation with a
HAT to wear a particular hat
person or to be in collusion with a
to act in a particular capacity or for a
person to the detriment of others
particular vested interest
GLOVE with an iron hand in a
IRON to iron out something
velvet glove
to sort out a difficult problem
with a hard attitude made to seem
soft JACKET to keep someone in a strait-
HAT I'll eat my hat if so-and-so
to deny a person any discretionary
powers at all
I do not believe that so-and-so will
happen KNICKERS to get one's knickers in
a knot
HAT a peg to hang a hat on
to get unduly excited
something which provides a conven-
ient or plausible excuse for some par- LACE strait-laced
ticular action puritanical
HAT at the drop of a hat LINEN to wash one's dirty linen in
very readily public
to expose one's domestic differences
HAT not to just pick something out
to the world at large
of a hat
to choose carefully, after weighing all MANTLE to assume someone's
the considerations mantle
to take over another person's role
HAT to be old hat
to be a very widely-known fact MASK to unmask someone
to discover a person's true identity
HAT to keep something under one's
hat PAJAMAS to be the cat's pajamas
to maintain a confidence to have an exaggerated idea of one's
HAT to knock something into a
cocked hat PANTS a kick in the pants
to twist something so that its original an admonition
form is hardly recognizable PANTS to bore the pants off someone
HAT to pull a rabbit out of the hat to weary a person by dull and unin-
to produce an unexpected and seem- teresting conversation
ingly miraculous but highly desirable
PANTS to catch someone with his
pants down
HAT to score a hat trick to act when another person least ex-
to have three successive favorable pects it
PANTS to charm the pants off
HAT to take one's hat off to someone someone
to be full of admiration for a person to delight a person
HAT to talk through one's hat PANTS to fly by the seat of one s
to say things which demonstrate the pants
speaker's ignorance of the subject to act unprofessionally

PANTS to scare the pants off PURSE one can't make a silk purse
someone out of a sow's ear
to greatly frighten a person it is impossible to manufacture some-
thing of a high standard without ap-
PETTICOAT petticoat government
propriate raw materials
rule by women
PURSE to button up one's purse
PIN for two pins I would do to refuse to spend money
my tolerance is almost exhausted and PURSE to hold the purse strings
I am very tempted to do so-and-so to have control of expenditure
PURSE to tighten the purse strings
PIN not to care a pin for something
to reduce outlays
not to have the slightest interest in
something SACKCLOTH to wear sackcloth and
PIN pin money humbly to demonstrate repentance
an allowance to a wife for her per-
sonal use SEAM to be bursting at the seams
to be very crowded
PIN to be on pins and needles
to be very agitated SEAM to come apart at the seams
(of an arrangement) to break down
PINPOINT to pinpoint SEW to sew something up
to identify very precisely to negotiate a deal
POCKET not to live in each other's SHIRT keep your shirt on!
pockets relax!
to each follow his own lifestyle
SHIRT so-and-so would give one the
POCKET the hip pocket nerve shirt off his back
the assessment of issues by their fi- so-and-so is very generous
nancial effects on one SHIRT to lose one's shirt
POCKET to be in someone's pocket to make heavy financial losses
to be subject to undue influence by SHIRT to put one's shirt on
another person something
POCKET to be out of pocket to invest heavily in some speculative
to have been forced to spend money venture
which cannot be recovered from others SHIRT to wear a hair shirt
to practice self-discipline
POCKET to have deep pockets
to have large financial resources SHOE to be in someone's shoes
to have another person's responsibility
POCKET to have money burning a
hole in one's pocket SHOE to fill someone's shoes
to be impatient to spend or invest to be a good successor
available funds SHOE to wait for the other shoe to
POCKET to line one's pockets
to await the seemingly imminent and
to make, improperly and secretly, a
inevitable (refers to a man undress-
profit out of some transaction
ing, disturbing a neighbor by drop-
POCKET to put one's hands in one's ping one shoe, then frustrating his
pockets expectation by putting the other shoe
to spend down gently)

SHOELACE to pull oneself up by TROUSERS to wear the trousers

one's own shoelaces to be the dominant party
to make a superhuman effort
TRY to try something on for size
SHOESTRING to do something on to cheekily do something
a shoestring
to do something with great economy UMBRELLA an umbrella
protection; or something all embracing
SKIRT to hide under someone's
skirts UMBRELLA under the umbrella of
to let someone else take the conse- some organization
quences of one's actions under the auspices of some organization
SLEEVE to have an ace up one's UNVEIL to unveil something
sleeve to give details not previously available
to hold an impressive counter-argu- VEIL thinly-veiled
ment in reserve barely concealed
SLEEVE to keep something up one's
sleeve VEIL to draw a veil over something
to secretly retain something in re- pointedly to avoid discussing something
serve for use in the future or at a later VEIL under the veil of something
stage of negotiations on the pretext of something
SLEEVE to laugh up one's sleeve WASH it will all come out in the
to laugh surreptitiously wash
SLEEVE to roll up one's sleeves the facts will emerge as work proceeds
to get on with a job energetically
WASH it won't wash
SLEEVE to wear one's heart on this explanation is not acceptable
one's sleeve
to lack the reserve expected of one WASH when the wash comes through
the machine
SOCK to chop someone off at the in due course
to stop someone's proposals prema- WEAR that argument is wearing a
turely bit thin
SOCK to pull one's socks up that is a very weak case
to set out to improve or correct one's WEAR to have to wear something
inadequate behavior or performance to have to put up with something
STITCH a stitch in time saves nine
preventive maintenance saves money COLORS
in the long run
BLACK a black hole
STITCH to stitch up a deal an intermediate range of values pro-
to successfully conclude a deal ducing anomalous results or a partic-
THREAD to hang by a slender ularly obnoxious prison cell
to only just survive BLACK a black sheep
a disreputable member of an other-
TROUSERS to catch someone with wise reputable group
his trousers down
to act when another person least ex- BLACK in black and white
pects it in writing, spelling out all the details

BLACK the pot calling the kettle BLUE blue sky

black supremely optimistic
a person criticizing another person
BLUE blue-eyed boy
without realizing his own even great-
person shown unjustified favoritism
er shortcomings
BLUE once in a blue moon
BLACK there are black clouds on
very rarely (refers to the volcanic
the horizon
eruption at Krakatoa in 1883 when
bad news is expected
volcanic dust caused the moon to
BLACK things look black appear blue)
there is little hope of success or pros-
BLUE to be a blue-chip stock
perity or a favorable outcome
to be of excellent quality
BLACK to be a black and white
BLUE to be a bolt from the blue
to be a totally unexpected event
to involve very clear distinctions
BLUE to be in a blue funk
BLACK to be in someone's black
to be terrified
to be out of favor with a person BLUE to come out of the blue
to be totally unexpected
BLACK to be in the black
to have money BLUE to feel blue
to feel depressed
BLACK to blackball someone
to reject a person as unsuitable BLUE to go on till one is blue in
the face
BLACK to give someone a black to argue for a long time
to indicate one's displeasure with a BLUE to have a blue fit
person to be very agitated

BLACK to have a black mark BLUE to scream blue murder

against one's name to make serious allegations
to have a tarnished reputation BLUE true blue
BLACK to paint a black picture superbly loyal
to state a set of unfavorable factors BROWN to be browned off
BLACK to paint someone black to be fed-up
to ruin a person's reputation COLOR that takes on added color
BLUE a blueblood there are now further facts which al-
a person of high birth (refers to the ter the appearance of a matter
appearance of veins on the skin of COLOR to see the color of
members of some royal families) someone's money
BLUE between the devil and the deep to get evidence of the sincerity of a
blue sea person's proposal
to be faced with two equally unpalat- GILD to gild the lily
able alternatives which cannot both (actually: to gild refined gold, to paint
be avoided the lily) to do something patently
BLUE blue ribbon unnecessary
of superb quality (refers to the insig- GILT gilt-edged
nia of the Order of the Garter) very safe

GOLD a golden opportunity RED the red-carpet treatment

an unparalleled opportunity courtesies extended to a person to
make him feel important and welcome
GOLD silence is golden
it is better not to incriminate anyone RED to be a red herring
GRAY to be a gray area to be something designed to divert
to be in an undefined position strad- attention away from the main question
dling two or more possibilities RED to be a red rag to a bull
GREEN a green chum to be something which makes a per-
an inexperienced person son very angry and very excited (re-
fers to the erroneous belief that the
GREEN distant fields look greener color red, rather than the motion of
activities of which one has no experi- waving, excites a bull)
ence seem much easier than is really
the case RED to be in the red
to owe money
GREEN to be green
to be naive RED to be left red-faced
to be embarrassed
GREEN to give the green light
to grant permission RED to catch someone red-handed
GREEN to have green fingers to apprehend a person in the course
to be good at gardening of committing a crime

GREEN to move on to greener RED to get the red light

pastures to be forbidden to do something
to commence a new, better career RED to paint the town red
GREEN to turn green to go on an exciting social outing
to become very envious
RED to see red
PINK to be tickled pink to become very angry
to be very pleased
RED to see red lights flashing
PINK to look in the pink to be conscious of the danger
to look well
PURPLE to be purple with rage ROSY to present a rosy picture
to be very angry to state a set of favorable factors

RED a red-letter day SILVER every cloud has a silver

an important occasion (refers to the lining
color used to print saints' days on there are benefits even in seemingly
some calendars) adverse situations
RED neither fish, flesh nor good red WHITE a white elephant
herring an expensive and useless luxury (re-
unclassifiable by virtue of being nei- fers to gifts of sacred elephants by
ther one thing nor another (from the King of Siam to persons then
Cervantes' DON QUIXOTE) ruined by the expense of their upkeep)
RED red-hot WHITE a white knight
highly exciting and desirable a party voluntarily coming to the as-
RED red tape sistance of another party at considera-
excessively bureaucratic procedures ble cost to itself

WHITE a white lie BUY to buy into some argument

a false statement uttered in a good to seek to participate in some discussion
BUY to buy straw hats in winter
WHITE m black and white to buy in a depressed market when
in writing, spelling out all the details most other people are sellers
WHITE lily-white CENT to throw in one's two cents'
honest and incorruptible worth
to modestly supply one's own facts or
WHITE to be a black and white
to involve very clear distinctions CHANGE to be shortchanged
to be given less than is due to one
WHITE to show the white feather
to indicate cowardice (refers to cross- COAL to carry coals to Newcastle
bred birds, not regarded as useful in to do something ridiculously unneces-
cock fighting) sary
WHITE to turn white COIN the other side of the coin
to express shock at unexpected news the arguments for the opposite point
WHITE to white ant someone of view
to surreptitiously seek to destroy a COIN to pay someone back in his
person own coin
to retaliate in kind
COMMERCE CUSTOMER a slippery customer
ADD it adds up a shifty person
it makes sense DIVIDENDS to show dividends
BANK to laugh all the way to the to be successful
HEDGE to be hedged around
to appreciate one's good fortune
(of a statement) to be surrounded by
BANKRUPT to be bankrupt of ideas qualifications
to be bereft of ideas
I to dot the i's and cross the t's
BARGAIN to be more than one to be meticulous in completing the
bargained for documentation for a transaction
to be more than one expected
INK the ink is hardly dry
BASKET to put something into the something intended to last a long time
"too hard" basket is to be changed shortly after its
to defer consideration of a difficult establishment
BLANK to give someone a blank IRON to give a cast-iron guarantee
check to give a very secure undertaking to
do something
to give another person unlimited del-
egated authority LINE the bottom line
BOOK to balance the books the conclusion which matters or the
to get one's own back net effect of a series of developments
BUY / buy that LINE to sign on the dotted line
I accept that idea to confirm one's agreement

LIST a shopping list PENNY in for a penny—in for a

a catalogue of demands pound
once something is commenced it ought
MARK to make something one's to be finished; or if one is willing to
trademark take a small risk then one might as
to earn a reputation for maintaining well take a bigger one
some stance
PENNY to throw in one's six
MESSAGE to get the message pennies' worth
to understand the real import of what to modestly supply one's own facts or
is being said views
MITE not a mite PENNY to turn an honest penny
not at all (refers to a Flemish coin of to earn money out of odd jobs
small value)
PITCH to queer the pitch for
MONEY not for love or money someone
definitely not to spoil the opportunity a person has
to do something
MONEY not to be made of money
not to be wealthy POUND in for a penny—in for a
MONEY to put one's money where once something is commenced it ought
one's mouth is to be finished; or if one is willing to
to back one's judgment by putting take a small risk then one might as
assets at risk well take a bigger one
MONEY to see the color of PRE-EMPT to pre-empt some issue
someone's money to deliberately do something which
to get evidence of the sincerity of a has the effect of limiting the range of
person's proposal alternative approaches to a matter
PAPER to start with a blank sheet PRICE to pay the price
of paper to suffer the adverse consequences of
to commence an exercise without being one's acts or omissions
bound by any established practices
RAZOO not to have a brass razoo
PAR to be below par to be very poor
to be less than the desired standard
SALE fire sale
PAY that has put paid to it a forced sale, realizing bargain prices
the project can no longer proceed
SELL to be sold on something
PAY to pay off to be utterly dedicated to a proposal
to be successful
SELL to sell one's birthright for a
PAY to pay something back with mess of pottage
interest through foolishness to exchange some-
to return a small favor with a bigger thing of substance for something of
favor or to extract retribution of greater little value (Genesis 25)
value than the circumstances warrant
SELL to sell someone down the river
PENNY a twopenny halfpenny outfit to betray a person who has placed his
a quite insignificant operation trust in one

SHAKE a golden handshake VALUE to take something at face

a large payment in connection with or value
as an inducement to retirement (of alleged facts) to accept some-
thing without question or challenge
SHARE to have shares in a paper
company WEALTH a wealth of something
to institute unnecessary clerical pro- a great quantity of something
SHILLING to be only ten pence in CRIME
the shilling
FELONY to compound the felony
to be slightly stupid
having already acted improperly to
SHILLING to cut someone off with make matters worse (the misuse of a
a shilling legal term: compounding a felony is
to exclude a person as a beneficiary the crime of agreeing for money not
under one's will (refers to the mistak- to prosecute a person for felony; in
en belief that a will cannot be upset reality it is therefore an offense by a
in favor of a person actually named different person—not a second and
in a will and clearly not overlooked) worse offense by the original culprit)
SHOP to shop around HIJACK to hijack a debate
to explore alternatives to involve oneself in the public dis-
cussion of some matter and turn that
SHOP to shut up shop
discussion to one's advantage
to cease an established activity
MURDER to be sheer murder
SHOP to talk shop
to be extremely unpleasant or diffi-
to discuss business or professional
cult; or to be an inglorious defeat
matters on a social occasion
MURDER to get away with murder
SHOWCASE showcase
to do something outrageous without
SHUTTER to put up the shutters
MURDER to scream blue murder
to cease an established activity
to make serious allegations
SLATE to wipe the slate clean
PINCH penny-pinching
to forgive past indiscretions
excessively mean
STAMP to rubber-stamp something
ROB to rob Peter in order to pay
to endorse without considering the
to fix up one grievance by causing
STOCK to take stock another
to contemplate the alternatives
ROBBERY daylight robbery
STORE to take over the store the charging of grossly excessive prices
to assume the management
ROBBERY highway robbery
TRADE a Jack of all trades the charging of grossly excessive prices
an amateur who can turn his hand to
SHOTGUN a shotgun wedding
a wedding held to ensure that an
TRUCK to have no truck with impending birth will be legitimate (re-
someone fers to threats by the bride's father to
to refuse to deal with a person kill the bridegroom)

THROAT cut-throat DEAD to run into a dead end

highly competitive to get nowhere in an investigation
DEATH a death wish
DEATH the contemplation of action so foolish
that it is likely to lead to utter disaster
BLOCK someone's head is on the
block DEATH sudden death
a person is in danger of having his instantaneously or without phasing in
appointment terminated
DEATH to be in at the death
BLOW death blow to be present at the conclusion of
incident which results in the destruc- something
tion of something
DEATH to be on one's death bed
BODY over my dead body (of an organization or a piece of equip-
never ment) to be about to cease functioning
COFFIN to be another nail in DEATH to be the kiss of death
someone's coffin to be something intended to be help-
to represent a further step toward some- ful but resulting in total destruction
one's downfall
DEATH to bore someone to death
CORPSE to breathe life into a to greatly weary a person by dull and
corpse uninteresting conversation or by lack
to revive something moribund of action
CORPSE to chase a corpse DEATH to die a natural death
to harp on something long ago re- by virtue of changed circumstances
solved or a lost cause or the effluxion of time to be no
DEAD / wouldn't be caught dead longer relevant
without some object DEATH to sign one's own death
I regard some object as very important warrant
DEAD a dead letter to foolishly do something which is
a rule still in existence but no longer inevitably bound to lead to utter disaster
observed in practice DEATH to slowly bleed to death
DEAD dead and buried to be heading in gradual steps toward
(of some issue) definitely concluded, total ruin
especially so long ago as to be nearly DEATH to sound the death knell of
forgotten something
DEAD drop dead! to indicate the impending end of
go away, I want no dealings with you something
DEAD to be a dead duck DEATHKNOCK on the deathknock
to have failed at the last possible moment
DEAD to cut someone dead DIE to be dying to do something
to snub a person to be extremely keen to do something
DEAD to leave others for dead DIE to die hard
to be vastly superior not to give up easily
DEAD to make noise enough to wake FATAL to be fatal
the dead to be sufficient to destroy some pro-
to be excessively noisy posal

FUNERAL that is your funeral! NOOSE to put one's head in the

that is the fate which you will have to noose
suffer to recklessly and unnecessarily ex-
pose oneself to great danger
GRAVE he would turn in his grave
he would have been very surprised or NOOSE to tighten the noose
displeased if he had known while still to get closer to inflicting defeat
SLAUGHTER a lamb led to
GRAVE to dig one's own grave slaughter
to take action which results in an a naive person allowing himself to be
unintended disaster for oneself exploited
GRAVE to have one foot in the grave
to be dying EDUCATION
HANG one might as well be hanged BOOK to take a leaf out of
for a sheep as for a lamb someone's book
further action will not increase the to model oneself on another person
adverse consequences already in train
(refers to the stealing of both sheep CANE to take a caning
and lambs being capital crimes under to suffer the adverse consequences of
old English law) one's acts or omissions

KILL to be dressed to kill COPYBOOK to blot one's copybook

to be more finely dressed than the to spoil one's previously good reputa-
occasion warrants tion or record

KILL to be in at the kill DICTIONARY someone has

to be present at the climatic finish to swallowed a dictionary
something a person uses excessively long words

KILL to be killed in the rush DUNCE to earn a dunce's cap

to be the supplier of something ex- to do something stupid
tremely popular HOMEWORK to do one's
KILL to kill oneself laughing homework
to be greatly amused to thoroughly analyze an issue

KILL to kill some proposal stone LESSON to drive the lesson home
dead to take certain action which is un-
to abandon some proposal completely pleasant but which has the effect of
registering a message
KILL to kill the fatted calf
to demonstrate welcome and forgive- LESSON to learn a lesson
ness on a person's return (Luke 15:23) to benefit from one's experience
KILL to kill the goose that lays the LESSON to teach someone a lesson
golden eggs to inflict something unpleasant on a
through excessive greed to destroy a person in the hope that it will lead to
very profitable enterprise a change in his behavior

MORTEM to conduct a postmortem SCHOOL to tell tales out of school

on something to deliberately leak a secret
to review past actions with a view to SCHOOLBOY as every schoolboy
learning lessons for the future (Latin, knows
"after the death") as is recognized by everyone

SPELL to spell something out EARTH a down-to-earth solution

to explain something in detail a realistic solution
FIELD distant fields look greener
FARMING activities of which one has no experi-
ence seem much easier than is really
AX the ax has fallen
the case
it is now too late
FLEECE to fleece someone
AX to ax
to cheat a person out of some asset
to cancel
GROUND to clear the ground
AX to have an ax to grind
to dispose of the preliminaries
to have a vested interest
HARVEST harvest
AX to sharpen one's ax
end result of labor
to get ready for a difficult task
HAY to hit the hay
AX where the ax falls
to go to sleep
who gets terminated
HAYSTACK to find a needle in a
BAG it is in the bag
the enterprise has succeeded
to find something when the probabili-
BARN to barnstorm ty of finding it is very small
to visit accompanied by a show of
HOOK to get someone off the hook
to rescue a person from an embarrass-
B E L L bell-wether ing predicament
first indication
HOOK to let someone off the hook
BLOCK to be a chip off the old to allow a person to escape the ad-
block verse consequences of his own actions
to resemble one's father
MILL // is all grist to the mill
BUCKET to kick the bucket this is useful but unexciting addition-
to die al material
BULLDOZE to bulldoze some MILL run of the mill
proposal through normal or average
to ensure the passage of some meas- MILL the mills of God grind slowly
ure in complete disregard of criticism retribution may be delayed but is
or opposition inevitable
CHIP that is the way the chips fall MILL to put someone through the
that is the actual situation mill
CHIP when the chips are down to give a person practical experience
when all facts are known and taken MOVER prime mover
into consideration person initiating and promoting a cause
COTTON to be out of one's OATS to sow wild oats
cotton-picking mind to indulge in foolish behavior while a
to act irrationally young adult
COTTON to keep one's PADDOCK to have a spell in the
cotton-picking fingers off something paddock
not to interfere in something to have leave of absence

PASTOR pastor SOW to sow the wind and reap the

religious official in charge of a con- whirlwind
gregation to make bad mistakes and to suffer
the even worse consequences
PASTURE to move on to greener
pastures SPADE to call a spade a spade
to commence a new, better career not to mince words
PLOW speed the plow! SPADE to do the spadework
let us get on with this as fast as to prepare
TALLY to keep a tally
PLOW to plow new ground to keep a record (refers to a piece of
to laboriously engage in an untried wood with notches made on it to
activity indicate a count)
PLOW to plow on TETHER to be at the end of one's
to methodically and painstakingly con- tether
tinue with an activity to be frustrated by a lack of knowl-
edge, authority or patience
PLOW to plow profits back
to retain profits in a business TRAP to walk into a trap
to be tricked into doing something
PLOW to put one's hand to the plow
voluntarily to undertake some task WHIP to be a fair crack of the whip
(Luke 9:62) to be just
PUMP to engage in pump priming WHIP to crack the whip
to spend public money with the aim to exert one's authority
of attracting parochial electoral support
WOOL woolly-headed
REAP to reap as one has sown slightly muddled
to experience the consequences of one's
own actions
REAP to sow the wind and reap the APPLE a rotten apple
whirlwind an isolated dishonest person in an
to make bad mistakes and to suffer otherwise honest group
the even worse consequences
APPLECART to upset the applecart
REIN to give someone free rein to engage in conduct disturbing a
to confer complete discretion on an- peaceful state of affairs and thereby
other person cause discomfort
ROOST the chickens are coming BACON to bring home the bacon
home to roost to be successful
the consequences of past actions are
becoming obvious BACON to save one's bacon
to escape harm
ROW to have a hard row to hoe
to be a difficult assignment BAKE half-baked
not well thought out
SHEPHERD to shepherd some group
to marshall the members of some BANANA a banana republic
group a country with a poor economy

BARREL to really scrape the bottom BREAKFAST to be able to eat

of the barrel someone for breakfast
to lower one's standards because one to be able to outwit a person very
is short of important or relevant issues easily
BEAN to be full of beans BROTH too many cooks spoil the
to be very cheerful broth
one leader is all that is required
BEAN to spill the beans
to indiscreetly reveal sensitive infor- BUN a bunfight
mation a minor and relatively friendly skirmish
BEER not to be all beer and skittles BUTTER a bread and butter issue
not to be all pleasant and easy a basic issue which is of importance
to many people
BEER to be small beer
to be quite unimportant BUTTER a butter fingers
BEER to cry in one's beer a person unable to catch and/or hold
to show remorse on to an object

BOIL it boils down to this BUTTER someone looks as if butter

the essential features are as follows would not melt in his mouth
a person looks sweet and innocent
BOTTLE a bottleneck
a factor obstructing an even flow BUTTER to be someone's bread and
BOTTLE to be a full bottle on to be a person's livelihood or to be a
something person's everyday experience
to be very knowledgeable
CAKE a share of the cake
BREAD a bread and butter issue
a portion of the total available for
a basic issue which is of importance
to many people
BREAD a breadwinner CAKE that takes the cake
a person earning by personal exertion that is quite absurd or outrageous or
the income of a household excessively cheeky

BREAD to be someone's bread and CAKE to be a piece of cake

butter to be very easy or greatly to one's
to be a person's livelihood or to be a liking
person's everyday experience CAKE to be icing on top of the cake
BREAD to cast one's bread upon the to be an additional benefit in an al-
waters ready satisfactory scenario
not to expect gratitude or recognition
for one's good works (Ecclesiastes CAKE to want to have one's cake
11:1) and eat it too
to want two mutually exclusive alter-
BREAD to know on which side one's natives
bread is buttered
to be aware of the important consider- CAN to carry the can for someone
ations to accept the blame for another per-
son's actions or inactions
BREAD to put jam on someone's
bread CHEESE cheese paring
to make a good situation even better stingy

CHEESE stiff cheese! DRINK it is a long time between

circumstances which may be unwel- drinks
come but which will not be altered activity is occurring only very spas-
and in respect of which no great sym- modically
pathy is felt DRINK to be meat and drink
CHEESE to be cheesed off to be very pleasurable
to be disgusted DROP to squeeze the last drop out
CHESTNUT to pull someone's of something
chestnuts out of the fire to get the maximum advantage out of
to retrieve a situation some favorable situation
CHEW to bite off more than one can DRUG to be a drug on the market
chew to be in overplentiful supply
to be overly ambitious and thus unre- EAT I'll eat my hat if so-and-so
alistic as to one's capabilities happens
CHEW to have something to chew I do not believe that so-and-so will
on happen
to have firm facts on which to base a EAT to eat crow
decision to accept a humiliating defeat
CHIP to have had one's chips EAT to eat one's words
to have received all that is going to to retract
be forthcoming
EAT to eat out of someone's hands
COOK to be cooking with gas to be unduly compliant
to be fully operational
EAT you can eat your heart out
COOK to cook the books you are entitled to feel sad or jealous
fraudulently to maintain false records
of financial transactions EGG a nest egg
life savings
COOKIE that is the way the cookie
crumbles EGG as sure as eggs are eggs
that is the actual situation with great certainty
CREAM to be cream on top of the EGG chicken and egg
milk two factors each of which results in
to be an additional benefit in an al- the other
ready satisfactory scenario EGG not to put all one's eggs in
CREME crème de la creme one basket
something quite superlative (French, to spread one's risks
"the cream of the cream") EGG there are many ways to cook
CRUMB to throw someone a few eggs
crumbs there are many ways to achieve an
to fob a person oflF with a few sym- objective
bolic but unimportant concessions EGG to be a curate's egg
DINNER to be done like a dinner to be good only in parts (refers to an
to be defeated and humiliated 1895 cartoon in PUNCH)
DOUGHNUT watch the doughnut— EGG to have egg on one's face
not the hole to be embarrassed by the results of
look for the positive aspects one's own stupidity

EGG to kill the goose that lays the FRY out of the frying pan into the
golden eggs fire
through excessive greed to destroy a from one bad situation to an even
very profitable enterprise worse one
EGG to teach one's grandmother how GEL to gel
to suck eggs to make sense
to try to tell a much more experi- GRAVY to get on a gravy train
enced person something very obvious to take steps to become a recipient of
to him benefits which are available but un-
FAT the fat is in the fire deserved
action with certain unstoppable con- HARD-BOILED hard-boiled
sequences has now been initiated toughened by experience
FAT to chew fat HONEY a land of milk and honey
to eat and talk together a country in which everything is in
FAT to trim the fat abundant supply
to increase efficiency by reducing ICE to put something on ice
outlays to put something aside for the time
FATTEN to kill the fatted calf
to demonstrate welcome and forgive- ICING to be icing on top of the cake
ness on a person's return (Luke 15:23) to be an additional benefit in an al-
ready satisfactory scenario
FEAST a movable feast
an event not customarily held on a set JAM money for jam
date remuneration easily earned
JAM to be in a jam
FEAST to be either feast or famine to be in difficulties
to go from one extreme to the other
JAM to just pick the plums out of
FISH to have more important fish the jam
to fry to take only the very best items
to have more important things to do
JAM to put jam on someone's bread
FLAVOR to be the flavor of the to make a good situation even better
month JELLY to be set like a jelly
to be a commodity temporarily popu- to be very well established
lar without a logical reason
KITCHEN if one can't stand the
FLESH one's pound of flesh heat one should stay out of the
that which is due to one (from Shake- kitchen
speare's MERCHANT OF VENICE) a person should not put himself in a
FLESHPOT fleshpots position involving pressures with which
sumptuous living (Exodus 16:3) he cannot cope (words attributed to
Harry S. Truman)
FOOD food for thought KNIFE before one can say "knife"
material for examination in one's mind very quickly
FOOD to take food out of the mouths KNIFE one could have cut the
of children atmosphere with a knife
cruelly to deprive the needy those present were very tense

KNIFE the knives are out MINCE to make mincemeat of

there is an active campaign against something
someone to devastate something
KNIFE to be on a knife edge MUG a mug's game
to be in danger activity which wise persons would
KNIFE to hold a knife at someone's
throat MUTTON to be mutton dressed up
to exert undue pressure on another as lamb
person in an endeavor to achieve a to foolishly pretend to be younger
result which would otherwise not be
forthcoming NUT someone is a hard nut to
KNIFE to sharpen the knives it is very difficult to persuade a per-
to get ready for a concerted attack on son to do something
some principle
NUT to use a sledgehammer to crack
KNIFE to stick a knife into someone a nut
to act vindictively toward a person to devote vastly more resources to a
project than is warranted by all the
KOSHER to be kosher circumstances
to fulfill all requirements (refers to
food complying with all aspects of OMELETTE one cannot make an
Jewish religious law) omelette without breaking eggs
the desired end dictates the means
MANNA manna from heaven even if they cause harm to others
unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15)
OMELETTE to unscramble the
MEAT to be easy meat omelette
to be an opponent who is readily to undo something which cannot be
outwitted undone
MEAT to be meat and drink P to watch one's p's and q's
to be very pleasurable to be very careful (may refer to pints
MEAT to contain much meat and quarts of beer on a hotel slate or
to contain much material worthy of to easily-confused printer's type)
PANCAKE every Pancake Tuesday
MILK a land of milk and honey only on rare occasions (refers to Shrove
a country in which everything is in Tuesday, when pancakes are tradition-
abundant supply ally eaten)
MILK it is no use crying over spilt PAPER only a cigarette paper
milk between them
lamenting over a disaster achieves virtually equal or close together
PARTY to come to the party
MILK to be cream on top of the milk to agree to someone's terms
to be an additional benefit in an al-
ready satisfactory scenario PEANUT to earn peanuts
to get a reward which is far too small
MINCE not to mince words in relation to the value of the services
to speak bluntly rendered

PICKLE to be in a pickle POT the pot calling the kettle black

to be in difficulties a person criticizing another person
without realizing his own even great-
PICNIC to be no picnic er shortcomings
to be unpleasant
POT to keep the pot boiling
PIE in apple pie order to ensure that an issue stays current
in perfect order and condition
POT to stir the pot
PIE pie in the sky to set out to raise controversial issues
a hoped for result unlikely to be
achieved POT to sweeten the pot
to provide a few additional inducements
PIE to eat humble pie
to apologize POT to take pot luck
to take whatever happens by chance
PIE to have a finger in the pie to be available
to have an interest in a project
POTTAGE to sell one's birthright
PIE to have one's fingers in many for a mess of pottage
different pies through foolishness to exchange
to be engaged in a variety of separate something of substance for something
activities of little value (Genesis 25)

PLATE to bring a plate PUDDING the proof of the pudding

to take food to a party is in the eating
the success of a venture will be meas-
PLATE to have too much on one's ured by its results
to be unable to cope with one's RECIPE a recipe for disaster
workload a certain way of achieving disaster
PLATE to serve something up to ROAST a roasting
someone on a plate a scolding
to make something especially easy
for a particular person SALT below the salt
in a subordinate position (refers to
PLATTER to hand over something the seating order at ancient Roman
on a silver platter dining tables)
to provide a valuable benefit for vir-
tually nothing SALT not to be worth one's salt
not to be pulling one's weight (refers
PLUM to just pick the plums out of to Roman soldiers being paid in salt—
the jam a practice giving rise to the modern
to take only the best items word "salary")
PORK to pork barrel SALT to be the salt of the earth
to spend taxpayers' money in one to be a person whose ordinary efforts
area in order to attract political sup- benefit the community (Matthew 5:13)
SALT to rub salt into someone's
POT one can't get a quart into a wound
pint pot to deliberately make damage even
one cannot do the impossible worse

SALT to take something with a grain SUCK suck it and see

of salt discover experimentally how some-
to regard the facts in a statement with thing works
considerable skepticism
SUCK to suck the lemon dry
SAND the sands are running out to get the maximum advantage out of
the time available for some action is some favorable situation
nearly at an end
SUP he must have a long spoon that
SANDWICH to be the ham in the sups with the devil
sandwich great care is needed when negotiating
to be caught in the middle of a dis- deals with disreputable parties
pute between other parties
SUPPER to sing for one's supper
SAUCE what is sauce for the goose to carry out a task in order to receive
is sauce for the gander a favor in return
arguments which apply in one case
SWEET to be short and sweet
also apply in another
to be very brief and to the point
SAUSAGE a sausage machine
SWEETEN to sweeten a deal
the turning out of large volumes with-
to offer some concessions or incentives
out particular thought
SYRUP soothing syrup
SILVER to sell off the family silver
insincere expressions of sympathy or
to sell off one's prized possessions
SMORGASBORD smorgasbord
TEA / would not do so-and-so for
a series of different items from which
all the tea in China
a number can be chosen (from the
I will never do so-and-so
Swedish words for "butter," "goose"
and "table") TEA not to be someone's cup of tea
to be outside a person's expertise or
SOUP to be in the soup
area of interest
to be in great difficulties
TEACUP a storm in a teacup
SOUR to turn sour
a controversy about a minor matter
to become impracticable or unprofitable
but one which looms large in the
SPOON to be born with a silver minds of the parties
spoon in one's mouth TOAST to have someone on toast
to be brought up by wealthy parents to be victorious over a person
SPOON to get the wooden spoon
to come ingloriously last FURNITURE
STEW to be in a stew BED a hotbed of crime
to be in difficulties a place where crime flourishes
STEW to stew in one's juice BED one has made one's bed and
to suffer the adverse consequences of one will now have to lie on it
one's acts or omissions one has to bear the consequences of
one's actions
STORAGE to put something into
cold storage BED to be on one's death bed
to put something aside for dealing (of an organization or a piece of equip-
with at some indeterminate future time ment) to be about to cease functioning

BED to bed something down CHEST to lock something up in the

to find a taker for something old oak chest
to put in a safe place and out of mind
BED to get out of bed on the wrong
side CLOCK to turn back the clock
to be grumpy to have another opportunity to do
something which should have been
BED to jump
t,U to jump into
into bed
oea with
witn someone
someone done already or to undo something
ttfr into
to enter intn a
a joint
inint enterprise
pntfrnricp with
which cannot be undone
another person
CUPBOARD a skeleton in the
BED to put something to bed
to finally dispose of
an unpleasant truth the knowledge of
BEDDING feather bedding which has been deliberately suppressed
(in industrial relations) creating un-
CUPBOARD the cupboard is bare
necessary jobs solely to increase em-
the wished-for resources are just not
ployment; (in economics) assisting an
inefficient industry by government
grants or excessive tariff protection CURTAIN the iron curtain
the border between the communist
BLANKET to be a wet blanket
nations and the rest of the world
to be a spoilsport
(from a speech by Sir Winston Church-
BLANKET to be born on the wrong ill in 1946)
side of the blanket
DECKCHAIR to rearrange the
to be illegitimate
deckchairs on the Titanic
BLANKET to throw a blanket over to take some initiative which is quite
a proposal useless because it does not take much
to refuse to proceed with a proposal greater change into account
BOWL to be in a goldfish bowl DOOR to knock on doors
to be very open to view to seek out opportunities to do business
CARPET the red-carpet treatment DRAWER to tuck something away
courtesies extended to a person to in a drawer
make him feel important and welcome to put something aside for the time
CARPET to get a magic carpet ride being
to something DRAWER top drawer
to be very fortunate in achieving some first class
objective FURNITURE to be part of the
CARPET to sweep something under furniture
the carpet to be so familiar that one's presence
to pretend that some blemish does not goes completely unnoticed
exist PAD to keep off someone's pad
CENTERPIECE the centerpiece not to interfere with or compete against
(of a proposal) the highlight or the another person in his customary area
main ingredient of activity
CHAIR to play musical chairs PEG a peg to hang a hat on
to be a part of a general reshuffling of something which provides a conven-
duties or functions which is not nec- ient or plausible excuse for some par-
essarily to everyone's liking ticular action

PEG off the peg TABLE to put money on the table

(of clothes) ready-made to back one's judgment in a tangible
way or to demonstrate one's sincerity
PEG to take someone down a peg
or two TABLE to turn the tables on
to point out to a person that he is not someone
as good as he thinks he is to cause the relative positions of one-
self and another person to be reversed
PICTURE to paint a black picture
to state a set of unfavorable factors
PICTURE to present a rosy picture
to state a set of favorable factors BET a good bet
a good proposition
QUILT a patchwork quilt
a result arising from many uncoordi- BET to hedge one's bets
nated inputs to take action involving a cost but
which is designed to reduce the possible
RUG to pull the rug out from under
adverse consequences of some activity
to unexpectedly withdraw support and BET you bet!
in the process cause embarrassment definitely!
SEAT to be in the hot seat BET you can bet your life on
to hold a position requiring one to something
answer criticism or accusations something is certain to happen
SEAT to keep someone's seat warm BLANK to draw a blank
to hold a position temporarily with a to be unsuccessful
view to another person taking it over
BOB to have two bob each way
permanently in the near future
to equivocate
SHELF to be on the shelf
BOOK to be a turn up for the books
to be available for marriage
to be a surprising development
SHELVE to shelve some proposal
to abandon some proposal CENT to have fifty cents each way
to equivocate
SPRING a spring cleaning
a thorough review occurring a long CHIP bargaining chips
time after the previous one benefits which can be conceded in
negotiations in order to obtain some
STOOL to fall between two stools advantage
not to fit neatly into either of two
available alternatives and waver be- CHIP to turn one's chips in
tween them to convert one's assets or entitlements
TABLE to lay a proposal on the into cash
table DIE no dice
to make a proposal available for dis- the proposal is totally unacceptable
cussion or to adjourn discussion on a
proposal for an indefinite period DIE the die is cast
the course of action in train is irrever-
TABLE to lay one's cards on the sible
to be utterly frank and open or to DIE the whole box and dice
honestly disclose one's position all relevant components

DIE to be the throw of a loaded die TAIL to be unable to make head or

to be an act of deceit tail of something
to be unable to understand how some-
DRAW to be the luck of the draw
thing functions or what something
to be a chance result
HEAD heads I win—tails you lose
TOSS it is a toss-up
whichever way this matter goes I will
either alternative is equally acceptable
benefit at your expense
TOSS to argue the toss
HEAD to be unable to make head
to dispute a decision
or tail of something
to be unable to understand how some- TOSS to toss up
thing functions or what something to decide on a fairly arbitrary basis
WHEEL fortune's wheel
JACKPOT to hit the jackpot the vicissitudes of life
to be very lucky
LONDON it is London to a brick GEOGRAPHY
it is virtually certain
ABYSS to be close to the abyss
LUCK to push one's luck to face imminent total destruction
having already done well in some-
thing to then take risks which can AVALANCHE avalanche
prejudice everything a great volume manifesting itself in a
short time
ODDS that is over the odds
that is unacceptable BEACH not to be the only pebble
on the beach
ODDS to be at odds with someone not to be the only available person
to disagree with a person
BRINK to push someone over the
ODDS to beat the odds
to do better than could reasonably
by a small action to cause the abso-
have been expected
lute ruin (financially or emotionally)
ODDS to pay over the odds of someone already in peril
to pay too much
CAVE to cave in
PUNT to take a punt to yield to pressure
to take a calculated risk
CHINA / would not do so-and-so for
ROULETTE to play Russian roulette all the tea in China
to take stupid risks I will never do so-and-so
SIX to be at sixes and sevens CHINESE a Chinese puzzle
to be confused, concerned and unde- a perplexing enigma
CHINESE Chinese walls
STAKE to raise the stake a system to ensure that different parts
to increase the amount of potential of some organization do not gain ac-
gain or loss in a project cess to each other's confidential infor-
TAIL heads I win—tails you lose
whichever way this matter goes I will CLIFF to be a cliff-hanger
benefit at your expense to be very exciting

COAST the coast is clear ECHO to echo someone's words

there are no observers to one's activi- to repeat another person's views as
ty around though they were one's own
CORNER from the four corners of FOUNTAINHEAD fountainhead
the globe source of all wisdom
from everywhere GREEK 1 fear the Greeks even when
COUNTRY one looks for elephants they bear gifts
in elephant country I am suspicious of generous behavior
one needs to search in the right place from traditional opponents (from Vir-
gil's AENEID, in reference to the Tro-
COURSE to runs its course jan horse)
to come to a natural end
GREEK something is all Greek to
CURRENT an undercurrent someone
a barely noticeable feeling of dissent something is incomprehensible to a
in the community which is not being person
GROUND to be on shaky ground
DAM the dam burst not to have strong arguments
the cumulative effect of many things
GROUND to fall to the ground
caused a disaster
to fail
DAMASCUS to be on the road to GROUND to give ground
Damascus to make some concessions or to re-
to see the error of one's ways (Acts treat or to concede some arguments
GROUND to go to ground
DISTANCE to keep one's distance to become unavailable to those seek-
to avoid familiarity ing a person
DOWNHILL to go downhill GROUND to have the high ground
to deteriorate to have an advantage in moral terms
DRY to dry up GROUND to run someone to the
to cease ground
EARTH earth-shattering to discover the whereabouts of a person
very significant GULF to bridge a gulf
EARTH how on earth? to overcome a wide divergence in
just how? views
EARTH to bring someone down to HERE to be neither here nor there
earth to be irrelevant or unimportant
to disillusion a person HILL light on the hill
EARTH to charge the earth distant goal acting as an inspiration
to impose very high prices HILL to be over the hill
EARTH to move heaven and earth to be old
to do everything possible HILL to head for the hills
EARTH to promise the earth to seek to escape one's commitments
to give extravagant assurances HIMALAYAN of Himalayan
EARTH to run someone to earth proportions
to locate a person huge

HORIZON there are black clouds MARATHON marathon

on the horizon requiring great endurance (refers to
bad news is expected the run to get aid during the battle of
Marathon in 490 BC)
JUNGLE a jungle
a place where everyone makes his MECCA a Mecca for something
own rules a place at which supporters of some-
thing congregate
LAKE you can jump in the lake
I intend to take no notice whatsoever MEXICAN a Mexican standoff
of you or your views a situation where neither of two par-
ties is making a move
LAND to be in cloud cuckoo land MILE a milestone
to be mad or to have unrealistic an achievement
MILE to be miles apart
LAND to be in the land of the living to have great philosophical différences
to be alive
MILE to be miles away
LANDMARK a landmark ruling to have one's mind on other matters
a decision marking a turning-point in MILE to go the extra mile
the way a matter is approached to work beyond the call of duty
LANDSCAPE to be part of the MILE to miss something by a mile
landscape to be nowhere near one's target
to be present and fully accepted with-
out question MILE to stick out a mile
to be very apparent
LANDSLIDE a landslide MIRAGE mirage
an electoral result involving victory illusory benefit
or defeat by an unexpectedly large
margin MIRE to sink deeper into the mire
to get into further difficulties
LANE to go down memory lane
to reminisce MOUNTAIN if the mountain will not
come to Mahomet then Mahomet will
LANGUAGE to speak the same go to the mountain
language on recognizing that one has insuffi-
to have a good understanding and cient power to effect one's most de-
similar ideas sired solution, one decides to make
do with the next best alternative
LEVEL to be on the level
to be honest MUD to sink deeper into the mud
to get into even greater difficulty
LOSE you can get lost
I intend to take no notice whatsoever PATCH a sticky patch
of you or your views a period fraught with difficulties
PLACE a place in the sun
MAINSTREAM mainstream a favorable situation
POND to be a big fish in a little
MAP to put some organization on pond
the map to be a person holding an important
to make the organization a force to be office but in an unimportant organiza-
reckoned with tion

QUAGMIRE to be in a quagmire THAMES to set the Thames on fire

to be in great difficulty to do something noteworthy
RIVER the river found its mark TOP to blow one's top
equilibrium between two pressures has to show anger (refers to a volcano)
been achieved
TOWN to go to town
RIVER to be a river of gold to spend lavishly
to be a source of ongoing great
TOWN to paint the town red
to go on an exciting social outing
RIVER to sell someone down the
TRACK to be down the track
to be making progress
to betray a person who has placed his
trust in one TRACK to be off the beaten track
to do unconventional things
ROME all roads lead to Rome
all alternatives will have the same TRACK to be off the track
outcome to be irrelevant
ROME when in Rome do as the TRACK to be on the wrong track
Romans do to be heading toward an incorrect
it is best to conform to the local solution
customs TRACK to be on track
SAMARITAN a, good Samaritan to be making the scheduled progress
a person going out of his way to do a TRACK to be stopped in one's tracks
kindness to others (Luke 10:33) suddenly and unexpectedly to be
SAND shifting sands prevented from carrying on with a
arguments which are constantly being project
changed TRACK to cover one's tracks
SLOUGH a slough of despond to hide the evidence of one's involve-
a feeling of hopelessness ment
TRACK to go down a particular
SODOM a Sodom and Gomorrah
a place of vice (Genesis 18:20)
to make decisions aimed at a particu-
SPAIN a castle in Spain lar goal
an impracticable proposition TRACK to have a one-track mind
STONE a stepping stone to keep coming back to one narrow
a means to an end topic of conversation
STRAIT in dire straits TRACK to keep track of something
in great need to be completely aware of where some-
STREAM to swap horses in thing is and how it is functioning
midstream TRACK to make tracks
to change direction during the course to leave
of a project TRICKLE a trickle
STREET to be in Queer Street a small amount, in gradual stages
to be in debt TURK young Turks
SWAMP to swamp someone members of an organization who hold
to overload a person ideas regarded as too revolutionary

UPHILL to be pushing uphill WATER to fish in troubled waters

to face difficulties to profit from a disturbed situation
UTOPIAN Utopian WATER to go through fire and water
ideally perfect (refers to the mythical to undertake all attendant risks
island in Sir Thomas More's UTOPIA)
WATER to go to water
VOLCANO to be sitting on a to succumb to pressure
to be safe for the time being but WATER to muddy the waters
exposed to the risk of a sudden great to deliberately confuse an issue by
disaster creating a diversion
WATER a backwater WATER to plot a safe course
a place of little activity through troubled waters
to make a plan which overcomes cer-
WATER come hell or high water tain difficulties
regardless of the consequences
WATER to pour cold water on some
WATER high water mark
to be unenthusiastic about some pro-
WATER still waters run deep posal or scornful of its apparent
a person with a quiet manner may weaknesses
have a surprisingly great knowledge
of a subject WATER to pour oil on troubled
WATER to be above water to calm down a situation
(of securities) to have a market value
in excess of the cost price WATER to push water uphill
to foolishly attempt the impossible
WATER to be in deep water
to be in great difficulty WATER to shoot something out of
the water
WATER to be in smooth water to frustrate something
to have no troubles
WATER to test the water
WATER to blow something out of to try out an idea in a small way
the water
to destroy something WATER water will find its own level
people will reach an appropriate posi-
WATER to brave the water
tion relative to others
to enter a venture with courage and
determination WATERLOO to meet one's Waterloo
WATER to cast one's bread upon to receive a decisive defeat (refers to
the waters Napoleon's fate at the Battle of Water-
not to expect gratitude or recognition
for one's good works (Ecclesiastes WATERSHED a watershed
11:1) an occasion dividing two distinct phases
WATER to dip one's toe in the water of activity
to gently explore an opportunity
WATERTIGHT a watertight
WATER to enter treacherous waters contract
to engage in an enterprise with risks a contract without loop-holes or es-
which are not obvious cape clauses

WAVE to ride the wave WORLD to carry the world on one's

to be successful for the time being shoulders
to resent being left to perform a huge
WAY no way! task single-handedly (refers to Atlas,
definitely not! who was condemned to bear the heav-
WAY to cut both ways ens on his shoulders for leading the
to involve both advantages and disad- Titans against the gods)
vantages of similar significance WORLD to get the worst of all
WAY to know which way to turn to get a series of disadvantages with-
to know which strategy to adopt or out achieving any corresponding ad-
where to seek assistance vantages
WAY to want something both ways WORLD to make a world of
to desire two mutually exclusive difference
objectives to make a great deal of difference
WAYSIDE to fall by the wayside WORLD to set the world on fire
to abandon and not complete what to do something particularly brilliant
one set out to do
WORLD to want the best of both
WILDERNESS to be a lone voice worlds
in the wilderness to unreasonably desire to get some
to be the only person stating unpopu- advantage without incurring a corre-
lar views sponding disadvantage

WILDERNESS to be in the WORLD why in the world?

wilderness why?
to be out of office against one's will
WIND to get wind of something
to hear rumors giving advance infor- AMENDMENT to plead the Fifth
mation Amendment
to refuse to answer an unwelcome
WOOD neck of the woods question (refers to the Fifth Amend-
localized area ment of the United States Constitu-
tion, which provides protection against
WOOD to be babes in the wood
to be excessively naive and inexperi-
enced and thus ripe for exploitation BAILIWICK to be in someone's
WOOD to be out of the woods bailiwick
the previous difficulties have been to be some other person's responsibility
overcome COURT to have a friend at court
WORLD it's a small world a person with influence who is will-
it is surprising to meet people one ing to use it on one's behalf
knows in unexpected places CROWN the crowning point
WORLD to be on top of the world the height of a person's achievement
to be very happy
CROWN the jewel in someone's
WORLD to be out of this world crown
to be superb the most significant component

CROWN uneasy lies the head that ROYAL the royal road to success
wears a crown the way of attaining success without
responsibility involves some risks and effort
some burdens (from Shakespeare's
SCOT to get off scot free
to go unpunished (refers to an ex-
DENMARK something is rotten in emption from tax)
the state of Denmark
the situation is not correct (from Shake- STONEWALLING stonewalling
speare's HAMLET) deliberate obstruction or delaying tactics

EMPIRE to engage in empire THRONE the power behind the

building throne
to set out to expand the size of the a person exercising the real authority
business or bureaucratic unit for which but without having the official right
one is responsible, especially as a to do so (the antonym of "titular
means of increasing one's own im- head")
ESTATE the fourth estate HERALDRY
the press ESCUTCHEON to be a blot on
FLAG to rally to the flag someone's escutcheon
to show support for a cause to be a blemish on a person's charac-
HALL one can't beat City Hall
the ordinary citizen is powerless against LEFT a left-handed compliment
bureaucracy a thinly-disguised insult

HARD to put something into the ' 'too RIBBON blue ribbon
hard" basket of superb quality (refers to the insig-
to defer consideration of a difficult nia of the Order of the Garter)
issue STANDARD a standard bearer
KING a cat may look at a king a highly visible activist for a cause
don't give yourself airs!
KING to pay a king's ransom HISTORY
to pay a very large sum ALL warts and all
KINGMAKER kingmaker with the unfavorable features as well
person engaging in behind-the-scenes as the favorable ones (Oliver Crom-
activities to promote another person well's direction to an artist painting
to a particular leadership position his portrait)

LICENSE a license to print money BARREL to have someone over a

a lucrative government-conferred mo- barrel
nopoly or privilege to take advantage of someone's weak-
ened position in relation to oneself
MINT to charge a mint
to impose very high prices BEDLAM bedlam
a scene of uproar (refers to the Hos-
PALACE a palace revolt pital of St. Mary of Bethlehem, which
the overthrow of those in authority by was used as a lunatic asylum from
their subordinates 1547 onwards)

BELOW below the salt MEET to meet one's Waterloo

in a subordinate position (refers to to receive a decisive defeat (refers to
the seating order at ancient Roman Napoleon's fate at the Battle of Water-
dining tables) loo)
BOY a whipping boy NAME his name is mud
a person made to suffer for the faults he completely lacks credibility (a play
of others on the name of Dr. Samuel Mudd)
BURN to burn the midnight oil PALE to be beyond the pale
to work late into the night to be socially unacceptable, especially
CANDLE not fit to hold a candle for unacceptable standards or behavior
to someone
PARTHIAN a Parthian shaft
greatly inferior to another person
a cutting remark made at the moment
CANDLE not to be worth the candle of departure (refers to missiles shot
to be too expensive in relation to the backward by flying Parthian horsemen)
true value
PILLORY to put someone in the
CANDLE to burn the candle at both pillory
ends to hold a person up to ridicule for his
to work excessively long hours beliefs
CONTINENTAL not to be worth a PYRRHIC a Pyrrhic victory
continental a win which costs more than if there
to have no value (refers to currency had been a loss (refers to the battle at
notes) which King Pyrrhus of Epirus defeat-
ed the Romans at Asculum)
CROSS to be a cross which one has
to bear REARRANGE to rearrange the
to be a difficulty which one has to deckchairs on the Titanic
endure to take some initiative which is quite
useless because it does not take much
CRUSADE a crusade
greater change into account
an aggressive campaign to achieve
some political or social objective RIOT to read the Riot Act
FEATHER a feather in one's cap to reprimand persons who are exces-
a meritorious personal achievement sively noisy (refers to the police reading
out to a rowdy crowd extracts from a
HOBSON Hobson's choice law requiring its dispersement)
no right at all to select (refers to
Thomas Hobson, a horsekeeper in RUBICON to cross the Rubicon
Cambridge, England, who offered cus- to make an irreversible decision in
tomers seeking a change of horses a regard to some commitment
single beast on a ' 'take it or leave it' '
tough and efficient, with a complete
INDIAN more chiefs than Indians absence of the finer things of life
a disproportionately large number of
supervisors TREADMILL to be on a treadmill
to be involved in some unpleasant
KNIGHT a knight in shining armor ongoing activity which cannot readily
a very helpful person be stopped

TURNCOAT a turncoat BABE to be babes in the wood

a person changing sides (refers to the to be excessively naive and inexperi-
practice of mercenary soldiers switch- enced and thus ripe for exploitation
ing to the winning side and display-
BABY to be left holding the baby
ing that side's colors by turning their
to be tricked into accepting responsi-
coats inside out)
bility for someone else's problems
WITCH a witchhunt
BABY to be one's baby
an exercise seeking to find someone
to be one's area of responsibility
who can be blamed
BABY to throw out the baby with
the bathwater
HUMATi BODY to discard a major benefit in the course
APPETITE to whet one's appetite of obtaining a comparatively minor
to arouse one's curiosity or interest advantage
ARM / would give my right arm for BACK as soon as someone's back
something was turned
I am very keen to acquire something at the moment it became possible to
do something without a person's
ARM a shot in the arm
something to revive a person's enthu-
siasm BACK back-breaking
ARM at arm's length
between parties who are strangers bear- BACK behind someone's back
ing no special duty to each other and in a way which deliberately conceals
who have no financial or other rela- an activity from a person
tionship with each other (a legal term)
BACK put your back into it!
ARM to chance one's arm work energetically!
to take a great risk (refers to the
BACK so-and-so would give one the
stripes on the uniforms of non-com-
shirt off his back
missioned officers)
so-and-so is very generous
ARM to cost an arm and a leg
BACK to be able to do something
to be excessively expensive
with one hand behind one's back
ARM to have a long arm to be able to do something very easily
to have far-reaching power BACK to cover one's back
ARM to lose one's right arm to take precautions
to lose some highly-valued assistance BACK to engage in back biting
ARM to twist someone's arms to criticize in an unfriendly manner
to coerce another person to do some- BACK to get off someone's back
thing against his will or better judgment to leave a person alone to carry on
ARM with open arms without constant criticism
enthusiastically BACK to get one's own back on
ARMPIT to be in something up to
to extract revenge
one's armpits
to be very deeply involved in some- BACK to get someone's back up
thing to annoy or antagonize a person

BACK to have one's back to the wall BELLY a fire in someone's belly
to be hard-pressed by creditors or great enthusiasm
opponents BEND to bend over backward to do
BACK to make a rod for one's own something
back to go to great trouble to accommo-
to act in disregard of likely disadvan- date another person's wishes
tages for oneself BITE hard-bitten
BACK to need to watch one's back toughened by experience
to find it necessary to take care in BITE to be bitten
case others act against one's interests to be swindled
BACK to pat oneself on the back BITE to be bitten with something
immodestly to congratulate oneself to become very enthusiastic over
BACK to pat someone on the back something
to congratulate a person or to reas- BITE to bite
sure a person to respond predictively to a remark
BACK to put one's back into designed to provoke
something BITE to bite someone's head off
to work hard at achieving some goal to rudely express displeasure at some
BACK to ride on the back of person
someone BITE to bite the bullet
without effort to benefit from the prior to face up to the difficulties of a
efforts of others situation
BACK to scratch one another's BITE to bite the dust
backs to die
to help each other BITE to get only one bite at the
BACK to see the back of someone cherry
to know that a person is no longer to receive no further opportunity
involved in something BITE to start to bite
BACK to stab someone in the back to start to be effective
to deliberately and surreptitiously harm BLIND the blind leading the blind
a person who regarded one as a friend persons without the necessary skills
BACK to tie someone's hands behind for a task purporting to impart those
his back skills to others
to make it impossible for a person to BLIND to be blind to something
act at all to be unaware of some matter and its
BACK to turn one's back on someone significance
to decline to further assist or deal BLINDLY to follow someone blindly
with a person to follow a person unquestioningly
BACKBONE backbone BLINKER to take one's blinkers off
chief strength or character to face reality
BAREFACED barefaced BLOOD a blueblood
shameless a person of high birth (refers to the
BELLY I've had a belly full appearance of veins on the skin of
I have had enough of this members of some royal families)

BLOOD bad blood BLOOD to introduce new blood

animosity to recruit new members to some
BLOOD blood, sweat and tears
hard work and much effort BLOOD to let blood
BLOOD bloodshed to allow some harm as the price for
retribution achieving some greater benefit
BLOOD fresh blood BLOOD to make bad blood between
newly joined members of some organ- two parties
ization to cause ill feeling between two parties
BLOOD full-blooded BLOOD to make someone's blood
vigorous boil
BLOOD hot-blooded to make a person very angry
very passionate BLOOD to see blood
BLOOD one's own flesh and blood to be very angry
one's offspring
BLOOD to thirst for blood
BLOOD there is blood in the streets to be eager for revenge
much damage has been done to a
cause BLOODBATH a bloodbath
catastrophic losses
BLOOD there is blood in the water
something is likely to cause a person BLOODLETTING bloodletting
to go into a frenzy planned reductions
BLOOD there is blood on the floor BLUSH at first blush
this has caused great anguish prima facie
BLOOD to be after someone's blood BODY a body blow
to be keen to make a person the a very damaging event
victim of an angry confrontation
BLOOD to be in someone's blood BODY to keep body and soul
to be something about which a person together
is very knowledgeable or keen to keep alive

BLOOD to curdle one's blood BONE to cut costs to the bone

to be horrific to economize
BLOOD to do something in cold BONE to feel something in one's
blood bones
to be cruel without feeling any emo- to suspect something without having
tion about it any real evidence for it
BLOOD to draw first blood BONE to get close to the bone
to get an advantage to cause discomfort by being accurate
BLOOD to give something a blood
transfusion BONE to make no bones about it
to give something new enthusiasm to be brutally frank
BLOOD to have blood on one's BONE to point the bone at someone
hands to accuse a person (actually, an Aus-
to be the person responsible for some- tralian Aboriginal method of applying
one else's predicament a curse)

BONE to put flesh and bone on BREATH to be a breath of fresh air

something to be a pleasant change from the past
to supply details of a proposal previ- BREATH to draw a deep breath
ously revealed only in outline to get ready for exertion or for emo-
BONE to work one's fingers to the tional news
bone BREATH to take one's breath away
to work very hard to greatly surprise or astonish
BONEHEADED boneheaded BREATH to wait with bated breath
stupid to be excited in anticipation of some
BOUNCE to bounce back event
to resume a cheerful existence after BREATH to waste one's breath
some setback to talk or request something without
BOW to bow down achieving anything
to succumb to pressure BREATHE to breathe easy
(following some crisis) to relax
BRAIN anyone with even half a
brain BREATHE to get some breathing
everyone space
to get more time in which to accom-
BRAIN someone's brain needs plish something
a person is very silly BROW highbrow
intellectual or cultural
BRAIN to have something on one's
brain BROW to knit one's brows
to be obsessed with some notion to indicate one's displeasure

BRAIN to pick someone's brain BRUISE to nurse one's bruises

to get the benefit of another person's to face up to the consequences of
knowledge and experience defeat
BUMP to bump into someone
BRAINCHILD brainchild
to meet a person accidentally
inspired original idea
BUTT to get up off one's butt
BRAINSTORM to brainstorm
to cease being apathetic
to pool thoughts in the course of a
session designed to generate fresh ideas CHEEK cheek by jowl
and especially to build upon the ideas close to each other
of others
CHEEK to turn the other cheek
BRAINWAVE a brainwave to show that one has not been intimi-
a suddenly occurring bright idea dated (Matthew 5:39)
BREAST to beat one's breast CHEEK tongue in cheek
to express sorrow full of irony
BREAST to make a clean breast of CHEER the cheering could be heard
something a block away
to confess there was great rejoicing
BREATH not to hold one's breath CHEST to get something off one's
for something chest
to give up all expectation to confess

CHEST to hold one's cards close DREAM a pipedream

to one's chest a fanciful notion, wished for but
to keep one's plans and strategies unlikely
DREAM to be successful beyond
CHILD a problem child one's wildest dreams
a source of unnecessary difficulty to be far more successful than one
could have expected
CHIN to keep one's chin up
to maintain one's morale DREAM to dream up some story
to concoct a false story naively or
CHIN to lead with one's chin
by one's brash behavior to virtually
invite one's opponents to take action DREAM to have a dream run
against one to encounter no difficulties
CHIN to rub one's chin EAR a word in someone's ear
to muse a confidential discussion
CHIN to take it on the chin EAR little pitchers have long ears
to cheerfully accept a misfortune children have a tendency to overhear
COLD to leave someone cold
to fail to impress a person EAR to be all ears
to be very attentive
CORD to cut the cord
to sever a connection (refers to the EAR to be music to one's ears
umbilical cord) to be comments which one is very
pleased to hear
CORN to tread on someone's corns
to upset another person by interfering EAR to be out on one's ear
in his area of responsibility to have one's services abruptly term-
CRADLE to be the cradle of
something EAR to be up to one's ears in
to be the place where some idea was something
first nurtured to be very deeply involved in some-
CRUCIFY to crucify someone
to unfairly do severe damage to a EAR to be wet behind the ears
person's reputation or credibility to be excessively naive and inexperi-
CRUSOE not to be Robinson Crusoe
to be one of a large number of people EAR to chew someone's ears
with a common problem (from Dan- to force one's conversation on an
iel Defoe's ROBINSON CRUSOE) unwilling listener
CRUTCH a crutch EAR to come out of one's ears
an artificial non-permanent support to be plentiful
CRY a cry for help EAR to come to someone's ears
a subconscious or indirect indication to come to someone's attention
that a person is in need of psycholog-
EAR to drag someone by the head
ical counselling
and ears
DADDY the daddy of them all to force a person to reveal the true
the progenitor facts

EAR to fall around one's ears ELBOW elbow grease

to collapse utterly hard manual work
EAR to fall on deaf ears ELBOW more power to your elbow
to be totally disregarded may your praiseworthy efforts lead
to success
EAR to go in one ear and out the
other ELBOW to be up to one's elbow in
to leave no impression something
to be deeply involved in something
EAR to have money flowing out of
one's ears ELBOW to elbow someone out
to be very rich to force a person out of some office
and oneself into it
EAR to have someone's ear
to have a person's attention ENFANT an enfant terrible
a person who raises pertinent but
EAR to keep an ear to the ground
unpalatable issues (French, "terrible
to be well informed as to current
EAR to keep one's ears open EYE a mote in someone's eye
to be on the lookout for useful infor- a fault in another person which is
mation trifling in comparison to an unrecog-
nized major fault in oneself (Matthew
EAR to lend someone an ear 7:3)
to pay attention to a person
EYE a smack in the eye
EAR to play it by ear a rebuff
to develop one's strategy to always fit
in with circumstances as they change EYE all eyes are on something
from time to time everyone's attention is focused on
EAR to prick up one's ears
to suddenly start paying attention to a EYE an eye for an eye
conversation in progress as a result of retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
a half-heard phrase
EYE beauty is in the eye of the
EAR to send someone away with a beholder
flea in his ear some things are matters for subjective
to give a person frank but unwelcome judgments
facts (refers to fleas trapped in the
armor of ancient knights) EYE blue-eyed boy
person shown unjustified favoritism
EAR walls have ears
someone may be overhearing (words EYE in someone's eyes
on wartime posters, reminding people in a person's judgment
of the existence of spies; may also
refer to certain rooms in the Louvre, EYE one-eyed
constructed so that conversations could biased
be heard in other rooms) EYE someone's eyes are bigger than
EAR were your ears burning? his stomach
we were discussing you a person is unrealistic
EAR with one's ears pinned back EYE someone's eyes popped
chastened a person expressed great surprise

EYE to be a sight for sore eyes EYE to have an eye for something
to be something welcome to appreciate the appearance of some-
EYE to be all eyes
to observe very closely EYE to have eyes at the back of
one's head
EYE to be an eye opener to know more of what is going on
to be a surprise than is generally realized
EYE to be better than a poke in the EYE to have one's beady eyes on
eye with a burnt stick something
to be particularly welcome to await the chance to acquire some-
EYE to be easy on the eye thing to which one is not properly
to be visually attractive entitled
EYE to have one's eyes glued to
EYE to be eye wash
to be nonsense
to concentrate on looking at some-
EYE to be in the public eye thing to the exclusion of other com-
to have one's every action subject to peting calls for attention
scrutiny by the community EYE to have stars in one's eyes
EYE to be one in the eye for (for emotional rather than rational rea-
someone sons) to be ecstatic
to represent an unexpected and unwel- EYE to hit someone right between
come defeat the eyes
EYE to be only a gleam in to be brutally frank
someone's eyes EYE to keep a weather eye out for
to be a long way from final achieve- something
ment to look out with particular care
EYE to be the apple of someone's EYE to keep an eye on the ball
eye to monitor a fast-changing situation
to be a person of whom another per- EYE to keep one's eye on someone
son is proud to supervise a person or to monitor a
person's activities and behavior
EYE to cast an eye over something
to look at something critically EYE to keep one's eye on something
to monitor a situation
EYE to catch someone's eye
EYE to keep one's eyes open
to attract the attention of another per-
to be on the lookout for useful infor-
son or to seek permission to address
that person
EYE to keep one's eyes open for
EYE to clap eyes on something something
to catch sight of something to be on the lookout for an opportunity
EYE to cock one's eye at someone to do something
to glance knowingly at a person EYE to keep one's eyes peeled for
EYE to cry one's eyes out to be on the constant lookout for
to express great sadness at a situation something
EYE to do someone in the eye EYE to make eyes at someone
to cheat a person to look at a person amorously

EYE to open someone's eyes to EYEBALL to be up to the eyeballs

something in something
to alert another person to the truth of to be very deeply involved in some-
something thing
EYE to pick the eyes out of EYEBROW to raise one's eyebrows
something to express one's utter astonishment
to choose the most valuable items
EYEFUL to get an eyeful of
from among a large number
EYE to pull the wool over someone's to see something impressive
EYELASH not to bat an eyelash
to deceive or deliberately mislead an-
to fail to express any surprise
other person
EYELID to hang on by the eyelids
EYE to rub one's eyes
to have only a slender hold
to express astonishment
EYE to see eye to eye with someone EYESORE eyesore
to agree extremely ugly object

EYE to see something with half an FACE a poker face

eye a facial expression which does not
to sum up a matter instantly reveal one's thoughts during negotia-
EYE to see the color of someone's
eyes FACE a slap in the face
to see how a person matches expecta- a calculated insult or action amount-
tions or requirements ing to a rebuke
EYE to shut one's eyes to something FACE a straight face
to deliberately take no notice of some- a facial expression which does not
thing, especially in dereliction of one's reveal one's thoughts in a humorous
duty situation
EYE to throw dust into someone's FACE someone's face fell
eyes someone registered obvious disap-
to deceive a person by presenting pointment
inaccurate or misleading information
FACE to be left red-faced
EYE to turn a blind eye to something to be embarrassed
to pretend something obvious does
not exist (refers to action by Nelson FACE to blow up in someone's face
when disregarding Admiralty signals) to rebound on a person

EYE with an eye toward doing FACE to cut one's nose off to spite
something one's face
with the intention that something par- to act in pique in a way which harms
ticular be done only oneself
EYE with one's eyes wide open FACE to do an about-face
fully conscious of the ramifications to reverse a previously enunciated
EYEBALL eyeball to eyeball
confronting each other and taking ac- FACE to fall flat on one's face
count of each other's reactions to make a bad error of judgment

FACE to go on till one is blue in FACE to wipe the smile off someone's
the face face
to argue for a long time to destroy a person's complacency
FACE to have a long face FACE two-faced
to look miserable insincere
FACE to have egg on one's face FACE wipe that smile off your face!
to be embarrassed by the results of treat this matter more seriously!
one's own stupidity
FACE you will laugh on the other
FACE to hurl something in someone's side of your face
face you will regret this
to reproach a person in regard to
FALL they fell over themselves to
do something
FACE to lose face they showed great keenness while doing
to endure embarrassment by virtue of something
being defeated or having one's errors
FINGER light-fingered
found out
good at stealing
FACE to present a happy face to the
FINGER not to lay a finger on
bravely to gloss over one's problems
to refrain from hurting person
FACE to put a brave face on it
FINGER not to lift finger to help
to face adversity cheerfully
FACE to put a new face on to refuse to assist
FINGER someone's fingers are all
to alter the way something should be
a person is clumsy with his hands
FACE to put one's best face on
FINGER to burn one's fingers
to lose money through foolishness
to focus on the positive features sur-
rounding a basically disastrous situation FINGER to gnaw one's fingers to
FACE to save face the bone
to fret
to be allowed to keep one's dignity
despite having suffered a defeat or FINGER to have a finger in
made an error something
FACE to set one's face against to be involved in something
something FINGER to have a finger in the pie
to oppose some matter to have an interest in a project
FACE to show one's face FINGER to have green fingers
to put in an appearance to be good at gardening
FACE to slam the door in someone's FINGER to have itchy fingers
face to be impatient
ostentatiously to refuse to have any FINGER to have one's fingers in
dealings with a person many different pies
FACE stare someone in the face to be engaged in a variety of separate
(of a solution, etc) to become obvious activities

FINGER to have one's finger in the FINGERTIP to cling on by ones

till fingertips
to steal from one's employer to have only a slender hold
FINGER to have one's fingers on FINGERTIP to have some subject
the pulse at one's fingertips
to know what is going on to be very familiar with a subject
FINGER to have sticky fingers FIST ham-fisted
to be dishonest undiplomatic and clumsy
FINGER to keep one's FIST hand over fist
cotton-picking finger off something rapidly overtaking each other during
not to interfere in something progress toward a common goal

FINGER to keep one's fingers FIST hard-fisted

crossed stingy
to hope for a good outcome FIST tight-fisted
FINGER to let something slip
through one's fingers FIST to lose money hand over fist
to allow something to escape from to lose money very fast and convinc-
one's ownership or control ingly
FINGER to point the finger at FIST to make a good fist of
someone something
to accuse a person or allege some to be successful in a difficult task
indiscretion on his part FIST to rule with an iron fist
FINGER to pull one's fingers out to keep strict discipline
to get on with a job with alacrity FISTFUL to hold out a fistful of
FINGER to put one's finger on dollars
something to offer money by way of inducement
to identify the essential features of FIT not to get along with someone
something in a fit
not to get along with a person
FINGER to stir a finger
to make some minimum effort FIT to have a blue fit
to be very agitated
FINGER to twist someone around
one's little finger FIT to have a fit
by charm to get one's way to be in a state of great agitation
FIT to have a fit of the vapors
FINGER to wave a finger at to be horrified
to indicate mild displeasure at an- FLANK to expose one's flank
other person's actions to allow others to take advantage of
FINGER to work one's fingers to the FLESH one's own flesh and blood
bone one's offspring
to work very hard
FLESH the spirit is willing but the
FINGERNAIL to hang on by one's flesh is weak
fingernails the body is not up to the demands
to have only a slender hold made on it

FLESH to be a thorn in someone's FOOT to bind someone hand and

flesh foot
to be a person whose persistent pres- to completely limit a person's free-
ence and righteous views annoy dom to act
FLESH to be more than flesh can FOOT to catch someone flat-footed
stand to embarrass a person in the course of
to be more than a person can reason- his making mistakes or being unpre-
ably be expected to endure pared
FLESH to flesh out the skeleton FOOT to cut the ground from under
to supply the missing pertinent details someone's feet
to unexpectedly withdraw support and
FLESH to go the way of all flesh
in the process cause embarrassment
to die
or to demolish a person's case
FLESH to make someone's flesh
FOOT to drag one's feet
to perform unduly slowly
to frighten a person with something
horrific FOOT to fall on one's feet
surprisingly to succeed despite diffi-
FLESH to put flesh and bone on
to supply details of a proposal previ- FOOT to fall over one's own feet
ously revealed only in outline to be very clumsy
FLESH to see someone in the flesh FOOT to find one's feet
to see someone in person to develop one's skills
FOOT a foot in the door FOOT to get back on one's feet
the opportunity to do business to recover from an illness or some
other setback
FOOT itchy feet
a desire to travel FOOT to get cold feet
to become scared
FOOT nimble-footed
quick to change the direction of one's FOOT to get off on the wrong foot
activities when circumstances warrant with someone
to make an unfavorable initial im-
FOOT not to let grass grow under
pression on a person
one's feet
not to let inertia or delay spoil some- FOOT to get one's feet wet
thing to do the necessary but unpleasant or
FOOT not to put a foot wrong menial parts of a task
to behave impeccably FOOT to go hot foot
FOOT the boot is on the other foot to do something fast
the real facts are the other way round FOOT to have feet of clay
FOOT to be at one's feet to be vulnerable (Daniel 2:33)
to be in the immediate vicinity FOOT to have one foot in the grave
FOOT to be quick on one's feet to be dying
to cleverly take advantage of a situation FOOT to have one's feet firmly on
FOOT to be rushed off one's feet the ground
to be rushed to know what one is doing

FOOT to have one's feet in both FOOT to sweep someone off her feet
camps to cause a person to lose all discern-
to have good relations with two ment
FOOT to tread someone under foot
FOOT to have one's foot on to oppress a person
FOOT to vote with one's feet
to be about to acquire something or
to show one's displeasure by termi-
to be able to acquire something
nating an association
FOOT to have the ball at one's feet
FOOT to wait hand and foot on
to have unlimited opportunity
FOOT to have two left feet to accommodate a person's every real
to be clumsy or imagined whim
FOOT to jump in feet first FOOTHOLD to gain a foothold
to take a calculated risk to achieve a position from which fur-
ther advances can readily be made
FOOT to put one's best foot forward
to make a special effort FOOTLOOSE footloose and
FOOT to put one's feet up unmarried and without any romantic
to relax attachments
FOOT to put one s foot down FOOTPRINT without leaving any
to exert one's authority and insist on footprints
something without making any impression
FOOT to put one's foot in it FOOTSTEP to follow in someone's
to make a foolish mistake footsteps
FOOT to put one's foot in one's to do as another person did
mouth FROWN to frown on something
to say something foolish to disapprove of some matter
FOOT to put someone on the back GALL gall
foot impudence
to cause a person to adopt a lower
profile GIANT a giant
a person whose ability and achieve-
FOOT to run someone off his feet ments exceed that of most other people
to keep a person very busy on some
physical task GRIN to grin and bear it
to suffer adversity cheerfully
FOOT to shoot oneself in the foot
to act in a foolish way and thus harm GRIP to come to grips with some
one's own cause problem
to be on the way to solving a problem
FOOT to stand on one's own two
feet GUT a gut feeling
not to require the help of others a belief based purely on intuition and
unsupported by facts or evidence
FOOT to start off on the right foot
to commence an operation with great GUT gutless wonder
care to do it correctly coward

GUT something has no guts in it HAND a bird in the hand is worth

something has no real value to it two in the bush
GUTFUL to have had a gutful a benefit currently available is more
to be disgusted valuable than a seemingly much larg-
er benefit which may or may not be
GUTS / will have his guts for garters achieved in the future
I am extremely angry and dissatisfied
with him HAND a left-handed compliment
a thinly-disguised insult
GUTS to kick someone in the guts
to take action needlessly hurtful to HAND at first hand
another person personally
HAIR hair-raising HAND hand over fist
scary rapidly overtaking each other during
progress toward a common goal
HAIR not to touch a hair on
someone's head HAND high-handed
not to harm a person overbearing
HAIR not to turn a hair HAND on the one hand
to remain composed putting one side of the proposition
HAIR to a hair HAND one's right-hand man
exactly one's chief aide
HAIR to be within a hair's breadth HAND single-handedly
of something without help from other persons
to be extremely close to something HAND sleight of hand
HAIR to get someone by the short deceit by trickery
and curly hairs
HAND the hand of fate
to have domination over a person
HAIR to keep one's hair on
HAND the left hand does not know
to remain calm in a crisis
what the right hand is doing
HAIR to keep out of someone's hair one section of a large bureaucracy
to let another person get on with his does not realize that another section
work in his own way is simultaneously doing something
HAIR to let one's hair down inconsistent
to relax HAND to accept something with both
HAIR to make someone's hair curl hands
(of news) to give someone a shock to accept something eagerly
HAIR to make someone's hair stand HAND to be able to do something
on end with one hand behind one's back
to give a person shocking news to be able to do something very easily
HAIR to split hairs HAND to be able to lay one's hands
to draw absurdly fine distinctions on something
HAIR to tear one's hair out to be able to locate something
to be agitated HAND to be at hand
HAND a backhanded compliment to be in the vicinity, ready to help
a polite expression seemingly of praise HAND to be in hand
but really intended as an insult to be under control

HAND to be in someone's hands HAND to handpick someone

to be being dealt with by someone to carefully choose a person for his
with the necessary authority individual attributes
HAND to be out of someone's hands HAND to have a fight on one's
to be up for decision by a different hands
person to encounter resistance or opposition
HAND to be putty in someone's hand to a proposal
to be far too easily influenced by HAND to have a hand in something
another person to be one of the participants in some
HAND to bind someone hand and project
to completely limit a person's free- HAND to have blood on one's hands
dom to act to be the person responsible for some-
one else's predicament
HAND to bite the hand that feeds
one HAND to have clean hands
to show ingratitude to be innocent or to act ethically
HAND to catch someone red-handed HAND to have one's hands full
to apprehend a person in the course to be fully occupied
of committing a crime
HAND to have the whip hand
HAND to eat out of someone's hands to be in control of a situation
to be unduly compliant
HAND to hold someone's hand
HAND to gain the upper hand to give detailed on-the-job training
to attain, after some effort, an advan- and supervision
tage over another person
HAND to get one's hands dirty HAND to hold the power to do
to do the necessary but unpleasant or something in the hollow of one's
menial parts of a task hand
to have the right to make crucial
HAND to get out of hand decisions
to get out of control
HAND to give someone a free hand HAND to join hands with someone
to authorize a person to act as he sees to cooperate with a person
fit HAND to keep one's hands in
HAND to give someone a hand to engage in activities which rein-
to assist a person force skills which one has previously
HAND to go cap in hand acquired
to show humility while soliciting a HAND to lay one's hands on
favor something
HAND to go down on one's hands to acquire something
and knees to someone
with great humility to ask a favor of a HAND to lend a hand
person to assist
HAND to grab some opportunity with HAND to live from hand to mouth
both hands being in poor financial circumstan-
to seize some opportunity with great ces, to survive with little by way of
enthusiasm safety margin

HAND to lose money hand over fist HAND to turn one's hand to
to lose money very fast and convinc- something
ingly to tackle something
HAND to play right into someone's HAND to wait hand and foot on
hands someone
to act so as to give a person an to accommodate a person's every real
unintended advantage or imagined whim
HAND to put one's hand to the plow HAND to wash one's hands of
voluntarily to undertake some task something
(Luke 9:62) to emphatically decline future respon-
HAND to put one's hand up sibility
to identify oneself HAND to work hand in glove with
HAND to put one's hands in one's someone
pockets to work in close cooperation with a
to spend person or to be in collusion with a
person to the detriment of others
HAND to rub one's hands with glee
to express great satisfaction HAND to wring one's hands
to express despair
HAND to rule with an iron hand
to keep strict discipline HAND with a heavy hand
in an oppressive fashion
HAND to sit on one's hands
deliberately to do nothing HAND with a high hand
arrogantly (Exodus 14:8)
HAND to stir a hand
to volunteer assistance HAND with an iron hand in a velvet
HAND to strengthen someone's hand with a hard attitude made to seem
to give a person additional authority soft
or greater moral support or more facts
to support his case HAND with an open hand
HAND to take something in hand
to assume control over something HANDFUL a handful
a small number
HAND to throw up one's hands
to express disgust HANDFUL to be a handful
to be difficult to manage
HAND to tie someone's hands
to prevent a person from acting as he HANDSHAKE a golden handshake
sees fit a large payment in connection with or
as an inducement to retirement
HAND to tie someone's hands behind
his back HANDSTAND to turn handstands
to make it impossible for a person to to express great joy
act at all
HANG to give someone enough rope
HAND to try one's hand at to hang himself
something to give a person the opportunity to do
to attempt a new activity, especially something which is likely to get him
by way of experiment into severe trouble

HEAD a hothead HEAD to be able to do something

an impetuous person standing on one's head
to be able to do something very easily
HEAD a swelled head
an exaggerated idea of one's abilities HEAD to be head and shoulders
or status above the rest
to be significantly more capable than
HEAD an old head on young
experience, knowledge and maturity HEAD to be off one's head
in a young person to be crazy
HEAD hard-headed HEAD to be over someone's head
realistic to be beyond a person's ability to
HEAD headfirst
precipitately HEAD to beat each other over the
HEAD head over heels to be always fighting
HEAD to belt someone over the head
HEAD heads will roll to override someone's views or argu-
transgressors will be punished ments
HEAD level-headed HEAD to bite someone's head off
rational to rudely express displeasure at some
HEAD not to touch a hair on person
someone's head HEAD to bury one's head in the
not to harm a person sand
HEAD off the top of one's head to refuse to face up to an unpleasant
based on experience but without de- truth (refers to the reputed habit of
tailed consideration ostriches in danger)

HEAD pull your head in! HEAD to come to a head

do not interfere in this! to reach culmination

HEAD someone's head is on the HEAD to confront someone head-on

block to confront a person
a person is in danger of having his HEAD to drag someone by the head
appointment terminated and ears
HEAD that is on your head to force a person to reveal the true
you will have to accept responsibility facts
for that HEAD to eat one's head off
HEAD there is a big question mark to eat excessively
hanging over someone's head HEAD to fall head over heels in love
there are considerable doubts about a to fall very much in love
persons' competence, integrity or
suitability HEAD to get one's head blown off
to be very soundly abused
HEAD to bang one's head up against
a brick wall HEAD to give someone his head
to fight an unwinnable case to let a person do as he wants to

HEAD to go off one's head HEAD to keep a civil tongue in one's

to lose one's temper head
HEAD to go over someone's head to be polite, especially under provoca-
to bypass lower levels of authority tion
and approach someone more senior HEAD to keep a cool head
instead to stay calm and rational in a crisis
HEAD to go to someone's head HEAD to keep a level head
to cause a person to get an exaggerat- to stay calm and rational in a crisis
ed idea of his abilities or status
HEAD to keep one's head
HEAD to hang one's head to remain calm in a crisis or to
to be ashamed of oneself unexpectedly retain an elected or
HEAD to have a cloud hanging over appointed position
one's head HEAD to keep one's head down
there is doubt as to one's future to work very diligently
HEAD to have a head start
HEAD to kick heads in
to have an advantage over others
to demonstrate annoyance at or dis-
HEAD to have a threat hanging over like of certain persons
one's head
to fear some intimated unpleasant HEAD to knock an idea on the head
action to utterly reject a proposal

HEAD to have eyes at the back of HEAD to knock two heads together
one's head to make two persons come to their
to know more of what is going on senses and deal with each other
than is generally realized HEAD to laugh one's head off
HEAD to have one's head in the to greatly enjoy something
clouds HEAD to let one's head go
to be unrealistic to do as one wants to
HEAD to have one's head screwed HEAD to let one's heart rule one's
on straight head
to be shrewd to act on emotion rather than on reason
HEAD to have rocks in the head
HEAD to lose one's head
to be mentally unbalanced
to become confused
HEAD to hold a gun at someone's
head HEAD to need something like a hole
to put pressure on a person to make a in the head
particular decision regardless of his to be landed with a completely unde-
desires in the matter sired problem
HEAD to hold one's head high HEAD to need to have one's head
to stay unruffled and to maintain one's read
dignity despite attempts by others to to be foolish
embarrass HEAD to promote someone over the
HEAD to just hold one's head above heads of others
water to promote a person to a position
to cope with problems but with little more senior than that held by some
margin to spare or to stay solvent persons previously outranking him

HEAD to pull one's head in HEALTH to get a clean bill of

to retreat from a previously held stance health
after proper investigation to be found
HEAD to put one's head in the noose not wanting
to recklessly and unnecessarily ex-
pose oneself to great danger HEAR to hear a whisper
to learn a rumored hypothesis
HEAD to put one's head into the
lion's mouth HEART cold-hearted
to recklessly expose oneself to great cruel or mean or unmoved
danger HEART from the bottom of one's
HEAD to put one's head on the heart
block very sincerely
to have the courage of one's convictions HEART half-hearted
HEAD to put one's head together unenthusiastic
to confer and pool ideas HEART hard-hearted
HEAD to scratch one's head
to be amazed or puzzled HEART heart and soul
with great energy
HEAD to scream one's head off
to scream very loudly HEART heart failure
a shock
HEAD to shake one's head
to indicate disbelief or wonder or HEART heart-stopping
disapproval exciting
HEAD to snap someone's head off HEART one's heart bleeds for
to speak to a person aggressively someone
one feels truly sad for a person's fate
HEAD to tackle someone head-on
to confront a person HEART one's heart is not in some
HEAD to turn someone's head one has little enthusiasm for some
to cause a person to get an exaggerat- cause
ed idea of his abilities or status
HEART one's heart sank
HEAD uneasy lies the head that one realized the extent of some disaster
wears a crown
responsibility involves some risk and HEART open-hearted
some burdens (from Shakespeare's cordial
HEART this does my heart good
HEAD woolly-headed I rejoice at this
slightly muddled
HEART to be close to one's heart
HEAD you want your head read to be a project on which one is very
you should reconsider this matter keen
HEADACHE a headache HEART to be in good heart
a cause for worry to be brave in adversity
HEADWAY to make headway HEART to be of good heart
to make progress to be brave in adversity

HEART to be someone after one's HEART to know something in one's

own heart heart of hearts
to be a person who shares one's beliefs to know something while reluctant to
admit it, even to oneself
HEART to break someone's heart
to act in a way causing great upset to HEART to let one's heart rule one's
another person head
to act on emotion rather than on reason
HEART to eat one's heart out
to suffer bitterly HEART to lose heart
to cease being enthusiastic
HEART to give someone heart
to cause a person to cheer up HEART to pour one's heart out to
HEART to have a change of heart
to inflict one's woes on another person
to form a new view in place of a
strongly-held previous view HEART to pull at one's heart strings
to affect one emotionally
HEART to have a heart
to have compassion HEART to search one's heart
to have misgivings
HEART to have a heart of gold
to have a generous disposition HEART to steal someone's heart
to cause a person to fall in love with
HEART to have a heart of oak one
to be brave
HEART to steel one's heart against
HEART to have a heart of stone something
to be unfeeling to determine that, notwithstanding one's
HEART to have a heart-to-heart natural compassion, something shall
talk not happen
to have a confidential discussion on a HEART to take heart from something
highly personal matter to be encouraged by something
HEART to have one's heart in one's HEART to take something to heart
boots to learn to appreciate the significance
to be terrified of something or to be much saddened
HEART to have one's heart in one's by something
mouth HEART to warm the cockles of
to be startled someone's heart
HEART to have one's heart in to delight a person
something HEART to wear one's heart on one's
to be enthusiastic about and commit- sleeve
ted to a cause to lack the reserve expected of one
HEART to have one's heart in the HEART warm-hearted
right place affectionate or generous
to have a well-developed social con-
science HEART with a heavy heart
in sorrow
HEART to have one's heart set on
something HEART with a sinking heart
to be very keen to achieve something with growing despondency

HEART you can eat your heart out HINDSIGHT with 20120 hindsight
you are entitled to feel sad or jealous with the benefit of knowing what
HEARTACHE heartache
sadness HIP to shoot from the hip
HEARTBREAK heartbreak to speak frankly and openly
despair HIT to hit someone hard
HEARTBURN heartburn to greatly affect a person emotionally
regret at some non-achievement or to cost a person a lot of money

HEEL head over heels HOP to catch someone on the hop

topsy-turvy to take a person by surprise
HEEL to be hot on the heels of ITCH to be itching to go
something to be highly enthusiastic and keen to
to closely follow something start
HEEL to be someone's Achilles' heel JAUNDICED jaundiced
to represent a weakness in an other- affected by jealousy
wise strong position (refers to the
Greek warrior who was the hero of JAW someone's jaw dropped
Homer's ILIAD) someone registered obvious disappoint-
ment, incredulity or shock
HEEL to bring someone to heel
to make a person conform JOWL cheek by jowl
close to each other
HEEL to cool one's heels
to be kept waiting JUGULAR to go for the jugular
to attempt to destroy something com-
HEEL to dig one's heels in pletely
to become even more stubborn than
at first JUMP to be for the high jump
to be threatened with a reprimand and
HEEL to drag one's heels punishment
to perform unduly slowly
JUMP to get the jump on someone
HEEL to fall head over heels in love to get an advantage over a person
to fall very much in love
JUMP to jump at the opportunity
HEEL to kick one's heels to enthusiastically take immediate ad-
to be kept waiting vantage of a good chance
HEEL to snap at someone's heels JUMP to jump for joy
to be a minor irritation to a person to express great satisfaction
HEEL well-heeled JUMP to jump to a conclusion
rich to infer something without proper
HEMORRHAGE to stem the
hemorrhage JUMP to jump to attention
to put a stop to the financial losses of to show respect
a project
JUMP to jump up and down
HIDE to want someone's hide to show excitement or anger or frus-
to be keen to penalize a person tration

JUMP to want to jump all one's KNEE weak-kneed

fences at once unassertive or irresolute
to be unrealistic KNUCKLE to rap someone over the
KICK / could kick myself knuckles
I regret that I acted thus to admonish a person
KICK a kick in the pants LAP to drop into one's lap
an admonition to turn up fortuitously
KICK to be alive and kicking LAP to dump something in someone's
to be in good form lap
to impose some responsibility on an-
KICK to kick a man when he is other person
to take unfair advantage of a person LATHER to get a lather up
already in difficulty to get unduly excited
LEAN to lean on someone
KICK to kick in
to utilize the support of another per-
to contribute financially son or to pressure another person to
KICK to kick some proposal around do something against his inclination
to examine a proposal from all angles LEAP by leaps and bounds
KICK to kick someone around with surprisingly fast progress
to abuse a person LEAP to leap at an idea
KICK to kick someone out to accept a suggestion enthusiastically
to expel a person LEAP to leap in
KICK to kick someone upstairs to commence an activity without con-
to promote a person to a purely cere- sidering the wisdom of doing so or
monial position the best way to proceed

KNEE a knee-jerk reaction LEG not to have a leg to stand on

a response made instantaneously and to have one's arguments completely
without any proper consideration demolished or to be without accepta-
ble excuse or explanation
KNEE since he was knee high to a LEG to be on one's last legs
grasshopper to be nearly worn out
since he was a very young child
LEG to cost an arm and a leg
KNEE to be cut off at the knees to be excessively expensive
to have a pet project aborted
LEG to do the leg work
KNEE to beg on bended knees to carry out the tedious part of a
to request in great earnestness project
KNEE to force someone onto his LEG to give someone a leg up
knees to give a person some assistance
to inflict a humiliating defeat on a LEG to have a leg in
person to have an opportunity which has the
KNEE to go down on one's hands potential to lead to bigger things
and knees to someone LEG to pull someone's leg
with great humility to ask a favor of a to tell a false but plausible story as an
person act of humor

LEG to shake a leg LISTEN a listening post

to hurry up a place where information of strategic
value can be collected
LEG to stand up on one's hind legs
to exert one's authority LIVER lily-livered
LICK to lick one's chops cowardly
to look forward to something with LOIN to gird up one's loins
pleasurable anticipation to get ready for action
LICK to lick someone's boots LOOK to look at someone sideways
to show humility to silently and politely indicate one's
LICK to lick something into shape disapproval
to make something presentable and MAN every man and his dog
effective everybody
LIE to lie low
MAN he is your man
to stay inconspicuous
he conforms to an ideal
LIE to take something lying down
to accept a disadvantage without protest MAN one man's meat is another
man's poison
LIFE / cannot for the life of me people's taste differ
I just cannot
MAN to be one's own man
LIFE not on your life to approach every issue in a totally
definitely not objective manner
LIFE to be the life and soul of the MAN to separate the men from the
party boys
to be the prime enthusiast for a cause to distinguish between those with and
LIFE to save someone's life without certain skills
to be of great help to a person MAN two men and a dog
LIFEBLOOD the lifeblood very few people
the main or essential ingredient; or
MIND a thought in the back of one's
the person or factor instilling enthusi-
an undeveloped idea
LIP a stiff upper lip
obstinate courage in the face of pain MIND in one's mind's eye
or adversity using a vivid imagination

LIP to be tight-lipped MIND it is mind over matter

to keep confidences or to be uncom- one's resolve to overcome suffering
municative will succeed

LIP to bite one's lip MIND that has taken a load off my
to control one's anger mind
I am relieved
LIP to pay lip service to some rules
to disregard some rules in practice MIND the mind boggles
while acknowledging them in words this is astonishing
LIP to seal one's lips MIND to be a weight off one's mind
to keep a confidence to be a great relief

MIND to be of two minds MIND to prey on one's mind

to be undecided between two alterna- (of a problem) to keep worrying one
MIND to put someone's mind at rest
MIND to be of one mind to reassure a person
(of several people) to be agreed
MIND to slip one's mind
MIND to be out of one's to be overlooked or forgotten
cotton-picking mind MIND to speak one's mind
to act irrationally to express one's views frankly and
MIND to broaden someone's mind forcefully
to expose a person to a greater variety MIND to spring to mind
of experiences and interests than he to suddenly occur to a person
had previously
MOHICAN the last of the Mohicans
MIND to change one s mind to be the last of a group (refers to a
to alter the views which one had near extinct tribe of American Indian)
previously formed (title of a novel by James Fenimore
MIND to cross one's mind
to occur to one MOTHERHOOD a motherhood
MIND to drive someone out of his a statement so obvious and uncontro-
mind versial as not to be worth making
to cause great worry to a person (such as "motherhood is a good
MIND to give someone a piece of
one's mind MOUTH hard-mouthed
to abuse another person uncontrollable
MOUTH mealy-mouthed
MIND to have a mind of one's not at all forceful in debate
not to be easily influenced MOUTH out of the mouths of babes
(as indiscreetly revealed) the truth
MIND to have a one-track mind
to keep coming back to one narrow MOUTH someone looks as if butter
topic of conversation would not melt in his mouth
a person looks sweet and innocent
MIND to have an open mind
MOUTH to be a big mouth
to be willing to assess evidence on its
to lack discretion in one's conversation
merits and without prejudging it
MOUTH to be born with a silver
MIND to have half a mind to do spoon in one's mouth
something to be brought up by wealthy parents
to be tempted or mildly inclined to do
something MOUTH to be down in the mouth
to be depressed
MIND to know one's mind
to form and adhere to an opinion MOUTH to be left with a nasty taste
in one's mouth
MIND to make up one's mind to be appalled or very disappointed at
to reach a conclusion after contem- another person's unethical behavior
plating a matter to one

MOUTH to foam at the mouth NAIL to hang on by one's nails

to show anger to have only a slender hold
MOUTH to have one's heart in one's NAVEL to contemplate one's navel
mouth to be introspective
to be startled
NECK a millstone round someone's
MOUTH to keep one's mouth shut neck
not to discuss some matter a great burden
MOUTH to live from hand to mouth NECK at a break-neck pace
being in poor financial circumstan- very fast
ces, to survive with little by way of
safety margin NECK it is neck or nothing
a desperate effort is called for
MOUTH to make one's mouth water
to excite desire NECK neck and neck
(of contestants) with little between
MOUTH to put one's foot in one's
to say something foolish NECK to be a pain in the neck
MOUTH to put one's money where to be an unpleasant person or to be a
one's mouth is nuisance
to back one's judgment by putting NECK to be an albatross around
assets at risk someone's neck
MOUTH to put words into someone's to be a great burden (popularized by
mouth Coleridge's ANCIENT MARINER)
to attempt to get someone to say NECK to be up to one's neck in
something in the particular terms something
drafted by another person to be very deeply involved in some-
MOUTH to shoot one's mouth off thing
to speak without thinking NECK to break one's neck to do
MOUTH to take food out of the something
mouths of children to be particularly keen
cruelly to deprive the needy
NECK to breathe down someone's
MOUTH you took the words right neck
out of my mouth to cause annoyance to another person
you have just said what I was about by remaining in his vicinity or by
to say supervising him too closely; or to be
narrowly behind another person in
MUSCLE to flex one's muscles
some competitive situation
to exert one's personality or powers
MYOPIA myopia NECK to cop it in the neck
to suffer a severe disaster
the inability to appreciate an argu-
ment (lit., short-sightedness) NECK to save someone's neck
NAIL to bite one's fingernails to come to the rescue of a person
to anxiously await a decision
NECK to send a chill down
NAIL to fight tooth and nail someone's neck
to strive very hard to win to be worrying news

NECK to stick one's neck out NOSE to cut one's nose off to spite
to have the courage of one's convic- one's face
tions or to take a calculated risk to act in pique in a way which harms
only oneself
NERVE the hip pocket nerve
the assessment of issues by their fi- NOSE to escape by the skin of one's
nancial effects on one nose
to only just avoid some disaster
NERVE to get on someone's nerves
by one's behavior to cause annoyance NOSE to follow one's nose
to a person to act intuitively
NERVE to have a nerve NOSE to get a bloody nose
to be impudent to suffer an undignified rebuff
NERVE to have nerves of steel NOSE to get up someone's nose
not to be easily frightened to irritate a person
NERVE to lose one's nerve NOSE to have a good nose for
to abandon, out of fear, a decision to business
do something to be able to identify profitable busi-
ness situations
NERVE to touch a nerve
to mention something which another NOSE to keep one's nose clean
person would rather pretend did not to act with circumspection and hones-
exist ty despite temptation to do otherwise

NIGGER the nigger in the woodpile NOSE to keep one's nose out of
the factor spoiling an otherwise satis- something
factory arrangement not to meddle in something

NIGHTMARE a nightmare NOSE to keep one's nose to the

an unpleasant experience grindstone
to work with particular diligence
NOD a nod and a wink
NOSE to lead someone by the nose
a sign that understanding has been
to induce another person to comply
reached in a matter which in the in-
with one's wishes
terests of discretion has not been
discussed aloud NOSE to look down the nose at
NOD to get the nod to treat a matter with obvious con-
to receive approval tempt
NOSE hard-nosed NOSE to pay through the nose
tough in negotiations to pay an excessive price
NOSE to be no skin off someone's NOSE to poke one's nose into
nose something
not to matter to a person to interfere
NOSE to be on the nose NOSE to poke one's nose outside
(of a proposal or scheme) to be accu- to venture outside
NOSE to put someone's nose out of
NOSE to bite someone's nose off joint
to speak to a person aggressively to upset another person

NOSE to rub someone's nose in it PULL to pull oneself together

to humiliate a person by highlighting to cease acting without purpose or
something embarrassing to him enthusiasm
NOSE to take a nosedive PULSE to have one's fingers on the
to suddenly and unexpectedly fall pulse
steeply to know what is going on
NOSE to take something on the nose PUNCH not to pull any punches
to meekly accept a rebuff to be brutally frank
NOSE to thumb one's nose at PUSH to push someone around
someone to exercise, in an obnoxious manner,
to show one's contempt for someone one's superiority over another person
in authority and to ostentatiously dis-
REEL to leave someone reeling
regard his orders
to leave a person in a state of shock
NOSE to turn up one's nose at
RUB to rub someone up the wrong
to express one's disdain
to annoy someone with actions fail-
NOSE under someone's nose ing to recognize his current mood
in a person's immediate area of re-
RUN to run around in circles
sponsibility or in circumstances where
to engage in excited but useless activity
he should have known something
NUDGE to give something a nudge RUN to run with something
forward to take advantage of some current
to give modest encouragement to development
something SCALP to be after someone's scalp
OLD // is on for young and old to be keen to penalize a person
the excitement has started SCAR to scar someone
PALM to grease someone's palms to leave a person permanently grieving
to bribe a person SCENT to throw someone off the
PALPABLE palpable scent
readily understandable to deceive a person by giving out
misleading indications
PARALYZE to paralyze something
to bring something to a standstill SCREAM to scream and yell
to protest violently
PAS faux pas
something indiscreet or offending so- SENSE a sixth sense
cial conventions (French, "false step") intuition (refers to the five senses—
PEOPLE to be unable to keep people sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)
away with a big stick SHADOW to be in someone's
to be faced with a large crowd or shadow
much demand to be unable to exert one's personali-
PIECE to have a piece of someone ty because of association with a more
to vent one's frustration on a person important person
PROFILE profile SHAVE to be a close shave
description to be a narrow escape

SHORTSIGHTED to be shortsighted SHOULDER to put one's shoulder

not to recognize the likely conse- to the wheel
quences to make a strong effort
SHOULDER a shoulder to cry on SHOULDER to rub shoulders with
sympathy someone
to mingle with a person
SHOULDER a shoulder to lean on
sympathy SHOULDER to shoulder the blame
to accept the blame
SHOULDER an old head on young
shoulders SHOULDER to shrug one's
experience, knowledge and maturity shoulders
in a young person to indicate that one does not know or
care or that one is unable or unwill-
SHOULDER shoulder to shoulder ing to assist
in close proximity
SHOULDER to stand on someone's
SHOULDER straight from the shoulders
shoulder to build upon another person's ideas
SHOULDER to take a weight off
SHOULDER to be head and someone's shoulder
shoulders above the rest to assist a person by relieving him of
to be significantly more capable than some responsibility
SHOULDER to work shoulder to
SHOULDER to carry the world on shoulder
one's shoulders to work with united effort
to resent being left to perform a huge
SHOUT to be all over bar the
task single-handedly (refers to Atlas,
who was condemned to bear the heav-
to be virtually finished
ens on his shoulders for leading the
Titans against the gods) SHRUG to shrug something off
to indicate that one is unable or un-
SHOULDER to give someone the willing to do something
cold shoulder
to ostentatiously ignore a person SHUDDER one shudders to think
what the outcome might be
SHOULDER to have a chip on one's there is great concern as to the outcome
to unreasonably resent something SIDE to get on someone's right side
to make a good impression on a person
SHOULDER to have broad shoulders
to be able to cope well with responsi- SIDE to split one's side
bility to be convulsed with laughter

SHOULDER to need to look over SIGH to heave a sigh a relief

one's shoulder to express satisfaction at the achieve-
to be subject to attack which is not ment of a solution to a difficult problem
obvious SIT to sit on someone
to repress a person
SHOULDER to put a burden on
someone's shoulders SIT to sit pretty
to impose responsibilities on a person to be comfortably off

SIT to sit tight SMELL to smell out something

obstinately to do nothing to discover something by careful
SKELETON a skeleton in the
cupboard SMELL to smell trouble
an unpleasant truth the knowledge of to perceive difficulties
which has been deliberately suppressed
SNEEZE that is not to be sneezed
SKELETON to flesh out the skeleton at
to supply the missing pertinent details that is so significant that it should not
be rejected
SKIN to be no skin off someone's
nose SORE to open up a festering sore
not to matter to a person to upset a person by drawing atten-
tion to a long-standing grievance
SKIN to get under someone's skin
to annoy another person through SPINE to send a cold shiver down
stupidity someone's spine
to horrify a person
SKIN to have a thick skin
to be impervious to criticism SPIT spit it out!
unburden yourself!
SKIN to nearly jump out of one's
skin SPLEEN to vent one's spleen on
to receive a fright someone
to demonstrate one's ill temper to a
SKIN to save one's skin person
to get off safely
SPOT to be a tender spot
SKULL to penetrate someone's thick to be a subject on which a person is
skull touchy
to make a person understand some-
thing difficult or acknowledge some- SPOT to have a blind spot about
thing unwelcome something
to fail to recognize the adverse as-
SLEEP not to lose any sleep over pects of something
not to worry about some matter SPOT to have a soft spot for
SLEEP to go to sleep to be very fond of a person
to become inactive
SPREAD to spread oneself thin
SLEEP to sleep on one's rights to attempt to do more than is feasible
to fail to exercise some entitlement in the available time
within a reasonable period
STAND to know where one stands
SLEEP to spend a sleepless night to know what one supports or how
to worry about something one is affected
SMELL something smells STAND to stand out from the crowd
something is suspicious to be noticeably better than one's
SMELL to run something on the
smell of an oil rag STAND to stand up and be counted
to run something very economically to publicly announce one's position
and efficiently on some issue

STEP a step in the right direction SUCK to teach one's grandmother

the first in a series of measures de- how to suck eggs
signed to correct some problem to try to tell a much more experi-
enced person something very obvious
STEP by small steps
to him
SWALLOW someone has swallowed
STEP step by step
a dictionary
a person uses excessively long words
STEP to get in step with someone
SWALLOW to be a bitter pill to
to do as another person does
STEP to take a giant step forward to be a great humiliation and disap-
to make a significant advance pointment which have to be endured
STEP to take a step backward SWALLOW to be hard to swallow
to move farther away from one's goal not to be readily acceptable
STEP to watch one's step SWALLOW to swallow one's pride
to be on the lookout for danger or to to take action despite the humiliating
set out to improve one's behavior nature of this course
STICK to give someone a bit of stick SWALLOW to swallow the line
to mildly criticize a person to accept as truth the story being
STITCH to have someone in stitches
to greatly amuse a person SWEAT blood, sweat and tears
hard work and much effort
STOMACH someone's eyes are
bigger than his stomach SWEAT no sweat
a person is unrealistic this presents no difficulty
STOMACH to have butterflies in SWEAT to be in a cold sweat
one's stomach to be afraid
a feeling of anxiety
SWEAT to sweat it out
STOMACH to have no stomach for to await one's fate calmly
to have no taste or fortitude for TASTE to get a taste of one's own
something medicine
to suffer from an initiative intended
STRANGLEHOLD a stranglehold to affect only other persons
a firm grip on a commercial situa-
tion, effectively freezing out a com- TEAR blood, sweat and tears
petitor hard work and much effort

STRIDE to hit one's stride TEAR to almost drive someone to

to settle down to some task tears
to present information designed to
STRIDE to take something in one's make another person express sympa-
stride thy not warranted by the facts
to cope with something easily
TEAR to bore someone to tears
SUCK to suck someone in to greatly weary a person by dull and
to embroil an innocent party in an uninteresting conversation or by lack
unethical enterprise of action

TEAR to shed a quiet tear for THROAT to ram something down

something someone's throat
to lament the passing of something to pressure another person into accept-
ing an idea with which he does not
TEAR to tear someone apart agree
to ruthlessly destroy another person's
case THUMB a rule of thumb
a simple yet useful approximation
THINK to think twice before doing
something THUMB a thumbnail sketch
to consider with particular care brief but pertinent details

THROAT it sticks in my throat THUMB someone's fingers are all

I find it galling thumbs
a person is clumsy with his hands
THROAT the words stuck in my
throat THUMB to be under someone's
I just could not get myself to say the thumb
intended words to be dominated by a person
THUMB to give a thumbs up
THROAT to be at each other's
to approve or grant permission (refers
to sign given by Roman emperor spar-
to be always fighting
ing a life)
THROAT to cut one's own throat THUMB to twiddle one's thumbs
to act in a way which damages one's not to be involved in any worthwhile
own interests activity
THROAT to have a lump in one's TICKLE to be tickled pink
throat to be very pleased
to feel emotional
TICKLE to tickle the Peter
THROAT to have someone by the to rob one's employer
to claim victory over an opponent TICKLISH ticklish
awkward, requiring delicate handling
THROAT to hold a knife at TOE a toehold
someone's throat an opportunity small in itself but with
to exert undue pressure on another the potential to lead to bigger things
person in an endeavor to achieve a
result which would otherwise not be TOE to dig one's toes in
forthcoming to become even more stubborn than
at first
THROAT to hold a sword at
TOE to dip one's toes in the water
someone's throat
to gently explore an opportunity
to exert undue pressure on another
person in an endeavor to achieve a TOE to keep someone on his toes
result which would otherwise not be to induce a person to be efficient
forthcoming TOE to tiptoe around the difficulties
THROAT to jump down someone's to act though the difficulties did not
throat exist
to react angrily to the remarks of the TOE to toe the line
other party to a conversation to conform

TOE to tread on someone's toes TOOTH a tooth for a tooth

to upset another person by interfering retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
in his area of responsibility
TOOTH one would give one's eye
TONGUE / could have bitten my teeth for something
tongue off a person would very much like to
I wish that I had not made such a achieve some objective
hurtful remark
TOOTH teething trouble
TONGUE a slip of the tongue problems in the early stages of a
incorrect words uttered accidentally project
TONGUE it is on the tip of my TOOTH to be armed to the teeth
tongue to carry many weapons
the right word has momentarily es-
TOOTH to be fed up to the back
caped me
TONGUE to feel the rough side of to be disgusted
someone's tongue
TOOTH to be long in the tooth
to be verbally abused by a person
to be old
TONGUE to find one's tongue TOOTH to cut one's teeth on
to overcome one's shyness and speak something
TONGUE to have a loose tongue to get one's first experience by doing
to speak foolishly or indiscreetly something

TONGUE to have a sharp tongue TOOTH to escape by the skin of

to speak one's mind in forceful lan- one's teeth
guage to only just avoid some disaster

TONGUE to have a silver tongue TOOTH to fight tooth and nail

to be eloquent to strive very hard to win
TOOTH to get one's teeth into
TONGUE to hold one's tongue
to keep quiet
to tackle a task with enthusiasm
TONGUE to keep a civil tongue in TOOTH to gnash one's teeth
one's head to express frustration
to be polite, especially under provoca-
tion TOOTH to grit one's teeth
to get ready to suffer pain
TONGUE to roll off the tongue
to be said very easily TOOTH to hang on by the skin of
one's teeth
TONGUE to set tongues wagging to only just survive
to behave in a way which encourages TOOTH to have a sweet tooth
scandal mongers to be particularly fond of cakes and
TONGUE to speak with forked confectionery
tongues TOOTH to have teeth
to utter half-truths with the intention to be effective
of misleading the listener
TOOTH to kick someone in the teeth
TONGUE tongue in cheek to take action which demonstrates an-
full of irony noyance at or dislike of a person

TOOTH to lie through one's teeth WART warts and all

to tell blatant untruths with the unfavorable features as well
as the favorable ones (Oliver Crom-
TOOTH to set someone's teeth on well's direction to an artist painting
edge his portrait)
to cause a person to feel unhappy at a
situation WEIGHT to pull one's weight
to do one's proper share of the work
TOUCH the touchstone requiring to be done
the standard
WEIGHT to throw one's weight
TOUCH to lose one's touch about
to cease to be familiar with something to use one's real or imagined status in
TOUCHE touche order to achieve certain results
well said (French, "touched") WINK a nod and a wink
a sign that understanding has been
TREAD to tread lightly
reached in a matter which in the in-
to be careful
terests of discretion has not been
TURN to turn around 180 degrees discussed aloud
to completely reverse a stance WINK not to get a wink of sleep
TURN to turn round not to sleep at all
to reverse one's policy WOUND to heal wounds
VEIN in another vein to affect a reconciliation
as an alternative way of looking at WOUND to lick one's wounds
things to adjust oneself to defeat
VISION tunnel vision WOUND to open up an old wound
an extremely narrow and inflexible to take action which revives a long-
way of considering issues standing grievance
VOICE to be a lone voice in the WOUND to rub salt into someone's
wilderness wound
to be the only person stating unpopu- to deliberately make damage even
lar views worse

VOICE to raise one's voice for some WRIST a slap on the wrist
cause a mild rebuke
to publicly advocate some cause YOUNG it is on for young and old
the excitement has started
WAKE to wake up to something
to realize a fact or its significance
WALK to take a long walk on a
short pier ACT to read the Riot Act
go away, I want no dealings with you to reprimand persons who are exces-
sively noisy (refers to the police read-
WALK to walk away with a profit ing out to a rowdy crowd extracts
to achieve a profit on concluding a from a law requiring its dispersement)
BAIL to bail someone out
WALK to walk on air to render assistance to someone una-
to be joyful ble to help himself

CASE to make a Federal case out SENTENCE to be sentenced to some

of something fate
to attach far too much significance to to be condemned by circumstances to
a trivial issue endure some fate
COMPOUND to compound the T to dot the i's and cross the t's
felony to be meticulous in completing the
having already acted improperly to documentation for a transaction
make matters worse (the misuse of a
legal term: compounding a felony is MANUFACTURE
the crime of agreeing for money not
to prosecute a person for felony; in BALANCE to tip the balance
reality it is therefore an offense by a to provide further information or ar-
different person—not a second and gument which results in an issue,
worse offense by the original culprit) which could have been decided either
way, being determined in a particular
COURT to laugh something out of way
to ridicule a proposition as having no BOILER not to bust one's boiler
basis whatsoever not to exert oneself unduly

COURT to put oneself out of court BRONZE to be cast in bronze

to disqualify oneself from being con- to be virtually unalterable
sidered for something BUTTON to hit the panic button
DOCK to be in the dock to act hastily and irrationally
to need to defend one's stance BUTTON to press a button
to make something happen
HANG not to be a hanging matter
to be only a minor mistake CHAIN the weakest link in the chain
the least efficient component in a proj-
JURY the jury is still out ect the overall efficiency of which is
no decision has yet been made or the governed by the efficiency of the least
public has not yet given an indication efficient component
of its views
CHAIN to drag the chain
LAW to lay down the law to perform unduly slowly
to be officious
COBBLER a cobbler should stick
LEADING a leading question to his last
a very pertinent question (the misuse every person should confine himself
of a legal term, which actually means to activities for which he has been
a question so framed as to suggest the trained
COG to be a small cog in a large
MORTGAGE to have a mortgage wheel
on something to be a relatively unimportant person
to have a moral claim in regard to a in a large organization
COMB to go through something with
MORTGAGE to mortgage the future a fine-tooth comb
to get benefits now but at a cost in to conduct an extremely thorough
due course investigation

CUT to be at the cutting edge of MOLD to be cast in someone's mold

something to take after another person
to be in a position where important
decisions need to be made PIPELINE a pipeline to someone
an intermediary used as a means of
CUT to be cut and dried communicating ideas to a person
to be well settled or long established
PIPELINE to be in the pipeline
CUT to cut one's coat according to to be being dealt with
the cloth
to accommodate oneself to limitations POT a melting pot
beyond one's control and to do the a country where people with different
best in the circumstances ethnic backgrounds over time merge
into one nation
FIRE to add fuel to the fire
to make a bad situation worse POT to go back into the melting pot
to be up for reconsideration ab initio
GOODS to deliver the goods
to achieve the objective PRESS to be hot off the press
to be the latest news
GRINDSTONE to keep one's nose
to the grindstone PRESSURE to apply pressure on
to work with particular diligence someone
HALLMARK a hallmark to induce a person to do something
a standard (refers to the official assay which he would otherwise not do by
mark on gold and silver, originally implying adverse consequences if he
put on at the Goldsmith's Hall) does not cooperate

IRON to have a cast-iron case PRINT to fill in the fine print

to be absolutely assured of victory in to provide the precise details in re-
legal proceedings spect of something presently existing
in broad outline only
IRON to have other irons in the fire
to have the opportunity to do some- P to watch one's p's and q's
thing else as an alternative to be very careful (may refer to pints
and quarts of beer on a hotel slate or
IRON to strike while the iron is hot to easily-confused printer's type)
to take advantage of a situation which
cannot last SACK to get the sack
to be dismissed (refers to the bag of
LINCHPIN linchpin tradesmen's tools)
essential feature central to a project
SAFETY safety margin
LOGJAM a logjam allowance for miscalculations
a stoppage of activity caused by input
in greater volume than allowed for SEAL a seal of approval
confirmation that something is satis-
MACHINERY to be a well-oiled factory
piece of machinery
to be functioning very satisfactorily SIFT to sift
to closely examine the evidence or a
MAKE ready-made set of facts with a view to attaching
easily fabricated or available without different significance as appropriate
difficulty to each of the various components

SKIN there is more than one way WHEEL to set the wheels in motion
to skin a cat to institute appropriate action
this can be achieved in a variety of WHEEL wheels within wheels
acceptable ways secret machinations
SPARK to make sparks fly WIRE to be a live wire
to cause rapid activity to take place to be an enthusiast
SPIN to be a money spinner WIRE to go haywire
to produce large profits easily and to refuse to function properly
WOOL to pull the wool over
SPIN to spin something out someone's eyes
to prolong some matter to deceive or deliberately mislead an-
STEEL to be a man of steel other person
to be a person with moral courage WORKS to be in the works
STEEL to have nerves of steel to be being dealt with
not to be easily frightened WORKS to get the works
SYSTEM to be all systems "go" to get the full treatment
to go ahead as fast as possible WORKS to gum up the works
TAILOR to tailor something to cause an activity to be halted
to do something in a way which has WORKS to throw a spanner into the
regard to the specific needs or prefer- works
ences of a particular person to cause an unexpected complication
TENTERHOOK to be on tenterhooks YARN to spin a yarn
to anxiously await some result to tell an amusing or unlikely story
THREAD the thread
the connecting link of a set of argu- METEOROLOGY
AIR a feeling in the air
TINKER not worth a tinker's curse a premonition held by many people
AIR to be a breath of fresh air
TUNE to fine-tune something to be a pleasant change from the past
to adjust something in order to bring
it to perfection or to make it fit the AIR to clear the air
circumstances in a much more appro- to remove any possible misunder-
priate fashion standings
VALVE to act as a safety valve AIR to leave something up in the air
to be a procedure which allows per- to continue with an unresolved problem
sons with grievances to ventilate them AIR to pluck figures out of the air
in an orderly fashion to continue with an unresolved problem
WHEEL a big wheel AIR to produce something out of thin
an important person air
WHEEL to be a small cog in a to get hold of something in circum-
large wheel stances where this seemed impossible
to be a relatively unimportant person AIR to vanish into thin air
in a large organization unexpectedly to disappear
WHEEL to oil the wheels ATMOSPHERE atmosphere
to make things go smoothly psychological environment

ATMOSPHERE in a rarefied COLD to leave someone out in the

atmosphere cold
in ignorance of the real world to deny a desired objective to a person
BOLT to be a bolt from the blue DARK to be in the dark
to be a totally unexpected event to be uninformed
BREEZE it's a breeze DAWN a false dawn
it is easy an incident giving rise to unjustified
CLIMATE climate
commercial environment DAWN to be the dawn of a new day
to be the start of a different regime
CLOUD every cloud has a silver
lining DRAFT to feel the draft
there are benefits even in seemingly to experience unfavorable conditions
adverse situation
DROUGHT to break a drought
CLOUD there are black clouds on to resume supplies after an interval
the horizon
bad news is expected EVE to be on the eve of something
to occur just before some event
CLOUD to be in cloud cuckoo land
to be mad or to have unrealistic FLASH in a flash
expectations in an instant

CLOUD to be on cloud nine FLOODGATE to open up the

to be very happy floodgates
to take action which will have mas-
CLOUD to be under a cloud sive consequences
to be under suspicion or to be out of
favor FOG to be in a fog
to be in a state of confusion
CLOUD to cast a cloud over
FOGGY not to have the foggiest
to spoil the pleasure of an occasion
to know nothing at all about the subject
CLOUD to cloud one's mind ICE to break the ice
to allow irrelevant or extraneous fac- to take the initiative in starting discus-
tors to affect one's impartiality or sions
ICE to cut no ice with someone
CLOUD to have a cloud hanging to have little effect on a person
over one's head
there is doubt as to one's future ICE to skate on thin ice
to act in disregard of obvious danger
CLOUD to have one's head in the
clouds LIGHTNING a lightning rod
to be unrealistic a person who attracts trouble to himself

COLD a cold day in hell MOON once in a blue moon

never very rarely (refers to the volcanic
eruption at Krakatoa in 1883 when
COLD to come in out of the cold volcanic dust caused the moon to
to be welcomed into a group appear blue)

MOON to be over the moon STORM to create a storm

to be very excited to kick up a fuss
MOONLIGHT a moonlight flit STORM to ride out the storm
an escape from creditors to come safely through some danger-
ous situation
MOONSHINE moonshine
unrealistic ideas STORM to run into a firestorm
to be faced with many protests
RAIN it never rains but it pours
crises often occur together STORM to take someone by storm
to captivate an audience
RAINBOW to chase rainbows
to be quite unrealistic STORM to weather the storm
to come safely through a crisis
RAINBOW to seek the pot of gold
SUMMER one swallow does not
at the end of the rainbow
make a summer
to have naive expectations
much further evidence is desirable
RAINY to keep something for a rainy before any action taken
day TEMPEST a tempest in a teacup
to keep something in reserve a controversy about a minor matter
SEASON the silly season but one which looms large in the
the holiday period, when hard news minds of the parties
is scarce and journalistic standards THUNDER to be thunderstruck
are lowered to be amazed
SHOWER to have come down in the THUNDER to steal someone's
last shower thunder
to be naive to take credit for another person's
good work (refers to a dispute over
SKY a light in the sky the copying of a machine invented by
a sign of great hope a 17th-century dramatist to reproduce
SKY blue sky the sound of thunder during a play)
supremely optimistic THUNDERBOLT a thunderbolt
a surprise
SKY pie in the sky
a hoped for result unlikely to be TORRENT a torrent of words
achieved a rapid and uninterrupted outpouring
of words
SKY the sky fell in
WEATHER a fair-weather friend
a very serious problem arose a person purporting to be a friend
SKY the sky is the limit who offers no support in difficult times
the cost is no obstacle WEATHER to be under the weather
SNOW to snow someone under to be drunk or (less often) sick
to overload a person with work WEATHER to keep a weather eye
out for something
STORM any port in a storm to look out with particular care
anything which helps to avoid diffi-
culties is welcome. WEATHER to make heavy weather
of something
STORM to be in the eye of the storm to struggle excessively with a rela-
to be at the center of a controversy tively simple task

WEATHER to run into heavy WINDFALL windfall

weather unexpected good fortune
to encounter difficulties
WHIRLWIND to sow the wind and MINING and OIL
reap the whirlwind
to make bad mistakes and to suffer CLAIM to stake a claim
the even worse consequences to indicate one's desire to obtain
WIND something is in the wind
something is going on secretly (this COAL to be at the coal face
phrase uses the actual word "some- to be in the place where the real work
thing") is done
WIND straws in the wind COAL to haul someone over the
unofficial preliminary indications of coals
something likely to be formally re- to reprimand a person
vealed soon
DIAMOND to be a rough diamond
WIND the cold wind of change to have many attributes but a gruff
the unpleasant realities of new circum- manner
DIRT to strike pay dirt
WIND to cast prudence to the winds to become successful
to cease being prudent
WIND to put the wind up someone DRY a dry hole
to alarm a person an exercise which after much effort
proves fruitless
WIND to reap the whirlwind
to suffer the adverse consequences of FUSE to light a fuse
a bad act to cause serious reactions
WIND to sail against the wind GOLD a golden handshake
to oppose the views currently being a large payment in connection with or
held by others as an inducement to retirement
WIND to sail close to the wind GOLD a pot of gold
to act in a very dangerous manner wealth
WIND to scatter something to the GOLD all that glitters is not gold
four winds things are not always what they seem
to permanently get rid of something
GOLD golden parachute
WIND to see which way the wind generous provisions in a remunera-
is blowing tion package which come into play in
to establish the factors relevant to a certain circumstances
GOLD golden shackles
WIND to sow the wind and reap the
financial arrangements designed to dis-
courage employees changing employers
to make bad mistakes and to suffer
the even worse consequences GOLD to be a river of gold
WIND to take the wind out of to be a source of ongoing great
someone's sails profitability
to upset a person by anticipating his GOLD to be worth one's weight in
actions or using arguments which he gold
was proposing to use to be very desirable

GOLD to have a heart of gold SILVER to be born with a silver

to have a generous disposition spoon in one's mouth
to be brought up by wealthy parents
GOLD to kill the goose that lays the
golden eggs SILVER to have a silver tongue
through excessive greed to destroy a to be eloquent
very profitable enterprise
STONE to draw blood from a stone
GOLD to seek the pot of gold at the to do the impossible
end of the rainbow
to have naive expectations STONE to have a heart of stone
to be unfeeling
GOLD to strike gold
to have one's efforts suddenly reward- STONE to kill two birds with one
ed by great success stone
to achieve a second objective in the
GOLDMINE a goldmine course of achieving the first objective
a source of much wealth or of many
facts STONE to leave no stone unturned
to be very thorough
IRON to rule with a rod of iron
to keep strict discipline TIN a little tin god
a petty tyrant
JEWEL a jewel
a valued assistant TREASURE a treasure trove
a valuable discovery
OIL get the good oil
to receive useful, reliable and timely UNDERMINE to undermine
information someone's position
PAN a flash in the pan to injure another person's reputation
something which begins promisingly and influence by unfair and secret
but does not last (refers to the prim- tactics
ing of old guns) UNDERMINE to undermine
PAN to pan out something
to succeed to sabotage something

PETRIFY to be petrified
to be badly scared MUSIC
ROCK rock bottom BAND a one-man band
very low a person performing many different
roles single-handedly
ROCK someone's marriage is on the
rocks BANDWAGON to hop onto the
someone's marriage has broken down bandwagon
ROCK to be between a rock and a to join the majority (the antonym of
hard place "bandwagon effect" is "underdog
to be faced with two equally difficult effect")
and uncomfortable choices BEAT not to miss a beat
ROCK to be on the rocks to carry on without the slightest
to be bankrupt interruption
ROCK to have rocks in the head BEAT to beat a retreat
to be mentally unbalanced to abandon some project

BOARD to act as a sounding board HARMONY to be in harmony with

to give, on request, constructive criti- someone
cisms of ideas tentatively held to act in the same way as another
BOW to have a second string to
one's bow KEY to strike the right key
to have an additional qualification ap- to find the appropriate solution
propriate to the task KEYNOTE keynote address
CHORD to strike a chord opening address, designed to set the
to sound familiar or recall something theme of a conference
to mind MELODY the melody lingers on
CHORD to strike a responsive chord the benefit of past actions remains
to get a favorable reaction to a proposal MUSIC to be music to one's ears
CHORD to strike the right chord to be comments which one is very
to appeal successfully to someone's pleased to hear
emotions MUSIC to face the music
DONNA a prima donna to accept responsibility when confront-
a person with an exaggerated opinion ed by one's critics
of his own importance which makes MUSIC when the music stops
relations with others needlessly diffi- suddenly and soon (refers to an im-
cult (Italian, "first lady") minent crisis leading to some resolu-
tion of a matter, as in a game of
DRUM to beat a drum for someone
musical chairs)
to propagate another person's cause
DRUM to beat one's drum MUSICAL to play musical chairs
to immodestly publicize one's own to be a part of a general reshuffling of
attributes duties or functions which is not nec-
essarily to everyone's liking
DRUM to drum up support
to actively seek out support NOTE to hit a sour note
to discover an unexpected flaw in an
DRUM to march to a different drum otherwise satisfactory piece of work
to show an independent approach
NOTE to strike the right note
FANFARE with much fanfare to make a good impression
with great enthusiasm and public
acclaim OPERA a soap opera
a radio or television serial, often based
FIDDLE to fiddle while Rome burns on exaggerated domestic situations of
to neglect important considerations no great importance (refers to sponsor-
while concentrating on trivial side- ship by soap manufacturers)
ORCHESTRATE to orchestrate
FIDDLE to play second fiddle something
to fulfill a subordinate role to arrange for something to happen
GAMUT the whole gamut OVERTONE overtones
the whole range of some activity implied threats
HARMONIZE to harmonize several OVERTURE to make overtures to
things someone
to make several things conform with to make suggestions to a person, in-
each other viting further negotiations

PEDAL to softpedal TIME to mark time

to restrain oneself to do nothing while awaiting develop-
PIPE to pipe someone on board
to welcome a person TRUMPET to blow one's own
PIPER he who pays the piper calls to immodestly publicize one's own
the tune attributes
a person contributing money or re-
sources to a project is entitled to a TRUMPET with a flourish of
say in its control trumpets
PITCH to be up to concert pitch
to be ready TUNE he who pays the piper calls
the tune
PLAY to play it by ear a person contributing money or re-
to develop one's strategy to always fit sources to a project is entitled to a
in with circumstances as they change say in its control
from time to time
TUNE to be in tune with someone
SING it's not over till the fat lady to think on the same lines as another
sings person
it is not finished yet
TUNE to change one's tune
SING to all sing from the same to alter one's publicly-expressed views
hymnal WHISTLE you can whistle for it
to act consistently with each other you wish in vain
SING to sing for one's supper
to carry out a task in order to receive MYTHOLOGY
a favor in return
ACHILLES to be someone's
SING to sing someone's praises Achilles' heel
to commend a person exuberantly to represent a weakness in an other-
SONG nothing to make a song or wise strong position (refers to the
dance about Greek warrior who was the hero of
unexciting or unimportant Homer's ILIAD)

SONG to buy something for a song ALADDIN an Aladdin's cave

to buy something very cheaply a place full of unexpected treasure
SONG to make a song and dance CARRY to carry the world on one's
about something shoulders
to create a fuss to resent being left to perform a huge
task single-handedly (refers to Atlas,
SONG to sing a particular song who was condemned to bear the heav-
to state particular views ens on his shoulders for leading the
SWAN swan song Titans against the gods)
last appearance before retirement CRYSTAL a crystal ball
TANGO it takes two to tango accurate knowledge of the future
some activities cannot be carried out DAMOCLES to have a sword of
single-handedly Damocles hanging over one
THEME variations on a theme to be in imminent danger despite nor-
alternative approaches in similar vein mal activity going on all around one

DAY in Halcyon days HERCULEAN to be a Herculean

in past happier times (refers to the 14 task
days about the winter solstice when to be laborious
winds were calm and to the mythical
HYDRA a hydra-headed monster
bird said to breed in a floating nest at
an evil which is not readily destroyable
that time)
DELPHIC Delphic MAGIC a magic bullet
deliberately obscure (refers to the or- a guaranteed remedy
acle at Delphi) MAGIC to get a magic carpet ride
FAIRY a fairy godmother to something
a person showing great kindness to be very fortunate in achieving some
FAIRY to believe in the tooth fairy objective
to be particularly gullible MARINER to be an albatross around
GENIE to let the genie out of the someone's neck
bottle to be a great burden (popularized by
to cause something irreversible to take Coleridge's ANCIENT MARINER)
place MIDAS the Midas touch
GENIE to put the genie back in the attributes which cause a person's ven-
bottle tures to be extremely profitable (re-
to undo something which cannot be fers to King Midas of Phrygia, who
undone had the power to turn everything he
GHOST not the ghost of a chance touched into gold)
no hope at all NEMESIS nemesis
GHOST to give up the ghost downfall serving as retribution (refers
to die to a goddess in Greek mythology)
GIFT I fear the Greeks even when PANDORA to open up a Pandora's
they bear gifts box
I am suspicious of generous behavior to do something which produces all
from traditional opponents (from Vir- sorts of undesired and unexpected side-
gil's AENEID, in reference to the Tro- effects (refers to the woman in Greek
jan horse) mythology who was meant to bring
GOD to be in the lap of the gods misery to mankind; the box contained
to be a matter of pure chance (refers human ills)
to wax tablets inscribed with requests
and placed on the knees of statues of PHOENIX to rise from the ashes like
Greek gods) a Phoenix
GORDIAN to cut the Gordian knot to be the replacement for something
destroyed in some disaster (refers to a
to solve, especially by force, a virtu-
mythical bird which was supposed to
ally insoluble problem (refers to a
rise from the ashes of its funeral pyre
complicated knot tied by Gordius and
with renewed youth)
eventually cut by Alexander the Great)
HERCULEAN a Herculean SCYLLA to be between Scylla and
cleaning of the stables Charybdis
a thorough revision of operating pro- to be faced with two equally unpalat-
cedure (refers to Hercules, a mythical able alternatives which cannot both
Greek hero who cleaned the stables be avoided (refers to the voyage of
of Augeas) Ulysses)

SPELL to break the spell BOW shots across the bow

to spoil the effect warnings
SPIRIT kindred spirit BRACE to splice the main brace
person with similar interests and ec- to serve an extra ration of rum
CANOE to paddle one's own canoe
TROJAN a Trojan horse to do something unaided and in one's
a trick (refers to a large gift horse full own way
of soldiers used to bring about the
fall of Troy, as described in Homer's COLOR to pass with flying colors
ILIAD) to be very successful
COLOR to sail under false colors
NAUTICAL to pretend that one's real character or
beliefs are different from what they
ADRIFT to come adrift really are
(of a plan) not to work out as intended
COLOR to show one's true colors
AFLOAT to stay afloat to disclose one's real character or
to remain solvent beliefs
ANCHOR the sheet anchor COURSE to be on course
the source of one's confidence to be progressing satisfactorily toward
ANCHOR to anchor one's goal
to fix firmly
DECK a loose cannon on the deck
ANCHOR to weigh anchor a mistake likely to cause trouble
to move to another address
DECK all hands on deck
BACKWASH backwash everybody is requested to help out
DECK to be back on deck
BERTH to give someone a wide berth to have returned after an absence
to go out of one's way to avoid con-
tact with a person DECK to clear the decks
to get ready for action
BOARD to pipe someone on board
to welcome a person DOLDRUMS to be in the doldrums
to be depressed or to show no activity
BOARD to take something on board (refers to a region of little wind near
to offer to give further consideration the equator, becalming sailing ships)
to a matter
EBB ebb and flow
BOARDER to repel boarders fluctuations
to keep out unwanted persons
EBB to ebb away
BOAT to be in the same boat to decline gradually
to share a common set of difficulties
FIGUREHEAD a figurehead
BOAT to get off the boat the ceremonial chief officer of some
to disassociate oneself from some organization without any real power
project (refers to the carving at the front of a
BOAT to miss the boat ship)
to fail to exploit an opportunity FISH a fishing expedition
BOAT to rock the boat an exercise designed to get informa-
to disturb the comfortable status quo tion to which one is not strictly entitled

FLAGSHIP flagship LLOYD to be Al at Lloyd's

most important member of a group of to be in perfect order (refers to the
related entities classification of ships in Lloyd's reg-
ister in London)
FLOTSAM flotsam and jetsam
derelict persons, without a fixed abode MAST to nail one's colors to the
or stable life (refers to goods found mast
floating and to goods thrown over- to publicly declare one's position and
board deliberately, respectively) to maintain it in the face of criticism
FLOW ebb and flow NET to catch someone in the net
fluctuations to unexpectedly involve a particular
HATCH to batten down the hatches person in the course of activity de-
to get ready for expected difficulties signed to involve many others

HELM to be at the helm NET to draw the nets closer

to be in charge to intensify one's efforts
HIGH to leave someone high and NET to slip through the net
dry to happen as an isolated case despite
to withdraw all support from a person steps taken to prevent such events
ICEBERG to be the tip of the NET to spread the net more widely
iceberg to become more comprehensive
to be only a very small portion of a
much larger but less obvious whole OCEAN an ocean full offish
plenty of opportunity
JETSAM flotsam and jetsam
derelict persons, without a fixed abode OCEAN to be only a drop in the
or stable life (see flotsam) ocean
to be quite insignificant in the total
JETTISON to jettison some proposal scene
to abandon some proposal as worth-
less or impracticable OIL to pour oil on troubled waters
to calm down a situation
JIB the cut of someone's jib
someone's personal appearance OVERBOARD to go overboard
to act foolishly and in an excessive
KEEL to keep something on an even way
to ensure that something is not harmed PAINTER to cut the painter
to become separated
KEELHAUL to keelhaul someone
to penalize a person PEBBLE not to be the only pebble
KEEP to keep a weather eye out for on the beach
something not to be the only available person
to look out with particular care PIER take a long walk on a short
KNOT at a rate of knots pier
very fast go away, I want no dealings with you
LEEWAY to make up leeway PIRATE pirate
to get back to a normal position or to (of radio) unlicensed; (of recordings
get to the position held by one's or computer software) published in
competitors breach of copyright law

PLANK to walk the plank SAIL to take the wind out of

to face certain doom someone's sails
to upset a person by anticipating his
PLIMSOLL the Plimsoll line actions or using arguments which he
the standard was proposing to use
POLE not to touch something with SAIL to trim one's sails
a ten-foot pole to institute austerity
to go out of one's way to avoid
something SEA between the devil and deep blue
PORT any port in a storm to be faced with two equally unpalat-
anything which helps to avoid diffi- able alternatives which cannot both
culties is welcome be avoided
PORT port of call SEA to be all at sea
one of a series of places being visited to be confused as to what is going on
and what to do next
PUMP all hands to the pumps
everybody is requested to help out SHIP a case of rats leaving a sinking
RAFT life raft the desertion of an enterprise in antic-
financial assistance sufficient to avert ipation of imminent failure
SHIP enough to sink a battleship
RIDE to ride out the storm more than sufficient
to come safely through some danger-
ous situation SHIP ship shape
in excellent condition
RIPPLE to make ripples
to disturb the status quo SHIP ships that pass in the night
persons who fail to meet up
ROPE to know the ropes
to know how to do one's job SHIP to abandon ship
to abrogate one's responsibilities or
ROPE to learn the ropes to abandon a project
to be taught the elementary features
SHIP to be a rudderless ship
ROPE to show someone the ropes to be a project not managed properly
to teach a beginner how to do some-
thing SHIP to run a tight ship
to manage an efficient organization
SAIL to be plain sailing
to be quite straightforward and very SHIP to run one's own ship
easy to do things and organize subordi-
nates in one's own way
SAIL to sail against the wind
to oppose the views currently being SHIP to spoil the ship for ha'p'orth
help by others of tar
SAIL to sail close to the wind to engage in a false economy (the
to act in a very dangerous manner current word "ship" is actually a
mistake for the original word "sheep"
SAIL to set sail and the tar refers to the treatment of
to commence a voyage wounds)

SHIP when one's ship comes in TITANIC to rearrange the deckchairs

when one's business venture is suc- on the Titanic
cessfully completed or when luck to take some initiative which is quite
arrives useless because it does not take much
greater change into account
SHOAL to founder on the shoals of
something TOUCH it was touch and go
to come to grief because of unexpect- there were considerable risks—the
ed dangers objective was achieved, but only just
SIDE a broadside WAKE in the wake of someone
a short verbal attack following a person's example
SINK it is a case of sink or swim WATER to be in uncharted waters
the attempt is worthwhile, despite the to be the first to experience something
risk of failure WAVE to be on the crest of a wave
SINK to sink without a trace to enjoy success which may not last
to disappear completely WAVE to cause waves
to disturb the status quo
SLACK to take up the slack
to take advantage of surplus capacity WRECK to salvage something out
of the wreck
SNAG to strike a snag to achieve some minor benefits out of
to encounter a difficulty a disastrous situation
SOUNDING to take a sounding
to ascertain people's views
STORM the calm before the storm
the quiet period before an expected or ACORN tall oaks from little acorns
inevitable crisis grow
even major enterprises have to have
TACK to be on the wrong tack small beginnings (from "Lines writ-
to be using an incorrect procedure or ten for a School Declamation" by
policy David Everett)
TACK to change tack APPLE to add apples to oranges
to alter one's direction to quite illogically lump unconnected
TIDE the tide has turned things together
conditions have changed APPLE to be the apple of someone's
TIDE the tide is running in favor eye
of some proposition to be a person of whom another per-
public opinion supports some proposi- son is proud
tion BEAN not to have a bean
TIDE to be caught by the tide to have no money
to be dealt with by something inevitable BEAN not to matter a row of beans
TIDE to stem the tide to be utterly unimportant
to make progress against something BEAN to know how many beans
TIDE to swim against the tide make five
to take up a minority position to have common sense
TIDE to turn the tide BLOSSOM to blossom
to reverse the direction of something (of a person's attributes) to develop

BUD to nip something in the bud DEFLOWER to deflower

to stop some activity in its early stages to deprive of virginity
when stopping it is still relatively
easy DISSEMINATE to disseminate ideas
to spread ideas to a wide audience
BUSH a bird in the hand is worth (lit., "to scatter seeds in various
two in the bush places")
a benefit currently available is more
valuable than a seemingly much larg- FALL windfall
er benefit which may or may not be unexpected good fortune
achieved in the future FIG one would not give a fig for
BUSH to beat about the bush something
to hide the unpleasant truth one regards something as worthless

BUSHEL to hide one's light under FRUIT by their fruits ye shall know
a bushel them
to keep others in ignorance of one's their reputation will be based on their
skills and experience results (Matthew 7:20)

BUSHFIRE to fight bushfires FRUIT forbidden fruit

to deal with crises as they arise rather something particularly desired just be-
than take preventative action cause it is not allowed (Genesis 2:17)

CABBAGE to be on someone's FRUIT to bear fruit

cabbage patch to result in success
to engage in a competitive activity in FRUITLESS fruitless
a territory regarded by someone al- yielding no benefit
ready there as rightfully belonging
exclusively to him GOOSEBERRY to play gooseberry
to act as an unwelcome chaperon
CARROT sticks and carrots
disincentives and incentives in com- GRAIN something goes against the
bination (refers to the handling of grain
donkeys) something is completely and frustrat-
ingly against a person's inclination
CHAFF to separate the wheat from
the chaff GRAPE that is just sour grapes
to distinguish between important and those are disparaging remarks made
unimportant ingredients only because he is peeved and resent-
ful at someone else's better fortune
CHERRY to get only one bite at the
cherry GRAPE to hear on the grapevine
to receive no further opportunity to learn unofficially
CLOVER to be in clover GRAPE what is this — a bunch of
to enjoy a life of ease and luxury grapes or a bowl of goldfish?
surely you know what this is!
CORE rotten to the core
completely corrupt GRASS a snake in the grass
a person of low character
CORE to be the hard core
to be the central and most difficult GRASS grass roots
problem at the lowest level

GRASS not to let grass grow under NUTSHELL in a nutshell

one's feet by way of summary
not to let inertia or delay spoil some-
OAK tall oaks from little acorns grow
even major enterprises have to have
HAY to look for a needle in a small beginnings (from "Lines writ-
haystack ten for a School Declamation" by
to attempt something with a very small David Everett)
chance of success
OAK to have a heart of oak
HAY to make hay while the sun to be brave
OATS to feel one's oats
to utilize an opportunity before it
to display self-importance
OLIVE to hold out an olive branch
JUNGLE the law of the jungle
to make peace overtures (Genesis 8:11)
the principle that those having power
will use it at the expense of all others ONION to know one's onions
to be well informed in some area
LEMON the answer is a lemon
(refers to Dr. C.T. Onions, editor
the outcome is inconclusive
LEMON to sell someone a lemon TIONARY)
to sell a person a grossly defective
ORANGE to add apples to oranges
product on the basis that it represents
to quite illogically lump unconnected
things together
LEMON to suck the lemon dry
PEA a pea and thimble trick
to get the maximum advantage out of
a clever fraud committed in the pres-
some favorable situation
ence of its victim without this being
LILY lily-livered obvious at the time
PINEAPPLE to have hold of the
LILY lily-white wrong end of the pineapple
honest and incorruptible to be utterly mistaken
LILY to gild the lily PLUM the plum
(actually: to gild refined gold, to paint the best item in a collection
the lily) to do something patently
POPPY a tall poppy
a person with great power or respon-
LIMB to go out on a limb sibility and/or in receipt of high
to put oneself at risk through foolish remuneration
POPPY to cut tall poppies down to
MUSHROOM to mushroom size
to expand rapidly to humiliate haughty persons
NETTLE to grasp the nettle POTATO a hot potato
to deal with a neglected difficulty an embarrassing issue
NUT to be nuts POTATO to be small potatoes
to be crazy to be quite unimportant
NUT to be nuts about someone PRUNE to prune
to be infatuated with a person to remove the superfluous

REED to be a broken reed STRAW to clasp at straws

to be a weak and unreliable person to have a hopeless case but show
unjustified optimism on noting minor
ROOT deep-rooted positive features
strongly felt
STRAW to draw the short straw
ROOT to put one's roots down to be the one appointed to do something
to settle in
THORN to be a thorn in someone's
ROOT to strike at the roots of flesh
something to be a person whose persistent pres-
to work toward the destruction of ence and righteous views annoy
THORN to wear one's crown of
ROSE a rose between two thorns thorns
something beautiful in the midst of to have one's own difficulties (John
ugliness 19:5)
ROSE a rose by any other name TREE to bark up the wrong tree
would smell as sweet to reach an incorrect conclusion
the form does not affect the substance
TREE to be at the top of the tree
(from Shakespeare' s ROMEO AND JULIET)
to be a leading member of one's
ROSE to be no bed of roses profession
to be difficult or uncomfortable TREE to be up a gum tree
ROSE to be on a path strewn with to be in difficulty or at the end of
roses one's resources
to lead a very pleasant life TREE to be up a tree
ROSE to come up smelling like a to be perplexed or cornered
rose TREE to shake a tree
not to have a stain on one's character to do something in order to see what
SEED to run to seed will result
to become shabby VEGETABLE to become a vegetable
to lose one's mental and physical
SEED to sow seeds
to propagate ideas in the hope that
they will be adopted VINE to wither on the vine
by virtue of changed circumstances
STRAW straws in the wind
of the effluxion of time to be no
unofficial preliminary indications of
longer relevant
something likely to be formally re-
vealed soon VIOLET a shrinking violet
a shy person
STRAW the final straw
the latest step, which, when added to WEED to weed some group out
a large number of seemingly harm- to get rid of some elements not meet-
less previous steps, sets off a disaster ing a desired standard
resulting from cumulative effect
WHEAT to separate the wheat from
STRAW to be a man of straw the chaff
to have no assets while giving a con- to distinguish between important and
trary appearance unimportant ingredients

WOOD not to see the wood for the APOCRYPHAL apocryphal

trees fictitious but resembling truth and il-
to overlook the general picture be- lustrating a point
cause of undue concentration on the BABEL a tower of Babel
details a noisy and confused assembly (Gen-
WOOD to get rid of the dead wood esis 11)
to terminate the services of unsatis- BAPTISM a baptism of fire
factory personnel the commencement of an operation
which presented great difficulty
RELIGION AMD BE to be kosher
BIBLICAL to fulfill all requirements (refers to
food complying with all aspects of
ADAM not to know someone from Jewish religious law)
to be unable to recognize a person BEADLEDOM beadledom
stupid officiousness
ADAM since Adam was a boy
for a very long time BIBLE a bible basher
a person who makes unwelcome at-
ALTAR to sacrifice something on the tempts to force his religious beliefs
altar of some belief on others
to give up some benefit as a matter of
principle BIBLE to be the bible
to be the authority
ANGEL a fallen angel
a previously trusted person who has BLESSING a blessing in disguise
transgressed an unwelcome but salutary experience

ANGEL fools rush in where angels BLESSING to be a mixed blessing

fear to tread to be an outcome with some desirable
unsophisticated persons take unwise and some undesirable features
risks in circumstances where more BLESSING to give one's blessing
knowledgeable persons would exer- to something
cise caution to indicate one's approval of something
ANGEL someone's guardian angel BRANCH to hold out an olive
someone's friend, watching over him branch
and advancing his interests to make peace overtures (Genesis 8:11)
ANGEL to be an angel CAST to cast one's bread upon the
to be very helpful waters
ANGEL to be no angel not to expect gratitude or recognition
to have a great many serious faults for one's good works (Ecclesiastes
ANGEL to be on the side of the
CHANGE to ring the changes
to exhaust the number of différent
to be on the side of righteousness
ways of doing something (refers to
(from a speech by Benjamin Disraeli)
the permutations used for ringing peals
ANOINT the anointed one of church bells)
the desired successor CHRISTMAS all his Christmases
ANTEDILUVIAN antediluvian came at once
very outmoded he was overjoyed

COMMANDMENT eleventh DEVIL to give the devil his due

commandment to be fair (a phrase used in parenthe-
unwritten rule sis, and only in the infinitive)
CURATE to be curate's egg DEVIL to grab the devil by the tail
to be good only in parts (refers to an to face up to difficulties
1895 cartoon in PUNCH)
ENSHRINE to enshrine
DAY a red-letter day to incorporate as an important part of
an important occasion (refers to the something
color used to print saints' days on
FAITH an article of faith
some calendars)
a fundamental belief on which certain
DEVIL a devil-may-care attitude behavior is based
a reckless attitude
FAITHFUL the old faithful
DEVIL be a devil! a greatly loved article
take a chance!
FOR a tooth for a tooth
DEVIL between the devil and the retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
deep blue sea
GOD a little tin god
to be faced with two equally unpalat-
a petty tyrant
able alternatives which cannot both
be avoided GOD the mills of God grind slowly
DEVIL he must have a long spoon retribution may be delayed but is
that sups with the devil inevitable
great care is needed when negotiating GODFORSAKEN godforsaken
deals with disreputable parties dismal and without any redeeming
DEVIL poor devil feature
person to be pitied GOLIATH a Goliath
DEVIL talk of the devil a giant or a person whose ability and
here is the person we were just achievements exceed those of most
discussing other people (1 Samuel 17)

DEVIL the devil can cite scripture GOSPEL to take something as gospel
for his purpose to believe that something is true
a person can quote a respectable or HEAVEN heaven help you!
hostile authority while advocating a you are in trouble
disreputable cause of his own (from
Shakespeare's MERCHANT OF VENICE) HEAVEN heaven only knows
it is not known
DEVIL the devil one knows is better
than the devil one does not know HEAVEN manna from heaven
the status quo is more comfortable unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15)
than change HEAVEN to be in seventh heaven
DEVIL to act as a devil s advocate to be very happy
to put a point of view which one does HEAVEN to move heaven and earth
not hold in order to draw out the best to do everything possible
arguments regarding a proposition (re-
fers to a church official vetting a HEAVEN to reek to high heaven
candidate for sainthood) to be patently unethical

HELL all hell broke loose JEREMIAH Jeremiah

great confusion erupted a person who looks on the gloomy
side of everything (refers to the proph-
HELL come hell or high water et Jeremiah in the Old Testament)
regardless of the consequences
JERICHO walls of Jericho
HELL on a cold day in hell something seemingly solid but actual-
never ly destructible (Joshua 6:20)
HELL to be hell bent on something JUDAS to play Judas
to be very determined to achieve some- to betray a person (Matthew 26)
thing, regardless of the adverse con- LIMBO to be in limbo
sequences to have one's ultimate fate yet to be
HELL to frighten hell out of someone determined
to alarm a person LIMBO to consign something to
HELL to give someone hell to consider something as permanently
to make life difficult for a person disposed of
HELL to have a snowflake's chance MAHOMET if the mountain will not
in hell come to Mahomet then Mahomet will
to have no hope or possibility at all go to the mountain
on recognizing that one has insuffi-
HELL to raise merry hell cient power to effect one's most de-
to prominently involve others in a sired solution, one decides to make
matter in the expectation of signifi- do with the next best alternative
cant results from this action
MOTE a mote in someone's eye
HERESY heresy a fault in another person which is
views different from those held by trifling in comparison to an unrecog-
the majority nized major fault in oneself (Matthew
HOLY a holier-than-thou attitude MUMBO mumbo jumbo
excessive righteousness blatant nonsense (refers to a deity
HOLY search for the Holy Grail worshipped by primitive tribes)
work toward a difficult goal (refers to PARADISE to live in a fool's
a vessel supposedly used by Christ at paradise
the last supper and featuring in the to delude oneself
Arthurian legends)
PARISH parish pump issues
HYMNAL to all sing from the same issues of trivial importance
hymnal PAROCHIAL parochial
to act consistently with each other narrow minded

IMPRIMATUR imprimatur POINT to point the bone at someone

confirmation that something is in or- to accuse a person (actually, an Aus-
der (Latin, "let it be printed"; refers tralian Aboriginal method of applying
to the formal ruling given by a Ro- a curse)
man Catholic bishop authorizing the PONTIFICATE to pontificate
publication of a book on religion or to speak as if with great authority and
morals) with an assumed air of infallibility

PRAYER on a wing and a prayer SHRIFT to give someone short shrift

without proper resources to be impatient with a person (refers
to the confession to a priest just be-
PRAYER the answer to a maiden's
fore an execution)
an unexpected but very welcome SIN for one's sins
happening by way of punishment, as it were
PREACH to preach to the converted SOLOMON to need the wisdom of
to say something to those who al- Solomon
ready believe in it to be faced with the need to make a
difficult decision (1 Kings 3:16-28)
PRIEST the high priest of something
the leading advocate of something SOUL a soul brother
a person of similar ideals
RELIGIOUSLY religiously
conscientiously SOUL a soul-searching exercise
an examination of the advantages and
SACRED a sacred cow disadvantages of a proposal
an institution so well established that
SOUL heart and soul
it is virtually unalterable
with great energy
SACRED a sacred trust SOUL soul-destroying
a moral obligation extremely boring and demotivating
SACRED nothing is sacred SOUL to bare one's soul
nothing is safe from interference talkatively to give a revealing insight
SACRIFICIAL sacrificial lamb into oneself
somebody unfairly made to suffer for SOUL to be the life and soul of the
the mistakes of others party
SAINT a saint to be the prime enthusiast for a cause
a good person SOUL to keep body and soul together
SAINT to have the patience of a to keep alive
saint SPIRIT the spirit is willing but the
to endure annoyances with particular flesh is weak
calm the body is not up to the demands
SCAPEGOAT a scapegoat made on it
a person unfairly blamed for some- TOTEM to be at the bottom of the
thing not his fault totem pole
SCRIPTURE the devil can cite to be in the most junior position in
scripture for his purpose some hierarchy
a person can quote a respectable or UNHOLY an unholy alliance
hostile authority while advocating a a working relationship for a nefarious
disreputable cause of his own (from purpose between unlikely partners
VERSE to quote chapter and verse
SHIBBOLETH a shibboleth to authenticate the information
a doctrine once held as essential but
now abandoned as having outlived its
usefulness (a word used as a test to
determine to which tribe an Israelite ACID to be the acid test
belonged) (Judges 12:6) to establish something beyond doubt

ACID to put the acid on someone DEGREE to the nth degree

to make demands on a person with great precision
BALANCE to weigh two alternative DENOMINATOR the lowest common
propositions in the balance denominator
to assess the relative significance to the highest level of taste found among
two alternative propositions all the members of some target audi-
BLOW to blow up ence
(of a person) to express rage DOCTOR just what the doctor
BREAD to claim that something is ordered
the best thing since sliced bread exactly right
to have an exaggerated opinion of the ECLIPSE to eclipse someone
importance or novelty of an invention to outshine a person
or practice
ELEMENT to be in one's element
BUBBLE the bubble has burst to very comfortable in familiar sur-
the inevitable has occurred or the roundings or in an environment in
scheme has come to ruination which one can cope very readily
BURNER something is on the back EMOLLIENT to be an emollient
burner to be a measure designed to make
consideration is postponed pending people more favorably disposed to
further research one's wishes
CATALYST a catalyst ENCAPSULATE to encapsulate
a factor causing something to happen some idea
CHEMISTRY good chemistry to reduce the essential points of a
a good ability to work closely together complicated proposal to a small num-
ber of words
CIRCLE to try to square the circle
to attempt the impossible (refers to a FEEDBACK feedback
classical problem in geometry, name- response from a target audience to
ly, to construct with a compass a those seeking to influence it
square of the same area as a given FEVER to be at fever pitch
circle) to be in a state of excited activity
CIRCUIT to short-circuit something FILTER to filter through to someone
to do something, eliminating various (of information) to eventually reach a
intermediate steps person
CONCRETE to set something in FIREWORKS fireworks
concrete aggressive behavior because of anger
to make something virtually unalterable
FLAME an old flame
COUNT the final countdown a former lover
the last stages of something (refers to
the launch of space vehicles) FLAME keepers of the flame
persons keen to maintain old traditions
CRYSTALLIZE to crystallize
to emerge in its final form FLAME to fan the flames
to increase unrest
CURE the cure is worse than the
disease FLAME to pour gasoline on the
the remedy involves more disadvan- flames
tages than if it were not applied to make a bad situation worse

FLAME to rekindle an old flame MEDICINE to get a taste of one's

to inspire the reinstatement of a for- own medicine
mer loving relationship to suffer from an initiative intended
to affect only other persons
FLUX to be in a state of flux
to be subject to continuous change MEDICINE to take one's medicine
to submit to something unpleasant
FOCUS to bring something into focus
but necessary
to put some matter into its proper
context and explain its true significance METEORIC meteoric
FOCUS to focus on something
to concentrate attention on something MICROSCOPE to be under the
FREEZE to freeze someone out microscope
to deliberately exclude a person to be the subject of close examination

GALVANIZE to galvanize someone MOMENTUM to have momentum

into action to move along forcefully
to enthuse a person into doing some- PENDULUM the swing of the
thing pendulum
GRAVITY the center of gravity the alternation of voter acceptance
the place most convenient to the between opposing political parties
greatest number PILL to be a bitter pill to swallow
GRAVITY to defy gravity to be a great humiliation and disap-
to go up when the expectation is to pointment which have to be endured
go down
PILL to sugar the pill
HOT red hot to cause something to be more accept-
highly exciting and desirable able
HOYLE according to Hoyle PLANET to be off the planet
with authority to be extremely naive or uninformed
IMPETUS to have impetus POLARIZE to polarize
to move along forcefully to cause people to identify themselves
LINE to take the line of least as belonging to groups holding op-
resistance posing views
to succumb to outside pressure PSYCHOLOGY at the psychological
LITMUS a litmus test moment
an event which allows the outcome of at the most appropriate instant of time
future events to be predicted more (a phrase which actually confuses the
accurately German word for "motive" with the
LOUD to come through loud and term for an instant of time)
clear QUANTUM a quantum leap
to be well understood a gigantic step forward
MAGNET to be a magnet SCALES to tip the scales
to be a factor drawing a crowd of to be a factor which in combination
people with other factors results in a particu-
MEDICINE strong medicine lar decision which would otherwise
a tough remedy not have been reached

SHOT a shot in the arm VITRIOL to pour vitriol on

something to revive a person's enthu- something
siasm to sharply criticize something
SKYROCKET to skyrocket WATER to water down something
(of a price of value) to increase great- to reduce the severe impact of some-
ly in a short time thing
SOFTEN to soften someone up WAVELENGTH to be on the same
to make a person more favorably dis- wavelength
posed to one's wishes to think on similar lines
SPECTACLES to see something WAVELENGTH to be on the wrong
through rose-colored spectacles wavelength
to appreciate only the advantages and to be incorrect in one's thinking
to completely disregard the disadvan-
tages WHEEL to reinvent the wheel
to waste resources doing something
SPECTRUM spectrum already accomplished
wide range of different opinions or
backgrounds WIRE to have one's wires crossed
STAR one can thank one's lucky to be mistaken about key facts
one was extremely fortunate SEX
STAR rising star BASTARD a bastard
person making good progress in his an unpleasant person
BEAR not to have been born
STAR to have stars in one's eyes yesterday
(for emotional rather than rational rea- not be naive
sons) to be ecstatic
BEAR to be born on the wrong side
STAR to shoot for the stars
of the blanket
to be unrealistic
to be illegitimate
TANGENT to go off at a tangent
to depart from the main matter under BEAR to be born with a silver spoon
consideration and follow instead some in one's mouth
other matter only marginally related to be brought up by wealthy parents
to it BIRTH to give birth to something
TONIC to be a tonic to create or invent something
to cheer someone up EMASCULATE to emasculate
TUNE to stay tuned something
to keep in touch for further informa- to delete the essential features of
tion as it becomes available something

TUNE to tune in JUMP to jump into bed with someone

to pay attention to enter into a joint enterprise with
another person
VACUUM to fill a vacuum
to take advantage of an opportunity PULL to pull one's fingers out
not acted on by others to get on with a job with alacrity

SPORT BANDY to bandy something about

to discuss something in a light-heart-
AND neck and neck
ed manner
(of contestants) with little between
them BASE to get to first base
to succeed in getting others to start
BACK to back the wrong horse
comprehending a problem
to have faith in, give support to and/
or invest in a project which proves to BAT off one's own bat
be unsuccessful on a person's own initiative and with-
out outside help
BALL to be a new ball game
to be subject to completely revised BAT to go in to bat for someone
rules or very different conditions to carry out a task on another per-
son's behalf
BALL to be in the right ballpark
to be approximately correct BAT to maintain a straight bat
to be efficient
BALL to be on the ball
to be fully informed BAT to open the batting
to be the first in a series of persons
BALL to be right behind the eight
speaking or doing something
to be in a position of extreme BAT to take one's bat and ball home
disadvantage as a gesture of spite to remove an
essential ingredient which one has
BALL to have the ball at one's feet
contributed to a joint enterprise
to have unlimited opportunity
BELL saved by the bell
BALL to keep an eye on the ball
rescued before disaster strikes
to monitor a fast-changing situation
BLOCK stumbling block
BALL to keep the ball rolling
an impediment or difficulty prevent-
to take advantage of the existing mo-
ing the easy completion fo some proj-
mentum or to participate actively
ect or a dilemma involving a moral
BALL to keep up with the ball issue
to stay on top of the situation
BLOW a blow-by-blow description
BALL to pass the ball along a description overburdened by unim-
to cooperate with others portant or irrelevant detail
BALL to play ball BLOW to soften the blow
to cooperate to take action to reduce the trauma of
bad news
BALL to run with the ball
to make the most of the opportunity BORE full bore ahead!
proceed forward!
BALL to start the ball rolling
to commence and enthusiastically ad- BOX to shadow box
vance an activity involving people to go through the motions without
achieving or intending to achieve
BALL to take one's bat and ball anything
as a gesture of spite to remove an CANTER to win the prize in a
essential ingredient which one has canter
contributed to a joint enterprise to win very easily

CANVAS to get off the canvas FIELD a field day

to recover after near defeat a very enjoyable and successful occa-
CHALK to win by a long chalk
to win very conclusively FIELD a level playing field
competition on equal terms
COMPETE to compete on all fours
with someone FIELD to be ahead of the field
to strive on equal terms to be better than one's competitors
COUP to receive the coup de grace FIELD to cover the field
to be finished off by an opponent to be comprehensive
(French, "mercy stroke")
FIELD to exhaust the field
COURSE it is horses for courses to use up all the possibilities
some combinations work particularly
FINISH a photo finish
a close result in a contest
COURSE to be par for the course
FOOTBALL a political football
to be normal
a political issue which is not being
COURT the ball is in someone's debated on its merits
court GAME I'll soon stop his little game
it is some other person's responsibility his activities are not tolerated and I
CRICKET a cricket team will ensure that they cease
eleven people GAME a mug's game
CRICKET not to be cricket activity which wise persons would
to be unfair eschew
DRAW to draw first blood GAME fun and games
to get an advantage amusement derived in the course of a
serious activity
DUCK to break one's duck
to end a spell without results GAME game, set and match
ELEVEN the second eleven GAME it is just a game to someone
persons performing an important func- it is an exercise which a person does
tion but one which is less important not take seriously
than that performed by others (refers
to cricket) GAME the game is up
escape is now impossible
END to go off the deep end
to lose one's temper GAME the only game in town
the only event worthy of attention
END to jump straight in at the deep GAME to beat someone at his own
end game
to do something without a proper to outwit a person in his own special-
lead-in ization
FACE volte face GAME to give the game away
a reversal of previously-held beliefs to cease involvement with some activity
(French, " a turning around")
GAME to lift one's game
FENCE to rush one's fences to raise the standard of one's perfor-
to act precipitately mance

GAME to play a deep game HIT to hit someone for six

to show cunning to damage a person's cause (refers to
GAME to play the game
to observe the letter and the spirit of HOLD no holds barred
the rules or to act honorably without any limitation
GAME to stick to one's game HOLD to hold someone at bay
to confine oneself to activities in areas to successfully resist an attacker
in which one has knowledge and
expertise HOOK hook, line and sinker
GAME what is his game?
what is the significance of his actions? HOP something is but a hop, skip
and jump away
GLOVE to take off the gloves something is nearby
to fight mercilessly or to debate with
great ferocity HURDLE to jump a hurdle
to overcome a problem or difficulty
GOAL to score a goal
to achieve an objective HURDLE to jump that hurdle when
GOAL to score an own goal one comes to it
to blow oneself up to deal with a particular problem only
when it becomes necessary to do so
GOLD to go for the gold
to aim for victory (refers to Olympic INNINGS to have had a good
medals) innings
to have had a successful life (refers to
GRANDSTAND to grandstand cricket)
to bignote oneself
KEEPER to let something go to the
GREYHOUND move over and let keeper
the greyhound see the rabbit to deliberately ignore a particular
move over incident
GROUND to kiss the ground KICK to kick off
to suffer a loss to start some action
GROUND to prepare one's ground LAUREL to look to one's laurels
to get ready for a confrontation to be careful not to lose one's reputa-
tion for some skill
GUARD to catch someone off guard
to surprise a person (a fencing term) LAUREL to rest on one's laurels
to use a reputation for success earned
GUARD to slip under one's guard in earlier times as a substitute for
to cause a mistake to be made despite current endeavor
care being taken to prevent this
LEAGUE to be in the same league
GUN to jump the gun
to have comparable skills
to start before one is meant to
HEAVYWEIGHT a heavyweight LEAP to leap frog something
a person of importance or influence to overtake something, with the like-
lihood of in turn being overtaken (re-
HIT to hit someone below the belt fers to a game in which participants
to act unfairly toward another person jump over each other in turn)

LIGHTWEIGHT lightweight PADDLE to paddle one's canoe

uninfluential to do something unaided and in one's
own way
LINE someone's job is on the line
a person's career path is under con- PARRY to parry some argument
sideration and/or his present position to deflect some argument (refers to
is at risk fencing)
LINE to be line ball PEDAL to backpedal
to be equal to reverse to some extent previously
applied policies
LOOK to need to look over one's
shoulder PEG to peg out
to be subject to attack which is not to die (refers to the final stroke in a
obvious game of croquet)
LURCH to leave someone in the PIN to pin someone down
lurch to find a person willing to accept
to desert a person who is in difficul- blame or responsibility or to force a
ties (refers to the score in certain person to announce a decision or con-
games) cede a point
MARK to be first off the mark PLAY foul play
to start ahead of all others treachery or murder
MARK to be slow off the mark PLAY to be in full play
to be slow to start something to be fully operational
MARK to be up to the mark PLAY to find out the state of play
to be of the right standard to ascertain the current position of
MARK to be wide off the mark some project
to have a belief which is far removed PLAY to play by Marquis of
from the true position Queensberry rules
MARK to hit the mark to act ethically
to achieve one's object or to make
PLAY to play by the book
the correct decision (refers to archery)
to apply the rules strictly
MARK to overstep the mark
to fail to observe the proprieties PLAY to play fast and loose
to disregard one's obligations
MCCOY to be the real McCoy
the genuine article (refers to an Amer- PLAY to play it safe
ican boxer who became world welt- to take no risks
erweight champion in 1890) PLAYERS a trap for young players
OAR to stick one's oar in a good opportunity for the inexperi-
to intervene without invitation in a enced or naive to make mistakes
dispute to which one is not a party
PLUNGE to take the plunge
PACE to put someone through his to expose oneself to certain risks
to test a person POINT to score points
to make a good impression
PACE to set the pace
to give a lead in regard to a rate of POINT to score top points
progression to outwit other persons

POST to pip someone at the post RING to throw one's hat into the
to achieve something only just ahead ring
of a rival to publicly announce one's interest in
some position
PRESERVES to poach on someone's
preserves ROPE to be on the ropes
to encroach uninvited on another per- to be facing defeat
son's territory
ROUND to be only round one
PRIZE not to be here to win prizes to be only the first of many stages
to be altruistic
ROUND to win some rounds
PRIZE to win the booby prize to be partly successful
to do worse than all others
RUB here's the rub
PUNCH to be punch drunk this is where a difficulty arises (a
to be stupefied by some news term used in bowling)
PUNCH to beat someone to the RUN to be up and running
punch to be operative
to get to some objective ahead of
RUN to have a run for one's money
some keen rival
to at least get some enjoyment out of
PUNCH to telegraph one's punches an otherwise abortive exercise
by one's actions to give advance warn- RUN to have the runs on the board
ing of one's future plans to have a demonstrable record of
RACE not to be in the race achievement
to lack the required standard RUNNER front-runner
RACE rat race person expected to win
pressures of modern living SADDLE to be in the saddle
RACE your race is run to be in command
you have had your opportunity SCORE to even the score
REIN to take over the reins to get one's own back for some past
to assume control action
SCORE to score a point
RIDE riding instructions
to make a clever contribution in the
directions as to how to do something
course of debate
RIDE to be riding for a fall SCORE to see the score
to act in a reckless manner to appreciate the reality of a situation
RIDE to ride high SCRATCH to be back to scratch
to be successful but vulnerable to have to start all over again
RIDE to ride roughshod over SCRATCH to be up to scratch
someone to be of the required standard
to disregard the feelings and wishes
of a person SCRATCH to start from behind
RING to jump into the ring to be faced with a handicap
to join in enthusiastically
SCRATCH to start from scratch
RING to step into the ring to commence something without the
to enter a competitive environment benefit of any past activity

SHOOT to be on a slippery shoot TOWEL to throw in the towel

to court disaster to concede defeat
SIDELINE to sit on the sidelines TRACK track record
not to take part in the main action proven performance
SIT to be a sitting duck TUG a tug of war
to be readily exploited a dispute in which each protagonist
desires a different course of action
SKATE to get one's skates on
to hurry up TURF to be on one's own turf
to engage in one's own customary
SKATE to skate around some subject
area of activity
by diversionary tactics to avoid dis-
cussing some subject WALKOVER a walkover
an easy victory
SKITTLES not to be all beer and
skittles WARM to warm up
not to be all pleasant and easy to get ready
SOMERSAULT to turn a complete WICKET to be on a sticky wicket
somersault to face some difficulties (refers to
to reverse one's established policy cricket)
SPLASH to make a splash WINNER to be on a winner
to create a sensation to have faith in, give support to and/
or invest in a project which proves to
SPONGE to throw up the sponge
be successful
to concede defeat
WOODEN to get the wooden spoon
SPRINGBOARD a springboard
to come ingloriously last
a situation from which one intends to
make a rapid advance
START to have a head start
to have an advantage over others ACT to be a hard act to follow
to be an impressive performance, not
STRAP to hit the straps
easily matched by the next person
to really get going
STRETCH to enter the home stretch ACT to clean up one's act
to fix up the deficiencies in one's
to commence the last stage
STROKE a master stroke
particularly brilliant action ACT to get in on the act
to participate in some activity started
STUMPS until stumps are drawn by others
until the project ends (refers to cricket)
SWIM it is a case of sink or swim ACT to get one's act together
the attempt is worthwhile, despite the to organize one's activities so as to
risk of failure make them efficient

SWIM to be in the swim AISLE to have an audience rolling

to be a member of a group knowing in the aisles
what is going on to amuse an audience
SWIM to swim against the tide BOW to bow out
to take up a minority position to retire from some activity

BOW to take a bow LIGHT to be the leading light

to receive recognition to be the most important person in a
CHARADE to act out a charade venture
ostentatiously to pretend to be doing LIMELIGHT to be in the limelight
something in an ethical fashion to be exposed to public attention
CHOREOGRAPH to choreograph PART to play one's part
something to cooperate or carry out one's obli-
to organize the detail of who does gations under some arrangement
what and when in a project REHEARSAL dress rehearsal
COMEDY a comedy of errors preliminary skirmish
a series of separate mistakes in rela- SCENARIO scenario
tion to some matter (name of a Shake- details of arrangements
speare play)
SCENE behind the scenes
CURTAIN curtain raiser
out of public view or awareness
SCENE to make a scene
CURTAIN it's curtains! to create a fuss
this is the end!
SCENE to quit the scene
CURTAIN the curtain rises on to depart
something is about to start SCENE to set the scene for
CURTAIN to ring down the curtain to get things ready for something
on something
to treat something as concluded SEAT to be on the edge of one's seat
to be very excited at what is currently
DANCE nothing to make a song or happening
dance about
unexciting or unimportant SHOW the show must go on
despite difficulties the action in con-
DANCE to lead someone a merry templation has to proceed
to mislead a person SHOW to get the show on the road
to commence a planned activity
DANCE to make a song and dance
about something SHOW to give the show away
to create a fuss to indiscreetly reveal sensitive infor-
DANSE danse macabre
gruesome final step (French, "ghast- SHOW to steal the show
ly dance") to have the maximum appeal to those
FRANKENSTEIN to create a
Frankenstein SIDESHOW a sideshow
to create something wicked and out an unimportant adjunct
of control (a reference to the fictional SIXTY-FOUR a sixty-four thousand
creator of a monster, in mistake for a dollar question
reference to the monster itself) a pertinent but very difficult question
GALLERY to play to the gallery (refers to a TV show in which an
to do something which appeals to the initial prize doubles with the success-
general public rather than something ful answering of progressively more
which is right difficult questions)

SPOTLIGHT to steal the spotlight BOX to be in the box seat

to set out to be the center of attention to be in a very powerful position to
control activity
STAGE the stage is set
something is about to happen BRAKE to put the brake on someone
STAGE to be center stage to stop a person
to have everyone's attention BUGGY the horse and buggy days
STAGE to be on a world stage long ago
to be prominent in international affairs BUS the wheels are back under the
STAGE to stage-manage something bus
to arrange how something happens normal activity has been resumed

STEAL to steal someone's thunder BUS to jump on the bus

to take credit for another person's to join an activity already well under
good work (refers to a dispute over way
the copying of a machine invented by BUS to miss the bus
a 17th-century dramatist to reproduce to fail to exploit an opportunity
the sound of thunder during a play)
BUSMAN a busman's holiday
STRING to pull strings leisure time spent in a way not
to use one's special influence with significantly different from one's nor-
those in a position to make favorable mal business activities
decisions which might otherwise not
be forthcoming CAB to be the first cab off the rank
to start ahead of all others
TRICK a whole bag of tricks
a series of articles or a series of CARAVAN the caravan will roll on
artificial devices the activity will continue

UPSTAGE to upstage someone CARRY to be carried away

to deprive another person of the glory to be excited by something imaginative
which he would otherwise have enjoyed
CART to put the cart before the
WING to wait in the wings horse
to be prepared to stay unobtrusive till to do things in the wrong order
the appropriate time for action arrives
CART to upset the applecart
to engage in conduct disturbing a
TRANSPORT peaceful state of affairs and thereby
ALLEY to be up one's alley cause discomfort
to be right within a person's expertise CLASS to be first class
of area of interest to be very satisfactory
ALLEY to rush into a blind alley
COACH an opening wide enough to
to make a precipitate move which
drive a coach and four through
does not lead one anywhere
an excellent opportunity
AVENUE avenue
method of approach COACH to drive a coach and horses
through something
BACKFIRE to backfire to demonstrate major errors in some-
to be counterproductive thing

COLLISION to be on a collision HALT to grind to a halt

course to cease some activity despite expec-
to be headed for a clash with an tations that it would continue
HAUL for the long haul
COOK a Cook's tour as a long-term proposition
a guided tour of inspection (refers to
LANE life in the fast lane
Thomas Cook, the travel company)
existence full of exciting but worth-
COVENTRY to send someone to less activity
MILEAGE to get some mileage out
to ostentatiously and collectively ig-
of something
nore a person by way of punishment
to benefit from something
CREEK to be up the creek
NOTCH to move down a notch
to be completely mistaken
to accept a lower position
CYLINDER to spark on all cylinders
PASSPORT to be a passport to
to work extremely well
DERAIL to derail some strategy to be a means of achieving success
to cause a strategy to fail PEDESTRIAN pedestrian
DRIFT to drift apart uninspired
to lose contact or to change feelings POLE to be poles apart
once held in common to have ideas which are very different
DRIVE to drive someone from pillar POST a staging post
to post a place where action is initiated
to send a person to a series of places
in a vain attempt to achieve something POST to go post haste
to go very fast
DRIVE to drive someone up the wall
to annoy another person by one's POWER under one's own power
actions without external help

DRIVER a backseat driver RAIL to run off the rails

a person seeking to exercise control to significantly depart from the in-
tended course of action
DRIVER to be in the driver's seat
to be in charge RAILROAD to railroad something
GARAGE garage sale to rush people into accepting a proposal
sale of miscellaneous assets at cheap
prices RAILWAY what a way to run a
GEAR to be geared up to do the way things are done is disgraceful
something (refers to a cartoon)
to have equipment, labor and know-
how in place adequate for some task RIDE to get a magic carpet ride to
GEAR to be in top gear to be very fortunate in achieving some
to be making excellent progress objective
GRADE to be on the downgrade RIDE to get an armchair ride
to be of deteriorating quality to be given a particularly easy time

RIDE to go along for the ride SEAT to take a backseat

to seek to benefit from a project in not to actively involve oneself
which others contribute the effort STEAM full steam ahead!
RIDE to take someone for a ride get going as fast as possible!
to deceive a person STEAM to develop a head of steam
ROAD a middle-of-the-road solution to gain momentum
a solution near the middle of a range STEAM to let off steam
of possibilities to engage in noisy or robust activity
ROAD all roads lead to Rome as a form of relaxation
all alternatives will have the same STEAM to lose steam
outcome to slow down
ROAD fork in the road STEAM to run out of steam
turning point for decisions to lose one's energy and enthusiasm
ROAD one for the road STEAM under one's own steam
a final drink before leaving without external help
ROAD roadblocks STOP to come to a full stop
difficulties to completely cease activity
ROAD the royal road to success STOP to pull out all stops
the way of attaining success without to make maximum effort
effort STREAM to get on stream
ROAD this is the end of the road to now operate successfully following
for someone the end of a settling-in period
a person will have no further oppor- STREET a one-way street
tunity to do something a flow of activity in only one direction
ROAD to be at the crossroads STREET not to be in the same street
to need to choose between several as someone
mutually exclusive alternatives not to be of comparable quality
ROAD to enter a long road STREET the man in the street
to commence a task which will take a the average citizen
long time STREET to be streets ahead
ROAD to face a rocky road ahead to outperform one's competitors by a
to be likely to encounter difficulties wide margin
ROAD to go down a particular road STREET to walk in. off the street
to adopt a particular strategy to come without prior arrangement or
ROAD to happen down the road
to happen later TIRE to carry a spare tire
to be fat
ROAD to road test something
to try something out under real condi- TRAIL to blaze a trail
tions to be the first person to do something
ROAD to set someone on the right TRAIN to get on a gravy train
road to take steps to become a recipient of
to show a person how to go about benefits which are available but unde-
doing something served

TRAIN to miss the train ARM to be armed to the teeth

to fail to exploit an opportunity to carry many weapons
TRAM to be on the wrong tram ARMOR a chink in someone's armor
to be completely mistaken as to the an opportunity to do something which
basic facts otherwise could not be done
TRUCK it fell off the back of a truck ARMOR a knight in shining armor
it was leaked to me a very helpful person
TUNNEL to see the light at the end ARMS to be up in arms against
of the tunnel something
to be close to finalizing a long exercise to express violent opposition to a
U-TURN to do a U-turn proposal
to reverse one's thinking ARROW another arrow in one's
WAGON to be on the water wagon quiver
to be teetotal an additional reason
WAY to stand in someone's way AX an old battle-ax
to prevent a person achieving his goal a hostile woman
WHEEL the squeaky wheel gets the BARREL with both barrels blazing
most attention with great intensity
those complaining the most loudly
BASTION the last bastion
will get their problems sorted out first
the only remaining defensive measure
WHEEL the wheel has turned
circumstances have changed BATON to have a field marshal's
baton in one's kit
WHEEL the wheel has turned the to be ambitious
complete circle
things are now back to where they BATTLE a battle royal
were before a fight or argument with many simul-
taneous participants
WHEEL the wheels fell off
the plan failed BATTLE to fight an uphill battle
to face difficulties or to have formida-
WHEEL to be a fifth wheel ble opposition
to be superfluous
BATTLESHIP enough to sink a
WHEEL to make the wheels go battleship
round more than sufficient
to cause something to happen
BEARER a standard bearer
WHEEL to put a spoke in someone's
wheel a highly visible activist for a cause
to interfere with another person's ac- BOLT to shoot one's bolt
tivity, so preventing its continuance to lose one's temper
WHEEL to wheel someone in BOMB a bombshell
to bring a person along for a confron- an unpleasant surprise
tation BOMB a time bomb
a source of serious problems which
W/VR AND MILITARY are certain to surface later on
AMMUNITION ammunition BOMB to be a bomb
arguments helpful to a case to be grossly defective

BOMB to put a bomb under someone CATCH catch-22

to induce a person to take some action a situation made impossible because
it requires as a prior fulfillment some-
BOMBARD to bombard someone
thing which does not exist until that
with something
condition is satisfied (title of a novel
to overwhelm a person with material
by Joseph Heller)
or to persistently assail a person with
words of argument or abuse COCK to go off half-cocked
to act without adequate thought or
BOW to draw a long bow
preparation (refers to a gun at the
to state a conclusion which while
possible is unlikely on the known
facts COLUMNIST a fifth columnist
a person using his position of trust to
BREACH once more unto the breach
work for a rival cause
let us get on with the task (from
Shakespeare's HENRY V) COMMAND to be in a commanding
BREACH to stand in the breach
to have a strategic advantage
to bear the brunt of criticisms
BRIDGEHEAD a bridgehead COMMAND to be in command
an advanced post set up to facilitate to be on top of a situation
further access to some new market, CORPS espirit de corps
etc. a feeling of camaraderie and concern
BROADSIDE a broadside for the good name of some organiza-
a short verbal attack tion of which one is a member (French,
"vital breath of a body")
BULLET a gun with no bullets
something incomplete and therefore CUDGEL to take up the cudgels for
useless for the desire purpose someone
to defend a person
BULLET to bite the bullet
to face up to the difficulties of a DAGGER cloak and dagger activity
situation secret activity
BULLET to have a bullet which can DAGGER to look daggers at
be fired someone
to have available an effective response to look at a person in a way which
which can be used at will indicates great animosity
BURN to burn one's bridges DECIMATE to decimate
to do something irreversible to greatly reduce in size (often used
CAMP in our camp in the sense of "to reduce to one
in the group representing our vested tenth," although the original meaning
interest was "to reduce by one tenth")
CANNON a loose cannon on the DECIPHER to decipher something
deck to understand the significance of
a mistake likely to cause trouble something
CATAPULT to catapult DEVASTATE to be devastated
(of sales, etc.) to increase rapidly to be extremely disappointed
CATAPULT to catapult to fame DISASTER a pit of disaster
to achieve fame unexpectedly quickly great and unexpected misfortune

DISPATCH to be mentioned in GAUNTLET to run the gauntlet

dispatches to be subjected to criticism (from the
to be favorably mentioned (refers to Spanish word for "passage," in refer-
military recognition for bravery) ence to punishment inflicted on delin-
quents made to run between two files
DITCH to make a last-ditch stand
of soldiers)
to make a brave effort to stave off
final defeat GROUND to gain ground
to advance one's position relative to
DRAW to be quick on the draw
to act precipitately
GUARD new guard
DRUM to drum someone out of some
changed regime
to terminate in ignominy a person's GUN a gun with no bullets
employment or membership (refers to something incomplete and therefore
the ceremonial cashiering in the army useless for the desired purpose
to the beating of parade drums)
GUN a scattergun approach
DYNAMITE to be dynamite an effort going here, there and every-
to cause outrage where, instead of being properly
DYNAMITE to play with dynamite
to invite trouble by virtue of one's GUN to be a gun for hire
risky conduct to be a person willing to undertake
assignments for a fee
EXPLODE to explode
(of a person) to express rage GUN to be going great guns
to be making very successful progress
FIRE sure-fire
guaranteed GUN to be great guns at something
to be very skilled at something
FIRE to be in the firing line
to be among the first to be under GUN to bring out one's biggest guns
attack to use the most impressive persons or
FIRE to draw fire
to encounter criticism GUN to hold a gun at someone's
FIRE to hang fire head
to put pressure on a person to make a
to take no immediate action
particular decision regardless of his
FIRE to hold fire desires in the matter
to defer criticizing
GUN to look down the barrel of a
FIRE to hold one's fire gun
to delay proposed action to be given little choice in a matter
FLAK to attract flak
to attract criticism GUN to outgun someone
to outmaneuver a person
FORCE to join forces
to cooperate with one another in or- GUN to spike someone's guns
der to achieve a common objective to cause something to become useless
FORT to hold the fort GUN to stick to one's guns
to be in charge during the temporary to continue to hold certain beliefs
absence of a superior notwithstanding opposition by others

GUN to turn one's guns on someone PACKDRILL no names—no

to criticize a person packdrill
the identities of the parties will be
HATCHET to bury the hatchet
kept confidential in order to protect
to abandon hostilities
HERO to make a hero of oneself
PASSWORD the password is
to curry favors
HILT to the hilt the main attraction is so-and-so
to the maximum extent
PETARD to be hoist with one's own
LAND to ascertain the lay of the land petard
to establish the pertinent facts and to have one's own case used against
opinions one (refers to being blown up by
one's own bomb)
LINE to be out of line
to adopt a stance not held by others POINT to refuse point blank
LINE to fall into line to refuse outright
to conform with others POTSHOT to take a potshot at
LINE to put one's reputation on the someone
line to make disparaging remarks about a
to take a public stance in the realiza- person
tion that there is a risk that one's POWDER to keep one's powder dry
reputation will suffer if one is proved to retain key arguments or resources
wrong in reserve for use later
LINE to step out of line RANK to break ranks
to infringe accepted rules of behavior to identify oneself as having separate
LOCK lock, stock and barrel interests or views from the rest of a
entirely group
MARCH in the course of a day's RANK to close ranks
march to sink minor differences in order to
while carrying out one's normal present a unified front to a common
activities enemy
MARINE tell it to the marines READ to read between the lines
such nonsense is not believable to appreciate the true significance of
something not put into words
MINE a minefield
a source of great hidden danger or of RETREAT to beat a retreat
difficulties not obvious on a first to abandon some project
ROCKET to give someone a rocket
ORDER the order of the day to severely reprimand a person
the customary behavior
ROCKET to put a rocket under
ORDER to get one's marching orders someone
to be told to leave to induce a person to take some action
OVERKILL overkill ROCKET to skyrocket
more action than really required for (of a price or value) to increase great-
the purpose ly in a short time

SABER saber rattling SHOT that is a long shot

hints of retribution if certain conduct there is only a remote possibility
does not cease
SHOT to be a sitting shot
SALVO to fire a salvo at someone to be a person whose actions make
to present a series of criticisms to a him very vulnerable to criticism
SHOT to beat by a long shot
SHELL to be shell-shocked to defeat very convincingly
to be stunned by unexpected bad news
SHOT to call the shots
SHOOT a straight shooter to have the direction over a project
a person who is frank and outspoken
SHOT to fire a parting shot
'SHOOT a troubleshooter to make a defiant gesture on leaving
a person good at finding and then
SHOT to give one's best shot
rectifying faults
to make the best attempt possible
SHOOT shoot!
SHOT to have a shot at someone
go on, speak!
to use subtly chosen words implying
SHOOT the whole shooting match friendly criticism but designed to
the whole lot embarrass another person
SHOOT to be shot to pieces SHOT to have a shot at something
to have one's case seriously damaged to attempt to achieve something
SHOOT to be shot to ribbons SIGHT to lower one's sights
(of an argument) to be utterly discred- to reduce one's ambition
SIGHT to set one's sights on
SHOOT to shoot from the hip something
to speak frankly and openly to aim to achieve something
SHOOT to shoot one's mouth off SIGNAL to send a smoke signal
to speak without thinking to given an indication
SHOOT to shoot someone down in SMOKE to set up a smokescreen
flames to deliberately confuse an issue by
to utterly destroy another person's disguising its salient features
SMOKE when the smoke clears
SHOT a big shot when sufficient time has passed
an important person
SOLDIER to be a brave soldier
SHOT a shot in the dark to be brave
an intelligent or lucky guess
SOLDIER to soldier on
SHOT a sitting shot to carry on despite difficulties
an initial move which is designated to
SPEARHEAD to spearhead
establish facts for use in a later action
SHOT opening shot to lead a movement
first step in an activity expected to
SPUR to win one's spurs
last a long time
to gain recognition after a period of
SHOT shots across the bow effort (refers to the earning of a knight-
warnings hood in battle)

STANDOFF a Mexican standoff TOWER to be in an ivory tower

a situation where neither of two par- to be emersed in theoretical consider-
ties is making a move ations and ignorant of the practical
realities (Song of Solomon 7:4)
STORM to barnstorm
to visit accompanied by a show of TRENCH to be back in the trenches
force to be made to carry out menial tasks
STREET there is blood in the streets TRIGGER to be trigger-happy
much damage has been done to a to be impetuous
TRIGGER trigger
STRIKE to be within striking factor responsible for certain events
distance occurring at that particular time
to be fairly close
TROOPER to be a real trooper
STRIPE to earn one's stripes to be a person willing to try anything
to deserve promotion
VANGUARD to be at the vanguard
SWORD to be a two-edged sword of something
to involve both advantages and disad- to be among the first to do something
vantages of similar significance
VICTORY a Pyrrhic victory
SWORD to cross swords with a win which costs more than if there
someone had been a loss (refers to the battle at
to have a disagreement with another which King Pyrrhus of Epirus de-
person feated the Romans at Asculum)
SWORD to have a sword of Damo- VOLLEY to fire a volley at someone
cles hanging over one to send a series of angry messages to
to be in imminent danger despite nor- someone
mal activity going on all around one
WAR the cold war
SWORD to hold a sword at the unfriendly relations between the
someone's throat communist nations and the rest of the
to exert undue pressure on another world
person in an endeavor to achieve a
WAR to be on the warpath
result which would otherwise not be
to be on the lookout for faults which
can be criticized
TARGET a moving target
WARFARE paper warfare
an objective subject to constant revision
an excessive amount of correspond-
TARGET target ence or red tape
WEAPON to use all the weapons
TORPÉDO to torpedo something at one's disposal
to make something ineffective to utilize all available advantages


ABUSE a crusade
an aggressive campaign to achieve
give him an inch and he will take a
some political or social objective
make him a small concession and he a feather in one's cap
will abuse it by taking much more a meritorious personal achievement
to feel the rough side of someone's a giant
tongue a person whose ability and achieve-
to be verbally abused by a person ments exceed those of most other
to get one's head blown off people
to be very soundly abused a milestone
to get the rounds of the kitchen an achievement
(of a husband) to be subject to per-
sonal abuse by his wife a recipe for disaster
a certain way of achieving disaster
to give someone a piece of one's
mind a warm inner glow
to abuse another person satisfaction at some achievement
to kick someone around gateway to something
to abuse a person method of achieving something
ACHIEVEMENT regret at some non-achievement
a Goliath it is no use crying over spilt milk
a giant or a person whose ability and lamenting over a disaster achieves
achievements exceed those of most nothing
other people (1 Samuel 17)
it was touch and go
a bird in the hand is worth two in the
there were considerable risks—the ob-
jective was achieved, but only just
a benefit currently available is more
valuable than a seemingly much larg- one can't make bricks without straw
er benefit which may or may not be one cannot achieve results in the ab-
achieved in the future sence of adequate resources

one would give one's eye teeth for to deliver the goods
something to achieve the objective
a person would very much like to
to drive someone from pillar to post
achieve some objective to send a person to a series of places
path in a vain attempt to achieve something
means of achieving an objective to gain a foothold
pie in the sky to achieve a position from which fur-
a hoped-for result unlikely to be ther advances can readily be made
achieved to get a magic carpet ride to something
something has done the trick to be very fortunate in achieving some
something has achieved the desired objective
purpose to get something under one's belt
to achieve something
the crowning point
the height of a person's achievement to get the worst of all worlds
to get a series of disadvantages with-
the river found its mark out achieving any corresponding ad-
equilibrium between two pressures has vantages
been achieved
to have a shot at something
there are many ways to cook eggs to attempt to achieve something
there are many ways to achieve an
objective to have one's heart set on something
to be very keen to achieve something
there is more than one way to skin a
cat to have one's work cut out to do
this can be achieved in a variety of something
acceptable ways it will be difficult to achieve something
to achieve a flying start to have the runs on the board
to get operational very quickly to have a demonstrable record of
to be a passport to success
to head someone in the right direction
to be a means of achieving success
to assist a person to achieve something
to be hell bent on something
to be very determined to achieve some- to heave a sigh of relief
thing, regardless of the adverse conse- to express satisfaction at the achieve-
quences ment of a solution to a difficult problem
to hit the mark
to be only a gleam in one's eyes
to achieve one's object or to make
to be a long way from final achieve-
the correct decision (refers to archery)
to hold a knife at someone's throat
to be unable to take a trick to exert undue pressure on another
to be unable to achieve success in person in an endeavor to achieve a
anything result which would otherwise not be
to be up against a brick wall forthcoming
to be unable to achieve anything be- to hold a sword at someone's throat
cause of intractable opposition or to exert undue pressure on another
apathy person in an endeavor to achieve a
to catapult to fame result which would otherwise not be
to achieve fame unexpectedly quickly forthcoming

to join forces to throw one's weight about

to cooperate with one another in or- to use one's real or imagined status in
der to achieve a common objective order to achieve certain results
to kill two birds with one stone to walk away with a profit
to achieve a second objective in the to achieve a profit on concluding a
course of achieving the first objective project
to land something to waste one's breath
to achieve something to talk or request something without
achieving anything
to let blood
to allow some harm as the price for without any cards to play
achieving some greater benefit without the means to achieve something

to mend fences
to achieve a reconciliation ACTIVITY
I'll soon stop his little game
to pip someone at the post
his activities are not tolerated and I
to achieve something only just ahead
will ensure that they cease
of a rival
a backwater
to pull something off a place of little activity
to achieve success in some enterprise
a busman's holiday
to put one's back into something leisure time spent in a way not
to work hard at achieving some goal significantly different from one's nor-
to salvage something out of the wreck mal business activities
to achieve some minor benefits out of a cobbler should stick to his last
a disastrous situation every person should confine himself
to score a goal to activities for which he has been
to achieve an objective trained
a honeymoon
to set a hare running
a short period enjoyed by a newcom-
in order to achieve some desired ef-
er to some activity before his per-
fect, to initiate some related activity
formance is criticized
to set one's sights on something a logjam
to aim to achieve something a stoppage of activity caused by input
to shadow box in greater volume than allowed for
to go through the motions without a mug's game
achieving or intending to achieve activity which wise persons would
anything eschew
to stand in someone's way a one-way street
to prevent a person achieving his goal a flow of activity in only one direction
to steamroll something through a standard bearer
to use enormous force to achieve an a highly visible activist for a cause
a watershed
to throw one's cap into the air an occasion dividing two distinct phases
to celebrate some achievement of activity

across the board someone's number is up

over the whole range of activity a person's period of activity or influ-
ence is about to expire
behind someone's back
in a way which deliberately conceals the caravan will roll on
an activity from a person the activity will continue
blueprint the coast is clear
a master plan for some activity or a there are no observers to one's activi-
model which others can copy ty around
cloak and dagger activity the wheels are back under the bus
secret activity normal activity has been resumed
distant fields look greener the whole gamut
activities of which one has no experi- the whole range of some activity
ence seem much easier than is really the world is one's oyster
the case
one has enormous scope for activity
early in the piece to be at fever pitch
at an early stage of some activity to be in a state of excited activity
fun and games to be in full swing
amusement derived in the course of a to be very active
serious activity
to be in the box seat
in the course of a day's march to be in a very powerful position to
while carrying out one's normal activ- control activity
to be in the doldrums
it is a long time between drinks to be depressed or to show no activity
activity is occurring only very spas- (refers to a region of little wind near
modically the equator, becalming sailing ships)
it takes two to tango to be in the thick of things
some activities cannot be carried out to get involved at the center of some
single-handedly activity
kingmaker to be on a treadmill
person engaging in behind-the-scenes to be involved in some unpleasant
activities to promote another person ongoing activity which cannot readily
to a particular leadership position be stopped
life in the fast lane to be on one's own turf
existence full of exciting but worth- to engage in one's own customary
less activity area of activity

monkey business to be on someone's cabbage patch

to engage in a competitive activity in
mischievous or underhand activity
a territory regarded by someone al-
nimble-footed ready there as rightfully belonging
quick to change the direction of one's exclusively to him
activities when circumstances warrant
to be riveted to one's seat
opening shot to find the activity being watched
first-step in an activity expected to very exciting and worthy of full
last a long time attention

to be tied down to have one's fingers in many

to have responsibilities precluding al- different pies
ternative activities to be engaged in a variety of separate
to bow out
to retire from some activity to have the plug pulled out from
under one
to call it a day
to have a successful activity destroyed
to cease involvement with some activity
by the actions of someone else
to catch someone in the net
to hedge one's bets
to unexpectedly involve a particular
to take action involving a cost but
person in the course of activity de-
which is designed to reduce the pos-
signed to involve many others
sible adverse consequences of some
to close the book on something activity
to terminate an activity to jump on the bus
to come to a full stop to join an activity already well under
to completely cease activity way
to do a hatchet job to keep off someone's pad
to destroy some existing activity or to not to interfere with or compete against
ruin a person's credibility another person in his customary area
of activity
to get in on the act
to participate in some activity started to keep one's eye on someone
by others to supervise a person or to monitor a
person's activities and behavior
to get one's act together
to organize one's activities so as to to keep one's hand in
make them efficient to engage in activities which rein-
force skills which one has previously
to get the show on the road acquired
to commence a planned activity
to keep the ball rolling
to give the game away to take advantage of the existing mo-
to cease involvement with some activity mentum or to participate actively
to go to sleep to keep the home fires burning
to become inactive to maintain normal domestic activity
to grind to a halt during the temporary absence of the
to cease some activity despite expec- breadwinner
tations that it would continue to leap in
to gum up the works to commence an activity without con-
to cause an activity to be halted sidering the wisdom of doing so or
the best way to proceed
to have a sword of Damocles hanging
over one to let off steam
to be in imminent danger despite nor- to engage in a noisy or robust activity
mal activity going on all around one as a form of relaxation

to have a tiger by the tail to lower the boom

to be involved in an activity which is to terminate an activity
much more dangerous than one had to make sparks fly
realized to cause rapid activity to take place

to nip something in the bud to try one's hand at something

to stop some activity in its early stages to attempt a new activity, especially
when stopping it is still relatively by way of experiment
to twiddle one's thumbs
to pick up the pieces not to be involved in any worthwhile
to resume previous activities to the activity
maximum extent possible after some
setback ADWiTAGE
to plow new ground a lame dog
to laboriously engage in an untried a person under some disadvantage
activity needing attention and assistance
to plow on a mixed bag
to methodically and painstakingly con- some advantages and some disadvan-
tinue with an activity tages
to put a spoke in someone's wheel a soul-searching exercise
to interfere with another person's ac- an examination of the advantages and
tivity, so preventing its continuance disadvantages of a proposal
to put something on ' 'hold' ' bargaining chips
to put something aside for the time benefits which can be conceded in
being with a view to resuming activi- negotiations in order to obtain some
ty later on (refers to the telephone) advantage
to put up the shutters leech
to cease an established activity person taking undue advantage of
to run around in circles
to engage in excited but useless activity the cure is worse than the disease
the remedy involves more disadvan-
to set a hare running tages than if it were not applied
in order to achieve some desired ef-
fect, to initiate some related activity the early bird gets the worm
a person who acts ahead of others
to shut up shop gets an advantage over them
to cease an established activity
the upside
to start from scratch the advantage
to commence something without the
benefit of any past activity to be a two-edged sword
to involve both advantages and disad-
to start the ball rolling vantages of similar significance
to commence and enthusiastically ad-
vance an activity involving people to be in a commanding position
to have a strategic advantage
to stick to one's game
to confine oneself to activities in areas to be quick on one's feet
in which one has knowledge and to cleverly take advantage of a situation
to be right behind the eight ball
to take a backseat to be in a position of extreme disad-
not to actively involve oneself vantage

to cut both ways to keep the ball rolling

to involve both advantages and disad- to take advantage of the existing mo-
vantages of similar significance mentum or to participate actively
to draw first blood to kick a man when he is down
to get an advantage to take unfair advantage of a person
already in difficulty
to expose one's flank
to allow others to take advantage of to make a rod for one's own back
one to act in disregard of likely disadvan-
tages for oneself
to feather one's own next
to improperly arrange a transaction to play right into someone's hands
on behalf of others to one's own to act so as to give a person an
financial advantage unintended advantage

to fill a vacuum to run with something

to take advantage of an opportunity to take advantage of some current
not acted on by others development
to see something through rose-colored
to gain the upper hand
to attain, after some effort, an advan-
to appreciate only the advantages and
tage over another person
to completely disregard the disadvan-
to get the jump on someone tages
to get an advantage over a person to squeeze the last drop out of some-
to get the worst of all worlds thing
to get a series of disadvantages with- to get the maximum advantage out of
out achieving any corresponding ad- some favorable situation
vantages to strike while the iron is hot
to give someone the edge to take advantage of a situation which
to give a person an advantage over cannot last
others to suck the lemon dry
to have a head start to get the maximum advantage out of
to have an advantage over others some favorable situation
to take something lying down
to have a leading edge
to accept a disadvantage without protest
to have an advantage
to take up the slack
to have someone over a barrel to take advantage of surplus capacity
to take advantage of someone's weak-
ened position in relation to oneself to throw out the baby with the bath-
to have the high ground to discard a major benefit in the course
to have an advantage in moral terms of obtaining a comparatively minor
to hijack a debate advantage
to involve oneself in the public dis- to use all the weapons at one's disposal
cussion of some matter and turn that to utilize all available advantages
discussion to one's advantage
to want the best of both worlds
to jump at the opportunity to unreasonably desire to get some
to enthusiastically take immediate ad- advantage without incurring a corre-
vantage of a good chance sponding disadvantage

what one loses on the swings one a gun with no bullets

gains on the roundabouts something incomplete and therefore
there are advantages and disadvan- useless for the desired purpose
tages which offset each other
a moving target
an objective subject to constant revision
an unholy alliance
a bone of contention a working relationship for a nefarious
the subject matter of violent disagree- purpose between unlikely partners
any stick to beat a dog
a sweetheart deal any excuse will do if it serves one's
an agreement negotiated in private purpose
without full regard to the interests of
those affected it was touch and go
there were considerablerisks—theob-
that washes with me jective was achieved, but only just
I agree
one would give one's eye teeth for
to be at odds with someone something
to disagree with a person a person would very much like to
to be of one mind achieve some objective
(of several people) to be agreed overkill
to come to the party more action than really required for
to agree to someone's terms the purpose
to cross swords with someone path
to have a disagreement with another means of achieving an objective
person something has done the trick
to lock someone into some arrangement something has achieved the desired
to create an agreement which cannot purpose
be broken by one of the parties target
to ram something down someone's objective
throat the devil can cite scripture for his
to pressure another person into accept- purpose
ing an idea with which he does not a person can quote a respectable or
agree hostile authority while advocating a
to see eye to eye with someone disreputable cause of his own (from
to agree Shakespeare's MERCHANT OF VENICE)

to set the seal on something there are many ways to cook eggs
to confirm absolutely that something there are many ways to achieve an
is agreed objective
to sign on the dotted line to beat someone to the punch
to confirm one's agreement to get to some objective ahead of
some keen rival
AIM to deliver the goods
a crusade to achieve the objective
an aggressive campaign to achieve to earmark
some political or social objective to allocate to a specific purpose

to engage in pump priming ALTERNATIVE

to spend public money with the aim all roads lead to Rome
of attracting parochial electoral support all alternatives will have the same
to get a magic carpet ride to something outcome
to be very fortunate in achieving some between the devil and the deep blue
objective sea
to go down a particular track to be faced with two equally unpalat-
to make decisions aimed at a particu- able alternatives which cannot both
lar goal be avoided
if the mountain will not come to
to go for the gold
Mahomet then Mahomet will go to
to aim for victory (refers to Olympic
the mountain
on recognizing that one has insuffi-
to hit the mark cient power to effect one's most de-
to achieve one's object or to make sired solution, one decides to make
the correct decision (refers to archery) do with the next best alternative
to join forces in another vein
to cooperate with one another in or- as an alternative way of looking at
der to achieve a common objective things
it is a toss-up
to kill two birds with one stone
either alternative is equally acceptable
to achieve a second objective in the
course of achieving the first objective the horns of a dilemma
the unpalatable alternatives between
to leave someone out in the cold which a choice must be made
to deny a desired objective to a person
to be at the crossroads
to pull oneself together to need to choose between several
to cease acting without purpose or mutually exclusive alternatives
enthusiasm to be between Scylla and Charybdis
to score a goal to be faced with two equally unpalat-
to achieve an objective able alternatives which cannot both
be avoided (refers to the voyage of
to set one's sights on something Ulysses)
to aim to achieve something to be of two minds
to stake a claim to be undecided between two alterna-
to indicate one's desire to obtain tives
something to be tied down
to steamroll something through to have responsibilities precluding al-
ternative activities
to use enormous force to achieve an
objective to fall between two stools
not to fit neatly into either of two
to want something both ways available alternatives and waver be-
to desire two mutually exclusive tween them
to have other irons in the fire
to zero in on a target to have the opportunity to do some-
to move directly toward one's objective thing else as an alternative

to pre-empt some issue to blow one's top

to deliberately do something which to show anger (refers to a volcano)
has the effect of limiting the range of to blow up
alternative approaches to a matter (of a person) to express rage
to shop around to explode
to explore alternatives (of a person) to express rage
to signpost something to fire a volley at someone
to give an indication of the alterna- to send a series of angry messages to
tives available someone
to sit on the fence to fly off the handle
to refuse to choose between two to show irrational anger
to foam at the mouth
to take stock to show anger
to contemplate the alternatives to hit the roof
to want to have one's cake and eat it to be very angry
too to jump up and down
to want two mutually exclusive alter- to show excitement or anger or frus-
natives tration
to weigh two alternative propositions to kick the cat
in the balance to take out one's anger on some inno-
to assess the relative significance of cent party
two alternative propositions
to make someone's blood boil
variations on a theme to make a person very angry
alternative approaches in similar vein
to raise someone's hackles
to make a person angry
to see blood
/ will have his guts for garters to be very angry
I am extremely angry and dissatisfied
to see red
with him
to become very angry
aggressive behavior because of anger ANNOWICE
to be a red rag to a bull
an eager beaver
to be something which makes a per-
a person with great drive and enthusi-
son very angry and very excited (re-
asm even if this causes annoyance to
fers to the erroneous belief that the
color red, rather than the motion of
waving, excites a bull) to be a thorn in someone's flesh
to be a person whose persistent pres-
to be after someone's blood ence and righteous views annoy
to be keen to make a person the
victim of an angry confrontation to breathe down someone's neck
to cause annoyance to another person
to be purple with rage by remaining in his vicinity or by
to be very angry supervising him too closely; or to be
to bite one's lip narrowly behind another person in
to control one's anger some competitive situation

to drive someone up the wall ARGUMENT

to annoy another person by one's
a battle royal
a fight or argument with many simul-
to get on someone's nerves taneous participants
by one's behavior to cause annoyance
to a person a political football
a political issue which is not being
to get someone's back up debated on its merits
to annoy or antagonize a person
to get under someone's skin arguments helpful to a case
to annoy another person through
stupidity an argument holding water
a debating point of substance
to have the patience of a saint
to endure annoyances with particular eyeball to eyeball
calm confronting each other and taking ac-
to kick heads in count of each other's reactions
to demonstrate annoyance at or dis- mealy-mouthed
like of certain persons not at all forceful in debate
to kick someone in the teeth myopia
to take action which demonstrates an- the inability to appreciate an argu-
noyance at or dislike of a person ment (lit., short-sightedness)
to rub someone up the wrong way
to annoy someone with actions fail- not to have a leg to stand on
ing to recognize his current mood to have one's arguments completely
demolished or to be without accepta-
ble excuse or explanation
shifting sands
a seal of approval arguments which are constantly being
confirmation that something is satis- changed
to frown on something that argument is wearing a bit thin
to disapprove of some matter that is a very weak case

to get the nod the other side of the coin

to receive approval the arguments for the opposite point
of view
to give a thumbs up
to approve or grant permission (refers the thread
to sign given by Roman emperor spar- the connecting link of a set of argu-
ing a life) ments
to give one's blessing to something to act as a devil's advocate
to indicate one's approval of something to put a point of view which one does
to look at someone sideways not hold in order to draw out the best
to silently and politely indicate one's arguments regarding a proposition (re-
disapproval fers to a church official vetting a
candidate for sainthood)
to shake one's head
to indicate disbelief or wonder or to argue the toss
disapproval to dispute a decision

to argue till the cows come home to hijack a debate

to argue forever to involve oneself in the public dis-
cussion of some matter and turn that
to be after someone's blood discussion to one's advantage
to be keen to make a person the
victim of an angry confrontation to keep one's powder dry
to retain key arguments or resources
to be an open and shut case in reserve for use later
to be an unarguable proposition (a to lead someone up the garden path
phrase popular in detective novels and to mislead a person by deliberately
probably a play on the two meanings fallacious arguments
of the word "case")
to lock horns with someone
to be on shaky ground to have an argument with another
not to have, strong arguments person
to be shot to ribbons to parry some argument
(of an argument) to be utterly discred- to deflect some argument (refers to
ited fencing)
to play every card in the pack
to belt someone over the head to try very hard and use every con-
to override someone's views or argu- ceivable argument
to prepare one's ground
to bring out one's biggest guns to get ready for a confrontation
to use the most impressive persons or to score a point
arguments to make a clever contribution in the
to buy into some argument course of debate
to seek to participate in some discussion to shoot someone down in flames
to utterly destroy another person's
to confront someone head-on arguments
to confront a person
to tackle someone head-on
to drive a wedge between two persons to confront a person
to set out to cause two persons to to take off the gloves
confront each other to fight mercilessly or to debate with
to expose holes great ferocity
to expose weaknesses in an argument to take the wind out of someone's
to face the music to upset a person by anticipating his
to accept responsibility when confron- actions or using arguments which he
ted by one's critics was proposing to use
to give ground to talk one's book
to make some concessions or to re- to present arguments which, while
treat or to concede some arguments plausible, are really designed to fos-
ter one's vested interest
to go on till one is blue in the face
to argue for a long time to tip the balance
to be further information or argument
to have an ace up one's sleeve which results in an issue which could
to hold an impressive counter-argument have been decided either way to be
in reserve determined in a particular way

to use every trick in the book to be left with a nasty taste in one's
to try very hard and use every con- mouth
ceivable argument to be appalled or very disappointed at
another person's unethical behavior
to weigh in with a particular argument
to one
to produce a strong argument
to blow the whistle on someone
to wheel someone in
to report a person's improper behav-
to bring a person along for a confron-
ior to the authorities or to publicize it
to get on someone's nerves
what is sauce for the goose is sauce by one's behavior to cause annoyance
for the gander, to a person
arguments which apply in one case
also apply in another to keep one's eye on someone
to supervise a person or to monitor a
person's activities and behavior
to lay it on the line
I fear the Greeks even when they to make clear what the accepted rules
bear gifts of behavior are
I am suspicious of generous behavior
from traditional opponents (from Vir- to lead with one's chin
gil's AENEID, in reference to the Trojan by one's brash behavior to virtually
horse) invite one's opponents to take action
against one
a watchdog
a person or organization monitoring to make an exhibition of oneself
behavior to behave in a way which invites
an article of faith
a fundamental belief on which certain to make feathers fly
behavior is based to cause trouble to those misbehaving

fireworks to play monkey tricks on someone

to engage in discreditable behavior
aggressive behavior because of anger
affecting a person
guiding light
to pull one's socks up
yardstick for ethical behavior
to set out to improve or correct one's
horseplay inadequate behavior or performance
boisterous and undignified behavior
to ruffle someone's feathers
not to put a foot wrong to engage in behavior which irritates
to behave impeccably another person
the order of the day to set tongues wagging
the customary behavior to behave in a way which encourages
scandal mongers
to be a bad egg
to engage in dishonest behavior to sow wild oats
to indulge in foolish behavior while a
to be beyond the pale young adult
to be socially unacceptable, especial-
ly for unacceptable standards or be- to step out of line
havior to infringe accepted rules of behavior

to teach someone a lesson to be wide off the mark

to inflict something unpleasant on a to have a belief which is far removed
person in the hope that it will lead to from the true position
a change in his behavior to believe in the tooth fairy
to watch one's step to be particularly gullible
to be on the lookout for danger or to to go to the barricades for something
set out to improve one's behavior to very strongly believe in something
transparent to preach to the converted
(of behavior, etc.) to be easily seen to say something to those who al-
as not genuine ready believe in it
to put someone in the pillory
BELIEF to hold a person up to ridicule for his
/' // eat my hat if so-and-so happens
to sacrifice something on the altar of
I do not believe that so-and-so will
some belief
to give up some benefit as a matter of
a bible basher principle
a person who makes unwelcome at- to sail under false colors
tempts to force his religious beliefs to pretend that one's real character or
on others beliefs are different from what they
a doubting Thomas really are
a person who refuses to believe claims to shake one's head
in absence of proof (John 20:25) to indicate disbelief or wonder or
a gut feeling disapproval
a belief based purely on intuition and to show one's true colors
unsupported by facts or evidence to disclose one's real character or
a soul brother beliefs
a person of similar ideals to stick to one's guns
an article of faith to continue to hold certain beliefs
a fundamental belief on which certain notwithstanding opposition by others
behavior is based to take something as gospel
to believe that something is true
anyone could be forgiven for believ-
ing that Utopian
it is understandable that people would ideally perfect (refers to the mythical
believe that island in Sir Thomas More's UTOPIA)
he is your man volte face
he conforms to an ideal a reversal of previously-held beliefs
(French, " a turning around")
the fold
the body of believers (refers to an BENEFIT
enclosure for sheep)
a bird in the hand is worth two in the
to be someone after one's own heart bush
to be a person who shares one's beliefs a benefit currently available is more
to be too big for one's boots valuable than a seemingly much larg-
to have an unwarranted belief as to er benefit which may or may not be
one's capabilities or status achieved in the future

a mare s nest to get some mileage out of something

a discovery with illusory benefits to benefit from something
a milch cow to go along for the ride
an easy and plentiful source of some to seek to benefit from a project in
desired benefit which others contribute the effort
bargaining chips to hand over something on a silver
benefits which can be conceded in platter
negotiations in order to obtain some to provide a valuable benefit for vir-
advantage tually nothing
every cloud has a silver lining to laugh all the way to the bank
there are benefits even in seemingly to appreciate one's good fortune
adverse situations
to learn a lesson
fruitless to benefit from one's experience
yielding no benefit to let blood
heads I win—tails you lose to allow some harm as the price for
whichever way this matter goes I will achieving some greater benefit
benefit at your expense
to look a gift horse in the mouth
manna from heaven to be suspicious about a benefit which
unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15) has been volunteered
mirage to mortgage the future
illusory benefit to get benefits now but at a cost in
that is just sour grapes due course
those are disparaging remarks made to pick someone's brain
only because he is peeved and resent- to get the benefit of another person's
ful at someone else's better fortune knowledge and experience
the melody lingers on
to ride on the back of someone
the benefit of past actions remains without effort to benefit from the prior
to be cream on top of the milk efforts of others
to be an additional benefit in an al-
ready satisfactory scenario to ride on the sheep's back
to benefit from the production of wool
to be icing on top of the cake
to be an additional benefit in an al- to rub off on someone
ready satisfactory scenario to benefit a person through an associ-
ation which increases his skills
to be the salt of the earth
to be a person whose ordinary efforts to sacrifice something on the altar of
benefit the community (Matthew 5:13) some belief
to give up some benefit as a matter of
to cast pearls before swine principle
to confer valuable benefits on some-
one who neither recognizes nor ap- to salvage something out of the wreck
preciates them to achieve some minor benefits out of
a disastrous situation
to get on a gravy train
to take steps to become a recipient of to start from scratch
benefits which are available but unde- to commerce something without the
served benefit of any past activity

to throw out the baby with the bath- a toehold

water an opportunity small in itself but with
to discard a major benefit in the course the potential to lead to bigger things
of obtaining a comparatively minor
in for a penny—in for a pound
once something is commenced it ought
vulture to be finished; or if one is willing to
person benefiting from another's mis- take a small risk then one might as
fortune well take a bigger one
windfall more chiefs than Indians
unexpected good fortune a disproportionately large number of
BIGNESS not to be Robinson Crusoe
to be one of a large number of people
a big bang
with a common problem (from Daniel
a sudden major change in the environ-
someone's eyes are bigger than his
a big shot
an important person
a person is unrealistic
a big wheel
speak softly and carry a big stick
an important person
be polite to your potential enemies
a bird in the hand is worth two in the but maintain an active and visible
bush defense capability (from a speech by
a benefit currently available is more Theodore Roosevelt in 1901)
valuable than a seemingly much larg-
the big smoke
er benefit which may or may not be
the big city
achieved in the future
the lion's share
a golden handshake
the biggest portion
a large payment in connection with or
as an inducement to retirement to be a big fish in a little pond
a landslide to be a person holding an important
an electoral result involving victory office but in an unimportant organiza-
or defeat by an unexpectedly large tion
margin to be a money spinner
a mansize job to produce large profits easily and
a large task worth doing well quickly
a mosaic to be a small cog in a large wheel
something with a large number of to be a relatively unimportant person
different aspects to it in a large organization
a sausage machine to be the thin end of the wedge
the turning out of large volumes with- by conceding a small point to create
out particular thought an undesirable precedent for much
larger issues
a tempest in a teacup
a controversy about a minor matter to be the tip of the iceberg
but one which looms large in the to be only a very small portion of a
minds of the parties much larger but less obvious whole

to be too big for one's boots CARE

to have an unwarranted belief as to
a bull in a china shop
one's capabilities or status
a careless person likely to cause great
to be too big for one's breeches damage
to have an exaggerated idea of one's
he must have a long spoon that sups
own importance
with the devil
to be unable to keep people away great care is needed when negotiating
with a big stick deals with disreputable parties
to be faced with a large crowd or
not to just pick something out of a hat
much demand
to choose carefully, after weighing all
to bring out one's biggest guns the considerations
to use the most impressive persons or
to handpick someone
to carefully choose a person for his
to crawl out of the woodwork individual attributes
to turn up unexpectedly and in large
to keep a weather eye out for something
to look out with particular care
to have a leg in
to have an opportunity which has the to look to one's laurels
potential to lead to bigger things to be careful not to lose one's reputa-
tion for some skill
to have deep pockets
to have large financial resources to need to watch one's back
to find it necessary to take care in
to only scratch the surface case others act against one's interests
to deal with only a small portion of a
much larger whole to slip under one's guard
to cause a mistake to be made despite
to pay a king's ransom care being taken to prevent this
to pay a very large sum
to smell out something
to pay something back with interest
to discover something by careful
to return a small favor with a bigger
favor or to extract retribution of greater
value than the circumstances warrant to start off on the right foot
to commence an operation with great
to pick the eyes out of something
care to do it correctly
to choose the most valuable items
from among a large number to think twice before doing something
to consider with particular care
to stand over someone with a big
stick to tread lightly
to intimidate a person in order to get to be careful
him to act in a particular way to watch one's p's and q's
to steamroll something through to be very careful (may refer to pints
to use enormous force to achieve an and quarts of beer on a hotel slate or
objective to easily-confused printer's type)
to swarm out
to gather in large numbers CHANCE
to wield a big stick be a devil!
to exert power take a chance!

the hand of fate new guard

chance changed regime
to be in the lap of the gods nimble-footed
to be a matter of pure chance (refers quick to change the direction of one's
to wax tablets inscribed with requests activities when circumstances warrant
and placed on the knees of statues of
shifting sands
Greek gods)
arguments which are constantly being
to be the luck of the draw changed
to be a chance result
stiff cheese!
to cross someone's path circumstances which may be unwel-
to meet another person by chance come but which will not be altered
to cruel someone's pitch and in respect of which no great sym-
to spoil a person's chances pathy is felt
to have one's beady eyes on something that takes on added color
to await the chance to acquire some- there are now further facts which al-
thing to which one is not properly ter the appearance of a matter
entitled the cold wind of change
to jump at the opportunity the unpleasant realities of new circum-
to enthusiastically take immediate ad- stances
vantage of a good chance the devil one knows is better than the
to look for a needle in a haystack devil one does not know
to attempt something with a very small the status quo is more comfortable
chance of success than change
to take pot luck the ink is hardly dry
to take whatever happens by chance something intended to last a long time
to be available is to be changed shortly after its
CHANGE the tide has turned
a big bang conditions have changed
a sudden major change in the environ- the wheel has turned
ment circumstances have changed
a chameleon to be a breath of fresh air
a person without character who changes to be a pleasant change from the past
his stance all the time to reflect the
current circumstances to be a stormy petrel
a person who disturbs a pleasant state
a leopard cannot change his spots of affairs by agitating for change
each person is born with certain unal-
terable characteristics to be carved in marble
to be virtually unalterable
a new broom
a changed regime which is likely to to be cast in bronze
alter the status quo to be virtually unalterable
a sacred cow to be in a rut
an institution so well established that to lead a dull life, with no change
it is virtually unalterable from long-established habits

to be in a state of flux to set something in concrete

to be subject to continuous change to make something virtually unalterable

to change one's mind to swap horses in midstream

to alter the views which one had to change direction during the course
previously formed of a project
to change one's tune to teach someone a lesson
to alter one's publicly-expressed views to inflict something unpleasant on a
person in the hope that it will lead to
to change tack a change in his behavior
to alter one's direction
to linker at the edges
to change the whole picture to make minor or cosmetic changes
to alter the major assumptions on without affecting the substance
which some assessment was based
to wither on the vine
to cry "wolf" by virtue of changed circumstances
to repeatedly raise an unjustified or the effluxion of time, to be no
concern with the result that one will longer relevant
be ignored when the circumstances
to die a natural death
by virtue of changed circumstances a tower of Babel
or the effluxion of time, to be no a noisy and confused assembly (Gen-
longer relevant esis 11)

to drift apart all hell broke loose

to lose contact or to change feelings great confusion erupted
once held in common to be all at sea
to be confused as to what is going on
to have a change of heart
and what to do next
to form a new view in place of a
strongly-held previous view to be at sixes and sevens
to leave one's mark on something to be confused, concerned and unde-
to be responsible for permanently cided
altering the way something is operated to be in a fog
to play it by ear to be in a state of confusion
to develop one's strategy to always fit to get into a knot
in with circumstances as they change to get into state of confusion
from time to time
to lose one's head
to put a new face on something to become confused
to alter the way something should be
regarded to muddy the waters
to deliberately confuse an issue by
to rearrange the deckchairs on the creating a diversion
to take some initiative which is quite to set up a smokescreen
useless because it does not take much to deliberately confuse an issue by
greater change into account disguising its salient features

to watch one's p's and q's to pull one's socks up

to be very careful (may refer to pints to set out to improve or correct one's
and quarts of beer on a hotel slate or inadequate behavior or performance
to easily-confused printer's type)
to see daylight
to get the right answer
to set someone on the right road
a step in the right direction to show a person how to go about
the first in a series of measures de- doing something
signed to correct some problem
to start off on the right foot
it is on the tip of my tongue to commence an operation with great
the right word has momentarily es- care to do it correctly
caped me
to strike the right key
it is pointing in the right direction
success looks likely to find the appropriate solution

just what the doctor ordered to strike the right note

exactly right to make a good impression
mark my words
you will find out that I am right COURAGE
one looks for elephants in elephant a stiff upper lip
country obstinate courage in the face of pain
one needs to search in the right place or adversity
to be in the right ballpark chicken-hearted
to be approximately correct showing little courage
to be up to the mark to be a brave soldier
to be of the right standard to be brave
to have one's heart in the right place to be a man of steel
to have a well-developed social con- to be a person with moral courage
to be of good heart
to head someone in the right direction to be brave in adversity
to assist a person to achieve something
to brave the water
to hit the bull's eye
to enter a venture with courage and
to make the correct decision
to hit the mark
to have a heart of oak
to achieve one's object or to make
to be brave
the correct decision (refers to archery)
to hit the nail right on the head to make a last-ditch stand
to astutely come to the correct conclu- to make a brave effort to stave off
sion final defeat

to play one's cards right to present a happy face to the world

to approach a matter sensibly bravely to gloss over one's problems

to play to the gallery to put a brave face on it

to do something which appeals to the to face adversity cheerfully
general public rather than something to put one's head on the block
which is right to have the courage of one's convictions

to stick one's neck out to cover oneself

to have the courage of one's convic- to create evidence so that if one is
tions or to take a calculated risk criticized or accused later on, one can
clear one's name
CRITICISM to draw fire
a honeymoon to encounter criticism
a short period enjoyed by a newcom- to engage in back biting
er to some activity before his per- to criticize in an unfriendly manner
formance is criticized
to face the music
an Aunt Sally to accept responsibility when con-
a person who can readily be singled fronted by one's critics
out and criticized as the proxy for a to fire a salvo at someone
group to present a series of criticisms to a
people in glass houses should not person
throw stones to get off someone's back
those who are less than perfect are to leave a person alone to carry on
foolish to criticize others without constant criticism
the pot calling the kettle black to give someone a bit of stick
a person criticizing another person to mildly criticize a person
without realizing his own even greater
shortcomings to have a shot at someone
to use subtly chosen words implying
to act as a sounding board friendly criticism but designed to em-
to give, on request, constructive criti- barrass another person
cisms of ideas tentatively held
to have a thick skin
to attract flak to be impervious to criticism
to attract criticism
to have the hide of a rhinoceros
to be a sitting shot to be totally unaffected by and unre-
to be a person whose actions make sponsive to valid criticism
him very vulnerable to criticism to hold fire
to be in the hot seat to defer criticizing
to hold a position requiring one to to leave oneself wide open
answer criticism or accusations to act in such a way that one's oppo-
to be like water off a duck's back nents will find much which can be
(of advice or criticism) to be completely easily criticized
rejected to nail one's colors to the mast
to publicly declare one's position and
to be on the warpath
to maintain it in the face of criticism
to be on the lookout for faults which
can be criticized to nitpick
to criticize a person in respect to very
to bulldoze some proposal through minor matters
to ensure the passage of some meas-
ure in complete disregard of criticism to pour vitriol on something
or opposition to sharply criticize something

to run the gauntlet to have a sword of Damocles hanging

to be subjected to criticism (from the over one
Spanish word for "passage," in refer- to be in imminent danger despite nor-
ence to punishment inflicted on delin- mal activity going on all around one
quents made to run between two files to have a tiger by the tail
of soldiers) to be involved in an activity which is
to stand in the breach much more dangerous than one had
to bear the brunt of criticisms realized
to push someone over the brink
to turn one's guns on someone by a small action to cause the abso-
to criticize a person lute ruin (financially or emotionally)
of someone already in peril
DANGER to put one's head in the noose
a minefield to recklessly and unnecessarily ex-
a course of great hidden danger or of pose oneself to great danger
difficulties not obvious on a first to put one's head into the lion's mouth
encounter to recklessly expose oneself to great
unsuspected danger to ride out the storm
to come safely through some danger-
slippery path ous situation
dangerous course of action to sail close to the wind
someone's head is on the block to act in a very dangerous manner
a person is in danger of having his to see red lights flashing
appointment terminated to be conscious of the danger
to be a wolf in sheep's clothing to skate on thin ice
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous to act in disregard of obvious danger
although masquerading as something to walk a tightrope
harmless (Matthew 7:15) to do something very dangerous
to be on a knife edge to watch one's step
to be in danger to be on the lookout for danger or to
set out to improve one's behavior
to be on the razor's edge
to be in great danger DECISION
to bell the cat a landmark ruling
to do some dangerous but highly use- a decision marking a turning point in
ful mission (refers to a fable in which the way a matter is approached
none of the mice was willing to put a fork in the road
warning bell on a cat) turning point for decisions
to fight fire with fire if the mountain will not come to
to counter a dangerous situation by Mahomet then Mahomet will go to
making an equally dangerous move the mountain
on recognizing that one has insuffi-
to founder on the shoals of something cient power to effect one's most de-
to come to grief because of unexpect- sired solution, one decides to make
ed dangers do with the next best alternative

the jury is still out to lose one's nerve

no decision has yet been made or the to abandon, out of fear, a decision to
public has not yet given an indication do something
of its views
to need the wisdom of Solomon
to argue the toss to be faced with the need to make a
to dispute a decision difficult decision (1 Kings 3:16-28)
to be at sixes and sevens to pin someone down
to be confused, concerned and unde- to find a person willing to accept
cided blame or responsibility or to force a
person to announce a decision or con-
to be at the cutting edge of something cede a point
to be in a position where important
decisions need to be made to pull strings
to use one's special influence with
to be in two minds those in a position to make favorable
to be undecided between two alterna- decisions which might otherwise not
tives be forthcoming
to be out of someone's hands
to tip the balance
to be up for decision by a different
to provide further information or ar-
gument which results in an issue,
to bite one's fingernails which could have been decided either
to anxiously await a decision way, being determined in a particular
to cross the Rubicon
to make an irreversible decision in to tip the scales
regard to some commitment to be a factor which in combination
with other factors results in a particu-
to go down a particular track lar decision which would otherwise
to make decisions aimed at a particu- not have been reached
lar goal
to toss up
to have something to chew on to decide on a fairly arbitrary basis
to have firm facts on which to base a
decision when it comes to the crunch
when the matter comes up for decision
to hit the bull's eye
to make the correct decision
to hit the mark
to achieve one's object or to make a thought in the back of one's mind
the correct decision (refers to archery) an undeveloped idea
to hold a gun at someone's head a wild card
to put pressure on a person to make a an unexpected development
particular decision regardless of his
desires in the matter an ugly duckling
a person initially thought unintelli-
to hold the power to do something in gent who develops and becomes bril-
the hollow of one's hand liant (refers to a cygnet in a brood of
to have the right to make crucial ducks in a children's story of that
decisions name by Hans Christian Andersen)

framework a minefield
outline of a proposal, on which fur- a source of great hidden danger or of
ther details can be developed difficulties not obvious on a first
that is a turn up for the books
that is a surprising favorable develop- a prima donna
ment a person with an exaggerated opinion
the bottom line of his own importance which makes
relations with others needlessly diffi-
the conclusion which matters or the
cult (Italian, "first lady")
net efFect of a series of developments
to be a turn up for the books a problem child
to be a surprising development a source of unnecessary difficulty
to blossom a sixty-four thousand dollar question
(of a person's attributes) to develop a pertinent but very difficult question
(refers to a TV quiz show in which
to develop a head of steam an initial prize doubles with the suc-
to gain momentum cessful answering of progressively more
to find one's feet difficult questions)
to develop one's skills
a sticky patch
to keep an ear to the ground a period fraught with difficulties
to be well informed as to current
developments any port in a storm
anything which helps to avoid diffi-
to mark time culties is welcome
to do nothing while awaiting develop-
ments blood, sweat and tears
hard work and much effort
to play it by ear
to develop one's strategy to always fit elbow grease
in with circumstances as they change hard manual work
from time to time here's the rub
to run with something this is where a difficulty arises (a
to take advantage of some current term used in lawn bowling)
development no sweat
to see the big picture this presents no difficulty
to have the vision and imagination ready-made
enabling a project to be developed as easily fabricated or available without
part of a bigger whole difficulty
to see which way the cat jumps road blocks
to await developments difficulties
search for the Holy Grail
DIFFICULTY work toward a difficult goal (refers to
a baptism of fire a vessel supposedly used by Christ at
the commencement of an operation the last supper and featuring in the
which presented great difficulty Arthurian legends)
a fair-weather friend someone is a hard nut to crack
a person purporting to be a friend it is very difficult to persuade a per-
who offers no support in difficult times son to do something

stumbling block to be in deep water

an impediment or difficulty preventing to be in great difficulty
the easy completion of some project
or a dilemma involving a moral issue to be in hot water
to be in trouble or to be in difficulty
that is hard to take
it is difficult to face up to the reality to be in the same boat
of this to share a common set of difficulties
the show must go on to be in the soup
despite difficulties the action in con- to be in great difficulties
templation has to proceed
to be no bed of roses
the very best of British luck to be difficult or uncomfortable
you will have a hard time of it, but
you carry my best wishes to be no fun
to be difficult
to back someone into a corner
to drive a person into a position from to be on a sticky wicket
which escape is difficult to face some difficulties (refers to
to batten down the hatches
to get ready for expected difficulties to be out of one's depth
to find that some issue is too compli-
to be a cross which one has to bear
cated or too difficult
to be a difficulty which one has to
endure to be out of the woods
to be a fish out of water the previous difficulties have been
to be in difficulty by virtue of being overcome
in a strange environment to be pushing uphill
to be a handful to face difficulties
to be difficult to manage to be sheer murder
to be a hard act to follow to be extremely unpleasant or diffi-
to be an impressive performance, not cult; or to be an inglorious defeat
easily matched by the next person to be the hard core
to be between a rock and a hard to be the central and most difficult
place problem
to be faced with two equally difficult
to be up a gum tree
and uncomfortable choices
to be in difficulty or at the end of
to be in a hole one's resources
to experience some difficulties
to bite the bullet
to be in a jam to face up to the difficulties of a
to be in difficulties situation
to be in a pickle to catch someone in a bind
to be in difficulties to find a person in a difficulty from
to be in a quagmire which he cannot readily extricate
to be in great difficulty himself
to be in a stew to face a rocky road ahead
to be in difficulties to be likely to encounter difficulties

to fall on one's feet to leave someone in the lurch

surprisingly to succeed despite diffi- to desert a person who is in difficul-
culties ties (refers to the score in certain
to fight an uphill battle
to face difficulties or to have formida- to make a good fist of something
ble opposition to be successful in a difficult task
to get around some difficulty to need the wisdom of Solomon
to use an approach which overcomes to be faced with the need to make a
some difficulty difficult decision (1 Kings 3:16-28)
to give someone hell to penetrate someone's thick skull
to make life difficult for a person to make a person understand some-
thing difficult or acknowledge some-
to grab the devil by the tail thing unwelcome
to face up to difficulties
to plot a safe course through troubled
to grasp the nettle waters
to deal with a neglected difficulty to make a plan which overcomes cer-
to have a dream run tain difficulties
to encounter no difficulties to put one's thinking cap on
to concentrate on finding a solution
to have a hard row to hoe to a difficult problem
to be a difficult assignment
to put something into the ' 'too
to have a job in front of one hard" basket
to face difficulties to defer consideration of a difficult
to have one's work cut out to do issue
something to run into heavy weather
it will be difficult to achieve some- to encounter difficulties
thing to sharpen one's ax
to have the cards stacked against one to get ready for a difficult task
to be faced with many difficulties to sink deeper into the mire
frustrating a project to get into further difficulties
to have the odds stacked against one to sink deeper into the mud
to be faced with many difficulties to get into even greater difficulty
frustrating a project to skirt around the difficulties
to heave a sigh of relief to act as though the difficulties did
to express satisfaction at the achieve- not exist
ment of a solution to a difficult prob- to smell trouble
lem to perceive difficulties
to iron out something to soldier on
to sort out a difficult problem to carry on despite difficulties
to jump a hurdle to strike a snag
to overcome a problem or difficulty to encounter a difficulty
to kick a man when he is down to take the bull by the horns
to take unfair advantage of a person to come to grips with the realities of
already in difficulty a difficult problem

to take the rough with the smooth a damp squib

to accept the hardships of life along disappointingly ineffective action (re-
with its pleasant features fers to fireworks which fail to go off)
to tiptoe around the difficulties he would turn in his grave
to act as though the difficulties did he would have been very surprised or
not exist displeased if he had known while still
to tread a fine line alive
cautiously to take action in circum- someone's face fell
stances whether either too much or someone registered obvious disap-
too little will cause difficulties pointment
to tread the thin line
someone's jaw dropped
cautiously to take action in circum-
someone registered obvious disap-
stances whether either too much or
too little will cause difficulties
to wear one's crown of thorns to be a bitter pill to swallow
to have one's own difficulties (John to be a great humiliation and disap-
19:5) pointment which have to be endured
to be a severe blow
DISAPPOINTMENT to be a great disappointment
a damp squib to be at the end of one's tether
disappointingly ineffective action (re- to be frustrated by a lack of knowl-
fers to fireworks which fail to go off) edge, authority or patience
someone's face fell to be cut to pieces
someone registered obvious disap- to be very upset
to be devastated
someone's jaw dropped to be extremely disappointed
someone registered obvious disappoint-
ment, incredulity, or shock to be left with a nasty taste in one's
to be a bitter pill to swallow to be appalled or very disappointed at
to be a great humiliation and disap-
another person's unethical behavior
pointment which have to be endured
to one
to be a severe blow
to be a great disappointment to be someone's bete noire
to be a person whose ideas and ac-
to be devastated tions cause upset and loathing in an-
to be extremely disappointed other person (French, "black beast")
to be left with a nasty taste in one's
mouth to bite someone's head off
to rudely express displeasure at some
to be appalled or very disappointed at
another person's unethical behavior
to one to break someone's heart
to act in a way causing great upset to
DISPLEASURE another person
/ will have his guts for garters to give someone a black look
I am extremely angry and dissatisfied to indicate one's displeasure with a
with him person

to go through the roof distant fields look greener

(of a person) to be very upset or (of activities of which one has no experi-
prices) to escalate greatly ence seem much easier than is really
the case
to knit one's brows
to indicate one's displeasure it's a breeze
to make a noise about something it is easy
to complain or express dissatisfaction money for jam
about something remuneration easily earned
to open up a festering sore
not to be all beer and skittles
to upset a person by drawing atten-
not to be all pleasant and easy
tion to a long-standing grievance
to put someone's nose out of joint ready-made
to upset another person
easily fabricated or available without
to take the wind out of someone's
sails stumbling block
to upset a person by anticipating his an impediment or difficulty preventing
actions or using arguments which he the easy completion of some project
was proposing to use or a dilemma involving a moral issue

to throw brickbats at someone to be laid-down misère

to express displeasure with a person to be very easily accomplished and/or
to be certain of outcome (refers to the
to tread on someone's corns declaration in certain card games un-
to upset another person by interfering dertaking to win no tricks)
in his area of responsibility
to be a money spinner
to tread on someone's toes to produce large profits easily and
to upset another person by interfering quickly
in his area of responsibility
to be a piece of cake
to upset the applecart
to be very easy or greatly to one's
to engage in conduct disturbing a
peaceful state of affairs and thereby
cause discomfort to be able to do something standing
to vote with one's feet on one's head
to show one's displeasure by termi- to be able to do something very easily
nating an association to be able to do something with one
to wave a finger at someone hand behind one's back
to indicate mild displeasure at an- to be able to do something very easily
other person's actions to be able to eat someone for breakfast
to be able to outwit a person very
EASE easily

a milch cow to be child's play

an easy and plentiful source of some to be easy or to require only elemen-
desired benefit tary skills and knowledge
a walkover to be in clover
an easy victory to enjoy a life of ease and luxury

to be plain sailing EMPLOYMENT

to be quite straightforward and very
easy a dead-end position
a job with no prospects of advancement
to be putty in someone's hands
to be far too easily influenced by feather bedding
another person (industrial relations) creating unnec-
essary jobs solely to increase employ-
to chase every hare
ment; (in economics) assisting an
to be easily sidetracked
inefficient industry by government
to die hard grants or excessive tariff protection
not to give up easily
golden shackles
to get an armchair ride financial arrangements designed to
to be given a particularly easy time discourage employees changing em-
to have a mind of one's own ployers
not to be easily influenced rising star
to have nerves of steel person making good progress in his
not to be easily frightened career

to leave oneself wide open someone's job is on the line

to act in such a way that one's oppo- a person's career path is under con-
nents will find much which can be sideration and/or his present position
easily criticized is at risk
to nip something in the bud to drum someone out of some
to stop some activity in its early stages organization
when stopping it is still relatively to terminate in ignominy a person's
easy employment or membership (refers to
the ceremonial cashiering in the army
to roll off the tongue to the beating of parade drums)
to be said very easily
to have one's fingers in the till
to run rings around someone
to steal from one's employer
to easily outwit another person
to serve something up to someone on to hold someone's hand
a plate to give detailed on-the-job training
to make something especially easy and supervision
for a particular person to know the ropes
to smooth the path for someone to know how to do one's job
to use one's influence to make arrange-
to move on to greener pastures
ments so that a person's task will be
to commence a new, better career
easier or more readily accomplished
to take something in one's stride to swing the lead
to cope with something easily to cheat an employer by not working
while being paid to do so
to win the prize in a canter
to win very easily to tickle the Peter
to rob one's employer
(of behavior, etc.) to be easily seen to turn an honest penny
as not genuine to earn money out of odd jobs

END in the wash-up

when everything is finalized
a clean sweep
the complete removal in an election it's not over till the fat lady sings
of all sitting members it is not finished yet
a dead-end position one for the road
a job with no prospects of advancement a final drink before leaving
a logjam saber rattling
a stoppage of activity caused by input hints of retribution if certain conduct
in greater volume than allowed for does not cease
a photo finish someone's head is on the block
a close result in a contest a person is in danger of having his
appointment terminated
at the end of the day
in due course or at the conclusion of stalemate
a project a final result in which neither party to
a dispute is victorious
cold turkey
the sudden cessation of drugs to an that wraps it up
addict that is the end

cut it out! the bottom line

stop doing that! the conclusion which matters or the
net effect of a series of develop-
danse macabre ments
gruesome final step (French, "ghastly
the buck stops here
I accept full responsibility (sign on
dead and buried the desk of Harry S. Truman when
(of some issue) definitely concluded, president of the United States)
especially so long ago as to be nearly the final countdown
forgotten the last stages of something (refers to
from a to z the launch of space vehicles)
from start to finish the final straw
from alpha to omega the latest step, which, when added to
from start to finish (refers to the first a large number of seemingly harm-
and last letters of the Greek alphabet) less previous steps, sets off a disaster
resulting from the cumulative effect
from go to whoa
from start to finish (refers to the com- the sands are running out
mand given to horses) the time available for some action is
nearly at an end
/'// soon stop his little game
the sun has set on something
his activities are not tolerated and I
something has concluded
will ensure that they cease
the tail end of something
in for a penny—in for a pound
the very end of something
once something is commenced it ought
to be finished; or if one is willing to this is the end of the road for someone
take a small risk then one might as a person will have no further oppor-
well take a bigger one tunity to do something

to break the back of a task

to abandon ship
to complete the bulk of the work
to abrogate one's responsibilities or
to abandon a project to bury the hatchet
to abandon hostilities
to bale out of something
to abandon an enterprise in anticipa- to call it a day
tion of disaster to cease involvement with some activity
to be all over bar the shouting to call off the dogs
to be virtually finished to abandon an audit or other inquiry
to be in at the death to cast prudence to the winds
to be present at the conclusion of to cease being prudent
to chop someone off at the socks
to be in at the kill to stop someone's proposals prema-
to be present at the climatic finish to turely
to close the book on something
to be on a treadmill to terminate an activity
to be involved in some unpleasant
to come to a full stop
ongoing activity which cannot readily
be stopped to completely cease activity
to come to a head
to be on one's death bed
to reach culmination
(of an organization or a piece of equip-
ment) to be about to cease functioning to come to a sticky end
to endure an unpleasant fate
to be only a gleam in someone's eyes
to be a long way from final achievement to crystalize
to emerge in its final form
to be out on one's ear
to have one's services abruptly term- to cut corners
inated to lower one's standards in order to
complete something more quickly
to be out the door
to have one's position terminated to deal the final hand
to be stopped in one's tracks to take steps which conclude a matter
suddenly and unexpectedly to be to dot the i's and cross the t's
prevented from carrying on with a to be meticulous in completing the
project documentation for a transaction
to be the sting in the tail to drum someone out of some
to be the unexpected unpleasant con- organization
clusion to terminate in ignominy a person's
to be up a gum tree employment or membership (refers to
to be in difficulty or at the end of the ceremonial cashiering in the army
one's resources to the beating of parade drums)
to beat a retreat to dry up
to abandon some project to cease
to break one's duck to fall by the wayside
to end a spell without results (refers to abandon and not complete what
to cricket) one set out to do

to fetter someone to peg out

to stop a person acting on his own to die (refers to the final stroke in a
initiative game of croquet)
to finish with a bang to play the last card in the pack
to conclude something in grand style to lower one's standards in a final
desperate effort
to get on stream
to now operate successfully following to play the trump card
the end of a settling-in period to make a final move, thereby defeating
one's opponents
to get rid of the dead wood
to terminate the services of unsatis- to pull oneself together
factory personnel to cease acting without purpose or
to get up off one's butt
to cease being apathetic to put a wall around someone
to stop a person associating with others
to give someone the boot
to terminate a person's appointment to put something to bed
to finally dispose of
to give the game away
to cease involvement with some activity to put the brake on someone
to grind to a halt to stop a person
to cease some activity despite expec- to put up the shutters
tations that it would continue to cease an established activity
to jettison some proposal to quietly fold up one's tent
to abandon some proposal as worth- to surreptitiously abandon a previously-
less or impracticable cherished stance
to kill some proposal stone dead to receive the coup de grace
to abandon some proposal completely to be finished off by an opponent
to lay some theory to rest (French, "mercy stroke")
to abandon some theory as being no to ring down the curtain on something
longer appropriate to treat something as concluded
to lose heart
to run into a dead end
to cease being enthusiastic
to get nowhere in an investigation
to lose one's nerve
to abandon, out of fear, a decision to to run its course
do something to come to a natural end
to lose one's touch to see the light at the end of the
to cease to be familiar with something tunnel
to be close to finalizing a long exercise
to lower the boom
to terminate an activity to shelve some proposal
to abandon some proposal
to make a last-ditch stand
to make a brave effort to stave off to shut up shop
final defeat to cease an established activity
to nip something in the bud to sound the death knell of something
to stop some activity in its early stages to indicate the impending end of
when stopping it is still relatively easy something

to stem the hemorrhage

to put a stop to the financial losses of
a project / would give my right arm for
to stitch up a deal I am very keen to acquire something
to successfully conclude a deal
afire in someone's belly
to strangle some discussion great enthusiasm
to cut off some unfinished discussion
a shot in the arm
to throw someone to the lions something to revive a person's enthu-
to abandon a person siasm
to tie something up an eager beaver
to finalize the arrangement for some- a person with great drive and enthusi-
thing asm even if this causes annoyance to
to tie up the loose ends
to complete the minor outstanding bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
items of some substantially finished naive but enthusiastic
project deafening silence
to turn a complete somersault great apathy and lack of enthusiasm
to reverse one's established policy half-hearted
to turn up trumps
to finish up better than expected or to heart and soul
experience unexpected good luck with great energy
to vote with one's feet keepers of the flame
to show one's displeasure by termi- persons keen to maintain old traditions
nating an association larger than life
in person and full of enthusiasm
to walk away with a profit
to achieve a profit on concluding a lukewarm
project unenthusiastic though not hostile
to wrap up a deal not to break someone's door down
to bring a deal to a successful conclu- to be quite unenthusiastic about some-
sion one's goods or services
not to care a hoot
until stumps are drawn
not to show the slightest concern or
until the project ends
when the crunch comes one's heart is not in some cause
when the inevitable conclusion is one has little enthusiasm for some
reached cause
when the music stops the lifeblood
suddenly and soon (refers to an im- the main or essential ingredient; or the
minent crisis leading to some resolu- person or factor instilling enthusiasm
tion of a matter, as in a game of
musical chairs) they fell over themselves to do some-
where the ax falls they showed great keenness while doing
who gets terminated something

to be a live wire to get one's teeth into something

to be an enthusiast to tackle a task with enthusiasm
to be a political animal to give something a blood transfusion
to want to be in politics to give something new enthusiasm
to be after someone's blood to go hammer and tongs
to be keen to make a person the to do something with great energy
victim of an angry confrontation
to grab some opportunity with both
to be after someone's scalp hands
to be keen to penalize a person to seize some opportunity with great
to be bitten with something
to become very enthusiastic over to have one's heart in something
something to be enthusiastic about and commit-
ted to a cause
to be close to one's heart
to be a project on which one is very to have one's heart set on something
keen to be very keen to achieve something
to be dying to do something to jump at the opportunity
to be extremely keen to do something to enthusiastically take immediate ad-
vantage of a good chance
to be hot on a subject
to be knowledgeable and enthusiastic to jump into the ring
about a subject to join in enthusiastically
to be in someone's blood to leap at an idea
to be something about which a person to accept a suggestion enthusiastically
is very knowledgeable or keen to lose heart
to be itching to go to cease being enthusiastic
to be highly enthusiastic and keen to to make a beeline for something
start to go straight to something with great
to be on one's soap box enthusiasm or to head for some goal
to hold forth on an issue about which by the most direct route
one feels keenly to pour cold water on some idea
to be the life and soul of the party to be unenthusiastic about some pro-
to be the prime enthusiast for a cause posal or scornful of its apparent
to beat someone to the punch
to pull oneself together
to get to some objective ahead of
to cease acting without purpose or
some keen rival
to break one's neck to do something to rebound with a vengeance
to be particularly keen to return to an issue with great
to carry a torch for someone enthusiasm
to act as an enthusiastic advocate of to run out of steam
another person's cause to lose one's energy and enthusiasm
to galvanize someone into action to start the ball rolling
to enthuse a person into doing some- to commence and enthusiastically ad-
thing vance an activity involving people

to take a shine to someone to compete on all fours with someone

to be keen on a person to strive on equal terms
to want someone's hide to fight fire with fire
to be keen to penalize a person to counter a dangerous situation by
making an equally dangerous move
with much fanfare
with great enthusiasm and public
acclaim EXCESS
with open arms a holier-than-thou attitude
enthusiastically excessive righteousness
daylight robbery
EQUALITY the charging of grossly excessive prices
a level playing field feather bedding
competition on equal terms (in industrial relations) creating un-
necessary jobs solely to increasing
a second-class citizen
employment; (in economics) assisting
a person not treated as an equal an inefficient industry by government
between the devil and the deep blue grants or excessive tariff protection
highway robbery
to be faced with two equally unpalat-
the charging of grossly excessive prices
able alternatives which cannot both
be avoided paper warfare
an excessive amount of correspond-
it is a toss-up
ence or red tape
either alternative is equally acceptable
only a cigarette paper between them excessively mean
virtually equal or close together
red tape
only a postage stamp between them excessively bureaucratic procedures
virtually equal or close together
someone has swallowed a dictionary
only a tissue between them a person uses excessively long words
virtually equal or close together
that takes the cake
the river found its mark that is quite absurd or outrageous or
equilibrium between two pressures has excessively cheeky
been achieved to be a sticky beak
to be between Scylla and Charybdis to show excessive curiosity into mat-
to be faced with two equally unpalat- ters not of one's concern
able alternatives which cannot both to be above water
be avoided (refers to the voyage of (of securities) to have a market value
Ulysses) in excess of the cost price
to be between a rock and a hard to be babes in the wood
place to be excessively naive and inexperi-
to be faced with two equally difficult enced and thus ripe for exploitation
and uncomfortable choices
to be dressed up to the nines
to be line ball to be attired in excessively elaborate
to be equal garments

to be on one's high horse to talk the hind leg off a donkey

to be excessively pompous to talk excessively
to be tied to someone's apron strings
to be excessively influenced by a EXPECTATION
a gambit
to be too frightened to say '"boo" an opening move in a competitive
to a goose situation which involves short-term
to be excessively shy losses in the expectation of long-term
to be wet behind the ears
to be excessively naive and inexperi- drawcard
enced feature expected to attract a crowd
to burn the candle at both ends front-runner
to work excessively long hours person expected to win
to charge like a wounded bull not to hold one's breath for something
to impose excessive prices (a play on to give up all expectation
words; not a simile)
opening shot
to cost an arm and a leg first step in an activity expected to
to be excessively expensive last a long time
to eat one's head off the calm before the storm
to eat excessively the quiet period before an expected or
to go overboard inevitable crisis
to act foolishly and in an excessive there are black clouds on the horizon
way bad news is expected
to hang onto someone's coattails to batten down the hatches
to excessively rely on another per- to get ready for expected difficulties
son's initiatives
to be a tall order
to kill the goose that lays the golden to be an unreasonable expectation
through excessive greed to destroy a to be in cloud cuckoo land
very profitable enterprise to be mad or to have unrealistic
to make heavy weather of something
to struggle excessively with a rela- to be more than flesh can stand
tively simple task to be more than a person can reasona-
bly be expected to endure
to make noise enough to wake the
dead to be more than one bargained for
to be excessively noisy to be more than one expected
to pay through the nose to be successful beyond one's wildest
to pay an excessive price dreams
to be far more successful than one
to read the Riot Act
could have expected
to reprimand persons who are exces-
sively noisy (refers to the police read- to beat the odds
ing out to a rowdy crowd extracts to do better than could reasonably
from a law requiring its dispersement) have been expected

to cast one's bread upon the waters to wait for the other shoe to drop
not to expect gratitude or recognition to await the seemingly imminent and
for one's good works (Ecclesiastes inevitable (refers to a man undressing,
11:1) disturbing a neighbor by dropping one
shoe, then frustrating his expectation
to catch someone with his pants down
by putting the other shoe down gently)
to act when another person least ex-
pects it to wear one's heart on one's sleeve
to catch someone with his trousers to lack the reserve expected of one
to act when another person least ex- EXPENSE
pects it
a Pyrrhic victory
to count one's chickens before they a win which costs more than if there
are hatched had been a loss (refers to the battle at
to treat as fact the expected results of which King Pyrrhus of Epirus defeated
a future proposal the Romans at Asculum)
to defy gravity a white elephant
to go up when the expectation is to an expensive and useless luxury (re-
go down fers to gifts of sacred elephants by
to fall through the King of Siam to persons then
ruined by the expense of their upkeep)
not to eventuate as expected
to grind to a halt a white knight
to cease some activity despite expec- a party voluntarily coming to the as-
tations that it would continue sistance of another party at considera-
ble cost to itself
to live on borrowed time
to live longer than expected garage sale
sale of miscellaneous assets at cheap
to loom on the horizon prices
to be expected but not immediately
heads I win—tails you lose
to raise merry hell whichever way this matter goes I will
to prominently involve others in a benefit at your expense
matter in the expectation of signifi-
cant results from this action not to be worth the candle
to be too expensive in relation to the
to raise the specter of something true value
to draw attention to a worrying ex-
pectation of something the law of the jungle
the principle that those having power
to see the color of someone's eyes will use it at the expense of all others
to see how a person matches expecta-
tions or requirements the sky is the limit
the cost is no obstacle
to seek the pot of gold at the end of
the rainbow to be above water
to have naive expectations (of securities) to have a market value
in excess of the cost price
to turn up trumps
to finish up better than expected or to to be on the house
experience unexpected good luck to be free of cost

to buy something for a song hard-bitten

to buy something very cheaply toughened by experience
to cost an arm and a leg hard-boiled
to be excessively expensive toughened by experience
to cut costs to the bone off the top of one's head
to economize based on experience but without de-
to hedge one's bets tailed consideration
to take action involving a cost but to be babes in the wood
which is designed to reduce the pos- to be excessively naive and inexperi-
sible adverse consequences of some enced and thus ripe for exploitation
to be in a hole
to hit someone hard to experience some difficulties
to greatly affect a person emotionally
or to cost a person a lot of money to be in a tight corner
to experience a crisis
to hold the purse strings
to have control of expenditure to be in uncharted waters
to mortgage the future to be the first to experience something
to get benefits now but at a cost in to be someone's bread and butter
due course to be a person's livelihood or to be a
person's everyday experience
EXPERIENCE to bet wet behind the ears
a blessing in disguise to be excessively naive and inexperi-
an unwelcome but salutary experience enced
a green chum to broaden someone's mind
an inexperienced person to expose a person to a greater varie-
ty of experiences and interests than
a nightmare he had previously
an unpleasant experience
to cut one's teeth on something
a past master to get one's first experience by doing
an expert with long experience something
a trap for young players to feel the draft
a good opportunity for the inexperi-
to experience unfavorable conditions
enced or naive to make mistakes
to hide one's light under a bushel
a warhorse to keep others in ignorance of one's
an old soldier who likes to relive past skills and experience
wartime experiences
to learn a lesson
an old head on young shoulders
to benefit from one's experience
experience, knowledge and maturity
in a young person to pick someone's brain
to get the benefit of another person's
distant fields look greener knowledge and experience
activities of which one has no experi-
ence seem much easier than is really to put someone through the mill
the case to give a person practical experience

to reap as one has sown a sitting shot

to experience the consequences of one's an initial move which is designed to
own actions establish facts for use in a later action
to teach one's grandmother how to a telltale sign
suck eggs a visible indication revealing true facts
to try to tell a much more experi- despite efforts at concealment
enced person something very obvious
to him it will all come out in the wash
the facts will emerge as work proceeds
to turn up trumps
to finish up better than expected or to put that in your pipe and smoke it
experience unexpected good luck contemplate that fact
EXPERTISE disclosure of certain pertinent facts
a backroom boy that takes on added color
an expert unable to communicate there are now further facts which al-
effectively with the lay public ter the appearance of a matter
a past master the affair blew up
an expert with long experience certain unwelcome facts have become
father knows best publicly available
as an expert I know better than you the boot is on the other foot
do just what is most suitable for you the real facts are the other way round
not to be someone's cup of tea the penny dropped
to be outside a person's expertise or a person has just realized a fact which
area of interest should have been obvious (refers to
to be slipping old-fashioned pay toilets)
to be losing one's cunning or expertise
to almost drive someone to tears
to be up one's alley to present information designed to
to be right within a person's expertise make another person express sympa-
or area of interest thy not warranted by the facts
to hang up one's shingle to ascertain the lay of the land
to go into business offering expert to establish the pertinent facts and
personal services opinions
to stick to one's game
to confine oneself to activities in areas to balance the picture
in which one has knowledge and to put the other side of the story or to
expertise quote facts in contradiction
to be old hat
FACT to be a very widely-known fact
a goldmine to be on the wrong tram
a source of much wealth or of many to be completely mistaken as to the
facts basic facts
a gut feeling to bring a fact home to someone
a belief based purely on intuition and despite his inclination to the contrary,
unsupported by facts or evidence to make a person realize a fact

to count one's chickens before they to throw in one's six pennies' worth
are hatched to modestly supply one's own facts or
to treat as fact the expected results of views
a future proposal
to throw in one's two cents' worth
to drag someone by the head and to modestly supply one's own facts or
ears views
to force a person to reveal the true to wake up to something
facts to realize a fact or its significance
to draw a long bow to whitewash
to state a conclusion which while to exonerate when this is not warranted
possible is unlikely on the known by the facts
when the balloon goes up
to flush out the facts when the adverse facts come to light
to ascertain, after some effort, the
when the chips are down
truth of some matter
when all facts are known and taken
to have one's wires crossed into consideration
to be mistaken about key facts
to have something to chew on FACTOR
to have firm facts on which to base a a bottleneck
decision a factor obstructing an even flow
to send someone away with a flea in a catalyst
his ear a factor causing something to happen
to give a person frank but unwelcome
facts (refers to fleas trapped in the chicken and egg
armor of ancient knights) two factors each of which results in
the other
to sift the lifeblood
to closely examine the evidence or a
the main or essential ingredient; or
set of facts with a view to attaching
the person or factor instilling enthu-
different significance as appropriate
to each of the various components
the nigger in the woodpile
to strengthen someone's hand the factor spoiling an otherwise satis-
to give a person additional authority factory arrangement
or greater moral support or more facts
to support his case to be a magnet
to be a factor drawing a crowd of
to take something at face value people
(of alleged facts) to accept something
without question or challenge to cloud one's mind
to allow irrelevant or extraneous fac-
to take something with a grain of salt tors to affect one's impartiality or
to regard the facts in a statement with judgment
considerable skepticism
to make or break someone
to throw a cat among the pigeons to be a factor leading either to a
to cause consternation by revealing person's success or to his failure,
an unpleasant and unexpected fact with no intermediate position

to paint a black picture a Pyrrhic victory

to state a set of unfavorable factors a win which costs more than if there
had been a loss (refers to the battle at
to present a rosy picture
which King Pyrrhus of Epirus defeated
to state a set of favorable factors the Romans at Asculum)
to see which way the wind is blowing
a roller coaster ride
to establish the factors relevant to a
a series of successes followed by
to tip the scales
a South Sea bubble
to be a factor which in combination
an unrealistic financial venture which
with other factors results in a particu-
is bound to result in total loss
lar decision which would otherwise
not have been reached checkmate
factor responsible for certain events it is a case of sink or swim
occurring at that particular time the attempt is worthwhile, despite the
risk of failure
FAILURE stalemate
a final result in which neither party to
a bloodbath
a dispute is victorious
catastrophic losses
that is money down the drain
a case of rats leaving a sinking ship
money has been wastefully lost on a
the desertion of an enterprise in antic-
failed project
ipation of imminent failure
the wheels fell off
a damp squib
the plan failed
dissappointingly ineffective action (re-
fers to fireworks which fail to go off) to back the wrong horse
to have faith in, give support to and/
a flash in the pan
or invest in a project which proves to
something that begins promisingly but
be unsuccessful
does not last (refers to the priming of
old guns) to bang one's head up against a brick
a gambit
to fight an unwinnable case
an opening move in a competitive
situation which involves short-term to be a dead duck
losses in the expectation of long-term to have failed
to be done like a dinner
a game of cat and mouse to be defeated and humiliated
negotiations between two parties of
to be on the ropes
unequal bargaining power during which
to be facing defeat
the stronger makes some temporary
concessions to the weaker without, to be one in the eye for someone
however, affecting the latter's eventu- to represent an unexpected and unwel-
al total defeat come defeat
a landslide to be sheer murder
an electoral result involving victory or to be extremely unpleasant or diffi-
defeat by an unexpectedly large margin cult; or to be an inglorious defeat

to be slipping to kiss something good-bye

to be losing one's cunning or expertise to give something up as permanently
to beat by a long shot
to defeat very convincingly to kiss the ground
to suffer a loss
to become a vegetable
to lose one's mental and physical to lick one's wounds
faculties to adjust oneself to defeat
to burn one's fingers to lose face
to lose money through foolishness to endure embarrassment by virtue of
being defeated or having one's errors
to chase a corpse
found out
to harp on something long ago re-
solved or a lost cause to lose money hand over fist
to lose money very fast and convinc-
to derail some strategy
to cause a strategy to fail
to draw a blank to lose one's shirt
to be unsuccessful to make heavy financial losses

to eat crow to make a last ditch stand

to accept a humiliating defeat to make a brave effort to stave off
final defeat
to eat someone alive
to soundly defeat a person to make or break someone
to be a factor leading either to a
to fall to the ground person's success or his failure, with
to fail no intermediate position
to fly out the window to meet one's Waterloo
to be lost to receive a decisive defeat (refers to
to force someone onto his knees Napoleon's fate at the Battle of Water-
to inflict a humiliating defeat on a loo)
to miss the boat
to get off the canvas to fail to exploit an opportunity
to recover after near defeat
to miss the bus
to give someone a bath to fail to exploit an opportunity
to dramatically defeat a person
to miss the sharks while netting the
to go down the tube minnows
to fail to succeed in minor aspects but fail in
to hold a winning hand the ones that really matter
to be in an unbeatable position to
defeat others to miss the train
to fail to exploit an opportunity
to hold all the aces
to be in an unbeatable position to to nurse one's bruises
defeat others to face up to the consequences of
to hold the trump card
to be in an unbeatable position to to overstep the mark
defeat others to fail to observe the proprieties

to play the trump card a white lie

to make a final move, thereby defeating a false statement uttered in a
one's opponents cause
to raise the stake some mud will stick
to increase the amount of potential reputations will be hurt even after
gain or loss in a project accusations are proved false
to rub it in to cook the books
to humiliate another person by em- fraudulently to maintain false records
phasizing his defeat of financial transactions
to save face to dream up some story
to be allowed to keep one's dignity to concoct a false story naively or
despite having suffered a defeat or maliciously
made an error
to lie through one's teeth
to sink slowly in the West to tell blatant untruths
to fail gradually
to nail a lie
to stem the hemorrhage to expose an untruth
to put a stop to the financial losses of
to pull someone's leg
a project
to tell a false but plausible story as an
to throw good money after bad act of humor
to waste further money in a vain
to sail under false colors
attempt to recover money already lost
to pretend that one's real character or
to throw in the towel beliefs are different from what they
to concede defeat really are
to throw up the sponge to speak with forked tongues
to concede defeat to utter half-truths with the intention
to tighten the noose of misleading the listener
to get closer to inflicting defeat to swallow the line
to trump someone to accept as truth the story being
to defeat a person proffered
to turn the corner
to commence being successful after FRANKNESS
initial failures a straight shooter
to wipe the floor with someone a person who is frank and outspoken
to inflict a humiliating defeat on a
person not to pull any punches
to be brutally frank

FALSITY to come out into the open

to start being frank
a false dawn
an incident giving rise to unjustified to hit someone right between the eyes
hope to be brutally frank
a tall story to lay one's cards on the table
an interesting but untrue and unbe- to be utterly frank and open or to
lievable tale honestly disclose one's position

to make no bones about it a crystal ball

to be brutally frank accurate knowledge of the future
to send someone away with a flea in a litmus test
his ear an event which allows the outcome of
to give a person frank but unwelcome future events to be predicted more
facts (refers to fleas trapped in the accurately
armor of ancient knights)
to be destined for the scrap-heap
to shoot from the hip to face a future in which one will
to speak frankly and openly have no meaningful role
to speak one's mind
to conduct a postmortem on something
to express one's views frankly and
to review past actions with a view of
learning lessons for the future (Latin,
"after the death")
to count one's chickens before they
in fear and trembling
are hatched
in a state of apprehension
to treat as fact the expected results of
to frighten hell out of someone a future proposal
to alarm a person
to have a cloud hanging over one's
to frighten the horses
to scare people off by one's ill-
there is doubt as to one's future
considered tactics
to have a threat hanging over one's to keep someone's seat warm
head to hold a position temporarily with a
to fear some intimated unpleasant view to another person taking it over
action permanently in the near future
to have nerves of steel to keep something up one's sleeve
not to be easily frightened to secretly retain something in re-
to lose one's nerve serve for use in the future or at a later
to abandon, out of fear, a decision to stage of negotiations
do something to mortgage the future
to make someone's flesh creep to get benefits now but at a cost in
to frighten a person with something due course
to pigeon-hole
to nearly jump out of one's skin to put aside for further consideration
to receive a fright in the distant future
to scare the pants off someone to put something into cold storage
to greatly frighten a person to put something aside for dealing
with at some indeterminate future time
to telegraph one's punches
a bird in the hand is worth two in by one's actions to give advance warn-
the bush ing of one's future plans
a benefit currently available is more
valuable than a seemingly much larg- to wash one's hands of something
er benefit which may or may not be to emphatically decline future respon-
achieved in the future sibility

HAPPINESS AND ENJOYMENT to warm the cockles of someone's

a field day to delight a person
a very enjoyable and successful occa-
all his Christmases came at once
he was overjoyed a muckraker
a person who sets out to publicize
in Halcyon days
misconduct of prominent persons or
in past happier times (refers to the 14
days about the winter solstice when
winds were calm and to the mythical a mudraker
bird said to breed in a floating nest at a person who sets out to publicize
that time) features harming another person's
to be in a seventh heaven reputation
to be very happy
not to touch a hair on someone's
to be in clover head
to enjoy a life of ease and luxury not to harm a person
to be on cloud nine
one cannot make an omelette without
to be very happy
breaking eggs
to be on the crest of a wave the desired end dictates the means
to enjoy success which may not last even if they cause harm to others
to be on top of the world the final straw
to be very happy the latest step, which, when added to
to be wrapped in something a large number of seemingly harm-
to enjoy something less previous steps, sets off a disaster
resulting from the cumulative effect
to have a ball
to have an enjoyable time the straw which broke the camel's
to have a run for one's money back
to at least get some enjoyment out of the latest step, which, when added to
an otherwise abortive exercise a large number of seemingly harm-
less previous steps, sets off a dis-
to jump for joy aster resulting from the cumulative
to express great satisfaction effect
to lap it up to be a wolf in sheep's clothing
to enjoy the attention
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous
to laugh one's head off although masquerading as something
to greatly enjoy something harmless (Matthew 7:15)
to throw one's hat into the air to cut one's nose off to spite one's
to express joy face
to turn handstands to act in pique in a way which harms
to express great joy only oneself

to walk on air to keep something on an even keel

to be joyful to ensure that something is not harmed

to let blood to fish for compliments

to allow some harm as the price for to drop hints in the hope that one will
achieving some greater benefit receive praise or recognition
to save one's bacon to fly a kite
to escape harm to issue uncovered checks in the hope
that they will be covered before clear-
to shoot oneself in the foot ance or to test public reaction to leg-
to act in a foolish way and thus harm islation in contemplation by leaking
one's own cause broad details of it to the media
to stab someone in the back to have a snowflake's chance in hell
to deliberately and surreptitiously harm to have no hope or possibility at all
a person who regarded one as a friend to keep one's fingers crossed
to hope for a good outcome
HOPE to pull something out of the fire
a chink of light to salvage something in a seemingly
a small hope of a solution or break- hopeless situation
through to sow seeds
a false dawn to propagate ideas in the hope that
an incident giving rise to unjustified they will be adopted
hope to teach someone a lesson
to inflict something unpleasant on a
a fat chance person in the hope that it will lead to
little hope a change in his behavior
a light in the sky to throw a sprat to catch a mackerel
a sign of great hope to risk a little in the hope of gaining
a slough of despond much
a feeling of hopelessness to touch wood
it is to be hoped that our good luck
not a dog's chance will not go away
no hope at all
not the ghost of a chance IDEA
no hope at all
/ buy that
pie in the sky I accept that idea
a hoped-for result unlikely to be
achieved a brainwave
a suddenly occurring bright idea
the one bright spot on the horizon a copycat
the only hopeful aspect a person who imitates another per-
things look black son's ideas
there is little hope of success or pros- a dinosaur
perity or a favorable outcome a person with incredibly outmoded
to clasp at straws ideas
to have a hopeless case but show a pipeline to someone
unjustified optimism on noting minor an intermediary used as a means of
positive features communicating ideas to a person

a swelled head to encapsulate some idea

an exaggerated idea of one's abilities to reduce the essential points of a
or status complicated proposal to a small num-
ber of words
a thought in the back of one's mind
an undeveloped idea to go to someone's head
to cause a person to get an exaggerat-
ed idea of his abilities or status
inspired original idea
to have a blank canvas
to be bereft of ideas
unrealistic ideas
to knock an idea on the head
to utterly reject a proposal
(of ideas, etc.) antiquated
to leap at an idea
to act as a sounding board
to accept a suggestion enthusiastically
to give, on request, constructive criti-
cisms of ideas tentatively held to pour cold water on some idea
to be unenthusiastic about some pro-
to be bankrupt of ideas posal or scornful of its apparent
to be bereft of ideas weaknesses
to be poles apart to put one's heads together
to have ideas which are very different to confer and pool ideas
to be someone's bete noire to put pen to paper
to be a person whose ideas and ac- to set out one's ideas in written form
tions cause upset and loathing in an-
other person (French, "black beast") to ram something down someone's
to be the cat's pajamas to pressure another person into accept-
to have an exaggerated idea of one's ing an idea with which he does not
own importance agree
to be the cradle of something to sow seeds
to be the place where some idea was to propagate ideas in the hope that
first nurtured they will be adopted
to be too big for one's breeches to speak the same language
to have an exaggerated idea of one's to have a good understanding and
own importance similar ideas

to brainstorm to stand on someone's shoulders

to pool thoughts in the course of a to build upon another person's ideas
session designed to generate fresh ideas to steal someone's clothes
and especially to build upon the ideas to plagiarize another person's ideas
of others to test the water
to disseminate ideas to try out an idea in a small way
to spread ideas to a wide audience to throw something out of the window
(lit., "to scatter seeds in various to completely reject an idea or proposal
to turn someone's head
to dust some idea off to cause a person to get an exaggerat-
to revive some proposal ed idea of his abilities or status

young Turks in our camp

members of an organization who hold in the group representing our vested
ideas regarded as too revolutionary interest
kindred spirit
INFERENCE person with similar interests and
the answer is a lemon
the outcome is inconclusive not to be someone's cup of tea
to be outside a person's expertise or
to bark up the wrong tree
area of interest
to reach an incorrect conclusion
not to care a pin for something
to draw a long bow
not to have the slightest interest in
to state a conclusion which while
possible is unlikely on the known
facts on our side of the fence
in the group representing our vested
to get the wrong sow by the ear
to reach an incorrect conclusion
someone's guardian angel
to hit the nail right on the head
someone's friend, watching over him
to astutely come to the correct conclu-
and advancing his interests
to be off on one's hobby horse
to jump to a conclusion
to throw into conversation aspects of
to infer something without proper
a subject in which one has a passion-
ate interest
to make up one's mind
to be up one's alley
to reach a conclusion after contem-
to be right within a person's expertise
plating a matter
or area of interest
to put two and two together
to bore someone to death
to reach a conclusion by combining
to greatly weary a person by full and
isolated pieces of information
uninteresting conversation or by lack
of action
INTEREST to bore someone to tears
a nine-day wonder to greatly weary a person by full and
an exciting event, but one which will uninteresting conversation or by lack
cease to arouse interest when the nov- of action
elty has worn off
to bore the pants off someone
a sweetheart deal to weary a person by dull and uninte-
an agreement negotiated in private resting conversation
without full regard to the interests of
to break ranks
those affected
to identify oneself as having separate
a tall story interests or views from the rest of a
an interesting but untrue and unbe- group
lievable tale to broaden someone's mind
birds of a feather flock together to expose a person to a greater varie-
persons of like interests gather in the ty of experiences and interests than
same place he had previously

to compare notes to be stopped in one's tracks

to exchange information about some suddenly and unexpectedly to be
subject of mutual interest prevented from carrying on with a
to have a finger in the pie
to have an interest in a project to block someone's path
to have an ax to grind to interfere with a person's opportu-
to have a vested interest nity to advance himself

to need to watch one's back to break down the barriers

to find it necessary to take care in to do away with the prejudice prevent-
case others act against one's interests ing something

to talk one's book to cloud one's mind

to present arguments which, while to allow irrelevant or extraneous fac-
plausible, are really designed to fos- tors to affect one's impartiality or
ter one's vested interest judgement

to throw one's hat into the ring to get the red light
to publicly announce one's interest in to be forbidden to do something
some position to go over someone's head
to wear a particular hat to bypass lower levels of authority
to act in a particular capacity or for a and approach someone more senior
particular vested interest instead

to whet one's appetite to hold someone on a short leash

to give a person very little authority
to arouse one's curiosity or interest
to keep off someone's pad
INTERFERENCE not to interfere with or compete against
another person in his customary area
a logjam of activity
a stoppage of activity caused by input
in greater volume than allowed for to keep one's cotton-picking fingers
off something
a palace revolt not to interfere in something
the overthrow of those in authority by
their subordinates to keep someone in a straitjacket
to deny a person any discretionary
a stitch in time saves nine powers at all
preventive maintenance saves money
in the long run to let blood
to allow some harm as the price for
nothing is sacred achieving some greater benefit
nothing is safe from interference
to poke one's nose into something
pull your head in! to interfere
do not interfere in this!
to put a legrope on someone
stumbling block
to give a person very little authority
an impediment or difficulty preventing
the easy completion of some project to put a spoke in someone's wheel
or a dilemma involving some moral to interfere with another person's ac-
issue tivity, so preventing its continuance

to put one's foot down to be in the thick of things

to exert one's authority and insist on to get involved at the center of some
something activity
to queer the pitch for someone to be on a treadmill
to spoil the opportunity a person has to be involved in some unpleasant
to do something ongoing activity which cannot readily
to spike someone's guns be stopped
to cause something to become useless to be the center of the spider's web
to stand in someone's way to control an operation which involves
to prevent a person achieving his goal numerous and/or complex ingredients

to strengthen someone's hand to be up to one's ears in something

to give a person additional authority to be very deeply involved in some-
or greater moral support or more facts thing
to support his case to be up to one's elbow in something
to throw a spanner in the works to be deeply involved in something
to cause an unexpected complication
to be up to one's neck in something
to tie someone's hands to be very deeply involved in some-
to prevent a person from acting as he thing
sees fit
to be up to the eyeballs in something
to tie someone's hands behind his to be very deeply involved in some-
back thing
to make it impossible for a person to
act at all to butt in
uninvited to involve oneself in some-
to tread on someone's corns one else's conversation
to upset another person by interfering
in his area of responsibility to call it a day
to cease involvement with some activity
to tread on someone's toes
to upset another person by interfering to catch someone in the net
in his area of responsibility to unexpectedly involve a particular
person in the course of activity de-
to wipe the slate clean signed to involve many others
to forgive past indiscretions
to cover one's tracks
INVOLVEMENT to hide the evidence of one's involve-
a lone wolf
a person who prefers to act without to give the game away
involving others to cease involvement with some ac-
a shaggy-dog story
an amusing anecdote with an unex- to have a finger in something
pected ending, often involving talking to be involved in something
animals given certain human skills
to have a tiger by the tail
to be in something up to one's armpits to be involved in an activity which is
to be very deeply involved in some- much more dangerous than one had
thing realized

to hijack a debate to put one's money where one's mouth

to involve oneself in the public dis- is
cussion of some matter and turn that to back one's judgment by putting
discussion to one's advantage assets at risk
to leave someone high and dry to twist someone's arm
to isolate a person from a desired to coerce another person to do some-
involvement thing against his will or better judgment
to raise merry hell
to prominently involve others in a KNOWLEDGE
matter in the expectation of signifi-
a crystal ball
cant results from this action
accurate knowledge of the future
to see the back of someone
to know that a person is no longer a down-to-earth solution
involved in something a realistic solution
to start the ball rolling a skeleton in the cupboard
to commence and enthusiastically ad- an unpleasant truth the knowledge of
vance an activity involving people which has been deliberately suppressed
to take a backseat an old head on young shoulders
not to actively involve oneself experience, knowledge and maturity
to twiddle one's thumbs in a young person
not to be involved in any worthwhile
as soon as someone's back was turned
at the moment it became possible to
do something without a person's
JUDGMENT knowledge
beauty is in the eye of the beholder father knows best
some things are matters for subjective as an expert I know better than you
judgments do just what is most suitable for you
in someone's eyes fools rush in where angels fear to
in a person's judgment tread
to cloud one's mind unsophisticated persons take unwise
to allow irrelevant or extraneous fac- risks in circumstances where more
tors to affect one's impartiality or knowledgeable persons would exer-
judgment cise caution
to fall flat on one's face hard-headed
to make a bad error of judgment realistic
to have an open mind
he would turn in his grave
to be willing to assess evidence on its
he would have been very surprised or
merits and without prejudging it
displeased if he had known while still
to judge a book by its cover alive
foolishly to go only by superficial
appearances heaven only knows
it is not known
to put money on the table
to back one's judgment in a tangible it hits one
way or to demonstrate one's sincerity one comes to realize something

it's a small world to be in the swim

it is surprising to meet people one to be a member of a group knowing
knows in unexpected places what is going on
not to have the foggiest notion to be old hat
to know nothing at all about the subject to be a very widely-known fact
still waters run deep to bring a fact home to someone
a person with a quiet manner may despite his inclination to the contrary,
have a surprisingly great knowledge to make a person realize a fact
of a subject
to buy a pig in a poke
the left hand does not know what the to buy goods of unknown quality
right hand is doing
to cock one's eye at someone
one section of a large bureaucracy
to glance knowingly at a person
does not realize that another section
is simultaneously doing something to draw a long bow
inconsistent to state a conclusion which while
possible is unlikely on the known
the penny dropped facts
a person has just realized a fact which
should have been obvious (refers to to drop names
old-fashioned pay toilets) to slip names of celebrities allegedly
known to the speaker into a conversa-
the pot calling the kettle black tion in an attempt to impress
a person criticizing another person
without realizing his own even greater to hand on the torch
shortcomings to pass on accumulated knowledge
the word is out to have a tiger by the tail
it is now known to be involved in an activity which is
much more dangerous than one had
to be a full bottle on something realized
to be very knowledgeable
to have eyes at the back of one's head
to be at the end of one's tether to know more of what is going on
to be frustrated by a lack of knowl- than is generally realized
edge, authority or patience
to have one's feet firmly on the ground
to be child's play to know what one is doing
to be easy or to require only elemen-
tary skills and knowledge to have one's fingers on the pulse
to know what is going on
to be geared up to do something
to have equipment, labor and know- to know something in one's heart of
how in place adequate for some task hearts
to know something while reluctant to
to be hot on a subject admit it, even to oneself
to be knowledgeable and enthusiastic
about a subject to know something inside out
to know something very thoroughly
to be in someone's blood
to be something about which a person to know the ropes
is very knowledgeable or keen to know how to do one's job

to know where one stands LEADERSHIP

to know what one supports or how
one is affected kingmaker
person engaging in behind-the-scenes
to know which way to turn activities to promote another person
to know which strategy to adopt or to a particular leadership position
where to seek assistance
the blind leading the blind
to pick someone's brain persons without the necessary skills
to get the benefit of another person's for a task purporting to impart those
knowledge and experience skills to others
the high priest of something
to put one's reputation on the line the leading advocate of something
to take a public stance in the realiza-
tion that there is a risk that one's to be at the head of the pack
reputation will suflFer if one is proved to be the best of many or the de facto
wrong leader
to be at the top of the tree
to see the back of someone to be a leading member of one's
to know that a person is no longer profession
involved in something
to be the leading light
to shrug one's shoulders to be the most important person in a
to indicate that one does not know or venture
care or that one is unable or unwill- to knock someone off his perch
ing to assist to displace a person from his leader-
ship position in some competitive
to stick to one's game situation
to confine oneself to activities in areas
in which one has knowledge and to set the pace
expertise to give a lead in regard to a rate of
to wake up to something to spearhead something
to realize a fact or its significance to lead a movement

under someone's nose too many cooks spoil the broth

in a person's immediate area of re- one leader is all that is required
sponsibility or in circumstances where
he should have known something LIKELIHOOD
what is this—a bunch of grapes or a a bull in a china shop
bowl of goldfish? a careless person likely to cause great
surely you know what this is! damage
a cancer
when the chips are down an evil which is likely to spread
when all facts are known and taken
into consideration a death wish
the contemplation of action so foolish
with 20120 hindsight that it is likely to lead to utter disaster
with the benefit of knowing what a loose cannon on the deck
happened a mistake likely to cause trouble

a new broom to leap frog something

a changed regime which is likely to to overtake something, with the like-
alter the status quo lihood of in turn being overtaken (re-
fers to a game in which participants
a pipedream
jump over each other in turn)
a fanciful notion, wished for but
unlikely to make a rod for one's own back
an unholy alliance to act in disregard of likely disadvan-
a working relationship for a nefarious tages for oneself
purpose between unlikely partners to spin a yarn
it is pointing in the right direction to tell an amusing or unlikely story
success looks likely where there is smoke there is fire
pie in the sky if there is a hint of trouble, then it is
a hoped-for result unlikely to be highly likely that there really is trouble
straws in the wind MEMBERSHIP
unofficial preliminary indications of a black sheep
something likely to be formally re- a disreputable member of an other-
vealed soon wise reputable group
there is blood in the water a blueblood
something is likely to cause a person a person of high birth (refers to the
to go into a frenzy appearance of veins on the skin of
to be on the cards members of some royal families)
to be likely
a clean sweep
to be shortsighted the complete removal in an election
not to recognize the likely consequen- of all sitting members
esprit de corps
to draw a long bow a feeling of camaraderie and concern
to state a conclusion which while for the good name of some organiza-
possible is unlikely on the known tion of which one is a member (French,
facts "vital breath of a body")
to face a rocky road ahead flagship
to be likely to encounter difficulties most important member of a group of
to find a needle in a haystack related entities
to find something when the probabili-
ty of finding it is very small fresh blood
newly joined members of some organ-
to get brownie points ization
to do a person a favor with the likely
result that the recipient will do a pariah
favor in return in due course social outcast (refers to members of a
low caste in India)
to give someone enough rope to hang
himself the lowest common denominator
to give a person the opportunity to do the highest level of taste found among
something which is likely to get him all the members of some target aud-
into severe trouble ience

to be a cuckoo in the nest to throw someone off the scent

to purport to be a member of a group to deceive a person by giving out
of people although having no such misleading indications
to be at the top of the tree MISTAKE
to be a leading member of one's
a comedy of errors
a series of separate mistakes in rela-
to be in the swim tion to some matter (name of a Shake-
to be a member of a group knowing speare play)
what is going on
a loose cannon on the deck
to drum someone out of some organ- a mistake likely to cause trouble
a slip of the tongue
to terminate in ignominy a person's
incorrect words uttered accidentally
employment or membership (refers to
the ceremonial cashiering in the army a trap for young players
to the beating of parade drums) a good opportunity for the inexperi-
enced or naive to make mistakes
to introduce new blood
to recruit new members to some glaring error
organization patently obvious mistake
to shepherd some group Murphy's law
to marshall the members of some the principle that everything which
group can go wrong will go wrong
young Turks not to be a hanging matter
members of an organization who hold to be only a minor mistake
ideas regarded as too revolutionary
sacrificial lamb
somebody unfairly made to suffer for
MISLEADING the mistakes of others
a house of cards something is rotten in the state of
an organization which gives a mis- Denmark
leading impression of solidity the situation is not correct (from Shake-
to lead someone a merry dance speare's HAMLET)
to mislead a person to bark up the wrong tree
to lead someone up the garden path to reach an incorrect conclusion
to mislead a person by deliberately to be off beam
fallacious arguments to be mistaken
to pull the wool over someone's eyes to be on the road to Damascus
to deceive or deliberately mislead an- to see the error of one's ways (Acts
other person 9:3)
to speak with forked tongues to be on the wrong tack
to utter half-truths with the intention to be using an incorrect procedure or
of misleading the listener policy
to throw dust into someone's eyes to be on the wrong track
to deceive a person by presenting to be heading toward an incorrect
inaccurate or misleading information solution

to be on the wrong tram to put one's reputation on the line

to be completely mistaken as to the to take a public stance in the realiza-
basic facts tion that there is a risk that one's
reputation will suffer if one is proved
to be on the wrong wavelength wrong
to be incorrect in one's thinking
to put the cart before the horse
to be up the creek to do things in the wrong order
to be completely mistaken
to save face
to be wide off the mark to be allowed to keep one's dignity
to have a belief which is far removed despite having suffered a defeat or
from the true position made an error
to catch someone flat-footed to slip under one's guard
to embarrass a person in the course of to cause a mistake to be made despite
his making mistakes or being unpre- care being taken to prevent this
to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
to clean up a mess to make bad mistakes and to suffer
to sort out mistakes or neglect the even worse consequences
to drive a coach and horses through
something MONEY
to demonstrate major errors in some-
thing a cash cow
a source of ready money
to fall flat on one's face
to make a bad error of judgment a license to print money
a lucrative government-conferred mo-
to get the wrong sow by the ear nopoly or privilege
to reach an incorrect conclusion
a stitch in time saves nine
to have an eagle eye preventive maintenance saves money
to be able to notice small mistakes in the long run
very readily
he who pays the piper calls the tune
to have hold of the wrong end of the a person contributing money or re-
pineapple sources to a project is entitled to a
to be utterly mistaken say in its control

to have one's wires crossed money for jam

to be mistaken about key facts remuneration easily earned

to hold the wrong end of the stick not for love or money
to be completely mistaken about definitely not
something not to be made of money
not to be wealthy
to lose face
to endure embarrassment by virtue of not to have a bean
being defeated or having one's errors to have no money
found out
pin money
to put one's foot in it an allowance to a wife for her per-
to make a foolish mistake sonal use

that is money down the drain to line one's pockets

money has been wastefully lost on a to make, improperly and secretly, a
failed project profit out of some transaction
the money is rolling in to lose money hand over fist
the scheme is very profitable to lose money very fast and convinc-
to be a money spinner
to produce large profits easily and to pork barrel
quickly to spend taxpayers' money in one
area in order to attract political support
to be in the black
to have money to put money on the table
to back one's judgment in a tangible
to be in the red way or to demonstrate one's sincerity
to owe money
to put one's hand in one's pockets
to be out of pocket to spend
to have been forced to spend money
to put one's money where one's mouth
which cannot be recovered from others
to burn one's fingers to back one's judgment by putting
to lose money through foolishness assets at risk
to button up one's purse to save a bundle
to refuse to spend money to save much money

to engage in pump priming to see the color of someone's money

to spend public money with the aim to get evidence of the sincerity of a
of attracting parochial electoral support person's proposal

to have a run for one's money to throw good money after bad
to at least get some enjoyment out of to waste further money in a vain
an otherwise abortive exercise attempt to recover money already lost
to tighten the purse strings
to have deep pockets to reduce outlays
to have large financial resources
to turn an honest penny
to have money burning a hole in to earn money out of odd jobs
one's pocket
to be impatient to spend or invest to turn one's chips in
available funds to convert one's assets or entitlements
into cash
to have money flowing out of one's
to be very rich
a watchdog
to hit someone hard a person or organization monitoring
to greatly affect a person emotionally behavior
or to cost a person a lot of money
to keep an eye on the ball
to hold out a fistful of dollars to monitor a fast-changing situation
to offer money by way of inducement
to keep one's eye on someone
to hold the purse strings to supervise a person or to monitor a
to have control of expenditure person's activities and behavior

to keep one's eye on something mumbo jumbo

to monitor a situation blatant nonsense (refers to a deity
worshipped by primitive tribes)
to keep tabs on something
to monitor something tell it to the marines
such nonsense is not believable
NAIVETE that is strictly for the birds
that is blatant and naive nonsense
a lamb led to slaughter
a naive person allowing himself to be to be eye wash
exploited to be nonsense

a trap for young players

a good opportunity for the inexperi- OPINION
enced or naive to make mistakes a prima donna
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed a person with an exaggerated opinion
naive but enthusiastic of his own importance which makes
relations with others needlessly diffi-
not to have been born yesterday cult (Italian, "first lady")
not to be naive
that is strictly for the birds views different from those held by
that is blatant and naive nonsense the majority
to be babes in the wood spectrum
to be excessively naive and inexperi- wide range of different opinions or
enced and thus ripe for exploitation backgrounds
to be green the jury is still out
to be naive no decision has yet been made or the
public has not yet given an indication
to be off the planet of its views
to be extremely naive or uninformed
the other side of the coin
to be wet behind the ears the arguments for the opposite point
to be excessively naive and inexperi- of view
the tide is running in favor of some
to dream up some story proposition
to concoct a false story naively or public opinion supports some proposi-
maliciously tion
to have come down in the last shower to act as a devil's advocate
to be naive to put a point of view which one does
to seek the pot of gold at the end of not hold in order to draw out the best
the rainbow arguments regarding a proposition (re-
to have naive expectations fers to a church official vetting a
candidate for sainthood)

NONSENSE to ascertain the lay of the land

to establish the pertinent facts and
a load of rubbish opinions
blatant nonsense to be a lone voice in the wilderness
hogwash to be the only person stating unpopu-
nonsense lar views

to be a thorn in someone's flesh to polarize

to be a person whose persistent pres- to cause people to identify themselves
ence and righteous views annoy as belonging to groups holding op-
posing views
to be full of hot air
to have an exaggerated opinion of to pull one's horns in
one's own importance and to boast to retreat from previously stated views
about it
to put someone back in his box
to be on the other side of the fence to make it clear to a person that his
to have an opposing point of view or views are not welcome
to sail against the wind
to belt someone over the head to oppose the views currently being
to override someone's views or argu- held by others
to sing a particular song
to break ranks to state particular views
to identify oneself as having separate
interests or views from the rest of a to speak one's mind
group to express one's views frankly and
to bridge a gulf
to overcome a wide divergence in to take a sounding
views to ascertain people's views
to change one's mind to throw in one's six pennies' worth
to alter the views which one had to modestly supply one's own facts or
previously formed views
to change one's tune to throw in one's two cents' worth
to alter one's publicly-expressed views to modestly supply one's own facts or
to claim that something is the best
thing since sliced bread you can get lost
to have an exaggerated opinion of the I intend to take no notice whatsoever
importance or novelty of an invention of you or your views
or practice
you can jump in the lake
to echo someone's words I intend to take no notice whatsoever
to repeat another person's views as of you or your views
though they were one's own
to get words in edgeways OPPORTUNITY
to manage to interrupt a conversation a chink in someone's armor
in order to put a separate point of an opportunity to do something which
view otherwise could not be done
to have a change of heart a chink in the wall
to form a new view in place of a an opportunity to do something which
strongly-held previous view otherwise could not be done
to know one's mind a foot in the door
to form and adhere to an opinion the opportunity to do business

a golden opportunity to give someone enough rope to hang

an unparalleled opportunity himself
to give a person the opportunity to do
a toehold
something which is likely to get him
an opportunity small in itself but with
into severe trouble
the potential to lead to bigger things
a trap for young players to grab some opportunity with both
a good opportunity for the inexperi- hands
enced or naive to make mistakes to seize some opportunity with great
a window of opportunity
an opportunity temporarily available to have a leg in
to have an opportunity which has the
an ocean full of fish potential to lead to bigger things
plenty of opportunity
an opening wide enough to drive a to have other irons in the fire
coach and four through to have the opportunity to do some-
an excellent opportunity thing else as an alternative

this is the end of the road for someone to have the ball at one's feet
a person will have no further oppor- to have unlimited opportunity
tunity to do something
to keep one's eyes open for something
to be a crack in the wall to be on the lookout for an opportuni-
to represent a small unintended op- ty to do something
portunity which can be exploited
to knock on doors
to block someone's path to seek out opportunities to do business
to interfere with a person's opportu-
nity to advance himself to miss the boat
to fail to exploit an opportunity
to blow something
unintentionally to destroy some oppor- to miss the bus
tunity to fail to exploit an opportunity
to carve out a niche for oneself to miss the train
to deliberately create an opportunity to fail to exploit an opportunity
to use one's talents effectively
to close the gate to open up doors
to deny an opportunity which was to create opportunities
previously available to put one's toe in the water
to dip one's toe in the water to gently explore an opportunity
to gently explore an opportunity
to queer the pitch for someone
to fill a vacuum to spoil the opportunity a person has
to take advantage of an opportunity to do something
not acted on by others
to find one's niche to run with the ball
to find the opportunity to use one's to make the most of the opportunity
talents to shut the door on someone
to get only one bite at the cherry to deny another person a desired
to receive no further opportunity opportunity

to turn back the clock fun and games

to have another opportunity to do amusement derived in the course of a
something which should have been serious activity
done already or to undo something
not to be all beer and skittles
which cannot be undone
not to be all pleasant and easy
your race is run
the cheering could be heard a block
you have had your opportunity
there was great rejoicing
PAST the party is over
a past master the previous pleasant arrangements have
an expert with long experience been discontinued
a warhorse to be a breath of fresh air
an old soldier who likes to relive past to be a pleasant change from the past
wartime experiences
to be a stormy petrel
in Halcyon days a person who disturbs a pleasant state
in past happier times (refers to the 14 of affairs by agitating for change
days about the winter solstice when
to be a tonic
winds are calm and to the mythical
bird said to breed in a floating nest at to cheer someone up
that time) to be full of beans
the chickens are coming home to roost to be very cheerful
the consequences of past actions are to be in good heart
becoming obvious to be cheerful, especially in adversity
the melody lingers on to be meat and drink
the benefit of past actions remains to be very pleasurable
to be a breath of fresh air to be music to one's ears
to be a pleasant change from the past to be comments which one is very
to conduct a postmortem on something pleased to hear
to review past actions with a view to
to be on a path strewn with roses
learning lessons for the future (Latin,
to lead a very pleasant life
"after the death")
to even the score to be tickled pink
to get one's own back for some past to be very pleased
action to bounce back
to start from scratch to resume a cheerful existence after
to commence something without the some setback
benefit of any past activity to bring the house down
to wipe the slate clean to greatly amuse an audience
to forgive past indiscretions to cast a cloud over something
to spoil the pleasure of an occasion
PLEASURE to drain every ounce out of something
a willing horse to get the maximum use or pleasure
a cheerful worker out of something

to give someone heart that has put paid to it

to cause a person to cheer up the project can no longer proceed
to have an audience rolling in the that is a long shot
aisles there is only a remote possibility
to amuse an audience
the game is up
to have someone in stitches escape is now impossible
to greatly amuse a person
there is more than one way to skin a
to kill oneself laughing cat
to be greatly amused this can be achieved in a variety of
to lick one's chops acceptable ways
to look forward to something with to be a crack in the wall
pleasurable anticipation to represent a small unintended op-
to positively purr portunity which can be exploited
(of a person) to be very pleased; (of to be a gray area
an engine) to run very smoothly to be in an undefined position strad-
to take the rough with the smooth dling two or more possibilities
to accept the hardships of life along to be able to do something standing
with its pleasant features on one's head
to be able to do something very easily
POSSIBILITY to be able to do something with one
a middle-of-the-road solution hand behind one's back
a solution near the middle of a range to be able to do something very easily
of possibilities to be able to eat someone for
as soon as someone's back was turned breakfast
at the moment it became possible to to be able to outwit a person very
do something without a person's easily
to be able to lay one's hand on
bedrock price something
lowest possible price to be able to locate something
catch-22 to be able to spot trouble a mile away
a situation made impossible because to be able to spot trouble before it
it requires as a prior fulfillment some- actually happens
thing which does not exist until that
condition is satisfied (title of a novel to conjure up something
by Joseph Heller) to produce something in circumstances
where this seemed impossible
on the deathknock
at the last possible moment to draw a long bow
to state a conclusion which while
one can't get a quart into a pint pot possible is unlikely on the known
one cannot do the impossible facts
one can't make a silk purse out of a
to draw blood from a stone
sow's ear
to do the impossible
it is impossible to manufacture some-
thing of a high standard without ap- to exhaust the field
propriate raw materials to use up all the possibilities

to have a good nose for business POWER

to be able to identify profitable busi-
ness situations a figurehead
the ceremonial chief officer of some
to have a snowflake's chance in hell organization without any real power
to have no hope or possibility at all (refers to the carving at the front of a
to have an eagle eye
to be able to notice small mistakes a game of cat and mouse
very readily negotiations between two parties of
unequal bargaining power during which
to have broad shoulders the stronger makes some temporary
to be able to cope well with respon- concessions to the weaker without,
sibility however, affecting the latter's eventu-
al total defeat
to have one's foot on something
to be about to acquire something or a tall poppy
to be able to acquire something a person with great power or respon-
sibility and/or in receipt of high
to lurk in the shadows remuneration
to have a low profile at the moment, a toothless tiger
but with the possibility of becoming an authority which has been given
much more conspicuous at any time totally inadequate powers for its task
to move heaven and earth if the mountain will not come to
to do everything possible Mahomet then Mahomet will go to
the mountain
to paint oneself into a corner
on recognizing that one has insuffi-
to foolishly put oneself into a posi-
cient power to effect one's most de-
tion from which escape is impossible
sired solution, one decides to make
to produce something out of thin do with the next best alternative
air more power to your elbow
to get hold of something in circum- may your praiseworthy efforts lead to
stances where this seemed impossible success
to push water uphill one can't beat City Hall
to foolishly attempt the impossible the ordinary citizen is powerless against
to tie someone's hands behind his bureaucracy
back the law of the jungle
to make it impossible for a person to the principles that those having power
act at all will use it at the expense of all others
to try to square the circle the power behind the throne
to attempt the impossible (refers to a a person exercising the real authority
classical problem in geometry, name- but without having the official right
ly, to construct with a compass a to do so (the antonym of "titular
square of the same area as a given head")
the top dog
two can play at that game the person in the most powerful
it is possible to retaliate position

to be in the box seat to turn sour

to be in a very powerful position to to become impracticable or unprofitable
control activity
to flex one's muscles PRAISE
to exert one's personality or powers a backhanded compliment
to have a long arm a polite expression seemingly of praise
to have far-reaching power but really intended as an insult
to hold the power to do something in more power to your elbow
the hollow of one's hand may your praiseworthy efforts lead to
to have the right to make crucial success
decisions to fish for compliments
to keep someone in a straitjacket to drop hints in the hope that one will
to deny a person any discretionary receive praise or recognition
powers at all to get full marks for something
to deserve praise for something
to trample someone underfoot
by virtue of one's great power to treat to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps
a person's rights with contempt and to make a praiseworthy effort to bet-
not to give them proper consideration ter oneself unaided
to wield a big stick to sing someone's praises
to exert power to commend a person exuberantly
under one's own power
without external help PRETENSE
to act out a charade
PRACTICABILITY ostentatiously to pretend to be doing
something in an ethical fashion
a castle in Spain
to be mutton dressed up as lamb
an impractical proposition to foolishly pretend to be younger
a castle in the air to play possum
an impractical proposition to pretend that one is not present
to be in an ivory tower to sail under false colors
to be immersed in theoretical consid- to pretend that one's real character or
erations and ignorant of the practical beliefs are different from what they
realities (Song of Solomon 7:4)
really are
to jettison some proposal to sweep something under the carpet
to abandon some proposal as worth- to pretend that some blemish does not
less or impracticable exist
to pay lip service to some rules to touch a nerve
to disregard some rules in practice to mention something which another
while acknowledging them in words person would rather pretend did not
to put someone through the mill exist
to give a person practical experience to turn a blind eye to something
to start with a blank sheet of paper to pretend something obvious does
to commence an exercise without being not exist (refers to action by Nelson
bound by any established practices when disregarding Admiralty signals)

PREVENTION to fight bushfires

to deal with crises as they arise rather
/'// soon stop his little game than take preventive action
his activities are not tolerated and I
will ensure that they cease to nip something in the bud
to stop some activity in its early stages
a bottleneck when stopping it is still relatively
a factor obstructing an even flow easy
a logjam
to put a spoke in someone's wheel
a stoppage of activity caused by input
to interfere with another person's ac-
in greater volume than allowed for
tivity, so preventing its continuance
a stitch in time saves nine
preventive maintenance saves money to put a wall around someone
in the long run to stop a person associating with others

cut it out! to put the brake on someone

stop doing that! to stop a person
stonewalling to shut the stable door after the horse
deliberate obstruction or delaying tactics has bolted
to take preventive action only after
stumbling block
the relevant event
an impediment or difficulty preventing
the easy completion of some project to slip through the net
or a dilemma involving a moral issue to happen as an isolated case despite
the fat is in the fire steps taken to prevent such events
action with certain unstoppable con- to slip under one's guard
sequences has now been initiated to cause a mistake to be made despite
to be on a treadmill care being taken to prevent this
to be involved in some unpleasant to stand in someone's way
ongoing activity which cannot readily to prevent a person achieving his goal
be stopped
to stem the hemorrhage
to be stopped in one's tracks to put a stop to the financial losses of
suddenly and unexpectedly to be a project
prevented from carrying on with a
project to tie someone's hands
to prevent a person from acting as he
to break down the barriers sees fit
to do away with the prejudice prevent-
ing something
to chop someone off at the socks
to stop someone's proposals prema- a bird in the hand is worth two in the
turely bush
a benefit currently available is more
to come to a full stop valuable than a seemingly much larg-
to completely cease activity er benefit which may or may not be
achieved in the future
to fetter someone
to stop a person acting on his own a jewel
initiative a valued assistant

a listening post to earn peanuts

a place where information of strategic to get a reward which is far too small
value can be collected in relation to the value of the services
a treasure trove
a valuable discovery to go through the roof
(of a person) to be very upset or (of
bedrock price
prices) to escalate greatly
lowest possible price
to hand over something on a silver
daylight robbery
the charging of grossly excessive prices
to provide a valuable benefit for vir-
fire sale tually nothing
a forced sale, realizing bargain prices
to lose one's right arm
garage sale to lose some highly-valued assistance
sale of miscellaneous assets at cheap
prices to pay something back with interest
to return a small favor with a bigger
highway robbery favor or to extract retribution of greater
the charging of grossly excessive prices value than the circumstances warrant
not a mite to pay through the nose
not at all (refers to a Flemish coin of to pay an excessive price
small value)
to pick the eyes out of something
not to be worth a continental to choose the most valuable items
to have no value (refers to currency from among a large number
to sell one's birthright for a mess of
not to be worth the candle pottage
to be too expensive in relation to the through foolishness to exchange some-
true value thing of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25)
something has no guts in it
something has no real value to it to sell someone a pup
to be above water to cheat a person in a transaction,
(of securities) have a market value in especially by misrepresentation as to
excess of the cost price the true value of something

to cast pearls before swine to skyrocket

to confer valuable benefits on some- (of a price or value) to increase great-
one who neither recognizes nor ap- ly in a short time
preciates them yeoman service
to charge a mint valuable assistance over a long time
to impose very high prices
to charge like a wounded bull PRIDE AND HUMILITY
to impose excessive prices (a play on barefaced
words; not a simile) shameless
to charge the earth to be done like a dinner
to impose very high prices to be defeated and humiliated

to be in the doghouse one's door is always open

to be in disgrace people can take their problems to one
at any time
to be the apple of someone's eye
to be a person of whom another per- teething trouble
son is proud problems in the early stages of a
to cut tall poppies down to size project
to humiliate haughty persons the sky fell in
to hang one's head a very serious problem arose
to be ashamed of oneself the squeaky wheel gets the most
to put on airs and graces attention
to act in an affected manner those complaining the most loudly
will get their problems sorted out first
to rub it in
to humiliate another person by em- to be left holding the baby
phasizing his defeat to be tricked into accepting responsi-
bility for someone else's problems
to rub someone's nose in it
to humiliate a person by highlighting to be the hard core
something embarrassing to him to be the central and most difficult
to swallow one's pride
to take action despite the humiliating to come to grips with some problem
nature of this course to be on the way to solving a problem
to cut the Gordian knot
PROBLEM to solve, especially by force, a virtu-
Bob's your uncle ally insoluble problem (refers to a
that solves the problem complicated knot tied by Gordius and
eventually cut by Alexander the Great)
a can of worms
a heterogeneous collection of unex- to fiddle at the edges
pected problems to do some relatively minor things
which do not deal with the substance
a step in the right direction of a problem
the first in a series of measures de-
signed to correct some problem to get stuck into some problem
a time bomb to attempt to solve a problem with
a source of serious problems which great vigor
are certain to surface later on to get to first base
growing pains to succeed in getting others to start
problems encountered by virtue of comprehending a problem
to heave a sigh of relief
join the club! to express satisfaction at the achieve-
you are only one of many people ment of a solution to a difficult problem
with similar problems
to iron out something
not to be Robinson Crusoe to sort out a difficult problem
to be one of a large number of people
with a common problem (from Daniel to jump a hurdle
Defoe's ROBINSON CRUSOE) to overcome a problem or difficulty

to jump that hurdle when one comes to be a glutton for punishment

to it to act irresponsibly in the face of
to deal with a particular problem only inevitable retribution
when it becomes necessary to do so
to be for the high jump
to just hold one's head above water to be threatened with a reprimand and
to cope with problems but with little punishment
margin to spare or to stay solvent
to get off scot free
to leave something up in the air to go unpunished (refers to an ex-
to continue with an unresolved problem emption from tax)
to make mountains out of molehills to kiss the rod
to treat a minor problem as though it to accept punishment meekly
were a major disaster to send someone to Coventry
to need something like a hole in the to ostentatiously and collectively ig-
head nore a person by way of punishment
to be landed with a completely un- to thrash with a feather
desired problem to award only a minor punishment for
to play the cards as they fall a very serious offense
to deal with problems as they arise
to present a happy face to the world READINESS
bravely to gloss over one's problems a cash cow
to prey on one's mind a source of ready money
(of a problem) to keep worrying one off the peg
to put one's thinking cap on (of clothes) ready-made
to concentrate on finding a solution ready-made
to a difficult problem easily fabricated or available without
to take the bit between one's teeth difficulty
to face up a problem to batten down the hatches
to take the bull by the horns to get ready for expected difficulties
to come to grip with the realities of a to be at hand
difficult problem to be in the vicinity, ready to help
to try to square the circle to be up to concert pitch
to attempt the impossible (refers to a to be ready
classical problem in geometry, name-
ly, to construct with a compass a to clear the decks
square of the same area as a given to get ready for action
circle) to draw a deep breath
to get ready for exertion or for emo-
PUNISHMENT tional news
for one's sins to gird up one's loins
by way of punishment, as it were to get ready for action
heads will roll to grit one's teeth
transgressors will be punished to get ready to suffer pain

to prepare one's ground to button up one's purse

to get ready for a confrontation to refuse to spend money
to set the scene for something to close the gate
to get things ready for something to deny an opportunity which was
previously available
to sharpen one's ax
to get ready for a difficult task to draw the line at that
to refuse to go any further
to sharpen the knives
to get ready for a concerted attack on to gather dust
some principle not to be acted upon without being
formally rejected
to spread one's wings
to assert authority which has not yet to go haywire
been conferred by one's superiors and to refuse to function properly
for which one may not be ready
to have no truck with someone
to warm up to refuse to deal with a person
to get ready to keep someone in a straitjacket
to deny a person any discretionary
a doubting Thomas to knock an idea on the head
a person who refuses to believe claims to utterly reject a proposal
in the absence of proof (John 20:25)
to leave someone out in the cold
not to lift a finger to help someone to deny a desired objective to a person
to refuse to assist
to pass the buck
that is not to be sneezed at in an uncooperative spirit to decline
that is so significant that it should not responsibility for a matter on the
be rejected grounds that someone else more prop-
erly has responsibility for it
to be a dog in the manger
to spitefully deny something to oth- to plead the Fifth Amendment
ers, notwithstanding its uselessness to to refuse to answer an unwelcome
oneself question (refers to the Fifth Amendment
of the United States Constitution, which
to be an ostrich provides protection against self-in-
to refuse to face up to an unpleasant crimination)
truth (refers to the reputed habit of
ostriches in danger) to pull up the drawbridge
to refuse to cooperate
to be like water off a duck's back
(of advice or criticism) to be completely to refuse point blank
rejected to refuse outright
to blackball someone to shut the door on someone
to reject a person as unsuitable to deny another person a desired
to bury one's head in the sand
to refuse to face up to an unpleasant to sit on the fence
truth (refers to the reputed habit of to refuse to choose between two
ostriches in danger) alternatives

to slam the door in someone's face to blot one's copybook

ostentatiously to refuse to have any to spoil one's previously good reputa-
dealings with a person tion or record
to throw a blanket over a proposal to crucify someone
to refuse to proceed with a proposal to unfairly do severe damage to a
to throw something out of the window person's reputation or credibility
to completely reject an idea or proposal to have a black mark against one's
to turn off the tap name
to deny further access to supplies or to have a tarnished reputation
to look to one's laurels
to turn one's back on someone to be careful not to lose one's reputa-
to decline to further assist or deal tion for some skill
with a person
to make a name for oneself
to wash one's hands of something to earn a good reputation by virtue of
to emphatically decline future respon- some skill
to make something one's trademark
wild horses would not cause me to do
to earn a reputation for maintaining
some stance
I absolutely refuse to do something
(refers to a form of torture) to paint someone black
to ruin a person's reputation
REPUTATION to put one's reputation on the line
a black sheep to take a public stance in the realiza-
a disreputable member of an other- tion that there is a risk that one's
wise reputable group reputation will suffer if one is proved
a muckraker
a person who sets out to publicize to rest on one's laurels
misconduct of famous persons or to use a reputation for success earned
institutions in earlier times as a substitute for
current endeavor
a mudraker
a person who sets out to publicize to undermine someone's position
features harming another person's to injure another person's reputation
reputation and influence by unfair and secret
by their fruits ye shall know them
their reputation will be based on their
results (Matthew 7:20) RESPONSIBILITY
he must have a long spoon that sups a tall poppy
with the devil a person with great power or respon-
great care is needed when negotiating sibility and/or in receipt of high
deals with disreputable parties remuneration
some mud will stick charity begins at home
reputations will be hurt even after a person's first responsibility should
accusations are proved false be to his family

one's opposite number to face the music

a person with similar responsibilities to accept responsibility when confron-
in another organization ted by one's critics
someone would run a mile to have blood on one's hands
a person would do anything to escape to be the person responsible for some-
his responsibilities one else's predicament
that is on your head to have broad shoulders
you will have to accept responsibility to be able to cope well with responsi-
for that bility
the ball is in someone's court to pass the buck
it is some other person's responsibility is an uncooperative spirit to decline
responsibility for a matter on the
the buck stops here grounds that someone else more prop-
I accept full responsibility (sign on erly has responsibility for it
the desk of Harry S. Truman when
president of the United States) to pin someone down
to find a person willing to accept
to abandon ship blame or responsibility or to force a
to abrogate one's responsibilities or person to announce a decision or con-
to abandon a project cede a point
to be a glutton for punishment to put a burden on someone's shoulders
to act irresponsibly in the face of to impose responsibilities on a person
inevitable retribution
to take a weight off someone's shoulder
to be in someone's bailiwick to assist a person by relieving him of
to be some other person's responsibility some responsibility
to be in someone's shoes to tread on someone's corns
to have another person's responsibility to upset another person by interfering
to be left holding the baby in his area of responsibility
to be tricked into accepting responsi- to tread on someone's toes
bility for someone else's problems
to upset another person by interfering
to be one's baby in his area of responsibility
to be one's area of responsibility to walk away from something
to be one's pigeon to abrogate one's responsibilities in
to be one's area of responsibility regard to some matter
to be tied down to wash one's hands of something
to have responsibilities precluding al- to emphatically decline future respon-
ternative activities sibility
to dump something in someone's lap under someone's nose
to impose some responsibility on an- in a person's immediate area of re-
other person sponsibility or in circumstances where
to engage in empire building he should have known something
to set out to expand the size of the uneasy lies the head that wears a
business or bureaucratic unit for which crown
one is responsible, especially as a responsibility involves some risks and
means of increasing one's own impor- some burdens (from Shakespeare's
tance HENRY IV)

RESULT one has made one's bed and one will

now have to lie on it
a South Sea bubble one has to bear the consequences of
an unrealistic financial venture which one's actions
is bound to result in total loss
one might as well be hanged for a
a landslide sheep as for a lamb
an electoral result involving victory further action will not increase the
or defeat by an unexpectedly large adverse consequences already in train
margin (refers to the stealing of both sheep
and lambs being capital crimes under
a litmus test
old English law)
an event which allows the outcome of
future events to be predicted more one shudders to think what the out-
accurately come might be
a patchwork quilt there is great concern as to the out-
a result arising from many uncoor- come
dinated inputs pie in the sky
a photo finish a hoped-for result unlikely to be
a close result in a contest
all roads lead to Rome stalemate
all alternatives will have the same a final result in which neither party to
outcome a dispute is victorious

backwash the answer is a lemon

consequence the outcome is inconclusive

by their fruits ye shall know them the chickens are coming home to roost
their reputation will be based on their the consequences of past actions are
results (Matthew 7:20) becoming obvious
the fat is in the fire
chicken and egg
action with certain unstoppable con-
two factors each of which results in
sequences has now been initiated
the other
the final straw
come hell or high water the latest step, which, when added to
regardless of the consequences a large number of seemingly harm-
death blow less previous steps, sets off a dis-
incident which results in the destruc- aster resulting from the cumulative
tion of something effect

harvest the proof of the pudding is in the

end result of labor eating
the success of a venture will be meas-
if the cap fits then wear it ured by its results
if your circumstances correspond with
those described then you must endure the straw which broke the camel's
the consequences back
the latest step, which, when added to
one can't make bricks without straw a large number of seemingly harm-
one cannot achieve results in the ab- less previous steps, sets off a disaster
sence of adequate resources resulting from the cumulative effect

things look black to cry "wolf"

there is little hope of success or pros- to repeatedly raise an unjustified con-
perity or a favorable outcome cern with the result that one will be
ignored when the circumstances change
to apply pressure on someone
to induce a person to do something to dig one's own grave
which he would otherwise not do by to take action which results in an
implying adverse consequences if he unintended disaster for oneself
does not cooperate
to get brownie points
to be a laid-down misère to do a person a favor with the likely
to be very easily accomplished and/or result that the recipient will do a
to be certain of outcome (refers to the favor in return in due course
declaration in certain card game un-
dertaking to win no tricks) to have egg on one's face
to be embarrassed by the results of
to be a mixed blessing one's own stupidity
to be an outcome with some desirable
to hedge one's bets
and some undesirable features
to take action involving a cost but
to be hell bent on something which is designed to reduce the pos-
to be very determined to achieve some- sible adverse consequences of some
thing, regardless of the adverse con- activity
to hide under someone's skirts
to be on tenterhooks to let someone else take the conse-
to anxiously await some result quences of one's actions

to be shortsighted to hold a knife at someone's throat

not to recognize the likely conse- to exert undue pressure on another
quences person in an endeavor to achieve a
result which would otherwise not be
to be the kiss of death forthcoming
to be something intended to be help-
ful but resulting in total destruction to hold a sword at someone's throat
to exert undue pressure on another
to be the luck of the draw person in an endeavor to achieve a
to be a chance result result which would otherwise not be
to bear fruit
to result in success to keep one's fingers crossed
to hope for a good outcome
to break one's duck
to end a spell without results to let someone off the hook
to allow a person to escape the ad-
to count one's chickens before they
verse consequences of his own actions
are hatched
to treat as fact the expected results of to nurse one's bruises
a future proposal to face up to the consequences of
to cover one's hide
to provide excess or take other eva- to open up the floodgates
sive action in an attempt to avoid the to take action which will have mas-
adverse consequences of one's actions sive consequences

to pay the price to tip the balance

to suffer the adverse consequences of to provide further information or ar-
one's acts or omissions gument which results in an issue which
could have been decided either way
to prick up one's ears being determined in a particular way
to suddenly start paying attention to a
conversation in progress as a result of to tip the scales
a half-heard phrase to be a factor which in combination
with other factors results in a particu-
to raise merry hell lar decision which would otherwise
to prominently involve others in a not have been reached
matter in the expectation of signifi-
cant results from this action
to reap as one has sown a golden handshake
to experience the consequences of one's a large payment in connection with or
own actions as an inducement to retirement
to reap the whirlwind in harness
to suffer the adverse consequences of before retirement
a bad act swan song
to score a hat trick last appearance before retirement
to have three successive favorable to bow out
outcomes to retire from some activity
to seal someone's fate to hang up one's boots
to cause a certain outcome adversely to retire
affecting a person to step down
to shake a tree to retire from some position
to do something in order to see what
will result REVENGE
to sow the wind and reap the whirl- to get one's own back on someone
wind to extract revenge
to make bad mistakes and to suffer to pay someone back in his own coin
the even worse consequences
to retaliate in kind
to stew in one's juice to return the compliment
to suffer the adverse consequences of to reciprocate or to extract revenge
one's acts or omissions
to thirst for blood
to stir up a hornet's nest to be eager for revenge
to take action which results in un- two can play at that game
pleasant side-effects it is possible to retaliate
to take a caning
to suffer the adverse consequences of REVERSAL
one's acts or omissions
one cannot teach an old dog new
to throw one's weight about tricks
to use one's real or imagined status in people get irreversibly set in their
order to achieve certain results ways

the die is cast in for a penny—in for a pound

the course of action in train is irrever- once something is commenced it ought
sible to be finished; or if one is willing to
to backpedal take a small risk then one might as
to reverse to some extent previously well take a bigger one
applied policies it is a case of sink or swim
to burn one's bridges the attempt is worthwhile, despite the
to do something irreversible risk of failure
to cross the Rubicon it was touch and go
to make an irreversible decision in there were considerable risks—the ob-
regard to some commitment jective was achieved, but only just
to do a U-turn nervous Nellies
to reverse one's thinking persons unwilling to take any risks
to do an about-face not to put all one's eggs in one basket
to reverse a previously enunciated to spread one's risks
someone's job is on the line
to let the genie out of the bottle a person's career path is under con-
to cause something irreversible to take sideration and/or his present position
place is at risk
to turn a complete somersault to be sitting on a volcano
to reverse one's established policy to be safe for the time being but
to turn around 180 degrees exposed to the risk of a sudden great
to completely reverse a stance disaster
to turn round to chance one's arm
to reverse one's policy to take a great risk (refers to the
to turn something on its ear stripes on the uniforms of non-com-
to reverse something missioned officers)
to turn something on its head to enter treacherous waters
to reverse something to engage in an enterprise with risks
to turn the tables on someone which are not obvious
to cause the relative positions of one- to go out on a limb
self and another person to be reversed to put oneself at risk through foolish
to turn the tide action
to reverse the direction of something to go through fire and water
volte face to undertake all attendant risks
a reversal of previously-held beliefs
to jump in feet first
(French, " a turning around")
to take a calculated risk

RISK to play Russian roulette

to take stupid risks
fools rush in where angels fear to
to play it safe
to take no risks
unsophisticated persons take unwise
risks in circumstances where more to play with dynamite
knowledgeable persons would exer- to invite trouble by virtue of one's
cise caution risky conduct

to push one's luck to cry one's eyes out

having already done well in some- to express great sadness at a situation
thing, to then take risks which can
to drown one's sorrows
prejudice everything
to drink by way of solace and in an
to put one's money where one's mouth attempt to forget some misfortune
to set someone's teeth on edge
to back one's judgment by putting
to cause a person to feel unhappy at a
assets at risk
to put one s reputation on the line
to take something to heart
to take a public stance in the realiza-
to learn to appreciate the significance
tion that there is a risk that one's
of something or to be much saddened
reputation will suffer if one is proved
by something
with a heavy heart
to stick one's neck out
in sorrow
to have the courage of one's convic-
tions or to take a calculated risk you can eat your heart out
you are entitled to feel sad or jealous
to take a punt
to take a calculated risk
to take the plunge
to expose oneself to certain risks a nod is the same as a wink to a blind
to throw a sprat to catch a mackerel
fine distinctions are not appropriate
to risk a little in the hope of gaining
a round robin
uneasy lies the head that wears a
a series of checks from A to B, from
B to C, from C to A, and so on,
responsibility involves some risks and
leaving all of them in the same net
some burdens (from Shakespeare's
position as before
all roads lead to Rome
all alternatives will have the same
SADNESS outcome
birds of a feather flock together
persons of like interests gather in the
heartbreak same place
Box and Cox
one's heart bleeds for someone two persons who are never around at
one feels truly sad for a person's fate the same time (from the name of a
there is blood on the floor
this has caused great anguish by the same token
by way of corroboration
to beat one's breast
to express sorrow in one fell swoop
all at the same time
to cast a shadow over something
to introduce a note of warning or not to be in the same street as someone
sadness in regard to some matter not to be of comparable quality

to all sing from the same hymnal to be cream on top of the milk
to act consistently with each other to be an additional benefit in an al-
ready satisfactory scenario
to be in harmony with someone
to act in the same way as another to be first class
person to be very satisfactory
to be in the same boat to be icing on top of the cake
to share a common set of difficulties to be an additional benefit in an al-
ready satisfactory scenario
to be in the same league
to have comparable skills to be on course
to be progressing satisfactorily toward
to be in tune with someone
one's goal
to think on the same lines as another
person to get rid of the dead wood
to be on the same wavelength to terminate the services of unsatis-
to think on similar lines factory personnel

to be tarred with the same brush to heave a sigh a relief

to be damned merely because of one's to express satisfaction at the achieve-
association with another person ment of a solution to a difficult problem
to be with it to hit a sour note
to think on the same lines as the to discover an unexpected flaw in an
current generation or to be fully otherwise satisfactory piece of work
informed to jump for joy
to follow suit to express great satisfaction
to do the same as others to make a noise about something
to speak the same language to complain or express dissatisfaction
to have a good understanding and about something
similar ideas to rub one's hands with glee
under one roof to express great satisfaction
under the same management
SATISFACTION a word in someone's ear
a seal of approval a confidential discussion
confirmation that something is satis- between you and me and the gatepost
factory confidentially
a warm inner glow Chinese walls
satisfaction at some achievement a system to ensure that different parts
/ will have his guts for garters of some organization do not gain ac-
I am extremely angry and dissatisfied cess to each other's confidential infor-
with him mation
the nigger in the woodpile cloak and dagger activity
the factor spoiling an otherwise satis- secret activity
factory arrangement low-down
to be a well-oiled piece of machinery confidential information relevant to
to be functioning very satisfactorily something

no names—no packdrill to seal one's lips

the identities of the parties will be to keep a confidence
kept confidential in order to protect
to tell tales out of school
to deliberately leak a secret
something is in the wind
to undermine someone's position
something is going on secretly (this
to injure another person's reputation
phrase uses the actual word "some-
and influence by unfair and secret
to be a closed book
wheels within wheels
to be a secret
secret machinations
to be tight-lipped
to keep confidences or to be uncom-
a Mexican standoff
to ferret something out
a situation where neither of two par-
by diligent research to discover some
ties is making a move
a gambit
to have a card up one's sleeve
an opening move in a competitive
to secretly have information relevant
situation which involves short-term
to a transaction
losses in the expectation of long-term
to have a heart-to-heart talk gains
to have a confidential discussion on a
a place in the sun
highly personal matter
a favorable situation
to hold one's cards close to one's
a springboard
a situation from which one intends to
to keep one's plans and strategies
make a rapid advance
a straight face
to keep something dark a facial expression which does not
to keep something secret reveal one's thoughts in a humorous
to keep something under one's hat situation
to maintain a confidence a stranglehold
to keep something up one's sleeve a firm grip on a commercial situation,
to secretly retain something in re- effectively freezing out a competitor
serve for use in the future or at a later catch-22
stage of negotiations
a situation made impossible because
to keep under wraps it requires as a prior fulfillment some-
to keep confidential thing which does not exist until that
to let the cat out of the bag condition is satisfied (title of a novel
to reveal an embarrassing secret (re- by Joseph Heller)
fers to the exposure of cheats at fairs, every cloud has a silver lining
attempting to pass a cat wrapped in a there are benefits even in seemingly
sack off as a piglet) adverse situations
to line one's pockets out of the frying pan into the fire
to make, improperly and secretly, a from one bad situation to an even
profit out of some transaction worse one

something is rotten in the state of to inflame a situation

Denmark to aggravate a situation
the situation is not correct (from Shake-
to keep an eye on the ball
speare's HAMLET)
to monitor a fast-changing situation
that is the way the chips fall
to keep one's eye on something
that is the actual situation
to monitor a situation
that is the way the cookie crumbles
to keep up with the ball
that is the actual situation
to stay on top of the situation
the nature of the beast
to knock someone off his perch
the reality of the situation
to displace a person from his leader-
to add fuel to the fire ship position in some competitive
to make a bad situation worse situation
to be in command to pour oil on troubled waters
to be on top of a situation to calm down a situation
to be quick on one's feet to pour gasoline on the flames
to cleverly take advantage of a situation to make a bad situation worse
to bite the bullet to pull someone's chestnuts out of the
to face up to the difficulties of a fire
situation to retrieve a situation
to breathe down someone's neck to pull something out of the fire
to cause annoyance to another person to salvage something in a seemingly
by remaining in his vicinity or by hopeless situation
supervising him too closely; or to be
to put a match to petrol
narrowly behind another person in
some competitive situation to make a bad situation worse
to put jam on someone's bread
to cross a bridge only when one
comes to it to make a good situation even better
to await the crystallization of a situa- to put one's best face on something
tion before sorting it out to focus on the positive features sur-
rounding a basically disastrous situation
to cry one's eyes out
to express great sadness at a situation to put someone in the picture
to feed the fire to fill a person in with the back-
to exacerbate a situation ground of a situation

to fight fire with fire to ride out the storm

to counter a dangerous situation by to come safely through some danger-
making an equally dangerous move ous situation
to fish in troubled waters to salvage something out of the wreck
to profit from a disturbed situation to achieve some minor benefits out of
a disastrous situation
to have a good nose for business
to be able to identify profitable busi- to see the light
ness situations to understand the real situation
to have the whip hand to see the score
to be in control of a situation to appreciate the reality of a situation

to see which way the wind is blowing to be great guns at something

to establish the factors relevant to a to be very skilled at something
to be hot stuff
to set someone's teeth on edge to be skillful or very passionate
to cause a person to feel unhappy at a
situation to be in the same league
to have comparable skills
to squeeze the last drop out of some-
thing to be quick on one's feet
to get the maximum advantage out of to cleverly take advantage of a situation
some favorable situation
to carve out a niche for oneself
to strike while the iron is hot to deliberately create an opportunity
to take advantage of a situation which to use one's talents effectively
cannot last
to find one's feet
to suck the lemon dry
to develop one's skills
to get the maximum advantage out of
some favorable situation to find one's niche
to underplay some situation to find the opportunity to use one's
to hold something in reserve talents
to hide one's light under a bushel
SKILL to keep others in ignorance of one's
skills and experience
a chessmaster
a clever strategist to keep one's hands in
a dark horse to engage in activities which rein-
a person with unsuspected talents force skills which one has previously
a pea and thimble trick
a clever fraud committed in the pres- to look to one's laurels
ence of its victim without this being to be careful not to lose one's reputa-
obvious at the time tion for some skill
a shaggy-dog story to make a name for oneself
an amusing anecdote with an unex- to earn a good reputation by virtue of
pected ending, often involving talking some skill
animals given certain human skills
to raise something to a fine art form
one's long suit to become very clever at doing some-
one's main skills thing
the blind leading the blind
persons without the necessary skills to rub off on someone.
for a task purporting to impart those to benefit a person through an associ-
skills to others ation which increases his skills

to be a chess game to score a point

to be a complex exercise, requiring to make a clever contribution in the
great skill course of debate
to be child's play to separate the men from the boys
to be easy or to require only elemen- to distinguish between those with and
tary skills and knowledge without certain skills

to take someone's measure a fat chance

to sum up a person's character or little hope
a fox hole
tour de force space which is really too small for a
feat of skill or strength (French, "feat person's needs or comfort
of strength")
a handful
a small number
at a snail's pace a person of small importance who is
very slowly manipulated by others
the mills of God grind slowly a tempest in a teacup
retribution may be delayed but is a controversy about a minor matter
inevitable but one which looms large in the
minds of the parties
to be slow off the mark
to be slow to start something a toehold
an opportunity small in itself but with
to drag one's feet
the potential to lead to bigger things
to perform unduly slowly
a trickle
to drag one's heels
a small amount, in gradual stages
to perform unduly slowly
give him an inch and he will take a
to drag the chain
to perform unduly slowly
make him a small concession and he
to inch forward will abuse it by taking much more
to make slow but steady progress
in for a penny—in for a pound
to lose steam once something is commenced it ought
to slow down to be finished; or if one is willing to
to sink slowly in the West take a small risk then one might as
to fail gradually well take a bigger one

to slowly bleed to death Lilliputian

to be heading in gradual steps toward small (refers to a place in Swift's

not a jot
SMALLNESS not even a small amount (refers to the
Greek letter iota or i)
a backwater
a place of little activity not to be a hanging matter
to be only a minor mistake
a bunfight
a minor and relatively friendly skirmish one's heart is not in some cause
one has little enthusiasm for some
a chink of light cause
a small hope of a solution or break-
through people stayed away in droves
few people came
a dogfight
a small side-skirmish, especially be- pintsize
tween airplanes small

tall oaks from little acorns grow to earn peanuts

even major enterprises have to have to get a reward which is far too small
small beginnings (from "Lines written in relation to the value of the services
for a School Declamation" by David rendered
to encapsulate some idea
the tail wagging the dog to reduce the essential points of a
a minor aspect with disproportionate complicated proposal to a small num-
effect on a major aspect ber of words
there is no room to swing a cat to fiddle at the edges
this place is very small (actually re- to do some relatively minor things
fers to a cat-o'-nine-tails) which do not deal with the substance
to be a big fish in a little pond of a problem
to be a person holding an important
to find a needle in a haystack
office but in an unimportant organ-
to find something when the probabili-
ty of finding it is very small
to be a crack in the wall
to represent a small unintended op- to have an eagle eye
portunity which can be exploited to be able to notice small mistakes
very readily
to be a small cog in a large wheel
to be a relatively unimportant person to hold someone on a short leash
in a large organization to give a person very little authority

to be chicken feed to live from hand to mouth

to be small and unimportant being in poor financial circumstances,
to survive with little by way of safety
to be the thin end of the wedge , margin
by conceding a small point, to create
an undesirable precedent for much to look down the barrel of a gun
larger issues to be given little choice in a matter

to be the tip of the iceberg to look for a needle in a haystack

to be only a small portion of a much to attempt something with a very small
larger but less obvious whole chance of success

to bend the rules to make mountains out of molehills

to overlook minor infractions of the to treat a minor problem as though it
rules were a major disaster

to chisel away at something to miss the sharks while netting the

to reduce the size of something in a minnows
series of small stages to succeed in minor aspects but fail in
the ones that really matter
to cut no ice with someone
to have little effect on a person to nitpick
to criticize a person in respect to very
to decimate minor matters
to greatly reduce in size (often used
in the sense of "to reduce to one to only scratch the surface
tenth," although the original meaning to deal with only a small portion of a
was "to reduce by one tenth") much larger whole

to pay something back with interest SPEECH

to return a small favor with a bigger
favor or to extract retribution of greater a nod and a wink
value than the circumstances warrant a sign that understanding has been
reached in a matter which in the in-
to push someone over the brink terests of discretion has not been
by a small action to cause the abso- discussed aloud
lute ruin (financially or emotionally)
of someone already in peril a shaggy-dog story
an amusing anecdote with an unex-
to salvage something out of the wreck pected ending, often involving talking
to achieve some minor benefits out of animals given certain human skills
a disastrous situation a word in someone's ear
to sell one's birthright for a mess of a confidential discussion
pottage burning question
through foolishness to exchange some- a much discussed question
thing of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25) not to mince words
to speak bluntly
to slug it out not to put too fine a point on it
to engage in a minor skirmish speaking bluntly
to snap at someone's heels shoot!
to be a minor irritation to a person go on, speak!
to test the water speak softly and carry a big stick
to try out an idea in a small way be polite to your potential enemies
but maintain an active and visible
to thrash with a feather defense capability (from a speech by
to award only a minor punishment for Theodore Roosevelt in 1901)
a very serious offense talk of the devil
to throw a sprat to catch a mackerel here is the person we were just
to risk a little in the hope of gaining discussing
much to bandy something about
to discuss something in a light-hearted
to throw out the baby with the bath- manner
to discard a major benefit in the course to bare one's soul
of obtaining a comparatively minor talkatively to give a revealing insight
advantage into oneself
to bite someone's nose off
to throw someone a few crumbs to speak to a person aggressively
to fob a person off with a few sym-
bolic but unimportant concessions to break the ice
to take the initiative in starting discus-
to tinker at the edges sions
to make minor or cosmetic changes to buy into some argument
without affecting the substance to seek to participate in some discussion
two men and a dog to chew fat
very few people to eat and talk together

to draw a veil over something to shoot one's mouth off

pointedly to avoid discussing something to speak without thinking
to drop names to skate around some subject
to slip names of celebrities allegedly by diversionary tactics to avoid dis-
known to the speaker into a conversa- cussing some subject
tion in an attempt to impress
to snap someone's head off
to find one's tongue to speak to a person aggressively
to overcome one's shyness and speak
to speak one's mind
to get down to brass tacks to express one's views frankly and
to discuss the aspects which really forcefully
to speak the same language
to have a bone to pick to have a good understanding and
to have a grievance which requires similar ideas
to speak with forked tongues
to have a heart-to-heart talk to utter half-truths with the intention
to have a confidential discussion on a of misleading the listener
highly personal matter
to strangle some discussion
to have a loose tongue to cut off some unfinished discus-
to speak foolishly or indiscreetly sion

to have a sharp tongue to talk nineteen to the dozen

to speak one's mind in forceful lan- to engage in much idle chatter
guage to talk one's book
to hijack a debate to present arguments which, while
to involve oneself in the public dis- plausible, are really designed to fos-
ter one's vested interest
cussion of some matter and turn that
discussion to one's advantage to talk shop
to discuss business or professional
to keep one's mouth shut
matters on a social occasion
not to discuss some matter
to talk the hind leg off a donkey
to lay a proposal on the table to talk excessively
to make a proposal available for dis-
cussion or to adjourn discussion on a to talk through one's hat
proposal for an indefinite period to say things which demonstrate the
speaker's ignorance of the subject
to open the batting
to be the first in a series of persons to talk turkey
speaking or doing something to talk realistically
to pontificate to waste one's breath
to speak as if with great authority and to talk or request something without
with an assumed air of infallibility achieving anything
to shoot from the hip were your ears burning?
to speak frankly and openly we were discussing you

SPEED to go hot foot

to do something fast
at a break-neck pace
very fast to go post haste
to go very fast
at a rate of knots
very fast to have to fly
to need to leave in order to reach the
before you can say ' 'Jack Robinson' ' next destination quickly
very quickly
to keep an eye on the ball
before one can say "knife" to monitor a fast-changing situation
very quickly
to lose money hand over fist
by leaps and bounds to lose money very fast and convinc-
with surprisingly fast progress ingly
fast and furious to take shortcuts
in an exciting way, in quick succession to do something by a faster but less
full steam ahead! thorough method
get going as fast as possible!
nimble-footed STANDARD
quick to change the direction of one's a benchmark
activities when circumstances warrant a standard by which something is
speed the plow! measured
let us get on with this as fast as
a hallmark
a standard (refers to the official assay
tailspin mark on gold and silver, originally
very fast fall put on at the Goldsmiths' Hall)
to achieve a flying start a yardstick
to get operational very quickly a standard by which something is
to be a money spinner measured
to produce large profits easily and guiding light
quickly yardstick for ethical behavior
to be all systems "go" not to be in the race
to go ahead as fast as possible to lack the required standard
to be quick on one's feet one can't make a silk purse out of a
to cleverly take advantage of a situation sow's ear
to be quick on the draw it is impossible to manufacture some-
to act precipitately thing of a high standard without ap-
to catapult to fame propriate raw materials
to achieve fame unexpectedly quickly the Plimsoll line
to come in thick and fast the standard
to arrive quickly and in great volume the silly season
to cut corners the holiday period, when hard news
to lower one's standards in order to is scarce and journalistic standards
complete something more quickly are lowered

the touchstone in for a penny—in for a pound

the standard once something is commenced it ought
to be finished; or if one is willing to
to be below par
take a small risk then one might as
to be less than the desired standard well take a bigger one
to be beyond the pale
to be socially unacceptable, especial- it is on for young and old
ly for unacceptable standards or be- the excitement has started
havior tall oaks from little acorns grow
to be up to scratch even major enterprises have to have
to be of the required standard small beginnings (from "Lines written
for a School Declamation" by David
to be up to the mark Everett)
to be of the right standard
the curtain rises on something
to cut corners something is about to start
to lower one's standards in order to
complete something more quickly the rot set in
conditions started to deteriorate
to lift one's game
to raise the standard of one's perfor- to achieve a flying start
mance to get operational very quickly
to play the last card in the pack to be back to scratch
to lower one's standards in a final to have to start all over again
desperate effort
to be first off the mark
to really scrape the bottom of the to start ahead of all others
to lower one's standards because one to be itching to go
is short of important or relevant issues to be highly enthusiastic and keen to
to weed some group out
to get rid of some elements not meet- to be slow off the mark
ing a desired standard to be slow to start something
to be the dawn of a new day
START to be the start of a different regime
a baptism of fire to be the first cab off the rank
the commencement of an operation to start ahead of all others
which presented great difficulty
to break the ice
from a to z
to take the initiative in starting discus-
from start to finish sions
from alpha to omega
from start to finish (refers to the first to come out into the open
and last letters of the Greek alphabet) to start being frank

from go to whoa to enter a long road

from start to finish (refers to the com- to commence a task which will take a
mand given to horses) long time
from the word "go" to enter the home stretch
from the beginning to commence the last stage

to get in on the act to start with a blank sheet of paper

to participate in some activity started to commence an exercise without being
by others bound by any established practices
to get the show on the road to turn the corner
to commence a planned activity to commence being successful after
initial failures
to get to first base
to succeed in getting others to start
comprehending a problem STRATEGY
a chessmaster
to go back to square one
a clever strategist
to start all over again
a listening post
to jump the gun a place where information of strategic
to start before one is meant to value can be collected
to kick off opening gambit '
to start some action the first in a series of strategic moves
to leap in (a tautological expression which also
to commence an activity without con- involves a misunderstanding of a tech-
sidering the wisdom of doing so or nical chess term)
the best way to proceed to be in a commanding position
to have a strategic advantage
to move on to greener pastures
to commence a new, better career to derail some strategy
to cause a strategy to fail
to prick up one's ears
to suddenly start paying attention to a to go down a particular road
conversation in progress as a result of to adopt a particular strategy
a half-heard phrase
to hold one's cards close to one's
to set sail chest
to commence a voyage to keep one's plans and strategies
to show someone the ropes
to teach a beginner how to do some- to play it by ear
thing to develop one's strategy to always fit
in with circumstances as they change
to start from scratch from time to time
to commence something without the
benefit of any past activity
to start off on the right foot a death wish
to commence an operation with great the contemplation of action so foolish
care to do it correctly that it is likely to lead to utter disaster
to start the ball rolling a simple Simon
to commence and enthusiastically ad- a foolish, gullible or half-witted person
vance an activity involving people
a wild goose chase
to start to bite a foolish search for something which
to start to be effective does not exist

beadledom to judge a book by its cover

stupid oflficiousness foolishly to go only by superficial
stupid to make an ass of oneself
to act stupidly in public
stupid to need to have one's head read
to be foolish
wildly stupid to paint oneself into a corner
to foolishly put oneself into a posi-
not to have an ounce of sense tion from which escape is impossible
to be stupid
to play Russian roulette
people in glass houses should not to take stupid risks
throw stones
to play with fire
those who are less than perfect are
to invite trouble through one's foolish
foolish to criticize others
someone's brain needs washing to push water uphill
a person is very silly to foolishly attempt the impossible
to be mutton dressed up as lamb to put one's foot in it
to foolishly pretend to be younger to make a foolish mistake
to be only ten pence in the shilling to put one's foot in one's mouth
to be slightly stupid to say something foolish
to burn one's fingers to sell one's birthright for a mess of
to lose money through foolishness pottage
through foolishness to exchange some-
to earn a dunce's cap thing of substance for something of
to do something stupid little value (Genesis 25)
to get under someone's skin to shoot oneself in the foot
to annoy another person through to act in a foolish way and thus harm
stupidity one's own cause
to go out on a limb to sign one's own death warrant
to put oneself at risk though foolish to foolishly do something which is
action inevitably bound to lead to utter disaster
to sow wild oats
to go overboard
to indulge in foolish behavior while a
to act foolishly and in an excessive
young adult
why keep a dog and bark oneself?
to have a bird brain it is silly to pay for assistance and
to be stupid then do things personally
to have a loose tongue
to speak foolishly or indiscreetly SUCCESS
to have egg on one's face a breakthrough
to be embarrassed by the results of success in overcoming resistance to a
one's own stupidity proposal

a field day stalemate

a very enjoyable and successful occa- a final result in which neither party to
sion a dispute is victorious
a flash in the pan the proof of the pudding is in the
something which begins promisingly eating
but does not last (refers to the prim- the success of a venture will be meas-
ing of old guns) ured by its results
a gambit the royal road to success
an opening move in the competitive the way of attaining success without
situation which involves short-term effort
losses in the expectation of long-term
gains things look black
there is little hope of success or pros-
a highflyer perity or a favorable outcome
an ambitious and/or successful person
to be a passport to success
a landslide to be a means of achieving success
an electoral result involving victory
or defeat by an unexpectedly large to be going great guns
margin to be making very successful progress
a Pyrrhic victory to be home and hosed
a win which costs more than if there to have won
had been a loss (refers to the battle at
which King Pyrrhus of Epirus defeated to be on a winner
the Romans at Asculum) to have faith in, give support to and/
or invest in a project which proves to
a roller coaster ride be successful
a series of successes followed by
failures to be on the crest of a wave
to enjoy success which may not last
a walkover
an easy victory to be successful beyond one's
wildest dreams
chalk it up! to be far more successful than one
the success was unexpected could have expected
front-runner to be unable to take a trick
person expected to win to be unable to achieve success in
// is in the bag
the enterprise has succeeded to bear fruit
to result in success
it is mind over matter
one's resolve to overcome suffering to bring home the bacon
will succeed to be successful
// is pointing in the right direction to fight tooth and nail
success looks likely to strive very hard to win
more power to your elbow to get on stream
may your praiseworthy efforts lead to to now operate successfully following
success the end of a settling-in period

to get to first base to make the grade

to succeed in getting others to start to succeed
comprehending a problem
to miss the sharks while netting the
to go for the gold minnows
to aim for victory (refers to Olympic to success in minor aspects but fail in
medals) the ones that really matter
to have a cast-iron case to pan out
to be absolutely assured of victory in to succeed
legal proceedings
to pass with flying colors
to have had a good innings to be very successful
to have had a successful life
to pay off
to have someone by the throat to be successful
to claim victory over an opponent
to play the trump card
to have someone on toast
to make a final move, thereby defeating
to be victorious over a person
one's opponents
to have the plug pulled out from un-
der one to pull something off
to have a successful activity destroyed to achieve success in some enterprise
by the actions of someone else to raise the stake
to hold a winning hand to increase the amount of potential
to be in an unbeatable position to gain or loss in a project
defeat others to rest on one's laurels
to hold all the aces to use a reputation for success earned
to be in an unbeatable position to in earlier times as a substitute for
defeat others current endeavor
to hold all the cards to ride high
to be assured of victory to be successful but vulnerable
to hold someone at bay to ride the wave
to successfully resist an attacker to be successful for the time being
to hold the trump card to score a hat trick
to be in an unbeatable position to to have three successive favorable
defeat others outcomes
to look for a needle in a haystack to show dividends
to attempt something with a very small to be successful
chance of success
to smell blood
to make a good fist of something to divine imminent victory
to be successful in a difficult task
to stitch up a deal
to make a killing
to successfully conclude a deal
to be in a very successful business
venture to strike gold
to have one's efforts suddenly rewarded
to make or break someone
by great success
to be a factor leading either to a
person's success or to his failure, to strike pay dirt
with no intermediate position to become successful

to strike the right chord to catch someone off guard

to appeal successfully to someone's to surprise a person (a fencing term)
to catch someone on the hop
to throw a sprat to catch a mackerel to take a person by surprise
to risk a little in the hope of gaining
to raise one's eyebrows
to express one's utter astonishment
to turn the corner
to rub one's eyes
to commence being successful after
initial failures to express astonishment
to take one's breath away
to win by a long chalk
to greatly surprise or astonish
to win very conclusively
to win hands down
to win very convincingly
a skeleton in the cupboard
to win some rounds
an unpleasant truth the knowledge
to be partly successful
of which has been deliberately sup-
to win the prize in a canter pressed
to win very easily
a tall story
to wrap up a deal an interesting but untrue and unbe-
to bring a deal to a successful con- lievable table
a telltale sign
when one's ship comes in a visible indication revealing true facts
when one's business venture is suc- despite efforts at concealment
cessfully completed or when luck
fictitious but resembling truth and il-
lustrating a point
SURPRISE out of the mouths of babes
a bombshell (as indiscreetly revealed) the truth
an unpleasant surprise
to be an ostrich
a thunderbolt to refuse to face up to an unpleasant
a surprise truth (refers to the reputed habit of
he would turn in his grave ostriches in danger)
he would have been very surprised or to be too close to home
displeased if he had known while still to be too near the truth to be welcome
to beat about the bush
not to bat an eyelid to hide the unpleasant truth
to fail to express any surprise
to bring something into focus
someone's eyes popped to put some matter into its proper
a person expressed great surprise context and explain its true significance
the mind boggles
to bury one's head in the sand
this is astonishing
to refuse to face up to an unpleasant
to be an eye opener truth (refers to the reputed habit of
to be a surprise ostriches in danger)

to cloak something a shaggy-dog story

to disguise the true nature of something an amusing anecdote with an unex-
pected ending, often involving talking
to drag someone by the head and
animals given certain human skills
to force a person to reveal the true a wild card
facts an unexpected development
to flush out the facts an Aladdin's cave
to ascertain, after some effort, the a place full of unexpected treasure
truth of some matter
chalk it up!
to open someone's eyes to something the success was unexpected
to alert another person to the truth of
it's a small world
it is surprising to meet people one
to read between the lines knows in unexpected places
to appreciate the true significance of
manna from heaven
something not put into words
unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15)
to sell someone a pup
the answer to a maiden's prayer
to cheat a person in a transaction,
an unexpected but very welcome
especially by misrepresentation as to
the true value of something
to be a bolt from the blue
to show one's true colors
to be a totally unexpected event
to disclose one's real character or
beliefs to be one in the eye for someone
to represent an unexpected and unwel-
to speak with forked tongues
come defeat
to utter half-truths with the intention
of misleading the listener to be one out of the box
to be unexpectedly superb
to swallow the line
to accept as truth the story being to be shell-shocked
proffered to be stunned by unexpected bad news
to take something as gospel to be stopped in one's tracks
to believe that something is true suddenly and unexpectedly to be
to unmask someone prevented from carrying on with a
to discover a person's true identity
to be the sting in the tail
UNEXPECTED HAPPENINGS to be the unexpected unpleasant con-
a can of worms
a heterogeneous collection of unex- to catapult to fame
pected problems to achieve fame unexpectedly quickly
a landslide to catch someone in the net
an electoral result involving victory to unexpectedly involve a particular
or defeat by an unexpectedly large person in the course of activity de-
margin signed to involve many others
a pit of disaster to come out of the blue
great and unexpected misfortune to be totally unexpected

to crawl out of the woodwork to turn white

to turn up unexpectedly and in large to express shock at unexpected news
to vanish into thin air
to cut the ground from under some- unexpectedly to disappear
one's feet
to unexpectedly withdraw support and
unexpected good fortune
in the process cause embarrassment
or to demolish a person's case
to drop a brick
to make a sudden shattering and un- a South Sea bubble
expected announcement an unrealistic financial venture which
to founder on the shoals of something is bound to result in total loss
to come to grief because of unexpect- moonshine
ed dangers unrealistic ideas
to hit a sour note someone's eyes are bigger than his
to discover an unexpected flaw in an stomach
otherwise satisfactory piece of work a person is unrealistic
to keep one's head
to remain calm in a crisis or to to be in cloud cuckoo land
unexpectedly retain an elected or to be mad or to have unrealistic
appointed position expectations

to open up a Pandora's box to bite off more than one can chew
to do something which produces all to be overly ambitious and thus unre-
sorts of undesired and unexpected side- alistic as to one's capabilities
effects (refers to the woman in Greek to chase rainbows
mythology who brought misery to man- to be quite unrealistic
kind; the box contained human ills)
to pull a rabbit out of the hat to have one's head in the clouds
to produce an unexpected and seem- to be unrealistic
ingly miraculous but highly desirable to shoot for the stars
solution to be unrealistic
to pull the rug out from under someone to talk turkey
to unexpectedly withdraw support and
to talk realistically
in the process cause embarrassment
to take a nosedive to want to jump all one's fences at
to suddenly and unexpectedly fall once
steeply to be unrealistic

to throw a cat among the pigeons

to cause consternation by revealing UNWELCOME
an unpleasant and unexpected fact a bible basher
to throw a spanner into the works a person who makes unwelcome at-
to cause an unexpected complication tempts to force his religious beliefs
on others
to turn up trumps
to finish up better than expected or to a blessing in disguise
experience unexpected good luck an unwelcome but salutary experience

stiff cheese! to cool one's heels

circumstances which may be unwel- to be kept waiting
come but which will not be altered
to cross a bridge only when one
and in respect of which no great sym-
comes to it
pathy is felt
to await the crystallization of a situa-
the affair blew up tion before sorting it out
certain unwelcome facts have become
to have one's beady eyes on something
publicly available
to await the chance to acquire some-
to be one in the eye for someone thing to which one is not properly
to represent an unexpected and unwel- entitled
come defeat
to kick one's heels
to be too close to home to be kept waiting
to be too near the truth to be welcome
to mark time
to penetrate someone's thick skull to do nothing while awaiting develop-
to make a person understand some- ments
thing difficult or acknowledge some-
thing unwelcome to see which way the cat jumps
to await developments
to play gooseberry
to act as an unwelcome chaperon to sweat it out
to await one's fate calmly
to plead the Fifth Amendment
to refuse to answer an unwelcome to wait for the other shoe to drop
question (refers to the Fifth Amend- to await the seemingly imminent and
ment of the United States Constitu- inevitable (refers to a man undressing,
tion, which provides protection against disturbing a neighbor by dropping one
self-incrimination) shoe, then frustrating his expectation
by putting the other shoe down gently)
to put someone back in his box
to make it clear to a person that his to wait in the wings
views are not welcome to be prepared to stay unobtrusive till
the appropriate time for action arrives
to rear its ugly head
to make an unwelcome appearance to wait two shakes of a lamb's tail
to wait just a few moments
to send someone away with a flea in
his ear to wait with bated breath
to give a person frank but unwelcome to be excited in anticipation of some
facts (refers to fleas trapped in the event
armor of ancient knights)
WAITING a banana republic
hold your horses! a country with a poor economy
just wait a little!
a goldmine
to be on tenterhooks a source of much wealth or of many
to anxiously await some result facts
to bite one s fingernails a pot of gold
to anxiously await a decision wealth

life raft the red-carpet treatment

financial assistance sufficient to avert courtesies extended to a person to
insolvency make him feel important and welcome
not to be made of money to be a sight for sore eyes
not to be wealthy to be something welcome
not to have a brass razoo to be better than a poke in the eye
to be very poor with a burnt stick
to be particularly welcome
not to have the wherewithal to rub
two sticks together to come in out of the cold
to be very poor to be welcomed into a group

rags to riches to kill the fatted calf

to demonstrate welcome and forgive-
the transition from poverty to wealth
ness on a person's return (Luke 15:23)
to be a gay dog
to pipe someone on board
to lead an idle life while flaunting
to welcome a person
the symbols of wealth
to be born with a silver spoon in WORK AMD EFFORT
one's mouth
to be brought up by wealthy parents a dry hole
an exercise which after much effort
to have money flowing out of one's proves fruitless
to be very rich a fifth columnist
a person using his position of trust to
to just hold one's head above water work for a rival cause
to cope with problems but with little
margin to spare or to stay solvent a scattergun approach
an effort going here, there and every-
to live from hand to mouth where, instead of being properly
being in poor financial circumstances, targeted
to survive with little by way of safety a willing horse
margin a cheerful worker
to stay afloat an unholy alliance
to remain solvent a working relationship for a nefarious
well-heeled purpose between unlikely partners
rich blood, sweat and tears
hard work and much effort
WELCOME donkey work
any port in a storm necessary but uninspiring routine work
anything which helps to avoid diffi- elbow grease
culties is welcome hard manual work
the answer to a maiden's prayer flat out like a lizard
an unexpected but very welcome to be hard at work (a play on words,
happening , not a simile)
the more the merrier good chemistry
everyone is welcome a good ability to work closely together

harvest to caste one's bread upon the waters

end result of labor not to expect gratitude or recognition
for one's good works (Ecclesiastes
it is neck or nothing
a desperate effort is called for
to compete on all fours with someone
it will all come out in the wash
to strive on equal terms
the facts will emerge as work proceeds
to do the leg work
more power to your elbow
to carry out the tedious part of a
may your praiseworthy efforts lead to
to draw the nets closer
Parkinson's law
to intensify one's efforts
the principle that work expands to
match the work capacity available (ti- to fight tooth and nail
tle of a book by Prof. C. Northcote to strive very hard to win
to gain the upper hand
put your back into it! to attain, after some effort, an advan-
work energetically! tage over another person
search for the Holy Grail to go along for the ride
work toward a difficult goal (refers to to seek to benefit from a project in
a vessel supposedly used by Christ at which others contribute the effort
the last supper and featuring in the
to go the extra mile
Arthurian legends)
to work beyond the call of duty
the royal road to success
to have too much on one's plate
the way of attaining success without
to be unable to cope with one's
to be a busy bee
to hit a sour note
to work with great diligence
to discover an unexpected flaw in an
to be at the coal face otherwise satisfactory piece of work
to be in the place where the real work
to keep one's head down
is done
to work very diligently
to be geared up to do something
to have equipment, labor and know- to keep one's nose to the grindstone
how in place adequate for some task to work with particular diligence
to be the salt of the earth to keep out of someone's hair
to be a person whose ordinary efforts to let another person get on with his
benefit the community (Matthew 5:13) work in his own way
to beaver away to play the last card in the pack
to work diligently at some task to lower one's standards in a final
to break the back of a task desperate effort
to complete the bulk of the work to pull one's fingers out
to burn the candle at both ends to get on with a job with alacrity
to work excessively long hours
to pull one's weight
to burn the midnight oil to do one's proper share of the work
to work late into the night requiring to be done

to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps to strike gold

to make a praiseworthy effort to bet- to have one's efforts suddenly rewarded
ter oneself unaided by great success
to pull oneself up by one's own to swing the lead
shoelaces to cheat an employer by not working
to make a superhuman effort while being paid to do so
to pull out all stops to take the rough with the smooth
to make maximum effort to accept the hardships of life along
with its pleasant features
to pull together
to work in harmony to win one's spurs
to gain recognition after a period of
to put one's back into something effort (refers to the earning of a knight-
to work hard at achieving some goal hood in battle)
to put one's best foot forward to work hand in glove with someone
to make a special effort to work in close cooperation with a
person or to be in collusion with a
to put one's shoulder to the wheel person to the detriment of others
to make a strong effort
to work one's fingers to the bone
to ride on the back of someone to work very hard
without effort to benefit from the prior
efforts of others to work overtime at something
to spend a lot of time and effort at
to roll up one's sleeves doing something
to get on with a job energetically to work shoulder to shoulder
to snow someone under to work with united effort
to overload a person with work
to spark on all cylinders WORRY
to work extremely well a headache
to steal someone's thunder a cause for worry
to take credit for another person's a new lease on life
good work (refers to a dispute over the prospect of a worry-free existence
the copying of a machine invented from now on
by a 17th-century dramatist to repro-
not to lose any sleep over something
duce the sound of thunder during a
not to worry about some matter
to drive someone out of his mind
to stir a finger to cause great worry to a person
to make some minimum effort
to prey on one's mind
to strike a blow (of a problem) to keep worrying one
to resume work to raise the specter of something
to strike a blow for some principle to draw attention to a worrying ex-
to work toward the attainment of some pectation of something
principle to send a chill down someone's neck
to strike at the roots of something to be worrying news
to work toward the destruction of to spend a sleepless night
something to worry about something
Appendix 1


Word Frequency

head 83
hand 81
eye 62
back 51
heart 47
foot 45
keep 45
turn 42
play 40
water 36
face 33
dog 32
all 32
throw 31
run 31
fall 30
ear 29
fire 28
blood 27
horse 26
mind 26
cut 26
stick 26
pull 25
light 25
nose 25
finger 24
come 24
Appendix 1

Word Frequency

line 23
open 23
game 23
set 22
tooth 22
jump 22
hold 22
mouth 22
fly 21
hang 21
blow 20
ground 20
see 20
way 20

Appendix 2




1 964 23 HUMAN BODY

23 381 9 ANIMALS
186 4 SPORT
8 127 3 CLOTHES
9 112 3 NAUTICAL
11 94
13 86
14 79
15 2
16 66
17 63
18 56
19 54
20 45
21 45
22 1 CARDS
23 41 1
25 34 1 GAMBLING
26 30 1 HISTORY
28 24 1 CIRCUSES
22 1
30 17 0* AVIATION
31 15 0* ART
32 15 0* LAW
33 12 0* EDUCATION
34 119 0* CRIME
35 0* CHESS
36 8 SEX
37 4
4215 100 TOTAL
*Less than 1%.


Subject Area Items
11 51
14 SPEECH 45
16 START 39
17 CHANGE 38
20 IDEA 37
24 FACT 35
Appendix 2

Subject Area Items

30 EASE 32
33 AIM 31
37 EXCESS 29
42 SKILL 25
47 SPEED 24
48 RISK 24
50 BELIEF 24
53 TRUTH 21
59 ANGER 19
61 POWER 18
68 WEALTH 15
Appendix 2

Subject Area Items

72 FUTURE 14
73 FACTOR 13
76 CARE 13
81 HARM 12
86 CHANCE 10
90 PAST 10
97 WORRY 8
108 PRAISE 6
110 ABUSE 6
Appendix 3


As mentioned in Chapter 2 , the lists in this book can also be used as the
raw material for various party games and similar pursuits. Twelve
illustrations are set out below:

• A keyword—say, "horse" (or "ball," "head," "water," etc.)—is

selected. The object of the game is to see how many different meta-
phors using this keyword (whether included in this book or not) each
player can recall within a short time limit. (Example: "to swap horses
in midstream.")
• A category—say, "music" (or "colors," "domestic pets," "numerals,"
etc.)—is selected. The object of the game is to see how many different
metaphors using words from this category (whether included in this
book or not) each player can recall within a short time limit. (Examples:
"to face the music" or "when the music stops," music expressions
used figuratively to convey non-music meanings.)
• A subject area—say, "defeat" (or "price," "knowledge," "responsibility,"
etc.)—is selected. The object of the game is to see how many different
metaphors using this particular subject area (whether included in this
book or not) each player can recall within a short time limit. (Examples:
"checkmate" or "to be on the ropes," expressions which, while not
being used literally, convey the meaning "defeat.")
• The initial words (for example. "To beard.. . " ) of some well-known
metaphors are quoted. The object of the game is to provide the
concluding words (" . . . the lion in his den").
• A general topic is selected. The object of the game is to evolve the best
paragraph using a certain minimum number of metaphors (say, ten).
This would need to have regard to factors such as humor, originality
and plausibility. (For an example of such a piece, see the passage in the
box at the front of this book.) If desired, the players of this game could
be given access to the book while drafting their paragraphs.
Appendix 3

• One or two pages of the current issue of a daily newspaper are

designated. The object of the game is to see how many different
metaphors occurring on these pages each player can recognize. An
element of luck as well as skill can be introduced by giving different
pages to different players (say, the corresponding pages of successive
• A number of specific metaphors are selected. The object of the game is
to best translate them into bureaucratic language. (Example: "To flog a
dead horse" could become "To impose flagellation measures on an
equine quadruped which is permanently devoid of its original capacities.")
• The above game can also be played in reverse, with the players being
given the bureaucratic versions and required to work out, within a short
time limit, what the corresponding customary "Plain English" expres-
sions are.
• The names of well-known persons are designated. The object of the
game is to evolve appropriate "last words" for each, based on
metaphors. (Example: Einstein—"To an observer on earth, my clock
will appear to have stopped.")
• A series of definitions is given—say, "to strive very hard to win," "to
be quite ineffective," "to be terrified," "to be a member of a group
knowing what is going on," "to fight an unwinnable case," and so on.
The object of the game is to match each definition with a well-known
metaphor. (Examples: "to fight tooth and nail," "to labor mightily and
produce a mouse," "to have one's heart in one's boots," "to be in the
swim," "to bang one's head up against a brick wall," and so on,
• The above game is rather difficult. An easier version involves produc-
ing two lists of, say, 20 items each, both in random order—one of
metaphors and the other of definitions. The object of the game is to
match up the items in the two lists as quickly as possible.
• One or two pages of the current issue of a daily newspaper are
designated. The object of the game is to produce within a specified time
limit fresh headlines for as many articles on these pages as possible,
using for this purpose the metaphors which best fit in with the articles
concerned. Judging would need to take into account the suitability and
effectiveness of the metaphors chosen.

Appendix 4


ACTS to be on the road to Damascus
to see the error of one's ways (Acts 9:3)
BABEL a tower of Babel
a noisy and confused assembly (Genesis 11)
BIRD a little bird told me
I heard from an unnameable informant (Ecclesiastes 10:20)
BIRTHRIGHT to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage
through foolishness to exchange something of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25)
BREAD to cast one's bread upon the waters
not to expect gratitude or recognition for one's good works (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
CAIN the mark of Cain
disgrace (Genesis 4:15)
CAIN to raise Cain
to create a disturbance (Genesis 4:5)
CALF to kill the fatted calf
to demonstrate welcome and forgiveness on a person's return (Luke 15:23)
CAST to cast one's bread upon the waters
not to expect gratitude or recognition for one's good works (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
CHEEK to turn the other cheek
to show that one has not been intimidated (Matthew 5:39)
CLAY to have feet of clay
to be vulnerable (Daniel 2:33)
CLOTHING to be a wolf in sheep's clothing
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous although masquerading as something
harmless (Matthew 7:15)
CROWN to wear one's crown of thorns
to have one's own difficulties (John 19:5)
Appendix 4

DAMASCUS to be on the road to Damascus

to see the error of one's ways (Acts 9:3)
DANIEL to have feet of clay
to be vulnerable (Daniel 2:33)
DANIEL to see the writing on the wall
to appreciate the inevitability of some event (Daniel 5)
DOUBT a doubting Thomas
a person who refuses to believe claims in the absence of proof (John 20:25)
EARTH to be the salt of the earth
to be a person whose ordinary efforts benefit the community (Matthew 5:13)
ECCLESIASTES a fly in the ointment
a flaw (refers to dead flies turning perfumes rancid) (Ecclesiastes 10:1)
ECCLESIASTES a little bird told me
I heard from an unnameable informant (Ecclesiastes 10:20)
ECCLESIASTES to cast one's bread upon the waters
not to expect gratitude or recognition for one's good works (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
ELEVEN at the eleventh hour
at the last moment (actually "at the twenty-fourth hour" would be more
logical) (Matthew 20:9)
EXODUS a tooth for a tooth
retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
EXODUS an eye for an eye
retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
EXODUS fleshpots
sumptuous living (Exodus 16:3)
EXODUS manna from heaven
unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15)
EXODUS with a high hand
arrogantly (Exodus 14:8)
EYE a mote in someone's eye
a fault in another person which is trifling in comparison to an unrecognized
major fault in oneself (Matthew 7:3)
EYE an eye for an eye
retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
FLESHPOT fleshpots
sumptuous living (Exodus 16:3)
FLY a fly in the ointment
a flaw (refers to dead flies turning perfumes rancid) (Ecclesiastes 10:1)
FOOT to have feet of clay
to be vulnerable (Daniel 2:33)
Appendix 4

FORBID forbidden fruit

something particularly desired just because it is not allowed (Genesis 2:17)
FRUIT by their fruits ye shall know them
their reputation will be based on their results (Matthew 7:20)
FRUIT forbidden fruit
something particularly desired just because it is not allowed (Genesis 2:17)
GENESIS a Sodom and Gomorrah
a place of vice (Genesis 18:20)
GENESIS a tower of Babel
a noisy and confused assembly (Genesis 11)
GENESIS forbidden fruit
something particularly desired just because it is not allowed (Genesis 2:17)
GENESIS the mark of Cain
disgrace (Genesis 4:15)
GENESIS to hold out an olive branch
to make peace overtures (Genesis 8:11)
GENESIS to raise Cain
to create a disturbance (Genesis 4:5)
GENESIS to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage
through foolishness to exchange something of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25)
GOAT to separate the sheep from the goats
to distinguish between those with and without certain attributes (Matthew
GOLIATH a Goliath
a giant or a person whose ability and achievements exceed that of most
other people (1 Samuel 17)
GOMORRAH a Sodom and Gomarrah
a place of vice (Genesis 18:20)
HAND to put one's hand to the plow
voluntarily to undertake some task (Luke 9:62)
HAND with a high hand
arrogantly (Exodus 14:8)
HEAVEN manna from heaven
unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15)
HIGH with a high hand
arrogantly (Exodus 14:8)
HOUR at the eleventh hour
at the last moment (actually "at the twenty-fourth hour" would be more
logical) (Matthew 20:9)
Appendix 4

IVORY to be in an ivory tower

to be immersed in theoretical considerations and ignorant of the practical
realities (Song of Solomon 7:4)
JAMES something would try the patience of Job
something is very vexatious (James 5:11)
JERICHO walls of Jericho
something seemingly solid but actually destructible (Joshua 6:20)
a person who looks on the gloomy side of everything (refers to the
prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament)
JOB something would try the patience of Job
something is very vexatious (James 5:11)
JOHN a doubting Thomas
a person who refuses to believe claims in the absence of proof (John 20:25)
JOHN to wear one's crown of thorns
to have one's own difficulties (John 19:5)
JOSHUA walls of Jericho
something seemingly solid but actually destructible (Joshua 6:20)
JUDAS to play Judas
to betray a person (Matthew 26)
JUDGES a shibboleth
a doctrine once held as essential but now abandoned as having outlived its
usefulness (a word used as a test to determine to which tribe an Israelite
belonged) (Judges 12:6)
KILL to kill the fatted calf
to demonstrate welcome and forgiveness on a person's return (Luke 15:23)
KINGS to need the wisdom of Solomon
to be faced with the need to make a difficult decision (1 Kings 3:16-28)
KNOW by their fruits ye shall know them
their reputation will be based on their results (Matthew 7:20)
LITTLE a little bird told me
I heard from an unnameable informant (Ecclesiastes 10:20)
LUKE a good Samaritan
a person going out of his way to do a kindness to others (Luke 10:33)
LUKE to kill the fatted calf
to demonstrate welcome and forgiveness on a person's return (Luke 15:23)
LUKE to put one's hand to the plow
voluntarily to undertake some task (Luke 9:62)
MANNA manna from heaven
unexpected benefits (Exodus 16:15)
Appendix 4

MARK the mark of Cain

disgrace (Genesis 4:15)
MATTHEW a mote in someone's eye
a fault in another person which is trifling in comparison to an unrecognized
major fault in oneself (Matthew 7:3)
MATTHEW at the eleventh hour
at the last moment (actually "at the twenty-fourth hour" would be more
logical) (Matthew 20:9)
MATTHEW by their fruits ye shall know them
their reputation will be based on their results (Matthew 7:20)
MATTHEW to be a wolf in sheep's clothing
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous although masquerading as something
harmless (Matthew 7:15)
MATTHEW to be the salt of the earth
to be a person whose ordinary efforts benefit the community (Matthew 5:13)
MATTHEW to play Judas
to betray a person (Matthew 26)
MATTHEW to separate the sheep from the goats
to distinguish between those with and without certain attributes (Matthew
MATTHEW to turn the other cheek
to show that one has not been intimidated (Matthew 5:39)
MESS to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage
through foolishness to exchange something of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25)
MOTE a mote in someone's eye
a fault in another person which is trifling in comparison to an unrecognized
major fault in oneself (Matthew 7:3)
OINTMENT a fly in the ointment
a flaw (refers to dead flies turning perfumes rancid) (Ecclesiastes 10:1)
OLIVE to hold out an olive branch
to make peace overtures (Genesis 8:11)
PATIENCE something would try the patience of Job
something is very vexatious (James 5:11)
PLOW to put one's hand to the plow
voluntarily to undertake some task (Luke 9:62)
POT fleshpots
sumptuous living (Exodus 16:3)
POTTAGE to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage
through foolishness to exchange something of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25)
Appendix 4

RAISE to raise Cain

to create a disturbance (Genesis 4:5)
ROAD to be on the road to Damascus
to see the error of one's ways (Acts 9:3)
SALT to be the salt of the earth
to be a person whose ordinary efforts benefit the community (Matthew 5:13)
SAMARITAN a good Samaritan
a person going out of his way to do a kindness to others (Luke 10:33)
SAMUEL a Goliath
a giant or a person whose ability and achievements exceed that of most
other people (1 Samuel 17)
SELL to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage
through foolishness to exchange something of substance for something of
little value (Genesis 25)
SEPARATE to separate the sheep from the goats
to distinguish between those with and without certain attributes (Matthew
SHEEP to be a wolf in sheep's clothing
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous although masquerading as something
harmless (Matthew 7:15)
SHEEP to separate the sheep from the goats
to distinguish between those with and without certain attributes (Matthew
SHIBBOLETH a shibboleth
a doctrine once held as essential but now abandoned as having outlived its
usefulness (a word used as a test to determine to which tribe an Israelite
belonged) (Judges 12:6)
SODOM a Sodom and Gomorrah
a place of vice (Genesis 18:20)
SOLOMON to need the wisdom of Solomon
to be faced with the need to make a difficult decision (Kings 3:16-28)
SONG to be in an ivory tower
to be immersed in theoretical considerations and ignorant of the practical
realities (Song of Solomon 7:4)
THOMAS a doubting Thomas
a person who refuses to believe claims in the absence of proof (John 20:25)
THORN to wear one's crown of thorns
to have one's own difficulties (John 19:5)
TOOTH a tooth for a tooth
retaliation (Exodus 21:24)
Appendix 4

TOWER to be in an ivory tower

to be immersed in theoretical considerations and ignorant of the practical
realities (Song of Solomon 7:4)
TRY something would try the patience of Job
something is very vexatious (James 5:11)
TURN to turn the other cheek
to show that one has not been intimidated (Matthew 5:39)
WALL to see the writing on the wall
to appreciate the inevitability of some event (Daniel 5)
WALL walls of Jericho
something seemingly solid but actually destructible (Joshua 6:20)
WATER to cast one's bread upon the waters
not to expect gratitude or recognition for one's good works (Ecclesiastes
WEAR to wear one's crown of thorns
to have one's own difficulties (John 19:5)
WISDOM to need the wisdom of Solomon
to be faced with the need to make a difficult decision (1 Kings 3:16-28)
WOLF to be a wolf in sheep's clothing
to be a hypocrite or to be dangerous although masquerading as something
harmless (Matthew 7:15)
WRITE to see the writing on the wall
to appreciate the inevitability of some event (Daniel 5)

Appendix 5


The following extract from the "Conflict of Interest" episode of "Yes,
Prime Minister," the popular BBC television series which uses scripts
written by Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay, is reproduced with the
permission of BBC Enterprises Limited.
It features a discussion between Sir Desmond Glazebrook, a leading
banker who is keen to become Governor of the Bank of England, and
James Hacker, the British Prime Minister.

City's a funny place, Prime Minister. You know, if you spill the beans
you open up a whole can of worms. I mean, how can you let sleeping
dogs lie if you let the cat out of the bag? You bring in a new broom and if
you're not very careful you find you've thrown the baby out with the
bathwater. Change horses in the middle of the stream, next thing you
know you're up the creek without a paddle.

And then what happens?

Well! Obviously the balloon goes up. They hit you for six. An own goal,
in fact.


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