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Microsoft Teams for Education-A Guide

Learning online can be just as personal, engaging and socially connected as learning in a classroom.
Students and teachers can stay in touch and help each other using conversations and can feel like they
are meeting in person using online sessions. Teachers can track student progress in their daily work
using Assignments. And, just like in a classroom, teachers can use the apps to support how they work
Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content, assignments, and apps
together in one place, letting teachers create vibrant learning environments and build collaborative
classrooms. Teachers can converse with students, share files and websites and distribute and grade
assignments. Class Teams can be used to create collaborative class spaces, provide a virtual meeting
platform, facilitate learning with assignments and feedback, and lead live calls with students. This
tutorial is for getting you set up for remote education.

Get started with Microsoft Teams for Remote Learning

These steps can help you to achieve a productive learning environment.
 Login to
 This will take you to the blue purplish Microsoft Teams interface.

Setting up Classes
1. Create a Class
These steps can help you to set up a class.

 On opening MS Teams, there are various tabs to choose between on the left-hand side and
one of them is the Teams tab. By using this tab you can create a new class, for example,
EE223 Electronics Class.
 First press the Add teams button at the bottom of this list followed by the Create team
button and then you will be offered a choice of four types of teams as shown below.

 Click on Class and you can now Name your class and give it a Description. You can also choose
whether the class is Private which would allow invite-only or Public which would allow
anyone from the university to join it from the departmental group. After this, click Next.

2. Enroll Students
These steps can help you to enroll students in the class.

 After creating a class, MS Teams allows you to enroll students individually by email or you can
include pre-existing distribution groups or any office365 group you've already created and
click Close. An example of student enrollment is shown below.

3. Class Channels
 Every team comes with a General channel.
 Open channel settings to add new channels, manage notifications and other settings.
 Every team has channels, Click on to see the files and conversations about that topic,
class unit, or week in the course.
 You can even have private channels for group projects.
4. Class Discussions and Announcements
 In the Posts tab, you can start a discussion with the class, type or format your message or

5. Sharing Content and Teaching Material

 There is a Files section, which is like a communal onedrive where you can upload files and
everybody in the class has access.
6. Class Notebook
 There is a Class Notebook which is onenote type notebook that everybody in the class has access
to and can contribute to.
 Class Notebook is a digital binder you can use in your class to take notes and collaborate. You can
share your class syllabus, expectations and daily activities.
 OneNote Class Notebooks have a personal workspace for every student, a Content Library for
handouts, and a Collaboration Space for lessons and creative activities.

7. Giving Assignments to Students

 Assignments tab allows teachers to create and distribute assignments. Students can complete
and turn in their assignments without leaving the app.
 Teams assignments in MS Teams lets you streamline the entire lifecycle of your class
assignments into one place by creating, tracking and reviewing them here.
Create New Assignemnt
 To create a new assignment, you'll find the Assignments tab in the general channel
underneath the class. Since you're creating a new assignment, select New Assignment to get
Assign Assignment to Students
 Now you can add assignment details. Since, your assignment will be default to the class you're
in now but if you want to assign this work to other classes at the same time, choose them
from the drop-down menu. And if you need to assign work to individuals or smaller groups of
students in this class, choose their names from the list.
 Now name your assignment in the Title section. Next, choose a Due Date and Time.

Upload Content for Assignment

 If you want to add more details to your assignment such as instructions if you have any and
reference materials your students might need to finish their assignments, select Attach
reference materials. You can upload a file like a PDF or a handout from your personal
onedrive or computer or add a link and select Attach.
 Microsoft Teams lets students work on files you assign them without leaving the app. If you
have a document you want them to complete, you can add it, upload a file or create a blank
file, name your file and select Attach.
 If you want to add a Point value or allow students to turn this in after the due date, you can
come back and edit these choices if you need to.
 If you're not ready to send it you can save the assignment as a draft or even discard it. To
send this assignment to all of your students select Assign and you're done.

 You can Navigate assignments to see the assignments you've created.

8. Student Grades
 Teachers can use the Grades tab to provide feedback on assignments and track student
progress. Students can see their progress, too.
 Return and review assignments using the feedback loop
 Leave comments, make edits, a grade with criteria/standards, check for similarity, and more
in the grading view.

Online Teaching Sessions

1. Schedule a Session with Class
 The teacher can hold classes and online training sessions using MS Teams.
 For this, you have to schedule a meeting session with the class students.
 Add New meeting to schedule a new meeting to conduct lectures with up to 250 students.
 You can start a meeting right away by clicking on Meet Now.
 Add students directly to a meeting that starts right away.

 Invite one or more students or your whole class to an online teaching session by selecting a
channel to host the meeting.
 Meeting recordings and resources shared during the online teaching session will be organized
within the selected channel.

 Click Meet Now under the message box to start a live teaching session in a channel. If you
click Reply to a message, then the meeting will be attached to that conversation.
 You can invite students to the online teaching session or ask them to join it directly from the
 Select Meet now to start the online teaching session right away or Schedule a meeting to
schedule the meeting for the future.
 Students who are the members of the channel will see an invitation for the class meeting in
their calendar if you decide to schedule it for later.

2. Joining a Teaching Session

 Find the meeting invitation on the channel of your class or on your Teams calendar.
 Open the meeting and click Join to join the meeting.

 Double-check your audio and video input, turn on the camera, and unmute your microphone
to be heard. Select Join now to enter the meeting.

3. Participate in Teaching Session

To actively participate in an online teaching session, you can:
 Turn your video feed on and off.
 Mute and unmute yourself.
 Add participants to the meeting.
 Share your screen and sounds from your computer.
 Send chat messages, share links, add a file, and more. Resources you share will be available
after the meeting.
 Start a recording of the teaching session.
 If you leave the meeting, it will continue even after you have left.

4. Deliver Teaching Content to Students in Online Session

Share content with the class
 To share your screen in an online session with the class, select Share button in your meeting
controls. Then, choose to present your entire desktop, a window, a PowerPoint file, or a
 When you're done sharing, go to your meeting controls and select Stop sharing.

Include system audio

 Sharing your system audio lets you stream your computer audio to class students. You can
use it to play a video or audio clip as part of an online teaching session.
 To share your system audio, select the Share button in your meeting controls and then
Include system audio.

Share PowerPoint slides in online session

If you choose to share a PowerPoint file in a teaching session, students will get some special
1. They'll be able to move around to different slides without interrupting the main presentation.
2. They can sync their view back to the presenter's view with one click.
 Select Share button in your meeting controls.
 In the PowerPoint section, select the file you want. Select Browse to find a different file.

Give and take control of shared content

Give control
If you want another student to change a file or demonstrate something, you can give control to that
person. You will both be in control of the sharing, and you can take back control anytime.
1. On the sharing toolbar, select Give control.
2. Select the name of the student you want to give control to.
3. To take control back, select Take back control.

Take control
 To take control while another person is sharing, select Request control. Then, the person sharing
will approve or deny your request.
 While you have control, you can make selections, edits, and other modifications to the shared
 When you’re done, select Release control to stop sharing control.

Zoom in to shared content

 Click and drag to see different areas.
 And to zoom in or out, try the following:
 Pinch in or out on your trackpad
 Use the keyboard shortcuts Control + Plus sign and Control + Minus sign
 Hold the Control key and scroll with your mouse
4. Using Whiteboard in Online Sessions
There are two ways you can use whiteboard in the online sessions with students:

1. Microsoft Whiteboard
2. Freehand by Invision

Microsoft Whiteboard
Each online session has a dedicated whiteboard where participants have space to sketch together. To
get started with a whiteboard in an onine teaching session.
 You can share a whiteboard to make it available to all students. That same whiteboard is
simultaneously available in the Whiteboard applications on Windows 10, iOS, and on the web.
 After joining a Teams meeting, click the Share icon in the share tray of that meeting.
 In the Whiteboard section, select Microsoft Whiteboard.

Freehand by Invision
Freehand is a whiteboarding tool from Invision that you can use in online sessions.
 To use Freehand, click Share button in your meeting controls, then click Freehand by Invision in the
Whiteboard section.
 Then, you can begin sketching and sharing with students.
 Once you've shared a whiteboard, the meeting will have a whiteboard tab so students can easily
reference it later.

Please note the Below I.T Support Staff will be available For your support regarding Microsoft Team

1. Fazal # 0332.4163632
2. imran Muzaffar # 0321.4668944
3. Husnain Yousaf # 0304.4666699

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