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Level: Hard

You are building the next big crowdfunding site. Users can make
projects and fund projects. Oh the projects!

• your models are users, projects and pledges

◦ a project will have a pledge goal amount
◦ a user can both create and back projects, so a user will
have multiple connections to projects based on those
different roles
Write out the relationships using has_many, belongs_to and
has_many_through. Write out a schema that shows what these
tables might look like in a database. Where would the foreign
keys live? Then build out methods reflecting all these
relationships. What method can I call on a user to find other users
who have backed his/her projects, etc?


• .highest_pledge
◦ returns the user who has made the highest pledge
• .multi_pledger
◦ returns all users who have pledged to multiple projects
• .project_creator
◦ returns all users who have created a project


• .no_pledges
◦ returns all projects which have no pledges yet
• .above_goal
◦ returns all projects which have met or exceeded their
pledge goal
• .most_backers
◦ returns the project with the highest number of backers


• #project
◦ returns the project associated with a particular pledge
• #user
◦ returns the user associated with a particular pledge


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