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Motion to Demand Action from Lancaster University Students’ Union on the

Presidential Bye-election Results

This JCR Exec notes

1. That Lancaster University Students’ Union (the Union) has failed to represent the
interests of its membership on several occasions including, inter alia, the proposed
sale of the Sugarhouse, failure to convene a Constitutional Convention as instructed
by an Annual General Meeting and withdrawing funding for recreational and C-
league College sports.
2. That the recent announcement of the Union’s Presidential bye-election is sufficient
evidence that the Union does not uphold its own objectives for transparency in
decision-making as set out in S1.1 of the Accountability & Transparency Bye-law.
3. That Reopen Nominations (RON) shall be an option in all elections as set out in
S2.4 of the Democracy Bye-law.
4. That votes for RON were disregarded in the aforementioned bye-election ‘after
multiple breaches of the regulations governing elections were reported to [the
Independent Returning Officer]’ though the Union was ‘unable to share’ the nature of
these breaches.
5. That 259 members of the County College voted in this bye-election representing the
highest voter share of all colleges at 17.89% of votes.
6. That the announcement of these election results is insulting to JCR members who
have consistently called for greater transparency in decision-making.
7. That JCR-Union disaffiliations are not unprecedented as demonstrated at University
College and Trevelyan College, Durham University.

This JCR Exec believes

1. That the announcement of this bye-election result is non-transparent and insulting.

2. That the handling of this bye-election provides sufficient evidence to conclude that
the Union is undemocratic.
3. That many members of this JCR had their views in this bye-election disregarded by
disqualifying the option of RON. This means that members do not respect the
Union’s authority to represent them in any matters as it is unclear whether the
President-elect has a democratic mandate to do so.
4. That disaffiliating from the Union is not the desirable outcome of these resolutions as
the JCRs and the Union should have a strong and meaningful relationship.
5. That despite these consequences; democracy, accountability and transparency in a
Union is of utmost importance and shall take priority.

This JCR Exec resolves

1. To demand that the Union publicly outlines the substance of any concerns and
complaints made against the RON campaign and provides a clear justification as to
why these complaints lead to a disqualification
2. To demand that the Union publishes the full count sheet of this bye-election before
the disqualification of RON to give members confidence in the election of its new
Union President
3. That if these conditions are not met by the Union, or any justification is not sufficient
in addressing the aforementioned concerns, the JCR Exec will put a motion to its
members at a general meeting to withdraw its affiliation to the Union.
3.1. This will include, inter alia, ceasing to participate in and promote Union events,
campaigns and activities such as Freshers’ Fair, general meetings and elections;
3.2. Withdrawing College representation from Union committees such as Presidents’ and
Democracy Committee;
3.3. Withdrawing democratic control of JCR elections and bye-elections from the Union;
3.4. Rejecting training offered by the Union for JCR Exec members; and
3.5. Withdrawing financial control of the JCR Exec from the Union and ceasing to receive
Union funds.
3.6. Disaffiliation will not constitute JCR members opting out of their Union membership
and members will retain their student member entitlements as outlined in S1.2 of the
Union’s Membership Bye-law.

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