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Science education currently demands the realization of comprehensive training processes in students

that promote the development of competencies to face the changing world. This article shows the

results of the aspects related to the professors participating in the research “Scientific competences

and training in values. A study from the thinking of the experimental science teachers ”, they guide

students through their classroom practices.

Previous research by members of this group has shown some difficulties that science teachers have

to incentivize scientific training in a systematic way (Chona et al., 2001; Arteta et al., 2002).

Similarly, Colombian society requires the educational system

On the other hand, in this research - taking into account the fundamental role of the teacher in the

development of competences in students - the approaches arising from the line of research known

internationally as teacher thinking are welcomed, based on the findings

from previous group investigations that serve as antecedents (Chona et al., 1998 and 2001; Reyes et

al., 1999).

Reflective and critical thinking skills are understood as the ability of a subject to develop cognitive

processes that go beyond the selection and processing of information, allowing them to creatively and

purposefully integrate knowledge in new situations, solving problems from a posture criticism, ethics

and construction of contextualized meanings. With respect to cognitive processes, (Cárdenas, 1998),

seriation, classification, discrimination, analysis and synthesis are considered, among others, which

do not develop in the abstract but through the same class activities in relation to an object of study.
The critical position implies that, in addition to understanding the phenomena, a particular look is

built around science itself and its implications in society, recognizing itself as a subject within the

natural and social world. The construction of meanings is linked to the recognition, contrast and

interpretation that the subject makes of various sources of information, elaborating his own universe

of understanding about natural events and phenomena

From this paradigm, the investigation followed the modality of study of multiple cases, accepting

the typology proposed by Arnal et al. (1992, p. 206), who argue that the case study "is the most

proper and characteristic form of ideographic research carried out from a qualitative perspective”.

It is characterized by "its ability to generate hypotheses and discoveries, and to focus its interest on

an individual, event or institution and on its flexibility and applicability to natural situations." The

basis for the case study is the description and detailed analysis of the units defined for the study,

which seeks to understand the situation analyzed. The study was carried out in five institutions in the

city of Bogotá, with the participation of eleven teachers, each of whom was established and analyzed

as a case. The field work included the design and execution of seminars and workshops, with the

participation of the professors together with the research team; the observation and filming of three

classroom environments of each teacher, the development of interviews, as well as the work of

discussion and production of collective interpretation typical of this type of research. Based on the

joint construction with the teachers, through their participation in conversations, workshops and

debates, which were analyzed in the light of theoretical references, an instrument was prepared and

applied (Chona et al., 2004) for reading, interpretation and categorization of skills classified as basic,

investigative and reflective and critical thinking .

The interpretation of each case allowed to propose didactic guidelines for the development of

scientific competences in the classroom. Diagram 1 presents a synthesis of the methodology

Chona, G.; Castaño, N.; Arteta, J.; Leudo, M.; Valencia S. y Martínez, S. (1998). Aproximación a las
creencias que orientan la práctica del profesor de biología. Revista TE∆, 4, Bogotá: Universidad
Pedagógica Nacional.

Chona, G.; Arteta, J.; y Martínez, S. (2001). El pensamiento educativo implícito en las prácticas de
enseñanza de la biología. Revista TE∆, 10. Bogotá: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

Chona G., et al. (2004). Informe final investigación competencias científicas y formación en valores.
Un estudio desde el pensamiento de profesores de ciencias experimentales. Bogotá: Universidad
Pedagógica NacionalCIUP.

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