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*temp check of workers upon arrival on site

*orientation and educating workforce in open area(limited to 50 individuals max)
*reinforced good hygiene practices and take related safety precautions :
-mandatory handwashing for at least 20secs before work begin, after workers removes gloves, before
and after the used of shared tools, before and after going restroom, break and after shift.
- mandatory rest break of atleast 15mins every 4 hours so that workers can follow hygiene guidelines
- supply and availability of hand washing
- avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth
- covering mouth when sneezing or coughing with tissue if possible or else a sleeve or shoulder or
inside shirt.
-cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and objects
*keeping a safe distance between workers
*limiting crossover
*limiting gathering during breaks
* if possible implement shift work
*encourage sick employee to stay at home
*limit travel before and after work
*work place safety inspections to identify potential hazards along with observing workers to ensure
they are following safety procedures on the job.
*ensuring compliance of workers to standard
*responding to workers safety concerns
*coordinate all issues and regarding hazards
*assisting with preparation of a construction health and safety plan
*attending meeting and observing social distancing
* establishing and maintaining health and safety communications open
*evaluating the emergency response plan
*continuous monitoring of all safety related docs, reports and issues updated

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