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……………………………………… 密…………………………………封………………………………………线…………………………………………… Hebei North University

Graduation Exam for 2014 batch Overseas Students


     1 . P l e a s e k i n d l y f i l l i n t h e s e a l i n g a r e a p r o f e s s i o n a l p a p e r s , c l
     2 . P l e a s e r e a d t h e v a r i o u s t o p i c s a n s w e r t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s s p e c
3. Do not scribble on the paper, do not fill in a sealed area content.

I II III Total Score




Examiners: Reviewer:
Score Examiners single-choice (100 points)
(Type Description: alternative answers selected from a best answer,

a n Fd i l l i n t h e t i t l e b e f o
in the table . )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Specialty ________

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

1. There are ( ) paris of ligaments to support uterus.
A.4 B.2 C.5 D.6 E.3

2. Where is the ovum fertilized?

A. Uterus B.Vagina C.Falloopian tube D.Cervix E.Ovary

3. To diagnosis of preganacy, the most important symptoms of the following is( )

A. cessation B.morning sickness C.frequence of micturtion D.fatigue
tenderness and heaviness

4. LMP was Feb.12, the expected date of confinement (EDC)will be( )

A. Nov.29 B.Nov.19 C.Dec.19 D.Dec.29 E.Dec.26

5. There are( ) stages of labor.

A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 E.10

6. The placenta separates in the ( )

A. first stage B.second stage C.third stage D.fourth stage E.fifth stage

7. The duration of gestation of premature infant is of ( )

A.28 to less than 37 weeks B.24 to less than 32 weeks C.28 to less than 40 weeks
D.20 to less than 37 weeks E.20 to less than 35 weeks

8. The most common site of ectopic pregnancy is( )

A. cervix B.fallopian tube C.ovary D.abdomen E.broad ligament

9. The typical sign of placenta previa is ( )

A. painful hemorrage B.painless hemorrhage C.pain without hemorrhage
D. hemorrhage and preterm membrane rupture E.premature rupture of membrane

10. Which is the most common cause of excessive blood loss in pregnancy?
A. Abortion B. prolonged labor C. ectopic pregnancy
B. postpartum hemorrhage E.heart disease complicating pregnancy

11. The most significant risk factor for developing cervical cancer of the following
is( )
A.multiple sexual parters B.early onset of sexual activity
C.a high-risk sexual parter D.HPV infection E.history of STDs

12.Which is the diagnostic test of the cervical cancer?
A.cytological findings B.colposcopy C.HPV test D.leucorrhea test E.biopsy

13.The usually degeneration of myoma in pregnancy is ( )

A. Red degeneration degeneration C.hyalinization
D.parasitic growth E.degeneration

14.The diagnosis of endometrial cancer is most reliably made by( )

A.pap smear B.pelvic ultrasonography C.hysteroscopy
D.endometrial biopsy or fractional dilation and curettage E.MRI or CT

15.The most presentation of primary endometrial cancer is( )

A.postmenopausal bleeding B.abdominal enlargement
C.postcoital bleeding D.chronic abdominal pain

16.The most common type of endometrial cancer is( )

A.adenocarcinoma B.serous carcinoma C.clear cell carcinoma
D.adensquamous caicinoma E.adenocarcinoma with aquamous differentiation

17.Which of following is not used in management of ovarian cancer?

A.surgical treament B.chemotherapy C.hormone therapy
D.radiotherapy E.immunotherapeutic treatment

18.Which of the following statements has the highest cost-ben

uterine myomas?
A.ultrasound B.computerized axial tomography C.magnetic resonance imaging
D.X-ray E.none of all

19.All o t f f he a collowing s orec ommon

m oymptoms
myoma except( )
A.pain B.pressure C.uterine bleeding D.constipation E.secondary anemia

20.Rrgarding postpartum hemorrhage,which of the following statements is true?

A.blood loss of 500ml or more per vaginum during the first 24ho
delivery of the placenta
B. blood loss of 500ml or more per vaginum during the first 24hou
delivery of the baby
C.blood loss of 500ml or more per vaginum during delivery
D.blood loss of 500ml or more per vaginum during the first 24hours to ten
after the delivery of the baby
E. blood loss of 500ml or more per vaginum after the delivery of the baby

2 .1 Ho w l o n dg o e t sh ec h e ps at i l na si tn p a t i w
e ni tt sh t a b l e a n g
A. 3-5minutes
B. more than 30 minutes
C. more than one hour
D. more than 24 hours
E. several days

22. which of the following is not complication of hypertension( )

A. cerebral hemorrhage
B. coronary heart disease
C. renal failure
D. peripheral vascular disease
E. diabetes

23. which of the following is not a cause of heart failure( )

A. infection
B. arrhythmia
C. rapid fluid infusion
D. diarrhea
E. overwork

24. male, 66 years old,10 years’ history of diabetes ,suddenly happen chest pain
more than one hour ,ST segment elevated in lead II、III、avF in ECG ,the patient
was diagnosed as:
A. acute inferior wall myocardial infarction
B. acute anterior wall myocardial infarction
C. stable angina pectoris
D. variant angina pectoris
E. unstable angina pectoris

25. m ale,54 y earso 10 yld,ears’history o h f ypertension,

f h amily
b l o o d p r e s s u r e m e a 16
s u0-r 1e m
7 98e 0/nmt m H 3g ,y e a r sh’i s t o r y moyf o c a r d i a l
infarction , the patient was diagnosed as:( )
A. HP grade 3, high risk
B. HP grade 2, high risk
C. HP grade 2, very high risk
D. HP grade 3, very high risk
E. HP grade 2, moderate high risk

26.W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g i s t h e m a i n d i a g n o s t i c c r i t e r i a f o r s u b a c u t
A. Basic heart disease
B. Temperature greater than 38℃
C. embolism
D. Detection of vegetations by echocardiography

27.As for the diagnosis standard of chronic bronchitis, the time of repeated attack
of cough and expectoration should be ( )
A. Attack for at least 3 months every year, lasting for more than 10 years
B. Attack for at least 1 month every year, lasting for more than 2 years
C. Attack for at least 2 months every year, lasting for more than 3 years
D. Attack for at least 3 months every year, lasting for more than 2 years
E. Attack for at least 6 months every year, lasting for more than 4 years

28. Most of the pathogens of pulmonary abscess are: ( )

A. Pneumococcus
B. Escherichia coli
C. Anaerobic bacteria
D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
E, fungi

29. The main basis of diagnosis of asthma: ( )

A. Eosinophils in sputum
B. Positive airway provocation test
C. Increased blood IgE level
D. Obstructive pulmonary ventilation disorder
E. Recurrent expiratory dyspnea with wheezing

3 0 . T h e f o l l o w i n g i s n o
( )
A. Specific gravity ≥ 1.108
B. Chest water protein quantitative > 30g / L
C. Mucin test (+)
D. Cell number < 200 / UL
E. Hydrothorax protein / serum protein > 0.5

31. Male, 69 years old. It has a history of chronic cough, phlegm and asthma f
more than 30 years, aggravating for 1 week. Physical examination, cl
cyanosis o l b f ips,
c m arreled
r i b l hest, a b oistu x ales n
process, heart rate 112 times / min, irregular rhythm, different heart sounds,
touch under the liver rib, swelling of both legs (+ +). Laboratory
Blood WBC 11 × 109 / L, N 0.8, L 0.20, urine protein +. Chest film: bilateral lung
markings increase. ECG: atrial fibrillation. Which of the followi
appropriate treatment?
A. Give high concentration of oxygen immediately
B. Immediately inject furosemide intravenously to eliminate edema
C. Active anti infection, keep respiratory tract unobstructed
D. Correction of atrial fibrillation immediately with lanatoside C
E. Immediate dexamethasone injection

32. What's right about blood borne tuberculosis is: ( )

A. At present, there are only chronic hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis
B. Rarely developed from primary tuberculosis
C. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis should never be caused
D. It can be divided into acute, subacute or chronic types
E. All of the above are right

33.What is the most common cause of peptic ulcer disease( )

A. H.Pylori

3 4 . W h i c h o n e i s t h e t y p i c a l s y m p t o
( )
A. Chest pain
B. Heartburn and regurgitation
C. Chronic cough
D. Laryngitis

35.Patient was diagnosed to have duodenal ulcer and was given ranitid
weeks and now he is diagnosed to have H.pylori. w
management?( )
A. Omperazole,clarithromycin and amoxicillin
B. Bismuth+tetracycline+metronidazole
C. Metronidazole+amoxicillin
D. Omeprazole+tetracycline

36. L arge blui sh e cchymos es coul d appear a round the umbi lic al a rea, it is
( )
A. Grey-turner’s sign B. Cullen’s sign
C. Babinski’s sign D. Hoffmann’s sign

37.The gold standard imaging in acute pancreatitis( )

A. Biopsy
B. X-ray
D. CT Scan

3 8 . W h a t i s t h e m o s t r e
cancer ?
A.CT;B.X-ray examination;
C. Gastroscopy combined with mucosal biopsy; D.MRI

39. The first choice for the treatment of ITP is ( )

A.immunosuppressive agents
C. glucocorticoid
E.intravenous immune globulin

40.All of these below are the causes of iron deficiency anemia except for ( )
A.excessive menses
B.rapid growth
C.malabsorption syndrome
D.decreased erythrocyte proliferation
E.deficient dietary iron

41. The morphologic characteristic of iron deficiency anemia is ( )

A. macrocytic anemia
B.microcytic hypochromic anemia
C.microcytic normochromic anemia
D.normocytic anemia
E.increased red cell debris

42.Which ONE is the side effects of antithyroid drugs.( )

A.Heart failure
B.Kidney injury
D.Hepatocellular toxicity

43.Which is not the typical symptom of Cushing’s syndrome( )

B.Moon face
C.Purplish abdominal striae

44.The main reason for the loss of sugar tolerance in overweight patient is ( )
A.Insulin is not enough
B.Insulin beta cell are not sensative to glucose stimulation
C.There is a lot of insulin resistance in the bloodstream
D.The number of islet receptors decreased

45. which symptom below may not happen in nephritic syndrome?( )

A. Edema B. proteinuria C. Hypoalbuminemia D.Hypolipidemia

46. ( ) are the most common pathogen in urinary tract infection patients.
A. Escherichia coli B. Staphylococcus aureus C.Pseudomonas aeruginosa

4 7. w h i c h s y m p t o m b e l o w m a y n o t h a p p e n i n
( )
A. Edema B. Hypertension C. Hematuria D. Hypoalbuminemia

48.Which of the following is not the main affected joint of rheumatoid arthritis?

49.Examination for active rheumatism is( )

A.Leukocyte count decreases
B.Normal blood routine
C.Erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased
D.Rheumatoid factor negative
E.Increased complement C3

5 0 . T h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s k i n c h a n
( )
B.Butterfly erythema
C.Joint deformation
D.Mouth ulcer

51. Neonate classfication,according to gestational age (GA): term infant is

A . 37weeks≤GA<42 weeks(259~293 days).
B. GA<37 weeks(<259 days).
C. GA≥42 weeks(≥ 294 days ).
D. 37weeks≤GA≤42 weeks(259~293 days).
E.37weeks<GA≤42 weeks(259~293 days).

52.According to birth weight (BW): normal birth weight:

A. 2500<BW <4000g.
B. BW <1500g.
C. BW ≥4000g.
D. 2500≤BW ≤4000g.
E. 2500≤BW <4000g.

53.Trisomy 21 is ( )
A. Autosomal aberration
B. Autosomal dominant inheritance
C. Autosomal recessive inheritance
D.X-linked dominant inheritance
E.X-linked recessive inheritance

54.The main clinical manifestations of Active stage in Rickets of VD feficiency is(

B.occipital baldness
C. Skeletal changes
D.skeletal deformity

5 5 . H y p o x i c - i s c h e m i c E n c e p h a l o p a t h y (
muscle tension, and( ),Presence of convulsions, progression and prognosis, can be
divided into Light, medium, heavy three degrees
A primitive reflex change,
B Blood vessel damge
C birth weight
D.cerebrum CT
E.cerebral hemorrhage

56.Neonatal Hyaline Membrane Disease,almost exclusively occurred in premature

infants, w p ith d rogressive d yspnea-respiratory
) c a t v
cycle of hypoxia if not be hindered.
A expiratory grunting
B cough
C fever
E. crying continuous

57.Edema is initially noted on () of acute glomerulonephritis.

A.face B.pretibial C.feet D.eyelids E. Abdomen

58. The most common type of congenital heart disease is( )

A.ventricular septal B.atrial septal defect
C.patent ductus arteriosus D..tetralogy of fallot

59.Infantile d w iarrhea
d f u ith r ehydration
w k o m or nknow
is to supplement?
A.1/2 tonic sodium-containing solution
B.1/3 tonic sodium-containing solution
C.2/3 tonic sodium-containing solution
D.1/5 tonic sodium-containing solution
E.1:1tonic sodium-containing solution

60.When the physiologic anemia took place?

A.2-3 months after birth B.6 months after birth
C.1 week after birth D.1-2 months after birth
E.3-4 months after birth

61.The PPD test result is false-negative,it may occurs on( )

A three months after measles
B.accept Bacilli Calmette-Guerin Vaccination (BCG) within 4 weeks
C.miliary tuberculosis vaccinated with BCG
E.testing too late
62.Treat RDS ,not
A .Pulmonary Surfactant Replacement.
B. Closure of PDA.
C.Supporting management
D .Operation
F. keep warm

63 . W h i c h i s n o t t h e
Hypothyroidism( )
A.dry skin B.Action retardation
C.excessive appetite D.mental retardation
E.growth slow

6 4. T he p re s e n ti n g fe a t ur es of t h e d is ea s e i n i n fa nt s us ua l ly a r e a pa t hy,n o
( ) , h y p o t h e r m i a , n o t d o i n g w e l l , i m
extremities,especially of the hands and feet,the limbs being cold to touch.
A.refusal of food B.hungry
C. Fever D.scream loudly

65.The time to assess the result of PPD test is (

A.within 12hours B.12-24hours
C.24-48 hours D.48-72 hours
E.above 72 hours
66.The orders of disappearance of subcutaneous fat is ( )

67.Which one is the most common cause of infantile iron

occurred in 6 months after birth?D
A.chronic diarrhea
C.growing fast
D.Add iron-containing foods not in time.
E.the depletion of iron in liver,spleen and bone marrow

68.The first choice drug for the treatment of simple nephrotic syndrome is (C).
A.Cyclosporin B.Azathioprine
C.adrenal cortical hormone D.cyclophosphamide

69.Girl,1year,cough f 4 d 2 f or
d ays,fever
f 1d d or i ays,tac
pneumonia,the most immportant manifestations is ( )
A.tachypnea B.lips and four limbs cyanotic
C.fever D.ausculation reveal fixed moist rales
E.three retractions signs

70. Neonatal original reflex except:

A.moro reflex B.sucking reflex
C.grasp reflex D Knee jerk reflex
E.rooting reflex

71. Normal thyroid uptake of 131 I(Iodine)in 24 hours for the body()

72. Main sign of judging hyperthyroidism therapy effect is()

A. Emotion changes
B. Appetite change
C. Body weight changes
D. The thyroid gland size changes
E. Pulse frequency and pulse pressure changes

7 3 .F e m a l e p a t i e n t s , 2 6 y e a r s o l d , t h e f i r s t c h i l d 2 m o n t h s o f p r e g n a
h yp e rthy ro idism, thy ro id is b igg er, ha v e mild d ys pn ea , sh ou ld do
following treatment()
A. Anti-thyroid medication
B. Surgery (subtotal thyroidectomy) treatment
C. Termination of pregnancy and anti-thyroid medication
D. Termination of pregnancy and surgery
E. Termination of pregnancy and 131 I(Iodine) treatment

74. The main cause of acute mastitis()

A. Systemic infection with local resistance to decline
B. Galactostasis and bacteria invasion
C. Breast tissue dysplasia
D. Lactation times too much
E. Mammary gland secretion disorder

75. The main diagnostic basis of deep breast abscess()

A.Breast heat, redness, swelling, and pain
B. Body heat, breast tenderness
C. Ultrasound examination revealed fluid level
D. Puncture pumping pus
E. Local inspection fluctuate

76. Patient, women, 45 years old, found a right breast neoplasm, in the past has a
history of tuberculosis. Inspect right is higher than the contralate
touch 2 5 c .s nm ingle
q heoplasm,
n s s ualitative
m b ard,
i s not clea r, the m as s c an be ac tive . Can touch ri ght arm pit a nd 0. 5 * 1 * 1
l y m p h n o d e s , q u a l i t a t i v e h a r d , a c t i v i t y. C h e s t X - r a y i s n o r m a l . T h
A. breast tuberculosis
B. Breast fat necrosis
C. Breast cancer
D. Breast sarcoma
E. Breast cystic hyperplasia

77. The abdominal external hernia occurres most easily in()

A.incisional hernia
B. irreducible hernia
C. sliding hernia
D.femoral hernia hernia

78. The difference between incarcerated hernia and strangulation hernia is

A. Whether there is tenderness on hernial sac
B. Hernia contents whether can be back
C. Whether hernia contents has blood supply obstacles
D. If there is a shock
E. If there is a mechanical intestinal obstruction

79.Male, 20 years old, 1 week after appendectomy for appendicitis perf

temperature is still in 38 ~ 39℃, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, frequent
urination, defecate frequency.First consider()
A. Subphrenic abscess
B. Interbowel abscess
C. Pelvic abscess
D. Splenic rupture
E. Gastroduodenal perforation

80. In the process of acute intestinal obstruction of conservative treatment, the key
measures are()
A. Gastrointestinal decompression
B. Correct water and electrolyte acid-base balance disorders
C. Alleviate enterospasm
D. Blood transfusion
E. Use of antibiotics

8 1 D. o u b t a n o r e c t a l t u m o r s , t h e m
A. digital examination of rectum
B. sigmoidoscopy
C. rectoscopy
D. X-ray gas barium enema
E. ultrasonic testing

8 2 .T h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t p u r p o s e o f s u r g i c a l t r e a t m e n t f o r p
A. alleviate hepatic encephalopathy
B. Correct thrombocytopenia
C. Prevention of ascites complicated with infection
D.The prevention and treatment for esophageal gastric vein rupture hemorrhage
E. Treatment of refractory ascites

8 3 .A m a l e p a t i e n t , t h i r t y y e a r s o l d , s u d d e n e p i g a s t r i c p a i n c u
h o u r s , p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t、 i ro e n b ; oW u h n
t e n d e r n、
e sm
s u s c l e t o。n uAs b d o m i n a l v e r t i c a l s l i c e s h o w s s u b p h r
air.The causes of the patients' peritonitis is supposed to be
A.subphrenic Abscess
B.interbowel abscess
C.pelvic abscess
D.splenic rupture
E.gastroduodenal perforation

84. The main route of metastasis of gastric cancer is()

A.hepatic metastases
B.blood supply to transfer
C.lymphatic metastasis
D.abdominal cavity implantation metastasis spreading

85. Female patients, 42, 2 days right upper abdominal pain, accompanied by chills,
b o d y t e m p e r a t u r e o f ℃,
3 8 .a8 d a y a f t e r f o u n d y e l l o w s c l e r a , t h e r e a p p e a r
yellowing skin.the possibility of disease is()
A. Common bile duct calculi
B. Acute gastric perforation
C. Acute cholecystitis
D. Acute viral hepatitis
E. Acute pancreatitis

86. Which is most easily to damage in the hollow organ.

B. stomach
C.small intestine

8 7 A. c u t e p a n c r e a t i t i s w i t h i n 1 2 h
A. blood calcium
B. blood glucose
C. blood amylase
D. lipase
E. amylase in urine

88. Patients were diagnosed of pyloric obstruction, what are most likely to appear
for electrolyte acid-base imbalances()
A. High chlorine potassium acidosis
B. High chlorine potassium alkalosis
C. Low chlorine low potassium acidosis
D. Low chlorine low potassium alkalosis
E. High chlorine low potassium alkalosis
89. The clinical features of right colon cancers is()
A.whole body poison symptom、anemia、abdominal mass
B.whole body poison symptom、constipation、hematochezia
C.whole body poison symptom、symptoms of intestinal obstruction
D.whole body poison symptom、change in bowel habits

90. Gastric cancer is the most often occurs()

A. Gastric antrum
B. anterior duodenal wall
C. posterior duodenal wall
D. greater curvature
E. lesser curvature

91.Which of the common causes of hyperkalemia is wrong?

A. the input of potassium is too much, too fast
B. a large amount of stored blood in storage
C. a lot of tissue damage causes potassium in cells to be removed
D. Metabolic alkalosis
E. Kidney failure, enuresis or urine

92.The most effective treatment for respiratory acidosis is ( )

A. Give breathing stimulants
B. Give high traffic oxygen
C. Positive supplement sodium carbonate treatment
D. Remove obstruction and improve ventilation
E. To p r e v e n t e x c e s s i v e v e n t i l a t i o n i n t h e t r e a t m e n t p r o c e s s , u s e p a p e
cover the mouth and nose

93 . W h i c h i s m o s t s i g n i f i c a n t ( ) for determining the scree

A. Nuclide scan
C. Immunological examination
D. Type B ultrasound
E. pathology

94.The critical tumor is ( )

A. Benign tumor lies on the junction of two organs
B. the benign tumors comes from two kinds of organizers
C. the benign tumor is located in the important organ
D. Form is benign and growth is infiltrative
E. A benign tumor is a distant metastatic

95.Among the physiologic responses to acute injury is ( )

A.Increased secretion of insulin
B.Increased secretion of thyroxine
C.Decreased secretion of vasopression(ADH)
D.Decreased secretion of glucagons
E.Decreased secretion of aldosterone

96. The infection path of bacterial hepatic abscess is ( )

A bile duct
B hepatic artery
C portal vein
D lymphatic vessel
E trauma

97. Living-related right lobe liver transplantation can be justified currently for ( )
A non-urgent adults with cirrhosis and poor quality of life on a waiting list for
liver transplant
B any patient with cirrhosis who has an identical twin
C children
D any patient requiring re-transplantation for chronic rejection
E any patient with an urgent need for transplant such as fulminant hepatic failure
or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

98. A 5 5 - y e a r - o l d m a n w
weakness,sweating,tachycardia,confusion,and h w h f f m
than a f h ew H h ours. p r e o s as rompt
w h e Telief s f ymptom
are most suggestive of which of the following disorders?
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Insulinoma
C. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
D. Carcinoid syndrome
E. Multiple endocrine neoplasia,type II

99. Which statement regarding adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is true?

A. It occurs most frequently in the body of the gland
B. It carries a 1-2% 5 year survival rate
C. It is nonresectable if it presents as painless jaudice
D. It can usually be resected if it presents in the body or tail of the pancreas and
does not involve the common bile duct
E. It is associated with diabetes insipidus

100.which of the following fractures or dislocations of the extremities induced by

blunt trauma is associated with significant vascular injuries?
A. Knee dislocation
B. Closed posterior elbow dislocation’
C. Midclavicular fracture
D. Supracondylar femur fracture
E. Tibial plateau fracture


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