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The round earths imagined corners reflection

These poems wore very strong yet sad. The indigenous poets expressed their stories and
opinions through these poems. Each and every one of them had so much meaning and
power to them. The poets portrayed the issue between aboriginals and Australians how the
indigenous will not forgive them for all the hardships the whites gave to them, like bringing
diseases, drugs, taking their precious children away from them (stolen generation).All of
these sad and heartbreaking issues wore all just for land. In the poem by jack Davis page 40
(let go) he talks about the aboriginal freedom this is conveyed through the part where he
repeats “let go of my hand”. The poem by Mahmud darwish pg. 40 (defiance) he expresses
how the Palestinian felt when their land was taken from them but despite this they stood up
for their rights and wrote countless poems and didn’t let their country fade away.

The poem by Anita heiss (What psyches you?) pg 76 is and amazing poem and in the section:
You’re fascinated by us
Preoccupied by us
Making money off us
But you are not one of us
You’re sympathetic, empathetic towards
You say you understand and support us
But you’re still not one of us

This shows that the whites discarded them but at first they wore nice and pleasant. It shows
that no one can understand and feel the difficulties the aborigines went through. Aborigines
are very proud and are one.

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