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1-Study essai plan :

C. 1 .Plan A the human genome.

Plan B Genetic technologie.

2. They are extracted from the human genome the human genome project and genomics on page 65.

3. 1  B

2 A

D. (planA)

2-Follow-up writing:


1) F- The human genome project’s main goals were to map genes of human body and to determine
the 3bn base pairs that make up the genetic materials.
2) A- Nowadays, one of the immediate applications of genetic research results of a fast
determination of DNA sequencing.
3) G- One of the many results of the project is the ability to cure diseases by screening for disease
4) B- For further benefits, it is hoped that researchers will be able to make personalized treatment
care plans to each patient based on their own genetic information.
5) D-The new technologies have many benefits, however they receive a great deal of critics about
social, ethical and legal concerns that affect the population.
6) C- Another project’s development consequence shows in the emergence of ethical and legal
framework resulting in a public debate.
7) E- In conclusion, human genome project grants a significant impact in diagnoses and treatments
of hard to cure diseases.

C’s descriptive essai :

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