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Edison PTO/Principal Introductory Meeting

Location: Edison Office

Attendees: Kristina Wiegand; Amanda Johnson; Rachel Perry; Jennifer Barry

Date: February 2019

Time: TBD

Agenda details:

I. Introduction
a. Learn about the PTO Officers and their children/families
b. Introduce myself

II. Review of 2018-2019 Budget

a. Discuss each budgeted item to learn about what that item/event entails
b. Check the status of the PTO Budget- in terms of whether or not there have been additional
expenses added in

III. Learn about current PTO initiatives/tasks and how I can support them.

IV. PTO Meetings

a. Scheduled dates
b. How dates are communicated
c. Typical attendance of staff and parents
d. My role in helping to conduct the meetings

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