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P R I E S T H O O D S E S S I O N | Oc t o be r 6, 2012

in 2011 were the worst they’ve been

in 40 years. According to the National
By Elder D. Todd Christofferson Center for Education Statistics (NCES),
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles boys are 30 percent more likely than
girls to drop out of both high school

Brethren, We Have
and college. . . . It is predicted that
women will earn 60 percent of bach-
elor’s, 63 percent of master’s and 54
percent of doctorate degrees by 2016.

Work to Do
Two-thirds of students in special edu-
cation remedial programs are guys.” 3
Some men and young men have
taken the negative signals as an
excuse to avoid responsibility and
As men of the priesthood, we have an essential role to play never really grow up. In an observa-
in society, at home, and in the Church. tion that is too often accurate, one
university professor remarked, “The
men come into class with their back-

ward baseball caps and [their lame]
rethren, much has been said and character qualities men had needed the ‘word processor ate my home-
written in recent years about the to play their role—fortitude, stoicism, work’ excuses. Meanwhile, the women
challenges of men and boys. A courage, fidelity—are obsolete and are checking their day planners and
sampling of book titles, for example, even a little embarrassing.” 1 asking for recommendations for law
includes Why There Are No Good Men In their zeal to promote oppor- school.” 4 One female movie reviewer
Left,The Demise of Guys,The End of tunity for women, something we expressed the rather cynical view that
Men, Why Boys Fail, and Manning applaud, there are those who den- “what we can count on men for, if
Up. Interestingly, most of these seem igrate men and their contributions. we’re lucky and we choose to have
to have been written by women. In They seem to think of life as a compe- a partner, is to be just that—a part-
any case, a common thread running tition between male and female—that ner. Someone who stands in his own
through these analyses is that in many one must dominate the other, and space even as he respects our stand-
societies today men and boys get con- now it’s the women’s turn. Some argue ing in our own.” 5
flicting and demeaning signals about that a career is everything and mar- Brethren, it cannot be this way with
their roles and value in society. riage and children should be entirely us. As men of the priesthood, we have
The author of Manning Up char- optional—therefore, why do we need an essential role to play in society,
acterized it this way: “It’s been an men? 2 In too many Hollywood films, at home, and in the Church. But we
almost universal rule of civilization TV and cable shows, and even com- must be men that women can trust,
that whereas girls became women mercials, men are portrayed as incom- that children can trust, and that God
simply by reaching physical maturity, petent, immature, or self-absorbed. can trust. In the Church and king-
boys had to pass a test. They needed This cultural emasculation of males is dom of God in these latter days, we
to demonstrate courage, physical having a damaging effect. cannot afford to have boys and men
prowess, or mastery of the necessary In the United States, for example, who are drifting. We cannot afford
skills. The goal was to prove their it is reported: “Girls outperform boys young men who lack self-discipline
competence as protectors of women now at every level, from elementary and live only to be entertained. We
and children; this was always their pri- school through graduate school. By cannot afford young adult men who
mary social role. Today, however, with eighth grade, for instance, only 20 per- are going nowhere in life, who are
women moving ahead in an advanced cent of boys are proficient in writing not serious about forming families
economy, provider husbands and and 24 percent proficient in reading. and making a real contribution in this
fathers are now optional, and the Young men’s SAT scores, meanwhile, world. We cannot afford husbands and
November 2012 47
fathers who fail to provide spiritual I recently saw a video showing a active and enjoy recreation, how to
leadership in the home. We cannot day in the life of a 14-year-old young pursue hobbies without becoming
afford to have those who exercise the man in India named Amar. He gets up addicted, how to correct mistakes and
Holy Priesthood, after the Order of early and works two jobs, before and make better choices.
the Son of God, waste their strength after school, six and a half days a week. And so to all who are listening,
in pornography or spend their lives His income provides a substantial part wherever this message may reach you,
in cyberspace (ironically being of the of his family’s livelihood. He hurries I say as Jehovah said to Joshua, “Be
world while not being in the world). home on his worn bicycle from his strong and of a good courage” ( Joshua
Brethren, we have work to do. second job after dark and somehow 1:6). Take heart and prepare the best
Young men, you need to do well in squeezes in a few hours of homework you can, whatever your circumstances.
school and then continue your educa- before dropping onto his bed on the Prepare to be a good husband and
tion beyond high school. Some of you floor between sleeping siblings around father; prepare to be a good and
will want to pursue university studies eleven o’clock at night. Although I’ve productive citizen; prepare to serve
and careers in business, agriculture, never met him, I feel proud of him for the Lord, whose priesthood you hold.
government, or other professions. his diligence and courage. He is doing Wherever you are, your Heavenly
Some will excel in the arts, music, or the very best he can with his limited Father is mindful of you. You are not
teaching. Others will choose a military resources and opportunities, and he is alone, and you have the priesthood
career or learn a trade. Over the years, a blessing to his family. and the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I have had a number of craftsmen You adult men—fathers, single Of the many places you are
work on projects and repairs at my adults, leaders, home teachers—be needed, one of the very most impor-
home, and I have admired the hard worthy models and help the rising tant is your priesthood quorum. We
work and skill of these men. In what- generation of boys become men. need quorums that provide spiritual
ever you choose, it is essential that Teach them social and other skills: nourishment to members on Sunday
you become proficient so that you can how to participate in a conversation, and that also serve. We need leaders
support a family and make a contribu- how to get acquainted and interact of quorums who focus on doing the
tion for good in your community and with others, how to relate to women Lord’s work and on supporting quo-
your country. and girls, how to serve, how to be rum members and their families.
Consider missionary work. Young history and the temple. Watch for a leadership and a quorum can accom-
men, you have no time to waste. First Presidency letter arriving shortly plish. Phil was a member of an elders
You can’t wait to get serious about that will offer a renewed call and a quorum and worked as a mechanic
preparing until you are 17 or 18. higher vision of this vital part of the at a local automobile repair shop.
Aaronic Priesthood quorums can help work we have to do. Unfortunately, the repair shop where
their members understand the oath Our quorums also form a broth- Phil worked experienced economic
and covenant of the priesthood and erhood of mutual support. President trouble and had to let Phil go from
get ready for ordination as elders, Gordon B. Hinckley once said: “It will his job. He was devastated by this turn
they can help them understand and be a marvelous day, my brethren—it of events.
prepare for the ordinances of the will be a day of fulfillment of the pur- “On hearing about Phil’s job loss,
temple, and they can help them poses of the Lord—when our priest- his bishop, Leon Olson, and his
get ready for successful missions. hood quorums become an anchor elders quorum presidency prayerfully
Melchizedek Priesthood quorums and of strength to every man belonging considered ways they could help Phil
the Relief Society can help parents thereto, when each such man may get back on his feet. After all, he was
prepare missionaries who know the appropriately be able to say, ‘I am a a fellow quorum member, a brother,
Book of Mormon and who will go member of a priesthood quorum of and he needed help. They concluded
into the field fully committed. And in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- that Phil had the skills to run his own
each ward and branch, these same day Saints. I stand ready to assist my business. One of the quorum mem-
quorums can lead out in an effective brethren in all of their needs, as I am bers offered that he had an old barn
collaboration with the full-time mis- confident they stand ready to assist that perhaps could be used as a repair
sionaries who are serving there. me in mine. . . . Working together, we shop. Other quorum members could
A related work that rests primarily can stand, without embarrassment and help gather needed tools and supplies
on priesthood shoulders is the Savior’s without fear, against every wind of to equip the new shop. Almost every-
call, echoed by President Thomas S. adversity that might blow, be it eco- one in the quorum could at least help
Monson, to rescue those who have nomic, social, or spiritual.’” 6 clean the old barn.
drifted from the gospel or who have Despite our best efforts, things “They shared their ideas with Phil;
become disaffected for any reason. don’t always work out as we have then they shared their plan with the
We have had wonderful success in planned, and a particular “wind of members of their quorum. The barn
this effort, including excellent work adversity” that can come into a man’s was cleaned and renovated, the tools
by young men. An Aaronic Priesthood life is unemployment. An early Church gathered, and all was put in order.
quorum in the Rio Grande (Spanish) welfare pamphlet stated: “A man Phil’s Auto was a success and even-
Ward in Albuquerque, New Mexico, out of work is of special moment to tually moved to better and more
counseled together about whom they the Church because, deprived of his permanent quarters—all because his
could bring back and then as a group inheritance, he is on trial as Job was quorum brothers offered help in a
went to visit each of them. One said, on trial—for his integrity. As days time of crisis.” 8
“When they came to my door, I felt lengthen into weeks and months and Of course, as has been repeated
important,” and another confided, “I even years of adversity, the hurt grows by prophets over the years, “The
feel happy inside that someone actually deeper. . . . The Church cannot hope most important of the Lord’s work
wants me to go to church; it makes me to save a man on Sunday if during the you will ever do will be within the
want to go to church now.” When the week it is a complacent witness to the walls of your own homes.” 9 We have
quorum members invited one young crucifixion of his soul.” 7 much to do to strengthen marriage
man to come back, they asked him to In April 2009 former Presiding in societies that increasingly trivialize
come with them on the next visit, and Bishopric counselor Richard C. Edgley its importance and purpose. We have
he did. They were not just inviting him told the story of an exemplary quorum much to do to teach our children “to
to attend church; they were immedi- that mobilized to assist a fellow mem- pray, and to walk uprightly before
ately making him a part of the quorum. ber who had lost his job: the Lord” (D&C 68:28). Our task is
Another challenging but stimulat- “Phil’s Auto of Centerville, Utah, nothing less than to help our chil-
ing priesthood work is that of family is a testament of what priesthood dren experience the mighty change
November 2012 49
of heart or conversion to the Lord endowed with power from on high modern path that the historic ambitions
spoken of so eloquently in the Book (see D&C 43:16). of generations of women—to get married
and raise a family—were intentionally
of Mormon (see Mosiah 5:1–12; Alma The Church and the world and airbrushed from their vision of our future”
26). Together with the Relief Society, women are crying for men, men who (Eleanor Mills, “Learning to Be Left on the
priesthood quorums can build up are developing their capacity and Shelf,” Sunday Times, Apr. 18, 2010, www; in Hymowitz, Manning
parents and marriages, and quorums talents, who are willing to work and Up, 72). Another writer in her 40s quoted
can provide the blessings of the priest- make sacrifices, who will help others some responses to an article she wrote
hood to single-parent families. achieve happiness and salvation. They about her regrets over not marrying: “I am
totally appalled by your need for a man,”
Yes, brethren, we have work to do. are crying, “Rise up, O men of God!” 10 “Get some self-esteem!” “You have taken
Thank you for the sacrifices you make God help us to do it. In the name of codependency to a whole new low,” and
and the good you do. Keep going, Jesus Christ, amen. ◼ “If my daughter grows up to want a man
and the Lord will help you. At times half as much as you do, I will know that
NOTES I’ve done something wrong in raising her”
you may not know quite what to do 1. Kay S. Hymowitz, Manning Up: How the (Lori Gottlieb, Marry Him: The Case for
or what to say—just move forward. Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys Settling for Mr. Good Enough [2010], 55).
Begin to act, and the Lord assures that (2011), 16. The good news is that most people,
2. “When you ask young people today including educated young adults, aren’t
“an effectual door shall be opened for what will make them adults, almost buying the antimarriage, antifamily message.
[you]” (D&C 118:3). Begin to speak, no one mentions marriage. They are “According to a study by a University of
and He promises, “You shall not be far more likely to see issues around Pennsylvania economist, in the United States
confounded before men; for it shall be work—completing education, financial in 2008, 86 percent of college-educated
independence, a full-time job—as the white women were married by age 40,
given you in the very hour, yea, in the signs that they have arrived. Work, career, compared with 88 percent of those with
very moment, what ye shall say” (D&C independence: these are the primary less than a four-year degree. The numbers
100:5–6). It is true that we are in many sources of identity today” (Hymowitz, for white, college-educated men are similar:
Manning Up, 45). The pressure on 84 percent of them were married by 40 in
ways ordinary and imperfect, but we women to adopt this antimarriage ethic 2008. The conventional wisdom, not borne
have a perfect Master who wrought a is especially intense. A Times of London out by research, by the way, may have it
perfect Atonement, and we have call contributor wrote: “No one, not my family that marriage is a raw deal for women. But
or my teachers, ever said, ‘Oh yes, and by college-educated white women don’t seem
upon His grace and His priesthood. As the way you might want to be a wife and to believe it. They are the most likely of
we repent and purge our souls, we are mother too.’ They were so determined any group to think that ‘married people are
promised that we will be taught and we would follow a new, egalitarian, generally happier than unmarried people.’
. . . The large majority—70 percent—of
first-year college students think raising a
family is ‘essential’ or ‘very important’ to
their futures” (Hymowitz, Manning Up,
3. Philip G. Zimbardo and Nikita Duncan, The
Demise of Guys: Why Boys Are Struggling and
What We Can Do about It (2012), e-book; see
the chapter “Behind the Headlines.”
4. Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, Why There Are
No Good Men Left: The Romantic Plight of
the New Single Woman (2003), 67.
5. Amanda Dickson, “‘Hunger Games’ Main
Character a Heroine for Our Day,” Deseret
News, Apr. 2, 2012,
6. Gordon B. Hinckley, “Welfare Responsibil-
ities of the Priesthood Quorums,” Ensign,
Nov. 1977, 86.
7. Helping Others to Help Themselves: The
Story of the Mormon Church Welfare
Program (1945), 4.
8. Richard C. Edgley, “This Is Your Phone
Call,” Liahona and Ensign, May 2009, 54.
9. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
Harold B. Lee (2000), 134.
10. “Rise Up, O Men of God,” Hymns, no. 323.


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