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Comprehension passages

Q1: What has been lamented in the text?
Ans: The author expresses his grief over the fact that art has lost its value in life of
ordinary men; it has become a rare occurrence, an extra adornment and luxury.
He further elaborates that common man has ceased to realize the importance of
aesthetic activity which constitutes a part of the soul. Moreover, the author
relates beauty of objects to morality of actions. He convenes that as actions
without morality are abhorrent so are objects without beauty but unfortunately
people no longer realize it.
Q2: What is the difference between ordinary man and an artist?
Ans: The difference between ordinary men an artist is their perception of beauty.
An artist keenly observes the beauty of nature and then reproduces it in his
works. In doing so, he fulfills the requirements of his soul. On the contrary,
ordinary men neither recognize the beauty of nature nor pay any value to it. For
them, beauty is a supplemental factor.
Q3: How can we make our lives beautiful and charming?
Ans: We can make our lives beautiful and charming by adopting beauty in it.
Aesthetic activity is an important part of our spirits and by appreciating the
beauty of nature and objects around us, we can nourish our souls.
Q4: What does the writer actually means when he says, “Beauty is not an
ornament to life”?
Ans: By the statement, “Beauty is not an ornament to life”, the author actually
means that beauty is not a mere adornment. Rather, it is a vital component of
nature and artificial objects. Beauty has the same value in shaping objects as
morality in shaping actions. It is the very gist of both life and spirit.
Q5: Do art and beauty affect our practical life and morals? Justify whether you
agree or disagree?
Ans: Art and beauty play an essential role in our life and morals. They mould our
soul and character. Beauty is an innate characteristic of everything that exists. It is
not merely the superficial attribute of an object. Rather, it is an essential
constitutive element of all material existence. Similarly, beauty is an important
aspect of our spirits. It lies deep in our nerves and sinews. It shapes our thoughts
which in turn adorn our actions. The importance of beauty can be understood
from a hadith which says… “Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty”.

Q1: Instead of making machines our servants, the author says, they have become
our masters. In what sense has this come about?
Ans: By this statement, the author means to say that human beings have come to
rely heavily on machines for all their activities. Machines have earned great value
in every sector of life be it work or leisure or prosaic, day to day matters. It has
become almost impossible to live without them. Furthermore, machines require
expensive fuel and high maintenance care without which they cease to work
Q2: The use of machines has brought us more leisure and more energy. But the
author says that this has been a curse rather than a blessing. Why?
Ans: The author regards it as a curse because according to him man has not been
wise in utilizing the time and energy spared to him by the use of machines. The
author thinks that this time and energy should be used in making better societies
and eradicating the existing problems like poverty and hostility among nations.
Instead, man is busy in making newer and better machines but totally oblivious to
the pressing issues prevalent in today’s world.
Q3: What exactly is the meaning of ‘civilization’? Do you agree with the author’s
Ans: According to the author, ‘Civilization’ is an assembly of people who
peacefully coexist in the world. Their lives are characterized by the virtues of
morality, justice and freedom of thoughts and actions. Yes, I agree with the
author’s view that in a civilized society there is equality, freedom and protection
of fundamental human rights.
Q4: ‘Making more beautiful things’-What does this expression mean? Make a list
of the beautiful things that you would like to make and how would you make
Ans: By the saying ‘More beautiful things’, the author refers to bringing about
change in the world through education and learning, eliminating hostility among
nations and alleviating the curse of poverty. By doing so, the world would become
a more beautiful place to live.
Q5: Mention some plans you may have to prevent poverty in the world. Who
would receive your most particular attention and why?
Ans: My plans to eradicate poverty in the world are as follows:
Universal education
Equitable distribution of resources
Controlling population
Vocational training
Raising awareness
Women empowerment
Improved and revised economic system
Eradication of corruption
Justice and equality
The recipients of my most particular attention would be children and youth as
they are the rising stars of a nation and the harbingers of success and prosperity.

1. billowy - characterized by great swelling waves or surges; "billowy storm clouds"; "the
restless billowing sea"; "surging waves" billowing, surging. stormy - (especially of
weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotion; "a stormy day"; "wide and
stormy seas"
2. Inarticulate: unable to exress one’s ideas or feelings clearly or easily.
e.g An inarticulate man of action.
Synonyms: Tongue tied, lost for words, at a loss for words, unable to express oneself,
unable to get a woed out, poorly spoken, mute, dumb, speechless, mumchance
Opposite: Articulate, silver tongued.
Without joints or articulations.
3. Lank :(of hair) long, limp and straight.
E.g The man had lank, long and greasy hair.
Syn: limp, lifeless, lusterless, straggling, straggly, dull, unkempt, untidy, straight, long,
Opposite: Glossy, lustrous.
(of person) Lanky.
e.g He sprawled his long, lank figure over a chair.
Syn: Tall, thin, slim, slender, lean, lanky, spindly, skinny, spare, gangling, gangly,
sprawny,skeletal, scraggy, emaciated, size zero, bony, gaunt, raw boned, gawky, rangy,
skin and bones, angular, pinched, attenuated, weedy.
Opposite: Short, fat, stocky.
4. Martian: Relating to the planet mars or its supposed inhabitants.
e.g The martian atmosphere.
5. Incessant: (of something regarded as unpleasant) continuing without pause or
e.g The incessant beat of the music
Syn: Constant, continuing, ceaseless, unceasing,unabating, interminable, endless, unending,
never ending, everlasting, eternal, perpetual, continuous, non-stop, uninterrupted, unbroken,
ongoing, unremitting, persistent, relentless, unrelenting, unrelieved, sustained, unflagging,
unwearying, untiring, recurrent.
Opposite: Intermittent, casual.

6. Gorgon: each of three sisters, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, with snakes for hair,
who had the power to turn anyone who looked at them to stone. Medusa was killed by
 a fierce, frightening, or repulsive woman

7. Tumultuous: Making an uproar or loud confusing noise.

e.g Tumultuous applause.
Syn: loud, deafening, thunderous, thundering, ear shattering, ear piercing, ear splitting,
uproarious, noisy, clamorous, vociferous.
Opposite: soft.
Excited, confused, disorderly.
e.g A tumultuous crowd.
Syn: tempestuous, stormy, turbulent, in turmoil, passionate, intense, explosive, violent,
volatile, full of upheavels, full of ups and downs, roller coaster, exciting, hectic, chaotic,
confused, disorderly, unruly, rowdy, out of control, uncontrolled, unrestrained,
boisterous,excited, agitated, wild, restless, riotous, hysterical, frenzied, rumbustious
Opposite: peaceful, uneventful, orderly.
Q1: What leads us to believe that the passage is taken from a science fiction story?
Ans: The situation described in this passage is not real. It is the product of pure imagination.
The ‘thing’ in it is not found in the real world. It is a strange creature with unusual and horrible
features. All this shows that this passage is from a science fiction story.
Q2: How was the crowd behaving?
Ans: The crowd was curious at first when the creature had not yet appeared in front of them.
They were pushing each other to reach the front of the scene. But after seeing the horrible
creature, they were terrified and most of them started fleeing from it.
Q3: Why did the mood of the crowd alter?
Ans: The crowd’s mood was altered with the sight of the horrible creature emerging from the pit.
They became perplexed and horrified. The excited energy turned into shock and then dread.
Most of the people started running away from the site.
Q4: What was the narrator’s initial reaction to the thing?
Ans: The narrator’s initial reaction to the creature was disgust and dread. He was completely
shocked by the nastiness of the creature. He was also very terrified of it.
Q5: Why was the narrator disgusted?
Ans: the narrator was disgusted by the nasty appearance of the creature. Its round, bulky figure
with slippery, leather like skin, lanky tentacles, mouth without lips, drooling saliva, continuous
quivering of its ugly mouth, and recoiling way of its breathing and heaving figure altogether
disgusted the narrator.
Q1: Define globalization?
Ans: Globalization is the process of economic, cultural and political integration across the world.
It is the amalgamation of all inhabitants of the world into a single society known as the global
society. It involves formation of a global economy whereby the economies of developed and
developing nations are consolidated by internationalization of production and labor.
Q2: What is electronic mass communication?
Ans: Electronic mass communication is the exchange of information on a large scale using
electronic devices like radio, television, internet, smartphones etc. It has enabled prompt contact
among nations and organizations beyond national borders, thus, aiding in the process of
Q3: What does the term ‘third world’ denote?
Ans: The term ‘third world’ denotes the under developed and developing countries of Africa,
Asia, Latin America and Oceania. Such countries are economically poor and unindustrialized.
Q4: What is privatization?
Ans: The transfer of ownership, property or business from the government to the private sector
is known as privatization. The government ceases to be the owner of the entity or business. In
this way the public sector is dominated by the private sector in the economy.
Q5: Explain ‘liberalism’ in the above context.
Ans: The above context refers to economic liberalism which is based on strong support for
market economy and private property in the means of production. It tends to oppose
government interaction in the free market when it inhibits free trade and open competition. It is
an economic system organized on individual lines, meaning that the greatest possible number
of economic decisions are made by individuals or households rather than by collective
institutions or organizations.

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