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Generic name Brand names Drug Indication Mechanism of Adverse Reaction Contraindication Nursing

Classification Action consideration

Furosemide Lasix Forte Diuretics Hypertension, Furosemide Fluid and electrolyte Severe sodium and -Monitor
CP-Furo Oedema inhibits imbalance. Rashes, water depletion, weight,
associated with reabsorption of Na photosensitivity, hypersensitivity to blood
heart failure, nausea, diarrhoea, sulphonamides and pressure,
and chloride
Pulmonary blurred vision, furosemide,
mainly in the and pulse
oedema dizziness, headache, hypokalaemia,
medullary portion rate
hypotension. Bone hyponatraemia,
of the ascending marrow depression precomatose states routinely
Loop of Henle. (rare), hepatic associated with liver with long-
Excretion of dysfunction. cirrhosis, anuria or term use
potassium and Hyperglycaemia, renal failure. and during
glycosuria, Addison's disease. rapid
ammonia is also
ototoxicity. diuresis.
increased while Potentially Fatal: Furosemide
uric acid excretion Rarely, sudden death can lead to
is reduced. It and cardiac arrest. profound
increases plasma- Hypokalaemia and water and
renin levels and magnesium
secondary depletion can cause
cardiac arrhythmias. depletion.
may result.
reduces BP in
hypertensives as
well as in
normotensives. It
also reduces
pulmonary oedema
before diuresis has
set in.
Generic Brand names Drug Indication Mechanism of Adverse Reaction Contraindication Nursing
name Classification Action consideration
Hydralazine Hydralazine Antihypertensive Hypertension Hydralazine is Tachycardia; Severe -may cause
HCl s a direct-acting palpitations; angina tachycardia, dizziness.
vasodilator pectoris; haemolytic dissecting aortic -Do not
aneurysm, heart drive, operate
which acts anaemia; paralytic
failure with high machinery,
predominantly ileus; severe cardiac output, cor or do
on the headache; GI pulmonale, anything.
arterioles. It disturbances; myocardial
reduces BP and flushing, dizziness; insufficiency due
peripheral nasal congestion; to mechanical
resistance but peripheral obstruction,
coronary artery
produces fluid neuropathy with
disease, idiopathic
retention. numbness and SLE. Patients with
Hydralazine tingling of recent MI.
tends to extremities; lupus
improve renal erythematosus-like
and cerebral syndrome; postural
blood flow and hypotension; fluid
its effect on retention;
diastolic hepatotoxicity; blood
pressure is dyscrasias; difficulty
more marked in urinating;
than on systolic glomerulonephritis;
pressure. constipation;
depression; anxiety;
tremor; muscle
Generic name Brand names Drug Indication Mechanism of Adverse Reaction Contraindication Nursing
Classification Action consideration
Dobutamine Dobutamine cardiac drugs Acute heart Dobutamine Increased heart rate Hypersensitivity; -Check BP
Hydrochloride- failure increases and BP, ectopic beats, idiopathic
DBL    contractility and palpitation. Nausea, hypertrophic
subaortic stenosis
heart rate by headache, chest pain,
stimulating β- palpitation, dyspnoea,
adrenergic paraesthesia, leg
receptors in the cramps. Tissue
cardiac tissues. necrosis at site of
Generic name Brand names Drug Indication Mechanism of Adverse Reaction Contraindication Nursing
Classification Action consideration
Dopamine Dopamine Cardiac Dugs Acute heart Dopamine Nausea, Pheochromocytoma -Check blood
Hydrochloride- failure. stimulates vomiting, , uncorrected pressure
DBL    dopaminergic tachycardia, tachyarrhythmias,
receptors at ectopic beats, ventricular
lower doses palpitation, fibrillation.
producing renal anginal pain, Hypersensitivity.
and mesenteric hypotension,
vasodilation vasoconstriction,
while at higher bradycardia,
doses stimulate hypertension,
both dyspnoea,
dopaminergic headache,
and β- widened QRS
adrenergic complexes,
receptors azotaemia.
stimulation and
vasodilation. It
increases heart
rate and force of
contraction. At
low infusion
occurs in the
coronary and
cerebral beds.
At higher rates
in skeletal
muscles and a
rise in BP.
Generic name Brand names Drug Indication Mechanism of Adverse Contraindication Nursing
Classification Action Reaction consideration
Aminophyllin Aminophylline Antiasthmatic Chronic Aminophylline is a Nausea, Hypersensitivity. -Give
e Atlantic,  Aminophyll bronchospasm combination of vomiting, medication
ine Weimer , theophylline and abdominal before meals
Acute severe ethylenediamine. pain,
bronchospasm Ethylenediamine diarrhoea,
is inactive; it headache,
increases the insomnia,
solubility of dizziness,
theophylline in anxiety,
water. restlessness
Theophylline ; tremor,
relaxes bronchial palpitations
smooth muscle. .
Suggested Potentially
mechanisms are an Fatal:
increase in Convulsion
intracellular s, cardiac
cAMP through arrhythmias
inhibition of ,
phosphodiesterase; hypotensio
adenosine receptor n and
antagonism, sudden
prostaglandin death after
antagonism and too rapid
effects on IV
intracellular injection.

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