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A special bonus chapter of BREAKTHROUGH
Table of Contents







I am the New Year
I am the new year. I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.

I am your next chance at the art of living. I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned
about life during the last twelve months.

All that you sought and didn’t find is hidden in me, waiting for you to search it, but with more

All the good that you tried for and didn’t achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting

All that you dreamed but didn’t dare to do, all that you hoped but did not will, all the faith that you
claimed but did not have—these slumber lightly, waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong

I am your opportunity to renew your allegiance to Him who said, “Behold, I make all things new.”

— Joesph Exell, The Biblical Illustrator 1

Quotes for your New Year

“Resolution One: I will live for God.

Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.”
Jonathan Edwards

“Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every

situation you believe to be the will of God.”
Jim Elliot

“Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.”

Peter Marshall

“New year, I am expecting a lot out of you.”


Quotes for your New Year

“Of all persons, the Christian should be best prepared

for whatever the New Year brings. He has dealt with life
at its source. In Christ he has disposed of a thousand
enemies that other men must face alone and unprepared.
He can face his tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because
yesterday he turned his feet into the ways of peace and
today he lives in God. The man who has made God his
dwelling place will always have a safe habitation.”
Aiden W. Tozer

“A setback is a setup for a comeback.”

T.D. Jakes


This is the day that the Lord has made.

I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Look Back on His Blessings

God is always faithful, and if we look at the past year, we’ll

find that he has been with us and has been working in our
lives—even when we don’t realize it!

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his “A blessing for you, because the Lord your
face always. Remember the wonders he has God loves you.”
done, his miracles, and the judgments he – Deuteronomy 23:5
– 1 Chronicles 16:11–12 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are
not consumed, for his compassions never
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, fail.  They are new every morning; great is
coming down from the Father of the your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is
heavenly lights, who does not change like my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’”
shifting shadows.” – Lamentations 3:22–24
– James 1:17

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;

make known among the nations what he has
– 1 Chronicles 16:8

Focus on the Future and
God’s Plans for You
God is walking with you, planning for you, and He will
give you insight and perspective for the new year.

““Forget the former things; do not dwell “In their hearts humans plan their course,
on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! but the Lord establishes their steps.”
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? – Proverbs 16:9
I am making a way in the wilderness and
streams in the wasteland.” “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has
– Isaiah 43:18–19 come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
– 2 Corinthians 5:17
“’I know the plans I have for you,’ declares
the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future. ‘”
– Jeremiah 29:11

We spend January first walking through our lives, room by

room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched.
Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through
the rooms of our lives. .. not looking for flaws, but for potential.”

Ellen Goodman
Plan Ahead for the
Coming Year
While we’re reflecting on the year that has gone and the
year about to come, it’s important to plan ahead. People
who set goals and write them down are 75 percent more
likely to attain them! The Bible is filled with directives for
helping you hear the goals and plans God has for you.

“A wise man thinks ahead; a fool doesn’t and “Be sure you know the condition of your
even brags about it!” flocks, give careful attention to your herds.”
– Proverbs 13:16 TLB – Proverbs 27:23

“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower.

“May he give you the desire of your heart
Won’t you first sit down and estimate the and make all your plans succeed.”
cost to see if you have enough money to – Psalm 20:4
complete it? For if you lay the foundation
and are not able to finish it, everyone who
sees it will ridicule you, saying, ‘This person
began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’”
– Luke 14:28–30

“So never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning,

however small, for it is wonderful how often in such matters
the mustard seed germinates and roots itself.”

Florence Nightingale
C o m m i t to g o i nto t h e y e ar w i t h g rat i t u d e ,
c o n s ta ntly l o o k i n g f o r G o d at w o rk .

As we come into the new year, it’s important to remember that God has set the
container of our new year to be a space where we can find fullness. It is a container
of his grace and purpose in our lives. We also need to give thanks for all that he has
done for us in the past year, and for what he will do in the year to come.

“Not that I speak from want, for I have “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and
learned to be content in whatever his courts with praise; give thanks to him
circumstances I am. I know how to get and praise his name.”
along with humble means, and I also – Psalm 100:4
know how to live in prosperity; in any “Thanks be to God! He gives us the
and every circumstance I have learned victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
the secret of being filled and going – 1 Corinthians 15:57
hungry, both of having abundance
“Whatever you do, whether in word or
and suffering need. I can do all things
deed, do it all in the name of the Lord
through Him who strengthens me.”
Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father
– Philippians 4:11–13 NASB
through him.”
“A heart at peace gives life to the body, – Colossians 3:17
but envy rots the bones.”
– Proverbs 14:30
“He has said to me, ‘My grace is
sufficient for you, for power is
perfected in weakness.’. .. Therefore
I am well content with weaknesses,
with insults, with distresses, with
persecutions, with difficulties, for
Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then
I am strong.”
– 2 Corinthians 12:9–10 NASB

Some More Scriptures to
Bring You into the New Year
“Sing to the Lord a new song; sing “The one sitting on the throne said,
to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to ‘See, I am making all things new!’ And
the Lord, praise his name; proclaim then he said to me, ‘Write this down,
his salvation day after day. Declare his for what I tell you is trustworthy and
glory among the nations, his marvelous true.’”
deeds among all peoples.” – Revelation 21:5
– Psalm 96: 1–3 “There is surely a future hope for you,
“You crown the year with Your and your hope will not be cut off.”
goodness, and Your paths drip with – Proverbs 23:18
abundance.” “You will still be eating last year’s
– Psalm 65:11 harvest when you will have to move it
“A new song for a new day rises up in out to make room for the new.”
me every time I think about how he – Leviticus 26:10
breaks through for me! Ecstatic praise “The land you are crossing the Jordan
pours out of my mouth until everyone to take possession of is a land of
hears how God has set me free. Many mountains and valleys that drinks rain
will see his miracles; they’ll stand in from heaven. It is a land the Lord your
awe of God and fall in love with him!” God cares for; the eyes of the Lord
– Psalm 40:3 TPT your God are continually on it from the
“If anyone is enfolded into Christ, he beginning of the year to its end.”
has become an entirely new creation. – Deuteronomy 11:11–12
All that is related to the old order has
vanished. Behold, everything is fresh
and new. And God has made all things
– 1 Corinthians 5:17–18 TPT
Prophecy for the
New Year

I created time to serve you; it is a

resource for you. In it I can reveal my
love day upon day, moment upon moment.
or half full, but overflowing. You are going to
walk in this flow and it will be the year of my
favor for you. Favor looks like something—
Before I ever created you, I dreamed of you it’s an unfair advantage over people and
for an eternity. There are so many things I systems that don’t operate with me. It’s unfair
put inside you that will find more expression resources that you have no ability to earn
and placement this year. I have talents, through normal means. It’s unfair favor with
skills, relationships, resources, ministries, people who would normally not be accessible
projects, and purposes all to be revealed to you. It’s unfair victories for problems that
in this coming year that will show you the others will maybe never see a resolution to,
depth of my love for you. They’ll create so but I have already won them for you.
much faith in you that you will also be able
to call out what you see I have put in others. The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy,
but I can recreate the fullness of opportunity
You are called to live a life that is overflowing. for every battle that felt lost last year and for
John 10:10 was a prophecy to you—I have every hope that has been wounded. I have
called you to live a life that is not half empty seen every relationship issue, health issue,

financial issue, and justice issue in your life, of life on your heart. I will use suffering to
and I will use all things the enemy meant for serve you, but I will not allow it to overtake
evil to serve your good. I will use what has you. I can teach you a hundred times as
been used against you to be building blocks for fast through my goodness than through
you (Romans 8:28). painful circumstances; they were never my
intended vehicle for you, but because I love
I am going to give you back time you felt you, I make the enemy who steals pay back
was stolen, or that you felt you wasted, as seven times what he stole.
you surrender your time and heart to me. I
will accelerate your time now, making what You are going to have a good year. Focus on
would normally take years take months, seeing the good. Don’t let cyclical thoughts
what would take weeks take days. lead you to see the bad or the negative, but
focus on what is good, right, and noble. The
I love process because we find each other good already outweighs any hardship by
deeper in the process, but I am not trying a landslide. Train yourself to see it and you
to make you learn through the hard things will wake up with new excitement and more
or make lessons out of the crises. I can dedication to your days.
teach you more through my goodness than
I can by allowing hardship. Suffering in this I love you and give you this container of time
world will happen, but I will use goodness to spend as a gift. Use it to love. Use it to
as your mentor of love to write my manual grow. Use it to thrive.

“God specializes in giving people a fresh start.”

Rick Warren


Get a behind-the-scenes look

of following God and the
sometimes crazy yet beautiful
exploits God sends us on. This is
a fun journey, with content made
for you! Process revelation,
reaction videos, and hear from a
variety of prophetic voices in this
generation with Shawn Bolz!


Prayer for The New Year
G od, I give you my time, which is
my most precious commodity
you have given me this side of
community even more understanding
of me and that you would give us lots
of teachable moments together as
eternity. I give you space to create we grow in love. I also ask you to help
more of yourself in me. I commit to me to live out and be the love written
daily time with you to develop our about in 1 Corinthians 13—to my
deep connection. I open my heart community and in relationships. Help
to you and listen with hungry ears. I me to be quick to forgive, slow to
will look for you in my days. I will pay anger, and rich in love, and help me to
attention to your signposts and to the receive this honor back through these
people you put in front of me. relationships.

God, help me to be intentional about Holy Spirit, I pray that this year I
my time with you in the Word and would be brave to do new things,
also in prayer and worship. I pray that accomplish new goals, and meet new
you would help me to be a community people. Take me out of my comfort
builder in my relationships and family, zone; give me missions I wouldn’t
and also in a local church. I ask that I normally take that will bear fruit I
would be a great source of strength wouldn’t normally eat. I pray that you
to my friends and family, with a would keep expanding my capacity to
listening heart and wise counsel. I walk in all you have for me.
also pray that you would give my

Father, I pray for the resources to Help me define my yes this year, and
accomplish everything you have for help me to keep my yes so I can stay
me this year. Pour out all I will need to focused. Help it to be easy to say no to
do all you are calling me to. I ask, also, everything I am not supposed to do,
that I would be a resource center for even the good things, so I can maintain
others, and that through my talents, my yes to what I am supposed to do.
skills, time, and energy, I would be
able to be a great giver this year. I pray for an abundance of spiritual and
natural fruitfulness. I ask that I would
Thank you for the opportunity to love hear you and that you would activate
the unloved and help strangers this me even more in your spiritual gifts,
year. I pray that I won’t look past who and in your presence, so I would feel
you put in front of me, and I commit the contentment in my relationship
to obey the love I feel inside me. Help with you that only you can bring.
me to be kind, generous, sensitive,
concerned, empathetic, and have Thank you already for this year, and I
great boundaries. ask for the grace to live it really well. In
the name of your Son, Jesus, AMEN!

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are
going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called
Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”

Edith Lovejoy Pierce


This year I am believing God:

• That my relationship with God will deepen and that I will hear him more and
understand what to do with what he says to me.

• That the Bible will be more approachable and useful, being a full tool that will bear
fruit with each reading. That I will have time to read it daily and that the Holy Spirit
will lead my journey through devotionals, books, podcasts, church services, events,
friendship, family, and mentoring.

• For inspiration to set goals, and to partner with God’s will with more clarity and
strategy than I have ever experienced before. That as God does new things in my
life, they would inspire me to build more and more in the world around me through my

• That I would have a deeper connection to my family and friends than ever before.
I declare that my family promises will be fulfilled and that heaven will invest tangible
fruit into the promises and prayers I have made for my spouse, children, grandchildren,
friends, and community.

• That I would celebrate the moments that God, those close to me, and I have
had— accomplishments, breakthroughs, and birthdays. Also that I would honor
the Sabbath and rest weekly, and rest through the ritual of holidays I actively
participate in.

• For time redeemed: I declare that the enemy can’t have any of my weeks, days,
or hours this year. I declare that I am covered by the love and blood of Jesus and that
no weapon, even if formed against me, will prosper. I declare that no sickness, conflict,
or case against me will wound me, but that I am more than a conqueror this year
through Christ Jesus who loves me.

• For new projects to be authored in my spirit for my talents and gifts. That projects
that have already been authored will be worked on to completion. That Jesus will
come as the finisher of my faith and help me finish everything I have started.

• For more creativity, ingenuity, and transformation. That I will get to know God as
the Creator and that I will co-create with him in my life—in new ways for me, but also
in new ways the world has never seen before.

I declare that my year will be a well-constructed space for God’s love to be revealed to me, in me,
and through me every day. I declare that I will be obedient to love whenever I feel prompted or
nudged by the Holy Spirit, and that this will be a year of great spiritual and natural fruitfulness.


'�sfor me and my house,

we will serve the Lord."

Joshua 24:15

"God sets the lonely infamilies, he leads out

the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious
live in a sun-scorched land."



Here are your keys for breakthrough in your relationships. God's

breakthrough works best on this side of eternity for the goal or
purpose of relationship.

Part of experiencing My breakthrough for you is allowing Me to
make your family, friends, and community one of your primary
promised-land experiences. I have made you for relationships
and I will surround you with them. I am creating your inner and
outer circle with you and for you as the expression of My heart
to reveal the deepest part of My love to you and through you
to them. You are a powerful developer of family, friends, and
community through Me. I have created within you everything
you need to express My love to your spouse, your children,
your parents, your siblings, your friends, and your community.
I have given you the ability to produce healthy and powerful
relationships. Ask for My love and I will give you the emotional
intelligence to express it in epic ways.

Through your relationships I am going to bring about the most

connectedness you could ever feel. I am going to bring the right
attachment to you and each of your relationships and it will
sustain you through the hard times; but it will also be one of
the greatest celebratory devices you could possibly experience.


I am going to bring an incubator of purpose through your closest

relationships. You will not feel alone or isolated. My desire for
you is to have relationships that will bring out My colors and My
image from your life. I am going to use your social circle to bring
you courage to take giant leaps of faith.

I have given you the ability to have breakthrough in your

relational situations through My will and desire for you
in situations that would normally break down families or
relationships. When you are wounded or hurt by something
your relational circle does or says, lean into Me and I will bring
My breakthrough into your very being. I will cause the wounds
to build a deeper connection with Me and to them, even when
things get damaged or feel unreconcilable. I will restore your
heart and I can restore your relationship to them, even if it looks
broken. I will give you forgiveness and reconnect you.

You are not alone; your relationships are some of the greatest
treasures I will use to develop My nature in you-and you can
trust My nature. I sent My Son, Jesus, so He could reconcile
you to My original plan: connection to Me and connection to
other people. Your relationships are a powerful tool that can
be the greatest display of what eternal life looks like because of
your love for one another. Your love for others will help people
want to know Me, to know My Son. People will know this is
what they were made for as well. People will see your marriage,
your fathering or mothering, your extended family, your close


friendships, and watch you work through the same struggles but
with the help of My spirit, who will lead you into deeper love
instead of drifting apart.

People will see how you love even when someone needs
correction. You will not punish but will bring about conviction
and discipline that will cause them to trust you and bond to you
even more. Your family will display My intention of love to your
community. It is meant to be a picture of My breakthrough to the
world. People will be filled with so much hope through watching
you love well relationally.

I will cause you to be such a family person. Your family is also

meant to be everlasting; the way you are building with them now
will have a reflection in eternity. Love well, love like Me, and I
will pour My ever-refilling love back into you.

God, I ask You to empower me by implementing Your
original plan over my family and relational structure. Bring
the breakthrough needed to bring Your purpose over us into
being through Your divine love. Give me the right alignment of
connection with each friend and family member I have. Help
me to prioritize sharing my life with them with my time, energy,
resources, emotions, and spirit. Show me how to pray for them
and enlarge my capacity to understand them.


Even through hardship in certain relationships, I pray, Holy

Spirit, that You would keep me thinking and believing with the
Father's perspective. Gift me with breakthrough faith for each
circumstance and for each person You have called me to love.
Help me not to live out of just my experience with each person
but out of Yours. You know each of them so intimately. You know
what is in their hearts. You know their motives, their desires,
their strengths, and their destinies. Help me to know them like
You do. Help me connect to them in ways that demonstrate how
much I treasure them. Help me to not just treat them according
to how I see them but according to how You do.

When my relational circle struggles through grief, hardship, or

loss, I pray I would have faith in Your breakthrough power to
bring about Your plan-one so different to mine were I left to my
own human process. Help us to come together and strengthen
each other. Keep us all from doing life alone or in isolation. Help
us to rely on each other as we rely on You and Your strength.

I pray I would be a source of strength, love, and identity for each

person in my life, sharing not only my time with them but also
my very life. Form our interdependence by keeping us from any
codependence or unhealthy patterns. Help us to have unity in
our homes and peace in our hearts. Give us grace for mistakes.

Even as You are love, let us be love to one another: patient, kind,
slow to anger, generous. I pray You would help me to make
choices toward love even when I feel hurt or frustrated.


I pray for each person in my relational circle to have the power

to break through into Your John 10: 10 desire for them to truly
thrive. I ask that You would bring us into Your thriving plan and
break off any of the plans of the enemy-who comes to steal,
kill, and destroy.

God of the breakthrough, bring breakthrough to my



I declare that the God of breakthrough is making
me a powerful builder of family, relationships,
and community. I am empowered to create an
amazing family through marriage, childbirth, and
adoption; through creating epic friendships; and
through being a leader to my extended family and
a real member who blesses my community.

I believe everyone in my family and friendship

network will have an opportunity to know and
fully love God because of our connection. I
declare that my whole household will be saved,
walking in their full connection with God in
complete destiny.

My family, household, and relationships will

be blessed! We will be blessed in our extended
families, careers, spiritual gifts, talents, and
opportunities. In everything we do and
everywhere we go, the God of breakthrough will
help us succeed. He surrounds us with favor like
a shield, and no weapon formed against us can
prosper. What the Lord has blessed, no one can


The God of breakthrough is bringing my family

into their promised land, both individually and
corporately. He will author and finish His will for us
in our lifetimes, and nothing will be cut short.

God will break through any places we get stuck in

relationally or financially, in our health, or in any
other area that would bring about pain, destruction,
or brokenness. God will cut offany plans of the enemy
to steal from us, kill us, or destroy our connections. He
will bring us into the life He planned for us, a life that
is abundant and full through our Savior, Jesus Christ.

"Love isn't when there are
no fights in the relationship.
Love is when once the fight ends,
love is still there."


& Declarations for the new year!
God doesn't just want your breakthrough,
He is your breakthrough! I wrote this book
of prayers, prophecies and declarations to
help give you the tools in asking God,
whose nature is breakthrough, for your own
experience. Get your breakthrough today!
Order your copy and
reshape the world around
you with God’s love.

Mentoring Platform coming soon!
personalized ecourse
Through the Eyes of Love shows us
how operating from a place of love is the

you grow in spiritual authority and learn how to speak

power ful words with love.

through which you see people and culture, in fact, being on the
receiving end of a direct message from God will open your
spiritual eyes. It’s like seeing a color you never knew existed. As
you sincerely pray and ask God what He wants to say to your
coworkers, your neighbors, and your city, you will be surprised at

L I V E U P D AT E S + P R O P H E T I C M O M E N T S

@SHAWNBOLZ bolzministries

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