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INT English 5

Oral production activity units 2 and 3

Topic: Accident on the road

Student: Gianmarco Liberato Piñán

Course: English 5

Link to video:

Hello everyone, my name is Gianmarco. Well, I had been reading about the most dangerous roads
in the world. What caught my attention the most was knowing that even in developed countries,
such as the United States and the United Kingdom, there are roads of this type that cause many
deaths a year. I had heard about the Yungas road in Bolivia, because my brother had been working
for a while in Bolivia and told me about that road.
In Peru the most dangerous roads are in the southern and central part of the country. For example, I
am from Huánuco and the "Dos de Mayo" road to reach the province of "La union" is very narrow
and very precipitous and to top it off it has many bumps.
In winter it is even more dangerous because the rains produce landslides and a very dense fog that
hinders the vision of the driver. I had been checking on the Internet that last year there were about
ten deadly accidents on this road.
Recently a bus fell into an abyss where sixteen people died. The news said that the accident had
been avoided, if they repaired the road before, and also recommended that if you want to travel at
these times, try to travel at noon. Fortunately, the authorities supported the affected families and
solved the poor state of the road.
Well that's it, thanks for watching, see you.

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