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Variational approach to nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibers

D. Anderson
Institute for Electromagnetic Field Theory and EURA TOM Fusion Research (EUR EFN-),
Chalmers University of Technology, S-412 96 Goteborg Sweden
(Received 28 January 1983)

The problem of nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibers, as governed by the non-
linear Schrodinger equation, is reformulated as a variational problem. By means of Gauss-
ian trial functions and a Ritz optimization procedure, approximate solutions are obtained
for the evolution during propagation of pulse width, pulse amplitude, and nonlinear fre-
quency chirp. Comparisons with results from inverse-scattering theory and/or numerically
obtained solutions show very good agreement.

I. INTRODUCTION Following the feasibility demonstration implied

by this experiment, a sequence of papers have inves-
Interest in nonlinear properties of short-pulse tigated different aspects of nonlinear short-pulse
propagation in optical fibers has grown tremendous- propagation in long optical fibers. A major effort
ly during the last few years.
' The two main has been concentrated on the possibility of creating
reasons for this interest are (i) the possibility of extremely short optical pulses in situations where
undistorted optical-pulse propagation offered by sol- the nonlinear compressional effects dominate the
iton pulses' and (ii) the possibility of extreme dispersive spreading.
compression of optical pulses resulting in pulse In a series of experiments, ' Grischkowsky and
widths well into the femtosecond domain. ' ' co-workers have achieved optical-pulse compression
An important limiting factor in the developmen& factors of 10— 12 resulting in subpicosecond pulses.
towards high data-transmission rates in long optical Unprecedented to date is the 30 fsec pulses reported
fibers is the inherent dispersive pulse broadening ef- by Shank et al. also obtained using optical non-
fect. It was suggested already, in 1973 by linear compression techniques.
Hasegawa and Tappert, that it should be possible to The theoretical foundation for the analysis of
balance the dispersive spreading of an optical pulse nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibers is the
by a pulse-narrowing effect associated with the weak nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS) (Refs. 1 — 8),
nonlinearity of the index of refraction in the fiber. which governs the evolution of the pulse envelope.
However, at that time there existed neither fibers This equation can, in principle, be solved exactly us-
with sufficiently low loss nor lasers at the appropri- ing inverse-scattering technique. However, the cor-
ate wavelengths to verify the theoretical predictions. responding solutions, albeit exact, are not very expli-
The subsequent explosive growth in optical-fiber cit, except for the special cases of the soliton solu-
technology has led to single-mode fibers with ex- tions. The lowest-order soliton corresponds to an in-
tremely low losses (less than 1 dB/km) and to lasers put of hyberbolic secant shape and propagates with
with wavelengths in the range where the group- unchanged form along the fiber. Higher-order soli-
velocity dispersion becomes negative (a necessary tons have amplitudes being integer multiples of the
condition for soliton pulse propagation). fundamental soliton amplitude and exhibit a more
In 1980, the first experimental observation of soli- complicated amplitude variation involving periodic
tons in optical fibers was made. ' In a remarkably pulse narrowing and pulse splitting.
conclusive experiment several of the characteristic In addition to these so-called "bright" soliton
soliton properties were verified. In particular, solutions, which require anomalous net dispersion
undistorted pulse propagation over long distance properties, there also exist "dark" soliton solutions
was demonstrated for situations where the dispersive of hyperbolic tangent shape, when net dispersion is
pulse spreading was exactly balanced by nonlinear normal. (Normal dispersion is defined by
pulse-narrowing effects. In addition, the pulse Bvg/Bk &0, where vz is the group velocity and k is
compression and pulse-splitting characteristic of the wave number of the wave. ) The technical im-
higher-order soliton solutions were also observed portance of this situation for pulse compression has
and found to be in excellent agreement with theoret- been amply demonstrated in Refs. 5, 6, and 8, where
ical predictions. the combined action of fiber dispersion and non-

27 3135 1983 The American Physical Society

3136 D. ANDERSON 27

linearity has been used to create strongly frequency for the evolution of characteristic pulse parameters
chirped optical pulses. The pulses are subsequently like the compression factor, the amplitude, and the
passed either through a sodium-vapor cell ' or a nonlinearly induced frequency chirp and, on the oth-
grating compressor, where linear dispersion er hand, provides a suggestive description of the
compresses the pulses in a way analogous to the complicated interplay between dispersive and non-
chirp radar compression scheme. linear effects.
The complicated form of the exact solution for
the NLS has motivated many numerical investiga- II. THE NONLINEAR
tions as a complementary tool towards the under- SCHRODINGER EQUATION
standing of the properties of the NLS. In view of
this, it would also be very desirable to obtain ap- In a nonlinear optical medium with a cubic non-
proximate analytical results giving some of the most linearity, the index of refraction n is given by
important features of the solutions as, e.g., the pulse
compression factor. Obviously, this cannot be done
n =np(tp)+ni(E ),
without sacrificing some of the more detailed infor- where np(cp) represents the linear part and ni deter-
mation of the solutions. On the other hand, approx- mines the nonlinear change in the refractive index
imate solutions could prove very useful for applica- due to the presence of the wave. The optical wave-
tions as well as for providing a better physical field E(r, x, t) is taken as'
of the interplay between dispersion
and nonlinear effects in connection with pulse prop-
E(r, x, t ) = Re I Q(x, t )R (r)exp[i(kpx —cppt ) ] ],
agation in optical fibers.
In the present work we will employ a variational
where g(x, t) is a slowly varying function of time t
approach involving trial functions in order to
describe the main characteristics of the pulse evolu- and x, the coordinate along the fiber. R(r) is the
tion as determined by the NLS. This approach has linear radial eigenfunction of the mode, and ko and
previously been used to investigate the related prob-
lem of nonlinear self-focusing of laser beams, '
where good agreement with numerical results has
" coo are the wave number and the frequency of the
wave [kp — np(kp)cilp/c]. The use of the linear
eigenmode for the radial dependence is motivated by
been obtained. The main advantage of the variation- the fact that the intensities considered in the present
al approach in the present context is that it provides context are far below the threshold for nonlinear
explicit, although approximate, analytical expres- self-focusing. Assuming that the nonlinear and
sions for the pulse compression/decompression fac- dispersive effects are weak, and averaging R(r) over
tor, the maximum pulse amplitude, and the induced the cross section of the fiber, one obtains
frequency chirp. These are the three most impor-
tant single parameters characterizing the pulse evo-
The main shortcoming of the use of trial func-
tions is the inability to account for changes in pulse
shape. Thus, if we use a Gaussian trial function, its where
amplitude, width, frequency, etc. , may be allowed to
vary, but the Gaussian pulse shape is assumed to be
inherently preserved. However, changes in shape do
play an important role in several circumstances.
The pulse-compression technique demonstrated by and c is the velocity of light. Finally, we introduce
Grischkowsky et al. , 5' uses the deformation of the the convenient variable w=t — kox and arrive at the
pulse towards a rectangular shape. This form has nonlinear Schrodinger equation
the advantage of creating a lincer frequency chirp
through nonlinear self-phase modulation. The sub-
sequent dispersive pulse compression then results in
a pulse with strongly reduced wings. Furthermore,
effects like the higher-order soliton splitting' are ob- where a=—,ko' and a =—co~2/4e. Particular solu-
viously out of reach in the present analysis and will tions of Eq. (4) have been found, 7 the simplest ones
only be indicated as a pulse broadening. being the single bright soliton solution (~/a ~ 0)
With these caveats in mind, the present approach,
on one hand, gives useful approximate expressions g =pp[sech(r/rs ) ]e (5)

where tional corresponding to the NLS equation. It is easi-

=pp( /2 )'
ly shown that the NLS equation [Eq. (4)] can be re-
stated as a variational problem corresponding to the
(6) Lagrangian L given by
A. b
——(K/2)pp, 2
B@* Bt( Bl(
and the ~ Bx ~,
corresponding dark soliton solution 2 c)x Bv 2
(K/a (0)
f =pp[tanh(r/rd ) ]e
where the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate.
where This implies that the NLS equation results from the
1/2 variational equations corresponding to the variation-
al principle
~d ——
KPp .

Pulses of the form given by Eqs. (5) and (7), with

parameters related by Eqs. (6) and (8), respectively, (10)
will propagate along the optical fiber with preserved
i.e., the equation
shape as a result of an exact balance between disper-
sive and nonlinear effects. However, if the soliton 6L 0 BL BL
parameters are not related by Eqs. (6) and (8), the ax a@'
pulse form will change in a complicated way, which
is not easily described analytically. It has been
shown numerically for the case K/a &0 that if the
soliton width ~b in Eq. (5) is kept fixed, and pp takes
on values being integer multiples of the fundamental is equivalent to Eq. (4).
soliton amplitude (2a/K)' /~b, higher-order soli- In the Ritz optimization procedure, the first vari-
tons are obtained. These exhibit successively more ation of the variational functional is made to vanish
complicated oscillatory behavior involving pulse within a set of suitably chosen trial functions. As
compression/decompression and pulse splitting. trial functions we will use Gaussian shaped pulses.
For amplitudes, which are not exact integer multi- This choice is convenient but by no means the only
ples of the fundamental amplitude, the pulse will os- possible one e.g. , hyperbolic secant shaped pulses
cillatively change shape and asymptotically settle would have done equally well, and for some situa-
down to the ¹oliton
solution corresponding to the tions even better. The only advantage of the Gauss-
closest integer. ' Actually, inverse-scattering theory ian shaped pulse is that in the linear limit the varia-
predicts that any reasonable initial pulse shape will tional equations will reproduce the exact solution of
eventually produce a discrete ¹oliton
solution Eq. (4). Thus, we assume that the initial pulse has a
when the continuous "excess modes" have died Gaussian form or a shape which can reasonably well
away. be approximated by a Gaussian, i.e.,
In the present work, we will give an approximate
description of the evolution of some of the most $(O, r) =Apexp (12)
fundamental properties connected with the nonlinear 2ap
propagation of optical pulses. In particular, we will where Ap is the maximum amplitude of the pulse
concentrate on information concerning pulse width, and ap is the characteristic pulse width.
pulse amplitude, and frequency chirp. For this pur- The subsequent evolution of the pulse envelope
pose we will, in the next section, reformulate the for x & 0 is assumed to be describable as [cf. Eqs. (5)
NLS equation as a variational problem. and (7))

III. A VARIATIONAL FORMULATION P(r, x) =A(x)exp — +ib(x)r, (13)

Our approximate analysis of the pulse propaga- i.e., as a still Gaussian shaped pulse, where the
tion problem will involve essentially a Ritz optimi- (complex) amplitude A(x), the pulse width a(x), and
zation procedure, ' '"
based on the variational func- the frequency chirp 2b(x)~ all are allowed to vary

with distance of propagation.

Inserting the trial function given by Eq. (13) into
5(L) 0 . dA' „dA
5a dx dx
the variational principle, Eq. (10), we obtain the re-
duced variational problem
+3 fA f'a2
5 f (I. )dx=o, (14)
fA f'
(L)= f L,dr, (15) ~fA f
=0, (19)
and I.G denotes the resultof inserting the Gaussian
ansatz into the Lagrangian I.. By performing the
integration implied by Eq. (15) we obtain 5b
=0 ~ dx
(a ' f
A f
) = —4uba ' f
A f

If we multiply Eqs. (17) and (18} with A' and 3,
rcspcctlvcly, wc obtain by subtracting and add1ng
—«3 fA f
2 4b2+— the following equations:

(a fA f
xafA (16)

The reduced variational principle, expressed by Eq.

(14), results in a set of coupled ordinary differential
equations for the Gaussian parameters A, a, and b, 2 a2 «2 4b2+
which together determines the evolution of the
dx a
Equation (21) implies a constant of motion, i.e.,
%C can now proceed to study the variational
equations for the Gaussian paraIneter functions a(x) fA(x) f
=const=ao fAO f
A(x), A'(x), a(x}, and b(x} which result from the
which expresses the fact that the energy of the pulse
variational principle [Eq. (14)] with the reduced La-
does not change. This result could also have been
grangian (L) given by Eq. (16). The following
obtained from the well-known invariant of the NLS
variational equations are obtained:
equation, viz. ,
5(L) =0 ~ d (I'aA
f f
1((x,r) f
dr=const . (24)

= —ta dA db Using the fact that a(x) A(x) is constant, we ob-

+Ha 3 tain from Eq. (20)
f f

dx dx

—«3A 4b + —+v 4
2sa A
f f
By comparing Eqs. (19}and (22) we have

5 L =0 ~ iaA')— d
—4aab + a3— ir
a 2 2
q — fA f~
5A dx

= — dA,
which can be combined with the derivative form of
+A'a 3db Eq. (25) to yield
dx dx
d2a 4a2
—«'A' 4b'+ —+v2~a
r fA
~~ f
a' fA f'A, dx a
We finally eliminate A by means of the constant f f

of motion, Eq. (23), and integrate Eq. (27) once.


This yields an equation for the variation of a(x),

which is analogous to that of a particle moving in a
11(y) = ~+ —
"+I:. (34)
potential well, viz. ,
We assume that the "particle starts from rest, " i.e.,
'2 that the pulse at x =0 has a(0) =ap and
1 da
+H(a) =0 . (28) [da(x)/dx]„o=0. This determines It to be
2 dx
E= —(p+v) . (35)
The potential field II(a) is given by
The characteristic behavior of a(x) can very con-
2a Ep
II(a) = 2 —a~~2 +c, (29) veniently be inferred from the properties of the po-
a a tential function II(y). We will begin this study by
first considering the linear limit, i.e., ~=0 which
where c is a constant to be determined by initial con-
implies v=0.
Thus, the solution of the variational problem is A. Linear theory
reduced to solving Eq. (28) for the pulse width vari-
In the limit when only linear dispersion is opera-
ation, since once a(x) is known, the frequency chirp
tive, the potential function becomes
parameter b(x) is determined by Eq. (25) as

b(x) =—
1 dlna
II(y) = ~ —p (36)
and the general form of II(y) is given in Fig. 1. The
and the absolute value of the amplitude A(x) is
~ ~
mechanical analogy implies that a particle released
determined by the constant of motion, Eq. (23). Fi- from rest at y =1 will move towards larger y and
nally the phase P(x) of A(x) (writing descend the potential slope with ever increasing
A(x)= ~A(x) exp[if(x)]) is obtained from Eq.
speed. This obviously corresponds to the ordinary
(22), using also Eq. (26) monotonous dispersive spreading of a wave pulse in
a dispersive medium. The analysis can be made
(31) more quantitative by solving Eq. (31) for the varia-
dx a2 8
tion of a (x). This directly yields
The potential well description for the variation of
4a x
a(x), as given by Eqs. (28) and (29), conveys a sug- y (x)=1+2@x =1+ (37)
gestive physical picture of the competition between
dispersive and nonlinear effects. This will be dis- From Eq. (30) we obtain
cussed in more detail in the next section.
ax/ap 2
b(x) =- +~ x /ap)
ap( 1

For the further analysis of Eqs. (28) and (29), The variation of A (x) ~ ~
is found from Eq. (23)
describing the evolution of the pulse width, it is
convenient to introduce the normalization JA(x) = /Ao 1+4 (39)
a(x)/ao — a,4
[ [
y(x) and the constants

p= 2'4 &0~ n(y)


K= —.
This yields

1 dy
+n(y) =0 (33)
2 dx
FIG. 1. Qualitative plot of the potential function II(y)
with in the linear case (v=O).
3140 D. ANDERSON 27

and the phase variation P(x) is determined from Eq. m(y)

-t& —CO
(31) as
P(x) = —,arctan

The solution given by Eqs. (37)—
(40) is more than
an approximate solution; it coincides with the exact
solution for the well-known dispersive spreading of
a Gaussian pulse, viz. ,
y(x, r)= ~AQ I—2l QX

ao FIG. 3. Qualitative plot of the potential function lI(y)

of anomalous dispersion and weak nonlinearity
in the case
(— l & v/JM &0). For comparison the linear case is also in-
2a 0(1 —2iax /a 0)
(41) serted ( ———).

This result gives an indication of the power of ap- the possible values of v/p into four distinct regions,
proximation of the variational approach. characterized by very different properties.
Region I: v/p & 0 (normal dispersion, a/v & 0).
B. Qualitative nonlinear theory
The qualitative behavior of H(y) in this region is
The dynamic interplay between dispersion and shown in Fig. 2. The potential curve is found to lie
nonlinearity is reflected in the properties of the po- below that of the linear case for y & 1. The physical
tential function which turn out to depend crucially inference is that the nonlinearity increases the pulse
on the sign and magnitude of the ratio v/p, i.e., on spreading, making the pulse broaden at a faster rate
the relative importance of dispersion and nonlineari- than in the purely linear case.
ty. The following properties are sufficient to under- Region II: — I & v/p ~ 0 (anomalous dispersion,
stand the qualitative behavior of H(y): a/a &0, and weak nonlinearity). A qualitative plot
of II(y) for this range of values is shown in Fig. 3.
oo, y~0 The nonlinearity is seen to oppose the dispersive
(i) H(y) ~ '
—(p+v), y~ ~ spreading of the pulse, but is not strong enough to
cancel the linear pulse broadening effect.
(ii) H(y)=0 for y =1 andy= —(1+v/p) '—
=y. , Region III: — 2 &v/p & —I (anomalous disper
sion, a/~&0, and intermediately strong nonlineari-
(iii) H'(y)=0 for y =y = —2p/v,
ty). From Fig. 4, we see that the nonlinearity is now
(iv) H'(1) = —p(2+ v/p), strong enough to create a potential well between
y =1 and y =y. = —
— (1+v/p) '. A mechanical
(v) H(y~)= —(2p+v) /(4p) &0 . analogy suggests a solution which oscillates between
These results imply that it is convenient to divide the zeros of H(y). Thus, in this case, the dispersive

-2( —11
Il C


FIG. 4. Qualitative plot of the potential function II(y)

FIG. 2. Qualitative plot of the potential function II(y) in the case of anomalous dispersion and intermediately
inthe case of normal dispersion (v/p&0). For compar- strong nonlinearity ( 2&v/p& — —
1). For comparison
ison the linear case is also inserted ( ———). the linear case is also inserted ( —— ). —

spreading of the pulse is stopped at y =ye by non-

linear effects, which subsequently compress the
pulse back to the initial pulse width. This behavior
is repeated in an oscillatory manner.
Limit ease. v/p = — 2. In the limit, when

v/p~ 2, we obtain y. =1=y and II'(1)
=0=II(y~). The potential well has degenerated
into a single point and a particle released at this
point will stay there. In the present context, this im-
plies that a wave pulse for which v/p= — 2 prop-
agates with unchanged form as a consequence of an
FIG. 6. Qualitative plot of the potential function ll(y)
exact balance between nonlinear and dispersive ef-
in the case of anomalous dispersion and strong nonlineari-
fects. This should correspond to the case of a bright
soliton solution. The condition v/p= — 2 translates
ty (v/p ( —2). For comparison the linear case is also in-
serted ( ——— ).

—= ~a
2~2a J posech(r/rt, )dt
1.054 .
and the phase variation P(x) of the pulse becomes a I poexp( r dt
/2a o )—

simple wave number shift given as This good agreement between the variational solu-

P(x) = —
3' 8
Ao ~
x . (43)
tion and the exact nonlinear soliton solution pro-
vides a further confirmation of the power of approx-
imation inherent in a variational approach. It is ob-
This compares very favorably with the relations be- vious that if we had based our trial functions on hy-
tween the soliton parameters as given by Eqs. (5) perbolic secant shaped solutions, the variational pro-
and (6). The general agreement between the exact cedure would have reproduced the exact soliton
soliton curve and the approximate "Gaussian soli- solution and instead given a good approximation for
ton" is also good as is evident from Fig. 5. Finally the linear Gaussian solution describing the disper-
we note, as a further comparison, that the integral sive spreading of an initially Gaussian pulse.
contents under the curves also are very close, viz. , Region IV: v/)M & — 2 (anomaloas dlsperslon,
a/a & 0, and strong nonlinearity). In this region a po-
tential well is created for values of y less than 1 (see
Fig. 6), since y. = —(1+v/p) '~1. Thus again,

the pulse width will exhibit an oscillatory behavior.

However, initially nonlinear effects dominate, and
the pulse will start by being compressed to a
minimum pulse width a~ given by
a. = (44)
I+v/t I

before dispersive effects are able to balance the non-

linear compression and make the pulse width in-
ci ease.



Several of the features of the solutions discussed

in the previous section, in particular, for values of

the parameter v/p in the range v/p & 1, i.e., re-
gions III and IV, can be related to exact results from
-1 -3 -2 -1 0 '1 2 3 I soliton theory. In order to make such a comparison,
FIG. 5. Comparison between the exact soliton shape we give some important results for soliton propaga-
( ) given by Eq. (5) and the variationally obtained tion as obtained by inverse-scattering technique
"Gaussian sohton" ( ———). and/or numerical solutions of the nonlinear
3142 D. ANDERSON 27

Schrodinger equation. ' Consider pulses of the

form 2. 5
/) ~
1/2 j&s
Q(O, r) =fposech po 7 (45)
2' 7

f =1 corresponds
to the single soliton solu- 2. 0—
theory predicts that such pulses during f)s
propagation will perform a sequence of more or less
complicated oscillations in an asymptotic develop-
ment towards a pure ¹oliton solution, where N is 1.5-
determined as the largest integer, which satisfies

N&f+ —, . (46)

Thus a single soliton solution will eventually appear 1.0-

for all fsuch that —, &f & —, . Furthermore, if we
write f=1+5 ( 5 & —, ), the asymptotic value of
~ ~

the pulse amplitude p„, is given by

Pm =f~po ~ (47)

f„=1+25 (48)
and the pulse shape settles down to 0.8 1.0 1. 2 1.4
FIG. 7. Comparison between the numerically (Ref. 9)
obtained results for peak amplitudes p~ (0) and asymptot-
g„(x,r) =p„sech p„

(49) ic amplitudes p„(+
), and the analytical predictions for
p. ( ) and pm =—(po+p~)/2 ( —.—.—.
) as given by
In connection with these exact results we emphasize Eq. (50).
the following points obtained from the approximate
(i) The marginal case, for which nonlinear effects
are strong enough to stop the dispersive spreading, is
denote the maximum (or in the case &1 the
minimum) value of the amplitude in the first oscilla-
v/p= —1. The corresponding pulse amplitude p, tion by pz. In Fig. 7 we compare the numerical re-
for fixed pulse width, is related to the soliton ampli- sults for p~ (from Ref. 9) with the corresponding
tude p, as analytical prediction for p. as obtained from Eq.
(50). The agreement is seen to be quite good.
The variational analysis is unable to account for
which agrees, at least qualitatively with the lower the damping of the amplitude oscillations. Howev-
bound amplitude p, /2 obtained from soliton theory. er, the natural choice for the asymptotic amplitude
(ii) For v/p& —1 the approximate variational limit would be the arithmetic mean of the upper and
analysis predicts that the amplitude p will oscillate lower amplitude bounds. Indeed, as Fig. 7 also
as the inverse square root of the pulse width. This shows, the agreement between p — = (po+p. )/2 and
implies that p will vary between the limits p„ is remarkably good.
P=po=fps ~


P=P'=fP (2f
It is instructive to compare these predictions with Although discussion of the variation
a qualitative
the results obtained in Ref. 9, where the evolution of of the pulse width was given in the preceding sec-
pulses of the form given by Eq. (45) was studied for tions, we must solve Eq. (33), with H(y) given by
f values in the range 8— f -0.
1.4. The pulse ampli-
tude was found to perform a damped oscillatory
Eq. (34), in order to obtain quantitative information
on the dynamical variation of pulse width with dis-
behavior towards the theoretically predicted asymp- tance of propagation. The formal solution of Eq.
totic value determined by Eqs. (47) and (48). We (33) is obtained as

I: —1
+xt/2= I [(}tt+v)y — — ] '/dy
vy p, . (51) A. Case v/p, & (regions I and II)

The explicit solution of Eq. (51) will be of two quali- In this case the evolution corresponds to a mono-
tatively different forms depending on whether II(y) tonous spreading of the pulse and we obtain the full
has one or two zeros, i.e., if v/p g —1 or v/p & —1. solution in the implicit form

1/2 2(I+/) (y —1) y— 1

x t/2p = 1
(y —1) y + 1
+ —,g(1+/) 3/ ln
t/I+/ 1+/ 2+(

where for convenience we have introduced g=v/}u. Note that asymptotically we obtain [cf. Eq. (53)]
The variation of pulse width, with distance of prop- '
agation as determined by Eq. (52), is shown in Fig. 3x
8. For large y, Eq. (52) and Fig. 8 imply an asymp- 2
totic straight-line dependence, viz. ,
y=x[2p(1+/)]'/ B. Case II: v/p g —1 (regions III and IV)
which reduces to the dispersive result [cf. Eq. (37)]
when (=0. The solution corresponds to an oscillation of the
An important parameter is the characteristic dis- pulse width the limits
between y = 1 and
tance xD required for the pulse width to become y =y. = — (1+v/p) '. Giving only the expressions
twice its initial value. %e obtain for the first half cycle we obtain

.. ~2p= "+"""+&(I+()-'"
I+/ 2
(a) — 2 & v/}Lt & —1 (initial pulse spreading):


2. 0--
and the variation of xD with g is shown in Fig. 9.
Limit case: v/p = —l.
In this limit case the solu-
tion becomes especially simple, viz. ,

v 2}u=(y+2)t/y —1 . 5 5--



12 18 20 24 28
x P6t

FIG. 9. The variation of xn with g, where xn is the

FIG. 8. Variation of pulse width y with distance of characteristic distance of propagation at which the pulse
propagation x for different ratios of nonlinearity and width has doubled and (= v/p characterizes the ratio of
dispersion as expressed by the parameter g= v/Iu p —l. nonlinearity to dispersion.
3144 D. ANDERSON 27






0.2 "-

X f2@
0.4 0.8 1.2

FIG. 10. Variation of pulse width compression factor y I


with distanceof propagation x for two values of initial 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
amplitude, f =1.25 and f =1.4, respectively. FIG. 11. Comparison between numerically (Ref. 9) ob-

tained results for the period x~ of the amplitude oscilla-
tions (p) and the variationally obtained result ( )
given by Eq. (60).
(1 —
1 1
q~ y) y+ 1+4
+ —,4[ —(1+4)] '" xp ~2p =

1+(I 3/2

X arcsin
2(1+ )y—
n /2— (57)
In order to compare with results obtained in Ref. 9,
we rewrite Eq. (59) in terms of the factor [cf. Eq. f
(b) —2 & v/p (initial pulse compression):
xp 2@= (60)
(2f —1)

(1 —
1 1
xv2p= »
[-(1+4)]'" y) y+ '+
The period of oscillation xz as a function of is f
shown in Fig. 11, where points corresponding to nu-
+-, ([-(1+4)] '" merically obtained results (from Ref. 9) are also in-
serted. The agreement is again very good.

X arcsin
2(1+()y- —n'/2 . (5g) VIII. CONCLUSION
The variation of pulse width with distance of propa- With the present analysis we have demonstrated
gation is given in Fig. 10 for initial pulse amplitudes the possibilities of a variational approach in connec-
characterized by f f
=1.25 and =1.4, respectively
[cf. Eq. (45)]. Since we have already discussed and
tion with the nonlinear Schrodinger equation and
nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibers. The
compared the results for the peak amplitudes and/or main results of the analysis can be summarized as
pulse compression ratios, the remaining crucial com- follows:
parison relates to the dynamical period of oscilla-
tion. From Eqs. (56) and (57) we obtain the period (i) The potential well description provides a clear
xp as and physically suggestive picture of the dynamic

balance between nonlinear and dispersive effects. In Thus, the present analysis should prove useful, not
particular, the qualitative results inferred from the only as a qualitative approach towards a better
characteristic potential function II(y) are in good physical understanding of the dynamics of nonlinear
agreement with exact results from inverse-scattering pulse propagation in optical fibers, but also a quan-
theory and/or numerically obtained results. titative tool, complementary to inverse-scattering
(ii) Very good quantitative agreement is also theory and numerical analysis.
found for the evolution of optical pulses, whose ini- Finally, we also want to emphasize that the non-
tial pulse forms are "close" to the single soliton linear Schrodinger equation is truly universal, ap-
shape, in the sense discussed in Secs. V and VI. In pearing as it does in almost every field of physics.
particular, pulse width, pulse amplitude, and period Thus, the presently obtained results have a much
of amplitude oscillations are found to be in very wider area of applicability than simply pulse propa-
good agreement with numerically obtained results. gation in optical fibers.

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