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2. Let’s talk about school traditions. School is not only learning.

A school year is nine months long and it’s

full of events! Many of them became traditions because they happen every year on the same dates. Some
traditions are similar in all Belarusian schools, some are unique.
The school year starts on September, 1. This day is special for all: schoolchildren, their teachers and
parents. The day starts with the school gathering when all classes and teachers stand in front of the school
and listen to the welcoming speeches of their teachers, schoolmates and sometimes parents. Students look
really nice in their new school uniforms! Everyone is excited to see their school friends and teachers after
long summer holidays. After the school gathering teachers take their classes to their classrooms for the
first lesson. When the lesson is over, students may have a class event – a picnic or a walk in the park or a
class trip. The events of this day are usually the same every year but everyone waits for this day, likes it
and remembers it.
Besides the 1st of September, there are a lot other interesting traditions at school. They are the Teachers’
Day, Women’s Day, Health Days, Reunion Day, School Olympiads, Autumn and Spring Sports Weeks and
On Women’s Day there are concerts for girls and women in every school. Boys and men give them flowers
and presents. On Teachers’ Day there are concerts for teachers. Pupils give flowers to their teachers. On
Reunion Day all school leavers gather together at schools. They come and meet their teachers and their
former classmates. On School Olympiads there are competitions in all school subjects. On Health Day
schoolchildren have a talk with doctors and carry out class projects on health.
Everyone from the 1st to the 11th class takes part in it. Our teachers take part in some events too.

3. What subjects are you good at?

Do you have any evening classes at your school?
You have some friends at, don’t you?
I wonder what you can say about your teachers.
Who is your favorite teacher at school and what subject does he or she teach?
Is your school big or small?

4. Being a successful high school student requires both patience and motivation. But I can give you some
peace of advise. First of all be quiet and attentive at the lessons, it’ll help you understand all the
information. Also to be an effective student, write everything down. Don’t assume that you’ll be able to
remember anything; write it all down to stay organised. The next one is Exercise regularly. Regular exercise
helps you to remember information better, enhances your concentration, and makes you more creative.
Be organized. Students who aren’t organised end up wasting precious time looking for items or notes, or
doing last-minute work they forgot about. And the last, but not least Get at least 8 hours of sleep every
night. sleep boosts memory and enhances learning. So go to bed at roughly the same time every day, and
make it a priority to get 8 hours of sleep a night. So, it was some advice to be more successful at school

5. I don’t have much problems at school, but there is the one. It is misunderstanding between some
teachers, sometimes they can’t understand and help me, sometimes I can’t be quiet or diligent.
But there are some other school problems you might worry about include:
 Finding schoolwork difficult, or having problems concentrating in class if others are noisy and
 Tricky relationships with friends and friendship groups
 Not getting on with teachers, feeling like you are labelled as 'trouble'
 Bullying
 Problems at home - your parents’ relationship, sibling issues, a housing problem or simply feeling
And sometimes it’s really difficult to go thought them. But if you do this you’ll understand that schooltime
is one of the best periods in your life.

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