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Maderazo, Elaine B.

Language Barrier
To overcome this, we should use plain language, use visual methods of
communication, make a buddy system/pairing, and reinforce the use of
the language itself.

The Real Batch Valedictorian

Yes, I will admit my mistake and take the full responsibility about it. As well
as I will talk to my superior to have a closed door meeting between the
two students and prepare the necessary evidences to justify my grades.

The Smarter or the Performer

As the head assessor, I will choose the performer one because for me her
performance is way better than the smarter one. Also it is about the skill of
the teacher that needs and it is not focusing on their credentials.

First, I will talk to Vincent and let him admit his mistake. Then, I will contact
his guardian and we will talk on the guidance office and I will let the
guidance take over on what sanction will be given to him.

Disciplining Student: Traditional vs New policy

As a teacher, I will call the attention of his parents for them to know the
behavior of their child inside the classroom and after that we will go to the
guidance office to take over on what sanction will be given to him.

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