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Summer 2006


The Changing Face of Engineering Education

Lisa R. Lattuca, Patrick T. Terenzini, J. Fredericks
Volkwein, and George D. Peterson
The “Value-Added” Approach to Engineering
Education: An Industry Perspective
Theodore C. Kennedy
A Call for K–16 Engineering Education
Jacquelyn F. Sullivan
Preparing Engineering Faculty as Educators
Susan A. Ambrose and Marie Norman
Redefining Engineering Disciplines for the
Twenty-First Century
Zehev Tadmor
Educating Engineers for 2020 and Beyond
Charles M. Vest

Promoting the technological welfare of the nation by marshalling the

knowledge and insights of eminent members of the engineering profession.

Craig R. Barrett, Chair

Wm. A. Wulf, President
Sheila E. Widnall, Vice President
W. Dale Compton, Home Secretary
George Bugliarello, Foreign Secretary
William L. Friend, Treasurer

Editor in Chief (interim): George Bugliarello

Managing Editor: Carol R. Arenberg
Production Assistant: Penelope Gibbs
The Bridge (USPS 551-240) is published quarterly by the National Academy
of Engineering, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20418.
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Vol. 36, No. 2, Summer 2006
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of information, multimedia files, or other content.
Volume 36, Number 2 • Summer 2006


Editor’s Note
3 Reforming Engineering Education
G. Wayne Clough

5 The Changing Face of Engineering Education
Lisa R. Lattuca, Patrick T. Terenzini, J. Fredericks
Volkwein, and George D. Peterson
ABET EC2000 has radically changed the evaluation of
undergraduate engineering programs.
14 The “Value-Added” Approach to Engineering
Education: An Industry Perspective
Theodore C. Kennedy
Like it or not, the routine, repetitive aspects of engineering
are priced as commodities.
17 A Call for K–16 Engineering Education
Jacquelyn F. Sullivan
Engineers are packaged as problem solvers rather than
creators and innovators addressing grand challenges.
25 Preparing Engineering Faculty as Educators
Susan A. Ambrose and Marie Norman
When it comes to teaching, most faculty members enter the
academy as “well intentioned gifted amateurs.”
33 Redefining Engineering Disciplines for the
Twenty-First Century
Zehev Tadmor
Science and technology are becoming a single entity and
igniting a new scitech revolution.
38 Educating Engineers for 2020 and Beyond
Charles M. Vest
Engineering educators must tap into students’ passion,
curiosity, engagement, and dreams.

NAE News and Notes

45 NAE Newsmakers
46 NAE Officers and Councillors Elected; Vice President
and Councillors Complete Service
47 2006 Draper and Gordon Prize Recipients Honored
49 Draper Prize Acceptance Remarks
50 Gordon Prize Acceptance Remarks

(continued on next page)


52 Report of the Home Secretary

53 Report of the Foreign Secretary
54 First Indo-U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
Held in Agra, India
56 Technology for a Quieter America
57 Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and
the United States
58 CASEE Builds Communities for Educational Innovations
58 New CASEE Scholar in Residence
59 Calendar of Meetings and Events
59 In Memoriam

60 Publications of Interest

The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self- The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National
perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of
and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining
technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the author- to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility
ity of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy given to the National Academy of Sciences by its congressional char-
has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on ter to be an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own
scientific and technical matters. Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone is president of the initiative, to identify issues of medical care, research, and education.
National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg is president of the Institute of Medicine.

The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, The National Research Council was organized by the National
under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of
organization of outstanding engineers. It is autonomous in its adminis- science and technology with the Academy’s purposes of furthering
tration and in the selection of its members, sharing with the National knowledge and advising the federal government. Functioning in
Academy of Sciences the responsibility for advising the federal gov- accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the
ernment. The National Academy of Engineering also sponsors engi- Council has become the principal operating agency of both the
neering programs aimed at meeting national needs, encourages edu- National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engi-
cation and research, and recognizes the superior achievements of neering in providing services to the government, the public, and the
engineers. Dr. Wm. A. Wulf is president of the National Academy scientific and engineering communities. The Council is administered
of Engineering. jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Ralph J.
Cicerone and Dr. Wm. A. Wulf are chair and vice chair, respec-
tively, of the National Research Council.
SUMMER 2006 3

Editor’s Note
Reforming Engineering interesting to a wider, more diverse group of students, we
Education will automatically increase our numbers. For starters, if
Nothing is more fundamen- we simply raise the retention rate, we would quickly
tal to the future of our increase the number of graduates. As members of the
nation’s engineering enter- younger generation would say, this is a “no brainer.”
prise than attracting talented We must also educate engineers more broadly; this
young men and women to will expand their employment horizons and, in turn, jus-
the pursuit of an engineering tify the need for more engineering graduates. Many also
degree and providing them believe, I among them, that engineering graduates must
with an education adapted also take on jobs outside of engineering, including jobs
G. Wayne Clough is president, for the 21st century. Sounds in nonprofit and government policy areas where we des-
simple, but neither of these perately need people who can think clearly and logically
Georgia Institute of Technology,
can be assumed as a given. and who understand technology.
and an NAE member.
The United States is granting The devil in the details is how we renew engineering
engineering degrees at a lower rate than in the mid-1980s, education. The engineering curriculum is already
and nationally, less than 55 percent of students who crowded, and adding anything is difficult. We all agree
undertake engineering studies complete them. Moreover, that the fundamentals of engineering must be taught,
it is far from clear that engineering education is preparing but, given the imperative for change, we must begin to
our graduates to succeed in a global economy. rethink what we casually call a university education—
The stagnant number of engineers graduated each both out-of-class experiences and in-class learning.
year in the United States has become more visible as Out-of-class time could provide opportunities for study
competition increases for the high-tech sector of the abroad, leadership development through real-world
global economy from both developed and developing projects, intellectual growth through participation
nations. Although it seems obvious that graduating in music, and volunteer and club activities. Inside
more engineers in a world increasingly dependent on the classroom, we need to find places where adjust-
technology should be a national priority, this turns out ments, even small adjustments, can be made to existing
to be a subject of debate. Some argue that we have courses to improve them. Perhaps more important, we
enough engineers based on projections of traditional need to rethink which courses are really necessary and
engineering job opportunities for the future. Others which ones can be reduced in scope or jettisoned to free
insist that the market must be the arbiter, and until such up time for new material.
time as the demand for engineers is clear, we should hold The good news is that the majority of U.S. engineer-
to our present course. Still others are calling for an ing colleges have been working for some time to improve
increase in the number of engineers; the recent Na- engineering education through NSF Education Coali-
tional Academies report, Rising above the Gathering tions and in collaboration with ABET. However, even
Storm, for example, recommends doubling the number though these efforts have been impressive, they have
of engineering graduates. rarely focused on the long view. NAE is encouraging
All sides of the debate were taken up at a recent more long-range thinking with the Engineer of 2020 ini-
National Science Board workshop at MIT. The conclu- tiative, an attempt to determine the kind of engineering
sion was that we are putting the cart before the horse by education we must provide to prepare our graduates for
focusing only on the number of engineering graduates. careers two decades from now. Because large-scale
Given the challenges future engineers will face, we sim- changes in engineering education will take time, we
ply cannot continue with “business as usual.” It is must start now to change our approach to engineering
unlikely that we can attract or retain students without education in time to produce graduates ready for 2020.
making substantial improvements. By making engineer- The Engineer of 2020 initiative had two phases. The
ing education more relevant to future needs and more first was a community-wide conversation to identify the

dynamic forces at play and the aspirations and expecta- predicts that in the global economy of the future, rou-
tions that should characterize engineering in 2020. The tine aspects of engineering will be performed overseas
second phase involved an educational summit to discuss and that U.S. engineers will need skills that distinguish
how engineering education could rise to the challenge them from engineers in other countries to justify their
through changes in the curriculum, extracurricular higher wages. Jackie Sullivan of the University of
options, new approaches to educational delivery, and Colorado focuses on the educational pipeline that pro-
innovative options for educational structure. Partici- vides the talent. She argues passionately that the
pants in the summit offered ideas for (1) the teaching of foundation for engineering education should begin
introductory courses in ways that would engage students with elementary school, especially if we want to attract
and arouse their curiosity, (2) encouragement of a sys- minority and female students. She contends that engi-
tems approach rather than the traditional piecemeal neering education should be the capstone of an inte-
approach, (3) interdisciplinary courses, and (4) intern- grated K–16 system.
ships and cooperative experiences to supplement class- The subject of the paper by Susan Ambrose and Marie
room exercises. Both phases of the 2020 initiative are Norman of Carnegie Mellon University is the faculty of
described in reports that have been widely distributed the future. They argue that faculty will need new knowl-
and have prompted much discussion. edge and skills to create and teach effective, innovative
I have visited a number of campuses in the past two courses. According to Ambrose and Norman, faculty
years and have been encouraged to see that many engi- must focus more on how students learn and how they
neering educators have taken the message of the Engi- process information. Zehev Tadmor of the Technion
neer of 2020 initiative to heart and are seriously Israel Institute of Technology describes the fusion of sci-
reexamining their educational offerings to adapt them ence and technology in emerging engineering specialties.
to meeting future needs. At the same time, I have heard He puts forward the idea of creating entirely new disci-
that engineering educators in other countries are also plines that merge science and engineering for particular
using the Engineer of 2020 reports and similar publica- fields. Finally, Chuck Vest, President Emeritus of MIT,
tions to adapt their courses of study for the future. The advises that, although we cannot know precisely what
bottom line is that time is not our friend. The longer we students 15 years from now should be taught, we must
wait to respond, the harder it will be to make relevant focus on creating an “exciting, creative, adventurous, rig-
changes and the more ground the competition will gain. orous, demanding, and empowering” educational milieu.
The papers in this edition of The Bridge provide a Taken together these papers provide a context and
range of viewpoints and insights relevant to the tasks offer recommendations for shaping engineering educa-
that lie ahead. Lisa Lattuca, Patrick Terenzini, and tion for the future. I hope engineering educators accept
Fredericks Volkwein of Pennsylvania State University the challenge and that everyone who serves on advisory
and George Peterson of ABET review ABET’s efforts boards to engineering colleges will help stimulate discus-
since the 1980s to provide accreditation standards to sion on their campuses. We must prepare our graduates
engender changes in engineering education to meet to compete in the new world economy.
the needs of industry. Results over the past decade
show that progress is being made. Ted Kennedy pro-
vides the perspective of an engineering consultant. He
ABET EC2000 has radically changed the evaluation of
undergraduate engineering programs.

The Changing Face of

Engineering Education
Lisa R. Lattuca, Patrick T. Terenzini,
J. Fredericks Volkwein, and George D. Peterson

Lisa R. Lattuca Patrick T. Terenzini J. Fredericks Volkwein George D. Peterson

Most engineers today are likely to recall their undergraduate years as a period
of intense mathematical and theoretical study. Until the 1940s, however, the
engineering curriculum at most colleges and universities was mostly practical,
with the emphasis on engineering design rather than on engineering science and
mathematical applications. The field, and undergraduate education programs,
changed dramatically with increased federal support for university research after
World War II. As engineering schools hired faculty to teach and conduct sci-
entific research, the number of faculty members with industry experience
declined. Eventually, courses in advanced mathematics and theory replaced
practical courses in machining, surveying, and drawing (Prados et al., 2005).

Lisa R. Lattuca is assistant professor and research associate, Patrick T. Terenzini is Distinguished Professor and senior
scientist, and J. Fredericks Volkwein is professor and senior scientist at the Center for the Study of Higher Education,
Pennsylvania State University. George D. Peterson is executive director of ABET Inc. This article is based on a pre-
sentation by George Peterson on October 10, 2005, at the NAE Annual Meeting.

The strong emphasis on technical knowledge and sented on the ABET Industry Advisory Council, ABET
skills, and resulting improvements in defense-related sponsored three consensus-building workshops to
technologies and applications, served the United States address these concerns. More than 125 individuals,
well during the war and postwar years, but, by the 1980s, including university presidents, deans, and faculty mem-
economic shifts from defense to commercial applica- bers; industry leaders; private practitioners; professional
tions left engineering employers dissatisfied. New grad- and technical society liaisons and executive directors;
uates were technically well prepared but lacked the state registration board members; and government
professional skills for success in a competitive, innova- researchers and regulators in technical fields partici-
tive, global marketplace. Employers complained that pated in the workshops with ABET leaders, commis-
new hires had poor communication and teamwork skills sioners, and board members. Recommendations from
and did not appreciate the social and nontechnical the workshops, published in A Vision for Change in
influences on engineering solutions and quality process- early 1995, became catalysts for the development of new
es (McMasters, 2004; Todd et al., 1993). Several accreditation criteria, which were circulated to the engi-
national reports recommending changes in engineering neering community a few months later. Following a
education appeared (e.g., ASEE 1987; NRC, 1985; period of public comment, the ABET Board of Directors
NSB, 1986; NSF, 1989). approved Engineering Criteria 2000 (EC2000) in 1996.
The new criteria radically altered the evaluation of
undergraduate engineering programs, shifting the
emphasis from curricular specifications to student learn-
EC2000 emphasizes learning ing outcomes and accountability. Under EC2000, engi-
outcomes and accountability. neering programs must define program objectives to
meet their constituents’ needs. Rather than taking a
cookie-cutter approach, the new criteria accommodate
differences and innovations in programs. To ensure
Despite a significant investment by the National Sci- accountability, each engineering program is required to
ence Foundation (NSF) in engineering education, engi- implement a structured, documented system for contin-
neering schools were slow to respond to these criticisms, uous improvement that actively and formally engages all
and deans of many colleges of engineering argued that of its constituents in the development, assessment, and
rigid accreditation standards focused on curricular improvement of academic offerings. Programs must
requirements and credit hours were hindering their publish specific goals for student learning and measure
efforts to make necessary changes. In 1992, a represen- their achievement to demonstrate how well these objec-
tative of two groups of deans of major engineering tives are being met. ABET was one of the first accred-
schools met with the leadership of ABET, then the iting bodies to implement such a radical change in its
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, accreditation philosophy.
to express their concerns. Some deans suggested that a
different accreditation organization was needed. Engineering Education Then and Now
Inside ABET, members of the agency’s Industry Advi- To evaluate the impact of the new outcomes-based
sory Council echoed the criticisms of members of the criteria on engineering graduates, ABET commissioned
engineering community, and ABET’s leadership the Center for the Study of Higher Education at Penn-
responded. In 1992, the outgoing and incoming presi- sylvania State University to conduct an assessment.
dents of ABET jointly established an Accreditation The study addressed two issues: (1) the impact (if any)
Process Review Committee (APRC) to advise the orga- of EC2000 on engineering students’ preparation for
nization on making accreditation criteria more flexible entering their professions and (2) whether engineering
without compromising educational quality. Members of programs had changed their organizational and educa-
APRC were drawn from ABET and its Engineering tional policies and practices in ways consistent with the
Accreditation Commission, as well as from academia EC2000 specifications (Lattuca et al., 2006).
and industry. APRC identified three major barriers to Following the conceptual model developed for the
change: criteria, process, and participation. study (Figure 1), if EC2000 had the desired effects, one
In 1994, with funding from NSF and industries repre- would expect to see a variety of changes rippling
SUMMER 2006 7

A Précis of the Study

Design and Methods
CHANGES EXPERIENCES The study design for
Engineering Change (Lat-
Curriculum and learning
instruction (3.a–k) tuca et al., 2006) was based
In class on information from gradu-
Faculty ates (both pre- and post-
culture EC2000), faculty members,
Out of class Employer program chairs, deans, and
Policies and employers; the goal was to
practices obtain a 360-degree view
of changes in engineering
education since the imple-
mentation of EC2000. A
Continuous Improvement
two-stage, disproportion-
ate, stratified, random-
sampling design ensured
FIGURE 1 Conceptual framework for the Engineering Change study. that sample sizes were ade-
quate and that program
through the engineering educational process. The most disciplines, accreditation review schedules, and partic-
immediate changes would be in engineering programs, ipation in an NSF-funded coalition during the 1990s
as faculty members revised their curricula and instruc- were all taken into account. Adjustments were made
tional practices to promote the learning outcomes spec- to include institutions that serve historically under-
ified in EC2000 Criterion 3.a–k (Figure 2). One might represented populations.
also expect to see a shift in faculty culture toward greater Data were collected from 40 colleges or schools of
involvement in learner-centered activities, such as out- engineering that offer more than 200 engineering pro-
comes assessment and professional development to grams in aerospace, chemical, civil, computer, electri-
improve teaching. Similarly, one might anticipate cal, industrial, and mechanical engineering. Analyses
changes in administrative policies and practices, such as were based on survey information from 1,243 faculty
more emphasis on teaching and learning in hiring, pro- members (42 percent response rate), 147 program
motion, and tenure decisions. chairs (72 percent), 5,494 graduates in the class of 1994
If all of the program changes were under way, the (42 percent), 4,330 graduates of the class of 2004
logic of the conceptual model suggested that improve- (34 percent), 39 deans (98 percent), and 1,622 employ-
ments would be apparent in students’ engineering ers (population size and, thus, response rate unknown).
education-related experi-
ences. Like the changes in
programs, the improvements
EC2000 Criterion 3.a–k
would be consistent with a. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
achieving the learning out- b. Design and conduct experiments; analyze and interpret data
comes specified by EC2000. c. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Finally, such a transforma- d. Function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
tion in engineering educa-
f. Understand professional and ethical responsibility
tion over the past decade g. Communicate effectively
would be reflected in higher h. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context
knowledge and skill levels i. Recognize the need for, and engage in lifelong learning
among recent graduates, j. Have knowledge of contemporary issues
k. Use modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
compared to those of their
predecessors, on measures of
the EC2000 outcomes. FIGURE 2 EC2000 Criterion 3.a–k learning outcomes.

By social science standards, these response rates were engineering tools, teamwork, and engineering design in
highly respectable, and the numbers of respondents courses they teach regularly.
were more than adequate for valid analyses. Statistical Teaching methods also changed substantially. One-
adjustments were made to correct for response bias half to two-thirds of faculty respondents said they
by sex, NSF coalition participation, and discipline increased “some” or “significantly” their use of active
among faculty members, as well as for sex and disci- learning approaches, such as group work, design projects,
pline among graduates. Adjustments were also made case studies, and application exercises. They also relied
for varying response rates among institutions. For a less on lecturing and textbook problems (Figure 3).
detailed description of the study design and methods,
see Lattuca et al. (2006). The major findings are sum- Faculty Culture
marized below. Faculty members reported increased involvement in
the past 10 years in assessing student learning and using
Changes in Programs assessment results to guide program improvement. Pro-
Curriculum and Instruction gram chairs, moreover, reported high levels of faculty sup-
According to program chairs and faculty members, port for assessments and related decision-support
engineering program curricula have changed consider- practices. More than 75 percent of program chairs esti-
ably “over the past seven to 10 years.” Although few mated that either “more than half” or “almost all” of their
programs have relaxed their emphasis on foundational faculty members supported efforts to ensure continuous
skills in mathematics, science, and engineering science, quality improvement, and more than 60 percent of pro-
both program chairs and faculty members reported gram chairs reported “moderate” to “strong” support
increased emphasis on nearly all of the professional skills among their colleagues for assessing student learning.
and knowledge sets associated with EC2000 Criterion Faculty members corroborated that finding. Nearly
3.a–k. For example, 75 percent or more of program 90 percent reported being personally involved in out-
chairs reported “some” or “significant” increases in comes assessment, and more than half reported “moder-
emphasis on communication, teamwork, use of modern ate” to “a great deal” of personal effort in this area. Nearly
engineering tools, technical writing, lifelong learning, 70 percent thought their level of effort was “about right.”
and engineering design. Similarly, more than half of Another change in faculty culture included more
the faculty respondents reported “some” or “significant” engagement in professional development activities
increases in their emphasis on the use of modern focused on teaching and learning. More than two-thirds
of faculty respondents
reported that, compared to
seven to 10 years ago, they
Computer simulations 2% 31% 67% were reading more about
teaching, and about half
Application exercises 2% 33% 65%
reported more frequent
Case studies 2% 38% 60% involvement in professional
development activities,
Open-ended problems 4% 42% 54%
such as workshops on
Design projects 6% 40% 54% teaching, learning, and
Use of groups in class 5% 43% 52%
assessment and projects to
improve engineering educa-
Lectures 20% 60% 20%
tion. Depending on the
Textbook problems 22% 61% 17% activity, one-fifth to one-
60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60
quarter of faculty members
Some to significant No Some to significant said they had increased
decrease change increase their teaching-and-learning-
related professional devel-
opment efforts in the past
FIGURE 3 Faculty-reported changes in teaching methods. five years.
SUMMER 2006 9

Administrative Practices and Policies tended to be small, they persisted even after adjust-
The institutional reward system may be the single ments were made for an array of graduate and institu-
most important influence on how much time and tional characteristics.1
energy faculty members devote to their teaching, The 2004 graduates, however, reported experiencing
research, and service. Thus, it is important to know if a less welcoming diversity climate than their predeces-
faculty members believe their efforts to improve teach- sors. This finding may be attributable to several factors:
ing and undergraduate education are important consid- differences in the sex and/or racial/ethnic mix of the two
erations in decisions about promotion, tenure, and cohorts, differences in awareness of diversity issues,
merit-based salary increases. and/or differences in the willingness to discuss and chal-
About half of the program chairs and faculty surveyed lenge prejudices or discrimination. The evidence pro-
said they saw no change in the reward system over the vides no basis for evaluating these possible explanations.
past decade. Roughly 25 percent of faculty respondents The 1994 and 2004 groups gave the same evaluations of
said there was less emphasis on teaching since the mid- their instructors’ teaching skills and the number of hours
1990s; another 25 percent, however, said that the empha- spent in cooperative or internship activities.
sis on teaching in the reward system had increased “some”
Changes in Learning Outcomes
or “significantly” over the same period. Faculty percep-
tions varied by academic rank. Senior faculty members Given all of these changes, are recent graduates bet-
were more likely to report an increase in emphasis on ter prepared to enter the profession than their counter-
teaching in promotion and tenure decisions; untenured parts were a decade earlier? Figures 4, 5, and 6 contrast
faculty were more likely to report less emphasis. About the achievement levels graduates reported on scales
one-third of program chairs said the emphasis on teach- reflecting the Criterion 3.a–k learning outcomes.2 For
ing in promotion, tenure, and salary and merit decisions nine different measures,3 the differences were consistent
had increased over the past decade. with the assumption that EC2000 is a force for change
in engineering education. All differences were statisti-
Changes in Student Experiences cally significant (p < .001), ranging from +.07 to +.80 of
According to the logic of the study’s conceptual a standard deviation (sd) (mean effect size = +.36 sd).4
framework, changes relating to curriculum and instruc- Five of the nine effect sizes exceeded .3 sd, which would
tion, faculty culture, and program practices and policies be characterized as “moderate” in the social sciences.
should be reflected in the
experiences of graduates.
Students who graduated in
2004 differed significantly
from their predecessors in 4.00
eight of 10 experiences 4.04 ***
Adjusted Mean Score

inside and outside the class- 3.65 *** 3.66

3.40 3.49 ***
room. The 2004 graduates 3.00

reported more active 2.95

engagement in their learn-

ing, more interaction with
instructors, more faculty
feedback on their work, 1.00
more time spent studying Societal and Ethics and Lifelong
abroad, more international Global Issues Professionalism Learning
travel, more involvement *** p<.001 (Criterion 3.h, j) (Criterion 3.f) (Criterion 3.i)
in engineering design com-
1994 Graduates (Pre -) 2004 Graduates (Post -)
petitions, and more open-
ness in their programs to 5 - point scale, where 1 = no ability and 5 = high ability

new ideas and people.

Although the differences FIGURE 4 Differences in graduate-reported engineering skills (the contexts and professional skills cluster).

because some faculty mem-

bers and others had
expressed concerns that
4.00 4.22 ***
focusing on the develop-
3.89 *** 3.97 *** ment of the professional
Adjusted Mean Score

3.74 3.83
3.67 skills specified in EC2000
3.00 might detract from the
teaching of the science,
math, and engineering sci-
ence skills that are the
foundations of engineering.
This finding not only indi-
Design and Problem- Communication Group Skills
cates no decline, but shows
Solving Skills Skills (Criterion 3.d) a slight rise in knowledge
*** p<.001 (Criterion 3.c, e) (Criterion 3.g) and skills in these areas.

1994 Graduates (Pre -) 2004 Graduates (Post -) Linking Changes and

5 - point scale, where 1 = no ability and 5 = high ability Learning Outcomes
Multivariate statistical
FIGURE 5 Differences in graduate-reported engineering skills (the project skills cluster).
analyses provide moderate
to strong evidence that
changes in programs and
student experiences were
empirically linked to differ-
4.00 ences in learning. The evi-
4.02 4.07 *** ***
3.91 *** 3.95 dence for this remained,
Adjusted Mean Score

3.56 moreover, even after con-
3.00 trolling for a battery of
students’ precollege charac-
teristics and for the char-
2.00 acteristics of the institutions
they attended. Fourteen of
16 program and faculty
changes had statistically sig-
Applying Math Experimental Applying
and Science Skills Engineering Skills
nificant effects on at least
*** p<.001 (Criterion 3.a) (Criterion 3.b) (Criterion 3.k) one, and as many as five,
student experiences, even
1994 Graduates (Pre -) 2004 Graduates (Post -) after controlling for other
5 - point scale, where 1 = no ability and 5 = high ability factors. The most frequent
and influential program-
FIGURE 6 Differences in graduate-reported engineering skills (the math, science, and engineering science cluster). matic changes were an
increase in emphasis on
The largest differences over the past decade were in foundational knowledge and project skills in program
five areas: awareness of societal and global issues (effect curricula, less reliance on traditional pedagogies, an
size = +.80 sd), awareness of ethics and professionalism increase in active and collaborative pedagogies, and
(+.46 sd), group skills (+.47 sd), and applying engineer- an increase in programmatic emphasis on assessment for
ing skills (+.47 sd). The smallest increases were in the improvement. Although student experiences varied, a
ability to apply mathematics and sciences (+.07 sd). consistent pattern emerged. The observed shifts over the
This last difference, although small, is noteworthy past decade in program curricula, practices and policies,
SUMMER 2006 11

and faculty activities and culture related positively, at Seven of 10 employers rated all 11 of the a–k criteria
statistically significant, if sometimes small or moderate, as at least “moderately” important, and at least six of
levels, even after other factors were taken into account. 10 employers rated nine items as “highly important” or
Finally, undergraduate program experiences, both “essential.” Moreover, employer support for the out-
inside and outside the classroom, were clearly linked to comes was fairly consistent across engineering fields,
what and how much students learned. Nine of 10 mea- geographic locations, company sizes, types of business,
sures had statistically significant, positive, and sometimes and employer job title and educational attainment.
substantial influences on all nine of the measures of the As shown in Figure 7, more than 90 percent of
EC2000 learning outcomes. The clarity of instruction, employers thought new engineering graduates were ade-
the amount of interaction with and feedback from quately or well prepared to use math, science, and tech-
instructors, and engagement in active and collaborative nical skills, and about eight of 10 gave recent graduates
pedagogies had the strongest influence on learning. passing marks on their ability to solve problems and to
Out-of-class experiences, however, also influenced learn, grow, and adapt. Three of four employers assessed
student learning in important ways. The most impor- graduates’ teamwork and communication skills as at
tant non-classroom activities were internships and least adequate. Moreover, these employers reported
cooperative education experiences, participation in modest improvements in the past decade in teamwork
design competitions, and active participation in student and communication skills, as well as in the ability to
chapters of professional societies or associations. These learn and adapt to changing technologies and society.
non-classroom activities significantly and positively Employers perceived no change in technical skills in
affected learning in six or more of the nine skill areas math and science, but some noted a modest decline
measured, although the magnitude of the effects were in problem-solving skills, although eight out of 10 still
smaller than those of in-class experiences. rated problem-solving skills as at least adequate. Barely
half of employers, however, found the understanding of
Employers’ Views of Change organizational, cultural, and environmental contexts
The 1,622 employer respondents in the study repre- and constraints to be adequate. Moreover, skills in this
sented a wide range of geographic locations, industry area, according to employers, appeared to have declined
types, company size, educational attainment, and engineer- somewhat over the past decade.
evaluation experience. The
employer survey asked three
primary questions.
Use math, science, 92%
1. How important are the 18%
and technical skills 19%
11 Criterion 3 competen-
cies for today’s new hires? Learn, grow, and 86%
2. How well prepared are 13%
today’s graduates (on each
Apply problem - 80%
of five dimensions reflect- solving skills 13%
ing the 11 a–k criteria)?
3. W h a t c h a n g e s h a v e Communicate and 75%
occurred over the past work in teams 17%
seven to 10 years in recent
graduates’ abilities? Understand 52%
contexts/constraints 15%
The employer findings
indicated that the EC2000 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
learning outcomes intro-
Adequately or well prepared Increase in ability Decrease in ability
duced in 1996 continue to
be important to employers
hiring recent graduates. FIGURE 7 Employers’ ratings of preparation and abilities of recent graduates.

Employer assessments were strikingly similar in all 3. In factor analyses, two of the 11 scales developed a priori
engineering fields, industry sectors, and geographic loca- to operationalize the a–k criteria collapsed into other
tions. Analyses indicate, however, that employers from scales, leaving a total of nine scales.
larger companies that recruit nationally and hire the most 4. An effect size reflects the magnitude of the difference
engineers had more favorable assessments of preparation between two means after adjusting for differences in the
and changes over the past decade than employers from variability of scores. The effect sizes, reported here in
smaller companies that recruit locally and hire fewer standard deviation (sd) units, can also be expressed as
engineers. This finding suggests that large national com- percentile-point differences. Assuming the mean skill
panies are seeing changes first and that some changes are level for 1994 graduates on any outcome marks the 50th
just beginning to be visible to employers. percentile, an average increase among 2004 graduates of
.2 sd is the equivalent of 8 percentile-points higher, or the
Conclusions 58th percentile. Other sample conversions: .4 sd = a 17
In the 1980s, employers expressed dissatisfaction with percentile-point difference; .6 =23 percentile points;
engineering graduates’ professional skills. By the mid- .8 = 29 percentile points, and 1.0 = 34 percentile points.
1990s, ABET had implemented a new accreditation
philosophy based on assessments of student learning and References
continuous improvement principles. Today, according ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technol-
to the accumulated evidence in Engineering Change, ogy). 1995. A Vision for Change: A Summary Report of the
engineering education in the United States has changed ABET/NSF Industry Workshops. Baltimore, Md.: ABET.
dramatically. Engineering programs and faculty mem- ABET. 1997. Engineering Criteria 2000. Baltimore, Md.:
bers have reengineered their curricula, teaching meth- ABET. Available online at:
ods, professional development practices, program ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education). 1987.
assessment and decision making, and, to some extent, A National Action Agenda for Engineering Education.
their hiring, promotion, and tenure criteria. Report of an ASEE Task Force. Washington, D.C.: ASEE.
Perhaps most important, graduates in 2004 were mea- Lattuca, L.R., P.T. Terenzini, and J.F. Volkwein. 2006. Engi-
surably better prepared than their counterparts of a neering Change: A Study of the Impact of EC2000. Balti-
decade ago in all of the nine learning areas assessed. more, Md.: ABET Inc. Executive Summary available
The greatest increases were in understanding of societal online at:
and global issues, the ability to apply engineering skills, McMasters, J.H. 2004. Influencing engineering education:
teamwork, and the appreciation of ethics and profes- one (aerospace) industry perspective. International Journal
sional issues—all attributes U.S. engineers need to com- of Engineering Education 20(3): 353–371.
pete successfully in a competitive, global economy. NRC (National Research Council). 1985. Engineering Edu-
cation and Practice in the United States: Foundations of
Notes Our Techno-Economic Future. Washington, D.C.:
1. Analyses controlled for differences in sex, race/ethnicity, National Academy Press.
citizenship, native/transfer entry status, full-/part-time NSB (National Science Board). 1986. Undergraduate Sci-
enrollment, parents’ education and income, and secondary ence, Mathematics, and Engineering Education: Role for
school academic achievement, as well as for institutional the National Science Foundation and Recommendations
type, size, wealth, Carnegie Classification, EC2000 review for Action by Other Sectors to Strengthen Collegiate Edu-
schedule, and participation in an NSF-funded coalition. cation and Pursue Excellence in the Next Generation of
2. Assessments are based on self-reported skill levels at the time U.S. Leadership in Science and Technology. NSB 86-100.
of graduation. Although some individuals have questioned Washington, D.C.: National Science Board.
the validity of self-reports, a growing body of research in the NSF (National Science Foundation). 1989. Imperatives in
past 30 years suggests that self-reported measures of learning Undergraduate Engineering Education: Issues and Actions.
and skill development are adequate proxies for objective Report of an NSF Ad Hoc Task Force. August. Washing-
measures of the same skills. Strauss and Terenzini (2005) ton, D.C.: National Science Foundation.
provide a detailed description of the development and psy- Prados, J.W., G.D. Peterson, and L.R. Lattuca. 2005. Quality
chometric characteristics of the study’s criterion measures assurance of engineering education through accreditation:
and a discussion of the validity of self-reports. the impact of Engineering Criteria 2000 and its global
SUMMER 2006 13

influence. Journal of Engineering Education 94(1): June 12–15, 2005, Portland, Oregon. Available online at:
Strauss, L.C., and P.T. Terenzini. 2005. Assessing student per- Todd, R.H., C.C. Sorenson, and S.P. Magleby. 1993. Design-
formance on EC2000 Criterion 3. The Changing Land- ing a capstone senior course to satisfy industrial customers.
scape of Engineering and Technology Education in a Global Journal of Engineering Education 82(2): 92–100.
World. 2005. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition,
Like it or not, the routine, repetitive aspects of
engineering are priced as commodities.

The “Value-Added” Approach

to Engineering Education:
An Industry Perspective

Theodore C. Kennedy

I can’t help but notice that I am the only speaker in this section of the pro-
gram without a Ph.D. I can only assume that I am a part of the diversity ini-
tiative Bill Wulf has referred to. I’m the token B.S. degree. For those of you
who have heard Bill Wulf and others talk about the declining enrollment of
U.S. students in engineering, and the decline in the already anemic enroll-
ment of women and minorities, there is little need for me to repeat either the
Theodore C. Kennedy, founder of
statistics or the potential consequences.
BE&K Inc. and an NAE member, I speak neither as a scientist nor a researcher. My business is designing and
delivered these remarks on Octo- building things, things like the smokestack industries along the Gulf Coast
that are all reducing production and increasing prices as a result of the hur-
ber 10, 2005, during the NAE
ricanes. Although I understand and agree with concerns about the declin-
Annual Meeting. ing population of Ph.D.s for both research and academia, my business, and
the businesses of many engineering/construction companies like mine, is
largely populated by graduates who are down a notch on the degree scale.
But the issues are largely the same.
Given recent trends in business, we should really be asking why anyone
thinks that enrollment wouldn’t decline. In broad generalities, we might say
that an aspiring engineer’s mind is structured, orderly, somewhat innovative,
precise, and, according to most spouses, predictable. In the past—even the
recent past—many careers in engineering were also largely stable, relatively
orderly, and somewhat predictable. It was not unusual for an engineer at
SUMMER 2006 15

retirement age to have only one, two, or maybe three advise my seven-year-old son to study if he wants to be
employers listed on his résumé for an entire career. an engineer, and if I want his lifestyle to be at least
Today, however, when young people look at the as good as mine. For generations, immigrants to the
recent past—and they do—they see that stability in United States had two goals for their children: (1) to
engineering employment is rare—even in companies get a good education and (2) to make certain that the
with household names that prided themselves for gen- children would have a better life than their parents.
erations on the stability of their engineering workforce. Today, although I am not an immigrant, I have the same
In the past, many took pride in saying they had never first goal for my son, but I am not sure he will have a bet-
laid off an engineer. ter life than I have.
Today, they frequently do. Downsizing, or “right- We have to change what we expect from engineers,
sizing,” depending on your point of view, is a fact of life and we have to turn out graduates with broader skills,
for most employers, even for the dot coms. But it is not interests, and abilities. With the commoditizing of basic
just domestic downsizing that raises concerns among design engineering and the migration of that function
both young and older engineers. Although the projects, overseas, the traditional training ground for recent grad-
the contracts, and the need for engineers still exist, uates is no longer available in the United States. Young
and are even increasing, many work-hours are now rou- engineers now have to move up to design leader and
tinely shifted to lower cost engineering centers overseas managerial positions much faster. The learning curve is
where engineering firms charge a fraction of the U.S. getting steeper.
rate. And these firms have employees with good tech- When I hire someone today, I look for different skills
nical educations—often obtained here in the United than I did 10 years ago. Today, it is not unusual for good
States. They also have adequate language skills and a candidates to have global references and experience on
seemingly never-ending supply. projects and assignments around the world. I think we
Young people trying to decide on an educational path must prepare our graduates for that type of career, because
can quickly see this, and they question the value of pur- they aren’t likely to spend their careers working in one
suing a rigorous engineering education. In addition, company, or even in one country. And they must become
women and minority students see a profession that has advisors, consultants, managers, and conceptual planners
not welcomed them as readily as other professions, such much more quickly than they did a few years back.
as law, medicine, and finance.
The question, of course, is how educators and those of
us in the business world can meet this challenge. If we
continue to build facilities in North America, we must
We cannot ignore the large
design and build them at competitive global prices. premium we pay for projects
Neither we nor our clients can ignore the large premium
we pay for a project done in the United States, even if done in the United States.
only the detail engineering is done here. Whether we
want to admit it or not, the routine, repetitive aspects of
engineering have become commoditized and are being This is true even for my business in the smokestack
priced as a commodity, not as a profession. And that industries. Today, I need Georgia Tech, the University
trend will not go away. Indeed, it is likely to increase. of Texas, and other educational institutions to turn out
Today there are few major global engineering firms that graduates who are mature and have more than profes-
do not have offshore engineering partners. sional engineering skills. I need graduates who know
So, how do we become the sought-after technology something about working with others—not just team-
center of the world? How do we move our engineering work, which is a given—but a basic understanding that
graduates up the ladder of project deliverables so that our culture is not the only one around. I need graduates
they and engineering business owners don’t have to who can speak before an audience to make a point,
compete on a dollar-per-hour rate that will ultimately either to me or to a client. Comfortable or not, engi-
destroy our standard of living and puts us in a competi- neers today are constantly selling—selling an idea,
tion we will ultimately lose? a concept, a study, an alternative, or just the need for a
In personal terms, it comes down to what courses I new document-control system.

Engineers must be prepared to write reports, studies, will soon be largely out of the detail design business as
or routine business letters better than most can today. I well. Today, we must manage the process—not do it.
have largely given up on teaching engineers to write The weaknesses in this scenario are obvious. First, I
succinctly, concisely, and clearly. I am tired of cite, sight, have been assuming that we can move basic engineer-
and site being used interchangeably. I used to send my ing design functions upstream, following the path of
engineers to classes, but now I have a report review team large accounting firms that have set up business con-
of English majors. And the situation has gotten worse sulting divisions staffed largely by a few seasoned veter-
with the advent of e-mail. Now we don’t even write in ans and many young engineers and business majors with
complete sentences. minimal experience. Whether that can work in a
But, most important, I want employees who can ana- design context is, at least, questionable, but we must
lyze—analyze problems, situations, ramifications, upside face the reality that the traditional training incubator
and downside, near-term and long-term effects. The for young engineers has largely disappeared and is mov-
ability to analyze is a defining quality of new hires and ing offshore.
of the employees I retain. I want my employees to ask Second, my scenario assumes that offshore engi-
the next questions: “Why is that so? Are you sure? neering firms will continue to do basic design but not
What fact is that based on?” migrate toward doing total project work. Given that
there are still many aspects of a project that require
boots on the ground before we get to the design phase,
The ability to analyze is a this should be more difficult to outsource. The after-
math of Katrina is a good example of this need. But
defining quality of new hires with advances in computer-aided design (CAD) and
laser technology, on-site vision and measurements may
and of the employees I retain. no longer be necessary. The need for experienced,
gray-haired veterans who can head off the interfer-
ences and clashes of components has been minimized
I think our legal colleagues have a better grounding in by CAD programs.
asking questions than engineers. With the increased use We are facing a long-term challenge. The better our
of the computer, we seem to have gotten lazy about ask- technology, the less need there may be for us to do
ing the next question. If the printout says something is engineering design here at home. We must prepare our
so, it must be so. Today, when I have a sticky problem sons and daughters to be global engineering citizens of
or controversy, I frequently bring an attorney into the the world.
discussion—not because it’s a legal matter, but because This will require changes in many of the engineering
the lawyer will usually ask one or two questions to peel courses of study that we have traditionally valued. We
back another layer of the onion. Somehow, we need to must spend more time educating our graduates to be
incorporate this trait into engineering education. adaptable to the knowledge base that exists in other
In fact, I think we started losing our inquisitiveness parts of the world. We must spend more learning time
when we stopped using the slide rule. With the slide on developing inquisitive minds that can bear down on
rule, we got an answer, but we always had to check the the pros and cons of a concept rather than providing
rationale of the decimal point. Today the computer calculations for a specific facet of a project.
gives us the decimal point and three more digits, even if We must all learn to translate our ideas and basic
we’re predicting next year’s national debt. plans into reality for cultures that may not look,
Ultimately, the goal is to move our engineering deliv- sound, or dress the way we do. Unless we can do that,
erables up a notch on the chart. The routine and the a large part of our engineering business will soon leave
repetitious have either gone or will go overseas, and we our shores.
Engineers are packaged as problem solvers rather than
creators and innovators addressing grand challenges.

A Call for K–16 Engineering


Jacquelyn F. Sullivan

T he best-intentioned diversity-recruitment initiatives by engineering col-

leges nationwide have had little success in increasing access to the richly tex-
tured future afforded by careers in engineering. After years of focusing on
increasing diversity in engineering, I am convinced that elementary school is
not too early to start building the foundation for an engineering education—
one that supports an informed citizenry, scaffolds an adaptive workforce, and
Jacquelyn F. Sullivan is co-director
leads to responsible innovations for our planet. A solid foundation that begins
of the Integrated Teaching and in the early, formative years would also ensure that young people and adults
Learning Program at the Univer- understand the contributions of engineers to our quality of life and would cul-
tivate an interest in engineering in youngsters from all walks of life.
sity of Colorado at Boulder. This
Consider the potential contributions today’s young people—as tomor-
article is based on a talk given row’s engineers—could make toward closing our record $726 billion trade
on October 10, 2005, at the NAE gap, if only we could interest them in our profession! Opportunities abound.
The explosion of new fields, such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, and
Annual Meeting.
cyberinfrastructure, offers unprecedented opportunities for engineers to
address significant societal challenges. And the pervasiveness and com-
plexity of technology in our public infrastructure calls for the involvement
of engineers in setting public policy—a change from the traditional,
behind-the-scenes role engineers have played in the past. Increasingly, an
engineer’s place is in the House—and in the Senate—creating responsible,
informed public policies.

As engineers, we create things, and we’re proud of it. We understand that innovative, technological break-
We improve society’s standard of living, and we know throughs are made at the convergence of disparate dis-
we make a difference. But, astonishingly, most of the ciplines, yet we continue to draw unnatural distinctions
U.S. population is unaware of the role of engineers in between college-level engineering education and K–12
medical advances, in alleviating human suffering, or educational experiences that could tap into the passion
even in creating the iPod that puts 10,000 tunes at our of youngsters and prepare them to pursue engineering
fingertips. We package engineers as problem solvers futures. Our collective challenge is to design a seamless
rather than creators and innovators who address the K–16 engineering education system that integrates
grand challenges of our time—environmental contam- engineering with the liberal arts so technological liter-
ination, world hunger, energy dependence, and the acy is considered a component of basic literacy. All
spread of disease. Journalists report scientific achieve- engineering graduates should have excellent communi-
ments and engineering failures, as though engineering cation skills, and, evidenced by reading broadly and
hasn’t made profound contributions that have dramati- thinking deeply, a sophisticated understanding of the
cally extended the human life span through public infra- roles and responsibilities of engineers in our society.
structures. How did we let this happen? We must prepare tomorrow’s leaders to be responsible
stewards of our planet.
K–16 Design Challenge
In the real world, engineers must respond to sudden Making Engineering Attractive
changes. Yet we balk at making transformative changes Fewer U.S. students pursue careers in science, tech-
in our educational system. Our educational challenge is nology, engineering, and math (STEM) than in many
itself a design challenge—making the “right” engineers other countries, where STEM studies are perceived as a
for our nation’s future. Half the U.S. population will be path to a secure future. When we compare the partic-
non-white by 2050, and engineers will increasingly serve ipation of U.S. university students in STEM majors
diverse consumers (NAE, 2005). How do we attract with the participation of students of Asian nations,
native talent to engineering? How do we overcome the such as China, Japan, and South Korea, the differences
conspicuous absence of women and minority students in are stunning (Figure 1). Is it a coincidence that in some
engineering colleges and professional practice? How do of these countries engineers are pervasive in top gov-
we turn around the disinterest in engineering among ernment ranks and engineering students occupy up to
high school students? And, on a broader scale, how do a third of undergraduate university seats? And, in
we ensure that youngsters learn the skills they will need contrast, that not one engineer can be found in the
to thrive in a global, change-driven society? U.S. Congress?

U.S. Asia

400,000 400,000

engineering degrees
300,000 300,000

200,000 200,000

physical/biological science degrees

100,000 100,000
physical/biological science degrees

engineering degrees
0 0

FIGURE 1 Trends in first engineering and science degrees. Adapted from NSB, 2006.
SUMMER 2006 19

The number of engineering B.S. degrees earned by 2004, 2006). Beyond the inequity, our profession’s
U.S. students peaked in 1985, steadily declined through inability to connect with this vast reservoir of talent
1992, and then came to rest on a decade-long plateau. has economic implications.
The number began to climb again in 2002, but it is still A recent study established a quantitative link between
lower than it was in the mid-1980s (NSB, 2006). Cou- women’s representation in senior leadership and cor-
pled with a dramatic increase in retirements expected in porate financial performance (Catalyst, 2004). The
the next two decades, these numbers signal a national 353 companies that remained in the Fortune 500 for four
imperative that we attract more—and different—U.S. of five years between 1996 and 2000 boasted a higher rep-
students to the engineering fold (NAE, 2005). resentation of women in senior management positions
than the companies that dropped off the list. It is time
Diversity-Driven Creativity our engineering profession learned from this and began to
Our entire citizenry and demographic mix should be leverage the full potential of our nation’s diversity.
represented in engineering. The lack of interest in engi-
neering studies among U.S. youths is a problem—and a
challenge—and a tremendous opportunity. The goal of
engineering education should be the full participation
It’s time our profession began
of women, people of color, low-income students, and to leverage the full potential
first-generation, college-bound young adults. We want
and need people educated in cross-disciplinary, quanti- of our nation’s diversity.
tative decision making at the helm, developing the new
technologies and policies that will shape our nation’s
economic future and preserve the health of our planet. A profound gender distinction pervades the informa-
Our nation needs today’s youngsters to be more than just tion technology world, where the representation of
users of tomorrow’s technologies; we need them to be women contributing to the technological revolution is
the developers of responsible technologies and products. shrinking. Increasingly, girls are turning away from
Although engineering is ultimately a creative being creators of the very technologies that shape their
endeavor, a recent poll shows that only 3 percent of U.S. lives. “Boys invent things, and girls use things boys
adults perceive engineering as creative (Harris Interac- invent” (Margolis and Fisher, 2002). In 2005, only
tive, 2004). Yet the goal of engineering is to create inno- 15 percent of high school students who took advanced
vative solutions to meet the needs of people. The key placement (AP) computer science exams were girls, by
word is create, and creativity is stimulated when design far the lowest percentage in any AP test. By compari-
teams include contributors with diverse perspectives son, girls made up 46 percent of the AP exam takers in
and life experiences. calculus, 47 percent in chemistry, and 31 percent in
physics (College Board, 2006). The absence of women’s
The Gender Divide voices is disconcerting; a cyberspace culture designed
Young women dominate the top deciles of U.S. high and dominated by men alienates the sensibilities of
school graduates, yet they have a minimal presence in women and represents a substantial lost opportunity.
the engineering pipeline. Females account for only
20 percent of new B.S. engineering graduates. Even as The Public Image of Engineering
our society becomes more technology driven, the num- As we reflect on our slow progress in increasing
ber of women contributing to the technological revolu- diversity in the engineering workforce, it is worth pon-
tion is shrinking. Are we content to let the best and dering the relationship between diversification and the
brightest students shun our profession? poor public image of engineering. The dominant mes-
We must overcome this gender divide. Young sages—that engineering is tough and that one must
women halfway through high school express scant love math and science to pursue engineering—are dead
interest in engineering. PSAT data for the May 2006 on arrival with girls. The Extraordinary Women Engi-
graduating cohort show that only 2 percent of U.S. neers Project, a coalition of engineering associations
college-bound eleventh-grade female students indicate and societies, confirmed that the engineering gender
an interest in majoring in engineering (College Board, divide is thriving. A needs assessment of more than

5,000 high school girls,

teachers, and counselors Taiwan
found a profound lack of
interest in engineering South Korea +495%
among mid-teen girls, who
perceive engineering as a France
+470% 1975
man’s profession, have per-
sonally experienced little Spain +740%
encouragement to consider
engineering, and do not Japan +66%
understand what engin-
eering is really about United States
(EWE, 2005).
Just think about it. How Mexico +780%
would they know? Which
sitcoms highlight teams of +550%
engineers creating new prod- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
ucts or addressing societal Percentage
challenges in a stimulating
and satisfying environment? FIGURE 2 Percentage of 24-year-olds with first STEM degrees, by country and percentage change, 1975 to 2002. Adapted from
Which engineering icons NSB, 2004, 2006.
are empathetic role models,
demonstrating that caring for humanity requires engi- competitiveness and creating better lives for a nation’s
neering solutions? The people who influence today’s citizens is to look closely at how the invention and
teenage girls are, in rank order, parents, peers, teach- innovation workforce is educated. If we look at a 27-
ers/counselors, and the media. Little wonder that girls year period, from 1975 to 2002, we see alarming global
are neither encouraged nor guided toward engineering trends (Figure 2). The percentage of U.S. 24-year-olds
when they are steered by an adult public that perceives who earned first STEM degrees increased by 43 percent.
engineers as insensitive to societal concerns, doing little During this same period, the number increased astound-
to save lives, and caring only marginally about commu- ingly—in most cases more than quadrupled—in Tai-
nity (Harris Interactive, 2004). wan, South Korea, France, Spain, Mexico, and China.
Today’s engineering messages are misaligned with The United States dropped from second among these
women’s career motivators, and they do not convey the nations (behind Japan) in 1975 to sixth in 2002.
benefits or rewards of being an engineer. Our “engi- The obvious question is: How can our nation sustain a
neering is tough” message does not resonate with young leadership role in innovation without STEM-proficient col-
women seeking a flexible profession in which they feel lege graduates to fuel the technological and leadership work-
they can make a difference. Clearly, we’re simply not force? Who will be our inventors and creators? Or are
talking with teenage girls, and we delude ourselves if we we destined to become a lower wage service economy?
think we are even talking to them.
As a creative profession, we can tackle this challenge. Poor High School Preparation
With National Science Foundation (NSF) funding, If we look closely at the preparation of high school
NAE has embarked on a public understanding of engi- students (Figure 3), we note that only slightly more than
neering study to gain insights into more effective mes- half of Hispanic and African American students even
saging approaches. We can, and must, figure out how to graduate, and less than one-quarter of them are prepared
market our profession to attract talented and well pre- to succeed in college. These numbers are astonishing.
pared young women. In a knowledge-based economy, how can anyone attain
a decent standard of living without even a high school
The International Divide degree? And how can the engineering profession bene-
One approach to probing the roots of economic fit from the rich diversity of our nation if more than half
SUMMER 2006 21

of our students of color (the

largest growing sector of
the U.S. population) are U.S. 2002 High School Graduation Rates
not prepared to engage in National 71%
college-level engineering
education? Hispanic 52%
The latest data available
on math proficiency among African American 56%

our nation’s twelfth-grade

Caucasian 78%
students does not portend
well for the creation of a 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
diverse workforce. Readi-
ness for success in college- U.S. 2002 College Readiness Rates
level calculus is a known
gatekeeper for success in National

engineering education.
Hispanic 20%
According to The Nation’s
Report Card (NCES, 2001), African American 23%
only 20 percent of U.S.
Caucasian twelfth-grade Caucasian 40%
students test proficient or
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
above in mathematics;
fewer than 5 percent of
Hispanic or African Ameri-
FIGURE 3 U.S. 2002 high school graduation and college-readiness rates. Adapted from Greene and Winters, 2005.
can twelfth-grade students
achieve at the proficient
level (Figure 4). For our
nation’s 350+ engineering
colleges to compete for this 35
limited pool of qualified
students is like rearranging 30
deck chairs on the Titanic.
Not only is this a compelling
reason to form meaningful,
outcomes-based partner-

ships between universities,
the K–12 community, engi-
neering societies, and
engineering professionals
to improve the preparation 10

and engage the interests of

American youth, it is an 5
economic necessity.
Legitimizing Engineer- Asian/ Caucasian Hispanic African
ing Education Pacific Islander American

At the college level, few-

er than 60 percent of our
bright, first-year engineering FIGURE 4 Percentage of U.S. twelfth-grade students proficient or above in mathematics. Adapted from NCES, 2001.

students graduate. Only 35 percent of college students study engineering education and research-based con-
think engineering is “worth the extra effort” (NAE, nections to the K–12 community.
2005)—although their peers studying medicine and law The passage of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
think their extra college work is worth the effort. Why Act in 2002 left no question that K–12 education must
not engineering? Perhaps providing pervasive K–12 engi- be driven by educational content standards and that stu-
neering experiences would stimulate students to join the dents must master specified skills and knowledge at each
engineering ranks and motivate them to stay the course. grade level. Resistance from the K–12 educational com-
munity abounds, and early results are mixed, but NCLB
is pushing us toward a national, standards-driven edu-
cational environment.
Scattered approaches to Massachusetts is the only state that currently has
reforming engineering educational content standards in engineering, although
standards in technology, which include engineering
education have not resulted components, have been developed in many states. Six
states—Massachusetts, Arkansas, New Hampshire,
in systemic change. Florida, Texas, and Maryland—already mandate some
high school coursework in engineering (Shuman et al.,
2005). Texas even requires parental authorization for a
Despite ABET reforms, engineering colleges have student to opt out of the college track. However, in
changed little in three decades. Most of us still teach some high schools, engineering courses are relegated
the way we were taught; we have capitalized little on to the vocational-education track and are taught by
advances in the science of learning; we resist implement- former shop teachers. Unfortunately, these courses tar-
ing strategies known to help retain students from under- get non-college-bound students who generally do not
represented groups; and we do not take responsibility for have the academic fundamentals to pursue an engi-
the promotion of widespread technological literacy. neering education.
Overall, engineering curricula do not look much dif-
ferent than they did 30 years ago, despite a much- Success Stories
changed world. The challenge for today’s engineering Educating the Engineer of 2020 clearly laid out our
educators is to develop world citizens with highly honed challenges (NAE, 2005). We now have an under-
critical thinking and creativity skills to support the current of awareness, though not yet a consensus, that
transfer of knowledge to myriad problem contexts. To the challenges facing us are so complex and daunting
aid in that pursuit, engineering education is gaining that tinkering at the edges of the problem will not
traction as a legitimate field of research. suffice. And, we must admit that our scattered
We now understand that educating engineers who can approaches to reforming engineering education have
contribute to global engineering solutions will require not resulted in systemic change. From what successful
changes in engineering education based on research into programs might we learn and extrapolate a way forward
the most effective new educational methodologies. for K–16 engineering education?
With advances in neuroscience and imaging, we can
now apply, as never before, knowledge gleaned from the Small High Schools
science of learning to engineering education. High schools with about 400 students have been able
The American Society for Engineering Education is to address the plight of urban youth by drastically
beginning a year of dialogue on the topic of scholarship reducing the harmful effects of poverty. In these
in engineering education. And, NSF now invests schools, promising achievement gains have been noted
$10 million per year in research to create a body of for low-income and ethnic-minority students (Cotton,
knowledge to help us understand if our students are 1996; Howley and Bickel, 2000). Small high schools
learning what we think we are teaching them. Purdue capitalize on the body of knowledge that shows that the
University recently created the first Department of quality and intensity of coursework are more important
Engineering Education in the country, followed in predicting college success than class ranking or SAT
quickly by Virginia Tech—the beginning of a trend to score. Personalized learning environments cultivate
SUMMER 2006 23

student/adult relationships that reduce student alien- know, one learns best when one teaches. In this model,
ation and dropout rates. engineering students would connect with youngsters by
A new school to watch, for both achievements and teaching in K–12 classrooms.
challenges relevant to the engineering community, is From my own experience with such a project, I know
the Denver School of Science and Technology, a public that engineering students are highly motivated teachers
charter school completing its second year of operation of K–12 engineering material and that they can improve
this June ( The state of Texas STEM learning (Sullivan and Zarske, 2005). Teaching-
is considering founding 25 such schools. based community service promotes empathy in engi-
neering students and can spread the word about the
Teach for America value of engineering to students, teachers, and parents.
Teach for America (TFA) is a highly selective, pro-
fessional, semi-volunteer program that leverages the An Integrated K–16 Approach
altruism of bright college graduates with strong leader- In spite of soaring U.S. college enrollments, fewer
ship potential. The TFA program challenges the status engineering degrees are awarded annually today than
quo of the regulatory, school-of-education-based were awarded 19 years ago. The numbers tell us that it
approach to controlling teacher preparation and qual- is not enough to harvest the brightest high school grad-
ity. Through TFA, new graduates with non-education uates; we must also grow the talent to fuel our profession.
majors are teaching in the most troubled schools. So, what is to be done?
In 2005, 7,000 new college graduates vied for A K–16 engineering “conversation” has been initiated
1,650 TFA openings, including 12 percent of new and is picking up steam. This involves establishing long-
graduates from Yale and 8 percent from Princeton and term and skill-building relationships between engineer-
Harvard. A recent independent program evaluation ing colleges and K–12 schools and exploiting engineering
in a range of settings found that TFA teachers had as a vehicle for the integration of science and math in ways
outstanding educational qualifications and that they that connect youngsters to the joys, challenges, and rel-
were largely successful as teachers (Decker et al., evance of a future in engineering. Such experiences help
2004). Overall, they generated a 10 percent increase students recognize the pervasiveness of engineering in
in math achievement scores and maintained the cur- their everyday lives and enable them to internalize engi-
rent level of achievement in other subjects. neering as a helping profession. Furthermore, early and
Is TFA a model program in which our profession extensive engineering experiences can prepare children
should participate? TFA engineering teachers could and young adults to thrive in a technologically
increase awareness of engineering while advancing the driven society—helping them to recognize the com-
education of the neediest students in the subjects that plexities of contemporary issues, engage intelligently in
youngsters shy away from and for which urban schools the discourse of our times, and make informed choices
have great difficulty recruiting teachers. Might newly that take future generations into consideration.
graduated engineers who commit two or more years to Exposure to engineering may be most profound in
teaching in TFA become a significant component in our grades 3 through 8. In these formative years, hands-on
campaign to shape a better future for engineering and engineering experiences, conveyed through inquiry-
for our country? based, design-oriented instructional methodologies,
can support the learning of standards-based science
K–12 Engineering Outreach Corps and mathematics while stimulating student learning
My personal bias is that community involvement and making engineering come alive. By including engi-
should be an essential part of every engineering stu- neering in early STEM learning, youngsters can begin
dent’s educational experience. Service learning brings to imagine themselves as engineers creating new prod-
together academic subject matter with real-world, com- ucts and processes for the benefit of humankind. The
munity needs. Isn’t that what engineering is all about? TeachEngineering digital library, a free and growing
If we are looking for a low-cost, high-impact approach National Science Digital Library collection, provides
to exposing K–12 students to the joys and creativity curricular resources to support K–12 engineering ini-
of engineering, let’s initiate a national K–16 service- tiatives with standards-based science and math curric-
learning-based Outreach Corps. As all good teachers ula (Sullivan et al., 2005).

Conclusion Harris Interactive. 2004. American Perspectives on Engineers

We are facing both great challenges and great oppor- and Engineering. Conducted for the American Association
tunities. It is critical to our nation’s health that we of Engineering Societies. February 13, 2004. Available
make bold, coherent K–16 engineering choices and online at:
bring engineering out of the shadows. As long as it Howley, C.B., and R. Bickel. 2000. Small Works: School Size,
remains a “stealth profession,” the excitement of engi- Poverty and Student Achievement. Washington, D.C.: The
neering will continue to be one of the best kept secrets Rural School and Community Trust Policy Program. Avail-
on the planet. It’s up to us to make engineering visible able online at:
and relevant in the lives of K–12 students, teachers, Margolis, J., and A. Fisher. 2002. Unlocking the Clubhouse:
counselors, and parents. Women in Computing. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
As we face increasing competition from low-wage, NAE (National Academy of Engineering). 2005. Educating
high-human-capital communities across the globe (and the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to
as wealth, thankfully, spreads and the global standard of the New Century. Washington, D.C.: National Academies
living increases as never before), we must design engi- Press.
neering education to capitalize on an interrelated K–16 NCES (National Center for Education Statistics). 2001. The
system. As my favorite professor once said, “It is our Nation’s Report Card: Mathematics 2000. NCES
choices . . . that show what we truly are, far more than 2001–517, by J.S. Braswell, A.D. Lutkus, W.S. Grigg, S.L.
our abilities” (Rowling, 1999). We know what is possi- Santapau, B.S.-H. Tay-Lim, and M.S. Johnson. Washing-
ble. Our challenge is to make the possible probable for our ton, D.C.: Office of Educational Research and Improve-
educational system and our profession. ment, U.S. Department of Education.
NSB (National Science Board). 2004. Science and Engi-
References neering Indicators 2004. NSB 04-01. Arlington, Va.:
Catalyst. 2004. The Bottom Line: Connecting Corporate National Science Foundation. Available online at:
Performance and Gender Diversity. Available online at: NSB. 2006. Science and Engineering Indicators 2006. Vol.
finperf_04. 1, NSB 06-01; Vol. 2, NSB 06-01A. Arlington, Va.:
College Board. 2004, 2006. Available online at: http://www. National Science Foundation. Available online at:
Cotton, K. 1996. School Size, School Climate, and Student Rowling, J.K. 1999. Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Performance. School Improvement Research Series (SIRS), Secrets. New York: Scholastic Inc.
Close-up #20. Portland, Ore.: Northwest Regional Educa- Shuman, L., M. Besterfield-Sacre, and J. McGourty. 2005. The
tional Laboratory. Available online at: ABET “Professional Skills”–can they be taught? can they be
scpd/sirs/10/c020.html. assessed? Journal of Engineering Education 94(1): 43.
Decker, P., D. Mayer, and S. Glazerman. 2004. The Effects of Sullivan, J.F., M.N. Cyr, M.A. Mooney, R.F. Reitsma, N.C.
Teach For America on Students: Findings from a National Shaw, M.S. Zarske, and P.A. Klenk. 2005. The TeachEngi-
Evaluation. Princeton, N.J.: Mathematica Policy Research, neering Digital Library: Engineering Comes Alive for K–12
Inc. Available online at: Youth. In Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference,
publications/pdfs/teach.pdf. Session 3510, June 2005, Portland, Oregon. Available
EWE (Extraordinary Women Engineers). 2005. Extraordi- online at:
nary Women Engineers: Final Report. Available online at: Sullivan, J.F., and M.S. Zarske. 2005. The K–12 Engineering Outreach Corps: A Service-Learning Technical Elective.
Greene, J., and M. Winters. 2005. Public High School Grad- In Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Session
uation and College-Readiness Rates: 1991–2002. Educa- 2510, June 2005, Portland, Oregon.
tion Working Paper 8. New York: Center for Civic
Innovation at the Manhattan Institute.
When it comes to teaching, most faculty members enter
the academy as “well intentioned gifted amateurs.”

Preparing Engineering Faculty

as Educators
Susan A. Ambrose and
Marie Norman

I n Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New

Century, the authors ask, “What will or should engineering education be like
today, or in the near future, to prepare the next generation of students for
Susan A. Ambrose effective engagement in the engineering profession of 2020?” (NAE, 2005).
To answer this question, we must look to engineering faculty—those who
design the educational environment.
When engineering faculty members enter the academy, many—through
no fault of their own—are not fully prepared for their role as educators.
Although graduate schools have begun to focus more attention on develop-
ing teaching skills, the main focus continues to be on creating researchers.
As a result, when most faculty members enter the academy, they are, as Kuh
and associates note (2005), “well intentioned gifted amateurs” when it comes
to teaching.
Furthermore, it has become increasingly clear that teaching and learning
involve complex, interrelated intellectual, social, and emotional processes.
Marie Norman Thanks to research in social psychology, the cognitive sciences, and educa-
tion, we now know much more than we did 20 years ago about how cognition,

Susan A. Ambrose is associate provost for education, director of the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and teach-
ing professor in the Department of History at Carnegie Mellon University. Marie Norman is a teaching consultant and
research associate for the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and adjunct professor of history at Carnegie Mellon
University. This article is based on a talk given by Susan Ambrose at the NAE Annual Meeting on October 10, 2005.

motivation, and intellectual development affect learn- (NSF) echoed this sentiment, and the National
ing and teaching. Unfortunately, universities have not Research Council (NRC) Board of Engineering Educa-
successfully transmitted this information to faculty. tion reinforced it: “In many areas, major change in the
In this paper, we raise three questions germane to the engineering education system is indeed necessary if it is
task of preparing engineering faculty to educate students to meet the needs of the nation and world in the com-
effectively. Our intention is to call attention to rele- ing century.”
vant findings from recent research to underscore the Organizations like NSF and the National Academy
complexity and sophistication necessary for effective of Engineering (NAE) have led efforts to improve engi-
teaching and to argue for more recognition of teaching neering education. An increasing number of centers at
in the academic reward structure. universities and elsewhere around the country (e.g., the
NAE Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on
Overview Engineering Education) are researching issues in engi-
To improve engineering education, we must address neering education and implementing educational inno-
three questions: vations. Similarly, the seven NSF-funded engineering
education coalitions of the 1990s were charged with
1. Is there a consensus among engineering faculty and
“stimulat[ing] bold, innovative, and comprehensive
administrators that faculty members need better
models of systemic reform of undergraduate engineering
preparation for their role as educators?
education.” In fact, these initiatives have “produced sig-
2. If so, what do they need to know, do, or understand to nificant reforms that have reinvigorated undergraduate
function more effectively? engineering curricula . . . ” (Foundation Coalition,
2006). Workshops on engineering education have
3. How would academic institutions have to change for
focused specifically on preparing future faculty as
faculty to function more effectively as educators?
effective educators, and prizes like the prestigious NAE
In this paper, we focus primarily on the second question. Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineer-
We address the first and third questions only briefly. ing and Technology Education are now well established
(NAE, 2006).
The question of whether engineering education should
Improvements must begin be improved and whether engineering faculty need bet-
ter preparation, in other words, has been answered at the
with faculty members, highest levels of the profession. Furthermore, a commit-
ment of time and resources has been made toward meet-
the people on the ing this goal. The larger question—how to prepare

“front lines” of education. engineering faculty—remains to be answered.

Necessary Changes (Question 2)

Improving engineering education must begin with
Recognition of the Need for Change (Question 1) faculty members, the people on the “front lines” of edu-
Students would probably call this first question a “no- cation. At a minimum, they must (1) understand their
brainer.” Over the past decade or two, leaders in the students as intellectual-social-emotional beings, (2)
engineering community have identified shortcomings in understand basic principles of learning, and (3) under-
engineering education and called for reform (ASEE stand the components of effective course design.
Engineering Deans Council and Corporate Roundtable,
1994; NAE, 2004, 2005; NRC, 1995, 1999; NSF, 1995, Understanding Students
1996). In 1994, the Engineering Deans Council and Teaching requires complex human interaction. Stu-
Corporate Roundtable of the American Society for dents, like faculty, are social-emotional-intellectual
Engineering Education stated that, although engineer- beings, and all of these dimensions impact learning.
ing education has served the nation well, “there is broad Engineering faculty do not have to be social psycholo-
recognition that it must change to meet new chal- gists, cognitive scientists, or cultural anthropologists,
lenges.” In 1995, the National Science Foundation but to design effective courses and implement effective
SUMMER 2006 27

classroom pedagogy, they must have a general under- This brief description of Perry’s work cannot capture
standing of the most relevant research findings. the complexity of intellectual development, but it pro-
First, educators must acknowledge the profound cog- vides a context for thinking about how intellectual
nitive and emotional shifts experienced by 18- to 22- development impacts learning and teaching and raises a
year-old college students. In a seminal work, How number of questions for educators. For example, if a first-
College Affects Students, Pascarella and Terenzini (1991) or second-year undergraduate has difficulty with ambigu-
provide a synthesis of research on the influence of col- ous or unstructured problems, should we push him or her
lege on student development. They discuss not only to the next cognitive level, or will that happen naturally
learning and cognitive development, but also personal as the student matures? Can we assume that seniors have
growth and changes, including changes in identity; rela- the ability to generate meaning and make choices among
tionships; cultural, aesthetic, and intellectual values; legitimate alternatives? Is it realistic to expect such
educational and occupational goals; political and social intellectual growth in the four years of undergraduate
attitudes; and moral principles. The growth college stu- education? If not, what are reasonable goals and expec-
dents experience in a variety of ways every day impacts tations? The answers to these and other questions
everything they do, and the better faculty members impact the way we design courses and the way we teach.
understand this, the better they can design learning
experiences that can help students evolve into profes-
sionals. A few examples from four different areas of
development highlight the types of information that
New knowledge is filtered
can deepen our understanding of students as learners. through existing knowledge,
Intellectual Development whether or not it is accurate.
Ample research has been done in the past 50 years
on how approaches to knowledge develop over time
(Baxter-Magolda, 1992; Belenky et al., 1986; Perry,
1998).1 Perry, for example, describes four stages of intel- Intellectual Preparation
lectual development. In the first stage, students have a In addition to students’ intellectual development, we
dualistic view of the world; they perceive knowledge as would do well to focus on their intellectual preparation.
clear and absolute and questions as having right and We know that new knowledge is filtered through and
wrong answers. Students with a dualistic view believe interpreted according to existing knowledge, whether or
that faculty know the right answers and that their role not that knowledge is accurate (NRC, 2000). Conse-
as students is to learn these answers. In the second quently, we must assess students’ prior knowledge and
stage, students recognize that there are multiple per- skills, correct inaccuracies, and identify gaps in their
spectives, but they may also believe that all opinions are understanding or abilities in order for new knowledge
equally valid or invalid. This is certainly not where we and skills to have a strong foundation. We must assess
want our students to be at the end of four years! not only declarative knowledge (i.e., knowledge that
As students gain greater maturity and experience and defines or describes), but also procedural knowledge (i.e.,
become more sophisticated intellectually, they reach the knowledge of how to use or apply) and contextual knowl-
third stage, which Perry (1998) calls contextual rela- edge (i.e., knowledge of when to access and use certain
tivism. At this stage “right and wrong, adequate and principles, concepts, or procedures) (NRC, 2000).
inadequate, appropriate and inappropriate can exist The level of a student’s knowledge or skills when he
within a specific context and are judged by ‘rules of ade- or she enters an engineering class depends to a large
quacy’ that are determined by expertise . . .” By the last degree on what was learned in high school. Thus, it is
stage of intellectual development, students are able to important for engineering faculty to pay attention to
make decisions and understand the consequences of what is happening in the schools that produce engi-
those decisions. At this stage, they have the ability, and neering students.
the courage, to take and defend a position. Given the increasing importance of high-stakes test-
ing as a result of recent initiatives, such as the No Child
1 For a synopsis, see Felder and Brent (2004). Left Behind Act, and given the popularity of advanced

placement (AP) courses in high schools, it is reasonable complex sociological dynamics, we must start asking the
to question the depth of students’ understanding. Do questions now.
they enter college with a deep understanding of relevant
material, or is their knowledge base superficial and frag- Cultural Issues
ile? Can they recognize when skills they have learned Faculty must understand not only generational cul-
are applicable to new contexts, or do they only recog- ture, but also larger issues of cultural diversity among
nize their applicability in the context in which they students. International students, for example, who con-
were acquired? Finally, can they apply those skills stitute an increasingly large group on many campuses,
appropriately? All of these questions warrant further come from a wide range of cultural and educational
exploration. backgrounds. Their perspectives offer exciting peda-
gogical possibilities, as well as significant challenges.
Communication skills, both written and oral, are an
obvious area of concern, but less obvious cultural issues
The childhood experiences of can also have profound effects on classroom dynamics,
students differ markedly from and thus on learning. The following examples represent
just two of the many cultural differences that can affect
those of their professors. interactions and perceptions in the classroom.
Differences in cultural and educational background
can influence conversational styles, such as conven-
tions regarding turn-taking during discussions; inter-
Generational Issues ruption techniques; pacing, pitch, and volume; and the
A third body of information developed from studies number of people involved in a discussion at any given
of the “millennial” generation has identified traits that time. In the conversational style typical of certain cul-
can be both advantageous and challenging to educators tures (Japan and Korea, for example), participation in
(Howe and Strauss, 2000, 2003). For example, many discussions is orderly and characterized by polite turn-
millennial students have older parents who are better taking and deference to hierarchy. Linguist Deborah
educated than previous generations of parents. In addi- Tannen (1984) calls this “high-considerateness style.”
tion, many students come from smaller families, in In the conversational style typical of other cultures
which parents have more time and resources to devote (Latin America and the Middle East, for example), dis-
to each child. Some have called millenials the most cussions are characterized by fast pace and high volume,
protected generation ever, from prenatal classes and frequent interruptions, and overlapping speech—
vitamins through childhoods with infant car seats, “high-involvement style.” Steinbach (1996) illustrates
bicycle helmets, poison hotlines, childproof pill caps, the difference between these two styles via a sports
and so on. Millennials have also lived highly sched- analogy. He compares high-consideration style to
uled and busy lives; structured play dates and after- bowling; every player waits his turn, and only one
school programs left them little free time. As a player participates at a given time. He compares high-
colleague likes to say, these young people are used to involvement style to rugby, which is characterized by
eating a sandwich in the car while doing homework on loose rules and a great deal of movement. Rugby play
their way from soccer practice to piano lessons while does not stop when a player is tackled.
listening to music on their iPods and text messaging From an instructor’s perspective, having students
with their cell phones! Current college students com- from both stylistic groups in one classroom can create
prise “the most supervised and scheduled child genera- particular challenges. Who will talk? Who will not?
tion ever” (Howe and Strauss, 2000). How do students perceive one another or the teacher?
What impact does growing up this way have on stu- As instructors, how can we mediate and encourage a
dent attitudes, values, and behaviors? How do their constructive level of participation for all? These ques-
experiences—which differ markedly from the child- tions become more complex when we consider that
hood experiences of most of their professors—affect these are only two of many conversational styles and
their interactions with faculty and their overall learn- that there are many variations within and between cul-
ing? Although it may be too soon to understand such tures and contexts.
SUMMER 2006 29

Many other cultural variations affect teaching and causal relationships, accurately and logically categorized
learning. In the United States, for example, students information, and evident relationships among concepts)
are generally expected to ask questions, indicate areas enable students to retrieve information and apply rele-
of confusion, and ask for examples to support their vant skills. Flawed or incomplete mental models lead to
understanding. In some cases, students are encouraged flawed and incomplete retrieval and application.
to debate their peers, challenge their professors’ ideas, The challenge for faculty is to help students learn to
and so on. Students who come from cultures where they organize knowledge the way experts do—“around core
are expected to maintain a respectful silence in class concepts or ‘big ideas’ that guide their thinking about
may be unaccustomed to asking professors for clarifica- their domains” (NRC, 2000). Core principles and
tion or elaboration and may consider such behavior concepts must be connected mentally to relevant
either disrespectful or personally embarrassing. Such pieces of information, and disconnected information
cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings. If and inaccurate links must be identified and corrected.
students do not volunteer questions, instructors may In other words, to improve learning, engineering fac-
wrongly assume they understand the material. If they do ulty must (1) assess (and sometimes correct) students’
not volunteer answers, instructors may wrongly assume prior knowledge and (2) help students develop cogni-
they do not understand the material. tive models for organizing prior and new information
It may not be reasonable to expect faculty to learn all effectively. By making these goals explicit in the
of the cultural differences that influence student think- design of courses and classroom pedagogy, faculty can
ing and behavior, but they must at least be aware of how help students gain a deeper conceptual understanding
differently students from diverse cultures can conceive of the material and thus enable the transfer of knowl-
faculty and student roles, conversational approaches, edge and skills to new situations.
and the purpose of education. The better faculty under-
stand the issues that impact classroom dynamics and stu- Building Metacognitive Skills
dent learning, the better they will be able to devise To develop proficiency in an area of knowledge, learn-
effective teaching strategies. ers must be able to select, monitor, evaluate, and adjust
their learning strategies. In other words, students must
Understanding the Learning Process become conscious of their thinking processes. This is
In addition to understanding students better, we need called metacognition (Matlin, 1989; Nelson, 1992).
a more thorough picture of how learning takes place. One way engineering faculty can help students do
Educators today have the advantage of sophisticated
research in the cognitive sciences and education to help
them understand the learning process and design better
instruction. Although we cannot do justice to the rich Educators today can draw
literature on learning here, two brief examples can sug-
gest how engineering faculty might think about and fos-
on sophisticated research
ter student learning. in the cognitive sciences
Organizing Information Effectively and education.
Prior knowledge is the lens through which everyone
views new information. If that lens is inaccurate,
incomplete, or naïve, it can interfere with or distort the this is to “model” the way they, as experts in the field,
integration of incoming information (Clement, 1982; construct intellectual problems, formulate questions,
Minstrell, 1989; NRC, 2000). Research on cognition weigh alternatives, consider implications, and so on.
also indicates that the way this knowledge is organized An instructor might, for example, “talk through” a
determines its accessibility and use. problem, identifying and putting into words the in-
Students—like professors—create mental models that ternal dialogue in which he or she naturally engages.
guide the retrieval and use of information; these models This, of course, requires that the instructor become
in turn shape further learning (diSessa, 1982; Holyoak, conscious of processes that have become so natural they
1984; NRC, 2000). Effective mental models (clear may be barely conscious. By making “unconscious

competence” conscious, the instructor (1) becomes simple circuits that include resistors and capacitors or to
more aware of the multiple subtasks and skills required build Karnaugh maps and develop Boolean expressions.
to solve even simple problems, (2) helps students An explicit statement of these objectives, using active
identify and address gaps in their understanding, and verbs and focusing on demonstrable skills, serves several
(3) models the metacognitive skills students are purposes. First, it makes students aware of the goal of the
expected to develop. course and the discrete skills and bodies of knowledge
they must acquire to get there. Second, the identifica-
Understanding Effective Course Design tion of learning objectives helps the instructor design
Aside from a more conscious consideration of the appropriate assessments and instructional activities that
learning process, instructors need a systematic approach will help students realize those objectives.
to designing courses. Early in their careers, they often Instructional activities include contexts and activities
simply teach the way they remember being taught that encourage active engagement in learning.
or adapt a colleague’s course for their own purposes. Research on cognition clearly indicates that students
They may also design courses based on a list of topics learn best by doing—by identifying types of data, for-
they think are important, rather than on learning mulating problems, discussing alternatives, weighing
objectives that indicate their expectations for student options, choosing among formulas and tools, justifying
performance. If they do not clearly identify learning decisions, and so on. They do not learn as well passively.
objectives, the activities they plan (lectures, discus- Successful instructional activities must be closely
sions, in-class activities, etc.) may not actually teach aligned with learning objectives, thus enabling students
the skills and knowledge they want their students to to practice the skills they are expected to master.
learn. At the same time, if assessments (exams, assign- Assessments characterize the tasks and contexts that
ments, etc.) are considered an ex post facto means of enable students to practice, demonstrate, and extend
measuring student performance, they cannot be used their knowledge and skills. Effective assessments pro-
constructively to enhance learning. vide both faculty and students with timely, systematic
Successful course design begins with asking who stu- feedback on individual and group performance. Opti-
dents are and using this knowledge to help design mally, assessments not only measure student achieve-
instruction. Designing effective courses involves three ment (at the end of a learning experience), but also
key components: (1) articulation of course objectives; enhance student learning throughout the learning expe-
(2) the creation of instructional/learning activities; and rience by enabling them to revisit concepts or practice
(3) the design of assessments. An instruction-design their skills. Like instructional activities, assessments
triangle (Figure 1), a simple illustration of a complex must be closely aligned with learning objectives so that
process, can provide a framework for thinking about the skills and knowledge students are working to
teaching and support effective course design. achieve are reinforced simultaneously at multiple levels.
Each component of the triangle is directly connected
to the other two; the relationships between them are
direct and bi-directional. That is, each component
should influence and guide the development and imple-
mentation of the others. The learning objectives guide
what is assessed, and what is assessed guides the devel-
opment and implementation of instructional activities.
Instructional activities Many educational researchers agree that a close align-
ment of these three elements results in deeper and more
meaningful learning (Gipps, 1999; Pellegrino et al.,
FIGURE 1 The instruction-design triangle. 1999; Snow and Mandinach, 1991; Stiggins, 1997).

Objectives refer to the knowledge, skills, values, and Conditions Necessary for Change (Question 3)
attitudes an instructor wants students to acquire by the For engineering faculty to become more effective edu-
end of the course. For example, an instructor might want cators, they must acquire skills and knowledge about
students to be able to apply basic circuit laws to analyze students, learning, and effective instruction. At the
SUMMER 2006 31

same time, they must prepare students to function in complex of all. Educating students is challenging,
a rapidly changing world. Students must understand exciting, frustrating, unpredictable, and satisfying,
global issues, function in interdisciplinary and cross- often all at the same time.
cultural contexts, engage comfortably with diversity, Third, what are the necessary conditions for change
work effectively in teams, have strong written, oral, and at the institutional level? Faculty deserve to be better
visual communication skills, incorporate ethics into equipped to meet all of their responsibilities, and stu-
their professional lives, and so on. The only way stu- dents have a right to expect their education to prepare
dents will be competent in these skills is if they are them to function as effective engineers. If we expect
embedded in courses and curriculum in the context of engineering faculty to move from “well intentioned
engineering. In other words, faculty must change not gifted amateurs” to expert teachers, we must recognize
only how they teach, but also what they teach. They that expertise requires a large body of well organized
must be committed to ongoing reevaluations of course knowledge and deliberate practice. Developing teach-
designs as students change, the world changes, and our ing expertise takes commitment, time, focused
knowledge of learning evolves. resources, and recognition in the reward structure. We
Clearly, this is asking a lot of faculty, whose time and know the conditions required for meaningful change in
energy are already stretched thin. In our experience, engineering education. The final question is: Will we
young engineering faculty genuinely want to improve provide them?
their course design and teaching skills. However,
because of overwhelming pressure to write grants References
and publish, along with committee responsibilities and ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Engi-
other demands on their time, they often give teaching neering Deans Council and Corporate Roundtable. 1994.
short shrift. The will is there, but the time, resources, Engineering Education for a Changing World. Washing-
and rewards are not. ton, D.C.: American Society for Engineering Education.
Thus, improving engineering education will require Baxter-Magolda, M.B. 1992. Knowing and Reasoning in Col-
not only a commitment on the part of faculty, but also lege: Gender-Related Patterns in Students’ Intellectual
significant support, resources, and recognition on the Development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
part of the university. First, engineering faculty members Belenky, M.F., B.M. Clinchy, N.R. Goldberger, and J.M.
will need help to access the types of information dis- Tarule. 1986. Women’s Ways of Knowing: The Develop-
cussed in this paper and support in adapting their ment of Self, Voice, and Mind. New York: Basic Books.
courses to align with what we know about students, the Clement, J.J. 1982. Students’ preconceptions in introductory
learning process, and the changing world students will mechanics. American Journal of Physics 50(1): 66–71.
enter. Second, and perhaps most important, administra- diSessa, A. 1982. Unlearning Aristotelian physics: a study of
tors must recognize the complexity and sophistication of knowledge-based learning. Cognitive Sciences 6(2): 37–75.
good teaching, acknowledge the time and effort required Felder, R.M., and R. Brent. 2004. The intellectual development
to teach well, provide the resources necessary to prepare of science and engineering students. Part I: models and chal-
faculty appropriately, and give high-quality teaching lenges. Journal of Engineering Education 93(4): 269–277.
greater recognition in the academic reward structure. Foundation Coalition. 2006. Engineering Education Coali-
tions. Available online at:
Conclusion home/foundationcoalition/engineering_coalitions.html.
We can now review the three questions we initially Gipps, C. 1999. Socio-cultural Aspects of Assessment.
posed. First, is there a widely perceived need for Pp. 355–392 in Review of Research in Education, vol. 24,
reforming engineering education? The answer is a edited by A. Iran-Nejael and P.D. Pearson. Washington,
resounding yes. Second, what would the necessary D.C.: American Educational Research Association.
changes entail? We have provided a brief glimpse into Holyoak, K.J. 1984. Analogical Thinking and Human Intel-
the knowledge and skills necessary to create and teach ligence. Pp. 199–230 in Advances in the Psychology of
effective, innovative courses. We hope we have con- Human Intelligence, vol. 2, edited by R.J. Sternberg. Hills-
veyed that teaching is a complex process, learning dale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
is an even more complex process, and the human Howe, N., and W. Strauss. 2000. Millennials Rising: The
beings involved in teaching and learning are the most Next Great Generation. New York: Vintage Books.

Howe, N., and W. Strauss. 2003. Millennials Go to College: NRC. 2000. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience,
Strategies for a New Generation on Campus. Washington, and School. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
D.C.: American Association of Collegiate Registrars. NSF (National Science Foundation). 1995. Restructuring
Kuh, G.D., J. Kinzie, J.H. Shuh, W.J. Whitt. 2005. Student Engineering Education: A Focus on Change. Arlington,
Success in College: Creating Conditions That Matter. San Va.: National Science Foundation.
Francisco: Jossey-Bass. NSF. 1996. Shaping the Future: New Expectations for Under-
Matlin, M.W. 1989. Cognition. New York: Harcourt, Brace, graduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering,
Janovich. and Technology. Arlington, Va.: National Science Foun-
Minstrell, J.A. 1989. Teaching Science for Understanding. dation. Available online at:
Pp. 129–149 in Toward the Thinking Curriculum: Current pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf96139.
Cognitive Research, edited by L.B. Resnick and L.E. Pascarella, E.T., and P.T. Terenzini. 1991. How College
Klopfer. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Affects Students. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Curriculum Development. Pellegrino, J.W., G.P. Baxter, and R. Glaser. 1999. Addressing
NAE (National Academy of Engineering). 2004. The Engi- the “Two Disciplines” Problems: Linking Theories of Cog-
neer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. nition and Learning with Assessment and Instructional
Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Practice. Pp. 307–353 in Review of Research in Education,
NAE. 2005. Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engi- vol. 24, edited by A. Iran-Nejad and P.D. Pearson. Wash-
neering Education to the New Century. Washington, D.C.: ington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association.
National Academies Press. Perry, W.G. 1998. Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Devel-
NAE. 2006. Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in opment in the College Years: A Scheme. San Francisco:
Engineering and Technology Education. Available online Jossey-Bass.
at: Snow, R.E, and E.B. Mandinach. 1991. Integrating Assess-
4UJPVA?OpenDocument. ment and Instruction: A Research and Development
Nelson, T.A. 1992. Metacognition. Boston, Mass.: Allyn Agenda. Princeton, N.J.: Educational Testing Services.
and Bacon. Steinbach, S. 1996. Fluent American English Video Series.
NRC (National Research Council). 1995. Engineering Edu- Davis, Calif.: Seabright Group.
cation: Designing an Adaptive System. Washington, D.C.: Stiggins, R.J. 1997. Student-Centered Classroom Assess-
National Academy Press. ment. Old Tappan, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
NRC. 1999. Transforming Undergraduate Education in Sci- Tannen, D. 1984. Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk
ence, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology. Wash- Among Friends. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing
ington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Corporation.
Science and technology are becoming a single entity and
igniting a new scitech revolution.

Redefining Engineering Disciplines

for the Twenty-First Century

Zehev Tadmor

All engineering disciplines derive from military engineering, which was


formalized in eighteenth-century France through the creation of technical

institutes (Figure 1). Inspired by the French Revolution and the “century of
light,” the first institute, the École Polytechnique, was established in Paris in
1794 (Bugliarello, 1991; Tadmor, 2003). The concurrent industrial revolu-
tion,2 and the so-called second industrial revolution associated with the rise
Zehev Tadmor is Distinguished Pro-
of the steel, chemical, and electrical industries (Nybom, 2003), were driving
fessor, President Emeritus, and forces behind the proliferation of the technical institute/university model
chairman, S. Neaman Institute for that led to the establishment of a host of polytechniques in Europe, the Tech-
nische Hochshule in Germany, and institutes of technology in the United
Advanced Studies in Science and
States (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1824; Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Technion Israel Insti- Technology [MIT], 1861; Stevens Institute of Technology, 1870; Georgia
tute of Technology, and an NAE for- Institute of Technology, 1885; California Institute of Technology, 1891;
Carnegie Mellon University, 1900) and elsewhere. These early institutes,
eign associate.
which focused mostly on the industrial arts, began by teaching civil engi-
neering and then gradually introduced other engineering disciplines.

Creation of Modern Engineering Disciplines

During the first quarter of the twentieth century, a new educational phi-
losophy emerged that transformed engineering education from high-level,
vocational, trade school-like training in current industrial practices into a

This profound restructuring of engineering education

1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
Military engineering led to the formulation of engineering sciences, which
Civil engineering
still constitute the core curricula of engineering educa-
Mining engineering tion in all disciplines. Thus, graduating engineers are
Electronics engineering no longer simply proficient in current engineering prac-
Computer engineering
tices. They have been instilled with a solid engineer-
Electrical engineering

Agricultural engineering
ing science foundation that enables them to cope with
Industrial engineering
fast-changing technologies. In parallel, the engineer-
Nuclear engineering ing professoriate, whose main goal throughout much of
Mechanical engineering the twentieth century was to create the engineering
Aerospace engineering
sciences using “tough quantitative and mathematical
Marine engineering
tools,” imparted “academic, scientific respectability” to
Material engineering

Chemical engineering
the profession (Simon, 1969).
Food engineering An inevitable by-product of the science revolution
Biochemical engineering was that engineering design, because it did not have a
Environmental engineering formalized, quantitative, teachable core body of knowl-
Ceramic engineering
edge, was largely eliminated from engineering curricula.
Petroleum engineering
Instead, engineers were expected to learn design on the
job. Indeed, the development of a formalized approach
FIGURE1 A schematic approximation of the historical evolution of engineer- to engineering design remains an open challenge to the
ing disciplines.
engineering professoriate.
discipline firmly rooted in the sciences. One of the lead-
ers who championed this transformation was Karl Tay- Fusion of Science and Technology
lor Compton, president of MIT, who made it the theme Historically, the scientific revolution preceded the
of his inaugural address in 1930 (Compton, 1930): industrial-technological revolution by about two cen-
turies. Until the end of the nineteenth century, the two
I hope, therefore, that increasing attention in the Institute
movements ran on parallel tracks with little interaction
may be given to the fundamental sciences; that they may
between them. Their objectives were different, and
achieve as never before the spirit and results of research;
they were led by different kinds of people. The objec-
that all courses of instruction may be examined carefully
tive of the industrial movement was to develop new
to see where training in details has been unduly empha-
technologies and improve old ones; this movement was
sized at the expense of the more powerful training in all-
led by craftsmen, artisans, and visionary entrepreneurs,
embracing fundamental principles. Without any change
such as James Watt and other inventors.3 The objective
of purpose or any radical change in operation, I feel that
of the scientific movement was to understand nature
significant progress can thus be made.
and was led by philosophers and scientists.
As Compton foresaw, the movement toward funda- At the beginning of the twentieth century, the two
mental principles became the dominant trend in engi- revolutions began to converge, reinforcing and catalyzing
neering education throughout the century. Triggered by each other.4 By the end of the century, they had effec-
phenomenal successes in the natural sciences, which tively fused into a single entity, igniting a new science-
have expanded mankind’s understanding and horizons technology (scitech) revolution, with more profound
beyond all expectations, the scientific method was also consequences for the human condition than either of the
applied to engineering. The movement gained momen- revolutions that preceded it. The scitech revolution is
tum after World War II, when engineering curricula the cause, source, and alma mater of all high technology,
were gradually purged of vocationalism and were aug- globalization, and the subsequent explosive develop-
mented by fundamental science studies. The impact of ments in worldwide economics. Scitech has blurred the
this change was so profound that it can be considered a distinction between basic and applied research, obliter-
revolution in engineering education. Indeed, the “sci- ated the classical linear innovation model (whereby it
ence revolution” is the hallmark of engineering educa- was assumed that the fruits of basic research lead in a lin-
tion in the twentieth century. ear fashion to industrial application), and shortened the
SUMMER 2006 35

time from invention to application. Scitech mandated approaches is characteristic of most engineering disci-
multidisciplinarity in leading-edge research on the micro, plines, but polymer processing, a latecomer as an engi-
nano, molecular, atomic, and even subatomic levels, and neering discipline, had diverged before it had a chance to
it made the research university the wellspring of techno- converge into a separate, well defined entity.
logical innovation. As polymer processing becomes increasingly multi-
If the hallmark of engineering education in the twen- disciplinary, and looking from “inside the profession
tieth century was the science revolution, which led to out,” the participants concluded that the name macro-
curricula designed to teach engineers5 science-based, molecular engineering and science (MMES) described
all-embracing, fundamental principles, we must ask our- the current character of the profession better than poly-
selves how the ongoing fusion of science and technol- mer processing.7 Moreover, MMES is, in fact, part of a
ogy, and the consequent scitech revolution, will affect broader scene. On the fundamental level, the bound-
engineering disciplines in the twenty-first century. If aries of MMES merge with molecular biology, complex
science and technology are indeed fused into a new fluids, polymer chemistry, polymer physics, chemical
entity, doesn’t this blur the distinction between engi- engineering, and other disciplines. At the research
neering and science? Perhaps we should no longer be university level, this could lead to the creation of an
talking about applying scientific methods to engineer- entirely new engsci or scieng undergraduate curriculum
ing, but rather inventing new curricula in which there called molecular engineering.
is no separation between science and engineering. As shown in Figure 2, the molecular engineering cur-
In other words, perhaps we should reconsider engi- riculum could branch out in the junior year into three
neering curricula in the most fundamental way and cre- separate engsci disciplines: chemical molecular engi-
ate entirely novel science-engineering (scieng) or neering (formerly chemical engineering), macromolec-
engineering-science (engsci) curricula.6 From this per- ular engineering (formerly polymer engineering and
spective, the twenty-first century could herald the next science and polymer processing), and biomacromolecu-
revolution in engineering education. The dictionary lar engineering (formerly biochemical engineering and
definition of the engsci engineer or scigineer could be “a biotechnology).
person who uses scientific knowledge and microscopic A scieng or engsci curriculum would require five years
building blocks to create products, materials, and of study, rather than the current four, and would lead
processes that are useful to man.” directly to an M.S. degree. The philosophy of engsci
curricula would be radically different from current engi-
Molecular Engineering: A Case in Point neering curricula. The engsci point of view, perspective,
In May 2002, an international workshop, Touchstones and mind-set would lead from the molecular toward the
of Polymer Processing, was held at the Polymer Process- macroscopic, and not the other way around. The latter
ing Institute, New Jersey Institute of Technology. Lead- begins by examining a macroscopic process, analyzing
ing researchers in the field examined long-term trends of it, and, if need be, looking all the way down to the mol-
their profession and concluded that the relatively new ecular scale, whereas the former begins with a process
discipline of polymer processing and engineering, which on the molecular scale and examines its macroscopic
had split off from chemical
engineering in the United
States and mechanical engi-
Macromolecular engineering
neering in Europe, rather and science
than converging into a well
defined, separate engineer- Chemical molecular
Molecular engineering
ing discipline as had been engineering and science
expected, was, in fact,
diverging into a broad, mul- Biomacromolecular
tidisciplinary activity (PPI, engineering and science
2002). Of course, the diver-
gence of disciplinary re-
search into multidisciplinary FIGURE 2 The new engsci discipline of molecular engineering, which breaks up in the junior year into three separate engsci disciplines.

implications and consequences. This bottom-up per- degree should be an engineer’s first professional degree,
spective would lead not only to a more in-depth under- and certainly the first degree of an engsci graduate.
standing of processes, but also to fresh insights and the
application and production of a multitude of novel arti- Acknowledgements
facts that serve useful purposes. The author thanks Professors Dan Edie, Costas G.
A follow-up to the Touchstones Workshop, held in Gogos, and Ellad B. Tadmor and the members of the
Leeds, United Kingdom, was supported by the Center organizing committee of the Touchstones Workshop
for Advanced Engineering Fibers and Films at Clemson and the Leeds follow-up workshop for their reviews
University and the National Science Foundation and comments.
(NSF). At this workshop, the first steps were taken
toward constructing an engsci curriculum and explor- Notes
ing the possibility of multi-university implementation. 1. The Encyclopedia Britannica of 1779 defines engineer as “one
The workshop participants formulated a first draft of a in the military art, an able expert man who by perfect
curriculum for molecular engineering designed to edu- knowledge in mathematics, delineates upon paper or makes
cate engineers who consider molecular issues before upon the ground all sorts of facts and other works for offense
designing a process or product and then use molecular and defense.”
information to increase the accuracy of the design 2. In 1769, James Watt patented a steam engine with a sepa-
(CAEFF, 2003). rate condenser, which vastly improved the Thomas New-
The workshop participants concluded that educating comen machine and thus helped launch the industrial
students to view problems from the molecular level first revolution.
would require restructuring and reordering many exist- 3. Eli Whitney, Samuel Morse, Alexander Graham Bell,
ing courses, as well as developing a number of new William Henry Perkins, Guglielmo Marconi, Thomas
courses. Thus, additional funding would be required to Edison, George Eastman, Leo Baekeland, Charles
formulate the discipline in detail and implement it, Goodyear, John Wesley Hyatt, Orville and Wilbur
even as a multi-university effort. To this end, proposals Wright, and Nicola Tesla are among the inventors who
have been and are being submitted to NSF and other catalyzed the industrial revolution.
agencies to fund course development and program 4. Historians of technology consider GE Laboratories, estab-
implementation. lished in 1900, the first laboratory where science was sys-
tematically applied for the promotion of technology.
Conclusion During World War II, the interaction was greatly acceler-
It is important to remember that a revolutionary ated by the application of science to the war effort, yielding
redefinition of engineering disciplines into engsci, important developments, such as radar, synthetic rubber,
scieng, or scigineering disciplines at the research uni- and, of course, the atomic bomb. This experience con-
versity level will not mean that conventional engi- vinced the government that “science is power” and is thus
neers in chemical, electrical, mechanical, and other worthy of public support. The recommendations in Van-
fields of engineering are no longer needed. In fact, nevar Bush’s famous report to the president, Science: The
they continue to be crucial for current industrial needs, Endless Frontier (1945), which was submitted shortly after
and colleges and other institutions of higher education the war, were enthusiastically accepted and implemented.
must continue to educate them. Research universities, This led to the creation of the National Science Founda-
however, could focus on educating scigineers, who tion (NSF), which signaled the beginning of massive sup-
would be equipped with the knowledge and skills to port for science that continues to the present day.
shape and contend with the industries of the twenty- 5. The current Webster’s Dictionary definition of engineer is
first century. “(a) a member of the military group devoted to engineering
In the author’s judgment, considering the explosion work; (b) a designer and builder of engines; (c) a person
of knowledge in all relevant fields, it is no longer possi- who is trained in or follows a profession in a branch of engi-
ble to educate engineers in just four years. The time has neering.” Engineering is defined as “(a) the art of managing
come to implement a five-year curriculum at all research engines; (b) a science by which the properties of matter and
universities, and perhaps at other institutions as well the sources of energy are made useful to man.”
(Augustine, 1994; Tadmor et al., 1987). The M.S. 6. Prof. Ellad B. Tadmor, who reviewed this paper, suggested
SUMMER 2006 37

that just as Disney coined the term “imagineering,” we Available online at:
could adopt the word “scigineering.” courses/summaryofmolecengworkshop.php.
7. In 1997, “Interdisciplinary Macromolecular Science and Compton, K.T. 1930. The Inaugural Address. Available
Engineering” (MMES), a workshop cosponsored by online at:
NSF and the U.S. Department of Energy, had arrived at compton.html.
similar conclusions—that at the interface between Nybom, T. 2003. The Humboldt legacy: reflections on the
macromolecular science, chemistry, physics, and biology, past, present and future of the European university. Higher
a new field of MMES is emerging that “requires a new Education Policy 16(2): 141–159.
kind of polymer processing.” PPI (Polymer Processing Institute). 2002. Touchstones of
Modern Polymer Processing: From Classical Polymer Pro-
References cessing to Macromolecular Engineering. Final Workshop
Augustine, N. 1994. Engineering the next century. The Report. Newark, N.J.: Polymer Processing Institute.
Bridge 24(2): 3–6. Available online:
Bugliarello, G. 1991. The University—and Particularly the Simon, H.A. 1969. The Science of the Artificial. Cam-
Technological University: Pragmatism and Beyond. Pp. bridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
31–37 in The Changing University: How Increased Tadmor, Z. 2003. The Golden Age of the Scientific Techno-
Demand for Scientists and Technology Is Transforming logical Research University. Haifa, Israel: Neaman Press.
Education Institutions Internationally, edited by D.S. Zin- Available online at:
berg. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishing. publications/publication_item.asp?fid=651&parent_fid=489&
Bush, V. 1945. Science: The Endless Frontier. Washington, iid=2781.
D.C.: Government Printing Office. Tadmor, Z., Z. Kohavi, A. Libai, P. Singer, and D. Kohn. 1987.
CAEFF (Center for Advanced Engineering Fibers and Film). Engineering Education 2001. Haifa, Israel: Neaman Press.
2003. Summary of Molecular Engineering Workshop. See also Engineering Education 77: 105–124.
Engineering educators must tap into students’ passion,
curiosity, engagement, and dreams.

Educating Engineers for

2020 and Beyond

Charles M. Vest

When I look back over my 35-plus years as an engineering educator, I real-

ize that many things have changed remarkably, but others seem not to have
changed at all. Issues that have been with us for the past 35 years include:
how to make the freshman year more exciting; how to communicate what
engineers actually do; how to improve the writing and communication skills
of engineering graduates; how to bring the richness of American diversity
Charles M. Vest is President Emeri-
into the engineering workforce; how to give students a basic understanding
tus, Massachusetts Institute of of business processes; and how to get students to think about professional
Technology, and an NAE member. ethics and social responsibility. But for the most part, things have changed
in astounding ways. We have moved from slide rules to calculators to PCs
This article is based on a talk given
to wireless laptops. Just think of all that implies.
on October 10, 2005, at the NAE Looking ahead to 2020, about 15 years, and setting goals should be a “piece
Annual Meeting. of cake.” But to gain some perspective, look back about 15 years, and think
about what was not going on in 1990. There was no World Wide Web. Cell
phones and wireless communication were in the embryonic stage. The big
challenge was the inability of the American manufacturing sector to com-
pete in world markets; Japan was about to bury us economically. The human
genome had not been sequenced. There were no carbon nanotubes. Buck-
minster Fullerines had been around for about five years. We hadn’t even
begun to inflate the dot-com bubble, let alone watch it burst. And terrorism
was something that happened in other parts of the world.
SUMMER 2006 39

So predicting the future, or even setting meaningful future, all engineers will practice in national settings
goals, is risky, even on a scale of a mere 15 years. Years and in global corporations, including corporations with
ago, I read that Gerard O’Neil of Princeton made a study headquarters in the United States. They will see engi-
of predictions of the future and found one simple con- neering as an exciting career, a personal upward path,
stant—we always underestimate the rate of technologi- and a way to affect local economic well-being.
cal change and overestimate the rate of social change Universities around the world, especially in Asia and
(O’Neil, 1981). That is an important lesson for engi- South Asia, are becoming increasingly utilitarian, focus-
neering educators. We educate and train the men and ing on advancing economies and cutting-edge research.
women who drive technological change, but we some- I am reminded of a two-day meeting at Harvard six or
times forget that they must work in a developing social, seven years ago of a delegation of presidents of Ameri-
economic, and political context. can universities and the presidents of seven Chinese
universities that had been chosen to be developed into
Opportunity and Challenge world-class research universities. Among the Ameri-
I envy the next generation of engineering students cans were a Renaissance scholar, an economist, a polit-
because this is the most exciting period in human his- ical scientist, a linguist, a mechanical engineer, and, I
tory for science and engineering. Exponential advances believe, a lawyer. Among the Chinese university presi-
in knowledge, instrumentation, communication, and dents were six physicists and one engineer who had
computational capabilities have created mind-boggling become a computer scientist. I tell this story to illus-
possibilities, and students are cutting across traditional trate the tectonic changes taking place in the way engi-
disciplinary boundaries in unprecedented ways. Indeed, neers are being produced and in where engineering and
the distinction between science and engineering in research and development (R&D) are being done.
some domains has been blurred to extinction, which
raises some serious issues for engineering education.
As we think about the challenges ahead, it is impor-
tant to remember that students are driven by passion,
We can only thrive on
curiosity, engagement, and dreams. Although we can- brainpower, organization,
not know exactly what they should be taught, we can
focus on the environment in which they learn and the and innovation.
forces, ideas, inspirations, and empowering situations to
which they are exposed. Despite our best efforts to plan
their education, however, to a large extent we simply From the U.S. perspective, globalization is not a
wind them up, step back, and watch the amazing things choice, but a reality. To compete in world markets in
they do. the so-called knowledge age, we cannot depend on
In the long run, making universities and engineering geography, natural resources, cheap labor, or military
schools exciting, creative, adventurous, rigorous, might. We can only thrive on brainpower, organization,
demanding, and empowering milieus is more important and innovation. Even agriculture, the one area in
than specifying curricular details. In fact, that is my pri- which the United States has traditionally been the low-
mary message. cost producer, is undergoing a revolution that depends
on information technology and biotechnology, that is,
Globalization brainpower and innovation.
When we look to engineering in 2020 and beyond, To succeed, we must do two things: (1) discover new
we have to ask basic questions about future engineers— scientific knowledge and technological potential through
who they will be, what they will do, where they will do research and (2) drive high-end, sophisticated technolo-
it, why they will do it, and what this implies for engi- gy faster and better than anyone else. We must make
neering education in the United States and elsewhere. new discoveries, innovate continually, and support the
In the future, American engineers will constitute a most sophisticated industries. We must also continue to
smaller and smaller fraction of the profession, as more bring new products and services to market faster and bet-
and more engineers are educated and work in other ter than anyone else, and we must design, produce, and
nations, especially in Asia and South Asia. In the deliver to serve world markets. We must recognize that

there are natural global flows in industry, that, the man- The other frontier has to do with larger and larger
ufacture of many goods will inevitably move from coun- systems of great complexity and, generally, of great
try to country according to their state of development. importance to society. This is the world of energy, envi-
Manufacturing may start in the United States, then ronment, food, manufacturing, product development,
move to Taiwan, then to Korea, and then to China or logistics, and communications. This frontier addresses
India. These megashifts will occur faster and faster and some of the most daunting challenges to the future of
will pose enormous challenges to our nation. the world. If we do our jobs right, these challenges will
Our companies already know this, but it often seems also resonate with our students.
that the public and the body politick are still largely in
denial of this reality—a very dangerous situation. If we New Systems Engineering
continue to deny the realities of globalization or, worse I first heard the term “systems engineering” as a grad-
yet, retreat into protectionism, then we won’t do the uate student in a seminar about the Vanguard missile—
very things that will enable us to lead and benefit from the United States’ first, ill-fated attempt to counter
this brave new world. Sputnik by putting a grapefruit-sized satellite into space.
Meeting these challenges will require an accelerated An embarrassing number of Vanguards started to climb
commitment to engineering research and education. and then blew up, which Soviet Premier Nikita
Research universities and their engineering schools will Khrushchev found amusing. In fact, the Vanguard
have to do many things simultaneously: advance the rocket was assembled from excellent components, but it
frontiers of fundamental science and technology; was designed with insufficient knowledge of how the
advance interdisciplinary work and learning; develop a components would interface with each other. As a
new, broad approach to engineering systems; focus on result, heat, electrical fields, and so on, played havoc
technologies that address the most important problems with them. The system needed to be engineered. I
facing the world; and recognize the global nature of all found this very interesting, but then, like most students
things technological. of that era, I pursued a career in engineering science.
Today, many of our colleagues believe we should
develop a new field of systems engineering and that it
We mustn’t deny the realities should be central to engineering education in the
decades ahead. In 1998, MIT established an Engineer-
of globalization or retreat ing Systems Division, which reflected a growing aware-
ness of the social and intellectual importance of complex
into protectionism. engineered systems. At the time, a large number of fac-
ulty members in the School of Engineering and other
schools at MIT were already engaged in research on engi-
Scale and Complexity neering systems, and MIT had launched some important
There are two frontiers of engineering, each of which educational initiatives at the master’s and doctoral lev-
has to do with scale and each of which is associated els. The Engineering Systems Division, which provides
with increasing complexity. One frontier has to do administrative and programmatic coherence for these
with smaller and smaller spatial scales and faster and activities, is intended to stimulate further development.
faster time scales, the world of so-called bio/nano/info. MIT, of course, is famous for spearheading “engineer-
This frontier, which has to do with the melding of phys- ing science,” which revolutionized engineering in the
ical, life, and information sciences, offers stunning, post-World War II era. In fact, in my view, the pivotal
unexplored possibilities, and natural forces of this fron- moment in MIT’s history was when President Karl
tier compel faculty and students to work across tradi- Compton realized that we could not be a great engi-
tional disciplinary boundaries. This frontier meets the neering institution if we did not also have great science.
criterion of inspiring and exciting students. And out of This realization started the institution on a path that
this world will come products and processes that will ultimately led to the engineering science revolution.
drive a new round of entrepreneurship based on things Another pivotal moment in MIT’s history occurred
you can drop on your toe and feel—real products that half a century ago when a faculty commission (headed
meet the real needs of real people. by Warren K. Lewis) considering the nature of our
SUMMER 2006 41

educational programs told us we had to develop strong An even greater, and ultimately more important, sys-
programs in the humanities and social sciences (Com- tems problem than homeland security is the “sustainable
mittee on Educational Survey, 1949). Perhaps that set development” of human societies on this system of ulti-
us on a path toward the twenty-first-century view of mate complexity and fragility we call Earth. In Europe,
engineering systems, which surely are not based solely sustainable development, ill defined though it may be,
on physics and chemistry. Engineers of today and is part of the everyday thinking of industry and politi-
tomorrow must be prepared to conceive and direct pro- cians and a common element in political rhetoric—and
jects of enormous complexity that require a highly inte- rhetoric is a start. I am troubled that it barely appears
grative view of engineering systems. on the radar screen in U.S. politics. Nevertheless, sus-
Academics led the way in engineering science, but I tainable development must be on our agenda for prepar-
don’t think we have led the way in systems engineering. ing future engineers.
In fact, as we observe developments in industry, gov-
ernment, and society, we are asking what in the world
we should teach our students. We need to establish a In Europe, sustainable
proper intellectual framework within which to study,
understand, and develop large, complex engineered sys- development is part
tems. As Wm. A. Wulf (2004) has warned us, we work
every day with systems so complex that we cannot
of everyday thinking in
know all of their possible end states. Under those cir- industry and politics.
cumstances, how can we ensure that they are safe, reli-
able, and resilient? In other words, how can we practice
engineering? I believe energy is the key, the sine qua non, to sus-
Something exciting is happening, however, and it tainable development, but I fear that we risk becoming
comes none too soon. Biologists and neuroscientists are a “can’t do” nation with respect to innovation rather
suddenly rediscovering the full glory and immense com- than continuing in the great American “can do” tradi-
plexity of even the simplest living systems. Engineers tion. The federal government has underinvested in
and computer scientists are suddenly as indispensable to engineering and physical sciences, and only nibbled
research in the life sciences as the most brilliant reduc- around the edges of long-term energy supply and distri-
tionist biologists. The language in the life sciences bution problems. As a result, we have marginalized the
today is about circuits, networks, and pathways. field from the perspective of many bright young men
It also is fascinating to participate in discussions of the and women. It seems to me that we are in a situation
role of science and biology in R&D on homeland secu- similar to the one we faced in the 1980s when our his-
rity, or, more generally, on antiterrorism, which I think torically dominant manufacturing sector had become
of as the “Mother of All Systems Problems.” Designing fat, sassy, and then, suddenly, uncompetitive.
systematic strategies to protect against terrorism has We need to recharge corporate entrepreneurial and
about as much in common with protecting ourselves academic R&D, as well as our curricula in energy. We
from the Soviet threat of just a few years ago as it does need to make energy an exciting, well supported,
with strategizing against eighteenth-century British dynamic field that attracts the best and brightest young
troops marching toward us in orderly file. men and women and gives them opportunities to con-
Here’s another example of systems engineering. Con- tribute and to innovate. We made this transition in
sider what IBM vice president for research, Paul Horn, is manufacturing, design, and product development after
thinking about these days. His company and his indus- being knocked down by the Japanese, and we can do it
try, which produce the ultimate fruit of the engineering now in the domain of energy, environment, and sus-
science revolution (i.e., computers), are morphing into a tainability. But the federal government and industry
new services sector—financial services, manufacturing must kick start the change.
services, McDonald’s hamburger services. Paul Horn
(2005) is asking himself if a services science is about to Delivery and Pedagogy
emerge. If a new discipline does appear, it will be a sub- So far, I have suggested that engineering students
set of the new systems engineering. prepared for 2020 and beyond must be excited by their

freshman year; must have an understanding of what (conceive/design/implement/operate) should be integral

engineers actually do; must write and communicate elements of engineering education.
well; must appreciate and draw on the richness of Two obvious things have changed: we now have
American diversity; must think clearly about ethics information technology, and we have the MTV genera-
and social responsibility; must be adept at product tion, Generation X, and beyond. So I suppose we
development and high-quality manufacturing; must should provide deep learning through instant gratifica-
know how to merge the physical, life, and information tion. It sounds oxymoronic to me, but it seems to be
sciences when working at the micro- and nanoscales; happening! Actually, our Frank Gehry building is about
and must know how to conceive, design, and operate something like that.
engineering systems of great complexity. They must Before I turn to the role of information technology in
also work within a framework of sustainable develop- educating the engineer of 2020, I want to relate an
ment, be creative and innovative, understand business interesting incident. A few years ago, two dedicated
and organizations, and be prepared to live and work as MIT alums, Alex and Britt d’Arbeloff, gave a very gen-
global citizens. That is a tall order . . . perhaps even an erous endowment, the d’Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in
impossible order. Education, which was inspired by their desire to under-
stand and capitalize on the role of information technol-
ogy in teaching and learning on a residential campus.
We celebrated the establishment of the fund with an
Information technology intense, day-long, interactive forum on teaching that
is more or less the paper brought together a large number of our most innovative
and talented teachers and a wide range of students.
and pencil of the At the end of that very exciting day, we all looked at
each other and realized that nobody had actually talked
twenty-first century. about computers. Even though information technology
is a powerful reality, an indispensable, rapidly develop-
ing, empowering tool, computers do not contain the
But is it really? I meet kids in the hallways of MIT essence of teaching and learning, which are deeply
(and I am sure the same would be true at other univer- human activities. So we have to keep our means and
sities) who can do all of these things—and more. So we ends straight.
must keep our sights high. But how are we going to Information technology is more or less the paper and
accomplish all this teaching and learning? What has pencil of the twenty-first century. For engineering stu-
stayed constant, and what needs to be changed? dents of 2020, it should be like the air they breathe—
One constant is the need for a sound basis in science, simply there to be used, a means, not an end. The
engineering principles, and analytical capabilities. Internet, World Wide Web, and computers can do two
In my view, a strong grounding in the fundamentals is things for engineering schools. First, they can send
still the most important thing we provide. I am so old- information outward, beyond the campus boundary.
fashioned I still believe that masterfully conceived, well And second, they can bring the external world to the
delivered lectures are wonderful teaching and learning campus. By sending information out, we can teach, or,
experiences. They still have their place . . . at least they better yet, provide teaching materials to teachers and
better have, because at MIT we just built a magnificent, learners all over the world. By bringing the world in,
whacky, inspirational, and expensive building designed we can enrich learning, exploration, and discovery for
by Frank Gehry, and—by golly—it has classrooms and our students.
lecture halls in it (among other things). Information technology can also create learning com-
But even I admit there is a good deal of truth in what munities across time and distance. It can access, display,
my extraordinary friend, Murray Gell-Mann, likes to store, and manipulate unfathomable amounts of infor-
say: “We need to move from the sage on the stage to the mation: text, images, video, and sound. It can provide
guide on the side.” Studio teaching, team projects, design tools and sophisticated simulations.
open-ended problem solving, experiential learning, In addition, information technology can burn up
engagement in research, and the philosophy of CDIO a lot of money. To reduce the amount, we should take
SUMMER 2006 43

advantage of what the Internet and Web do best— problems and great opportunities—we need the best
create open environments and share resources and and brightest to enter engineering schools. And we
intellectual property across institutions. The goal of need a larger percentage of them to earn Ph.D.s in
MIT’s OpenCourseWare initiative is to make the basic areas of engineering that can lead to innovations that
teaching materials for 2,000 MIT courses available on will keep us free, secure, healthy, and thriving within
the Web to teachers and learners everywhere, at any a vibrant economy.
time, free of charge. And even more amazing forms of We all know the statistical trends. The United States
educational sharing are coming. My remarkable col- awards about 220,000 first degrees in science and engi-
league Jesus del Alamo, for example, has established a neering. China awards almost the same number, about
program called iLab that allows experiments to be run 350,000 first degrees in science and engineering, having
via the Web. He is installing PCs in under-resourced grown by almost 120 percent in the past decade. In
African universities that enable students to log on and 2002, Asian countries awarded 635,700 first engineering
operate sophisticated and expensive experimental degrees, European countries awarded 369,700, and
equipment that is physically located at MIT. North America awarded 122,400.
OpenCourseWare and iLab are prime examples of a The United States annually awards about 19,480 doc-
snowballing global movement toward open resources toral degrees in science and engineering, a number that
for education and for scholarly materials emanating ini- has remained essentially constant for a decade. China
tially from the United States and fueled largely by today awards more than 7,500 doctoral degrees annually
thoughtful support from the Mellon Foundation and the in science and engineering, an astounding 420 percent
Hewlett Foundation. I think educational openness and increase in one decade.
global sharing emanating from the United States is a Statistics are important, but, in my view, the global
very good exercise in public diplomacy; it contributes to challenge in engineering technology and innovation
the global common good in new and recognized ways. leadership is cultural. In Asia today, science and engi-
Our nation needs this at this moment in its history. neering “rule” for young people. These are hot, excit-
In my view, openness is creating a global meta- ing, and respected fields. In Asian countries,
university, a transcendent, accessible, empowering, engineering and science are understood to be the path
dynamic, communally constructed framework of Web- of upward mobility for individuals and for nations.
based open materials and platforms on which much of These countries are hungry, and they are not ashamed
higher education worldwide can be either constructed to learn all they can from the very best the world has to
or enhanced. Like the computer operating system offer and then try to improve on it—nor would we
LINUX, knowledge creation and teaching at each uni- want it any other way. They understand competition,
versity will be elevated by the efforts of individuals and and they are learning rapidly about innovation. The
groups all over the world. It will rapidly adapt to the United States is still the clear world leader in science
changing learning styles of students who have grown up and technology, but of all the enemies our country
in a computationally rich environment. But the biggest faces, complacency is the one I fear the most.
potential winners are clearly in developing nations.

Danger of Complacency
In the past 15 years, the number of engineering and
In Asia today, science
computer science B.S. degrees granted in the United and engineering “rule”
States dropped from about 110,000 to a low of 88,000,
although it has recently rebounded to about 109,000 for young people.
(NSB, 2006). We must double and redouble our efforts
to make our engineering schools and our profession
attractive and fully engaging for women and for cur- We may be beginning to shake off our national com-
rently under-involved minorities. We need equity and placency, however. Last fall, the National Academies’
full participation in our engineering workforce, our fac- Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the
ulties, and our leadership. Twenty-First Century released its report, Rising Above the
In this global knowledge age—with its serious Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a

Brighter Economic Future (NRC, 2006). This report out- My secret desire, which I hope will play out on the
lines a federal agenda to improve K–12 science and timescale of the next 15 years or so, is that cognitive
mathematics education, strengthen our commitment to neuroscience will catch up with information technology
long-term basic research, and make the United States and give us a deeper understanding of the nature of expe-
the best place in the world to study, do research, and riential learning—a real science of learning. Then we
innovate. The Council on Competitiveness framework might see a quantum leap, a true transformation in edu-
document, Innovate America (2004), preceded this cation. In the meantime, we must see to it that the best
report. Building on these and other national studies, the and brightest young American men and women become
president of the United States, in his 2006 State of the our students and, therefore, become the engineers of
Union Address, proposed an American Competitiveness 2020 and beyond. We simply cannot afford to fail.
Initiative to begin building momentum for a science,
education, and innovation agenda (DPC and OSTP, References
2006). Hopefully, Congress will convert these urgent Committee on Educational Survey. 1949. Report of the
agendas into strong, well-funded programs. Committee on Educational Survey to the Faculty of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, Mass.:
Conclusion Technology Press.
As I said earlier, my primary advice regarding engi- Council on Competitiveness. 2004. Innovate America:
neering education is that making universities and Thriving in a World of Challenge and Change. Washing-
engineering schools exciting, creative, adventurous, rig- ton, D.C.: Council on Competitiveness. Available online
orous, demanding, and empowering milieus is more at:
important than specifying curricular details. As we DPC (Domestic Policy Council) and OSTP (Office of Science
develop the concept of a new curriculum and new ped- and Technology Policy). 2006. American Competitive-
agogy and try to attract and interest students in ness Initiative: Leading the World in Innovation. Avail-
nanoscale science, large complex systems, product able online at:
development, sustainability, and business realities, we 2006/aci/aci06-booklet.pdf.
must resist the temptation to crowd the humanities, arts, Horn, P. 2005. The New Discipline of Services Science. Busi-
and social sciences out of the curriculum. The point of ness Week Online, January 21, 2005. Available online at:
my referring to the meeting of American and Chinese
university presidents was to demonstrate the integral tc20050121_8020.htm?chan=tc.
role of these subjects in U.S. engineering education. In O’Neil, G. 1981. Year 2081: A Hopeful View of the Human
this respect, we are different from much of the rest of Future. New York.: Simon and Schuster.
the world. I believe the humanities, arts, and social sci- NRC (National Research Council). 2006. Rising Above the
ences are essential to the creative, explorative, open- Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a
minded environment and spirit necessary to educate the Brighter Economic Future. Washington, D.C.: National
engineer of 2020. Academies Press. Available online at:
American research universities, with their integra- catalog/11463.html.
tion of learning, discovery, and doing, can still provide NSB (National Science Board). 2006. Science and Engineer-
the best environment for educating engineers…if we ing Indicators 2006. Arlington, Va.: National Science
support, sustain, and challenge them. They must retain Foundation. Available online at:
their fundamental rigor and discipline but also provide tics/seind06/.
opportunities for as many undergraduates as possible to Wulf, W.A. 2004. Keynote Address. Pp. 1–8 in Emerging
participate in research teams, perform challenging work Technologies and Ethical Issues in Engineering: Papers
in industry, and gain substantive professional experience from a Workshop, October 14–15, 2003. Washington,
in other countries. D.C.: National Academies Press.
SUMMER 2006 45

NAE News and Notes

NAE Newsmakers
Sigma Xi, the scientific research recipient of the Susan B. Anthony Laboratory, was one of four com-
society, has announced the estab- Lifetime Achievement Award by puter scientists recognized by
lishment of the George Bugliarello the Anthony Center for Women’s the Association for Computing
Prize to be awarded for a superior Leadership at the University of Machinery (ACM) for contribu-
interdisciplinary essay, review of Rochester. The award is presented an- tions to the development of tech-
research, or analytical article pub- nually to an alumna, trustee, faculty niques for powerful formal
lished in American Scientist. The member, or administrator who has verification tools for hardware and
$5,000 prize, to be awarded bienni- served as a model for other women, software systems. The four hon-
ally, is endowed by the Greenwall demonstrated strong leadership qual- orees received ACM’s Paris Kanel-
Foundation of New York in honor of ities, and attained personal and lakis Theory and Practice Award.
George Bugliarello, University Pro- professional success. Dr. Conwell’s Pradman P. Kaul, chairman and
fessor and President Emeritus of work in semiconductor physics has CEO, Hughes Network Systems
Polytechnic University, past presi- earned her international recognition. Inc., was named Executive of the
dent of Sigma Xi, NAE foreign sec- Robert Q. Fugate, senior scientist Year by the Tech Council of Mary-
retary, and interim editor in chief for atmospheric compensation, land (TCM) at the annual dinner
of The Bridge. According to Peter Air Force Research Laboratory, and awards celebration on April 5.
Blair, executive director of Sigma AFRL/DES, Starfire Optical Range, The TCM Tech Awards are pre-
Xi, the prize “reflects our esteem for was awarded the Air Force Out- sented to outstanding technology
him as a leader, scholar, administra- standing Civilian Career Service companies and executives who have
tor, teacher, articulate visionary, and Award at a ceremony marking his contributed to their companies and
companion in zealous research.” retirement after 35 years of federal communities. Criteria for the Exec-
The purpose of the prize is to inspire service. Dr. Fugate was honored for utive of the Year award include
thoughtful discourse about how his accomplishments and contribu- outstanding leadership, integral
technology and engineering can tions to the Air Force. contributions to the firm’s growth
advance human society and the NAE Foregin Associate Herbert and/or profitability, successful out-
health of our planet. Gleiter, professor, Institute of Nano- comes of calculated risks, and lead-
The University of Colorado at technology, Research Center Karls- ership in the Maryland technology
Boulder honored several distin- ruhe, received the Humboldt community.
guished engineering alumni at the Medal, the highest award of the Chain T. Liu, senior corporate
41st annual Engineering Awards Alexander von Humboldt Founda- fellow, Metals and Ceramics Divi-
Banquet on April 21. Subrata K. tion, at the Symposium for Hum- sion, Materials Science Section,
Chakrabarti, president, Offshore boldt Research Awardees in March Alloying Behavior and Design
Structure Analysis Inc., was recog- 2006. The medal was presented by Group, Oak Ridge National Labora-
nized in the private practice cate- Professor Wolfgang Fruehwald, pres- tory, has been elected a member of
gory for his successful career in the ident of the foundation. Dr. Gleiter the Chinese Academy of Engineer-
engineering of marine structures, was honored for his contributions to ing. Every two years the Chinese
including storage tanks, submarines, international scientific collaboration Academy elects several foreign
wave basins, piers, and for the design and his many years of service as a scholars who have made significant
and installation of concrete piers for member of the Selection Committee contributions to engineering and
the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge. for Research Awards of the Alexan- technology in China.
Esther M. Conwell, professor of der von Humboldt Foundation. Ponisseril Somasundaran, direc-
physics and chemistry, University Gerard J. Holzmann, principal tor, NSF/IUCR Center for Surfac-
of Rochester, has been named the computer scientist, Jet Propulsion tants and La Von Duddleson Krumb

Professor, School of Engineering advancement of mineral industry Consortium (ISC)2(R) announced

and Applied Science, Columbia education. Dr. Somasundaran was that Willis H. Ware, computer sci-
University, is the recipient of the honored for “outstanding scholarly entist and advisor to the federal gov-
Mineral Industry Education Award achievements in surface sciences, ernment, and Corporate Research
of 2006 from the American Institute innovative teaching, and tireless Staff Emeritus, The RAND Corpo-
of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petro- efforts to inspire students in their ration, is the recipient of the 2005
leum Engineers (AIME). Estab- pursuit of excellence.” Harold F. Tipton Award. Dr. Ware
lished in 1960, the award is given for The International Information was honored for his distinguished
distinguished contributions to the Systems Security Certification career in information security.

NAE Officers and Councillors Elected; Vice President and

Councillors Complete Service

Craig R. Barrett Maxine L. Savitz John Brooks Slaughter William F. Banholzer

Thomas F. Budinger Robert F. Sproull Sheila E. Widnall Ruth M. Davis

Michael P. Ramage Paul Torgersen

SUMMER 2006 47

The results of the spring 2006 officer, Dow Chemical Company; the NAE bylaws. Ruth M. Davis,
election of NAE officers and coun- Thomas F. Budinger, professor, president and chief executive officer
cillors are in. Craig R. Barrett, Departments of Bioengineering and of Pymatuning Group Inc.; Michael
chairman of the board of Intel Cor- Electrical Engineering and Com- P. Ramage, retired executive vice
poration, was reelected to a two-year puter Sciences, University of president of ExxonMobil Research
term as NAE chair. Maxine L. California, Berkeley, and head, and Engineering Company; and
Savitz, retired general manager for Department of Nuclear Medicine Paul Torgersen, John W. Hancock
technology partnerships of Honey- and Functional Imaging, E.O. Jr. Chair and President Emeritus of
well Inc. (previously AlliedSignal), Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
was elected to a four-year term as tory; and Robert F. Sproull, vice State University, will have com-
NAE vice president. president and Sun Fell o w, S u n pleted six consecutive years of ser-
John Brooks Slaughter, president M i c r o s y s t e m s I n c . A l l terms vice as councillors, the maximum
and chief executive officer, National begin July 1, 2006. allowed under the bylaws. Dr. Wid-
Action Council for Minorities in On June 30, 2006, Sheila E. Wid- nall, Dr. Davis, Dr. Ramage, and Dr.
Engineering, was reelected to a sec- nall, Institute Professor at Massa- Torgersen were recognized for their
ond three-year term as councillor. chusetts Institute of Technology, distinguished service and other con-
Newly elected councillors are will have completed eight consecu- tributions to NAE at a dinner in
William F. Banholzer, corporate tive years of service as vice presi- May attended by other council
vice president and chief technology dent, the maximum allowed under members and NAE staff.

2006 Draper and Gordon Prize Recipients Honored

NAE President Wm. A. Wulf at the heart of digital cameras and such as digital cameras, video cam-
hosted the NAE annual awards din- other widely used imaging technolo- eras, and scanners. They are also
ner and presentation ceremony on gies.” The $500,000 award is given essential in many medical imaging
February 21 to honor engineers annually to an engineer(s) whose devices, such as the tiny cameras
whose professional accomplish- accomplishments have significantly used to perform diagnostic proce-
ments have improved lives and benefited society. dures and surgical instruments that
changed the world. The recipients At Bell Laboratories in 1969, enable surgeons to perform proce-
of the 2006 Charles Stark Draper Boyle and Smith were searching for dures with smaller incisions. Because
Prize and Bernard M. Gordon a way to configure semiconductors CCDs are much more sensitive than
Prize received their awards before to store data to compete with new photographic film, they are now used
an audience of more than 300 guests magnetic bubble memory technolo- in space telescopes and remote sens-
at a formal dinner at historic Union gies. “We were always coming up ing cameras. The spectacular images
Station in Washington, D.C. The with new ideas, but most of them transmitted by the Hubble Space
prizes were presented by Vincent didn’t work,” joked Boyle. One day, Telescope, the Mars rovers (Spirit and
Vitto of the Charles Stark Draper however, they sketched out the Opportunity), and the many surveil-
Laboratory, Inc., Bernard M. Gor- design of the CCD, and soon lance satellites circling Earth are
don, founder of NeuroLogica, Inc., researchers at Bell Laboratories and all possible because of electronics
and NAE Council Chairman Craig other companies were abuzz about that incorporate the rugged, energy-
R. Barrett. the tiny, simple device. Boyle and efficient CCD.
Smith’s invention became the first The CCD has a flat array of semi-
Charles Stark Draper Prize practical solid-state imaging device. conductor capacitors that detect
Willard S. Boyle and George E. “Because they are small, accurate, photons. Each capacitor holds an
Smith were awarded the Charles and reliable, CCDs have found many electrical charge proportional to the
Stark Draper Prize “for the inven- applications as imaging devices,” said intensity of the light striking it. The
tion of the charge-coupled device Smith. In fact, they have become device is extremely sensitive because
(CCD), a light-sensitive component ubiquitous components in electronics, it can hold this discrete, isolated

charge and then move it without cir- to translate engineering theory into Learning Factory design projects with
cuitry interconnects to a single out- practice and manage projects inde- more than 200 industry partners.
put detector. The electronic readout pendently. In this innovative under- Jens Jorgenson, Professor Emeritus
can then be digitized and displayed graduate program, students tackle of Mechanical Engineering at UW,
and analyzed by a computer. real problems in industry, such as led facilities development at all three
Willard Boyle was inducted into designing a collapsible crutch, turn- partner universities and directed the
NAE in 1974. From 1953 to 1979, ing coal ash into paving material, and Learning Factory at UW until his
he led Bell Laboratories research in producing a mechanism that adjusts retirement in 2000.
optical and satellite communica- the position of car seatbacks safely. John S. Lamancusa, professor of
tions, digital and quantum electron- Multidisciplinary teams of students mechanical engineering and direc-
ics, computing, and radio astronomy. define and characterize a problem, tor of the Learning Factory at Penn-
Boyle was also a member of the sci- build a solution prototype, write a sylvania State University, was a
entific team that helped NASA business proposal, and make presen- principal investigator who designed
select the site for the first Apollo tations of their idea. “Learning Fac- the product-realization curriculum,
landing on the moon in 1969. He tory students see firsthand the the product-dissection course, and
now resides in Nova Scotia, Canada. importance of teamwork, effective the facilities for Penn State’s Learn-
George E. Smith, an NAE mem- communication, and engineering ing Factory.
ber since 1983, was a researcher at ethics,” says NAE President Wm. A. Lueny Morell, director of univer-
Bell Laboratories from 1959 to 1986. Wulf. “Mastering such qualities is sity relations for Latin America for
For much of this time, he led essential for engineers to become Hewlett Packard Company and
research on novel lasers and other leaders in a dynamic workplace.” former professor of chemical engi-
semiconductor devices. He contin- The Learning Factory began as neering at UPRM, led the devel-
ues to reside in New Jersey. a coalition between three universi- opment of the Learning Factory
The Draper Prize was established ties, Sandia National Laboratories, curriculum at UPRM and continues
in 1988 and endowed by the Charles and 36 industrial partners that to conduct dissemination work-
Stark Draper Laboratory Inc., Cam- shared a desire to give students first- shops and assessments. More than
bridge, Massachusetts, to honor the hand experience in design, manu- 35 Learning Factory workshops
memory of “Doc” Draper, the “father facturing, and business. Created in have been offered in the United
of inertial navigation,” and to 1994 as a Manufacturing Engineer- States and abroad since 1998.
increase public understanding of the ing Education Partnership (MEEP), Allen L. Soyster, now professor
contributions of engineering and the Learning Factory was funded by and dean of the College of Engineer-
technology to our quality of life. a National Science Foundation/ ing at Northeastern University, was
Defense Advanced Research Pro- head of the Department of Industrial
Bernard M. Gordon Prize jects Agency grant. Engineering at Penn State. He
Jens Jorgensen, John S. Laman- Within three years, the university headed the administration of the
cusa, Lueny Morell, Allen L. Soyster, partners—Pennsylvania State Uni- MEEP, was responsible for assem-
and José Zayas-Castro were awarded versity, the University of Puerto bling the Learning Factory faculty
the Bernard M. Gordon Prize, a Rico-Mayagüez (UPRM), and the and staff, and established the indus-
$500,000 award presented annually University of Washington (UW)— try advisory board for the program.
in recognition of innovation in engi- successfully integrated the Learning José Zayas-Castro, professor and
neering and technology education. Factory into their institutions and chair of industrial and management
The recipients this year were cited curricula. Since then, Learning Fac- systems engineering at the Univer-
for “creating the Learning Factory, tory concepts and course materials sity of South Florida (USF), estab-
where multidisciplinary student have been adapted by other depart- lished the Learning Factory at
teams develop engineering leader- ments in these institutions and UPRM and has adapted Learning
ship skills by working with industry adopted by other universities in the Factory concepts to other U.S.
to solve real-world problems.” United States and Latin America. universities. In 1999, Zayas-Castro
The Learning Factory was devel- To date, more than 10,000 students implemented the Entrepreneurial
oped to educate engineering students have created more than 1,200 Manufacturing Innovation Learning
SUMMER 2006 49

Experience Program at the Univer- The Gordon Prize, established in modalities and experiments in edu-
sity of Missouri at Columbia. At 2001 by NAE member Bernard M. cation that help educate engineer-
USF, he has redesigned the capstone Gordon and endowed by the Gor- ing leaders.
project to include aspects of Learn- don Foundation, is given in recog- To learn more about the NAE
ing Factory activities. nition of the creation of new Awards Program, visit

Draper Prize Acceptance Remarks

next door, a group was working on a
brand new technology called mag-
netic bubbles. I am certain that our
thinking was influenced by that
Our boss at that time was Jack
Morton, who was vice president of
device development at Bell Labs.
He was enthralled by bubbles! So
much so that he would call us fre-
quently and ask if there were any
new ideas for devices in the semi-
conductor group. He would then
Wm. A. Wulf, George E. Smith, Willard S. Boyle, and Craig Barrett. say that the bubble group had just
received three new patents!
These remarks were delivered by of the CCD about 35 years ago. At Incidentally, Jack Morton was
Willard Boyle on February 21, 2006. that time, we used to have frequent one of the 24 founding members
brainstorming sessions trying to of NAE. He was not a man to be
George and I are much honored invent useful devices. None of the ignored. He was a hands-on man-
to receive the Draper Prize. We devices amounted to anything until ager if there ever was one, and he
thank Dr. Wulf and the staff of NAE one session, about an hour long, could make you feel that it was time
for this wonderful occasion, and we produced the CCD. It literally to start looking in the help-wanted
thank our nominators and sponsors appeared out of thin air as a diagram ads if he were displeased. With that
for putting our name before the on the blackboard, and almost kind of prodding, it is not surprising
Draper Prize Committee as inven- immediately, it had the feel of a that George and I had a particularly
tors of the charge-coupled device good idea. In a few weeks, we had brilliant brainstorming session and
(CCD). And, of course, we thank the models laboratory make a the CCD was born.
the committee for choosing us over model, and it worked. Even though Little could we have guessed
what we are certain were other it was only a three-bit device, it that 35 years later we would be
deserving submissions. established that the concept was standing here being honored with
First I want to say a little about sound. What a wonderful surprise! the Draper Prize.
how and why the CCD was born. It is not entirely true that it just
George and I originated the concept popped out of thin air. In the lab

Gordon Prize Acceptance Remarks

Wm. A. Wulf, José Zayas-Castro, Allen Soyster, Lueny Morell, Jens Jorgensen, John Lamancusa, Bernard Gordon, and Craig Barrett.

These remarks were delivered by John in the last 12 years that drew us in feet to the fire when necessary. José,
Lamancusa on February 21, 2006. many unexpected and wonderful Jens, and I were in charge of local
directions. The brightest of these operations at each of our universi-
It is my great privilege to accept has been the National Science Foun- ties, and we have the singed feet to
the Gordon Prize for Innovation in dation’s (NSF) efforts to reestablish prove it. Lueny was the driving
Engineering Education on behalf of the importance of engineering edu- force behind our assessment and
the Learning Factory team. Think- cation. In my opinion, the greatest outreach activities, as well as our
ing back on the 12-year journey that and most subtle impact of the NSF emotional heart and chief joke
has brought us to this place, I am effort has been to convince a grow- teller. In addition to these princi-
reminded of the man who walked ing number of engineering faculty pals, there were many unsung fac-
into a doctor’s office and asked if he that devoting their passion and cre- ulty, staff, and industry partners at
could get in without an appoint- ativity to education is a worthwhile the three universities and at Sandia
ment. The receptionist kindly and scholarly pursuit. I would also National Laboratories, several of
checked her book and said that he like to thank the National Academy whom are here tonight. I ask them
was in luck and could see the doctor of Engineering for their recent Engi- now to stand and be recognized.
right away. The doctor entered and neer of 2020 report, which we hope So what did we do? We listened
asked “So, what seems to be the will be a catalyst for future passion well—to the voices of our students
problem?” to which the man replied, and creativity. and our industry partners, who told
“Doctor, I think I’m a moth.” The Now a bit about the Learning us that there is a gap between what
doctor said “I’m sorry I can’t help Factory team. We were blessed with we teach and the practice of engi-
you, but there is a psychiatrist just a visionary leader and manager, Al neering. We borrowed well—from
down the street.” The man said “I Soyster, who has a tremendous many other universities that are
know, that’s where I was headed, but knack for recognizing opportunities, doing wonderful things. We redis-
your light was on.” assembling and empowering the covered that the best way to teach is
There have been many lights on right team, and holding that team’s not to lecture but to put students in
SUMMER 2006 51

situations where they can gain first- engineering major and provided a Prague, Puerto Rico, Pittsburgh . . .
hand experience. For this, we cre- gateway to real-world challenges This journey has been the most
ated places where future engineers of working together to actually rewarding thing I have done in my
could get dirty, tinker, develop judg- make something. For our faculty, career. It has been an honor and a
ment, leadership, and common the Learning Factory validated privilege to work with these special
sense—where they could make mis- that ordinary professors can people, whose friendship and respect
takes and learn from them. “An accomplish the extraordinary I will always treasure.
early stumble saves a later fall.” when united as a dedicated team. Finally, thanks to Bernard Gordon
We believe that the primary job To do this, our partners from and the selection committee for their
of faculty is to coach more and lec- Mayaguez taught us, by example, relentless pursuit of innovation in
ture less. We believe that the high- that attitude is everything. engineering education. We are hum-
est calling of engineers is to design, bled to be in the elite company of the
We could not have accomplished
build, and sell things that help peo- previous award winners and will do
this without our 200 industry part-
ple. We did not invent anything our best to honor the trust you have
ners, exemplified by companies such
really new, but we were able to make placed in us.
as Boeing and Hewlett Packard that
all of this work at a large research In closing, I am reminded of the
look beyond the next quarter’s stock
university and keep it working long words of a very wise lady—my
price. I would like to thank my
after the grant money was gone. mother—who is with us tonight.
dean, David Wormley, for his unwa-
In the words of Al Soyster: At times like these, she would say:
vering financial and moral support.
“Whenever you pat yourself on the
It was always great to see our stu- Most important, I must acknowl-
back, make sure you do it low
dents collaborating with faculty edge the support and sacrifice of our
enough.” So, on behalf of my com-
and industry mentors in the com- spouses: Julie, Mari, Waldy, Glenda,
padres, and before someone pats me
pletion of their senior design and Sharon. Thank you for putting
off the stage, adios, good night, and
projects. For the students, the up with all of those late nights and
thanks for keeping the lights on.
Learning Factory experience both all of our trips to exotic places that
validated their choice of an you weren’t invited to—places like

Report of the Home Secretary

to address this issue is to increase the describing the committee’s experi-
number of nominations from busi- ence with the search process for the
ness. To encourage these nomina- just-completed election. The vice
tions, the Council has taken the chair of the Committee on Mem-
following actions. bership will report annually to the
First, the formula used to deter- NAE Council on the overall search
mine the allocation of slots for peer process, and the Council will specify
committees has been changed to the overall emphasis for the search
encourage an increase in the num- process for the next year.
ber of business nominees. The cur- For the 2007 and 2008 elections,
W. Dale Compton rent formula can be found by going the emphasis will be on increasing
to and choos- the number of nominations from
Colleagues: ing the second item under the Gen- business. In future years, the focus
In his December 6, 2005, news- eral Info tab. might be on underrepresented
letter, Dr. Wulf discussed the differ- Second, each section is being minorities, evolving technical areas,
ence between the distribution of asked to create a search committee or small business.
Academy members specified by the whose membership is largely distinct For the time being, the Council
NAE Council and the actual dis- from that of the peer committee. expects that the membership of the
tribution of members. As it now The committee that submits replace- search committees will be influ-
stands, 45 percent are from business, ment names for the peer committees enced by the overall imbalance in
45 percent are from academia, and (i.e., the section chair, the section NAE membership. Thus, if a sec-
10 percent are from the “other” vice chair, and the chair of the peer tion has few business members, the
sector. The desired distribution is committee from the previous elec- search committee for that section
50 percent, 40 percent, and 10 per- tion) will also submit nominations should have a significant number of
cent, respectively, and the difference for members of the search commit- members from business to focus
has actually increased since 2002. tees. Search committee members attention on potential new members
Upon the recommendation of will serve three-year terms on a from business and industry.
the Membership Policy Committee, rotating basis. The membership on Because the search process for
the council has considered this mat- these committees will be approved candidates for nomination for the
ter in detail. Based on observations by the Council following review by 2007 election is already under way,
from past elections, the Council the president and home secretary. not all of these changes will be acti-
found that (1) the percentage of Because the NAE Articles of vated immediately. All peer com-
nominees from business who were Organization and Bylaws specify that mittees have been asked to form
ultimately elected was higher than the vice chair of the peer committee search committees, but full imple-
the percentage of nominees from will exercise principal oversight of mentation will not take place until
academia and (2) the number of the search, one member of each the beginning of the 2008 election
nominees from business was signifi- search committee will serve as com- process.
cantly lower than the number from mittee executive and report to the
academia. The Council concluded vice chair of the peer committee.
that, once nominated, nominees Third, every year the vice chair of
from business have a good probabil- each peer committee will submit a W. Dale Compton
ity of being elected. The Council written report to the vice chair of Home Secretary
then determined that the best way the Committee on Membership
SUMMER 2006 53

Report of the Foreign Secretary

Institute of Technology. NAE Pres- other countries generated a gratify-
ident Wm. A. Wulf, Executive Offi- ing number of positive responses.
cer Lance Davis, and I attended. At We are in the process of determin-
the end of the workshop, the partic- ing how to coordinate efforts to
ipants were received in New Delhi enhance our international outreach.
by the president of India, Dr. A.P.J. One of the areas in which those who
Abdul Kalam, a famous engineer and have expressed interest can be
the “father” of the Indian rocket immediately helpful is in identifying
program. President Kalam spoke on potentially influential Foreign Asso-
the direction of Indian techno- ciate candidates, particularly from
George Bugliarello logical development and enter- countries that are underrepresented
tained questions from the group. or not represented at all in our cur-
Since my report in the last issue The usefulness and popularity of rent roster. Home Secretary Dale
of The Bridge, the first Indo-U.S. bilateral FOE symposia have led to Compton and I are working on
Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) requests from several other countries forming a very small ad hoc com-
Symposium, hosted by Dr. Sanjay G. for similar programs with NAE. mittee to discuss how the process of
Dhande, director of the Indian Insti- Although these ideas are welcome, electing Foreign Associates can be
tute of Technology Kanpur, was held they require commitments of per- improved. The recently formed
on March 1–4 in Agra, India. Like sonnel and financial resources that International Affairs Committee of
other bilateral FOE symposia, the can be difficult for NAE to sustain the NAE Council is providing
Indo-U.S. meeting brought together at this time. advice and assistance (members
a select group of young engineers NAE’s cooperation with the Mex- include William F. Ballhaus Jr.,
from each country to learn about ican and Canadian Academies and William L. Friend, Siegfried S.
cutting-edge research and become FUMEC (the U.S.-Mexico Foun- Hecker, M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell,
acquainted with each other. The dation for Science) in the area of and George Bugliarello [chair]).
Agra symposium focused on four automotive electronics continues. I would like to thank all NAE
themes: (1) nanotechnology; Progress thus far and future activities members and foreign associates
(2) research opportunities and were discussed at a meeting at NAE who have shared their ideas and
challenges in the wireless domain; in March. Automotive electronics expressed their willingness to
(3) national disaster simulation will also be a theme of the annual become involved in these inter-
and mitigation; and (4) the inter- meeting of the Canadian National national efforts.
face of engineering with biology Academy of Engineering in June.
and medicine. The meeting was President Wulf’s invitation for
co-chaired by Dr. Sanjay Mittal suggestions from NAE members on
of the Indian Institute of Tech- developing or strengthening con-
nology, Kanpur, and NAE member nections between NAE and acade- George Bugliarello
Subra Suresh of the Massachusetts mies and scientific organizations in Foreign Secretary

First Indo-U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Held in Agra, India

Indo-U.S. Frontiers of Engineering participants visited the Taj Mahal on the first day of the meeting.

With the first Indo-U.S. Frontiers approximately 60 engineers, ages 30 spans different scales and physical
of Engineering Symposium on to 45, from U.S. and Indian univer- domains; (3) hurdles and approaches
March 1–4, in Agra, India, NAE sities, companies, and government to the commercialization of nano-
added a third bilateral meeting to laboratories for a three-day meeting technology; and (4) societal, ethical,
the Frontiers of Engineering port- to discuss leading-edge develop- environmental, and health issues
folio. The symposium was planned ments in four engineering fields: related to nanotechnology. In a con-
by NAE and the Indian Institute of nanotechnology, wireless communi- cluding summary, the organizers of
Technology Kanpur (IITK) and cation, natural disaster simulation the session emphasized that the ini-
sponsored by the Indo-U.S. Science and mitigation, and the interface tial “roll-out” of nanotechnology
and Technology Forum (IUSSTF). between engineering and biology will be mostly improving current
NAE member Subra Suresh, head and medicine. The topics were products rather than introducing
of the Department of Materials Sci- selected for their timeliness and rel- entirely new products (“re-evolu-
ence and Engineering and Ford Pro- evance to both countries. tion” rather than “revolution”).
fessor of Engineering at the The four talks at the session on They also pointed out that, although
Massachusetts Institute of Technol- nanotechnology provided a broad the economic effects of nanotech-
ogy, was U.S. co-chair. Professor overview of nanotech and nano- nology can be anticipated, the soci-
Sanjay Mittal, professor in the science. Speakers focused on (1) new etal and environmental effects
Department of Aerospace Engineer- paradigms of efficient fabrication on cannot. Finally, they noted, nano-
ing at IITK, was Indian co-chair. meso-scales; (2) the challenges of technology presents unique opportu-
Like other bilateral FOE sym- functionalizing nanotechnology nities for interdisciplinary activities
posia, this meeting brought together through system integration that involving engineering, biology,
SUMMER 2006 55

physics, chemistry, social sciences, simulation, observation, detection, The last session was on the inter-
and public policy. prediction, warning, and mitigation face between engineering and biol-
The second session was on wire- of hurricanes/cyclones, floods, ogy and medicine. As more is
less communication. Explosive tsunamis, and earthquakes. Each learned about molecular inter-
global growth in this industry talk was focused on a single aspect actions at the genomic, proteomic,
has catalyzed research that has for each type of natural disaster. The and metabolic levels, researchers are
advanced the understanding of presentation on hurricanes was coming closer to understanding the
many fundamental issues, such as focused on coupled atmosphere- inherent design principles of bio-
channel capacity, interference miti- wave-ocean modeling, the next- logical systems. The application of
gation, and coding theory for fading generation of high-resolution predic- engineering principles to living sys-
channels. The presentations cov- tion models enabled by increases in tems may lead to the understanding
ered the state of the art in four areas: computer power, and other advances. of novel design principles and create
(1) physical-layer research (capac- The presentations on floods and opportunities for applying biological
ity, spectral efficiency, opportunistic tsunamis were focused on observa- systems to engineering applications.
communications, and multiple- tion, detection, and warning, for The four talks in this session focused
input multiple-output [MIMO] example, X-band radars linked on: (1) a standard experimental
communication); (2) interference through a distributed, collaborative, platform made possible by advances
management techniques that can adaptive sensing network for floods, in synthetic biology; the platform
mitigate limits on energy and and the coupling of data from can be used for designing and wiring
degrees of freedom, with a special deep-sea pressure transducers and genetic networks using engineering
emphasis on network coding; simulation databases or linear shal- principles; (2) how technologies to
(3) challenges in wireless resource low-water wave theory for detecting (a) assess a substantial fraction of
allocation (quality of service, sched- tsunamis. The presentation on genetic variation in a large number
uling algorithms, cross-layer design, earthquakes was focused primarily of individuals, with and without a
and radio resource management); on experimental simulation and disease of interest, and (b) identify
and (4) the impact of recent devel- structural mitigation. The session the differences could lead to the dis-
opments (3G services; integration of concluded with a panel discussion covery of common genetic variants
GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth with the highlighting interrelationships that provide modest protection from
handset; efficient architectures for among the four types of natural dis- common diseases; (3) the use of
mobile multimedia; and advances in aster and identifying key areas for a mathematical framework based
video compression technology) on future engineering research. on machine learning and systems
multimedia streaming and digital
video broadcasts to handsets. The
presentations gave the listeners an
idea of the tremendous variety and
global scale of research on wireless
The December 2004 tsunami and
Hurricane Katrina provided a timely
context for the session on natural
disaster simulation and mitigation.
In an introduction, the organizers
pointed out that extensive loss of
life, injuries, and property damage
caused by natural disasters are
expected to increase as populations
increase in urban areas, coastal
zones, and other vulnerable regions. President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, an aeronautical engineer, met with the Indo-U.S. FOE participants at the
The presentations focused on the Presidential Palace in Delhi.

biology to integrate information and billion people. India’s greatest there was a reception and an oppor-
develop decision-support systems for resource, he said, is its intelligent, tunity to stroll through the beauti-
exploring hypotheses, designing ingenious, and hard-working people. ful palace gardens.
experiments, and learning from On the second evening, President IUSSTF, the symposium sponsor,
successes and failures to design prop- Wulf focused on the need for reform is an autonomous, nonprofit society
erties in drugs; and (4) the develop- in U.S. visa policies for short-term that promotes Indo-U.S. bilateral
ment of a novel biosensor, the visits by Indian scientists and engi- collaborations in science, technol-
suspended microchannel resonator, neers. He cited several recent cases ogy, engineering, and biomedical
for detecting biomarkers for cancer of eminent Indian scientists and research. The society was estab-
and measuring single cells for diag- engineers whose visa applications lished in 2000 under an agreement
nosing diseases, such as malaria. were either delayed or denied, thereby between the governments of India
Dinner addresses were given by putting at risk the good relations and the United States, which both
Fazir Chand Kohli, former chair of between the U.S. and Indian science provide funding for the organiza-
Tata Consultancy Services, India’s and engineering communities. tion. The next Indo-U.S. Frontiers
premier information technology A visit to the Taj Mahal and of Engineering Symposium will be
organization, and Wm. A. Wulf, royal city of Fatehpur Sikri near held in March or June 2008 in the
president of NAE. Kohli, known as Agra on Sunday afternoon was fol- United States.
the father of the Indian software lowed by an audience with the pres- For information about FOE sym-
industry, spoke about the need to ident of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul posia or to nominate an outstanding
increase literacy and improve access Kalam, at the Presidential Palace engineer to participate in a future
to technology in rural areas of India. in Delhi. Dr. Kalam spent about symposium, contact Janet Hunziker
However, he cautioned that auto- 30 minutes answering questions and at the NAE Program Office at (202)
mation should not be implemented discussing topics of interest, such 334-1571 or by e-mail at jhunziker@
too quickly so as not to increase as nanotechnology, biotechnology,
unemployment in this nation of a and energy. Following the meeting,

Technology for a Quieter America

On May 1 and 2, 2006, members Hanson, Robert Hellweg, Gerald tiveness of U.S. products; industry
of the NAE Committee on Tech- Lauchle, Richard Lyon, and Ian demand for and education for noise-
nology for a Quieter America met at Waitz. Consultants to the project control specialists; new technolo-
the National Academies to kick off include NAE members Leo gies; engineering controls and
a 30-month study on the develop- Beranek, Stephen Crandall, Ken common descriptors for hazardous
ment and deployment of technolo- Eldred, and William Lang. noise; improved metrics for commu-
gies to alleviate the negative Based on the results of a prelimi- nity noise; public information on
hearing and health effects of noise nary workshop in September 2005 the benefits of low-noise products
in workplaces, communities, and and the expertise of committee and the adverse effects of excessive
homes. The steering committee, members, nine areas of interest have noise; coordination of activities by
chaired by George Maling, includes been identified: cost-benefit analy- federal and state agencies; and pro-
Robert Bernhard, Robert Bruce, ses of noise-control technologies; viding assistance to state and local
Beth Cooper, Patricia Davies, Carl impacts of noise on the competi- noise-control programs.
SUMMER 2006 57

Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United States
A joint U.S.-Chinese committee and Shanghai. Dalian, in Liaoning Resources Board El Monte Office,
on energy futures and air pollution is Province, an important seaport for the South Coast Air Quality Man-
conducting a study on urban energy northeast Asia, is a modern coastal agement District, the Port of Long
use, policies, and air pollution in city with rapidly increasing personal- Beach, the BP refinery, the South-
both countries. The overall goal of vehicle traffic. The joint committee east Resource Recovery Facility, and
the study is to assist Chinese cities in met with the mayors, representatives laboratories at the University of
addressing air-pollution challenges of local environmental-protection California, Irvine.
based on U.S experience. In Octo- bureaus and other government agen- The committee hopes to draw
ber 2005, a group of committee cies, local professors and researchers, lessons from the experiences of Pitts-
members from both countries visited and representatives of local utilities burgh and Los Angeles in assessing
two cities in China, Huainan and and industries in both cities. the benefits and costs of options
Dalian. In March 2006, a similar In Pittsburgh, the joint commit- for meeting the dual challenges of
group completed a two-week tour of tee, accompanied by a delegation continuing coal consumption and a
the Pittsburgh and Los Angeles from Huainan, visited the Alle- rapid increase in the number of pri-
areas. The purpose of the trips was gheny County Health Department, vate vehicles, at the same time meet-
(1) to provide a historical context the U.S. Department of Energy ing the needs of a rapidly growing
for experiences with urban air pollu- National Energy and Technology economy and addressing environ-
tion and increasing energy consump- Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon Uni- mental and public health concerns.
tion and (2) to explore institutional versity, Bellefield Boiler Plant, The committee will also identify
frameworks for managing air quality. FirstEnergy Bruce Mansfield Power areas for continued cooperation
Huainan and Dalian were selected Plant, U.S. Steel Clairton Works, between the United States and
for the study because the challenges the Heinz Plant, and ALCOSAN. China. The report will be published
they face are reminiscent of the In addition, the committee was wel- in early 2007.
challenges faced by Pittsburgh and comed by Allegheny County Chief This joint project by NAE, the
Los Angeles. Huainan, in Anhui Executive Dan Onorato during a National Research Council, the Chi-
Province, is a coal-rich industrial reception at the Heinz History Cen- nese Academy of Engineering, and
city hoping to position itself as an ter. In the Los Angeles area, the the Chinese Academy of Sciences is
energy base for cities in neighboring committee, accompanied by a dele- funded by the National Academies.
Jiangsu Province, including Nanjing gation from Dalian, visited the Air

CASEE Builds Communities for Educational Innovations

The Center for the Advancement develop an initial framework for will be made public in June 2006 at
of Scholarship on Engineering Edu- articulating fundamental themes the annual meeting of the American
cation (CASEE) has recently been for engineering education Society for Engineering Education.
engaged in two activities to encour- research and to develop a road On April 26 and 27, 2006,
age discussions between engineering map of the most pressing research CASEE, working in collaboration
educators and experts in nonengi- questions. with the American Sociological
neering fields. First, a series of Association (ASA), brought
• In October 2005, a gathering in
roundtable discussions was held on together nine engineering faculty
conjunction with the CASEE
developing an engineering educa- members and nine researchers in
Annual Meeting in Indianapolis,
tion research agenda. In addition, a sociology to explore how inter-
Indiana, brought together 65 fac-
targeted meeting was held on actions might improve the accep-
ulty members (more than three-
improving the diffusion of curricular tance and diffusion of curricular and
fourths of whom had participated
innovations. instructional innovations. Work-
in the first meeting) to develop a
The Engineering Education shop attendees participated in one
road map for engineering educa-
Research Colloquies are funded by of three groups addressing underly-
tion research.
the National Science Foundation ing questions, such as how new
and led by a multi-institutional • An extension to the second meet- knowledge, curriculum, and peda-
team headquartered at Purdue Uni- ing was held in February 2006 gogical practices gain legitimacy;
versity. The goal of these discus- in Chicago, Illinois, to refine the identification of impediments
sions is to identify research topics to research themes and begin flesh- and facilitators of change that can
guide the efforts of faculty, funding ing out three documents: (1) a be modeled; identification of
agencies, and policy makers working report to engineering faculty and hypotheses to be tested; and clarifi-
to advance research on engineering research foundations; (2) an exec- cation of what we need to know
education. CASEE was intimately utive-summary report to engi- from research and practice to answer
involved in the planning and execu- neering deans and industry these questions. The results of the
tion of three discussions: representatives; and (3) a short, meeting will be documented in a
policy-oriented document for pol- monograph issued jointly by CASEE
• In September 2005, faculty mem-
icy makers. and ASA, to be distributed to deans
bers in engineering, cognitive sci-
of engineering, deans of arts and sci-
ence, and education disciplines The results of the Engineering
ences, and professional associations.
met in Washington, D.C., to Education Research Colloquies series

New CASEE Scholar in Residence

Beginning on July 3, 2006, tation was on the classroom climate
Lynette Osborne will be an Exxon- in engineering education with a
Mobil Scholar in Residence at the focus on peer culture and student-
National Academy of Engineering centered teaching techniques. At
(NAE). She received her B.A. in NAE, Lynette’s primary research
psychology from California State will focus on the effects of self-
University, Chico, her M.A. in soci- reflection by faculty on instruction.
ology from Old Dominion Univer- She will also develop a guide to pro-
sity, and her Ph.D. in sociology from posal writing and project manage-
Purdue University. Lynette’s disser- ment for NSF education projects.
Lynette Osborne
SUMMER 2006 59

Calendar of Meetings and Events

May 8–9 Convocation of Professional July 11 NAE Nominating Committee August 4–5 NRC Governing Board Meeting
Engineering Societies Meeting Woods Hole, Massachusetts
June 8 NAE Finance and Budget July 18 NRC Executive Committee Meeting September 12 NRC Executive Committee Meeting
Committee Conference Call July 24–28 Engineering Education Leadership September 14 Bernard M. Gordon Prize
NAE Awards Committee Institute Meeting Committee Meeting
Conference Call Chicago, Illinois September 12th U.S. Frontiers of
June 13 Bernard M. Gordon Prize July 25 Charles Stark Draper Prize 21–23 Engineering Symposium
Committee Conference Call Committee Meeting Dearborn, Michigan
June 14 NRC Executive Committee Meeting July 26 Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize All meetings are held in the National Academies
June 15 NAE Regional Meeting Committee Meeting buildings, Washington, D.C., unless otherwise
Pennsylvania State University August 2–3 NAE Council Meeting noted. For information about regional meetings,
June 20 NAE Audit Committee Meeting Woods Hole, Massachusetts contact Sonja Atkinson at or
(202) 334-3677.

In Memoriam
HUBERT I. AARONSON, 81, to the development of fossil-fuel and ing partner and board member,
R.F. Mehl University Professor nuclear power, siting, environmen- MPR Associates Inc., died on April
Emeritus, Department of Materials tal impact, and water desalinization. 27, 2006. Dr. Mandil was elected to
Science and Engineering, Carnegie NAE in 1998 for the design and
Mellon University, died on Decem- EDWARD G. JEFFERSON, 84, development of materials for naval
ber 13, 2005. Dr. Aaronson was retired chairman and CEO, E.I. du and commercial nuclear reactors.
elected to NAE in 1997 for contri- Pont de Nemours & Company, died
butions to the understanding of dif- on February 9, 2006. Dr. Jefferson HERBERT JOHN SHAW, 87,
fusional phase transformation in was elected to NAE in 1986 for Professor Emeritus, Department of
commercial steels. contributions to university-industry Applied Physics, Stanford Univer-
cooperation in science and engi- sity, Ginzton Laboratory, died on
NORMAN A. GJOSTEIN, 74, neering and for creative direction of January 19, 2006. Dr. Shaw was
retired director, Manufacturing and one of the largest industrial organi- elected to NAE in 1986 for leader-
Materials Laboratory, Ford Motor zations in the world. ship in the development of theory
Company, died on April 5, 2006. and design procedures for acoustic-
Dr. Gjostein was elected to NAE in JAMES M. LAFFERTY, 89, surface-wave devices and applica-
1990 for contributions to the tech- retired manager, Power Electronics tions of optical fibers.
nology of surfaces and interfaces and Laboratory, GE Corporate Research
for technical leadership in the appli- and Development, died on March WARREN E. STEWART, 81, Pro-
cation of advanced materials to 26, 2006. Dr. Lafferty was elected fessor Emeritus of Chemical Engi-
ground vehicles. to NAE in 1981 for contributions neering, University of Wisconsin-
as an individual and as a manager Madison, died on March 27, 2006.
WILLIAM R. GOULD, 86, Chair- to ultra-high vacuum technology, Dr. Stewart was elected to NAE in
man Emeritus, Southern California vacuum switching devices, and 1992 for his research in chemical
Edison Company, died on March 11, electric vehicles. engineering and the application of
2006. Dr. Gould was elected to advanced mathematical and numer-
NAE in 1973 for his contributions I. HARRY MANDIL, 86, found- ical methods.

Publications of Interest
The following reports have been basic IS&T research and an analysis Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of
published recently by the National of funding mechanisms. Government, Harvard University,
Academy of Engineering or the NAE members on the study com- chaired the study committee. John
National Research Council. Unless mittee were Ruzena K. Bajcsy, Ahearne, director, Ethics Program,
otherwise noted, all publications are Director Emeritus of the Center for Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research
for sale (prepaid) from the National Information Technology, University Society; and Siegfried S. Hecker,
Academies Press (NAP), 500 Fifth of California, Berkeley; Elwyn R. senior fellow, Los Alamos National
Street, N.W., Lockbox 285, Wash- Berlekamp, professor of mathemat- Laboratory, were members of the
ington, DC 20055. For more infor- ics, University of California, Berke- committee. Paper, $18.00.
mation or to place an order, contact ley; Philip A. Bernstein, senior
NAP online at <> researcher, Microsoft Corporation; Innovating for Profit in Russia: Sum-
or by phone at (888) 624-8373. Roger W. Brockett, An Wang Pro- mary of a Workshop. The National
(Note: Prices quoted are subject to fessor of Electrical Engineering and Academies and Russian Academy of
change without notice. Online orders Computer Science, Harvard Uni- Sciences hosted an interacademy
receive a 20 percent discount. Please versity; and Ronald W. Schafer, HP workshop in Yekaterinburg, Russia,
add $4.50 for shipping and handling for Fellow, Hewlett-Packard Laborato- in October 2004 to explore opportu-
the first book and $0.95 for each addi- ries. Paper, $28.25. nities for industrial innovation in
tional book. Add applicable sales tax the Urals region of Russia. Work-
or GST if you live in CA, DC, FL, Protection, Control, and Accounting shop presenters focused on the
MD, MO, TX, or Canada.) of Nuclear Materials: International establishment of cooperative busi-
Challenges and National Programs: ness partnerships (based on “market
Basic Research in Information Science Workshop Summary. The National pull”) between Russian companies
and Technology for Air Force Needs. Academies and Russian Academy and Russian research organizations
The U.S. Air Force is developing of Sciences convened a workshop (particularly in closed nuclear
new force capabilities for which in 2003 for sharing best practices in cities) and companies with interna-
advances in information science and nuclear materials protection, con- tional research centers. The work-
technology (IS&T) will be essen- trol, and accounting (MPC&A). shop presentations and discussions
tial. As a consequence, the Air Topics included the status and appli- are summarized in this volume.
Force must refocus its IS&T basic cation of remote monitoring tech- NAE member Alvin W. Trivel-
research program. The Air Force nologies, personnel issues, and piece, retired director, Oak Ridge
Office of Scientific Research national and international safe- National Laboratory, and retired
(AFOSR) asked the National guards. The goals of the workshop president, Lockheed Martin Energy
Research Council to conduct a were to identify areas in which the Research Corporation, chaired the
study to develop a plan for IS&T- United States and Russia could pro- study committee. Paper, $18.00.
related programs in the AFOSR mote best practices in MPC&A
Mathematics and Space Science globally and expand U.S.-Russian Drawing Louisiana’s New Map:
Directorate. This report includes an cooperation on nuclear nonprolifer- Addressing Land Loss in Coastal
assessment of basic research needs ation. This workshop summary is Louisiana. In the past 50 years,
for Air Force systems and communi- based on the papers and outcomes of coastal Louisiana has suffered cata-
cations, software, information man- workshop discussions. strophic land loss caused by both
agement and integration, and NAE member John P. Holdren, natural changes and human activity.
human interactions with IS&T sys- Teresa and John Heinz Professor of The loss of coastal wetlands has
tems. The report also provides rec- Environmental Policy, Belfer Cen- increased the vulnerability of the
ommendations for priorities for ter for Science and International area to storm damage and increased
SUMMER 2006 61

the risk to lives, property, and The report recommends the estab- in recent elections have elicited
economies—as Hurricanes Katrina lishment of a 10-year indigenization calls for using electronic informa-
and Rita recently demonstrated. fund of about $500 million to be pro- tion technology in the voting
This review of a proposed restora- vided by Russia and its G-8 partners process to head off problems in the
tion plan developed by the U.S. as a mechanism for gradually shifting future. Electronic voting, however,
Army Corps of Engineers and the the financial burden of MPC&A to is not as straightforward as has been
state of Louisiana concludes that, the Russian government. suggested in the emotional public
even though the individual projects NAE members on the study com- debate. Many election officials
are scientifically sound, large-scale mittee were John F. Ahearne, direc- believe electronic voting systems
projects and a comprehensive tor, Ethics Program, Sigma Xi, The can lead to better administered and
approach will be necessary to Scientific Research Society; and less expensive elections, but a num-
address land loss over such a large Richard A. Meserve, president, ber of concerns have been raised
area. More important, the study Carnegie Institution of Washington. about security and other aspects of
concludes that restoration should be Paper, $31.50. these systems. To address these con-
guided by a detailed map of the cerns, the National Science Foun-
future landscape of coastal Louisiana Midsize Facilities: Infrastructure for dation asked the National Research
based on agreed-upon goals for the Materials Research. Most of the Council to investigate the problems
region and the nation. instruments used for materials and benefits of electronic voting sys-
NAE member Robert G. Dean, research are too complex and tems. This report provides an
graduate research professor, Depart- expensive for individual investiga- extensive list of questions that must
ment of Coastal and Oceanographic tors to own, operate, and maintain. be addressed by election officials,
Engineering, University of Florida, Consequently, instruments have policy makers, and the public about
was a member of the study commit- become increasingly consolidated the use of electronic information
tee. Paper, $40.00. into multi-user, small and midsized technology. The report also pro-
research facilities located at many vides a number of conclusions to put
Strengthening Long-Term Nuclear Secu- sites around the country. The pro- these questions in perspective.
rity: Protecting Weapon-Usable Mater- liferation of these facilities has NAE member Thomas B. Sheri-
ial in Russia. Published in 2005, this elicited calls for best principles for dan, Ford Professor of Engineering
report highlights obstacles to the their operation. With support from and Applied Psychology Emeritus,
transition of a program to ensure the U.S. Department of Energy and Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
the security of 600 tons of weapon- the National Science Foundation, ogy, was a member of the study com-
usable nuclear material at a level of the National Academies conducted mittee. Paper, $29.00.
international acceptability from a a study to characterize ways of opti-
U.S.-Russian cooperative program to mizing investments in the infra- Principal-Investigator-Led Missions in the
a Russian-directed, Russian-funded structures of materials research Space Sciences. Principal-investigator-
program. Overcoming these obsta- facilities, especially midsized facili- led (PI-led) missions are an impor-
cles will require a strong commit- ties. The report also includes a dis- tant aspect of NASA’s space science
ment on several levels of the Russian cussion of the capabilities of enterprise. NASA requested that
government to material protection, midsized facilities, the challenges the National Research Council
control, and accounting systems they face, and the adequacy of cur- explore issues related to cost and
(MPC&A). Facilities where rent investment levels. scheduling, the selection process,
weapon-usable material is located NAE member David R. Clarke, relationships among PI-led team
must be provided with adequate professor of materials, University of members, and opportunities for
resources for upgrading and main- California, Santa Barbara, was a knowledge transfer to new PIs. This
taining MPC&A systems. In addi- member of the study committee. report includes a discussion of the
tion, technical security systems Paper, $32.00. evolution and current status of
being installed through the coopera- the concept of PI-led missions, the
tive program must be fully embraced Asking the Right Questions about Elec- effects of certain practices on perfor-
by Russian managers and specialists. tronic Voting. High-profile problems mance, and steps to ensure future

success. The study was conducted in things, that the National Aeronautics from leading companies, such as
collaboration with the National and Space Administration (NASA) Google and General Motors, to par-
Academy of Public Administration. ask the National Academies to ticipate in a high-level discussion of
NAE member Alan M. Title, reevaluate its space-science priorities the role of software in increased
Senior Fellow, Lockheed Martin to take advantage of the new initia- productivity; the unique qualities
Advanced Technology Center, was tive. Congress also directed the of software; the measurement of
a member of the study committee. National Academies to conduct a software in national and business
Paper, $18.00. thorough review of NASA’s proposed accounts; the implications of moving
science agenda. The first study, Sci- the U.S. software industry offshore;
Priorities in Space Science Enabled by ence in NASA’s Vision for Space Explo- and related policy issues.
Nuclear Power and Propulsion. Because ration, was published in February NAE member William J. Spencer,
of inherent limitations in photo- 2005. This second report, focused on Chairman Emeritus of SEMATECH,
voltaic and chemical propulsion NASA’s plans for the International was a member of the oversight com-
systems, in 2003, NASA began a Space Station (ISS), provides advice mittee. Paper, $46.00.
research program (named Project on programmatic issues NASA is
Prometheus in 2004) to develop likely to face as it updates its plans for Proceedings from the Workshop on Bio-
nuclear power and propulsion sys- using the ISS. The report also identi- medical Materials at the Edge: Challenges
tems for the exploration of the solar fies research and test-bed activities in the Convergence of Technologies.
system. To help NASA determine that must be performed on the ISS to Recent advances in biomedical mate-
appropriate missions with a nuclear ensure that exploration objectives rials technology could lead to revolu-
power and propulsion capability, the can be met. tionary changes in clinical medicine.
National Research Council (NRC) NAE member James P. Bagian, These advances are possible because
was asked to provide an indepen- director, National Center for Patient of a convergence of technologies
dent assessment of potential mis- Safety, Veterans Health Administra- based on a wide range of scientific
sions that could be enabled by tion, was a member of the study com- discoveries. This convergence, how-
operational space nuclear systems. mittee. Paper, $18.00. ever, presents challenges as well as
This report identifies space science opportunities. A workshop was held
objectives and missions in astron- Measuring and Sustaining the New Econ- under the auspices of the National
omy and astrophysics, solar system omy: Software, Growth, and the Future Research Council Roundtable on
exploration, and solar and space of the U.S Economy. Report of a Sympo- Biomedical Engineering Materials
physics for 2015 and beyond. The sium. Since the mid-1990s, the and Applications to identify these
report is based on, but does not United States has experienced an challenges and ways to overcome
reprioritize, the findings of pre- unprecedented upsurge in economic them. This report and accompanying
vious NRC decadal surveys in those productivity, and continued techno- CD provides a summary and proceed-
three areas. logical change in communications, ings of the workshop, including dis-
NAE member William A. Anders, computing, and information man- cussions of the context for new
retired chairman, General Dynamics agement promise further gains in pro- biomedical materials and three
Corporation, was a member of the ductivity. This phenomenon is often emerging technologies: stem cells as
study committee. Papers, $63.00. referred to as the New Economy. biomaterials; biomolecular materials
The National Academies Board on composites; and supermolecular/
Review of NASA Plans for the Interna- Science, Technology, and Economic nanoscale engineering and design.
tional Space Station. In January 2004, Policy (STEP) convened a series of NAE member Robert M. Nerem,
President Bush announced a policy to workshops and commissioned papers Parker H. Petit Professor and direc-
promote the human and robotic to explore the New Economy, includ- tor, Institute for Bioengineering
exploration of space. In June 2004, ing the workshop covered in this and Bioscience, Georgia Institute
the President’s Commission on volume, Software, Growth, and of Technology, is a member of the
Implementation of United States the Future of the U.S. Economy. The Roundtable. Free PDF is available
Space Exploration Policy issued a workshop brought together academic online at:
report recommending, among other experts and industry representatives 11639.html.
SUMMER 2006 63

Aeronautics Innovation: NASA’s Chal- this structure is flexible, adaptive support transformation. This report
lenges and Opportunities. The National command, control, communica- provides an assessment of the impli-
Aeronautics and Space Administra- tions, computers, intelligence, sur- cations of transformation for naval
tion (NASA), a global leader in veillance, and reconnaissance aviation, an analysis of some capa-
aeronautics research and develop- (C4ISR) systems. To assist the bilities that would make significant
ment, has led the way in aviation Navy in the development of this contributions toward realizing those
safety and emissions, propulsion capability, the National Research concepts, and an assessment of
technology, and many other areas. Council was asked to conduct a key technologies in which ONR
The agency’s Aeronautics Research study of C4ISR systems for carrier, could invest to achieve seven key
Mission Directorate (ARMD) has expeditionary, and missile defense capabilities: multispectral defense;
played a vital role in the U.S. aero- groups and for expeditionary strike unmanned air operations; hypersonic
nautics industry. In recent years, the forces. This report provides an weapons delivery; fast-kill weapons;
leaders of ARMD and experts out- assessment of C4ISR capabilities for heavy-lift air transport; intelligent
side the agency have been looking each type of strike group, recom- combat information management;
for ways to speed up the develop- mendations for C4ISR architecture and omniscient intelligence.
ment of innovative uses of ARMD’s for major combat operations, NAE members on the study
research results. But the directorate promising trends in technology, and committee were Earl H. Dowell,
faces management challenges that organizational changes to support William Holland Hall Professor and
have made it difficult, sometimes the recommended architecture. Dean Emeritus, Edmund T. Pratt Jr.
impossible, for such applications to NAE members on the study com- School of Engineering, Duke Uni-
succeed. This new report from the mittee were Richard E. Blahut, versity; Joseph B. Reagan, retired
National Research Council offers Henry Magnuski Professor and head, vice president and general manager,
guidance on managing the transfer of Department of Electrical and Com- Lockheed Martin Missiles and
technology to external users, as well puter Engineering, University of Illi- Space Company; Lyle H. Schwartz,
as implementing flexible personnel nois; Archie R. Clemins, president, retired director, Air Force Office of
and financial-management practices. Caribou Technologies Inc.; Barry Scientific Research; and William A.
The report also identifies problems M. Horowitz, professor of systems Sirignano, Henry Samueli Endowed
arising from uncertainties about the engineering, University of Virginia; Chair in Mechanical and Aerospace
future direction of ARMD and sev- and John R. Stenbit, retired execu- Engineering, University of California-
eral years of federal budget cuts. tive vice president, TRW Inc. Paper, Irvine. Paper, $18.00
NAE member Meyer J. Benza- $58.50.
kein, chair, Aerospace Engineering Improving the Regulation and Manage-
Department, Ohio State University, Identification of Promising Naval Avi- ment of Low-Activity Radioactive
chaired the study committee. Other ation Science and Technology Oppor- Wastes. Hospitals, utilities, research
NAE members on the study commit- tunities. The U.S. Department of institutions, and defense installa-
tee were Henry McDonald, Sim Defense is working toward the tions where nuclear materials are
Center, University of Tennessee at transformation of the armed forces used produce large amounts of waste
Chattanooga; Duncan T. Moore, to meet future military challenges. that contain small amounts of
professor, Institute of Optics, Uni- According to the Naval Power 21 radioactive material (so-called low-
versity of Rochester; and Alan documents, which detail what activity waste [LAW]). Millions of
Schriesheim, Director Emeritus, transformation will entail for the cubic feet of LAW are also produced
Argonne National Laboratory. U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, many every year by non-nuclear enter-
Paper, $18.00. new war-fighting concepts will be prises, such as mining and water-
necessary. The Office of Naval treatment facilities. Although LAW
C4ISR for Future Naval Strike Groups. Research (ONR) requested that the presents much less of a radiation haz-
The U.S. Navy has proposed a new National Research Council con- ard than spent nuclear fuel or high-
structure for its strike forces to duct a study to identify science and level radioactive waste, it can cause
improve its deterrence and rapid- technology opportunities for new health risks if it is not controlled
response functions. A key aspect of naval aviation capabilities to properly. Current regulations are

based primarily on the type of indus- reduce the impact. If effective vac- tractors) and equipment powered by
try that produces the waste (i.e., its cines and antiviral medications do small gasoline engines (e.g., lawn
origin) rather than risk. This report not exist or are not available in ade- mowers) contribute significantly to
by the National Research Council quate quantities, respirators and air pollution in the United States.
concludes that LAW should be regu- medical masks could help prevent or Because it is not clear whether the
lated and managed according to the slow transmission of the disease. states or the federal government is
degree of risk involved in its treat- The U.S. Department of Health and responsible for establishing mobile-
ment, storage, and disposal. The Human Services requested that an source emissions standards, Con-
authoring committee proposes a risk- Institute of Medicine committee gress called on the Environmental
informed approach for regulating examine the potential reuse of med- Protection Agency (EPA) to com-
and managing all types of LAW in ical masks and N95 respirators. mission an independent study of the
the United States and explains how Over a period of three months, dur- practices and procedures by which
this approach could be implemented ing which the committee held two California has developed separate
gradually. Based on established prin- meetings, reviewed information emissions standards from the federal
ciples for risk-informed decision from manufacturers, and reviewed a government and by which other
making, current risk-informed ini- large body of technical literature, states have adopted the California
tiatives by waste regulators in the the committee concluded that very standards. This report provides an
United States and abroad, solutions little is known about the potential assessment of the scientific and
available under current regulatory for disinfecting and reusing either technical procedures used by states
authorities, and remedies through medical masks or respirators. Fun- to develop or adopt statewide emis-
new legislation when necessary, the damental research on the epidemi- sions standards and a comparison of
proposed approach combines scien- ology of influenza and on the those policies and practices with
tific risk assessment with public material properties of medical masks those used by EPA. It also assesses
values and perceptions. The focus and respirators will be necessary the impacts of state emissions stan-
throughout is on the hazardous prop- before methods of disinfection and dards on compliance costs and emis-
erties of the waste in question and reuse can be developed. However, sions. The report concludes that,
comparisons of the hazards from based on the expertise of committee despite substantial progress in reduc-
LAW and other waste materials. members, the committee describes ing emissions from mobile sources
NAE members on the study com- in detail a method of use that might nationwide, federal air-quality stan-
mittee were Wm. H. Arnold, retired allow for the extended use of N95 dards are needed in many parts
general manager, Advanced Energy respirators. of the country. The report also con-
Systems Division, Westinghouse NAE member Frank E. Karasz, cludes that California should
Electric Corporation; and Maurice Silvio O. Conte Distinguished Pro- continue its pioneering role in set-
C. Fuerstenau, Emeritus Professor of fessor, University of Massachusetts, ting emissions standards for cars,
Metallurgy, University of Nevada. was a member of the study commit- trucks, and off-road equipment.
Paper, $38.00. tee. Paper, $26.50. NAE member Karl J. Springer,
retired vice president for automotive
Reusability of Facemasks During an State and Federal Standards for Mobile products and emissions research,
Influenza Pandemic: Facing the Flu. In Source Emissions. Emissions from Southwest Research Institute, was a
the event of an influenza pandemic, mobile sources (e.g., cars and light- member of the study committee.
public health officials will have and heavy-duty trucks, diesel- Paper, $42.00.
to use many different measures to powered cranes, bulldozers, and
The Periodicals

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