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Conferem on Deddon and control

TP-1 5:20 Lake &remvi.FL- December 1894
Tlie LMI Coiitrol Toolbox

Puscal Guhiriet t Arkudii Nemirovskii t A i m J . Laub Muhmoud Chiluli t

Abstract: This paper describes a new MATLAB-based toolbox variables). Here < 0 stands for negative definite. Note that the
for control design via linear matrix inequality (LMI) tecliniques. system (1) can always be treated as a single LMI by replacing (1)
After a brief review of LMIs and of some 01 their applications to with
control, the toolbox contents and capabilities are presented. ..., L M ( z ) ) < 0.
L ( I ) = Diag (LI(z),
Solving this LMI system consists of finding some fearibk vector I,
1 Introduction
that is, some I for which (1) holds. Tlianks to the affine depen-
Linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) arise in many probleins froiii ro- dence on z,the feasible set is convex and finding a feasible vector
bust linear control theory, stochastic control, identification, etc. z is a convex optimization problem.
This partly stems from the natural connection between LMIs and Simple examples of LMIs include the Lyapunov inequality
Lyapunov techniques. Another reason is that many design con-
straints have natural formulations in terms of inequalities rather A ~ X + X A +Q < o ; x = xT E wnXn
than matrix equations (as, e.g., Lyapunov or Riccati equations).
A good introductory survey of LMI applications to systems and and the inquality
control is the monograph [GI.
Since solving LMIs is a convex optimization problem, LMI for-
A ~ +XX A + X B B ~ X +Q <o ; x = xT ER"^"
mulations offer numerically tractable meaiis of attacking problems which is clearly an LMI when rewritten as:
that lack analytical solution. In fact, eficient interior-point algm
rithms are now available to solve the generic LMI problems with
a polynomial-time worst-case complexity [16, 5, 19, 15). Conse-
quently, reducing a design problem to an LMI can be considered
(A T X + X A + Q

as a practical solution to this problem [6]. This, together witli Note that in both cases, the decision vector z consists of the
the wide applicability of LMIs, justifies the growing interest for free entries of the unknown symmetric matrix X.
LMI-based design in the control community. There are three generic LMI problems:
This paper presents the L M I Control Toolboz for use witli MAT-
LAB. This toolbox offers numerical algorithms for solving generic (i) the feasibility problem:
LMI problems as well as various tools for LMI-based control de-
sign. The core of the toolbox is the LMI-LABpackage which com- Fiiid z f Itp such that L(z) < 0; (3)
bines Nemirovskii's powerful Projective Algorithms with a user-
friendly interface for the specification and inaiiipulation of LMIs. (ii) the linear program under LMI constraints:
The control applications are built around LMI-LAB and allow tor
the streamlined treatment of various robust control problems. Tlie Minimize cTz subject to L(z) < 0; (4)
toolbox also includes advanced tools for classical Riccati-based H ,
control. Hence LMI-based and Riccati-based techniques can be (iii) tlie generalized eigenvalue minimization problem under LMI
combined to solve each particular problem in the most appropri- constraints:
ate uid efficient manner.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 givea some back- C(2) > 0
ground on LhlIs and on tlie underlyirig optimization problems. Minimize A subject to (5)
Section 3 contains a brief tutorial review of the LMI design prob- A(%) < A B(z).
lems addressed in the toolbox. Finally, Section 4 gives an overview
of the toolbox facilities. The first two problems are convex and the last one is quasi-convex
(see,e.g., [SI).
2 Generic LMI Probleiiis Nesterov and Nemirovskii have devised powerful interior-
point methods to solve these three generic LMI problems wiih
A system of LMIs is a set of matrix inequalities polynomial-lime worst-case complexity [16]. Of particular inter-
L,(z) < 0; 1=1, ...,M (1) est to this toolbox is Nemirovskii's Projective Algorithm [16,151.
For LMl problems, this algorithm is incrementally more efficient
where each L,(.)is a symmelric matrix that depends ofinelyon the
than standard convex optimization techniques such M the cutting
vector z E Rp of unknown scalar variables (the =called decision
plane or ellipsoid algorithms. The running times reported in [12]
'The fwst and fourth authors arc with INRIA Rocquencourt, Do- demonstrate that tlie Projective Algorithm is indeed a viable and
maiiie de Voluccau, BP 105, 78153 Le Cheuiay Cedex, France. Eniail: efficient means of solving LMIs, which in turn confirms that LMIs
$ahin* coiutitute realistic approaches to control system engineering.
IThe second author is with the Faculty of hidustrial Eirgiiieeriiig
and Management, Tedmion, Technion City, H d a 32000,Israel. Email:
naairovs( 3 A Sample of LMI Design Problems
$The third author is with Lhe Dept. of Electrical and Coiiiputer Eii-
.&~cerin& UniveniLy of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560. E Tlie following applications of LMIs to control design are a d d d
niaii: 1anMaca.ncsb.adu by the toolbox and briefly reviewed in this aection.

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3.1 Quadratic Lyapunov stability and exten- a full complex-valued block ( A , E C Lx n k ) . Such blocks repre-
sions sent dynamical uncertainty.

The linear time-varying system a scalar block Ak = 6 k x I where the scalar 6 k may be r e d or
coiuplex. This typically inodels parametric uncertainly.
z(t)= A(t)z(t); c(0) = CO (1)
is said to be quadratically stable if there exists a matrix P > 0 The set of commuting scalings D and G associated with A is de-
such that fined by
A(t)TP PA(t) < 0 (2) D = diag(D1,. . . ,D K ) where Dk = D C is a full block when Ak
at all time t . In such a case, V ( x ) := x T P x is a Lyapunov fuiiclioii is a scalar block, and a scalar block when Ak is a full block,
for the system (1). This notion is useful for assessing the stability
of time-varying systems. G = Diag(G1,. . . ,C,) where Gk = C," is nonzero only when
When A(t) takes values in the polytope of matrices Ak is real.

C O { A I , ..., A n } := { ~ i A t: a , 1 ",ea=
t1 ,
,El I , (3)
Note that the scaling G is specific to real parameter uncertainty
and constitutes the main difference between the mixed and com-
plex p upper bounds.
assessing quadratic stability is an LMI problem. Specifically, it is Denoting by V and B the sets of scaling matrices defined above,
easily verified that (2) holds for P > 0 if aid only if this illequality tlie upper bound on p ( M ) is given by
holds at the vertices A I , ... , A , of the polytope (3) [13, 41. IIence
the system (2) is quadratically stable for A(1) ranging in ( 3 ) if atid P(M) 5 d m
only if the following system of LMIs is feasible:
where a* is the optimum of the following generalized eigenvalue
ATP+ PA, < 0 for I = 1, ..., 11
ininimization problem:
P > I. (4)
Testing the existence of a solution P is a feasibility problem (Type Minimize a subject to
(i) above). M H D M +j ( G M - MHG) 5 a D
This result is readiiy applicable to affine systems D>O, DEV; GEB.
i. = A(B(1)) x
where A ( . ) is a fixed affine function of the vector 8 ( t ) = 3.3 Constrained H , design
( 8 1 ( t )., . . , 8 r c ( t ) ) of time-varying real parameters. That is, Standard H , control also falls within the scope of LMI techniques.
A(8) = Ao 81Ai . .. 81iAic+ + (5)
With the notation of [9], we have the following characterization of
achievable H, performances y [ l l , 141.
where Ao, A I , .. . , Alc are given matrices. This model is useful for
linear systems with time-varying physical parameters. If and e, e, Theorein 3.1 Given bases n / , 2 and A41 for the null spaces of
denote the extremal values of 8k(t) during operation, 8 ( t ) ranges ( E r , Or,) and ( C Z ,Dzl), respectively, the suboptimal H , prob-
in an liyperrectangle of the parameter space W", and A(B(t)) then lem with performance y is solvable if and only if there ezist pairs
ranges in a polytope of matrices since A ( . ) is afine in 8 . Hence of symmetric matrices ( R ,S ) in R n X nsuch that
quadratic stability is again equivalent to a system of Lyapunov
inequalities of the form (4).
The quadratic stability test for polytopic systems can be ex-
tended to quadratic L2 performance, quadratic positivity, etc.
Quadratic stability tests can also be derived for descriptor systems
of the form
E(B(t))z = A ( 8 ( t ) )x
where both A and E are affine in the parameter vector 8. Fi-
nally, the notion of quadratic stability can be refined by consider-
ing parameter-dependent Lyapuirov matrices of the form:
+ +
P ( 8 ) := Po 81Pi .. . -t81cP1<. (6)
(; ;)to.
With an additional restriction on the Pk'S, checking the existelice
of such a P ( 8 ) also reduces to an LMI feasibility problem [a]. Using
&ne parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions reduces the con- Note that this characterization holds for both regular and singular
servatism of the quadratic stability test when the parameters 8, are plants (see [9] for a definition of these notions). Also, the compu-
time-invariant or vary slowly. The resulting test is an interesting tation of the best achievable y (i.e., the optimal H, gain) is an
alternative to p-analysis. LMI problem of Type (ii).
For standard (regular) H , control, the Riccati-based solution
3.2 p-Analysis [9] remains more appealing due to a lower computational over-
Computing the upper bound of the p structured singular value for head. If there are additional constraints on the controller however,
real/complex time-invariant uucertainty is also an LMI problem the LM1-based cliaracterizalion oflers more flexibility and provides
[8, 10, 181. This upper bound plays an important role in robust tr&table approaches to constrained H , optimization. An interest-
stability analysis for uncertain dynamical systems. Consider M E ing example is the design of H , controllers that place the closed-
Cxnand an uncertainty structure loop poles inside a disk or an a-stability region of the open left-
hdf plane [3, 71. This gives access to the closed-loop damping and
A = diag ( A I , .. . , A I , - ) (7) transient response while meeting the performance and robustness
where each Ak is either requirements.


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3.4 Gain-scheduled H , controllers where B E RnXpand the variable A' is a n x n symmetric matrix.
In LMI-LAB, this LMI is specified in three steps as follows:
Consider a linear system
i = A ( # ( * ) )z + B ( # ( t ) )8I 1. declare and dimension this LMI. This amounts to specifying the
Y +
= C ( e ( * ) ) D ( @ ( t )U. ) (11) nuniber of diagonal blocks (there are 2 here) and their dimen-
where the state-space matrices A , B , C, D are affine f u l d o r l s of a
vector 8 ( t ) of time-varying parameters. This is a simple model of 2. define the matrix variables by their dimensions and structure
systems whose dynamical equations depend on physical parameters (symmetric, block-diagonal, skew-symmetric, Toeplitz, etc.)
that vary during operation. In many practical situations, the value
3. specify the additive terms appearing in this LMI. Here the terms
of these varying parameters can be measured in real time. Rather
would be A T X , X A , Q , XB, and - I .
than seeking a single LTI controller for the entire operating range,
it then makes sense t o adjust the control law to changing operatiiig These operations are performed by the three functions addlmi,
conditions based on the available parameter measurements. This addvar, and addterm. Alternatively, you can also specify your LMI
technique is known as gain-scheduling and typically yields higlier problem with a graphical user interface (GUI) called the "LMI ed-
performance than classical robust LTI control. itor." Here you only have to define the matrix variables as above,
Interestingly, the synthesis of robust gain-scheduled controllers and LMIs are then entered directly as MATLABexpressions. Even
for the affine system (11) is also an LMI problem. In fact, it is tliouglr this GUI facility does not offer the same flexibility and
closely related to the standard H , problem discussed above. From programming capabilities as addlmi, addvar, addterm, it allows
the affine dependence of A , B , C , D on 8 , these matrices range iri beginners to specify their LMI problems in a very transparent and
the polytope intuitive way. Note finally that systems of LMIs of arbitrary struc-
ture and with arbitrary matrix variables can be specified with these
facilities .
For illustration purposes, the sequence of commands needed to
Seeking gain-scheduled controllers with the same amne paraineler specify the LMI (12) and compute a solution is listed below.
dependence as the plant ( l l ) , the quadratic H , performance 7 is
achievable if and only if there exist two syniinetric matrices R, S R I C H I = a d d l m i ( 0 , Cn p l ,n+p) % dimension HI
such that [17, 11:
CRICWI1,Xl = addvar(RICH1.1,Cn 11) X d e f i n e rar. X

RICLMI - addterm(RICHI.Cl 1 1
R I C H I = addterr(RICWI1,El 1 I
A ' X + XA
term Q

( 2 )' ( ATS+SA,
( $1 y) <O RICLMI -
RICLMI = addterr(RICLN1,Cl 1 2
addterm(RICWI1, C1 2 2
01 .-1)
term B ' X
term -I

G t

( i = l , ..., r ) [tmin,xfeaal = feasp(RICWI1)

X dec2rat(RICHI.xfeas.X)
(7 ;)lo. The addlmi. addvar. addterm commands specify the LMI and
store its internal representation in the MATLABvariable RICWII. To
Given any solution R, S to this system, the state-space parameters
find a solution X of the feasibility problem, you then pass the LMI
of the gain-scheduled controller are given by explicit formulas (see
description R I C H I to the LMI solver f e a s p . This solver returns a
[17, 11 and references therein for details).
vector xf e a s of feasible values of the optimization variables (free
entries of X),and the corresponding value of the matrix X is given
4 Toolbox Contents by dec2mat.
This section gives an overview of the main components and design To give an idea of the running times involved in solving LMIs,
tools of the LMI Control Toolboz. the CPU times for the problem

Minimize Troce(X) subject to (12)

are listed below as a function of the problem order n (the size of
LMI-LAB is the computational engine of the toolbox. I t offers X ) . These figures are for a Sparc2 workstation and with a required
powerful LMI solvers together with tools to specify and manipulate relative accuracy of IO-'.
LMI problems in a straightforward manner. The solvers Cor the
three generic LMI problems defined in Section 2 are called f e a s p ,
l i n o b j , and gevp, respectively. To achieve high performance arid
fast running times, these solvers
rely on a C implementation of Nemirovskl's Projective A l g ~ 25.0
rithm, 85.0
25 300.0
exploit the particular structure of each LMI problem to min-
imize the storage requirement and compulational cost of each Additional facilities are provided to modify LMI syskms, re-
iteration. trieve information, define matrix variables of compkx structure,
The LMI solvers are supplemented by a user interface to specify validate results, etc.
LMI problems in their natural block-matrix form. For the sake of
illustration, consider the sirnple "Riccati-like" LMI 4.2 Robustness analysis
The LMI Control Toolboz contains several functions for assess-
ing the robust stability or performance of uncertain dynamical


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systems. These functions implenieiit the various state-space and [3] Bambang, R., E. Shimemura, and I<. Uclrida, “Mixed H z / H ,
frequency-domain approaches to robustness assessment. This in- Control with Pole Placement,” State-Feedback Case,” Proc.
cludes quadratic stability, techniques based on alline parameter- Amer. Contr. Conf., pp. 2777-2779, 1993.
dependent Lyapunov functions, mixed p-analysis, and the Popov
[4] Boyd, S . , and Q. Yang, “Structured and Simultaneous Lya-
. criterion. The performance criterioli can be the llMS gain or tlic
punov Functions for System Stability Problems,” Int. J.
H z performance. The most appropriate tool for each problenr is se-
Contr., 49 (1989), pp. 2215-2240.
lected depending on the nature of the uncertainty (linear or nodin-
ear, time-invariant or time-varying, dynamical or parametric,...). [5] Boyd, S.P., and L. El Ghaoui, “Method of Centers for Min-
In addition, various utilities are provided for easy representa- imizing Generalized Eigenvalues,” Lin. Alg. €d Applic., 188
tion and manipulation of uncertain systems. For instance, afine (1993), pp. 63-111.
parameter-dependent systems
[GI Boyd, S., L. El Ghaoui, E. Feron, V. Balakrishnan, Linear
E ( 8 ) i: = A ( 8 ) z Matriz Inequalities in Systems and Control Theory, SIAM,
Philadelphia, 1994.
where A, E are affine in the parameter vector 0 can be specified
and manipulated as regular systems. [7] Chilali, M. and P. Gahinet, “H, Design with Pole Placement
Constraints: an LMI Approach,” in Proc. Conf. Dec. Contr.,
4.3 Multi-objective state-feedback
[E] Doyle, J.C., “Analysis of Feedback Systems with Structured
LMI techniques are particularly powerful for multi-objective state-
Uncertainties,“ IEE Proc., vol. 129, pt. D (1982), pp. 242-250.
feedback design [GI. The toolbox provides a facility to perform
state-feedback synthesis with any of the followillg constrailits: [9] Doyle, J.C., Glover, K., Khargonekar, P., and Francis, B.,
“State-Space Solutions to Standard Hz and H, Control Prob-
H, performance (constraint on the closed-loop RMS gain),
lems,” IEEE Trans. Aut. Contr., AC-34 (1989), pp. 831-847.
e HZ performance (LQG cost), [lo] Fan, M.K.H., A.L. Tits, and J.C. Doyle, “Robustness in the
pole placement in fairly general regioirs of the opeii left-half Presence of Mixed Parametric Uncertainty and Unmodeled
plane. Dynamics,” IEEE Trans. Aut. Contr., 36 (1991), pp. 25-38.

This function is based on the results of [3, 71. [ l l ] Gahinet, P. and P. Apkarian, “A Linear Matrix Inequality
Approach to H, Control,” to appear in Int. J. Robust and
Nonlinear Contr.. Also in Proc. Conf. Dec. Contr., 1993, pp.
4.4 H , design 656-661.
The L M I Control Toolbos implements both the Riccati-based and
[12] Gahinet, P., and A. Nemirovskii, “LMI-Lab: a Package for
LMI-based approaches to standard H , synthesis. The LMI-based
User-Friendly LMI Design,” Reference Manual, 1993.
approach has the merit of directly handling the so-called singular
problems. The Riccati-based synthesis relies on the pencil-based [13] Iiorisberger, H.P., and P.R. Belanger, “Regulators for Lin-
Riccati solvers developed by the third author and uses numeri- ear Time-Varying Plants with Uncertain Parameters,” IEEE
cally stable implementations of the central controller formulas. In Trans. Aut. Contr., AC-21 (1976), pp. 705-708.
addition, singular problems are automatically regularized by per-
[14] Iwasaki, T., and R.E. Skelton, “A Complete Solution to the
turbation for improved user-friendliness.
General H, Control Problem: LMI Existence Conditions and
Extensive facilities are also provided for one of the most popular
State-Space Formulas,” Proc. Amer. Contr. Conf., pp. 605-
applications of H, synthesis: loopshaping design. These include a
609, 1993.
GUI for specification of the shaping filters, a function for describing
general control structures and loopshaping criteria, and tools for [15] Nemirovskii, A., and P. Gahinet, ”The Projective Method
straightforward validation of the results. for Solving Linear Matrix Inequalities,” Proc. Amer. Contr.
Finally, the toolbox offers a function for H, design with pole Conf., 1994, pp. 840-844.
placement constraints. This is useful to control both the transient
[16] Nesterov, Y., and A. Nemirovskii, “An Interior-point Method
behavior and the performance/robustness aspects.
for Generalized Linear-Fractional Problems,” to appear in
Math. Programming Series B, 1993.
4.5 Gain-sched uling
[17] Packard, A., and G. Becker, “Quadratic
The gain-scheduling technique described in Subsection 3.4 is fully Stabilization of Parametrically-Dependent Linear Systems Us-
implemented in the toolbox. For easy validation of the design, ing Parametrically-Dependent Linear, Dynamical Feedback,”
facilities are provided for time-varying simulation of the gain- Advances in Robust and Nonlinear Control Systems, DCS, vol.
scheduled control loop. This promising application of LMI tech- 43 (1992), pp. 29-36.
niques can significantly cut down the effort and time required to
develop gain-scheduled controllers. [18] Safonov, M.G., and R.Y. Chiang, “Real/Complex Km-
Synthesis without Curve Fitting,” in Control and Dynamic
Systems, vol. 56 (Part 2), C.T. Leondes (Ed.), Academic Press,
References 1993.
[l] Apkarian, P., P. Gahinet, and G. Decker, “Self-Scheduled H, [19] Vandenberghe, L. and S. Boyd, “Primal-Dual Potential Re-
Control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems,” submitted to duction Method for Problems Involving Matrix Inequalities,”
Automatica, 1993. submitted to Math. Programming Series B, 1993.
[2] Apkarian, P., and P. Gahinet, “Affine Parameter-Dependent
Lyapunov Functions for Real Parametric Uncertainty,” in
Proc. Conf.Dec. Contr., 1994.


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