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Socialization of inglish

Student: santiago bustos de zubiria

Activity 1:

Colombian stress is somewhat different compared to a stress

of a first world country since our cultures differentiate us in
everything since each country has a very different culture
and management of its populations and this tends to make
citizens more or less stressed than Colombians have a normal
standard of living (this is unfortunately derived from social
classes) since we did not live in such polluted and stressed
cities compared to other countries, although the capital is a
bit bad talking about quality of life, the situations stress
occurs in Colombian citizens due to debt, lack of
employment, low salary, study, medicine among millions
more, as it hurts the citizen, leading him not to enjoy his life,
he was enslaved in quotes by the giant corporations, be
spiteful and lead to domestic violence this is the most
common in Colombia. In conclusion, the average human in
Colombia ends up not enjoying his life fully and this can be
avoided by having the opportunity and the right of a good
ruler who applies basic free basic services.

In my family, stress is quite difficult due to the fact that my

parents are a little impatient, but I have learned to calm them
down and have a peaceful coexistence with them. This was
achieved by seeing at the exact moment when they were
massively exasperated and I decided to acquire a logic that is
to stay very Calmed because in less than a minute as they see
me quite relaxed they calm down, although this I do most of
the time the human is not perfect so I tend to get a little
angry with them but then everything is solved with a good
talk .

not talking to the children about the problems we have and

what they can cause tend to acquire a thought that what they
are doing is okay, but we do not have to go to an extreme
because if we hit them we can cause irreversible damage to
their psychological integrity .
Hello friend how are you, I come to present my
campaign for you to brush your teeth, tell me your
teeth don't look beautiful, they are art but if you don't
brush them brother they will turn yellow also if you
don't brush at any time day you can get cavities and
believe me no one wants to have cavities is horrible
friend, just wash them for 5 minutes 3 times a day and
you will be calm.

Hey girls look beautiful with makeup (although honestly

they look the same even more beautiful without
makeup) there are millions of types of makeup and you
have all over the cities so that your woman with
anything you put on your statuesque face looks like a

the most important thing friend is the total hygiene of

your body to keep you beautiful clean with a beautiful
smell that if you use a little deodorant, but imagine not
bathing for a month, brother do not try please. For the
conclusion, you must have a healthy hygiene life but
friend, do not abuse

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