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Milk 1108

The Ring of Revenge

It was cold at night in a mansion, and the mother sits on the bed with her daughter.

“Mommy, can you tell me a bedtime story?” said the daughter. “Sure, the story starts with a

beautiful green land in Radlett…” said the mother

“The owner must earn a fortune to own this land” said a man, pointing his finger at a

beautiful land filled with green grass. The land spreads out many acres away from him to the

point that all he could see was small dots of trees from far away. “There is no cheap land in

Radlett, isn’t it? Unfortunately, the owner, Mr. John Walker passed away a few days ago

without leaving the testament, but I think his son must get the land” said the mower. “If I was

his son, I would do everything to get this land” said the man.

“Mrs. May!!” Mrs. Miranda screamed

A woman in blue apron ran from the other room into the living room, her blue aprons

are full of yellow and orange food stain, as well as grey mud. Sweat melted from her face like

a waterfall. Dirts on her face and dark circles under her eyes vanished her beauty completely.

Still, she has a beautiful oval face, with hazel eyes, and brown hair.

“Yes, ma’am” said Mrs.May

“Don’t you see that the floor is dirty, don’t you have eyes to see how bad you clean

the floor!! ” Mrs. Miranda yelled at the maid while pointing at a small dot of dirt on the floor.

Mrs. May looked at the small dot of dirt. It was almost unnoticeable, but she was so

used to following Mrs. Miranda’s order. Even a small dirt can annoy Mrs. Miranda. She

wiped out the dirt and walked to another room to wash some clothes. “Everyday, Walker

family treats me like a slave, but as long as I get my salary every month, I will stay at this

house” the maid thought.

“Coffee or Tea?” said Mrs. Miranda Walker, spreading her lips into a narrow slit,

revealing her perfectly aligned white teeth. Her eyes are grey with dark and mysterious

pupils, just like the center of a tornado, you will never know what is inside. She has high

cheekbones and a sharp jawline. Her chocolate brown hair slightly curls at the end. She wore

a white dress cut by a designer just to fit her slim body perfectly.

“A cup of earl grey, please” said Mr. Bill Walker. He wore a grey pinstripe suit, a

black fedora hat, and wingtip shoes. Many people considered him as a very fashionable man,

even though he refuses it. His black hair slicked back neatly with the help of his favorite hair

gel. His chocolate brown eyes reflect his intelligence, as if hundreds of thoughts are

processing in his mind. Many people said that he looks very handsome, with a strong jawline,

short beard around his chin, and dark eyebrows that slightly frown whenever he is thinking

about something. And, again, he refused to take that as a compliment.

“Mrs. May” Mrs. Miranda shouted but no one responded “Mrs. May!!” she screamed.

Her face turned slightly red, she clenched her jaw, and knitted her brows.

“How many times do I have to tell you to come quickly whenever I call you! Are you

being lazy?!” Mrs. Miranda screamed

“Sorry, ma’am” Mrs. May tried to speak while breathing heavily

“Make a cup of earl grey” Mrs. Miranda said while following her into the kitchen

The fireplace was cracking and the smell of burned wood infuses the living room,

creating a cozy atmosphere.

Mr. Walker was sitting on a beige leather sofa. He looked at the big, curved, white

window in front of him. Not so far away, tall oaks are standing in a horizontal line. He

thought that it was such a relief to have trees that can hide his mansion from the eyes of

villagers from the other side.

Mrs. Miranda walked back with a cup of tea, sent it to Mr. Bill, and sat on a sofa on

the left side of Mr. Bill. She hardly ever blinked while looking at him. Her lips thinly spread

into a tight smile.

Mr. Bill put his tea down and placed it on the small table near him. He sniffed the air

a few times and turned his head at Mrs. Miranda. “Miranda, why are you wearing perfume

today?” he asked.

Mrs. Miranda glanced left for a second, then she looked at him. “I am going out

tonight, just , for a while, to meet my friends” she said, in a slightly high pitched voice.

Although she only has 2 friends because she really hates when many people ask about her

life, she found it very disrespectful. He stared back at her quietly, not a single word falling

from his mouth. Everyone knows that the last thing Mr. Bill Walker would do is to waste his

time on a friends’ party.

“I’m going out now, take care” she kissed his cheek, grabbed her purse, and walked

out to the main entrance to leave the house. Mr. Bill stared at his tea on the table, lately

Miranda has been going out almost every night. He knew that something was wrong, but he

decided to put it aside and turn on the television instead. The black and white screen popped

up and jazz music started to play.

Two days ago, Mrs. Miranda had an argument with Mr. Bill because he did not want

to share his grandfather’s property to her. “This land is mine!, no questions asked, it’s my

father’s property and I am his son, you are just a wife!” Mr. Bill shouted loudly. “ I told you

that I will take care of the property better than you do, just transfer the property to me! I have

never asked for anything from you, why are you so selfish!!” Mrs. Miranda screamed. This is

the first argument they have ever had in their 30-year marriage. However, on the next day,
they acted like nothing happened. And Mrs. Miranda treated him weirdly...way nicer than


Mr. Bill nearly finished the tea, but he spotted something inside of the cup. He

jumped up and dropped the cup. Clang!!!! The cup broke into small pieces.

“Mrs. May” he spoke, while breathing heavily

Mrs. May ran quickly to the living room. “Yes, sir” she said

Mr. Bill pointed at a cockroach on the floor. The dead cockroach lies on the floor,

with splashes of earl grey tea and broken pieces of cup. Mr. Bill’s face turned red, he glared

at Mrs. May intensely to the point that the temperature of the room almost rising up.

“Explain this” Mr. Bill said

Mrs. May looked at the cockroach on the floor, she jumped out. Her eyelids raised

and her pupils dilated. “I….I di-d not” she stammered.

“Don’t you dare lie to me” Mr. Bill spoke loudly, without shouting. He glared at Mrs.

May more intensely, “You are the one who makes the tea, I will cut your salary by half!”

Tears falling from Mrs. May’s face, washing away dirt from her face. She knew who

did it, “Miranda served the tea to Mr. Bill” she thought. She wanted to run away, but she had

to fight for her family, her family can’t survive with that amount of money. She wiped out

her tears. Walker family has been treated her like a slave for twenty years. “Sorry, sir,” she

said, and walked away.

On the next day, Mrs. Miranda came into the house with a bright smile. “Did you

have fun at the party?” Mrs.May asked, while keeping the purse for Mrs. Miranda. “Yes, I

did” Mrs. Miranda answered while touching her hair, on her ring finger is a beautiful silver

ring with a small butterfly. Mrs. May saw the ring, “why haven’t I noticed this beautiful ring
before” she thought while smiling brightly. Mrs. Miranda walked upstairs to change her


An hour later, Mr. Bill came back from checking his property, he entered the house

and sat at the living room. Mrs. May walked into the living room, with a fountain pen and her

salary bill. “Where is Miranda” he asked. “She is upstairs, sir. Here is the bill, with my

salary cut by half” she looked at Mr. Bill with an emotionless face.

Mr. Bill grabbed the paper and the fountain pen. He looked at the number on the

paper to make sure that it is cut by half. Then, he held the pen, dipped the tip of the pen into

the ink. His pen almost touched the paper, and suddenly he heard a heavy step sound from the

ceiling. He stood up and walked around to check for the source of the sound. He walked two

steps up the stairs, but Mrs. May ran upstairs ahead him and said “I will check for the sound,

sir”. Mr. Bill walked back and sat on the sofa.

Mrs. May walked down the stairs with a mouse. “It was just a mouse,” she said.

“Take it out of the house” Mr. Bill said, he signed the paper, gave it to Mrs. May and walked

out of the house.

At night, while Mr. Bill was watching his favorite TV show, he heard a knocking

sound. Knock Knock!. He walked and opened the door, then he saw two cops with a lawyer.

“Sir, the owner of this property asked you and your family to leave the house” the cops said,

while holding his ID card.

Mr. Bill stunned for a while. “I am the owner of this property,” he said. The lawyer

gave a copy of paper to Mr. Bill. Mr. Bill read the paper, and every words on that paper

raised his eyebrows. He looked down at the bottom of the paper, it is definitely his signature,

Bill Walker. He was completely shocked to the point that he almost fell down on the floor.
He ran back to the house. “Miranda, Miranda!” he shouted. He heard a strong step

sound, the same sound he heard in the morning. This time, he knew where he had to go. He

ran upstairs, and found Mrs. Miranda being tied to a pole. Her mouth was taped. Mr.Bill

removed the tape. “Do not sign the salary bill, the ink will transfer to the next page, it will

transfer all of your properties” Mrs. Miranda quickly said. “I guess it is too late” Mr. Bill

said, with a shaky voice.

“Walker family went bankrupt and spent the rest of their life being a homeless,

suffering every single day,” said the mother

“Mommy, what about the maid?” the daughter asked

“The maid moved to Walker’s house with her family. Although she succeeded with

the revenge, the wound from her past was never healed” The mother said sadly while patting

her daughter’s head with her fingers, her silver butterfly ring shining brightly on her finger.

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