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1. Why does the persona ask his mother about Lulu?

2. Name two things that the persona notices in Lulu’s bedroom.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________

1. What causes the curtain to flap free?
2. Where did Lulu put her money-box?

1. Why does the mother turn her head away from the persona?
2. What phrase refers to the paper the mother is reading?
1. What woke the persona from his sleep?
2. “the things” in line 3 refer to
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________

1. Describe what the persona heard that night?
2. What excuse does the mother give as an answer to the persona’s question?

1. What does the persona notice about his mother?
2. Based on “You don’t know what to do”, describe the mother’s feelings.

PRACTICE 2 (HOTS Questions)

1. How do you know that the persona is close to Lulu?

2. In your opinion, did Lulu run away or was she kidnapped? Give a reason for your

3. What do you think of the mother’s answers to the persona’s questions?


4. Why doesn’t the mother tell the truth to the persona? Give two possible reasons.
(a) __________________________________________________________
(b) __________________________________________________________

5. Suggest two things that the mother should do about Lulu’s disappearance.
(a) __________________________________________________________
(b) __________________________________________________________
6. In your opinion, where was the persona’s father when Lulu disappeared?

7. Why do some teenagers run away from home? Give two possible reasons.
(a) __________________________________________________________
(b) __________________________________________________________

8. What should be done to prevent child kidnapping? Suggest two ways.

(a) __________________________________________________________
(b) __________________________________________________________

9. How would you feel if a family member disappears from home?


10. How can social media help in cases of child kidnapping?

(a) __________________________________________________________
(b) __________________________________________________________

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